1st Day In Vietnam! Ho Chi Minh City Is Intense

1st Day In Vietnam! Ho Chi Minh City Is Intense

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I am in Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam it's my  first time here and check out the traffic   here the stereotype about this city seems  to be true the traffic is intense honking   everywhere motorcycles everywhere this already  an adventure just to take a ride through the city and what I see a lot here what really surprises  me is most of the local people are wearing long   jackets even like gloss on their hands like  you can see at my my driver here he also has   a gloves and they have long jackets and I I  get it they do that because they want to get   the sun on there they don't want to get the sun on  their skin but wow it is hot here over 30 degrees   I'm not sure if I could do that like see all the  locals here having uh long jackets hello singtel   yeah I'm I'm the only person  here riding with just a t-shirt   okay even with the bicycle  through the traffic here   okay I already learned uh two words whenever I'm  in a new country I like to learn a few words so   the first word I learned is Xin Chao which means  a hello and a gum earn which means thank you hello first impressions of the locals here they're   smiling a lot seem to be  very friendly and welcoming oh and all these motorbikes there behind me wow   oh being right here in the middle of the  traffic yeah these are already some really   nice First Impressions I love it here so far  it's literally just my first day so it seems   to be pretty organized here always the the  cars on the on the left side over there and   then this Lane on the right side always for the  for the scooters for the motorbikes so it looks   a bit like a like chaos at the beginning but  I think it's actually pretty organized here okay come on thank you very much how to open this okay thank you very much come on thank you  you can buy little birds here on the street   oh my god there must be like hundreds of  little birds in this little cage here huh how much they are there's nobody  here at the moment to sell them   also the store here oh they have sugar cane here but nobody here oh hello somebody here oh there's a guy coming hello  can I get sugar cane juice   sugar cane uh to uh two three one yeah okay  I didn't have sugar cane juice fresh for for   quite a while actually let's see how he makes  it ah oh yeah with this little machine here stick through the machine and then yeah the juice gets squeezed out of  the machine or out of the stick I should say and then somewhere there must be  like a cup or a glass where the   juice is falling into basically  probably it's somewhere down here [Music] foreign let's see where the juice is oh  this looks really good how much   how much how much money do you get  [Laughter] I think they want to show   20 000 okay let's see if I have 20 000 car  in here 10 20 000. okay oh come on thank you   okay let's taste it right away oh this is actually  a really really big big cup of sugar cream juice oh very good very good thank you oh she's laughing maybe she also sells the bird are  these real birds how much for the   for the birds I'm curious how much you  have to pay for them for the birds yeah I'm wondering if um maybe you can buy them and  kind of release them for good luck that's what   they do in Thailand sometimes are one bird twenty  thousand and then you the left and fly oh I think   that's what they do they they live the release of  us so I paid 20 000 and then the birds fly yeah okay okay okay wait I think I have to pay for it  okay let's uh set one of these Birds free we can change I get a bird now okay I just bought a bird in Vietnam but  I'm going to give this little guy a freedom   hello guy oh his heart is beating a lot okay let's  see if I can feed it well but that's three three   okay bye bye little guy there he goes I bought you  Freedom oh okay that was an interesting experience   and um is it good luck good luck oh difficult okay   yeah I think um maybe someone in the comment  section if you know about this maybe you can   explain in the comments I think people do it  for good luck there's a Temple here as well so   I think if you release it in front of a temple  or near Temple it's supposed to bring you luck   but uh yeah so unfortunately I can't uh free you  all guys okay thank you very much I can go inside   can I have a look yeah okay thank you thank you  come on oh okay oh they have more birds here right   so here right in front of the temple you have  more birds okay let's see if we can actually have   a look at the temple um actually this looks uh  Chinese to me there's Chinese writing on top of it   so maybe this is a Chinese temple here yeah I  guess because yeah China is not far away from   Vietnam it's actually bordering in Northern  Vietnam because of that I think there will   be quite a lot of Chinese people living here  in Vietnam and also here in Ho Chi Minh City okay before we continue to explore this interest  ing one quick word about internet security I   am sure by now you have all heard about VPN  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it is the only   VPN to offer One account for unlimited devices  and if you would like to check them out as well   you can use the link in the description and  if you enter the promo code can you can get   83 of plus three extra months for free and they  also have a 30 day money back guarantee so you   can test it out without any risk just click  the link down below thanks to surfshark for   sponsoring today's video and now let's continue  to explore around okay so I'm curious what this   place is so I just opened a Google Maps and it's  the mausoleum of Levan duet okay it says here in   German colorful Temple and Tombstone of General  Lee Van duet and his wife so maybe he was like a   famous general of the Vietnamese army or something  like that let's have a look what's going on here I   see some locals taking pictures here dressed up in  probably traditional dresses looks really colorful is this a Vietnamese dress yes yes oh so you're  taking pictures dressed uh as traditional   okay oh that's very beautiful yeah thank you that  looks very nice and I like it it's so colorful   yeah like green and red yellow oh that's very  nice what is this place here what is this Temple   yeah because I see a Chinese characters  it's a Chinese temple no no no no good so it's not a Chinese temple because I see on the on the  entrance there's Chinese characters   it's not Chinese because Vietnamese people  are used to use a Chinese communicate to   each other in the past Vietnamese also  used to have Chinese characters yes   oh I didn't know that I learned the  first thing already today sure sure let's take a picture sorry sorry I'm so tall yeah oh there's water coming where's  the water coming from okay okay how do you say cheese in Vietnam um this is your teacher oh so  many so many people joining now how do you say in Vietnam nice to meet you okay nice to meet you thank you bye-bye bye-bye  that was a lovely first impression of the   Vietnamese people so far very nice hello okay  okay um yeah maybe let's have a quick look at   the temple as well so I already learned the  first interesting thing that the Vietnamese   people used to use Chinese characters as well  so this is um yeah the characters on top of here   which you can see and let's have a quick  look inside but I will not talk because   I see people doing some prayers there so that's  just uh get a quick impression without my voice oh looks nice right these temples  are usually very uh impressive   quite astonishing to look at and here  we have the the two tombstones I guess   but there seems to be an important place  for the Vietnamese people I also see   some some offerings although there are some  oranges and some drinks people praying here and this looks also very um  astonishing here right like a golden uh   yeah what is it a birch standing on top of a  of a turtle that is very interesting I would   really like to uh to know the meaning behind  it if any one of you watching this video can   explain please do it in the comment  section I'm happy to learn about it actually what I just see check this out this  is uh shaped as a as a dragon so they cut the   bush so that it looks like a like a dragon here  right you can see that the dragon face from the   from the front here it looks like his typical   um Chinese dragon these dragons that you for  example see a Chinese New Year everywhere   very unique very cool okay so this random  stop turned out to be very interesting   and it all started with me drinking some sugarcane  juice you know ordering some sugar cane juice oh we have some some street food places here not  sure what they are cooking here he's cooking a   lot of eggs over there hello I think this is a ban  me Vietnamese baguette hello yeah it's very good   it's good oh okay maybe we can maybe we can try  one of these baguettes here like always it's   very famous in Vietnam and you can get it with  meat and with more meat and some greens can I   get one what do you put on on top of it this is a  party I think that's pork and this one pork pork I think it must be part   I think they're not understanding me but  that's okay but I think it's all pork okay   okay okay and uh some vegetables yeah okay yeah  let's see what happens happy to try how much 25. ready myself okay okay we have a little bit of chili now to say no chili please get  the full taste experience here   wow okay yeah okay okay looks very good yes okay oh that's okay that's okay I will  eat here I will eat yeah yeah   okay okay come on thank you very  much I can sit here yeah yeah let's get a see if I can just try it if I get right right   okay so this is actually a very  huge decent bucket check it out   and yeah they are left over us from the from the  French when the French were here many years ago   Vietnam used to be colonized by the French and  what they brought to Vietnam are these baguettes   and you can still find them as a very popular  street food all over Vietnam let's give it a try foreign there's really a decent amount of meat  inside together with the with the greens here   they had a fresh flavor too the fresh kick to it oh this is amazing wow and check  out the big pieces here not sure   what it is maybe sausage and I think  that's very typical Vietnamese rice   smaller than plastic chairs right by the  side of the road here and eating bunny have a look at this they are almost more  motorbikes here driving through the market   then there are people walking through the  market that is interesting right check it out   oh very interesting Market ah people you seem to be friendly so far  that's always a good first impression of   a of a new country right but yeah you  really have to be careful not to get   overrun here by all these uh motorbikes here  and people selling uh Seafood here fish hello oh this is a octopus ah he has octopus here they  actually look very big and different types of fish   here and some Screech oh it looks very good looks  very good okay so this is also a clothing Market   you can buy all kinds of clothes here  probably for a very affordable price   um all Romans clothes here so far to be honest  I think it's um it's secondhand clothing here   which makes them probably even uh more cheap I  don't know how much are your t-shirts how much right away like how much how much for the T-shirt I'm just curious to to know how much you have  to pay for a t-shirt here or maybe we have to   like like this how much Sun oh I don't understand  it oh okay maybe we can buy a t-shirt here okay   thank you okay one thing I noticed already is  um the level of English is uh really low here   um if I compare it for example I recently been  to the Philippines where the level of English   was amazingly High everyone spoke English and  here it's a little bit harder to communicate of   course that's not a problem I don't expect people  to uh to speak English this is uh southeast Asia   and not uh not England or the USA or Australia so  I of course don't expect people to speak English   here so it's absolutely no problem that they don't  speak good just that Mia to give you my my first   impression here that yeah the the level of English  Spoken Here is uh relatively low so you have to   find your ways to communicate your way around  but hey that's part of the experiences right   there's always a way to yeah communicate your way  around using your hands or if I really wanted to   then I could have used my Google translate now  to find out the price but yeah I was not really   interested to buy a t-shirt I was just curious how  much they they asked for on the market like this   actually let me add something to the to the  English speaking topic if you remember the   the students at the temple they actually spoke  really good English so it's a more of the the   older generation that doesn't really speak English  but if you speak to the younger Vietnamese people   they are actually quite okay quite good with  English let's see if we can cross the road here   with all the motorbikes okay okay this is a busy road here check it out way way more  motorbikes than you see cars here that's amazing Lydia has one car here and then  like 30 40 50 motorbikes here   everyone is driving a  motorbike here wow it's amazing this lady just invited me oh is this a park okay actually that looks quite good here we're  actually grilled here just by the side of the road   oh okay can I can I get one okay let's just try  it it looks actually very good it looks very good   ah juicy delicious pork here okay um are you  gonna can I get no rice no no no just just to me   because I just ate if I get I don't  eat rice at the moment just curious   to try the pork here yeah that's just this  yeah okay I just want to try the pork here you have a chair I can sit oh maybe I can sit here  oh I can sit down here yeah oh oh check it out I   am a one meter 94 guy and then in Vietnam you have  these small plastic chairs here but that's okay   um also very funny oh this is a authentic  experience here yes once again hello actually let's have a look at the barbecue  here that looks really good right [Music]   and the other pieces are kind of thin so because  of that they get um built much faster I guess oh thank you very much oh yeah okay thank you   yeah okay so just some some  pork here with some cucumbers let's give it a try yeah I'm also walking  by here and then the the lady waved at me   and said hey come here so she was so  inviting that I thought okay that's uh   walk a little tray here so she also brought this  sauce here not sure what it is maybe vinegar foreign oh thank you come on come on he said welcome to  Vietnam oh that's a lovely person I'm getting here oh yeah yeah I can open yeah oh thank you so  much thank you very much oh this is lovely that's how you can welcome here as a  tourist on your first day in Vietnam [Music] very good yeah thank you oh yeah I make a video about  Ho Chi Minh oh this is nothing I would like to know what they're talking  about they're talking about camera   I make a video about Vietnam oh it would be really nice to be able  to uh to communicate with them you know   but after here some some stuff  with some thoughts from them what is that to drink oh she just  brought me something to drink also   I'm sure what this is maybe maybe cheese it's cold I don't think it's tea it's something   uh something sweet slightly  sweet just a little bit sweet maybe something with lemon interesting it's very good actually just brought it so I guess uh  might be another gift let's   see if I have to pay it at the end but I doubt it they're still enjoying the media she's even bringing me another  one oh thank you come here   you very much actually now that I finished  the first cup I do think it is cheap cold tea but um it's like you know this Rosie  flavor like a big Jose and maybe a   little bit of lemon interesting combination  but definitely delicious how much you get 50. you mean five okay foreign and one thing that I noticed that is a big  difference compared to a Bangkok where I'm   just coming from everyone on the motorbike is  wearing a helmet here you can't see a single   motorbike rider without a helmet and in Thailand  for example it's more like 50 50 I would say 50 of   the people I'm not wearing helmets but here really  check it out everyone is wearing a helmet so I'm   guessing they are stricter here about the rules  of wearing a helmet maybe they unpause the Pines   harder you don't wear a helmet  but yeah really noticed that   also what I'm really noticing here  is that the places look very clean   we don't have garbage lying around it all looks uh  yeah almost like this it's a very clean places the   roads are looking good so my first impressions  so far of Ho Chi Minh City of Southern Vietnam   are really great and yeah I'm going to stay here  for a few weeks that's my plan also to leave the   city to travel around a bit if you would like  to join the journey feel free to subscribe to   the channel say healthy stay positive and  then see on the next episode ciao guys

2023-03-04 11:54

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