Single Girl Says Goodbye In The Sims 4 | Part 26

Single Girl Says Goodbye In The Sims 4 | Part 26

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I'm not emotionally, prepared for today. Hi. I'm Kelsey I'm single, and we thought it would be funny if I tried the 100 baby challenge, it's a challenge in The Sims 4 where, we have one matriarch. And she has they. Have 100, children all with different parents, there's a lot of rules to this challenge of rules the link is below, Chelsea's finally, putting down her, crown of matriarch. And she, is passing the torch on to, KC it's gonna be an emotional day but it's also gonna be a really fun day we're, gonna have a really big celebration, for our Chelsea let's, let's, get into it KC right here is gonna be our new matriarch, but obviously KC's, just a toddler, so Chelsea will still be taking, care of all the kids until KC becomes of age and then can take up the mantle Chelsea, it's time, for. You to, get a, final. Makeover everyone. Should get a new outfit for the, party Chelsey's. Birthday party. Oh my gosh I, can't believe it Wow. This is our last episode with Chelsea as an adult's she's. Gonna be a old-looking, now oh, I'm. Fine. Aren't you fine we're all fine hey Chelsea. Chelsea I, want you to be wowing. The crowd I, want you to feel like your best, self. This is pretty good, Oh, Chelsea. Oh, I. Kind of like this, this. Is pretty cool but, it seems like not Vavoom, this is so cute. Why didn't we ever wear that I have, so many regrets I'm, gonna go with this okay, moving. In to makeup ooh you. Know I normally don't match the makeup to the dress but I think that's kind of fun that's so pretty. Maybe, not with the eye it's. A lot of color. Oh. Am. I gonna cry she, looks beautiful, this is definitely, her look for the party. Apparently the party's gonna be a fancy party I was thinking it could be a pool party but it's definitely, gonna, be one now let's, like clean everybody's. Outfit, all right misty, okay you're gonna have your party outfit too. Oh that's. Pretty cool I like her style. She's. Like the boho queen I, think maybe like ooh that's cute on her, okay. I'm. Literally, kind of happy with this honestly maybe like more, of a heel to, dress it up a bit that's cute, all right that's her outfit for the party done. Everybody. Gets a makeover all right she's, still in her jammies but, she's it's party time it, looks like our Freya, is like a little bit more casual, than. Her. Sister Nova so we should go with something a bit more casual. For, the party, maybe, she'll do some like pants. With uh with, like a nice top those are some good good. Nice jeans, that's, pretty cute, should you do like a cool jacket that. Would be cool oh that looks kind of nice and then like a like, a brown shoe, that's. Pretty cute yeah. Chelsea's. Gonna be a little overdressed but it's her party and she can be overdressed, if she wants, to okay, next is Stacy, Oh. Stacy's. Looks pretty cute but I really like all the dresses and we haven't really gone into here yet this one's quite fun though Oh. Cute. This, one's cute. I like the blue it matches her bow okay. That's kind of cute okay next kid it's, serious. And, serious, it's gonna get a party look oh my god, he's. Done that party looks fantastic, of course Kasey gets. A great party look Cassie, look, at your okay so let's not kind of inspect what Casey's already got to work with we, got a little over walls with the sunglasses the, matching, socks to top. Is quite cute why don't we go, into full body and, see there's something, here this is quite cute that makes sense this is cute I think maybe top and bottom might be a better way to go this is quite quite, nice Casey, could match Chelsea with, some greens.

Thank You some some. Patterned pants ooh. Looking. Fun. Casey in. Case you might do some nice little shoes, oh my god these are cute they're like these oh that one matches better but these ones are bees, these ones are fancy, shoes but, those ones are bees you. Know what Casey's, just a little kid I like the bee shoes I know they don't match but I kind of don't care we got Chelsey's, birthday. Outfit. Right here look, in glam, we. Got her daughter's, birthday, outfit, looking, pretty chill we, got Nova's. Outfit, over here, a little bit more glam, and, then we got Stacey and her nice blue ensemble. Serious, looking, real, slick he already put that together himself, we're not gonna touch that and, then we got a little Kasey matching. Mama. Amazing. So we've got the whole family ready, to roll and now, we just need to. Throw a freaking party I'll have her daughter uh. Uh her, daughter Freya is gonna cook the cake for her mom chocolate. Cake yeah, free, is gonna do it go ahead for you let's. Get you down there oh there's. A baby Taylor, Taylor's. Upset no, no. No honey don't do that go here let. Mom handle it what no let mom handle, it good, job okay now I'm gonna watch her bake. Making, Chelsea's, cake. Yeah. Freya's left reached, cooking, level - good job for ya house Casey it looks like all the kids are actually pretty, good moods which is very good Chelsea's, pretty sad because. She's lonely Oh No, okay. Well let's, have her put some candles, on there so that no one needs it Boop and then, we'll put it in -. Put. It in - Chelsea's, inventory, Chelsea, you don't need to be lonely. Oh Vieira, says do you want come over to my birthday I'm sorry, it's a Chelsey's, birthday Oh. Oh she. Just took KZ to, give her no kids, let's go looking, for where we're gonna have this so magnolia, blossom, it's a park it's really pretty, maybe, windings, burg does, windin burg have a really pretty park we could go to oh it could be at the Vaughan haunt estate, that can be cool very fancy, for Chelsea, I love that okay so we're going to have a birthday party, and. The. Birthday service, Chelsea, and. The guests are Freya, serious, Nova Stacie Casey, we. Got, le, branch. Our Lee Adi river. Hazel, John Aria, Jamie Dorian. Tristan. Natalie okay well it, was bound to happen that we would run out of people, to invite caterer. Oh my. God Flynn can cater let's, do it Flynn's catering. Let's do Vaughn Hunt estate there, are ghosts there but it's fine Chelsey ain't afraid of no ghosts here we go it's, Josie's. Birthday, party. Chassis. And. Family. They're, all like Chelsea happy, birthday. Let's. Make sure that there she's in her correct, outfit, though there it is so, we got to get Charlie obviously, Tristen, Eric. Cooper Theo, John, Aria. Hazel. Olive has to be here okay we'll just do a second call Olive. Papa. Papa Jaime, nyah Natalie, Brielle, we. Need a rose a addy Alexis, miles okay. We need to keep just calling, Oh No. Why is my baby crying, I, know you're stressed but play with play, with your little sibling, because oh my gosh. Apparently. Chelsea's gonna do it oh and. Casey are having a freaking, moment our sweet baby charlie, is here oh my god. Oh. My. God they really do look exactly, twins, they're not at all oh my goodness, look, at that, story. Oh. My gosh Casey brought an iPad, proud. Of you Casey. Oh Aria. Is. Hazel here, is. River here they're not here where are all the rest of my children, I don't, love that we can't invite all of them but I know this is wasn't necessarily, built for exactly what I'm doing right now. Ellie. Mama. Oh. Wait. Why is there a case apparently Flynn made Chelsea a cake but that's, gonna be the extra cake oh my gosh there's a ghost here hey oh, she. She's. Surrounded by her. I, want, them to all to like get to do an activity together, I think Chelsea will take photos with everybody take photo with oh. My. Gosh yes Charlie, and, then take a photo with Lynn, and. Oh my goodness she's, hugging basil, and, she's thinking her for being here. Oh my gosh house Casey oh no Casey's throwing a fit why is Casey so upset Oh Casey's hungry. Charlie, never mind this is a great distraction from, actually, having her do stuff we definitely, need the flash on oh. That's. So cute. Okay. Great we almost got his whole face in okay Chelsea go in the bathroom. Yeah. Out Ginny I guess. She loves Ginny so much that it doesn't matter, wait, that's not Jeannie that's.

Just Someone else how are you doing oh you're really upset, cuz you're tired all right you know what I'm gonna put a baby bed in here because I don't want you to be upset it's fine you can just sleep right there how about that okay okay, Casey this go sleep Chelsea, why, don't you take this into this room where everybody's, at I, don't want her to set the table I want her to blow out these candles, apparently she canceled the mountain there so we're gonna blow him out over here everyone's getting tired oh no but she's hugging Charlie. Wait, wait wait blow the candles Chelsea Chelsea, blow. Out the candles oh my god her birthday is over everyone's gonna leave no don't. If Chelsea, needs to blow out the candles ah fork. No, you. Know what I'm not gonna have her blow out the candles alone. That's dumb, you know what let's plan a social, event let's do a second, birthday party, but at her place Natalie. Wasn't there Theo miles, Brielle, Alexis, we saw Aria we're. Just gonna have to do two parties that's a that's the key caterer, I still want Charlie there so Charlie's gonna be caterer and it's gonna just be at the impeach ishm a, president's. Amazing, okay. Birthday round, two, oh my gosh look at all the other kids they're. All here. Look at our sweet baby always. Thank. You for coming, I know it's 11, o'clock Oh. Everyone's. Like going to bed I really want everybody to be here for her birthday so we're just gonna like have her I guess I. Guess. We'll just have her blow out those candles just, go in there Chelsea all right everybody, gather around oh. No. No one did okay that's fine you know what I'm here Chelsea and that's okay Chelsea aged up. Seniority. Wrinkled. Bellies frosty. Locks and. Interminable. Naps away. Party. Like the Reapers not right around the corner well luckily she's friends with the Reaper oh. Wow. Everyone. Sent her a gift. It's. Grandma, Chelsea, called, a meal have everybody, come over and. Have. Some cake with you oh the, kids are coming for cake oh, my. Goodness. Oh. It's. So, cute they're, even coming downstairs, it's, Anaya with, Rosie. Oh. My. Gosh we got miles, I got the whole family here in the new house oh, my, god it's Jenny freaking. Jenny clapping, through clapping. For. Grandma, Chelsea. Grandma, chills he's surrounded by all of her children. 33. Total, kids. For. This matriarch. Chelsea. Empty dish me his. Head woohoo it for the first time whoa. Fireworks. Around the door she's, gonna break that door, oh she's, cuddling, the babe Oh in the new room. Little. Blonde friends. Oh. She's. Freaking showing, off here we get it Chelsea you're really good at making salad, Oh. Mom. Passed out oh she's gonna have an accident in front of the hospital. Oh. Gross. Oh my god. Chelsea's, feeling very uncomfortable, but it's okay cuz Greg. Z-trek. Her baby in a bush oh. He. Said yes. Truly. The. Hero of the story there, won't be anyone like a Chelsea she's, super happy she's sitting right beside. Natalie. I thought for a second it was it. Was olive where's our sweet baby olive, I really want to have a nice moment with olive there's olive, olive, the the chaat of the firstborn. The child that started, it all all right well. I'm. Just gonna watch the baby. She's. Gonna go up to say hi to olive, there's olive. I want, to give her some resident keys she's, like here's a key I want you to feel welcome anytime, she's, gonna don't go nap in the hot tub Chelsea, if you want to go to bed nap in your bed we're, gonna take care of our Chelsea we.

Also Need a. Grandmotherly. Makeover. She's going to sleep on her birthday, that's. Okay what's you up to girl yeah. You should sleep like everyone. What oh my god the Taylors aged up without me oh my, god we got more time pick, a number one through eight, seven. So Taylor with Annie is wild. Taylor, with an O pick, a number one three the answer is, inquisitive, we got a wild kid in an inquisitive, kid and, they all got sent gifts oh my goodness, look look. At Taylor, and look, at Taylor. They. Are so, cute they. Probably won't be able to get down the stairs, why, are you crying to your sister for no reason, to wake her up Taylor's gonna try to wake up all of the siblings until, someone takes Taylor downstairs, so. Why. Don't you put, to bed Taylor, she's gonna put the Taylor to bed she's really tired but I think she know she understands. That she got to do it for her mom go. And then other Taylor, it really needs Oh God other Taylor's literally, just waking up everybody, no no don't take don't drink a coffee just go to bed everybody. Needs to go back to bed everybody go to bed, 2019, good. Night. Yeah. You should probably take a, shower. There. My. Girl you. Are not. Looking. The, best oh my, goodness there's what. Oh there's, a fire oh my god what, is happening why. Is this happening, higher emergency. Repair service, okay. We got a repairman, to fix it so that's good why, are you so mad. Just. Go the bed go, to bed why, are you all up oh my. Gosh why are you all up oh man I forgot about having, to, do all these toddler, things everybody's. Needs are terrible because I did two back-to-back parties, Jake, okay big yike let's fix it Freya's off to school, so. Serious. Oh my. God all the kids at least you know just all the kids should go to school, study. Hard by, Nova. Thanks. For being such a trooper this weekend, while, I was kind, of stressing you out okay. Yeah. Can you just take that and. Then we'll have you you're. Fine now you're, eating something you found something to eat, all. Right whatever well, Chelsea needs that Chelsea's. Hanging out with Taylor so. Taylor is going to start on some skill building. Let's. Do some thinking poor Chelsea, just really needs to use the restroom, and, needs, to. Shower. At. Least we're getting her needs backup. Oh my. Goodness, I'm just so shook by like I haven't even been able to process that Chelsea is an elder because, I'm, so stressed out they smell just delivered. We, got a lot of bills what's. Up, fight teacher had to break up a fight between Nova, and another student in the hall today what should we do have. Them work it out it's. Fine they're. Fine, Oh, Chelsea, no, you're sleepy why are you playing with dolls. Why. Didn't you grab the salad like I asked you to eat, your garden salad and. Then go to bed, she's. So tired, poor. Chelsea. Had. A very long day of birthday, celebrations. River. Is wondering if I want to come over no River, we're okay we. Don't want to go to your place really right now okay, and then you go to bed when you're done. No. Go, to bed, Chelsea. Stop trying to fix your problems, with coffee, everyone's solving their problems by going to bed I don't believe there's a problem you can't solve but not by, going to bed going, to bed is great okay she's got a hundred and fifty one days oh, that's. How many she's lived. Wow. Good on you chels, it. Won't tell me until how many until I don't even want to finish that sentence okay all, the kids are back so. Serious. Is the B student, I guess Frey is still a B student. Stacy's.

A B student and Nova's, an A student as expected, Nova, jump right up there they're all just kind of taking care of their needs right, now why, don't you do your homework now a serious, oh my god does he have a cape no he, just has a vest she is actually feeling real good now too so, she could do her homework how is Chelsea feeling Chelsea's feeling pretty solid, I'll have Chelsea wake up. Pay. The bills and, then. Maybe we'll give her our makeover, oh my gosh. Whatever, former, flames just congratulating, her on her birthday, all right Chelsea, let's get you a makeover, it's, time you maybe knock. Down your youthful. Look a little bit I've had Chelsea, in a fairly useful look for the for ages, because. That's. Kind of how I dress, but it's. I think it's time that she kind of brought something, else oh my gosh Wow, everything, looks so different is this well I'm gonna look when I'm oh. Kim. Anyway. Let's do some full-body outfits, what's good for Chelsea, what. Looks good on her, now, that one's pretty solid, well. That one's a 9 what, kind of grandma. Does Chelsea wanna be that's. The real question, oh my, gosh she's yawning, these look kind of cozy I don't even know how to dress Chelsea, now Wow that's I mean. That's, no, that's, a big no for, me dog oh my gosh I, hate it oh this. Was nice maybe. For her night out this is her new red dress a little bit more covered. Up but, still. Saucy. This, one's nice I think that she would wear something like this oh. It. Reminds me of Chelsea's, like kind of pink vibes maybe. With some shoes now that it was a more I'm like looking at the more I'm like that is so oh that. Was nice. Oh I like the blue this, is cute okay next, this. One's pretty as well I. Love. This, done. She's. Rocking, a lot of Blues. Yeah. I. Love, this it's. Like a more, adult, version.

Of The. Og overalls, yes. Yes. Our Chelsea. Honestly. Oh I, still have feeling, both of these, outfits. For her but maybe we should do a different full-body red dress Oh, Chelsea. Chelsea, so. Dignified. This, one's kind of nice though oh I like the blue but I think I like this this one a lot. For. Chelsea yeah that's cute, oh that's really cute I like that I want it like some like lighter shoes, yeah, that's cute, sleepytime maybe, maybe, just keep the og, sleepy. Time and, then maybe add in a new sleepy. Time I, know I do a lot of like t-shirts and, some. Pajama bottoms I do that a lot that's. Yeah. Bella. Cody party. Outfit honestly, I'm still, down for that not. That one though that one's still kind of fun. I'm. Keeping, all of them I don't care yes Chelsea, I. I Stan okay. This. Is our Chelsea, grandma's. Looking. Fantastic. You're. Doing amazing sweetie. Oh no you really need hygiene, all right it's okay it's grandma Chelsea oh grandma Chelsea could totally give a bubble. Bath to KC. Look. At this goddess, she's. Just like mmm. She, aged so gracefully, I hope that our ages gracefully miss Chelsea she's like my child is not awake also. She has so many young children it's, super weird seriousness, homeworks complete good job serious, I'm proud of you and. Her. Almost. Complete, and then she needs to get her skill up level up it's. Social, so all she needs to do is kind of sit on the computer for a little bit she should be good to go give, a bubble bath to KC here. Yeah. Because. We. Already got I think phrase in the know Nova's, in the bathtub. Oh. KCH. LZ or bonding. Don't. Splash don't, splash. Casey. Yeah. Casey. Why don't you go, potty. We're. Almost at, threes, on most things for casey jessie's gonna go watch some TV, she deserves it. Wait. Have you not done your no. Do your social. Ignore. That do your social socializing. Stuff so you can be. A team just, keep chatting chat is, that all oh my gosh all is here, why is all I'm doing oh. Yes. Give her that motivation. She needs to up her. Socials. Yeah. Social. Level for perfect, all right yeah yeah you can do whatever you want now why is Casey so mad Oh Casey needs food okay and Taylor, needs food too okay everybody needs food it's fine we have a garden salad in play, for this specific, purpose your three imagination. Okay so you just need to bump these the rest of them up and then we can age up Casey, into. Childhood. I'm so excited to see what Casey's gonna look like I want to put like a big photo of Chelsey somewhere, so. That I wish that I took one photo of just Chelsey but this, one's a good, looking photo of our Chelsey put it maybe right here I want to make sure it's nice and big. Yeah. Nice. Big photo. Of our Chelsey on the. Wall yes, Queen how are you doing you need hygiene, and attention, great, give. A bubble bath to, Taylor, Chelsey, I know you're busy watching TV but you got Todd's to take care of ooh big day was awful yeah we forgot to buy stuff oh she's, so stressed she just slammed the door of the fridge how you doin Taylor ooh Taylor's great, you know what you should be doing since you're great oh my god all of us here oh yeah, that's right cuz olive has a key, now to the house Olive, Kim just come over whenever Olive ones that's. Amazing, you're almost done with your garden salad making who else is hungry. Anyone. Else hungry you're, hungry, can't. Grab a serving of that, you're, a little hungry here, I was serving, you're. Fine, you're. A little hungry you're gonna grab grab serving, and you're fine great what are you doing oh you're partying with your Oh olive, bye, she. Said see you later she just went out the door oh the, twins are outside, hanging, out talking. About smelly diapers why, are you so sad you're.

Still Like stressed out okay. Why. Don't you watch. A little bit of TV and, then you need to do your homework you, on the other hand are doing yeah. You're doing some some, games. Get. Your fun up go play Sims you're gonna be fine there you go all right now you need to do your homework no. Don't go to bed in the hot tub Chelsea that's super, unsafe especially, for a woman, with. Your advanced. Age oh no no no no I'm, glad that you're enjoying yourself though school starts for in about an hour for everybody, all. Right you really need to finish up that homework girl and you're good you should probably get, a shower. Not. A bath please, take a shower it is quicker she's almost done with her homework she's. Getting ready for today he's, doing, great serious. Is having a really. Nice time look. At this boy he's like I have all my needs fine I'm like, literally, all the rest of the children in the house homeworks, complete yay okay, you are, doing amazing, so, you can. Work on your. Imagination, all, the kids are going to school I'm sorry, that you're upset but you're gonna be fine by. Making. Choices, actually. You can't do any of those things he's gonna go to school now I'm sorry if you're hungry we need to get you all aged up and, out of this house so we could start the, having. More babies speaking, of which how's Casey Casey's, in a room eating a salad having. A great time you need more thinking for Casey, communication. And potty oh I hear has something bad oh no. Chelsea. You guys, you. Gotta tell them no expressed. Disappointment of making a mess go. Chelsea I know you're sad Taylor, just cuz you're hungry doesn't mean you're allowed to act out oh my gosh you're, like clothed Casey. Keep. Going potty Chelsea, why are you so sad, Oh, someone. Died, what. What else is new, come on come on come on yeah. Potty level three baby all, right so now we just need thinking, and communication, let's knock these out okay Chelsea why don't you just like clean up some stuff while, you're moping. Around, you're so close KZ you. Did it okay, and now we need. Was. The last one communication, it's interesting that communications. Like not. Super. High, for. KC most kids get pretty high communication from, just talking to each other oh my god these are our final moments with KC as a, toddler. Novus, in a and phrasing, a student okay so we can each up, Nova. Freya and KC all, together and technically we don't need to move the. Kids out, until.

We, Have to so we can keep them around. Are. You okay, whoa. Not. Okay. Stop. That go P KC's, so close oh wait KC did it. KC's. Three on everything okay. How. Important Chelsea so sad but she's playing with our kid which is super cute, I know. Taylor's hungry were feeding him now stop. Being dramatic all right let's open up and put out our new cake Casey's, doing like okay, so. Chelsea why don't you just age KC yes it's Katie's, birthday time. And. My crash case is gonna be a kid what is KC gonna look like hi all laugh thanks for coming by. Oh my gosh we need to give all of our children keys, to the house this is amazing, okay here we go. Oh. My goodness. KC. Has aged up okay, KC. It's. Gonna be a randomized. Child, so we cannot control any of the traits that KC the new patriarch is gonna have I'm. A little stressed about it but. This is gonna inform, what kind of person, and matriarch, ace is gonna be so, no. Pressure pick, a number one through four it's four so, KC's a social, butterfly pick, a number one through 30 it's 2021, okay, a glutton. Okay. You know what that's fine what, she look like, she's. A cutie. She. Looks like little, little, angry bean she's. In a bad mood or KC but she is real, cute, I'm. So excited for Casey okay, Casey why don't you take yourself to bed honestly. Yeah. You're tired I understandably, so but this means that we have one less toddler to look after so that is good these kids are good to go actually, I should just age them up and then and. Then. They can just. Stay in the house with Chelsea, Chelsea no, stop drinking, coffee just, sleep sleep. In your bed Chelsea I'm deleting, that coffee machine it's. Not actually, all as helpful as I thought it was gonna be. Apparently. It sold for $0. Homework is complete for serious and for Stacy and free I just acquired, a Fitness skill good, on you Freya, let's have Priya cook everybody, something oh my gosh what if Casey doesn't, make, garden salads all the time because Casey's inheriting, the family money Casey, doesn't need to make garden salads, everybody's, hungry Freya please please, just make salads, for everyone look there we go yeah everyone's gonna get a little hungry pretty soon all right everybody, come get a serving, that's hungry. It's food time look, at look at them all coming downstairs oh. My. Gosh Casey might not even love yellow chairs what if Casey has a whole other other. Like aesthetic, that, we're gonna learn from right now it looks like Casey's real into purple also Casey's, real into walking through you know solid objects, gonna do it again. Heck. Yeah, oh my. Gosh look at all the kids look. At all the brunettes. Chelsey. Surrounded, by brunettes now Casey's. Feeling pretty good needs, to do her homework also, already has, a. Level. Two skill of motor Oh. That'd. Be good maybe, Casey will like like, being pretty fit I love food and I'm super fit too so, maybe, he'll, just be a different, part of me. I'm. So excited for Casey I love her so much I, can't wait to like learn more and more about her, as we go both of these girls are pretty, good. With. Their needs but, there I, feel like it's too late for them to call their parent, or waits. Their dad still their dad's still alive right or did he just die, oh. He. Just died, that's. Why everyone's sad it's, cuz their dad just died oh my, goodness, alright well we'll just have them aged up then because, that was what we were waiting on is to have their dad come oh. Poor. Chance Turner well, why don't you blow out some candles sweetie. Come. On Nova oh my gosh oh it's, over again giving, all of the keys to our home was the best decision I've ever made, oh, ok. Boy your candles darling you're. Gonna you're gonna be a young adult but you don't have to be kicked out quite, yet because we don't need to make any more kids, Nova. Aged up pick, a number one through 42, 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 she's, hot-headed so. Nova. Is our girl who is a little bit more of an instagramer. Wants. To be an insider, is pretty creative hot-headed, but, she really likes the environment, so she's gonna be like a freedom fighter for the environment, and then our Freya here, why don't you blow it some candles, Freya. Oh there's olive always coming down go. Celebrate, they're a little sad but they're, in it together and they're not moving out quite yet so I'll, be okay good, she's, celebrating for, yeah, pick. A number one through 42. So. She's childish too, so, Fran is like a bit of a grab, bag here, she wants to make drinks for a living, she's, a glutton, Oh Casey's doing sit-ups. Casey. Is a fitness, queen already, Casey, loves to eat and loves to stay fed we, stand oh. My. Goodness, look at her go. Is. It, winter. Fast, oh. My goodness. Chelsea. Stop, you're moping I know. It's really sad that this the, father of two of your children have died but.

I Really, do need to Hydra oh my god that kid just gave me such sass. Do. Not give me sass young man are you pretty good you're pretty solid too when. You wake up you should get a garden salad but we, don't need to worry about that the second Oh oh. My. God poor baby she's, so sad okay. So Taylor had their first potty training lesson, which is great, you, should try some communication. There next, oh it's Winterfest, it means they're not going to school today Oh Fork, I wanted. Them to age up oh my. Gosh so sad. Well. Yeah there's, a lot of sad beams going on here. Which. Just means we, need to celebrate Christmas. So. We need to put our Christmas tree somewhere so, I'm thinking over here would be a really good spot and then we'll put in our Christmas, tree oh we got like a really, fancy one, that's. Cool. Do. We do a fancy Christmas, tree or our Christmas, tree that we decorate, I'm. Kind of like interested, in this like pre-done, one oh. I. Love that I, love, oh wait I bought it oh I, was, trying to do this, stuff I already had and here we go and. Then we got our presence, here now we just need our. Boxes. Holiday. Boxes over here, to. Decorate with all right, so let's have Chelsey get decorating. And then we're gonna have you. Come down here, and you're, gonna, light. The tree with all the kids after, that maybe, you. Can. Cook a. Grand. Meal for everyone we're gonna do a Tofurky, dinner, oh she. Feels good she just did one well. Part of the house did you decorate Oh oh my god that's so pretty oh my goodness I love it oh my gosh I can't wait to watch the house like become. All Christmassy all right now she's gonna join them with the Christmas, tree they're. All gonna decorate and light it together. Over. Here, let's light tree with. Everyone, but Freya because Freya is making a grand, meal right now look. At her our little chef it looks great, Oh No, why, don't you. Get. That repaired, my girl there we go, the. Trees lit. There's. Some presents, under this tree. It's. Great everybody. Oh my goodness we didn't call to the grand meal call to the grand meal once you're done with fixing, this which, hopefully is soon please. Don't die with this puddle okay she fixed it good job darling. Everybody's. All everybody's, sitting at the table, for Christmas dinner, I should have them all open some presents come, on Chelsey wake up it's Christmas time. Also. I need to see the outside of the house it. Looks so, cute, look, at the little otter. Buntings. Oh, my. Goodness, it looks just like I wanted, it to oh, my, gosh Oh, everyone, so many presents. What'd. She get she's. Not oh she's, not super happy about it whatever she got. Lump. Of coal Oh Stacy got a lump of coal I wonder, what, freya guy I mean Nova Nova. Got a. Microphone. And. Nova. Got a florist gardening, tool would, Fraga oh. She's. Not like it bring, out a large pet poop as a gift she's cracking me up oh my god what did he get my feeling it he got a fire opal. Whoa. What why would why would a child need, that look at the poop oh my, god that's funny Oh Chelsea received another digital, camera. Amazing. Maybe she should pass it the new one down to KC yeah, that one's like a $2,000, camera, that. Should be passed down to KC in case he can take memories, of her own so. Thank you guys so much for watching Chelsea's. Birthday / Christmas, episode, it's been such, a joy to already have done 26, episodes with you guys and to get to 32 children I'm really excited to see where, the story goes with Casey and Casey's new family and all new members to welcome, if you're interested, you can always start making some potential partners, for Casey and leave those on the gallery with the hashtag, Kelsey. 100, baby challenge, thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next week bye.

2019-07-04 10:41

Show Video


important! hey, kelsey, a cool hack for you: you can develop a toddlers communication skill faster by having a big unicorn (named "uni" in building mode) or a big teddy bear. just click on it (while playing as a toddler) and click babble. the communication skill will develop drastically and you'll reach level 3 in a few minutes.

"rules the link is below. " :'D

OMG i am sooo sad!!!!!! beacuse it was so amazing!!!

I hope im not the only one thats sitting here and crying bc im gonna miss Chelsea so bad

i wanna have chelsea life (minus all the kids) i wanna eat graden salaed everyday!

Hi can you name a boy Landen and a girl Myra

You accidentially made Novas boobs bigger in dress up mode xD

Chelsea should live her elderly happy with Kraig

Girl: Eryka (Erika) or Kookie Boy: Erik or Kookie The whole reason I'm commenting is I want one of the kids name to be at least part of my own.

Baby names Girl: Matilda Boy: Samuel (Sam)

omg what if Kasey gets the hates children trait lmaoo

Please name your next girl Lena for my sister

I have a few good baby names Girl: Mia, Clara, Lydia, Andrea, Isabell, Olivia, Layla, Holly, and Rachel Boy: Luke, Jacob, Owen, David, Max, Jaxson, Chester, Sock, and Landon

If its a girl can you name her auna

Baby names: Girl- Isolde (Is-old) Florence, Penelope, Lola, Saffron (After me) Boy: Phineas or Finn, Issac, Sebastian, Archie, Zach

Even until her last moment, she couldnt settle down with craig thats like, everyone's dreams for chelsea

It's a shame in a way that a cat or dog counts as a family member and would take up valuable baby space cause I kind of wanna get my 100 babies fam a pet... Ooh maybe I'll get them a rat or something

Kelsey, Chelsea deserves a grand ending for when she moves out of the house.

It's gonna be sad when Chelsea dies for sure but arguably worse when her eldest kids start dying of old age too. Also the neverending wave of sad moodlets whenever a family member dies even when the sad sims have never met them :/

Chelsea should get married!

Baby Names! Girl- Olivia, Vivienne, Rosabelle Boy-Benjamin, Alexander, Oliver

name a baby boy dalas nerdrag which is garden salad backwards

Why did you make it emotional?


Girl : Vanessa, Yasime (I probably didn't spell that right ), Luna. Boy: Victor,Yuri,Leo

Hey Kelsey you are sooo great and you inspire me thanks so much and if Kasey has a Girl could you maybe name it Simone,Olivier,Lillian,Lilith and if a Boy maybe Jay,Jace,Abel,Evan

Let Olive start family please

Christmas in June???

i have a loongg list of names for babies.... Girls: 1.Eunice 2. Ellie 3. Daisy 4. Jasmine 5. Mira 6.Abbie 7. Naomi 8. Katrina 9. Hannah 10. Lusan (Plz shes mah BFF) 11. Ivonne ***************************************** Boys: 1. Aidan 2. Cayman 3. Dustin 4. Isaac 5. Michael 6. Ethan 7. Lucas 8. Darren 9. Sam 10. Chester 11. Josiah oh yeah, if you name one of them ivonne, please make her the spoiled, whining brat in the video, thxs!!!

I'm going to miss her

Make Olive finish the way !!!!!! I want her start a family

Please the next baby Suzy!!!

PLEASE names for girls Hadley, Brynn, Pheobe and for boys Asher, Brigham, Quinn

If you edit holidays you can change the holiday to not a day off work or school day and therefore holidays won't stop your children from going to school, if u want to age them up quicker.

This is what happens when you skip to the end oh just me

Every else of the kids enters the party: no reaction Charlie enters the party: OMG OUR SWEET BABY CHARLIE

name the kids pearl, amethyst or garnet :D btw gonna rly miss u Chels

I've been watching since day one

Next baby boy should be Harold or Douglas! Old man style names lol

Next baby girl should be Penny Jane or Audrey!

I've been thinking that Kelsey should check on olive and see if she is pregnant in the next ep.

It actually worked out well that the youngest female of the family was a single birth because if she had a twin then it wouldn't be so clear cut who would be the next matriarch.

how is chelsea supposed to have another baby if she is an elderly woman so does that mean you have failed because she is and elder

NAME RECOMMENDATIONS!!!!! Girls Ariel, Nala, Pocahontas, Cinderella, Belle, Anna, Elsa, Jasmine, Lilo, Rapunzel, Moana Boys Gaston, Flynn, Eric, Simba, Aladdin, Kristoff, Olaf, Sven I love disney.....

How did you make the picture of Chelsea bigger? I didn’t know you could do that.

names for babies: niklaus nikola nick larissa

You should give everyone a residence key so we can have a constant flow of random children popping up

Name the child Kaiden if its a boy and kassandra if its a girl

I love all of these videos! They make me happy and it’s something to laugh at❤️. If you have a girl you should name her Skylee and if you have a boy you should name him Joseph

If you have a girl you should Meredith cause like yes or if it’s a boy you could name him bob

So she can’t give birth as an elder but she can take care of the kids? is that correct?

Great job! Can you please name a girl after my wonderful daughter Maylene

well kelesy how do you feel about 10 yr olds

Girl:sarai (sa-ra-e) it means my princess Boy:tommy Subscribe to my channel (sarai mendoza)

Elora from Willow

After Teigan #2 could you name one or some of the kids these names? Girls names: Madeline, Morgan, Aurora, Harper Boy names: Everest, August, Parker, Kade



Please make a spin-off of Chelsea marrying Craig I NEED IT

It was so sad to see Chelsea age up

So attached to Chelsea also so scared we won't see OG kids anymore

Can you name one after me? (Danielle) please it would make my day

can we just point out how nice Kelseys make up looks rn

ok name suggestions - karina, ben, jenny,bailey,lora, thomas james ( TJ)


Wait... I read on the rules, have the teens all almost gained the a new trait?

if you have another girl, name her clementine!

So...if Chelsea is 151 days old, how are the OG kids still alive...and young?

girls: vanessa, kylie, koala, and jada boys:jason,rickey, and toni

We need some merch that says we love our sweet baby boy Charlie

Freya and Nova should get jobs outside the home to contribute money while still living at home.

Get Chelsea a husband!!!

Boy: Tristan Ross Girl: Goldie Fey

you're supposed to click celebrate! celebrate!!!! not blow out the candle right away :'(

it’s an end of an era

You should give all of the kids house keys so that they can come over and spend time with their siblings

If you can make kacey a teen mom you should

How many babies did Chelsea have in all??

You should name a baby girl Linnea

Olive walks into the room to find Chelsea telling Nova and Freya they don't have to leave Olive: You guys are lucky,me and the other kids had to leave the day we turned eighteen Chelsea: I'm so sorry about that honey bunches,but you,Brielle,and Charlie are my favourites All the other kids: WHAT?!? *Chelsea shrugs her shoulders* Chelsea: Sorry guys,I'm an elder now,so I guess I forgot to keep that a secret,anyway,Kasey,come with me to my room and I'll tell you about all the things you're gonna do as the new me,you saw everything I did in this house and that's what you're going to grow up to do Kasey froze,and Chelsea grabbed her hand and led her up the stairs to Chelsea's room Olive:Sorry Kasey,Nova, Freya,happy birthday,I'm going back to my wife,the love of my life,BUH BYE!

girl name suggestions!! kinga and karolina

name suggestions girls- kinga and karolina!! boys- karol or carol

name some girls kinga and karolina

can you name some girls kinga and karolina

Girl- SKY Boy-SKYLER I really love these names so please name your children these

girl name suggestions- kinga and karolina

could you name some girls kinga and karolina??

It would take a little less then 2 years to to complete this challenge

I have been here since episode 1 and t stopped watching and to see Chelsea old and them having a giant new house is amazing! (Who remembers Olive?)

Yas queen u should have done a picture with Charlie plz name a Baby June

Was NOT ready for that nostalgic montage

Aww this made me so sad

Make the young adults get jobs so they can make money for the household!

Who else thinks Chelsea should have a pet? l \/


Names.... BOY: Zachary Michael Dylan or Dillon (pronounced the same Dill-an) Robbie William Pierce Josh Alex Axle ( like Axe le) and Rhori GIRL: Nora Tori Noelle Lindi Jordan Sky Elizabeth Paisley Carrie Jessica Alexa and Kayla

Who died?

"Stop that! Go pee." - Kelsey, 2019

Please do will

Please do Jasmine pronounced Jazmin

need help yesterday I bought Sims 4 and I want to buy Bendel and I do not know if I need to delete the Sims 4 before and if I do not delete it will work? The Bendel?

Remember not to age up Casey untill she has to

You should give the young adults jobs while they are in the house so you earn money

Rhys(m) and Dafina(f)

please name a baby Sharni for a girl!!

baby names: boy: luca, sarim girl: estell, stella

Please do Lilly for a name Please let Kelsey see this

Can she have more kids?

21:06 we stan

Didn’t someone die last Winterfest, too?

Get elder Chelsea to find the original Craig's ghost. Get him to move in, make ambrosia for his ghost to eat. Only 3 ingredients for that: Angelfish, death flower and potion of youth. For that spinoff, u can use cheat to get those things, cos it's not part of the challenge anymore. Marry resurrected Craig. Like so Kelsie can see

The alien counts as two kids also

I’m going crazy about the missing birth certificates, you should replace them with cheats or just use photos of the kids instead so that you can actually have a genuine marker

Can you PLZ name one of your child Jupiter???? ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Plz make a video named ‘100 ways to kill your sim’ plz

Freya is my dog's name. She's part Timber wolf, husky and a little German Shepard. *crunches

Haha; "The tree is LIT." I don't know why that's so funny...

Baby names Girl: Luna, Katie (my name), Lily, Violet Boy: Lucas, Kaedyn, James, August



anyone catch the spontaneous boob job at 4:44-4:47?

Why did I actually cry through 12:11 til 13:17

I'm gonna miss Chelsea so much, i am so attached to her lol

this is so sad☹️

Hi Kelsey! I bought the Not Chelsea shirt for my cousin Johnny’s girl friend because her name is Chelsea spelt the same way and she loved it! I also think that’s some new names should be Monroe, Caitlyn, Marie, or Maryse it is pronounced Mer-ee-s. Then for boys some names should be Dameian, Jeremy, Johnny, Austin, or Tyrone

Girl name Joselyn,Julie,Jessie Boy name Timmy,Tom ,Jessie

I guess we all know what Chelsey is teaching Kasey right about now right?

Baby name ideas: (Girl: Devony) (Boy: Dion)

Okay same thing with the Taylor and Tayler Girl: MORGAN boy: MORGEN ❤️❤️❤️

if Kasey has a girl please name her Nishani (n-shar-nee said smoothly) it's my middle name, love watching you every week :)

For when Chelsea has passed you should let OLIVE carry on!!!!! Get this to the top!!!

can you pleaseeeeeeee name a girl ASHLEY it would mean so much and for a boy lucas ps love your vids

I love how when Chelsea blew out the candles Charlie was right there! How sweet. And the flashbacks fr made me cry!

Plz Autumn

Morgan is my name and it is great for a boy or girl!! I love this series

You should name a girl karmella You should Nama boy conner

You should get Kacey pregnant in her teens so she has more time to have kids


There's going to be a Chelsea spinoff, right? Right..? *cough* Chelsea&Craig *cough*

You need a Linda in the family

Can you please name the next girl Madison or London and a boy Jameson or Warren. Please and thank you I love this series and have been here since episode one!!!❤️❤️❤️

Nobody: Kelsey: “but those ones are BEES”

Please name one avah

Are you allowed to keep Chelsea in the house when Kasey starts having kids, to help out??

Chloe or Amree as girl names❤️

*Name Ideas:*

at 23:19 i wonder who died bc of chelsea’s moodlet

Boy : Lance Girl : Allura

Chelsey is actually would only be 5 months old because it said she only has lived 151 days Lol

please name a child kharis!!!!!!!!!!( boy or girl) i have watched all of your videos for the challenge and i have found them sooooo funny i hope you are able to choose the name i have suggested

It's an end of an era

Does that mean Chealse is 151 days old

#everybodygotobed2019 hell yes.

Quick tip: if you socialize your toddlers with the plushies they gain social skills faster than with their tablets.

Who agrees that Chelsea needs to marry Craig now that she's not the matriarch? Cause I am 100% voting for this to happen. Random names: Tessa for a girl (cause that's my name and I'm pretty cool) Aidan for a boy (just cause I have always liked that name)

Can you name one of the girls Genevieve, pretty please.

why did i cry ...

3:37 Griffin Mcelroy

I'm so confused.... I thought she had to have all the 100 babies??

Kelsey! PLEASE fix the Upstairs Rug! I CANT HANDLE THE GLITCHING.

Please do the names girl: lea boy: Leo

new spin off, chelsea marrys craig and just re add him

For the next baby (Girl) you should call it Val.

The flashback got me

You sound name a girl Star about a boy Gizmo

Tegan can be a boy's name. Can we please rename one of the Taylors Tegan?

Still wish you named Kasey Chelsea Jr. ORRRRRR put up a poll to let us decide because I have a good feeling everybody would pick Chelsea Jr., and if I'm wrong, oh well.

You know how one or two of the birth certificates are gone? You should find an object similar in size to put in place of them so you can keep track easier

heeeey could you name a girl drogon (cuze of the fan theory) or a boy rhagal

Is this household in the gallery?

How many kids she had so far?

Proposals for names For girls:Blair,Skyler,Billie,Donna,Fiona,Lanes,Hayden or Summer For boys:Kade,Ace,Travis,Elliott,Lucas,Mike,William(Will) or Dustin

Can u name a baby girl Scarlett❤❤

Hey kelsey please name one of your children(in the game) Kiera or Madalynn or Russell Isaac or Ella those are all pretty close friends and i would love it so much if you would choose one thanks, from Coralynn


I haven' t see the video yet, because i dont want that this end

Arya and Freya should open a bar/restaurant called “Ya Ya’s”!

What I just realized is now the won’t all be siblings some will be aunts and uncles

I really hope that Kasey doesn't hate children. That is all I ask

Take a picture of each of your kids and put them in the wall by their birth certificates

Please name a baby girl Isla (pronounced Eye-la) Thanks Kelsey love you

I'm not sure if they have these decorations in the Sims, but I think it would be cool if Kasey and her kids celebrated Hanukkah for winterfest, ya know, to switch it up a bit and make new traditions!

Names for future babies: Girl: Lyla, Olivia, Christie, Grace Boy: Charles, Ben, Grayson, Mattthew

You should name the girl : Marina And the boy: Hunter

Sweet baby angel Charly merch pls

Are you and Kristin Chirico related because y’all look a lot alike

can you plz show in a video of how to download sims 4 cuz i won't to know so i can get sims 4 too

Your kids our cute and the best I love your vids love you

Names: Girls: Violet, Sunny, Carmelita, Esmé, Josephine, Beatrice, Justice (for Justice Strauss), Georgina, Kit, Geraldine, Fiona, Isadora, Jacquelyn, Yessica Boys: Olaf, Klaus, Arthur, Monty (or Montgomery), Duncan, Quigley, Jerome, Bruce, Charles, Sir From a Series of Unfortunate Events!! (Let me know if I missed any!)

Names: Girls: Eleven, El, Jane, Terry, Becky, Nancy, Karen, Joyce, Barb, Max, Holly, Erica Boys: Jim, Steve, Bob, Martin, Ted, Murray, Will, Dustin, Jonathan, Mike, Lucas, Billy From Stranger Things!! (Let me know if I missed any!)

Name a girl Ashley, Audrey or Amanda Name a boy Tyler, Kyle or Benjamin

Having fun doing this challenge, would love to see some Scottish names Girl = Merida or Bonnie Boy = Angus or Fergus Xoxo

could you name a girl after me Alisha other names girls: Ava, Avery, Lauren boys: Laurent, Ben, Oscar

Where is olive , Brielle , jaime

she now needs to marry craig

I love The sims 4 ,is my favourite computer game!!!!

hey what if Chelsea stays in the house and you add a new room for her

"but these are beees!" fave moment!

please please name any future children Ruby or Rubin xxxx

I would name GIRL: Amina BOY :Trident I think they are cool and not your everyday names and amina is my name aswell :)

Boys dan Lewis mat Girls Chloe Amy Mia nia

I want a compilation of just all of the times Chelsey has peed herself for the lols

what about the name salum x

My name is brylee but I get could rylee pls chose one of those names

My name is Taylor but Tayler looks just like me

Girl: Cassidy,Hannah,Chloe,Millie,Madeline,Amberley,Brinley,rosemary, Clementine,violet Boy: Sean,Finn,wil,Joel,lee,Noah,Charles,Louis,marlon,Tennessee(tenn for short),Asher,dylan,

Why Kasey tho.... i never liked her...

I got some names... Girl: Chloe, Pepper, Callie, Katharine, Katherine Boy: Scooter, Fox, Alex, Buddy, Zero Please choose one.

Why does the glasses look like Jungkook with goggles...Someone help me

girl names: april, summer, asha, everleigh, violet, luna, ainsley boy names: alec, ryder, asher, barry, nathan, zander, liam

How do you remember all their names .

Girl names: Megan, Morgan, and Margaret My sisters and I have these names (our initials are the same as my great-grandfather). We’re also always being called the wrong name anyway

Can you name a boy Zayn, Zed, or Josiah?

girls: ever, da'niyah, lizzy boys: izzy, sam, never. thanks for being a great youtuber

I feel like she low-key enjoys saying 'grandma Chelsea' Also when you move her out, could you make a mini series about her(like retire ment fun time or something) also ik the series is about the 100 babies, but can we sometimes see Chelsea during the episode?

Marie girl. Kevin boy

Kelsey you should name the grim reapers baby Freddy for a boy and Annabelle for a girl. please like so Kelsey can see, love you Kelsey.

Kelsey should start kasey at the bottom, with an empty bank, small house, and a new career, so she can build her all the way to the top, like she did Chelsea

You made me cry

when is she gonna be a grandma!??

How many kids are there

You should look at the simology panel that tells you how many times she’s woohooed, peed herself, passed out, etc. lmao

canu name a baby leah please i am your biggest fan !!!!!!!!!!///////please!

Name the next kids boy Mick John Jake James Jackson Michael Phelps girls Vicky Victoria Luna lynn Jane violet or after me Abby.

finally got sims so now i can play sims and watch sims

I feel like Casey is the butch lesbian matriarch all the queers deserve. Please fulfill this fantasy @Kelsey

PLease please please name a girl Aadia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (pronounced eye-ay-da)

Girl names Enya Jasmine Lavender Scarlet Candice Jacoby Boy names Jake Luke Lincoln Jasper Nathaniel Christain

How sad will Kelsey be when Olive dies?

Kasey's mom has got it going on

You should do a retirement spinoff with Chelsea dating the GRIM REAPER!!!!

What if Kelsey did a spin off of young Chelsea and Craig finally ending up together? :)

She know it's the oldest normally not youngest not hater

You should name a girl Olivia & You should name a boy Alexander

Nobody: Kelsey: oh these ones are like bees but those match better but these ones are BEES those are like fancy shoes But these are BEES

Some name suggestions: GIRL: Lorelai, Chantel, Monica BOY: Mason, Alexander, Jase (Btw love your videos! You make this challenge just that much more fun to watch and enjoy!!)

Kelsey: somebody died what else is new "Casey got pody level 3"

What a legacy: you will always be remembered Chelsea. But the challenge must continue on. Girl: Sydney Boy: Chase

How much kids does she have now?

The only thing that changed when Kelsey aged Chelsea up was her age and her back pain that went to level 10 but other than that nothing Girl:Hayden Boy:Rocky

You should have done a montage of all the births

Can I just be Brielle? She’s so freaking cute!

They need jobs

loved that you named one of the kids Kasey!!:)

Twin girls called Izzy and Bella

I feel bad for you Kelsey

Please name a girl Ivy ❤️

Someone recognised we reached half a year worth of uploading the 100 baby challenge? How time goes by

Can you name a baby Lydia, there are never characters in books or movies with the name and it would be cool to see.

Are you making more videos? Because I really love it!!

Long live Chelsea ❤️

Hey I was thinking of some names!!!! Girls names- Taryn, Tiffani, Lizzie, Kate Boy Names- Tyler, William, Grayson, Kent

You know if you type motherhood you get money



Can Chelsea write an autobiography?

4:43 accidentally makes boobs bigger?

Please use the name Christine Please use the name Christine Please use the name Christine Please use the name Christine Please use the name Christine Please use the name Christine Please use the name Christine Please use the name Christine Please use the name Christine Please use the name Christine Please use the name Christine Please use the name Christine Please use the name Christine Please use the name Christine

Please use the name Christine

Lived:151 Me:that means she’s not even 1 years old lol

For your next babies with Kaycey, use these names please! Girl: Mayela (my name pronounced mai-EL-a Boy: Jackson (my dad’s name)

Should try_ romen and or Camille

For a girl Mackenzie or Charlotte For a boy McKenzie or Tucker


Please name a girl Tahlia and a boy Aidan

How do you make the picture bigger???

I am in the sims stuck at home with 6 babies and now 6 todlers.

I love that you named the kids after game of thrones characters

How about Sierra or Sienna for a girl? Sienna is my matriarch name haha


does anyone know if she has mods and what ones they are? just bought sims 4 and looking for some more to do with the game

nova is the most unappreciated character in this entire series

could you get Chelsea married before you move her out

Please name a girl Lydia spelled Lidya or as a joke Cassandra

If it’s a girl can you name her Amore or Maka, Marie, tsubaki and if it’s a boy can you name him August or soul, spirit , crona

Casey's baby names: Natalia, Lillian, Sasha, Stanley, Kenna, Carli, Jonas, Dan, Dallas, Rowan, Rachel.

Her hair is the same for ever flash back XD!!

For a girl Marla or kila fir a boy Marley or Thomas

Do a spinoff where Chelsea romances grim

Name a boy mercutio!!!!

Thank you for everything Chelsea. You were a great matriarch. And thank you for making this series Kelsey. Keep up the good work!

I might or might not have been binge watching these 100 babies challenge instead of studying, but it's worth it lol Could you name one of the children Lydia or James x

You need to make yellow chairs merch if you dont have any

Please please name one julia

Baby Names- Girl: Andromeda, Hera Boy: Orion, Zeus

The kids were allowed to eat the cake

Riley for a boy or a girl

when they woohoo make the bed super small. it is super funny

Make Chelsea get married and have a happy life next door plz!

Please name a girl Buffy and a boy Spike

For a baby boy I think Colin would be a cute name :)

For a baby girl:Ella (My name) Ciara (See-air-uh) Ana (On-uh) or josephine

thoughht you had your channel.. i just watvh the video because i seen you and not the youtube chaanel name..

7:04 Kelsey’s face when she says ‘Chelsea ain’t afraid of no ghost’

I'm so glad I discovered this series. Gonna miss CHELSEA so much!! Been here since Day 1! I remember when I discovered Episode 1, I downloaded all the episodes until I wait patiently for each episode. I hope on next matriarch's baby please name him/her this: GIRL: Leann BOY: Leann I hope to be part of their family

I've asked this many times but never done it so I beg of you to just name the next girl Jenna or the next boy Marcus it would mean a lot to me. Plz

Time to get Chelsea a boyfriend so she can settle down

Girl names: Raine, Julia, Kendall, Becca Boy names: Dylan, Jacob, Tristan, Hunter

Was she crying

Wow havent watched for a while and you got so far Name suggestion KEANU REEVES or Matrickpathew in honor of MatPat

me & my boyfriend watch this every saturday. && we love it !! pls pls name the next baby: Girl: Aaliyah (thats my name) Boy: devin( my bf’s little brother’s name b/c you already named a baby eric)

Aaliyah Torres lol

Does Kelsey know about the diaries??? Those help a lot with negative mood let's for kids and teens. It helps with the writer skill as well.

Names for kids btw love this series Girl- Ashlee Boy- Beau , Beau is pronounced like a bow

Who is Indonesian like this commentt!!

Kelsey can you name a baby girl LILY if a baby boy JASON PLZZZZZ

So sad

Would Kasey have a new house or would she stay in Chelsea's house? Hmm... Something to consider

I think you should give all the kids a house key.

do you mind naming your child Xavier for boy and Vivian for girl

Could you please use Anthem or Tate for girls

So what happens now!!!

I have some names. Boy: Bryson, Keigan, Brett, Brent, Cody, Jacob. Girl: Brenn, Brooke, Brooklyn, Bailey, Brenna, Brelynn.

Your next baby my nose is Meadows

Can you plz name a baby girl Alayna

I'm out here crying watching this episode and those beautiful birthday parties.

Its all like hi im kelsey im

only ogs remember marcus and dominic

Boys- Isaac, Reece, Owen, Bryce Girls- Abby, Kally, Anna, Adalynn I would love if you used one of these names because they all have significance in my life. Love your vids!

Chelsea’s last winter fest

Do a season 2 plz

Abbie is in my profile picture ☺

Please name a baby girl Bella,Abbie,or Lila Boy:Tom,Ryan,Adam Ps:Abbie is my daughter's name so please do it! Kacey will love these kids Like so Kelsey can see

KELSEY LOOK HERE!!!!!! girl:Zelda after CAOS, Dana after X files, or gillian. Boy: fox x files, Ambrose, or elliot after my little bro.

Do you have to call Chelsea a grandma. She doesn't have any grand kids so... Stop it! :-) Please and thank you!

I have been trying the 100 baby challenge. I'm 3 babies in and I want to die.

It’s really weird to think some of these kids never met before this

cute twin name suggestions Janive and Jenae Ethan and Evan Mary Kate and Ashley Abby and Gabby  Addison and Madison Amanda and Miranda Annabella and Isabella Arianna and Brianna Bernice and Denise Chloe and Zoe.

the black and white montage got to me.

I’m feeling some Stranger Things names, Eleven for a girl (after we have Tegan Part 2 of course) and D'Artagnan (Dart) for a boy

Name a baby girl Cassidy please I’ve been requesting since day 1 love you

Cant you have kids while youre an elder??

So how many babies does she have?

AIGHT- For a girl: April, May, June, Summer, Autumn Annnd for da boi: August (I tried to have season an' monthly related names, but as you can see, I couldn't find any more for da boi )

“Why is Olive doing?!”


I know the rules say that you can't have a baby with the same person, but can Kasey meet and have babies with some of the people that Chelsea had kids with. Is that also against the rules?

I don't think there's a limit on how many keys you can hand out - why not give all the adult kiddos a key so they can come back for surprise cameos?

Be worse if Kacey develops "doesn't like children"

when you have more babies, can you name a girl evie and a boy stevie? i think it’d be a bit funny to have evie and stevie.

Of course the only boy didn’t need a change of clothes. Taylor and Tayler don’t count.

For a girl: Evelyn

Maybe I missed it... did Kelsey turn off aging for the rest of the neighborhood? All of the kids in my game have been dying along with the previous men. I'm surprised Olive still seems so young, I think my oldest was an elder by time her mom was.

Name a girl Emery And a boy Emerson.

Well for a boy; jackson, nate, Brandon For a girl; Nevada, naveah, nova Make the thumb blue if you been here since ep 1

Can you name one girl Fiona or Fawn and a boy Tom or Daniel ! Good luck Kasey on your new adventures to come :)!

My name is Tayler with a e

I will miss Chelsea so much. For Girl: Sabrina or Lauren Boy: Damien or Percy

rip chelsea...all started with a weird youtube recommendation

Name the next girl summer

please name a girl Allie or Allison

Kelsey can you wish me a happy birthday it is on july 16th

You inspired me to do this challenge n the sims. I don’t have the get to work pack, so I don’t have birth certificates. I take pictures when my kids are children. I also don’t have the house trait that gives me a better chance to have twins. It’s gonna be a LONG challenge for me.

Or for boys Alex or Dennis

Can u please name a baby Aubrie if it is a girl and if it is a boy can u name it Cyprus

Can you name a girl Mandy or Mikayla? Or a boy Ryan or Vinny/Vince? I love your channel, you always make me smile. #chelseaforever

Girl : Azzaria pls!!

Keyse shout be blond becouse i liked and Keyse is going to be her mother then

Do it in 24 hours COWARD

If kasey has a girls I think you should name her kaylee or kiera And if she has boys Duncan or connor

Casey looks like lily from Sally face Heh Heh

The next will be Taylor and not Kasey because she is the youngest girl or not?

Ellie’s boy baby name list Walter• Louis Thomas Dexter Winston Declan Caleb Simon Taylor Hunter Alistair Percy Leo Thank you!!!!!!!!!

Kesley: awww that's cute! Me:she has no trousers on...

Baby names: Girl: Anna, Sophie, Elizabeth Boy: Thomas, William, Derek

Please name a girl or a boy Alex!! Love ya

Wait you're gna continue the series after she dies right????

Make a Merch Were it says “Everybody go to bed”

tbh these videos are really repetitive and boring :/

My sister afsked If you could Name one after her, Her Name is Annie And If it is a boy Can you then Call max Cuz Thats My Dogs Name

Rooting for ep27

Where is episode 27???????

Not going to be the same without Chelsea

If you are pregnant and watch kids tv your most likely to get twins :)

What is the bed called

Name a child Hollie for a girl Ryder for a boy

Twin girl names Izzy and Lili

Kelsey: GUYS SHUT UP! CHELSEA AND KASEY ARE HAVING A MOMENT! Immedietly inturupts the moment: My sweet baby angel charlie is here!!!

Honestly, so mad I didn't realise you could throw away the junk from fixing things!

Will you please please name a child Chris it can mean Christopher, Christine, Christian, Christina ect... please

The girl had some serious fun during her big adventure. And yep. We all knew this day would come. Btw.... Have you read about this/these bug(s)?

Omg I’m actually crying

Chelsea should get married now!!!

Can u plz name one of Kasey kids passion but spelled pashan

Plz make a bonus we’re one of Chelsea’s kids have kids so Chelsea can have grandkids

Download a new Craig, age him up with a cake on your lot, and get married! Chelsea deserves love!!!

Before Chelsea goes can we please see her stats!! I’d love to know how many times she passed out

I shed actual tears over this


Boy name: Lucas, Dustin, Will, Mike Girl names: El, Eleven, Max

Baby names sofi sam-samuale pearl page penny daisy domanic Lilly Laura Lance lane Joe Quinn guenn grace Gloria if u pick one of these names it would mean the world to me so if u do can you pls say my name claira so I know you picked one of my names ps another name claira

Name kaseys sencond child Ava after me Hope after my sister Jade after my cosien Others: Stephanie, dj , Boys Corbin after my casein P.S don’t mind my spelling

baby name suggestion forna girl Arty for a boy arty

y'all remember Olive?

I have some baby names for Kasey Girls Rosa Rosie Emma Ella Kayla Katlin Katlen Boys Carsen Jay Jden Nolin J j Keth Ken I LOVE YOU KELSEY

Baby girl name- Eleanor!!

You should name someone Eleven or Mike, like from Stranger Things, also Eleven is a cool number.

For the 100 baby challenge you should make the girl Ellyanna and the boy Styler

Girl: Lexie or Courtney Boy: Trevor or Evan Also how are you doing today?

I have a nice girl name Savanha and a boy name is Colby

35:56 A MICROPHONE, even though it's the comedy talent, am I the only one who noticed that?

Can you please name a girl Riyah and name a boy Ryan sadly my mom calls my Riyah love you

NAME SUGGESTIONS: Girl: Leila (lay-luh) Boy: Peyton or True

i created a new sim family last week with elders and separated the elders from their daughter in a different household. but today, my elders passed away. so to cheer myself up, i came to watch your 100 baby challenge. you always make me happy. name a girl ariela/ariel/summer/autumn/winter and a boy oliver/chris/christopher/franklin/george. i love you so so much!

Some name Ideas I have are for a girl are: Angel, Cassie, and Eva. Some boy names I have are: Matthew, David, and David

You put David twice

Please name a girl KARA after supergirl. Or kassie

we’re all thinking it... i’m just gonna say it... *what if kasey (casey?) hates children* ...

Get Chelsea married ♥️


Who's been here since episode 1? Baby olive

i love you and chelsea so much and it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad that she is grandma chelsea

So... is there going to be new merch? Not Kasey? Merch?

Baby Names : Girls - Amiee, Rachel, Chloe, Daniella Boys - Jordyn, Matthew, Alexander (Alex), Henry

next time Winterfest comes you should throw a party and turn goals off and invite just your kids so that they can all open presents and see what they got! :)

Baby names Girl: Madaline or Nellie Boy: Mason or Marcus

Garnet ,pearl,amethyst,topaz, Jasper,aquamarine,lapis, Peridot ,sapphire,ruby,Smokey quartz,sugilite,sardonyx, Sunstone,alexandrite,obsidian,rainbow quartz,malachite,emerald,opal,rose quartz,lemon Jade,fluorite,rhodonite, Padparadscha,rutile twins,nephrite ,bismuth, Snowflake obsidian,onyx,carnrnelian

Can you name a girl Ava or Ella and a boy Max or Jake

Hey Kelsey I love all your videos involving the Sims. Could you name one of the future babies Randy (boy or girl)? It would be after my dad who passed away. I'd really appreciate it.

Some baby name suggestions: GIRL: Jenna (after me

I have been watching you since day one! And can you please name a baby girl: Kate or Cady ( Katie ) or a boy: Carson or Tyler please?

There's already two boys named Taylor! (Tayler)


How do u play for free on pc

Name Suggestions: Girl- Leah ( Lee uh), Vada(Vay Duh), Boys- Levi, Neylan(Nay Lin) :), Grimmy( If Grim is the dad). Love your videos, It’s so sad that Chelsea won’t be the matriarch anymore, I’ll miss her

Girl:Ava or synclair

Hey Kelsey pls name a child Brooklyn coz why not

ava or iris for a girl and oliver or barry for a boy

What if Kasey doesn’t do this and that? What? You are Kasey she can make garden salad if you tell her to and she can like yellow chairs if you want her to.

I almost cried

Girl names: Ivy, Blake, Amber, Jordyn, Elle and Blair❤ Tysm much of you're reading this!

Name your next daughter Skyla!

Yay Chelsea!

Hey try to make it happen between Ole girl and the Reaper in her old age. That would be a cool bonus watch!!!

Can you name one of your children Sophie for a girl and Hayden for a boy

Im also doing the 100 baby challenge. My teen died of a cardiac explosion after coming home from high school. Can you name a baby Cadence in honor of my fallen soldier?

The makeovers are the best

Dont you have a down stairs Twin boys Weston and Trey Twin girls Wailey and Tiana

can you please name a boy landon and a girl elliana

Boy names Liam Duncan Milo Noah Jackson Max Girls names Maya Jade Pippi Piper pippa Georgia Meilee Lila Amaya Alice Emily

Girl: Aspen Boy: Anova

How did Kelsey get the kids to actually use the front door instead of backdoor?

A new thing you should do is when the teens age out of the house you should give them a house key

Name Megan girl Name Callum boy

I think for a girl you should name her thia Lia or Mia or Ally And for a little baby boy Nicho or Scotty

Can you please name a baby girl Lizzy or Reese??? I love you and your videos!!!

Plz could you name one of he girls Molly or Millie


U need more kids than it would be a 100 baby change

Well yeah no duh... The challenge is to get to 100 babies... Its still a challenge either way

Baby names: Boy: jake,Adrian Girl:Maya, Kelsey,Vicky

Im Just calmly Hysterically crying lol

anyone else notice that at 4:43, nova's boobs were accidentally made bigger?

i am going to cry when chelsea dies

if its a girl phoebe if its a boy phobo. If you now were that quote are from you can use the names if you don't now I will see you in court!!!

bring back the vampire twins

Boy:Jeremy Girl:Kendall

Please name one Kella/Mikella/Mickey/Mikey after me

Please pick my names PLEASE PLEASE

Awww ur such a good parent

After these series, please do 100 girlfriend challenge (boy edition). And use some custom content to make them pretty (optional)

Well it can't be the end cause you can get the oldest daughter in the family take over chealseas work

You Haven't paid attention

please name one of your children Sophie if its a girl or Liston if its a boy!

Oh wow their dinner at the table was so emotional

Call the next girl Cara

You probably won’t see this but if you do could you please use one of these baby names Girl: Savannah, April, Mae, Autumn, or Clare Boy: August, rocky or Luke

r u going toy woowho with Santa aver


I’ve been saying “Bean” when describing my Sims for almost two years now. I thought it was hilarious when Kelsey started saying it.

And I oop- 18:56

I felt so sad watching this. I'll miss all the memories of Chelsea

“ugh fork” my favorite line.

Omg this is so sadddd

Is Kasey ever has girl twins they should be named Teisha and Naiobi

We’ve invested 6 months into this no I’m not okay

Let Ginny make a portrait of Chelsey!

i think the name Molly for a girl is super pretty O AND BLAKE

How about for the next baby girl name: "Mckenna" and if a boy "ken"

Why am I crying rn

Chelsea loney?? *has 32 kids 5:47

yo this episode made my siri go crazy she kept going off

9:12 Ok. I'm On. What now?

Why is chelsea not writing anymore?

Well now it's a challenge where 2 matriarchs have 100 children :P Pffffttt, rip intro

Boy: SAM girl: SAM the point is that I would like you to pick the name Sam

TBH I cried

Girl: Rainn or India ( my name ) boy: Oliver or Joel love you Kelsey i always watch your videos so much. there was something wrong with my ipad so i could not comment on videos i even tried on instagram but i knew that you would not remember them so i ask for my dads laptop and made an account so now i can comment and i am sooooooo happy. thank you for blessing me with the 100 baby challenge in the sims.

Name a girl Demi that’s my name a boy name Max

If it’s a girl Rylee if it’s a boy colby

We all knew this time would come WILL NEVER FORGET YOU

I’ve been here since you started and this makes me sad

Do the name Dimitri for a girl or boy

Do it in 24 hours you coward!

Can’t wait for the new episode today!

i cried when the flashbacks came on

Baby girl #32 or 33 Tia

Who else almost cried. Goodbye Chelsea we will miss u I have been there since day one and u were a virgin, I have been through all ur "woo hoos" and through all ur mistakes and all ur accidents and choices

I remember when olive was a baby

Can you put the name Medeea for a baby (this is my real name)

I think you should call it on the next year which will be posted around about half an hour about the name though

When Chelsea has a birthday party the same place she went on a date with Craig... RELATIONSHIP GOALS

How many babies is she at?


I have 2 great Baby Names.. Dakota or Zara xx

Baby girl: Tia ❤❤ Baby boy : Luke ❤ Twins here they come congrats gurl

Hannah as a girl name plz

Name a girl Kaylee and a boy Jackson

Lucinda as a girls name please

Name a girl Haven or Sierra and a boy name is Jacob or jac

Yes. The challenge continues until you either hit 100 babies with as many matriarchs it takes, or when your matriarch becomes an elder and there's not another female in the house its failed.

That's literally what Kasey is going to be doing though


We're all scared that could happen

I tried the hundred baby challenge, but with a rule change, only one man needed to be seduced. they where all married and then the guy drowned in the pool of exhausting. :(

u should name a child huevos

Please please please can you name the next baby girl Lexie but you don't have to spell it like that. Thank you

Tina for a baby girl but if there twins tia and tina

Is it just me but why was Chelsea so sad I said because somebody died who died


i am so sad it will not be the same without calsy

Baby names idea for twins! Twin girls: Gloria and gipsy. Twins boys: max and marvy. Twin boy and girl: Ethan and Emily

I think it should have been Taylor and Tyler..

“That one matches better but these are BEES.”

​ If Kasey has a boy, you should name him Oliver. If it a girl you should name her Olivia. Just a little something to remind us of Olive

i cried

noooooooooo no more chelsea

Guys. I can’t believe that Cameron Boyce died

30:10 why is there a floating book????

When I hear u say sirius I think of sirus

33:00 she called an elder a poor baby lol

i want to get sims 4 it is so hard to find it


The flash backs made me cry

I love u so much Kelsey

Awww grandma Chelsea

..... I’m crying

But while she was doing all the party stuff why didn’t she get a man and try to have a baby instead ugh there was still a chance lol

If Kasey as any children please name them Isabella if its a girl or Hannah

Plz name a girl Rylee or Irene and a boy Lucas or Dustin for Stranger Things S3

Why are you in hurry for growing up Kasey.. It's better to let her grow slowly, and other kids fast, so u have empty house for her future kids

Can you change her hair colour to blonde? Then she wouldn't look much older lol watched since day 1 and love it!

So like is anyone really sad that Chelsea is gonna be gone soon

Names Girl . Danielle Boy . gary Because those are my parents names

7:03 damn right she's not she freaking slept with one skskskksks

I couldn't watch this episode for awhile because I was too sad! But your positive attitude toward everything makes it fun no matter what :)

I should be in bed, instead I'm watching this at 5 am and legitimately crying.... not the emotion I expected when I started watching this series.

name it stephie

Name a girl Kitty

30:11 anyone else see the floating book


I can’t believe the OG kids weren’t invited

thanks for the subtitle

Since Chelsea made garden salads, Kasey should make *GRILLED CHEESE* and if there's another matriarch they should have their own dish too!

Every time I watch this series I think of Cheaper By The Dozen

when did chelsea give the house keys to olive?

Kacey...Big Brother season 20 winner!!!!

I need merch from Kelsey that has the word “toddEler”

My name is Casey, and every time You say it makes me so effin happy! ANd she has brown hair like ME!!!

Hey buy confettie wall paper it gives ya money

children can be TAKEN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

For twin girls Paris and London For twin boys Levi and Liam For twin boy and girl Madison and mason Hope u enjoy these names love u so much Kelsey or u can just pick one

Oml I’m crying what have you done to me

Sirius. Where do I know that name from?wau Oh my god wait I remember

She kept saying grandma Chelsea but none of her children have had children yet

Remember back in the day when the teens had to get jobs?

I'm not crying, you are :,(

This is sad and it’s not helping the fact that Cameron Boyce just died

Maybe someone else has pointed this out but I just learned that there is a satisfaction reward that makes a sim more likely to have Triplets!!!

Who else was here from episode one

This has certainly been a wild ride with Chelsea. Sad to see her age up. Lmao I'm getting emotional over a sim and 32 kids

Baby names Girl : Loveilin and Taylin Boy :Adrian and Ledan

When the montage started playing I genuinely laughed out loud.

Tip: instead of using Siri and counting every time, just use the randomized button @buzzfeed

Emily or Jake

kind of odd, but Freya and Nova are hot!

If you say "cook a cake" one more time i swear to god YOU DON'T COOK A CAKE U BAKE A CAKE

Who was the demons child again

Girl names: Bella, Maggie, Madeline, Ella Boy names: Henry, Elliot, Lucas

You also need to put in their ear buds to up their fun.

This episode is so emotional

U should give olive a room so she can stay the night sometimes and help casie with the kids

Taylor and Tyler

How many kids did she end up having? I forget

Girl name : Gabriella Boy name : Troy We're all in this together

Have you ever thought of putting decorations around the house to try and offset the sad/angry moods?


You should have Kelsey and kasey take a picture before Kelsey dies


Your great

Who else cried during the montage

I might have to stop watching bc my sister’s name is Kasey and hearing her name over and over for thirty more episodes is going to bug me SO much

pls name your baby if girl gloria or fiona or ashley if boy xander danny or carlos


I cried because of that flashback she did in the video

Unlike Kelsey, I forgot to disable aging for other played household so my older children are dying while my matriarch is still pregnant.

Omg I ligit cried love u Chelsea!

Fraya is kinda like me

We will never hear “CHELSEA’S IN LABOR!” again.

Chelsea hasn’t even lived for a whole year


did no one notice she accidentally maxed out Nova’s boobs when showing us her party outfit?

Can someone please tell me what episode Kaci was born?

A name I love is Sahvanah

Next girl: Rachael Next boy: Ray

What is the closet thing called that you get them re changed?

Mom 1 : So proud of my 2 children

Loooooooove you kelsey

you can take a photo just of chealsy just look everywhere on the phone and look take a selfie

About time to end this series, it's getting boring.


Who else cried but with happy a little bit

girl: Savannah, bell, Chloe, Sienna. boy: Cole, mason, George, Kevin.

Do it in 24 hours coward

You are the best thank you for this great video NAMES. BOY.Vincent, Dillon, Josh GIRL.Alice, Lilly, Hannah

Do you think there will be a matreark after Casey. *Sorry about spelling I would love it if you answer but I understand if you can't

You could've just invited the kids outside of the household!

after Tegan: for girls: Anisse, Elizabeth, Hadley, Autumn, or Mia for boys: Noah, James, Philip, or Aaron

Chelsea needs to just continue to live in the house.

Girl name: Aaliyah or Bennifer Boy name: Jenjamin

Twin names

can u name one after me girl: terra it means earth just fyi

remember when cheslea just had olive

I remember the days when Chelsea had trouble getting guys and taking care of two children

This is not okay

U should theme the future kids names after FRIENDS characters



Ima hate hearing KASEYS IN LABOR

honestly shell probably mess up and say that when kasey goes into labor

I cried when Chelsea had her birthday.... I loved her since this series started, take it easy gran-dizzie!

What if there was a spinoff and Chelsea had a sister and she didn't want kids..... I know it sounds weird but could you imagine.....reply if you want to add more

how many children do you have?!

This is way too sad

chelsea was good at making garden salads now who is going to take her place like if you are wondering too l l v

If you have a baby name it emme and for a boy Ronald can you

Nooo it needs to be "Pick a number 1 through 8"

chelsea was my everything

Chelsea you will forever be remembered as the one that started it all. farewell Chelsea

That compilation was nostalgiac

Why did you not let olive be the new macheriare

She is filming a Christmas video in JUNE!

@A've Wilson i know the whole video wasn't Christmas themed,I meant just that part.

@A've Wilson No the video was filmed in June

i thought it woulkd be olive to continuie

When I click on this video: who the hell is kacy and where is teagan

Girl names: Arianna, Connie, Eliana, Gloria, Iris, Kora-Leigh, Molly, Opal, Quinn, Sydney, Unity, Winter, Zoey Boy names: Ben, Duke, Finn, Harry, Juan, Logan, Nathan, Peyton, Robert, Trenton, Vance, Xavier


1:12 #pridemonth :DD

You need to max all of kaseys skills so she gets special traits before you age her up

Sirius oddly looks like my boyfriend's brother

You should have Chelsea and kasey take a picture before Chelsea dies

Myra Yellub my bad I just noticed

Next baby: Paige

No! Chelsea!

I would like a girl to be named Katie and a boy to be name lorken

Boy name: Anthony J

Olivia Rhyne I know right! It will not be the same


Did anybody else realize that Taylor had the og overalls?!

Who actually got very emotional if it no longer being Chelsea?

I’ve been here since episode one

Bro I cried

You should give keys to all of the kids that have moved out so they can pop over to see Chelsea and help out

this episode is to sad LOL i would have never thought this game would be sad

why does the daughter have to take up the mantel??? because the rest of the babies from now on aren't brother and sisters with the ones before it

kelsey looks amazing

I lowkey cried soo hard!

Timestamp for me self 18:05

I have only gotten emotional twice, when Olive moved out and now that our Chelsea is a senior

Why does Kacey look like Scarlett Jonson to me

Can someone explain to me why I’m crying

I'm crying

Baby names! Girl: Leila, Lauren or Keira Boy: Lawrence, Daniel or Nathaniel Love the series!!!

Because Olive wasn't the youngest female in the house at the time Chelsea became a senior. That's the rules

I'm gonna be real sad when the news "Chelsea had passed away" come...

Girl:Kate Boy:Stephen

can u please name a baby girl Aliana or Hallow and a baby boy Adrian, clay or clayton

Why am I sad? Just why. Why. Help me.

Can you name the next girl Alaya or DANICA!

How do you make furniture bigger?

You should name a girl Kate or katherine

Sirius is elite

Charlie is my favorite

Rip young Chelsea

Omg Kasey has the same overalls ans Chelsea's og overalls

did no one else hear her say "the rules to the link is below?" haha

Long live Chelsea!!

It all started as a challenge, then we grew close to Chelsey and now she’s a elder, man time flys my quick

You should name one of your kids Garden Salad

Soon the kids will start to die...

I will miss “Chelsea’s in labor!”

Did anyone else love that Kelsey wears the same makeup as Chelsea ;((((((

I actually kind of liked the name Teagan lol (it means attractive, beautiful, or perfect in Irish). Oh well, though. Royalty do change their names often once it's realized that they will be next in line and their parents who named them never expected that lol

look at kasey at 12:04

If Chelsea is not the matriarch can she get married, imagine the wedding!!!

I love watching Chelsea but now I am going to have to get used to Kasey!

I !kids the name began better

Who else saw the floating book at 30:12

at 4:42 she enlarged her boobs CX

I actually kind of liked the name Teagan lol (it means attractive, beautiful, or perfect in Irish). To be fair, though, royalty do change their names often. Especially when it's realized that a relatively insignificant child will be the next heir and doesn't have the right name for it lol

1 like = how much we love Chelsea! We love you!

I cried when she blew out the candles and cried some more when i reed the coments

No joke I was frickin crying

OH Look at Taylor and Taylor! They’re so cute! Me: uhhhh which one?

Every time I hear Freya I think Freya Mikaelson Just me. Ok

Kelsey sometimes has really good taste in clothes but sometimes has really bad taste in clothes

She has gained more hip

What if Casey’s trait was a child hater??

Imagine kelsey's reaction when Olive grows old and then dies...

I Love Chelsea :’)

I remember how much she favors Charlie so much because he's Chelsea's son to Craig aka love of her life...

Does chelsey not have any grandchildren? Wth

Omg im soooooo obsessed with your videos .❤️❤️ Heres some names suggestions: Girl:Lola ,El ,Robin , Nancy, Rain or name her after me (i know its wired...) Noam Boy: dustin, lieo, Ben, will ,noah or finn

Please name one of the babes Evelia (pronounced Eve-e-lia). My 7yo daughter and I both love watching the challenge!

If you get triplets, can you please, please, please name them Evaline, Eric and Eugene. Please like so Kelsey can see!

You should give Charlie the keys so he can come by whenever he wants like Olive

How old is she turning 5300

I’m crying

Baby name ideas; for a boy - Adrian Sage, for a girl - Seraphina Grace

25:45 kids going to school "Byeeee i'm sorry that youre upset but you're gunna be fine" The twins other parent clearly died they have the mourning trait smhhhh

so we AREN'T going to talk about how kaceys DEFAULT outfit was the overalls and white shirt, just like chelsea had since day one of the series??

Baby names! Girl: Leila, Lauren Lawrence or Keira Boy: Lawrence, Daniel, Zane or Nathaniel Love the series!!! (Doesn't have to be the same gender listed)

Im gonna miss chaelsy!

Take a picture with all your kids before they die and put there photos on the wall instead of the birth certificate or do both

Take a picture with all your kids before they die and put there photos on the wall

you should have had her last garden salad as a adult

baby birthday is cheslsy

so sad

omg rip Chelsea

Anyone else see Kasey sprint by in the background at 12:05?

At some point Olive will become a senior and pass away as well :(

I always move my dying matriarch out the house before she dies, I can’t cope with seeing them die

I am not emotionaly prepared for this episode either. I saw this upload and was like

Im soooooo sad

my friends name is kasey but its spelt "Kasie"

Did anything happen to Tegan, or did her name get changed to Kasey?

Why didn’t she make Freya or Nova (or even Stacy!!!) the next matriarch instead of Kacey, then she would have had enough time to marry Craige and move them out together?!

this is actually kinda sad

Tera or axel

Low-key, low-key, you should name someone Loki!

im literally in tears my heart

Make more please

Chelsea is the sim right if so I think of her as my mom same name

It can’t end it just can’t

its so sad im crying

Lime for moment 11:21

I love nova and freya

Girl : Jessica Boy : Jake

cant believe its been a month since chelsea died

It should be a nice break to not have an active matriarch for a while

I just realised, Kelsey, why didnt you give the key to all the kids everytime they left the house? That way you could’ve had everyone help out with the kids while you got your needs up and found new baby-victims

Who else is emotional

these ones are cute, but these ones are bees these are fancy but these are BEES

Bye Chelsea!!

Can you name a girl Hermione! And girl Twins Stella And Bella!!! Pls Pls pls huge fan of Harry Potter!!!

I'm crying who else

for a girl Cecily (its pronounced secily) weird huh

Am I the only one who’s annoyed that she changed the name??

This is so wholesome

Grandmother Chelsea I can’t wait till she meets her grandchildren.

please tell me im not the only one that cried

Years from now, when Kelsey has her own family, she is going to laugh every time she makes salad for them!!

1. Olive 2. Brielle 3. Jaime 4. Alexis 5. Miles (Twin to Renee) 6. Renee (Twin to Miles) 7. Charlie 8. Hazel 9. Eric 10. Niya (Twin to Natalie) 11. Natalie (Twin to Niya) 12. Rosé (Twin to River) 13. River ( Twin to Rosé) 14. Flynn (Twin to Cooper) 15. Cooper (Twin to Flynn) 16. Addi 17. Ellie (Twin to Dorian) 18. Dorian (Twin to Ellie) 19. Theo (Twin to Tristen) 20. Tristen (Twin to Theo) 21. Willow (Twin to Ginny) 22. Ginny (Twin to Willow) 23. Bran 24. Jon (Twin to Arya) 25. Arya (Twin to Jon) 26. Nova (Twin to Freya) 27. Freya (Twin to Nova) 28. Sirius (Twin to Stacey) 29. Stacey (Twint to Sirius) 30. Kacey (New Matriarch) 31. Tayler (Twin to Taylor) 32. Taylor (Twin to Tayler)

And the boy king

If you have a girl name her nova

Why not just make freya the matriarch she’s ready and prettier tho

I'm never gonna get used to her squealing my name

Kelsey: okay we got a repair man to fix this so that's good repair woman: DiD yOu JuSt AsSuMe My GeNdEr?

Who else wants to cry watching this cause they're gonna be gone. It feels like Kelsey died when all that happened is Chelsey aged up :(

I hated when you did not age up the twins

Hi can you please name baby grace

The time the repair person is actually a male Chelsea can no longer have kids how ironic

I'm sobbing right now

usually don't get emotional on things like this but holy crap I did

This was so sad I have been here since day one and now it's over (I know it's not really but it feels like it is) :( :( :( Tears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a good matriarch :( loved the flash back

who else wanted Chelsea junior to happen so bad

I realized only recently that all the kids are only half siblings

omg, I almost cried ;-;

who noticed that Charlie was there when she blew out the candles? He is an angle

Don’t get mad at me, but I am genuinely mad for the name change of now Kasey, I don’t know why :(


who noticed that Charlie was there when she blew out the candles? He is an angle. Edit: give Charlie the keys

My name is taylor. I feel so honored lmao.

I just realized kasey had overalls as a toddler just like Chelsea!!

She’s such a nice grandma

I don't want her to go

I'm so upset

I'm currently crying now

It was soo sad i almost cried

if you ever change your name it should be chelsea

Chelsea is going to have 2 kids to remember her bc Taylor with an O and Tayler with an E aged up on her bday! But I’m not saying that only those 2 will but all of them will! We will all miss u

Who remembers olives little cute pjs? Make this blue if u do

I love how Chelsey is a freaking grandma and she hasn't even lived a whole year

Who else is in tears?

one of the kids' party outfit is the same thing as olive's party outfit #Throwback #Olive im crying sooooooo much

Man, I kinda wish you turned Chelsea into a vampire


I feel like olive should have been the next mother or brielle the original kids

Angelica Aliza and Peggy for girls

Are the constant garden salads how she didn’t get fat over time? I’m only a few weeks into my 100 baby challenge and my matriarch has gotten T H I C K. I’m playing mine on twitch and I feel like I’m failing compared to this one lol


Hey ..U can reduce sadness by calling the sadness hotline

how is chelsea an elder if she’s only lived 151 days???

Everyone cried.

30:44 freya said: got em

I love Chelsea

it is so cute how kacey just ran to her room at 12:05 like i am out of here i want to go play

36:06 “ a large pet poop”

U should have invited olive :/

Remember Olive

Nobody: Everyone in the comments: Like so Kelsey can see this!!!


the other youtuber i watched do this didnt even make it to how mamy kids there are right now its to many kids to keep up with i mean whos with me

Am I the only one who thinks Kasey has lived for a long time??

Why was one off the baby’s were black

The rare time the kids were allowed to eat cake

Can you name a girl Fern please?

Im literally crying

i misst a lot. huh?

so this vids are not new?

Girl: Ava Boy: William

Who else laughed a little when she said toe furkey dinner at 34:22

name a girl payton and a boy joel

But the way Kacey just ran across the room

if you had 101 baby name it Kelsy


You should have given all your kids residence keys they would just be coming in n out of your home, that would have been sweet

It should of been Tadem and Taylor

A few name suggestions are for a boy: Craig jr. in honor of Craig, and for a girl: Paulina

Sometimes i wish u were my mom..... "let them work it out" I would've got whooped :/

OMG my name is Freya as well as your Sims

haley pheobe ash hope gracie dana

Me on my period crying about Chelsea

i made dat house yk (yk ~ you know) and i got ur family pack

i will love and chelsea and kasie the best forever

bee meaning "beans"

Hello darkness my old friend I come to see you once again... We will miss chealse


Never trust an edited comment ☝️

Name a girl Matilda

Thank You Chelsea

You Really Know How To Make Are Cry

The song made everything more sad

And luwes

Mason is a cute name

You failed if you can only have one matriarch (idk right)

Are you fine im fine your fine were fine were fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine

Oh the “years” have past, and sweet baby Olive is an adult and Brielle is probably still stealing Press this if you miss the OG days

Poor kelsey. Been single for so long now

She could’ve had another baby if she really tried

i'm crying she was the best sims mother ever

I would kick some of them out so that you don’t have to worry or pay for there needs

this reminded me when my grand dad died

Here are some names if you need them Jasmine Joy. Julie. Karmen Payton Zariah. These are all girl names btw

Girl:joy Boy:Landon

Kids birthday: YASSS AGING UP Chelsea's birthday: NUUUUUUUUU

I love you name a girl Emma

Where's olive

Boy nick girl Adrianna

I am sad now I litterly loved chelseay

I wish the new matriarch could be Olive!

Are you The girl from the good Place

Is it bothering anyone else that rules say it's supposed to be the next young adult that becomes the next matriarch, not the next baby?

Whos here in October???

Rewatching this series and just thought about something... since the next matriarch has randomized traits, how ironic wouldn’t it be if they hated children?

chelsea and litrally sry it was bothering me

Happy birthday Chelsea!!!!

Is it bad that I cried

18:52 Yes

Ok I wasn’t even sad until she played the past clips awwwwwn

This episode was more emotional than when Olive moved out

what is a glutton anyway?

"Olive see as Olive do"

Do Chloe please.

Honestly Freya is the prettiest daughter Chelsea had


Who remembers the time when Kelsey thought she had a tough time with two tots... imagine if old Kelsey could see Kelsey now Also who has been watching since the episode one RIP CHELSEA

Name a boy Jupiter

A girl name should be Meagan

My favorite part click

If kasey has a boy name it Alexander. If she has a girl name it Alexandria


My friend had a sleep over she herd Chelsea and that is her name

What’s the game called.I really want to play so she can see it

Why did I cry...

Oh dang! Kc thou hahahahahah

Ngl this made me cry so much

Kayleigh Connolly sims 4

What is your name

Did Chelsea ever have blonde boys besides Flynn and Cooper



name the boy tony name the girl toni

You ent going to do Chelsea like that but you going to do your doughter like that

I keep hearing "Kasey" and it bothers me because I feel so attacked even though I know she's talking about a sim -_-

I love how emotional Kelsey gets with her sims

4:44 Nova just got her boobs bigger, haha


I remember when Olive was born

More names, Harper, Reese, and Blair

Girl names Alaïa, Elle, Everleigh, Taytum, Oakley, Halston, Madison, Kylee, Kendall, Chloe, Kortney. Boy names Kyler.

Boy: Max Girl: Aria

I didn't like Chelsea's party outfit

R.I.P Chelsea. She was a great mother and now she is going to be a grandmother again rest in peace

Whyd you have to do the sad montage

I think some of the kids are gay/lesbian, bi/ transgender and Chelsea is bi. ( sorry if it's spelt wrong)

Remember the vampire twins

Omg I remember Charlie the golden child

Can you please name a girl Adrianna or Cindy and for a boy Jaxon or Cameron

I'm not crying....your crying

Kasey is tegan right????

Why did she age up ...i thought pregnant sims couldnt age up

if you got no other girl baby name Makayla

Has anyone noticed that none of the girls have asked or had trouble with their period

TBH I cried a bit

kacy looked like a boy

32 kids

We're all definitely not fine

What happen to teagan?

what happend to olive and brielle

Tayler has a

32:43 she really told her!

Let's take a moment to remember all of Kelsey/Chelsey's kids Olive Brielle Jamie Alexis Miles Renee Charlie Hazle Eric Niya Natalie River Rosé Cooper Flynn Addie Ellie Dorian Tristan Theo Willo Ginny Bran Jon Arya Nova Freya Serious Stacy Tagan Taylor Tayler A total of 32 kid's I was hoping you would get to 50 before this but oh well

I love sims I am pregnat

Rip chelsea

remember when olive was her fav???

Love you Chelsey and of course Kelsey !!! I have watched all of your videos with Kasey as well but I have just come back to see Chelsey once again

You keep forgetting your missing two birth certificates because you had the first two at home

Girl: Ryatt Boy: Broley

With randomized traits, some of the combination are hilarious. I adopted a child who was a loner but also a social butterfly

Gluten-(gloo-tun) not (glu-tun)

In the people list Who so olive in the corner and Kelsey just Misted her

From Olive to Taylor,and Tayler❤️❤️

I’m sad it’s been such an exciting,stressful,and anticipating journey with Chelsea,but 32 children is a lot and a great accomplishment

that made me cry

I’m watching your videos because I’m sick and pregnant

Highkey I wish she could show us how many times the mothers (monarch?) had done each things like peeing themselves, showered, fainted ect before leaving the role to the next generation. Not for any reason, just out of curiosity

Ohw, I feel like she shouldve gotten married now that she's done breeding. :'(

We will never hear “CHEALSES IN LABOR!” again!

Kelsey: Going to bed is great Me watching this at 2 am: wow way to call me out

when are you going to move the teams that are already moved out all around your house?

12:11 how sad when the music comes on and Chelsea face I cried

For a girl it should be lily for a boy it should be Luke for a girls room it should be pink on one side and purple on the other side for a boys room it should be blue on one side and green on the other side or for twins blue on one side pink on the other or triplets pink then purple then blue and I love your vids

My friends mom is in her 50s and shes 13

Is anyone else watching the day after Christmas? Just me?? Ok... that’s fine

Hi um well idc when just if she has a baby girl can it be named......gin and a boy...New core

R.i.p Chelsea wow bye Chelsea her crow is being hand over R.I.P

We love you Chelsea! This journey started with one Marcus and an Olive! We've gone so far!

Chelsea made it to part 26, good job girl!

(And over 30 kids)

Maddsion chloe Colby lane abby Izek Arianna Sawyer Kadyn brinnil Brekkin jim Misty Chris bubble boy bubble girl Faith Alan joe sidney John Fallon zack Sullivan Micki suanna Zoey gabe

For a girl Brianna or adir addsion. For a boy gavin Clint jalen.


Everyone Go to bed! -Kelsey 2019

I'm going to miss Chelsea

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