foreign what's up what's up what's up Happy New Year everybody hope you guys are having a great day today it's been a little while since I've gone live and um had some things on my mind that I wanted to talk about today I'm going to give it just a minute and let everybody come on here I'm gonna share this over into a couple of our groups and uh we're gonna jump in if you are just tuning in let me know what you're tuning in from if uh you're catching the replay type replay how's everybody's new year going so far so uh have you let me ask you a question are you a New Year's resolution kind of person do you set new goals and new resolutions at the beginning of the year or are you more of a you know I don't need a new year uh any day you can change your life type of person so I'd love to know uh are you a goals oriented person do you take time or what is it do you have like a a process that you go through uh I I will say that summer and I I'm a big believer that you don't need a new year to change your life but with that being said I'm also a fan of any milestone that will you know encourage you to take the time to be able to sit down and reassess your goals and reevaluate you know the previous year because whatever you you measure or whatever you track can be measured and whatever you measured can be improved right so I'm a big fan of of ultimately looking at the past and saying okay here's you know what I did good here's what I I didn't like and and here's the things that I need to adjust and here's kind of a new vision and a new goal so I'm a big fan of that and I think the New Year helps us to be able to do that so uh definitely goal oriented I forgot I was sharing this in a group here real quickly so hang on one second you guys let me get this over into our there we go our that one and that one all right Sarah you are definitely a goal-oriented person because I know your goals so um I've got some big goals for 2023 and um you know sometimes the interesting thing about goals and I'm totally sidetracking from the top topic today really I'm just stalling and buying time just to let this get out into the news feeds but um you know sometimes when it comes to goals you know you have your personal goals Financial spiritual family right so the goals can be broken up into different categories and one thing that I found is is sometimes I'm completely lopsided you know and that's the way life is right we talk about balance balance balance but sometimes um depending on what's going on in your life depending on you know whether you're launching a business or you know whatever your circumstances are sometimes we get out of balance and it's just the way that it is and so sometimes I'll be really really heavy over on the business side and I have to reevaluate say okay I need to I need to make some priorities or make my family a little bit more of a priority um so so it's important to kind of you know go through those different you know scenarios in each one family uh you know professionally financially spiritually and you can adjust those goals and so so I like that you know that's something that we're we're doing as a family and uh you know we do that every year and I think New Year's is great for that so with that um listen I want to talk to you today about something that is on my mind and um you know I'm going to share a little secret with you guys today you know a lot of people don't realize that we are absolutely getting wrecked right now like we are we are getting wrecked and and and most of us just go about our day we go to work you know we pay the bills we take time to to spend with our family and we just do the best that we can right and and that's you know that's just life but here's a little secret I want to talk a little bit about money today okay here's a little secret about money that most people don't understand or most people don't know about and I promise you that the banks definitely don't want you to know this but the majority of of people are going to spend their whole life or the majority of their life the majority of their their waking hours right at a job or working and essentially trading their time for money I mean that's that's what we do when we work right we exchange a unit of time whether it's an hour a day a week doesn't matter how you get paid you're exchanging your time for money and first of all you know what we need to understand is is money equals currency money equals currency and they're not necessarily the same money and currency are the two words they're used in our everyday lives and they're often confused as being similar things but the terms money and currency they appear to be similar but they're actually not so first of all money is it's an intangible store of value right I mean when we talk about store to Value think of gold or silver Platinum those type of things rice even salt in some cases currency is a tangible form of money so instead of trading silver for salt you can buy salt with currency right currency and money are again they're they're two separate two different words that are often um you know used one and the same now why is this important because in 1971 prior to 1971 our dollar was backed by gold bullion right it was backed by the gold standard and the central banks could only print as much money as they had gold to back it up but in 1971 Nixon removed the US dollar from the gold standard and since then currency has been backed by absolutely nothing and it's essentially lost somewhere in the neighborhood of around 86 percent of its value um today Banks can print as much currency as they want currency in the form of paper and coins did you guys know this here's a little fun fact for you currency and when we're talking about the in the form of paper and coins only makes up three percent of the world's money what's up Sean Davis it's good to see you my friend we really are due for a catch-up Mr Brandon cell how are you brother good to see you on here and uh appreciate you being here today what's up LaRon good to see you here so hey John what's going on man good to see you happy New Year brother so listen three percent so let me get back to that so today Banks can print as much currency as they want currency in the form of paper and coins only makes up three percent of the world's money anybody have any other any guesses of what the other 97 percent is any guesses 97 is debt 97 is debt so let me explain this for just a minute so imagine that you want to go buy a house and that house is five hundred thousand dollars right so a bank gives you a 500 000 mortgage that five hundred thousand dollars didn't exist before so they simply created it by typing a few numbers on the screen they they created an agreement and a contract and they give you that contract right so now when you get a loan you get money that has been created from where where does it come from it's been created out of thin air and why is that important because when the government needs money they go to the central bank and they ask for a loan and the Central Bank gives them money created out of where out of thin air in exchange for what government bonds so this this newly created money now floods the system and what does it do it devalues the existing money that is currently in circulation right so this newly created money and if you look up at the Federal Reserve and you look at when it comes to their approach to when or or how or or you know when they print more currency more money they use a term it's called the term is flexible look it up that's what they use they use a word called flexible so that means that whenever they feel like hey we need to print some more money we're just going to be flexible about it we'll print more money so here's again the problem with that is all of that money floods the system and devalues the existing money which creates what and creates inflation what's up Mr wisely good to see you you know what Sean doesn't it it's so interesting to me we're going to talk about this in a minute um remind me to talk about this you know we talk about this whole FTX and this Bank Run and it's so funny because the banks are doing the exact same thing right they don't have the money in reserves to back up the amount of money that we all have deposited there so we're going to talk about that in a second but um let's get back to this point for just a moment so so this new money floods the system and devalues the existing you know the current money that we all have now why is this important because you are getting wrecked while you are working hard I mean we're going to work and we're we're working but busting our butts to save money to earn money to be able to put food on the table right the banks are printing it and they are literally ruining your savings they're ruining your savings the banks and the Federal Reserve the banks and Federal Reserve which is who by the way who is the Federal Reserve is it a government entity who controls it who runs it who are these mysterious people that are behind the Federal Reserve go look it up started back in the early 1900s with a handful of guys that were in a private room in the back room their their private families the elites right that nobody knows but that it's a privately owned Institution but we we won't even go down that path we can talk all about that so the banks in the Federal Reserve while the average person is literally working their butt off and and earning wages to be able to put food on the table the Federal Reserve continues to devalue the dollar while they watch and we sit back and what do we see we watch the the cost of eggs go to six dollars six dollars I was just looking at eggs here in Arizona eight dollars for for if you want just you know grass-fed organic eggs eight nine bucks have you guys noticed how how the cost of everything has gone up dramatically right so so your dollar is doing this and it's continually been doing this for a longer period of time and we just go about it and we just think oh you know no big deal I'm gonna let you in on a little secret you guys you can't out save inflation thank God I have chickens I need chickens Jenna we've talked about it I need to get some I need a chicken coop you should start selling some of those eggs man I'm telling you you got a prized possession there so here's the thing um you here what what can we do about it right like what do you first of all do you guys see the problem with that do you see the the problem with this whole scenario of the dollar value shrinking so what can you do about it so you can play the game the same game that the banks are playing you know of course we we can't necessarily go print money per se but the banks also invest in assets income producing assets and they make their money work for them and you can do the same thing it's just most people you know they they spend their money on stupid sorry but they do you know they're buying you know the biggest TV that they could possibly imagine and buying all these things that they don't need you know walking around with cool you know belts or whatever and then they're not putting any of their money to work for them you can do the same thing and and here's here's the reality um do you think for a moment Sean I'd love to know your opinion on this do you think for a moment that these these banks that are investing money and the Federal Reserve the people behind the Federal Reserve do you think for a moment that they're not some of the the largest Bitcoin private wallet holders in the world today you're going to tell me that you don't think that these these Federal Reserve people there's all these wallets that are out there that nobody knows who owns them but they have you know millions of Bitcoin that are being held in them who do you think owns those come on guys they know exactly what they're doing they know where the future is going they're manipulating that it's like we're like puppets right they're just manipulating everything you know they manipulate the inflation goes through the roof Rising costs go up you know the the the the stock markets drive down you know cryptocurrency goes down we go to a crypto winner and all of a sudden boom who's buying up all this Bitcoin right you know who really is Satoshi Nakamoto that we could that's a whole nother conversation right so so the thing is is that we can play the game too you just have to learn how to play it and it's one of the reasons why I'm a big fan of digital currency because it's It's A disruption into their game it's a disruption into their whole you know this this game that they've been playing for many many years and I'll tell you they don't like it they don't like it you know that's the reason why there has been so much objection and there's so much fear and uncertainty and doubt that's spread out there about digital currency but what they've now realized is is it's too far along it's not going away because how many of us really carry currency around like did like when was the last time you really just paid for something with a 10 bill or a 20 I don't even carry cash anymore right you just use your phone and use Apple pay or use your debit card I mean occasionally I might have a little bit of money to tip somebody you mark my words there will be a time and in somebody's lifetime In Our Lifetime probably where you don't even touch physical or fiat currency anymore you watch everything is going digital everything is going digital it's the future and it's the reason why we've embraced digital currency and it's the reason why I've had my eye on you know opportunities and and income producing assets that are focused around digital because I know that's the direction that we're going you know consider this for a moment so JP Morgan a couple of years ago they held a emergency meeting for their their shareholders their stockholders and they said listen um we don't encourage cryptocurrency we don't support it in fact anybody that we know that's buying it we're going to actually cancel their checking accounts now imagine that imagine your money and they're telling you that what you can and can't do with it right I mean it's the the scrutiny that we're under from the banking system you know you go in with more than 600 cash now they want to know where it came from right I walked in the other day I had some money and I walked in with three or four thousand dollars to put it into the bank and they saw where did it come from I'm like it's none of your business came from my mattress you know it's it's ridiculous the level of control but they literally started canceling the U.S Bank was doing it Chase Bank was doing it if if they knew that you were interacting and buying cryptocurrency they'll cancel your checking accounts why because it doesn't fit into the game because it doesn't they don't profit from it they can't manipulate it and that's the reason why it was it was created in the first place it was to get these people out of the middle of our transactions and if you can understand that then you can understand the value and and why blockchain technology has exploded yeah there's challenges with it just like in any new currency any new you know businesses that come along but overall that's why it's it's you're right Vicky it comes down to control plain and simple so JP Morgan says we don't we don't support it and we don't recommend it do you know now what JP Morgan recently just stated they replaced real estate as their work second as their alternative recommended asset class and guess what they replaced it with cryptocurrency only a couple of years later why because they figured out how to profit they've now Goldman Sachs you know the Goldman Sachs they were I mean totally against cryptocurrency what do you think they're doing right now they're buying up exchanges they figure well if we can't beat them join them let's just own it so they're doing the same thing that they've always done they're trying to now they're trying to infiltrate the exchanges and buy the exchanges now you've got um Chase that in in Fidelity even Fidelity just added cryptocurrency to their overall um investment portfolios the largest investment fund I think in the world so what's my point my point is this um we're being wrecked we're being manipulated the banking system is a fraud it's gonna say it it's a fraud if we all went into the bank today and we decided hey we want to withdraw our money they don't have it go try to withdraw ten thousand dollars cash out of the bank today and tell me what happens they don't have it they used to be that they had to have at least 10 percent of cash and Reserves to back up the money that is deposited with them guess what the lobbyist and then the politicians somehow or another got that law changed I wonder who influenced him to do that so now that they're not even required to have that so let's talk about this whole FTX thing people are like what about FTX you know that exchange and it went under and and it was bad for crypto it was really bad because people you know they had their money sitting on that exchange and it was it was frustrating but here's the thing Sam Friedman who owned FTX at one point was worth billions he was utilizing that money to basically fund his you know his the politicians that he wanted to see in in government and living on that money and doing whatever he wanted to do and didn't think that you know there was a problem until somebody started saying hey this guy doesn't have the assets to back up you know the amount of money that is deposited with him and it created concern and so what happened people were like well I'm going to withdraw my funds I'm concerned about this and so there was a bank run essentially they everybody started pulling the money out and what happened boom he lost billions of dollars overnight and so and a lot of people lost a lot of money because FTX went under so if we went to Wells Fargo Chase Bank U.S bank and we all decided we wanted to pull our money out because we had concerns what do you think would happen same thing the exact same thing they're doing the same thing that Sam Friedman is literally sitting in jail for well he's actually not sitting in jail because you know what somehow mysteriously even though he's broke he was able to meet his 250 million dollar Bond and that money came from a unknown source right a cold wallet and essentially got him out of jail so you know I share all this with you just to say this um you can out save inflation in the constant devaluing of the dollar I've said this a lot old ways will not open new doors I'm just going to tell you right now I'm not against you know dollar cost averaging putting a little bit of money away over you know an extended period of time I'm not necessarily completely opposed to the stock market but I don't necessarily think that the stock market in 401ks are the answer today the way that they were when we were growing up why well first of all because the baby movers are getting older and they were the biggest contributors to it and there's not as many children being born and then those that are up and coming are not putting their money in the stock market you know where they're putting it in digital currency my son doesn't put money in stocks he buys cryptocurrency so so for me I believe that diversification is important for me and I'm not a financial planner by the way I'm not giving any advice it's just my opinions today in a recession there's three things that are important stored value cash flow and upside potential and that is the reason why I aligned myself with the company that I did it's the reason why I chose to start getting involved in mining it's the reason why I buy software that is fully automated I don't do anything that mines digital currency because I'm done playing this game and I understand that the only way to win is to act just like the banks and to put my money into income producing assets I may not be able to print money but guess what my my license is they generate money every single day and I don't do anything I get deposits every day I can cash it in it has 100 liquidity I can hold it and let it you know go up for potential gains or I can trade it for other coins but you know what it's the closest thing that I know to being able to print money and that's the reason that I am involved in not only you know I'm a you know I own these licenses and I and I go out and I and I educate people you know I I don't you know somebody said earlier I don't I don't sell really people anything I don't try to close anybody all I do is I give people additional options in their life and I try to educate them about what is going on in the world and help wake people up and help them to make some well-informed decisions about whether or not it might make sense to diversify you know people just go along and they just March along and do exactly what they've been told right it's that whole saying go to work get it you know go get go get a good job get your get a good college degree get a good job as the world is changing unless you're going to school to be an engineer or a doctor you can go make more money driving an Uber than you can going and getting a general Business Degree that's going to put you 80 000 in debt the world is changing and if you fail to adapt and if you fail to innovate you're we're going to continue to see people struggling and suffering we are seeing it right now do you realize that there is more the credit card debt right now is as high as it was during the Great Depression you guys realize that right like we have some serious difficult times that are coming ahead stock market lost 9 trillion dollars last year you think it's just going to mysteriously miraculously turn around this year we have Rising interest rates are up you know the cost of homes is ridiculous do you realize that the average person today to go buy a 500 just an average whatever it was four bedroom three bath home is going to cost them about 43 percent of the average household income in the United States right now just to make that mortgage payment there is no way that the average person can get ahead without figuring out how to create additional Revenue the key is putting your money to work for you the same way that the banks do so that's all I've got for you guys today I just wanted to share some thoughts this was on my heart as I was uh sitting here kind of started to actually write this article and I know on Facebook sometimes I started getting longer and longer and longer and it gets to that point where people just are like oh I'm going to scroll right by that that's too much to read and I'm like I'm just gonna go live and talk about this so anyhow I would love to know if you agree would love to know what your thoughts are what's up Mark good to hear from you Mr Garrison good to see you as well and um I appreciate you guys tuning in thank you Dean I appreciate that I would love to know if you agree I would love to know your guys's thoughts if you feel um like this is a message that's worth sharing feel free to share it out there if you want to know a little bit more about what I'm doing and what summer and I are doing right now to put our money to work and in a very passive manner and essentially get as close as we can to printing money um talk to me you know we've got uh we've got some pretty exciting things that are in the works right now we're pretty you know we've we've found the income producing assets that that we feel are the best opportunity right now to be able to leverage or even to hedge what's going on from an inflation standpoint and I'd be happy to share with you so with that you guys have a wonderful day today and uh we'll see you guys again soon you guys take care happy 2023 and God bless
2023-01-11 07:42