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good morning everyone so it's day two  here in Capitolio in Minas Gerais and   today we're going to be doing the main  attraction here which is a boat tour   so we got a private boat which is going  to be 800 reaiis pretty good price i think   and that's for the four of us me carol and  a brother or mother and the tour is it for   five hours yes five hours yeah five hour tour  and it's gonna be on this lake that's back here   i think it's gonna take us to some canyons with  waterfalls i think there's some pools places we   can swim not exactly sure what's included it  doesn't include food though so we brought our   own cooler but there is like a floating restaurant  so yeah we can probably get a bite to eat there so this is the mini speedboat so to  balance it out we've gotta sit at the front   and the rest of the family at the back and  that's the company if you want the contacts so huh so this is our first stop on the tour it's called  lagoa azul blue lagoon not very blue though not   now get a better view from up here so here they  sell some food and stuff the floating little bar   but it's a lot bigger than it  looked from when we got here   and this would normally be a big waterfall  but not much rain right now just a little fall so so about five minutes away from that left spot  we're a really awesome part here between uh   canyon you see all like the big orange cliff  side here yeah loads of little entrances   and then there in front there's a waterfall coming  into the lake yeah so the guy told us that march   is the best time to come because it's after the  rain season so you still get a lot of water in all   the waterfalls and the weather's good and it's  not so busy but now in september it's busy and   there's no rain so yeah it's not really good for  waterfall not waterfall season the water on this   side though is way nicer than the less place you  went it's really impressive though this canyon but   i can't imagine how it would be with the  waterfalls as well in full action even without   the waterfall so it's still impressive the scenery  because of the cave up there so it's so high and   the color of the water also looks nice yeah i was  just saying it's a lot nicer than the last spot   that we went yeah the water this is the main spot  to visit in capricorn yeah this is the famous spot foreign so we now enter in a another different canyon  really cool once again check out the size of   these clips and this is supposed to be a waterfall  at the end a proper waterfall it's a tight gap   here traffic jam different isn't it yeah like  gold in here again like the waterfalls yesterday yeah check this place out never seen this  before so you got waterfalls and the boats   parked right next to it i don't know how they  fit in this place it's got no falls here as well   yeah this place is awesome so we just entered  down there but then if you walk here to the top   got this big area here so it's  like a big pool to swim in here   this park's beautiful as well shallow area golden so it turns out here you  can do some jumping as well   hola gotta make sure you don't jump here  carol look at that ledge big rock clutch oh yeah noble vlogger um uh so we're going deeper into the canyon now the  guide said there's more falls down here so   yeah we're able to walk to it i think   luckily we got this ledger it's pretty  funny because it's like super deep here but   yeah luckily we got this wall i can hear the other  waterfalls already sounds like a powerful one oh cool back there hey kyle that's the coolest waterfall yet  the biggest one yeah right up next to it also so so we're heading to the fourth stop  now this was just the third stop of   five different places but this place is  just so cool if you saw the video yesterday   you'll know that we went to all these other  waterfalls as well and there's way more than   what we're going to be visiting i mean  i think you could spend like a week here   there's so many different areas different  falls to check out yeah truly amazing place so so now we've stopped a spot just a swim here  good swimming spot get some awesome views   here look at the size of those cliffs those  might be the biggest ones we've seen so far   not in a canyon this time though this  is just pretty much the open lake   that's a good thing about doing  the private or like you get   kind of freedom to go i think the the other  tours they last for three hours the shared one   and you need to go to the places that they they  want you to go so yeah if you do private you   have more freedom yeah you can just stop in the  middle of nowhere like here go for a nice swim so yeah the water is more of like a  emerald greeny color at this part great temperature though nice  and cool this side looks like uh   like it's caved in or something yeah the  rocks like the cliffs have fallen down   all broken up so all these cliffs and  canyons there are made from this rocker   which they call pedraji santome and they  use it for a swimming pools here in brazil so yeah you might see many swimming  pools in brazil with these kind of rocks   so this would normally be the fifth stop which  is another canyon that you can go in but because   the water is low right now it's dangerous to go  in and it might yeah destroy the boat which we   don't want so yeah we're just looking at it from  here pretty much i think you'd enter there usually so this is the floating bar that i mentioned at  the beginning of the video so you can get some   snacks here i think and drinks and we're going to  be here for about 30 minutes i don't think they   have like full meals right no according to the guy  of the boat he said only like snacks and beers he   said there's a famous beer here maybe my mom will  try like a local beer yeah local beer yeah you can   also swim here still if you want but i think  we've we've done with the cold water for today so i got this beef on a skewer that was 10   hay ice and all the food is tangy eyes  so here we've got like a garlic bread cheese balls yeah just cheese oh just cheese   and then i've got some beers that  was ten hairs as well and a coke pretty good spot here so now we've driven to a spot called  mirantido's canyons canyon viewpoint   so here you get some views from above we saw  the canyons from below during the boat tour   but now we'll get some awesome views from the top  apparently and it was 40 hey ice per person and   there's two trails so there's two different  areas to see and the guy back there said it   takes around like an hour and a half overall  so yeah it's a bit longer than we expected but   we're gonna do the two trails i think so this is  pretty cool we got a huge hanging bridge i didn't   even know there was hanging bridges around here  going over the canyons nice bouncy hanging bridge ah there we go yeah so the boat's all we did we came into  this one i think this is the canyon with the   waterfall isn't it yeah i can hear it yeah you can  hear we'll probably see from another point yeah foreign yeah so this is the main viewpoint here on  this trail once this couple's gone we'll   be able to see down and i think that's the  viewpoint of the other trail around there   so we have to cross the bridge back there and walk  all the way down for that one that's what we'll do hey carol did you expect it to be this  hot in the brazilian winter no it's so   hot and here it means it's so dry and yeah  it's it's hard to walk for a long time   and we need to keep buying water all  the time because it's very very hot   they said that's why it's kind of misty right now  because there's fires nearby because it's so dry   a lot of things yeah setting on fire but me and  carol were kind of tired of the extreme heat in   the caribbean because we were there during  the summer so we thought oh cool gonna come   to brazil it's winter it's gonna be cooler but so  far it's not been cooler at all still like 32 33   34 degrees celsius so we've walked all  the way around to the second viewpoint now hidden viewpoint so we were all the way on  that side over there quite a lot of walking yeah it's a lot different than the other viewpoint  right yeah i like the the floor yeah the floor   see-through floor and we're a lot lower so so  you can see the canyon a bit better from here yeah it seems way busier now than when we did  the boat tour way more boats it looks like   there's more water now in the waterfall yeah  i don't know if it's rained or it's just um so we're about to head out of here now and head  on to the next destination here in the state of   minnes where the next video will be from and i  never showed the place that we're staying so i'll   just take you on a quick tour so right now i'm  just in the garden at the back of the house it's   this house here the green house and this was only  30 that's for four people so really good price so   through here we have the big kitchen that's why  we've been having our meals so nice big open space   and then there's two bathrooms so there's one here   and then this is the one that we were using  pretty much a big open space with the the shower and then there's three bedrooms so we didn't use  this one here like a bunk bed this was our room   in here also three beds as well and this is  just a little ceiling area got the bar here and then this is the living room and then this is the other bedroom hey joey chill out this is a guard dog  he thinks he's bigger than he is joey go back inside yeah this is just  the big garage area where we were able to   park the car so the last place we stayed  was dollars for the four of us and this   is just thirty dollars so really good deal  and we're right in the center as well so   a great location so the next video is  gonna be from a place called oropuresto   it's about a five and a half hour drive so  yeah once again a big drive to get between   the places here in minas gerais but the place is  supposed to be awesome so i think it's gonna be   worth it so stay tuned for that one if you  like this video just drop a like to support us   subscribe you like to see more videos like this  follow us on instagram and we'll see in the next oh

2021-10-04 19:59

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