Nanotechnology - The New Science of Small || 03 - From Micro to Nano Scaling in a Digital World

Nanotechnology - The New Science of Small || 03 - From Micro to Nano Scaling in a Digital World

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[Music] thank you let's talk about nanotechnology through  the lens of the electronics revolution of   the computer Revolution why does that sensible  thing to do why does that make sense well we've   talked from a really basic point of view about  electrons flowing and controlling one another   I'll make the case that electronics and computers  are really about electrons controlling other   electrons and of course our capacity to design  integrated circuits chips that control program   and take advantage of that I'll also show in this  first of two lectures on electronics and computers   that the March forward for electronics since its  Advent in the 1950s and 60s has been taking us   from kind of the macroscopic to the micrometer to  the millionth of the meter and then in the second   lecture I'll show that the March that Electronics  is marching along is now well into the nanometer   and so when you talk about Electronics today  you're talking about nanotechnology there's   nanotechnology inside your computer and in  your cell phone uh and in your digital camera   and then the final point is that the technologies  that have enabled us to get down to this nanoscale   they were the ones that took us first to the micro  scale they were the basis for carving matter on   the scale first of the micrometer and then the  nanometer so these are platform Technologies for   what we call top-down nanotechnology they are the  basis for our ability to manipulate matter the way   we need to for nanotechnology so first in this  lecture we'll speak about going from the macro   world around us to the scale of the micrometer  and how that relates to building computers   first though let's just look back at some old  pictures that I think many of us have seen   about computers like the eniac which should for  the electronic numerical integrator and computer   eniac was the first general purpose electronic  computer does that mean general purpose well it   meant that it could be reprogrammed so it wasn't  something that you know was only a calculator only   did a specific set of arithmetic operations you  could use it to solve a whole bunch of different   problems now it was actually designed for a fairly  specific purpose it was injure it was in World War   II and the United States Army needed to be able  to rapidly calculate how to launch artillery uh   this was for its ballistics research laboratory  and so in 1943 in a secret agreement it started   off with University of Pennsylvania's electrical  engineering school on building this general   purpose computer building this eniac if you adjust  the dollar figures to today's values cost about   six million dollars and I think impressively it  kept going in continuous operation from 1947 to   1955 so while getting on for 10 years how many  computers do you have that you've continuously   used for eight or ten years without them going  Obsolete and you upgrading to another one so   I think that I think that's uh impressive  that the eniac had such a long useful life   now uh I mentioned this idea general  purpose computer but the way the eniac   was programmed wasn't the way we think of  programming today it wasn't with software   it was actually with specific plugs and electrical  connections and wires connecting with each other   and that idea of a reprogrammable via  a stored program which is software idea   actually was exploited a little bit after eniac  and I think that's kind of interesting to think   back that there was a day there was a time  when we didn't think of kind of the world of   computing is having Hardware on top of which  software ran but that itself was a new idea   so how do computers like eniac work how did  the original ones work well the the founding   feature that's comediniacin is common to what's  in your computer and your cell phone today is   as I was saying what we call Electronics which  really is electrons controlling other electrons   uh why is that a basis for computation or analysis  or Computing or arithmetic well if you think   of one simple component and I'll start with the  vacuum tube but we'll move on to transistors start   with a vacuum tube if you have a current that can  flow between two points between two electrodes   and if you can use a third either a current or a  voltage but some kind of other electrode to steer   that current around to turn it on and off well  then you have the basis for digital Computing   where the world is filled with ones and zeros and  with ones and zeros we can accurately represent   information over huge swaths of dynamic range and  if you can control that current flow not just with   zeros and ones not just to complete on and off  but if you can control it to intermediate phases   then you have the basis for what we call analog or  kind of continuous Electronics where you can vary   these different levels well that second phenomenon  the analog Electronics if you can if I can change   the control signal just a bit and I can get a  large change in the current well then I have   amplification and so the history of computing is  really intimately tied to the original discoveries   like lead to Forest work which allowed electronic  amplification because then you can take a radio   signal as was done then and you can amplify  it so you can pick week signals just out of   the air and then turn them into an audio  signal in this case that you can listen to   and so this field of the analog the field of the  digital these are the sort of the two primordial   bases of electronics but in a way they're sort of  using the same building blocks these vacuum tubes   initially which then evolved into the transistors  which we'll we'll talk about in a sec uh they one   of them uses them in this sort of continuously  varying mode and the other is the on and the off okay so let's go to the vacuum tubes I think  I think these these pictures of vacuum tubes   are familiar when we were looking at eniac we saw  all of these this is sort of panels with periodic   Arrangements of things and those are the vacuum  tubes it kind of looks a bit like a light bulb   and it has something in common with the light  bulb which is that it inside it is a vacuum   now for this controlling of the flow of electrons  why do we need a vacuum well the answer is that   if we didn't have a vacuum if we had air then  electrons trying to flow in the form of a current   would basically run into the molecules that make  up the air they Collide and so we'd lose our   current we need to apply vastly More Voltage  than otherwise in order to get a sufficient   current to flow and so inside the vacuum tube we  have the perfect environment for the free flow   of electrons and so we just heat up in a vacuum  tube one of the electrodes and enough energy is   now available from thermal energy to result in  the emission of an electron the phenomenon is   called thermionic emission the therm being the  temperature of the thermal uh and then with the   aid of an electrical field these electrons can  then really scream through this vacuum without   any impediment because of the lack of anything  else present now that's that's just a start that's   not uh something that has electrons controlling  electrons yet that's just establishing the current   where the control comes in is with this third  electrode which can control independently whether   that current flows think of it as being kind of in  the perpendicular Direction I will turn on or off   the flow of that current using a third electrode  conceivably without having to really invest much   electrical current or very much electrical power  at all that's the key to amplification is to have   just a touch of a modulation on the control  side have a big impact on the flow of current   so we talked about how the vacuum was necessary  it led to the free flow of electrons but you   can easily picture and you already know the  problems with a computer based on kind of a   bunch of light bulbs I mean they're all going  to be burning out and if they're thousands of   light bulbs or thousands of vacuum tubes making  up the computer at any given time the things can   be down as a result of one of the vacuum tubes  that's gone off and that's exactly what happened   and that was that was exactly one of the problems  so really the field of transistor Electronics of   semiconductor Electronics was born of the desire  to take advantage of the best properties of the   vacuum tube which is its free flow of electrons  and its enablement of control over that flow   but get Beyond this reliability issue get beyond  the size issue scale things down so this picture   is showing one of the very first transistors and  here the electronic current didn't flow through   a vacuum it flowed within the semiconductor and  that's the first function of the semiconductor   let's let's think about a crystal of silicon it's  this perfect array a perfect pure array of atoms   uh they're completely ordered they're completely  periodic and now think of of the electron we spoke   about how it's actually a wave we don't usually  think of it that way we we picture it sometimes   as a pointer as a particle but it's actually  a wave and So within a semiconductor we can   have an idea of what's called commensurability  and this means that the wave of the electron   can follow perfectly the wave of silicon atoms you  can have a silicon atom a silicon atom and another   silicon atom and you can have commensurable flow  of this electron wave it can be delocalized as we   were speaking about with ways it can be ubiquitous  it can be everywhere and so now without having to   establish this perfect vacuum and make this large  tube that has these reliability issues we're able   through the Perfection through the order through  the structure of semiconductors through their   purity through their crystallinity we're able to  achieve the same everywhere-ness in the electrons   so that's this key element that we took the the  learning from the vacuum tube field and that   we managed to translate into the solid state so  when we talk about solid-state Electronics we're   talking about going from this evacuated phase  the vacuum and we're talking about translating   the good stuff from that into a solid state device  that we can then also start to make many of and   we can make them a lot smaller now before we talk  about making them a lot smaller there's something   crucial and it was a crucial Discovery in the  field of electronics uh and it was it was only   when we figured out how to manage the interfaces  of these materials so the connection between say   a piece of silicon or a piece of germanium is a  lot of the early work was done in the connection   between that and the outside world which of course  we refer to as the surface or the interface here   and not all the Silicon atoms are happy right  we talked about how in diamond or in Silicon   the carbon or the Silicon atoms respectively  C4 nearest Neighbors well that's perfectly   true right inside the bulk of the semiconductor  but at the interface one of these silicon atoms   could see nothingness above it and so from a  chemical standpoint unless we take special steps   to manage the interface silicon is not perfect  right at its interface nor is any semiconductor   now silicon it turns out has this very special  property which is that when you take a interface   of silicon with the rest of the world and you just  let it oxidize you let it form sio2 which is glass   and you do it at the right temperatures and you do  it in the right humidity you can form this oxide   we call it the native oxide because it's exactly  what silicon forms when you introduce oxygen or   water on top of it you can form this oxide  that forms a very clean interface and so now   these silicon atoms that are mostly satisfied in  the bonds but they have this one Bond hanging up   that Bond can be satisfied through the presence  through the formation of this native oxide that's   also really easy to make that's very convenient  because oxidation we just need to cook things   you know in the right environment and we grow  this native oxide on the surface of the Silicon   so what we've talked about here and what's  in this picture is a single transistor   of course that's not a basis for computing this  discrete transistor we need to connect it together   at least with some other transistors there's  going to be wiring involved right there's going   to be points of connection involved well okay  let's connect together a couple of transistors   here's what an undergrad electrical engineer still  builds today it's called a breadboard and it's got   a bunch of these individual transistors each one  of these blue things black things is a transistor   it's typically with three terminals and this  breadboard allows for a relatively convenient   connection you can put resistors in as well so  you know every electrical engineer and I'm I'm   an undergraduate electrical engineer I remember  suffering through this in third year in our   Electronics course and we build these circuits by  actually jabbing these little discrete transistor   elements into this board and then putting wires  and resistors and connecting them all together   how many of these can you put together until  you go crazy 10 20 30 maybe 40 if you're lucky   yeah most of the time you've got a wire in the  wrong place and it doesn't work you've got to   debug your circuit uh and so it's what we now  would say with the insights of the integrated   circuit Revolution it's what we now call not a  scalable solution it's not something where uh   if you come up with a good idea to make a circuit  based on a manageable 30 transistors and then the   next day you say wow if I could take two of those  circuits and combine them or four or 16 of them   combine them I could make a parallel computer that  could do 16 times more computations well it's 16   times more work uh and so it's not conveniently  or in a cost-effective way scalable technology   and so that's where the integrated circuit  comes in we use the word monolithic integration   and the monolithic you know it makes sense  it's one rock where we're making one piece   of semiconductor now and people found out in  the 50s and the 60s how they could carve many   transistors into the same Rock and the rock is a  crystalline piece of silicon it's a large piece   of silicon it's a large substrate and what we  needed was as well as the ability to make many   of these transistors typically they're actually  essentially all the same as each other we're just   making many copies many repeats the same thing  it's like you're taking a potato carving an image   out of it and then just repeating it many times  we then also have to connect them and so what we   needed was a path to build many transistors  and then systematically connect them and of   course reliably connect them with each other and  that wiring on a two-dimensional substrate that's   fairly readily done once we first Define how we  put these transistors down where we locate them   relative to each other then we'll connect them  with a bunch of wires so for example and and   this and we do this all the time you can imagine  having a mask that we call a shadow mask where you   cut holes in it and you allow a metal you heat  a metal up and you allow it to evaporate and it   only penetrates through the holes and it doesn't  penetrate where it's obscured and so you can form   interconnect you can form layers of connectivity  you can make wires on your two-dimensional chip   and your wires can now connect together all of  your transistors let's take a little bit uh take   a little bit of a look here at how we do this I  mean that that shadow mask technology uh it's a   start and actually we do it you know in my own  Lab at University when we're trying to do course   Connections in many of them it's it's a great  way to do things and you can go and carve out   that mask yourself but it's not going to get  you down even to the micrometer length scale   so the technology that we use to get down  to the micrometer and and somewhat Beyond   is called photolithography and in photolithography  instead of just taking that mask and sticking   right up against your wafer uh you have a mask  whose purpose is to be optically transparent in   certain regions and to be opaque in the other  regions and then you project light through a   lens and you project it down onto the wafer onto  the substrate the Silicon that you're going to go   build your transistors on and you essentially just  put an image of your mask onto that that wafer   now what does that light have to do with anything  well on that wafer at every stage is something   we call the photoresist and it's really just  like photographic film it's something where you   expose this material and if it sees light then  when you put it later in a developer solution   like old-fashioned uh pre-digital photography it  washes away but if it wasn't exposed to light it   goes in the same developer but it doesn't develop  it hasn't had this photocatalytic reaction occur   it will stay intact and so now what you've done  is you've formed a template on your silicon wafer   that allows you to do quite a number of different  possible things so one of the things you can do if   you want to make wires is you evaporate that  metal on here and then you subsequently wash   away the remaining photoresist and where the  metal may direct contact with semiconductor   it sticks and where it was just sitting on this  soluble removable photoresist you lift it off   what if you want to build a transistor well  the building blocks of transistor construction   involve taking these silicon crystals and  putting controlled levels of impurity very   low concentrations of impurities in there so you  can use this mask that you've made and you can   introduce impurities onto the surface of your  silicon and if they're in direct contact with   the Silicon surface they'll diffuse in through  that surface into the silicon and where you have   a mask that blocks their contact their their  interaction with the interface they don't and   so you can selectively alter the properties of  your silicon from on top so this lithography   process that is done using photons today  using light is the basis for being able   to make incredibly scalable integrated circuits  and one of the inevitable needs of the electronic   sector is you you know we're we're hungry as  consumers we're as soon as we get something we   want something even better and so there's this  desire to scale to make things more integrated   to make integrated circuits that are faster that  use less power that are more sophisticated more   complex that can process a huge image a huge and  complex image and can process it so fast that you   can't even tell when you're interacting with your  computer that billions of operations had to happen   well how do we do that and and keep things  keep size under control it involves making   the transistor smaller and smaller with every  generation uh and to make them smaller and smaller   you can you can see where this is going if we're  using photons which are waves which have extent   uh then eventually we're going to sort of run out  of steam there because as we said before we're   not going to be able to confine that focal point  of light onto something smaller than about the   wavelength of of the light that we're working with  and so the March forward of lithography is also   the march to shorter and shorter wavelengths  it's gone from being indivisible to in the   ultraviolet to deeper into the ultraviolet  and there's even work on x-ray lithography   today and so here our understanding of waves and  wavelengths and the ability to focus them uh is   is key to understanding the technological March of  photolithography as we move to shorter and shorter   wavelengths to more and more energetic particles  as we do so so how do we build these circuits in   a way that's reliable I mean let's let's think  about the number of transistors that we have to   put down today it's in the billions in one of  these integrated circuits well perhaps you've   seen a picture of somebody working in a clean room  as they're called obviously the purpose here is to   minimize dust and particles because a little piece  of dust that lands on one of our transistors in   one region of this big wafer containing many  integrated circuits and all of a sudden that   integrated circuit is a chance of not working so  in clean rooms the pictures you will have seen   have people wearing what we call Bunny suits the  technical term and they're they're covered head   to toe you can't see who it is or if it's man  or a woman they have little slippers on that   are disposable slippers and and these allow you  know all the little bits of dust little bacteria   little viral particles people are very dirty  they allow us to minimize the extent to which   these particles get released into the room and  potentially onto your wafer in fact the latest   generations of clean room Technologies tried  to just minimize the extent of there's people   in there at all try to do everything as much  by a robotic operation of moving these Wafers   around where everything can be just kept in  this completely pure and clean environment   you know when I for my own PhD I used to go into  a clean room at Cornell it was called Cornell Nano   fabrication facility and uh and and there and  and at every clean room you know if you wanted   to write your notes or write in a lab book you'd  have a special lab book or a special notebook a   kind of paper that doesn't Slough off little bits  of dust but that's allowed for use in a clean room   because it's essentially dust free paper that's  how sensitive we are to these kinds of issues   now given this complexity given that we're talking  about these rooms with Incredible environmental   control with control over uh temperatures uh  with control over humidity uh these are very   costly things to build in fact today to build  a clean room in which we can build the latest   generations of integrated circuits costs three to  four billion dollars so the number of these places   where we build integrated circuits is actually  very small now and what has emerged in the last   couple of decades is what people call the foundry  model so there are companies that make all their   own branded integrated circuits but there are also  places where anybody can come in and and you know   for a price typically charged per wafer you can  build using an established set of Technologies   using these kinds of photo lithography you can  choose your metal layers you can choose how you   diffuse dopants into a semiconductor you can build  using these available recipes and you can and send   them your circuit designs and they can actually  build your circuits for you so you don't end up   spending the three or four billion dollars as a  company or as a startup company in order to build   your circuits but instead you just pay for the  use of that facility people call this model The   Fabulous model and by that they they don't mean  that it's not fabulous they mean that you don't   have to have your own Fab your own fabrication  facility but instead you can leverage existing   infrastructure so where are these integrated  circuits I mean we know we know that they're   inside our computers that's kind of the canonical  example but these integrated circuits are in   all sorts of places uh there so for example the  digital camera that you use it has an integrated   circuit where the Silicon is being used to absorb  the light uh there are processors these days that   are devoted entirely to the processing of  Graphics in fact the processors these days   have become so complex and so sophisticated that  the amount of heat being generated energy being   generated on them is so large uh that they're  now starting to become segmented where instead   of having a single processor there are what are  called multiple cores where there are different   regions of processors that talk to one another  to some degree but most of their time they're   off in parallel working on different computational  problems and then kind of sharing the information   um you know there's other sort of more surprising  or more unusual things that you do with integrated   circuits so your cell phone transmitter is  now made with an integrated circuit that's   more on the analog side of the world where uh  just like in the first radios you're trying to   transmit electromagnetic waves or receive and then  amplify very sensitively electromagnetic waves   uh this whole Trend uh this whole uh incredible  race to the bottom as as Richard Feynman called it   this race towards the smaller and smaller it was  described in what has become known as Moore's Law   and some people object to the use of the word  law to describe Moore's Law uh the the the   law here is that it's an empirical law it's an  observation it's a description that Gordon Moore   made Gordon one of the founders of Intel made uh  in about 1965 and he described that from 1958 to   1965 that about every two years there had been a  doubling of what you could put onto an integrated   circuit of a given size so you could put twice  as many transistors you could make a circuit a   computer that was twice as sophisticated uh twice  as complex every two years and typically you could   do it for about the same price um this is a great  this is a great recipe and this this is the uh   it's that doubling every two years an exponential  growth law that can be used to describe how the   integrated circuit revolution has happened and  we've gone from there was discrete elements where   thinking about putting tens of transistors onto  a breadboard is already difficult to being able   to put billions of transistors onto a chip becomes  possible and it's possible to do it for costs that   are either measured in the few dollars or measured  in the tens of dollars per chip it all is directly   traceable to this scalability of integrated  circuit Technologies so to summarize really what   we've discussed in today's lecture it's kind of  the precursor to the Nano Revolution but in fact   we really through Moore's Law we we face right up  against the nanometer now because we do have the   capacity to use shorter and shorter wavelengths  of light through photolithography to make our   transistor smaller and smaller to pack so many of  them on that we are invariably and inevitably at   the cusp of the nanoscale in fact the integrated  circuit you have in your computer today consists   of transistors that are made using technologies  that can access below 100 nanometers so they're   well into the nanometer length scale and so  the big question for the remaining half of   this discussion of electronics and next lectures  will be the following what happens when we start   to build our transistors on the scale of  the nanometer I argued in the discussion   of the physics of the nanoscale that exciting  things happened uh that this was an opportunity   to engineer phenomena like Quantum mechanic  phenomena on the other hand when you think about   Gordon Moore's observation even if it's just an  empirical law there's an impression of continuity   there right there's the sense that we will be able  to scale we'll be able to gradually transition to   smaller and smaller geometries build greater and  greater complexity and there's no brick wall there   there isn't a change in the rules but that  we're just extrapolating on the existing rules   and so in the next lecture what we'll talk about  is this tension on the one hand the fact that to   extrapolate to smaller and smaller geometries  to continue this tremendous Legacy of Moore's   law that we're going to be doing so within a new  physical regime the regime where we hit up against   Quantum effects but at the same time there will  be opportunity there will be these new physical   effects things like electron tunneling things  like really seeing the size of electronic waves   not being able to ignore their waves anymore and  there are people who are working at the nanometer   scale in nanoelectronics to try to leverage  those phenomena for new paradigms in Computing

2023-02-11 11:28

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