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Hey so for today's agenda i have a whole  load in here, a whole load in here,   and then this is already clean. i just finished  up already so i'm gonna fold this real fast. okay guys actually good morning or  good afternoon i don't think i've   even welcomed you guys so welcome back to the  vlog but i want to share something with you just   real quickly because i want to save your money  and stress if i can so for the new house we had   this window right here which i don't love windows  on front doors i just don't but it you know it is   what it is so always comes up on  all of my things and thank goodness i only ordered   this one door i thought about doing it for like  all the back windows of the house and i'm so glad   i ordered this first because first off what we  ordered it didn't come in like we had to let me   move this up let me just flip this around real  fast so what we ordered was a blackout black   shade which i assumed and by the picture was black  on the outside so it's a blackout shade and then   black on this side but they sent us white which  i did not like because i wanted to actually hang   this lower so it would just blend in with the wall  but it came in white and since it was like custom   they wouldn't take it back so we had  to just hang it real high and it's been   fine whatever i wasn't happy about it but what  do you do but i had a shape like this in our   last house on our last store and it was ikea and  it was 15 and it worked perfectly zero issues this   is a custom-made one it was like over 44. and it  like won't stay down it won't go all the way up like see i don't even know if  you can tell like on there like   it doesn't work i cannot wait to get back to  an ikea and just get a better one for cheaper   because it should just go up when i want it  to go up and it should go down and stay down   when it goes down so do not order like any  of their i don't know anything else that   they sell but do not order one of this kind  like these kinds the roller shades because it   is just a nightmare it drives me insane so that  is my little rant about the roller shade lines   um i really wish we had an ikea closer because  i feel like stuff like that is so much cheaper   there it works so much better but we're like five  hours away from ikea and then their shipping is   insane for us like it's like no matter what  i want it's 199 to ship it even if it's a 15   roller shade i don't know what it is but they need  to contact amazon and figure out their shipping   amazon's got it figured out so now we need ikea  or i just need one to come somewhere close to me   even oklahoma city like oklahoma city is like a  lot bigger than where we are and it's like what   an hour and a half away yeah just come an hour  and a half away i would drive an hour and a half   to go get stuff but maybe one day we can dream  right so it is um i think chase has no idea   what's going on over there it's 10 40. i need  lunch so we're probably gonna leave here soon   savannah's working on homeschool i have no  idea what he's doing back there what are you   doing there's a gap in our cabinets not trying  to we're fix it the house today i think we all   woke up on the wrong side but i'm like gripy about  the window chase is fixing some gap in the cabinet   so welcome to the vlog today it's gonna be  a really cheerful one so where's this gap   you speak of it's right here so see that  big gap the others don't have that it's on   crazy noticeable but it drives me nuts you can  see that in there through the top our bathroom has   one or two like this too that i fixed this one's  kind of giving me problems i don't know but yeah let's see that so this is how our day is going  guys so how do you fix it if somebody has the   gap and they're concerned like you well you  just you adjust these two screws right here   and it'll bring it either you well and what it  does is it adjusts this gap right here mainly   and so i can fix this whenever i screw it to  the left it makes this gap way too big though   when i screw it to the right it makes it good but  then it never fixes this so i'm trying to figure   out how to get this gap to close off i'm getting  close this is going to be a very interesting vlog all around the house there you go we're  just going gonna go find every issue   wrong well on the subject of that i love my  countertops but there's this one black spot   can you i'm not even gonna say can you see it  i know you can see it because it's just black   i think it's one of the like shiny which on here  they all kind of look black but this is like   stands out black and i think it's one of these  sparkly ones flipped over so can you fix that i'm just kidding just kidding it's really  driving them crazy i know it's so weird   i don't understand it it's always funny  to me like the things that irritate chase   because they're never the things that irritate  me and so i'm like we've got bigger fish to fry   than a little gap in the cabinet i've got some  accent walls i want to work on like right there   and right here yeah we've got to do that  i want to do some hey i'm ready to go   just let me know if you if you can find the  design then i'll do it the design is the hard part   he blames me okay so my sunday video let's get  caught up oh let's get caught up on this first   so you guys probably noticed this video went up  late so i'm trying a new posting time at 10 30.  

if it doesn't work i'll switch back but i want  to try it for a little bit just because for 7   30 video we have to get up to like prep for it  and do some other things like behind the scenes   so if we could push it back where we could  actually sleep in a little while um that would   be nice so all my videos are going to be going  up for 10 30 for a while if i'm going to switch   it back i'll let you know but that's what's  happening and it's the same over until vacuum   my sunday video is my it's got a tiny bit of  cleaning but it's my valentine's day decorate   with me plus a new huge home project we've been  working on around the house so definitely don't   miss that one and then my wednesday video i think  is going to be my like office makeover it has been   driving me crazy like i'm trying to finish it up  i feel like all the areas of my house that aren't   complete are like literally killing my mood i'm  all for like just having projects to work on like   oh i need to accent that wall or oh i need to get  this but when it's like rooms are complete like   it's just unnerving to me so um we've been  out shopping i'm so so so meant to take my   camera yesterday and i completely forgot and then  i realized i should have just grabbed my phone but   we went out shopping we've been shopping for over  a month for like different pieces for the house   we've been to like mathis brothers and ashley  furniture like those type of stores yesterday   we got out and went to like consignment and like  low it like you know being like used or cheap   furniture places just trying to find it we ended  up going to seven places and didn't find a thing   and i wish i would have logged at all just so you  guys could see the types of places we were looking   at trying to find stuff because it was one of  those like don't judge a book by its cover because   chase would pull up to these places and i'm like  is it even safe to walk inside and then we would   get inside and they would have the coolest pieces  and knew it was just not what i was needing so we   did end up coming home and ordering a few things  so so um i should have that all where i can film   a video and get it up wednesday to like finish up  my beauty room not my beauty room my office now   used to be a beauty room now it's just my office  but i have that we ordered some new dining chairs   so i don't think those come in until closer  to february so that'll be like a later video   and that's all i know for now i know this video  i know my valentine's and new project or home   projects video and then i know my office makeover  video i think the next one i think what i'm going   to film is like a deep cleaning like super  satisfying there's some areas of my house that   have already gotten super dirty just because  we live here i know you guys don't see it but   george came running in with mud so that my rug in  here that's why i need a shampoo there's stuff in   my bathroom i don't know if there's just places i  already need to clean so i think that will be the   following sunday's video so i hope you guys are  excited for all of those um but like i said it's   almost lunch time so i'm gonna go get savannah  around and get chase off the whole gap thing   in the kitchen because i don't know i don't know  what that's all about but let's add the lunch yourself and now the words you spoken   cause some dreams are meant to be  broken yourself and leave the words everything that you built up isn't what you want   and i know i don't know the life  you're living isn't that fulfilling some dreams are meant to be broken some dreams are meant to be broken some dreams are meant to some dreams okay so we're just leaving the car wash  if you're like local like in the wasa area   they have the new car wash what is  it called time to shine a car wash   we aren't huge car wash people i feel like every  time i use them they just don't clean that well   like to me nothing beats just a good old like  hand wash but they have awesome car washes here   and um so basically the first time we pulled  through because we wanted to try it out   they are they're like 16 to 20 something dollars  per one but it's normally just like less than 10   dollars more and you get it for the month so i  think ours is gonna be we got a deal even better   but i think originally it's gonna be like from  now on it's gonna be what like twenty five dollars   twenty yeah i'll be 26 a month 26 a month  and we can go as often as we want to so we   literally take my car almost every single day  because in oklahoma it's like rainy and nasty   construction is everywhere especially living out  in timbuktu and it being a new neighborhood my car   has never stayed so clean plus the free vacuums  are like awesome like fruit vacuums are always   good but these are like super powerful and then  they have like cleaners out for you fresh towels   they also have like air blowers so you know  like the vacuum sucks it up they also have   like the air what is it called nozzles  like on some stuff so if you have like   cracks and you know just like small areas  that you want to blow the crumbs out   i don't know we just run by there every couple  days and my car's never been so clean and it   just like calms me down because we're living in  our car now like we eat lunch in our car like we   really get out of the car when we're you know not  at home we're in the car doing something even for   savannah's dance i spent like three hours in the  evening just like sitting in my car and when it's   dirty it's like my house it stresses me out so  like my mood has been so much better so if you're   local or have a place like that definitely try it  out because for us it has been so worth it i'm not   big on subscriptions i'm not big on pain stuff  like that but to keep our car clean especially   in the winter time because in the summer you can  go out and watch your car well it's freezing here   in the winter so my car would just stay nasty and  then like i said we're living in it because of   the world and so if you haven't tried it  definitely try it out okay guys it's a   little bit later we got home and i have a amazon  delivery we get those quite often around here but   i bought some stuff so i wanted to share with you  i always get what is it the best um sponges makeup sponges you know it's like what's the brand hold on guys real techniques and they're always  a little bit more but i've gotten like off-brands   and there is a difference like the way it puts  foundation on your face but i follow once again   i'm gonna reference my phone again for like a rude  friend i'm just looking at my phone instead of   talking to you guys i follow the sister studio  ig anyways i love them if you don't follow her   on instagram you should she has like the best  tips but she talks about how these sponges are   just like them but cheaper so i'm gonna go  ahead and try these they look just like it   and it is so much better here once again i'm  gonna look at my phone and see how much they were   um and i ordered it like yesterday so it  was like one day shipping um where are they   and i ordered something else so these were i'll link them down below too okay these  were 7.97 and then you get five percent off   and it is free one day shipping and so you  get 10 pieces so that was a really good deal   and then the other thing i was needing was makeup  brushes i hate cleaning my makeup brushes i'd   rather just use them until my face starts breaking  out and then buy new ones i know that is so bad   i've even bought like brush cleaner i've done it  before i just despised is there anybody else out   there that despises cleaning makeup brushes so  anyway she suggested these and i've actually had   these before and really like them so these were um  9.89 and then right now as a prime member you save   a dollar ten and then you can apply an extra five  percent off and it's free one day shipping as well   so i'll add both of these links down below but  you get does it even say how many 14 pieces   for less than nine dollars and look at all  this now i don't always use those tiny ones   i will sometimes savannah may use them but you  get all of this for less than nine dollars and   they're really good high-end i feel like  if i go to target they're super cheap and   you can kind of see they're like really nice  and fluffy they don't like fall out when you   pull on them really really good brushes so i  wanted to share those two products with you   because i don't know beauty isn't something  i enjoy spending money on like some people   can spend a ton of money on like makeup and  brushes and all that everybody has their thing   so some people's it's vacation some people it's  eating out some beauty um mine's definitely not   beauty so when i can find like high-end products  on amazon one-day shipping for less than 10 bucks   it's the way to go so like i said i've used those  before and then i trust her on these if she says   it's like the other brand i'm sure it is because  she keeps rebuying them so i'll have both of those   linked we're not doing much here i've been able  to switch over the laundry so i'm just waiting   for that second load to dry george is outside  it's um 39 degrees today but when it's like   not windy and it's just like sunny and warm  he likes being outside more now than like in   the summer because i think he gets hot so he's  just out there hanging out tiger is taking the   nap savannah is taking doll photos and i think  chase is filming the trick shot that you guys   saw earlier so what you up to girlie i'm walking  around just for board today there's not much to do   i like board days but they also go by super super  slow it's only 1 10. i will i'll keep i this is   turn more into a day in the life so i'll keep  doing this until we have to get ready for dance   and then i'll end it because this is actually  going up in the morning so i've got to cut it at   some point so i can start editing okay we just  had another delivery chase is going to kill me   something for me to put together something for  him to put together i thought box is huge i won't   save it for a till vacuum video i'll share  it with all you guys for following this page   what is it i wonder if they can guess what  it is george was like i don't know what it is he's checking it out okay let's bring it in  can you get it i don't know if i can fix it yeah it's open open it's practically oh my gosh that is tight it's definitely getting stuck  next house we need like the double doors   just to make our life easier wow and yes  i'm already talking about the next house   i think i'm about to bring it in pieces okay  go get my knife this is our biggest door right   yeah see oh it is already open okay we'll get  it open and then we'll show it to you guys   okay so here's the chair what's nice is it comes  almost all the way assembled it looks like you're   just going to put likes on it yeah so i picked  this up from target because somebody i follow i   don't remember who it was shared i think it's that  like target dollar tree ross finds or whatever   um but target was having 50 off on a lot of  their like furniture and different things   and so i'm like okay why it's half off  let's get it if we don't like it we can   return it because we've had the hardest time  finding furniture haven't we yes we have so   we'll go and screw the legs on and i'll kind of  like decorate it and then i'll show it to you okay so here's the new chair i think it looks  really well with the other one so i like that we   went with a different color so it's like a little  bit of contrast but it still kind of like fits the   style because they're both tufted so you guys  will have to let me know so this is from target   and this is from target i'll try to have  chase link it in this video so if you guys   are interested and i think they should still  be on sale since this is going up tomorrow   um it should still be half off okay guys but i  am going to go ahead and end this here because i   want to try to get it edited before we head off to  dance so i hope you guys have a wonderful friday   and don't forget i have a really a good video  coming up sunday and i will see you guys then bye you

2021-02-01 22:29

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