4x4 Isuzu Truck Glastonbury Creek State Park Camping Queensland @AllTerrainWarriorsATW #vlog

4x4 Isuzu Truck Glastonbury Creek State Park Camping Queensland @AllTerrainWarriorsATW #vlog

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[Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] we've just been a great couple of days with Hans and Dee and we're leaving the RV base camp now and heading to Glastonbury Creek Camp so we'll show you that when we get there very manicured the best looking National Park mo job ever oh your state forests [Music] this is why we have a four-wheel drive van and should be right for leveling up and just like that we're set up good morning everyone we're at Glastonbury Creek and I'm just cooking up Ricky we're going to have oh a nice omelet for breaky and we're printing our camping tags on our printer because of course you need to have them or you're in big trouble and today we might go for a little drive a little walk and we've got a few jobs to take care of I just had one of those heart in my mouth moments as I do when I see a snake I was walking down the toilet track there I probably actually walked past him on the way up but on the way back down he was right there next to the track right near my foot as I realised and so thankfully I stopped and eventually he moved away scared the bloody hell out of me I was yelling and of course Karl wants to pick on me she was screaming like a preschool girl at a fair I don't care I was trying to alert him that there was a snake and he was on the phone yes but I'm more important than that phone call I'm way more important don't be it's moving you're a bastard so rude Karl's just put a pork roast on for dinner why to replace all the energy my wife had just spent going it's not a snake trying to fly eat your snake is that is that standing you I know the rules she was she was pinned like this going a rogue mate life is never dull when you got a Kathryn around I'd like to re-home me let me know okay he's nasty I wouldn't even ask for money if someone offered to re-own you know is that wrong very wrong wrong are you planning on a large fire are you oh yeah I suppose yeah you foil that crackle I think so guess we're gonna need some more heat in that baby for sure [Music] it's like veggie ring ready let's check out dinner it's been a long time coming I can tell you that they die slow dinner day anyway get rid of that oh yeah that's it straight up yeah check that out it smells good oh my gosh I think I made a mistake somehow it's the best Camp oven roast pork ever it's not good on Crackle but I'm thinking it's it's like exceptional with everything else but ground out we're going on a little Adventure yep we're going to go and have a look at pure point and Eagles Nest Lookout oh there's some interesting Lookouts not too far away they're only about 10 or so K's away but instead of going the normal way I thought we'd go a different way and go the back way there goes six hours of our life well possibly hopefully it's only that or nothing more apparently at the lookout one of the Lookouts there's actually somewhere to add sales so hopefully we actually see somebody out safely yeah so we'll go the the shortcut way the short long gut way there and it is a little bit rough we went for a little walk up the track the other day but we'll see how we go whether we can make it or whether we actually have to come back but we'll give it a go and you'll get to see it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you may have reached our first obstacle already [Music] [Music] yeah you'll have to watch the passenger side show tanks scrapping on that rock your tank was fun [Applause] wow that was nasty that sounded nasty I did a bit didn't it sounded like a CV well I think it was the back axle actually was it yeah okay passenger side when cool driving you must be prepared to become an excavator so just a little tip while Karl's Excavating uh for all you ladies and fellas out there that when you're a passenger and you really don't want to stay in because you feel uncomfortable when you're full driving always say oh would you like me to record this and I get to hop out so just remember that if you're feeling too nervous about staying in the vehicle cheers [Music] foreign [Music] we interrupt this program to say join us next week as we start sharing some of the tales of our new boat beautiful Awaitea foreign checking it out Jesus that was easy easy as got a bit of a challenge here or can we fit Under first of all even need my hat for this one yeah it looks okay that line looks good so far I think you might want to go towards the route a bit now there's an angle for our honey uh be careful getting out I don't like the angle how much more is it back on to come down oh no which side none I think it's gonna come down a bit um well see I think if you bring this over now I can't because that'll hit yes I want to yes okay I think yeah holy cow she is dipping down yes about the back wheel on your side that's just got a straight run grab stand on the step but don't flip under Roger that yeah it should be good from now foreign aren't we where is it Jesus there's a root in there I think it would have been in more of a predicament had you I got out [Music] this is foreign man with an axe and no swinging room look at the chainsaw one oh nothing will be complete without car working up a switch oh no you do like to take the shortcuts well I can sharpen that tonight it's a shortcut [Music] look at the angle already that seems like a bit of an angle already why because we're gonna need it okay okay because the rats are that deep oh my gosh oh yeah yeah yeah maybe I'll measure you can't adjust or just knock so it's a bit of a lean and a bit of a pull on the tires isn't it don't follow him on the stuck part for sure I already know the title of this one another long cut off that's wrong It's Gonna Hurt our rims so I've done my track building and the plan is not to slip in the hole that's the real plan other plans are when we slip I don't know we'll have to worry about that when that happens not slip in the hole is the deal that is the best preference yeah really well with this wheel yep yep yep yeah oh here we go radio in hand foreign yep you're gonna tell me if I'm not I Roger that side with side go to the driver's side a little bit keep coming straight on that [Music] a little bit towards the driver's side yep you're right keep coming now that line should be pretty good if you continue that currently you'll be on the bottom level of the rock on the driver's side okay down towards the passenger side to get onto your line yeah looking good passenger side yep more a bit more you're good yep yep yep you're good to the to the passenger side if you need if you can yeah paper coming you need to go passenger side the back wheel that's why I'm saying passenger side yeah more to the passenger if you can all right you should be right it should just grab the back what is bad okay well yeah do it keep going right you're coming to where you said the line is but you are going to drop down a bit on the back end if you go right a tiny bit you might be able to catch the edge left towards the passengers yeah foreign basically airborne just grasping it wow yep take that line yep yep [Applause] there well done just anymore yeah I couldn't see your side so I had no idea foreign stuff in your jocks oh with a shuffle what's wrong with this hole well I'm gonna have to do lots of digging on out on that hole yeah no I've nearly straddle it could nearly but if you slip off wall probably won't go anywhere we'll just be stuck have to dig the diff out yeah I got stuck yeah let's not hey no no we're trying to try and do this way but I think you're gonna do that way easy do you want that mirror in no lucky we don't have the hitch on the back [Music] [Music] well that's it folks that's that shortcut now we've got to get along this track but I know this track's clear we've kind of already walked this bit and then we're going to go up to what was it called Pure Peak oh pure Point that's it we're going up to Pure point we're not sure about that track it says that it's four-wheel drive only but I believe a lot of people go up there so I'm imagining it's not difficult anyway well that was pretty good no damage just a bit dirtier everything's still where it should be mud guard's even still there [Applause] [Applause] that was pretty good it was looking at it now for a seven ton truck yeah that was some serious holes that was Nissan worthy hole that was it reminded me of the old days see I didn't get the access see what happened yeah you've got to get it check this out we've just uh come up the end of the track and knock knock beautiful that's your day thanks mate [Music] [Applause] that's [ __ ] weird one car three tenths one dude yeah they're probably off climbing hopefully we can climate climbing they're doing the ab sailing so oh is that right I think it's happening yes they look like abstailers anyways it takes all types to make this world there's no cars in the car park but we're hoping that there might be some AB Sailors when we get out here to the point I really thought someone would be here oh yeah they've got the anchor points there would you do that you've done it was younger that's not that high oh you have to do it no I like the ground yeah I like the ground but you know I like land too but we've got a boat oh yeah well we made it to Pure Peak and there's no one have sailing unfortunately but never mind it's a lovely day and it looks magnificent and we'll show you where they go I'm sailing off too high for me but after this we'll go to the other Lookout and check it out yeah and guess what today is boat settlement day boat settlement day and our grandbaby was born this morning hi Ivy ivy oh man up I love you that is where they exhale off all of this face down here all the way down there's a big overhang there that's nice anyway pretty it is pretty it's the tie down point for the absalming do they want to put them in deep thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe if you want a reminder hit the bell and remember we always love a thumbs up [Music] if you'd like to be more involved check out our patreon page or our website [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]

2023-07-10 14:42

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