Trading Pivot Points | Trading Futures

Trading Pivot Points | Trading Futures

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good morning everyone john mcnichol here welcome to another fantastic week of education with td ameritrade you've reached trading futures what we'll do is we'll take a look at pivot points that can be used for trading we'll focus on index futures we'll also take a look again at the commitment of traders report that we started looking at last week and we'll set you up for the week ahead on what to expect so stick around all right hey it's great to see those you that are live with us today such as krishna frank tm radio wayne tony we got jude soul jeff and mr ken rose is helping out on on the chat any questions that you have for me today that i cannot answer ken will be more than happy to help so looking forward to that let's go ahead and take care of disclosures folks and we'll go ahead and get right into it today content is intended for informational purposes not investment advice or recommendation of any security strategy or account type options not suitable for all investors please look at the characteristics and risk of standardized options spread straddles other multilag options strategies often involve greater more complex risk than single leg option trades and you're encouraged to practice what you learn here today with tools such as paper money software keep in mind paper money application is for educational purposes only and successful virtual trading does not guarantee successful investment of actual funds during later time periods market conditions change continuously futures and futures options trading involves substantial risk and is not suitable for all investors please read the risk disclosure and futures and futures options trading services are provided by charles schwab forex llc those trade privileges are subject to review and approval not all clients will qualify you can see a commissions or important factors should be considered when evaluating any trade and while this webcast may discuss technical analysis other approaches include fundamental analysis may assert very different views and as always all investing involves risks including the risk of loss uh there's a brief bio uh for those that are interested if you are new to the webcast uh feel free to say hey i'm new and we'd like to give you a nice welcome as we have more you joining us live my carlos joni richard uh and those you listen in the archive session appreciate you joining us as well you'll notice on the screen and at the bottom my twitter handle at jmcnickel underscore tda if you wish to follow myself along with other fine instructors such as ken rose and ken has a companion session uh on futures uh if you're on the td ameritrade website and go to that webcast link uh or likewise as you've joined this webcast here this morning uh but uh on the upcoming webcasts i believe it's on thursday you can go to the calendar uh to see our schedule and that would be uh futures basics and beyond and that's going to be at 12 p.m eastern time on thursday so you get at least two opportunities each week to get your fill of futures there and let's go ahead and bring up our agenda or we're gonna talk about utilizing pivot points uh we'll attempt to do a practice trade although i do have one uh in there right now for illustrative purposes uh we start talking about commitment a traders report a report that comes out every week showing where the larger institutions in aggregate have long and short positions in various commodities and indices from you know the sell side institutions as well as hedge funds and on the commodity side you know commercial producers and speculators in those commodities and then we're in the midst of earnings so we'll also take a look a week ahead between some of the news as well some of the technical levels uh maybe looking at for the aspect on some of the indices based off of what you're learning here today on pivot points all right let's go ahead without further ado bring up the thinkorswim platform if we uh go ahead and take a quick look as far as on the sectors on the cash mark and we'll take a deeper dive uh towards the end there uh we got energy uh about the only one uh positive on the day and uh this is on the heels of last week uh having a uh a big bounce and a surge in the market uh testing some highs from the previous month as far as leaders on downside at the moment looks like on health care materials consumer staples there so as we go ahead and take a look one i'm going to bring up the scratch pad here here's some of the information on twitter there uh and uh also the chart that we're utilizing if you want to follow along there is a shared uh chart link here let me go ahead and copy that and let me just double check make sure it's the same one it is case sensitive now you can go to setup in the upper right hand corner of the platform select open shared item and you can type or transcribe that in let's make sure it's the one we got here and then when it does load you can come down to the drop down you can name that whatever style you want and looks like it disappeared on me where did that go let's try it up here it is it's on the other screen so what this is is a example of a daily chart on one side uh with a combination of some exponential moving averages from some of the previous classes i talk and then we have a five-minute chart over here on the right uh with uh pivot points and since i confirmed that there i'm going to go ahead and paste that code in the chat for those out of here live with us and can do appreciate you posting your schedule there too yeah for those of you that are live you can uh just copy and paste that link again come up to setup in the upper right hand corner open shared item and then go ahead and paste in that field okay uh and obviously once you do that you can make that your own when that chart does load up i usually as an example of a tendency of making it a uh this is a chart grid so you can come up to the top uh at the level there if it's not already saved you can click on the little arrow next to the little two chart grids there and save that grid save grid as and call it whatever you'd like all right so in my example future share grid all right so we got that up there let's go ahead and bring this over you know it's kind of zoom in i got forward slash mes which is the micro contract now the uh example practice trade i did earlier was on forward slash es which is the mini contract keep in mind uh multipliers the multiplier for forward slash es is fifty dollars twelve dollars and fifty cents per tick uh notice the initial margin that's the amount of equity that's locked up so currently i have uh two contracts short so this is tying about uh 25 a little over 25 000 in equity that needs to be maintained uh that equity drops below a certain level that would be a margin call maybe force liquidation so make sure one has funds available to trade and whereas the forward slash mes if i look down the list on the micro and when i have a hard time trying to see it there it is forward slash mes is one tenth the value of the micro five dollar multiplier and likewise if one was trading this one uh you can see the margin is tenth of that as well so now as much leverage but also less margin okay all right so uh as we're looking at uh the daily chart prices have backed off uh from these previous high at the end of september and not out of the ordinary when one sees a large swing in this case from wednesday thursday and friday of last week you know that prices may at least attempt to consolidate you know possibly back off a little bit now it's early in the session uh but this is a little more of a back off here where we're seeing more of a characteristic of a dark cloud dark cloud formation when price opens up higher in the range and penetrates at least 50 percent into that previous area now there's no guarantee we'll close like this we can see examples of kind of more of those hammers or we see some of those tails that earlier in the session prices may sell off and then get a bit of a bounce and whether at least fade or or trade back to that opening uh previous day's range uh or even more reverse that level okay so uh you know the example i did i did this pre-market just to get an example of a trade-in and we'll uh probably attempt to do another one here uh was trying to take advantage of that potential short-term pullback all right so looking at a larger time frame such as a daily uh you know some traders may go into different time frames like an hourly chart so the start on the left i'm using as an example is kind of more of a direction as far as trent the hourly chart knows the hourly chart uh has been more of a downward bias and so if we're trading let's say a shorter term in this case five minute time frames uh it has a tendency of making sense to to go with a prevailing trend you know some traders may go contrarian if they're looking for a reversal but sometimes it could be hard to fight that trend fight that momentum okay so daily chart rolling over we have an hourly chart uh that's fallen and so now we move over looking on uh a five-minute chart where we have pivot points on the chart i'm gonna go ahead and right-click on this five minute chart and we'll maximize that so we can focus on that time frame i also have the active trader bar open on the side i'm going to go ahead and minimize this for a moment so we can focus on the pivots we've talked about pivots in the past but for those of you that are new uh if you already have this chart added i can go ahead and go to the flask on the chart we can click on that and i have an example of pivot points added looking at the daily and pivot points added looking at the weekly basically the previous five days if you're adding the indicator on your own you can come over to the left start typing that in and we're utilizing the standard pivot points here notice you've got the question mark if i click on the question mark that's going to take us into the more of the learning center aspects of this and the purpose is to identify some potential support and resistance levels intraday incorporating daily weekly and even possibly monthly time frames we're focusing on these dailies and weeklies here uh if i go ahead and scroll down and uh that beep was not a good sign if you scroll down and take a look uh at the different levels uh you know see how it attempts to calculate both the resistance and support levels if you keep scrolling down on these pop-ups you'll see a link where it says more details that will take you to the learning center on thinkorswim a very underutilized part of the platform which is uh falls under the education tab and the sub tab for learning center all things think or swim this took us right to the pivot points area and a little more detail on the calculations of the support and resistance levels within that platform and then there's going to be a pivot point which is going to fall in the middle of those ranges so the idea is to potentially trade between these different pivot levels uh if prices above the pivot is a typically focus on more bullish direction trading up to the next levels of resistance if we're below a pivot point uh the idea may be trade into more of a bearish direction or more on the short side all right okay so with that uh go into the charts and also on editing you can make the colors however way you'd like uh the only major change that i made on the colors was on the weekly to give a uh some clarity between what the daily and the weekly pivot point is so you got the pp for pivot point you can come down and change the colors as well as the thickness i have gold uh for the uh the weekly pivot and notes resistance are showing up in red supports showing up in blue keep in mind these levels are interchangeable it's all based off of where price is at and there's a weekly time frame uh whereas if we come up and look at the daily uh the daily pivot is more into purple and also as far as the uh the style of the pivot uh by default the weeklies come up with a little more of a sawtooth here okay all right well the beep uh that i had was actually being stopped out of a trade at least one contract looks like i messed up when i went in there i didn't make it for two so i still have a short contract but this can be helpful here because notice right now the price action is trading up to a pivot point uh in purple this is the daily pivot uh as i kind of blow this out a little bit we can see what some of the trends for at least for this past week on some of the pivots and i'm slightly uh colorblind but at least the gold stands out notice in gold here's the weekly pivot all right and if you recall from the daily chart you know prices were down monday and tuesday going into wednesday and here's the pre-market from wednesday uh and notice that prices didn't go any lower in fact kind of formed a base here's the weekly pivot that was acting as resistance and when markets had opened uh on wednesday it was still acting as resistance although it did penetrate briefly to the next r level but went ahead and faded and retested those lows price started bouncing as we kind of zoom in on that area there prices started bouncing here's the daily pivot for that period and those kind of bias changing not only when prices got above that daily pivot but more importantly from a larger time frame the weekly pivot potentially setting up a bullish reversal and what some traders may you know focus on those weekly pivots for some of that shorter term direction there and as prices are you know consolidating at a our level is looking for weather bounces or breakouts in this case as far as on wednesday uh actually that that was tuesday wednesday or tuesday i forget that may have been tuesday there and then here as we go into wednesday you can see price getting above that pivot and now that instead of acting as resistance acting as support and kind of changing that bias and you know as we go into this week you know we are still being supported by that weekly pivot in fact those weekly pivots have continued to rise supporting the trend now we kind of zoom in on today on what's going on uh you know we had saw some of that fade in the overnight uh here's the daily pivot and those as with zach and that support sunday night and then as we got into the early morning hours here uh acting as resistance now right now we're seeing a break above that pivot and that could be potentially a trigger for a bullish trade again traders may focus on support and resistance there as there's a higher range there and seeing if we're able to actually pop through that area and with this being a short contract that may be an opportunity to do a kind of a stop in reverse and trade in more of a bullish direction so i'm not sure what the drivers were as far as with some of the news and we have to look at that uh a little bit later there uh but a pretty big shift uh at the opening there from what was happening in the overnight to where we are right now in fact one source there while we're at it let's go ahead and go to td ameritrade website td ameritrade website under research and ideas we can go ahead and go to the calendar we'll talk more about this towards the end of the session but let's click on for today for october 18th and you can break this down click on the tab for economic events so we click on the 18th go ahead and scroll down there was a report that came out on industrial production uh it has not been shown on this but i'm sure it's on the platform somewhere so a little bit of a lag there if anybody knows what the industrial production is their resources let us know they had a consensus of 0.2 percent now if industrial production went a bit higher there uh that could have been a positive development for the market and also points out about trading around news events and i knew there was an event coming up but i just wanted to make sure we had a practice trade in there anyway unfortunately i got stopped out before we're able to do something with it all right let's go back to the thinkorswim and we're actually through that platform right now uh through this pivot point i'm gonna do an example since we do have one in here uh and you can see some of the activity uh did over the last few days here too or last day uh we're gonna go ahead and do basically a bracket order now there is a template here for by default trigger with bracket but we've also customized as far as doing these brackets with a number of points so for instance if we went ahead and did template trigger with bracket what that does you can have a buy or a sell order with bracketed with a limit and a stop now notice by default it's offset by about one point what we'll do here and as i've done in the past is you know offset it by a relatively large number of points in this case uh 10 20. uh you know if

you're looking at dow futures probably a bit higher there uh so basically at a 20 point bracket now notice when you make any of these modifications uh and then let's say on time and force we'll make this gtc one of those orders to continue to work for us okay gtc even though the intent is to close out the position at the end of the day once you make those changes notice there's little uh save icon that appears there you can click on that and you can go ahead and name whatever you'd like you know like 20 point bracket now i've just abbreviated that but i already saved an example of this so when you do save it now you go to the template uh any types of brackets that you created would be saved right here all right now uh you know one approach here as far as uh entering around pivots is you're looking for a bounce or a breakout now we did have a bounce or breakout above that pivot price has also pulled back to that one may put in an order for a limit within a tick or two of that pivot point so if we go ahead and look at you know what is that pivot point value there looks like that pivot point is at why is it not showing up here again i'm trying to look at some of the colors here uh oh here it is here's the daily pivots right here uh so if we uh come over here you know on this day uh looks like the pivot point is at 40 44 53 right in the middle here and basically it's showing your r values and your s values which are below so with the pivot point being at 44.53 you know if one was bullish they may look for a limit if the price comes within about two ticks uh of that so that would be you know 44.5 or 44. uh 4453.5 or 44 uh 53.25 uh so if i go here and look at on the at order and now i already have a long contract here or a short contract if if i want to just close out or go flat there is a flattened button and you know just start again if one wanted to or they can reverse and and if i clicked onto reverse that would instantly switch to a long contract or a correction a um yeah it would it would switch to a long contract so actually let me go ahead and do that for illustrative examples i'm going to change this to one and i'm going to go ahead and click on reverse if i click on reverse what that did is it basically closed out the short contract and created the equivalent on the long side now by doing that it actually didn't create uh the stop and the limit order there so we'd have to do that uh separately there now what i can do here is come up here and just bring up oco for one cancels other and let's see and fortunately i can't do an oco bracket but i could go ahead and put in a stop order with an offset of about 10 to 20 points and let me go ahead and see if it allows me to do this actually it'll probably do create that offset let's let's try that i'm going to go ahead and see if it allows me to send that this is the first time i've actually saw that there give me just a moment well i'm going to stick with what i know because i'm afraid if i put this through oh hey this is paper money so hey nothing venture nothing gained um i'm going to go ahead and send this and see what it does sorry the system will not accept your plain market order must be part of an oco okay let's see if it allows me to do something else it should allow me to add another one here very odd all right this one i'm going to do i'm going to go ahead and go to the tray tab on es and show you another standard way we can just go ahead and click on the position to uh buy or sell i'll just go and click on the cell we can go to the advanced order i'm going to call this an oco and i'm going to go ahead and investigate that function on the active trader uh just seemed a little off to me there but here i can go ahead and have one order change it to oco right click on the other order and create a duplicate order so now we have an oco we'll make both of these gtc for good till cancel and then the other thing i'll do is basically create that offset i'll go uh you know about 20 points above the current price for the limit and go about 20 points below uh the current price for the stop now we got to make sure we change one of these to a stop order which we'll do now keep in mind a stop order is not guaranteed to fill at a specific price the trigger price would be whatever we specify but it would compete against with other income and market orders there can be some slippage there as we can see slippage happened very quickly in the futures market now as for one contract which is what we currently have open long i'm gonna hit confirm and send and send that and we'll go back to the chart and notice with that bracket you know that bracket is uh wide wide enough away from uh the price now hey prices can move 10 to 15 points uh in a very quick period of time so don't don't think it can't do that but you know and we're talking through this as well and taking more time uh on on on the process so keep that in mind but the reason for creating that larger bracket is we can always quickly adjust it once the trade is in and if you did place the trade together in a first triggers oco bracket uh the way the way that it would end up coming out is once that order was filled uh you would see the stop the limit and the stop appear on the chart so as far as where one would set it as far as a stop focusing on that pivot point which again i believe was at 4453 is go ahead and take a look at an indicator like the atr so we've got average true range uh which looks at the average price moves of the instrument over the last 14 periods kind of incorporates you know essentially that per the volatility of that price and if we go ahead and from where we had entered the the practice trade the atr was at about 4.17 so that's

4.17 uh points now if we times that by two we'll go to the calculator against we said it was uh four i think 4.17 there we go now some traders may round that number uh initially we'll just go ahead and uh take that number 4.17 times 2 that would be 8.34 points now keep that

in mind that from a multiplier standpoint what does that translate on the contract well on the forward slash es that's 50 dollars so you know that amount of points now we're going to round this as well to the nearest quarter point so that's going to be eight and a half points okay 8.5 times 50. so that'd be 425 per contract uh that would be theoretically at risk and put a little more than that since the entry for this is actually above the pivot okay and if one was doing the uh forward slash es the micro then you know that would be about 40 some dollars okay so keep that in mind as far as risk and position sizing so with that as far as that potential uh stop i think we said it was eight and a half so we would adjust or have a stop that's about eight and a half points uh below the pivot point and so with that 4453 let's try that again 44 53 minus eight and a half points that would be a level of 44 44 50. so what we can do is adjust that stop to and we can do it on the chart four four four and we have an opportunity to double check that looks like it was off about a quarter of a point uh you can always go ahead into the edit function and change that to 444.44.50 all right then we'll do uh again we'll have this as gtc so it continues to work even after regular training hours however the intent is if if if it's not stopped or hits the target is to close it out uh before the end of the regular trading session on equities let's go ahead and hit confirm and send and send so we have that adjusted on there and then as far as the target the target would potentially be uh the next uh level uh on the pivot now that could be in our level if we're trading up to the upside or if one's uh doing more of a bearish trade which we attempted to do earlier uh trade down to a lower pivot okay let's go and pull this out let's zoom in on this again and you know right now looks like that limit you know from the default was you know just below that and some traders may you know look at that pivot and maybe set it within a couple of ticks below that so we're at 4479.75 these are quarter increments so 44 79 25 would be within two ticks so i can go ahead and edit that whether right on the chart or or go ahead in the order and and modify that on the limit so i believe it was 44.79.25

all right do confirm and send and send so there's the bracket order in there uh if the price continues uh you know coming off of at least this downward slope from the overnight you know attempt to trade uh into at least a previous close now that's also another short-term target too uh where some traders may fade the gap is to look to target that previous close in that case that would be around 4464. uh that's also not quite but another profit is you know if the price has made about half the move and you can utilize tools such as fibonacci to do that if you want fibonacci percentage tool or or just uh eyeball it uh but from the pivot uh to whatever your target is and we're just using this as a ruler not in fibonacci scenario but the half the move would be at 44.67 so possibly mark that area there we'll go and remove the fibs and so as one gets into this area particularly if they have more than uh one contract uh one thing is considered scaling uh out you know locking in part of the gain since it's made a significant move and in this case since we only have one contract is if it makes half of that move is go ahead and adjust the stop to at least a break even or to the entry point thus in an attempt to reduce the overall risk in the trade and at least turn a potentially losing trade uh into more of a break even uh minus any commissions okay let me go ahead and slide that back a little bit uh for illustrate purposes i know that's probably not exactly where the stop is but i'll uh and i guess i could have just went ahead and cancelled it uh and it would have snapped right back to where it was at but there we go so we're seeing some positive movement in there uh and you can see what the current p l is on this you know keep in mind these are leveraged instruments uh again 50 dollar multiplier for forward slash mes or forward slash es if this was forward slash mes uh then this would be showing up as about twenty two dollars and fifty cents again a tenth of the value and commissions are important factors remember uh when one goes ahead and uh takes a look uh at an order uh commissions are different for futures it is three dollars and fifty cents per contract and when one is trading smaller contracts or or less leverage that can add up so some important considerations there all right now as i'm looking this is probably a good time to check where we're at so we've been discussing about pivot points as a way of identifying uh entry day support and resistance and possibly short-term trading opportunities i did practice trade uh was hoping to show adjustments on the one we did prior but hey it worked as intended it got stopped out on the uh on the short one and then we went ahead and picked it back up did a reversal and turned it into an example of a bullish trade uh going above those daily pivots uh great way of showing some appreciation too uh there is a survey that came out for those of you that are live uh if you can go ahead and take a moment to click on that link we're not done yet but uh put it off to the side and you can fill that out towards the end of the session i really appreciate that for those of you that are listening to the archive session you can vote as well by clicking like on the video let's let us know you enjoyed the content also gives others an opportunity to see that as well and those are that are live with us too you can vote again by clicking like on the video you also see that there's a subscribe to as well you know it's interesting uh we have a lot of uh people from all around the world that listen to these uh videos and and whether live or archived uh but a lot of do not subscribe to the link there's no cost i know subscription denotes that uh you're paying for something but all the subscribe does is uh allows you to turn on notifications and be informed on all the different sessions that are upcoming so you can always stay in tune whether it's with myself or with later in the week you'll be able to be alerted uh to ken session on futures basics and beyond so great if you can do that for us if you wish appreciate that i appreciate you filling out the survey later on all right let's go ahead and summarize again our pivot points and we'll talk about the commitment of traders in the week ahead let's bring this up again on the platform so again for the example on an entry is uh enter in you know within a couple of ticks uh of a pivot uh whether on a bounce and on a limit or if it prices breaking down uh you know looking for an entry to the downside which would be short target in different levels we can go ahead and target previous highs and lows you know as we mentioned the previous close as well as the next areas of support in resistance consider profit management when we've made about half of that move where if we had more than one contract possibly scaling and closing out part of it and then having a stop which is not guaranteed to fill a specific price and have that adjusted to at least a break even and then possibly even trail it uh if the price was to continue going higher all right so that was our pivot points uh let's go ahead now some of you may not have been with us last week and uh would encourage you to attend that what i'll do is i'll put a link for that last week session here once it gets archived here on the commitment to traders report it's a report that's released every uh i believe at least every friday but it's based off of report uh in information from that tuesday uh so the for instance a report that we'll be looking at today was for information that was uh sent in on tuesday compiled on wednesday released on thursday so it's not time sensitive but as we talked about last week is trying to identify potential trends from institutions as far as long and short positions that may give some explanation on some of the momentum in the market and also possibly point to potential shifts as well so at a glance the commitment of traders report is at i know we joked about it last week that uh you know it's on the same uh dot matrix printer uh from when i first looked at it back in the late uh uh late 80s early 90s but it actually makes it easy for those of you that want to put it in excel spreadsheet to do that so cftc commodity futures trading commission puts it out uh you can basically go under i believe it's under the market data and economic analysis and then there is the commitment traders reports now we've been focusing more on the indices and when you scroll down on the list you'll see the reports notice it says reports dated october 12th again that was for information from last week released on friday uh scrolling down we were focusing on the financial report we're looking at the financials i believe the long format there and when you click on it it'll look something like this and we went ahead and we had scrolled down and looked for the s p 500 mini the e-mini s p stock contract there's a 50 multiplier leverage funds those are more of the hedge funds so think they're typically speculating now they can hedge long positions as well but they had lightened up their shorts by about 14 000 contracts increase their longs by about six thousand now notice there still is a bit of parity between long versus short but skewed a little more towards the short uh asset managers uh had lightened up on some of their long positions too you know kind of pointing towards you know some of the sentiment uh possibly in the market there uh dealers you know this is the sell side uh brokerages and stuff you know so think uh more on the retailer side however they typically may have a lot of shorts because they're basically uh you know many retail investors are typically going to be long stocks and so uh it would make sense that there would be more hedging uh on the on on the sell side of the market there that's not necessarily reflective of sentiment as far as sentiment uh probably over here looking at between the hedge funds and also the institutional uh activity here but you know one can glean some information from the retail side as well now that was compared to i have a report from last week which was released on october 5th and you can see as far as the leverage they had added to you know their shorts and their longs uh the institutions had also added to that so you know as far as looking at changes you know we had more shorts on the institution uh kind of split on the uh hedge funds and then when we went to this week notice again uh more on the shorts more dumping on the longs but interestingly the hedge funds whether through some profit taken actually you know the market didn't really bounce it's not reflective it's going to be interesting to see next week with the bounce from the market if there was any shift here on those now these were multiple reports here if you wanted to compare on your own uh when you go to this main page it's only going to give you the current report but i believe if you come over to the far right you can go ahead and look at the historical views if you want to look at reports week over week come over here to the left select historical viewable and you know here's the reports right here and you can go ahead and select whatever report you want to come bring up so what i done is i came here and i had launched the one from the previous week that we looked at last monday alright and we may continue exploring this on some other areas i want to kind of keep it a little more simple and focus on the indices to see uh how that may uh have an impact on what we're seeing on some of these previous trends there all right let's go ahead and pull this out and then take a look on the week ahead as far as looking on the week ahead we are in the midst of of the earnings season on the news side we'll have to see what industrial production was for today but go in the latter part of the week tomorrow we have housing starts and building permits going into wednesday uh crude inventory is kind of some of the typical stuff there and then the latter part of the week once again initial claims which we've seen a little bit of a weakening there on some of the new hires and probably one of the bigger one as far as gauging on inflation and as far as economic growth is the uh the pmi uh initial preliminary uh seeing what some of the impact is from covet here and as we go into the last quarter of this year here then on the earnings front quick way of bringing up some information there is go into the marketwatch tab and if we click on the drop d uh if we go ahead and select earnings over here on the right and then as far as a view there's a gear in the upper right or correction upper left where you enter the symbol if i click on the gear on the upper left i'm just going to go ahead and go to the public list and bring up the s p 500 so that way we can see kind of more the the larger stocks there and you know we can take a look at this as a weekly or a monthly view i'll go and i'll change this for a week and then make sure we bring up the right week which is a week of 17 to 23 october not too much as far as with earnings today zion's bank after the close but we got netflix tomorrow after the close and then in the pre-market which can impact uh you know on some of the openings there on the futures before market if we scroll down i'm sorry it's a kind of cutting off on the bottom we got johnson and johnson proctor and gamble philip morris so some of the staples can give some impact as far as costs and that can impact inflation and again netflix a big one with united healthcare you continue going into the end of the week there we got some railroads uh tesla is coming out one of the big ones there on the technology front and going into thursday uh fremont mcmoran on the materials southwest so a few of the airlines at t again some of the rails coming out as well all right and then finally folks as we go back and look at the chart you know still kind of holding above that daily pivot for now and one other point you know some traders you know may possibly avoid that first hour of trading as things can quickly move before they kind of find a bit of a base uh your results may vary on that uh but consider you know different uh you know times of the day as well as news releases that can uh have some bit relatively larger impacts on that price movement okay all right all right folks we definitely need to leave it here uh so let's go ahead and bring up our disclosures as we covered pivot points got a practice trade in there commitment to traders report along with the week ahead now remember in order to demonstrate the function out of the platform we did have to use actual symbols keep in mind td ameritrade does not make recommendations or terms suitability of any security or strategy for individual traders any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is solely your responsibility have a good day folks fill out the survey and we'll talk to you again real soon bye now you

2021-10-20 03:53

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