President Donald Trump Goes To 'Political War' Over His Finances | Deadline | MSNBC

President Donald Trump Goes To 'Political War' Over His Finances | Deadline | MSNBC

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Question, today how far, will Donald Trump go to, keep his finances. Hidden, the answer may lie in a new lawsuit Donald, Trump and his kids Ivanka. Don Jr and Eric Trump just filed against, the banks that have been subpoenaed by Congress. That's deutsche bank in capital 1 the, lawsuit, is designed, to block those banks, from responding, in any way to, the congressional, committees seeking information about. Trump's, finances. The new york times reporting, quote in the suit filed in federal court in manhattan, the president, and his family members argue, that, the Democratic, House committee leaders who issued the subpoenas, engaged, in a broad overreach. Representative. Maxine, Waters the, chair of the Financial, Services Committee, and Adam Schiff chair, of the house Intel, committee issued a joint statement accusing. The president of. Obstructing. Lawmakers, constitutional. Oversight, Authority and added, quote as a private, businessman, Trump routinely, used, his well-known litigiousness, and the threat of losses, to intimidate, others but, he will find that Congress, will, not be deterred, our friend Tim O'Brien, from Bloomberg, adds this quote welcome, to the first salvos, of the post Muller battle, between the White House and Congress, over. The separation, of powers executive. Authority, and the Pandora's, Box of thorny, troubling. Problems, stemming, from the fact that Trump, is the most, financially, conflicted. President, of the modern era, this, latest standoff, combined, with the obstruction, case, laid out in the Muller report, leaving, the Democratic, frontrunner Joe Biden, to say today that Trump's, impeachment. May become, the only choice for Democrats, who were constitutionally. Bound to provide oversight. There, are elements of the report in the second phase of the report about seven or eight things that are left undone, he was not within his purview to investigate, he thought the Congress is attempting, to take that up and what the Congress, should do and they are doing is investigate. That and if, in fact they. Block, the investigation they have no alternative to go to the only other Constitution, resort they have is impeachment, and. That is where we start today with some of our favorite reporters, and friends Ashley, Parker White House reporter, for The Washington Post the, former assistant director, for counterintelligence. At, the FBI, Frank, Fugazi, and with, a sunset, former federal prosecutor for. The Southern and Eastern District, of New York Barrett. Burger Kareem, John Pierce back senior adviser to An executive. Editor for Bloomberg opinion, who we've already quoted, and he has near. Bryan. Is here let me start with you Tim because you've been following the, money when, it comes to Iran for a really, long time where does it lead well, it leads obviously, into his wallet but the larger, issue it leads to is whether or not the president United States isn't just financially, conflicted, but, he's financially compromised. And this was something that obviously Muller. Focused, in part on but I don't think he focused, on it in depth and, I think he ultimately made, a strategic decision to let other prosecutors. Or investigators. Or Congress, take a deeper look at that but it came up in the malla report obviously around the discussion of the Trump Tower Moscow, project, and the, reason, that was an issue was because President Trump one lied about its existence he. Lied about his depth of his involvement with it and I. Think the reason he did, was. Because it raises, this issue of whether or not during the election, and his campaign, and the transition, he had money at stake in Moscow. That shaded any of the public policy, decisions he was contemplating, or possibly.

Considered, And acting which became even a more fulsome issue once he entered office but, it's not just Trump Tower Moscow, Trump has decades. Of dealings, with organized, crime and. With, very. Murky, sources, of funding, that, raise questions about whether anyone. Has a tether on him and that hasn't fully been answered and Muller. Chose not to dig into that but, we now have, real committees in Congress looking, at this issue we, have the New York State Attorney General, looking at it the other Southern District of New York and I think what unites, this, shouldn't. Be a partisan, or, ideological issue. It's about good government it's. About transparency, at, the, co leadership, and good, public policymaking. That's not corrupted, by by greed, or self-interest you've been sued by Trump I imagine you were not surprised, that, he took this route, as a sitting, president of, roping, his kids in surprise, surprise and suing the bank so they can't comply, but what do you make of attacks also. Ironically, one of the plaintiffs in this case is his, trust, that he's set up to abstence ibly. Insulate. Him from conflicts, of interest while he was in the White House that entities also suing to, prevent disclosures, you, know Trump II has been doing this since at least 1973. Roy, Cohn caught him out of weaponize a legal system the legal system and in. That year the Justice Department went after the Trump family for racial discrimination and their housing developments. In in the outer boroughs of New York and typically. Most of those developers, when the federal government came after them they paid their fine and they shut up and they moved on Trump. And Cohn, sued, the Justice Department, they countersuit, saying, it was a bogus suit and despite, ample evidence that they were discriminating. Against applicants, etc, etc and. I think that a light bulb went on in his head in that year in 1973. Donald, Trump is 27, years old and he realizes, that, if you don't really care about, the environment in, which you say things civility. Or the law you, can wage war whenever you feel like it a, light bulb went off it's not clear that it still lit frankly. I don't know anything about law enforcement I have a seven-year-old when when he says don't look here don't. Look here I'm gonna do everything mama but don't look here, the, first thing I do when he leaves the room is I go look and where he told me not to look and it's he's always busted, so Donald Trump taking this step as a sitting president don't, look here don't look here don't look here at deutsche bank in capital one deutsche bank obviously, a lot of questions about the role they've played in financing. His golf courses and all of his businesses, in Capital One I believe that's the checking account on which he wrote the, hush money payments where, he is now implicated. As an unindicted, co-conspirator. And an illegal hush money, Nestea and why it would seem incredibly. Important, to any investigation. By law enforcement or, by, Congress, to have access, to those bank records no. Yeah. Someone who's got nothing to hide, doesn't, want to sit in the dark and the president's, trying to stay in the dark and keep us in the dark and what I'm seeing Nicole is a link, between, corruption. And. Compromise. I think he's compromised, by his own corruption, he doesn't want this to get out and by, the way I see, a link to the counterintelligence. Investigation. That started this whole thing because if you're talking about compromised. And finances. The, portion, of that may, likely, have been reserved, for the counterintelligence, investigators. At the FBI, because it's clearly not addressed. In the mauler case and more, evidence, that there's a counterintelligence. Compromised. Angle here Nicole is that it's been reported today that, Adam, Schiff and the, House Intelligence Committee, have, hired the former, chief of the financial crime section with, the FBI that's. A major, acquisition. And tells me that. It's the intelligence, folks on the hill that, are looking at the finances, and we need to watch that closely you know what Frank let me stay with you and let's dig in on this a little bit because we have had a lot of conversations. About, the circumstances. And the conduct, that Donald Trump engaged in that led then acting, FBI director, Annie McCabe to open a full field investigation, counterintelligence.

Investigation. Into the President and you and Tim are both right that, was not the. Investigative, thread that we know of that, Muller pursued, but it was behavior. Like the lifting, of sanctions, that, Mike Flynn, pleaded, guilty to, lying about those conversations, Mulla reports out we still don't know why that happened, the back-channel that's in the first section of the Moller report that Jared Kushner wanted, to set up with, the Russians in the transition. We still don't have the answer, as to why that channel, needed to be opened and Donald. Trump's bizarre, conduct. His flattery, of Vladimir, Putin his, practice, of ripping, up notes from the five one-on-one, meetings with Vladimir. Putin his, insistence. On meeting alone with just a rush, interpreter, not even an American interpreter. When he met with Vladimir, Putin on the sidelines, of NATO. Those are still known unknowns. In terms of Donald Trump's contacts, with the Russians do you think those are active. Lines of Investigation in, whatever remains, in that counterintelligence. Probe, and in what congressman. Schiff wants to do with the Intel committee I. Do. Indeed with, all the smoke is there but we can't find the source of the fire and I think the source of the fires being investigated, still, by counterintelligence, division. Agents. And with. The hire today. Announced, today former. Financial crime section chief going. To Schiff and his team I have, to begin to wonder whether indeed, there's, been some sharing. Of information. From, the FBI's, counterintelligence, division, with. Their overseers, on shifts. House, and Senate intelligence committees and whether, that's helping shape, the direction. That those committees are going to go in that's, likely. To have happened that's the norm for the counterintelligence, division to brief the hill on significant. Developments, in CI cases, and I, think that a partnership. May be developing, there Barrett, what would the skill of Frank. Has now mentioned, twice this, higher and. It does seem significant, but just help us understand, as a former prosecutor what. That person's skill set is and in what that adds to, a committee, like, congressman chefs yeah I mean what you're looking for on a committee is somebody that actually has worked on the field whether, it's having, prosecutors. There to help you understand, or former prosecutors, there to help you understand legal theories whether, it's having people that have worked in the FBI that actually, understand, what, the nature of the threat is who, the actors are that are trying to threaten, us and where. Our vulnerabilities. Are so I think that's really the skill set that somebody like that would bring to the committee so. Actually, I saw you on the eleven and and I'm trying, to, understand. What's. In Trump's head whether he's doing this kabuki, dance with impeachment does, he want to bait them into impeaching. Him because, some of his pals said Clinton, out of 67% approval when he was in peach go for it mr. president or whether, it really, is this redline that he described, in press interviews, around, his finances.

What's Your sense this morning, about, trump state of mind and these tactics. These extraordinary, legal. Measures, to keep his finances. To keep his bank records secret. Well. Well the answer is actually both, in sort of the Venn diagram, it overlaps, and works out for the president, he has long said and believed, that impeachment. Is a political. Winner, for him it's it's certainly a headache but he also believes, it's a winner it sort of forces the Democrats, into. A box already you're seeing leader, Pelosi, is having some trouble managing her caucus you have people who think that they, absolutely should be moving on impeachment and people who think that they, shouldn't and they should be focusing, on legislating. And the president thinks again politically, heading into 2020, if he can paint the Democrats, as overzealous, that, that will be a huge, win for him at the same time he, actually truly, doesn't. Want these committees, to look into his finances, and, look, into his businesses. He, said that was a red line he means it there's a few things that he really cares about one, one is his finances, and as his. Businesses, the other is his family, and his children and, so here, he's trying to prevent the he's not going to work the Democrats simply because he thinks it's a political winner he's going to war because he does, not want these documents, in these forms turned, over, and the added benefit is he feels emboldened after the malla report he thinks he can also sort of stick it to the Dems in the process, Kareem let me put up some of the past headlines, about his finances. Hush. Money payments to, women the extraordinary, reporting, about what he was doing on all the days that he wrote those, checks to cover up alleged, sexual relationship, with a porn star business, dealings with rush over Trump Tower which which Tim started, talking, about on, this history of lying about the size, of. His worth and. Suspicious. Tax schemes as, reported, in a now Pulitzer, prize-winning, account. In the narrow kind yeah you, know we. Were just talking about a peach mint for a second I do believe, that Donald Trump is playing a game of chicken with, Democrats, when it comes with to a peach maybe I think he really is because, regardless if Democrats, are impeaching or not he's going to run on, he's been doing that for a year and I do believe that Democrats should call his bluff, they.

Should Play they should have Donald. Trump play on their turf not, play on his turf so what's that look like and I think it's starting impeachment, proceedings, I'm really starting, to make sure that we hold, him accountable because, what they're doing now it's on his turf and he's, just saying no to everything and so we're not getting anywhere it's, almost like since they're, chasing each other around and, so I do believe, that they need he's, you know what he's doing as well he's testing, like the guardrails, of democracy, which he does all the, time and this is the space that he up is operating, it and they have to just step. On that and say no Moussa let me let me make that turn with you these, are the Democrats, who, the 2020, candidates, Joe Biden in the front-runner kumla, Harris Elizabeth, Warren who'll incasa have all called, for, the. Commencement of impeachment, proceedings I believe mayor Pete Buddha judge has said that he deserves, to be in pH but he's not in Congress hasn't weighed in do you think that's I mean do you mean that those are those. Are those are some of the forces within, this Democratic, primary do you think the rest will follow suit I think they they're going to have to I mean what we're seeing with Donald Trump almost every, day right every day we're hearing what he's stopping what he's not gonna do the subpoenas, he's not gonna pay attention to the people he's not gonna allow to, speak to Congress it's. Almost as if he's forcing, the hand of Nancy Pelosi and, so if that's going to happen I think Democrats in particular. In the house we're gonna be in the place where they're going to have to do it and that's why I think it's like this weird game of chicken, he's almost daring, them to do it and so don't play on his turf just, don't do it I totally agree with Ashlee's, analysis. That, like it's like a right-brain, left-brain thing. Like the left-wing wonsik, is in the abstract, it's like yeah man impeach, me and. But then the right brains like wait what what does that mean again like like you know let me get to get the look what does that look like I mean how. Would he, doesn't seem like the kind of guy who is constitutionally. Suited, for. The intensity. Of an impeachment he is not constitutionally. In he, not. Constitute. You. Know he's not. Capable of, withstanding scrutiny. Around anything, or being patient with. Process, right, here ëadd none of this is about strategy it's, it's a mud fight with Congress, over what he believes his prerogative, should be but, I'm firmly with Frank on this that the big motivating, factor here is he, wants to remain in the dark and I think that that's why we have to think about this process as something other than a, typical, Washington, mud, wrestling, event there, are principles at stake here about the Congress's. Prerogatives. In terms, of oversight of the executive branch and what, we think the executive, branch should be constituted. Of and, Trump. Is trampling. Over core, values, and, it's not just about. Republicans. Versus Democrats, it's about clean government and it's about corruption, and he's, corrupting. Everyone, around in the places game with. Him. I, agree. With you but he's moved and we're gonna get to this later in the show but Frankie's mood rod Rosen this time he was the target of all of that ire and all of that. What, the love letter I mean do. You as a, former, FBI official, do you think that that. Someone, like congressman. Schiff that the Democrats, who see, the world and see these principles, as worthwhile, at protecting do you think they can move public opinion along. In their way I. Think. Sunshine is the best disinfectant. To use the cliche and I think that if we begin hearings. And if we air out the key witnesses, and we can get them to the table without, without going to the Supreme Court each and every time I think the American people will begin to see and it, will resonate, with many that, this is a corrupt, president ironically, it's, impeachment. May then be the the. Way not only to target, a corrupt president but as has been said to actually, ensure, that we're not redefining.

The Presidency. That's what's happening, here like it or not the prayer or understand, it or not the president's, trying to redefine. What, being president means and trying to have three, branches of government where, one is more powerful than the other and if the only way to safeguard. That and preserve our equal. Branches of government and, the way our system of checks and balances works, is impeachment. Then that's even more reason to go forward with it actually, I want, to spend some time with you on just this idea, that, impeachment. Is this jump ball I mean Robert Muller released. A report, where. He explicitly. Says, he cannot say the president, didn't commit crimes and everyone's like I don't. Know that's close it's so close now, you've got the banks, and Michael Cohen no, angel. Testified. In, an open session that, he faked, the books cooked the books with Deutsche Bank to help the president buy a football team that didn't want him I mean the the the the evidence, and it's almost how he got off in the Muller investigation, well everything I did wrong I did it I did it on Twitter you can't catch me for that I mean what is the strategy moving, forward he is continuing. To obstruct. Investigations. Into, himself with these tactics. Congressional, attempts, at oversight, and. That's what the Democrats frankly. Have to grapple with even, though a lot of them say that's not where public sentiment, is necessarily, and it's politically, unpopular as. Frustrated. As they were with what happened with the Muller investigation. You have an increasing number including. Committee. Chair sort of saying he's continuing. To obstruct, he's continuing. To abuse his power and even if we don't have the public on our side and even if we don't have you know any Republicans. In the Senate joining, us we have a constitutional. Duty to, move forward, so you had the Muller report which Democrats, sort of viewed as using, as regardless. Of what conclusion, he, came to an, attorney general bar came to you had Democrats who sort of wanted to use that as a road map as a template. To even if they didn't move forward on impeachment call. Witnesses before the committee say hey we know from the Muller report that you took copious detailed, notes we want to see those memos we want to see those notes to subpoena, documents. And, now the president, is preventing. Them from doing. That so that's actually a real tangible, challenge. Of where they go from here and then from the president's point of view of course as I said before he, doesn't actually want them looking into all of this stuff but he also believes, to a certain extent that a, bit of this is a public, relations war and because, the Muller report it was 448. Pages, but a lot of it not all of it but a lot of it was litigated, in the press before because, there was great reporting, in, a number of publications, and so they sort of feel like it's. Not as big, a deal as it would have been were, it all brand-new, information and, there's a bit of fatigue on the part of the public which again is why they feel emboldened, in trying, to kind of stymie, the Democrats, at every turn all right really quick last question actually when is the president most. Detrimental, to himself when, he feels like something, has emboldened him dand exonerated, him as you're suggesting he feels about the Miller report or when he feels like he's been caught doing something extra. Naughty even for him. That's, a great question I, either, don't know the answer I think it's a bit of both, I mean you saw the Muller investigation. Is a classic, example, he. Sort, of felt under. Attack. Just to have Russian. Interference looked. At. And that's, why we want to do that right like why would we want to know what our adversary. Did and, then. Therefore he, he, felt under attack and so he began behaving in a way is that then added, this whole extra bucket, of obstruction, of justice to. The investigation. So that's him behaving sort of poorly when he feels vulnerable and, under attack but. Now that he feels emboldened, he's, sort of exhibiting, the exact same behavior but, for a different set of reasons so I think the answer is both hey there I'm Chris Hayes from MSNBC thanks, for watching MSNBC, on youtube, if you want to keep up to date with the videos we're putting out you can click subscribe just below me or click over on this list to see lots of other great, videos.

2019-05-02 09:56

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Wait 'til the MAGAt morons find out the Conald's net worth is less than zero, he owe's hundred's of millions to Russia. No collusion???? It's TOTAL collusion. Bye-bye MAGAts!

The Conald's ship isn't just sinking, it's on fire too. It's a pleasure to watch his supporters gulp down that pitcher of Koolaid. Get every last drop, you inbred idiots.

Biden got 100 people to come out for a 20 minute speech. This man is certainly generating a lot of excitement.

As long as the dems move with the evidence, then there shouldn't be a worry about whether to impeach or not. I wish they'd all stop worrying about their careers and think about THIS country...including the damngopers who would've already impeached a dem president for any of this behavior.

The truth is a two ton heavy thing...and it will Not be denied it's pound of flesh. Donald Trump, a force of nature no doubt bobbed and weaved around the law for decades. His time has run out.

Lol. Fake again, like democrates would offer all their finances. Maxine is running scared

Spanky WANTS to be impeached. 43% of Americans DON'T want impeachment. Only 28% want impeachment. His approvals will go up and he can campaign as a VICTIM of the Dems and MARTYR for his base of Cult followers. Impeachment is a STUPID move.

I will back ANY democrat who wins the Democratic primary...regardless if they're backed by corporations (mostly) or people. Why? Because I want my country back on track. It's that simple. Whoever ends up winning (I hope it's a Dem or Indy) will only be cleaning up the mess this admin made, especially if they're a single term president. Keep that in mind. In the meantime, I support ALL candidates running towards the future...not trying to take us backwards.

No one is Above The Law

Ya and Putin wears Maga hat's

Lying fool's to make stupid people dummer 12million salary

The media is literally obsessed with Donnie. The irony is Donnie loves all the attention and is even happier they are still playing HIS game.MAGA

3years of leaking lying probing spying crying obstructing false fiza open borders sanctuary cities career government leaching criminals

You Democrat Socialists are classic LOSERS lie so often that God has had to give you over to BELIEVE your lies so that you can now only see things in the 'inverse reflection' of reality - so that you 'mirror' the truth - and are always 'mirroring' your criminality over onto honest folks. You are consummate liars, who's god is the god of this fallen world, Satan, of whom; Jesus Christ, in the Bible says: "..he is the FATHER of lies".

If Democrats start a impeachment they have to explain the public that they are up against a corrupt and criminal republican side of the Congress, and since the Senate still is criminal Trump Cult majority the impeachment will not succeed. The impeachment should be used to show the public the depths of corruption and criminal conducts of the republicans (Trump Cult) side so that this process will lead to (if undertaken) that no one EVER vote republican ever again in US history !.

@12:25.....Size of hissss worth

Politicians in Washington are above the law, it's been that way the last fourty years.

If you have nothing to hide you release relevant tax info like every other presidential candidate has done before. If you have nothing to hide you don't try and fight every single effort to probe your finances. I can't wait to see how this plays out.

Frank Figliuzzi is a competent gentleman

Dirty money

Gorgeous,witty and sincere.Nicolle.nailing it.

No evidence. Just msm fake news propaganda

Fake news

Hitler's people said "Heil Hitler". tRumps followers say "Fake News".

The media always makes trump's argument! You don't involve your kids in your criminal interprize if you love'em. He dosen't want impeachment. The madia is plain stupid

Wow, managed to mention the stances of nearly every candidate.....except Sanders. In no less than a very close second place! MSNBC.....wipe the DNC spooge off your chin and stop pretending you're anything but a bought and sold DNC propaganda mushpot.

Well it's up to Americans. trump's outta control. Those aren't republicans. They're Confederates!

Donald Trump is a billionare and is superior to all of the Communists Liberal plebs who are trying to destroy him. They can't touch him, because he is doing god's work. Re-elect Trump 2020 Failure to re-elect will lead to Conservative American patriots starting the shooing war against the Communist Libs.

Only dumb democrats can look the other way with Hillary's obstruction of e-mails and then go after Trump where there was no evidence found. This is ridiculous and a waste of tax payer money. Trump doesn't have to release his financial records. This was always done voluntarily. THIS IS AN ABUSE OF DEMOCRATS... we all see it. You don't like it? Create a new law then and have all of Congress release their financial records as well. Love to see Schumer's and Pelosi's.

Deutsche Bank is not a german "deutsche" bank.......its owned by the putin FSB mafia!

Don't apply for a job in 1of the highest office in the world if you wish for privacy...

Trump was never worth 10 billion. Most he ever had was 500 million he inherited from his daddy. All the rest is debt. He called himself "the master of debt."

President T_

I'm the richest US President I'm the most transparent US President I recalled some slime and hideous crook said awhile ago A Dumb er.. Rump er...Dump sounds something like that

The sues from Trump don't have legal standing, they are just a delay on the inevitable final outcome, indictments as soon as he looses the shield from the highest office.

Trump is more than willing to die on the hill of his finances. Why?


Waters and Schiff was calling for his impeachment day one. There is no justification for these investigations. Nicole is all gleeful thinking that they are closer to impeachment.

We elected a con man in the WH.

A gallows can be built to accommodate many.

Ask ya self

Lol some how... I feel like I should hire trump as my lawyer... he has to whole US Government & DOJ bend over, all by saying “no”

Trump will remain hidden. He will not be impecached.He will have another term.

+Darlene Laski Just my opinion Darlene, Time is a great revelator. Have a wonderful day.

And, there we have it, folks! EC4400 has spoken. No need to watch the news, or read newspapers or books, or even vote in the next presidential election.



If the Democrats don't impeach, they will have fallen into the rabbit's hole. Exactly where Trump lead them.

How far will Trump go? my guess is prison

LOL Trump was helping the FBI you all are IDIOTS.

Darn it people, stop guessing about Trump's "strategy". He has no strategy. He is incapable of thinking strategically. He acts purely on momentary impulse and then sticks with it. He is also now surrounded by people who either don't counsel him on these matters or Trump just ignores them. This is the kind of behavior we have seen from Trump from the beginning.

Barr needs to hit the road! Before he leaves he needs to reimburse the American people his salary since he was working for Trump!

Sometimes I get the impression all Trump does is obstruct justice.

Right??? And he stinks at it, too.

Smart Americans do not care about Trump's finances. Smart Americans care about jobs,rising wages and a safe place to live. Dems are trying to find a crime, which is total nonsense.

Find a crime??? They're jumping out of the report, screaming for attention.

The "FIRE" IS MEL....She's the point man!..the.only one in room with Trump & Putin who KNOWS what was said! Seems russian assets to me!

Trump 2020


They’re not hiding finances Nicole they’re just none of your business sweety. Stay bitter and miserable it makes my day hahaha

trump is digging his own grave..he placed congress in no other way except last resort-to boot him out of wh. he has been doing this via his dad since he was a little tot, he became an expert all these, got him ...sad ...but happy ending for the country. more power congress, special committees,,etc..let someone encrypt twitter to be used as a modern tool against him..people use apps to use in the bank, travelling, business transactions, why not in legal matters?

Haiti we made it!

What right minded "billionaire" would have a Capital One checking account - oops, same one that has a McDonald's debit card. Never-mind.

The bias hate filled democrat Socialists in Congress won't have time to worry about President Trump's financial records when Barr prosecutes them for their role in the coup da ta attempt.

What better campaign slogan for 2020 then "Coup 2.0" MAGA/WWG1WGA

Why do MSNBC hosts keep saying the people they bring on are their "friends"? Do they really feel the need to emulate the Orwellian FOX News model at every level?

lol, we're SO screwed

Long trump org CDS

Its called Trump is the richest and brightest president. wow you guys tell great stories!

tick tock dems

Trump is gonna fight this very very hard because his life depends on it,,this is gonna be a nasty fight between him congress.And I think is gonna win at the end.

its funny hearing democrats talk about cleaning up corruption

Gosh, Congress didn't issue a subpoena for financial information on Junior, Eric, or Ivanka ... yet they are party to the lawsuit. Hmmmmm, what could that possibly mean?

No one is above the law said our founding Fathers! Who does this freaking fat dump pumpkin thinks he is?

Trump has never been a billionaire. He doesn't want anyone to know that he owes more money than he's worth. Trump is a total fraud.

the dems are pure evil


Trump said many times during the 2016 campaign that he'd release his tax returns on various conditions... that did come into play. But then once he became president he lied, saying "people don't care about them any longer" to then outright denial of ever releasing them. He's HIDING something nefarious. This is why he's going to this extreme...

They won't win...emoluments clause is a big issue here!

Donald Trump is fat........real fat. Oh, and stupid too........real stupid. But, he aint as fat and stupid as the people round here who vote or him.

If you're not going to impeach a President like Drumpf, with all that we know, what on earth will it take, to impeach any future President?


Trump says he was a top student - then threatens the schools he attended if they release any records, others say he was so so. Trump says he would release his tax returns if elected - two years later he refuses Trump says he had no affairs - evidence shows he did and paid to hush it up Trump says he was fully exonerated - Mueller Report says the report "does not exonerate him" Trump says Mexico will pay for the wall - nope didn't happen Trump says NAFTA has to be thrown out - it gets tweeked a tiny bit and re-enacted. Trump says no collusion... what do you think

the presidency is a PUBLIC SERVANT role. not king.

a mans evil deeds follow a him like a shadow. feel sorry for the old man and the suffering he brings to those around him

He doesn’t want it to come out that he’s no where near as rich as he claims to be.

Trump will go down taking the Deutsche Bank with him. There must be many corrupted executives in Deutche Bank who gave Trump loans after loans knowing he was a loan risk.

the law investigators after 3 yrs with 40 lawyers and millions of USD, now is passing the ball to the House ? just could come from corrupt Binden that has his son with illegally investment in Russia

Hold Trump accountable. Arrest Agolf Twittler for obstruction after he leaves office and send him to prison. No one is above the law.

The fact his kids are also on this suit speaks volumes! Once this all comes out all of them will be in jail, the name Trump will be removed from the landscape, and anyone who has relied on Trump money will be living in poverty...

He's using the lawsuits to buy more time because he knows the Senate will not pass the impeachment process. In the meantime he knows this will take place and will use it to build his base and say Congress is over stepping their bounds to get more votes. Russian wants all sanctions removed so they can get back into business with the world and trump is the gate keeper. But it will be a corruption scam because Russia doesn't care about anybody. Follow the money. Venezuela is working with Russian to push all migrants to the USA to cause strife. Korea is working with Russia, so they can bank on the money laundering and they themselves make more money. Trump is working with Russia because he'll gain more money in the process after he gets out of office. If he's not impeached the USA will pay him for the rest of his unnatural born life and provide security for his kids. And the Dems are playing the nice guys and we all know nice guys NEVER win. Soon corruption will be world wide. That's their plan.

WAIT That guy is still president...

Wouldn't it be easier to just give them what they want if he really is innocent? The sooner he cooperates, the sooner he can declare vindication and victory. And yet...

Still calling the lying dirtbag in the WH a President?


The bulb was always dim and diminishing. Now it's flickering. Night-night, Trump.

you keep using the word "strategy" in the same sentence with #dirtyoledon is there "strategy" in marbles? ...cuz that's what he's playing and I guess the word has come down from head office that #goawayjoe biden is the pick and you have to mention him as much as possible

DEmocrats, republicans, independents the country at large needs to understand something about Trump's personality, he will set the country on fire , tear down the fabric of the institutions that make this country the greatest democracy ever , before he ever admits to anything. Is not in his nature to be a decent human being, so stop hoping for what will never come.

the only Happy people are the lawyers unless the Trump's don't pay them big lol

Democrats in Congress: *start arresting Republicans in contempt.* DO SOMETHING!

Bernie is front runner lying msnbc

Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada is pudding unwitting citizens under MK Ultra mind control robbing them torturing them and molesting the children. Robert Justin Alford green has all the proof.

Finances are private. They have no right to look at Trump's finances or anyone else's finances.

Wrong Boris. If you want to be in government you must be honest and transparent.

His sister resigned because of crimes committed WITH Trump! Crime is a family tradition.

trump is in extreme panic mode. I wouldn't be surprised, if there is a lot of incriminating material in his finances. But I'd also be not surprised if they'd show that he is flat broke.

Blockers fixers liars .........oh my

Nancy Pelosi ....isn't there a way to make tRump a non viable candidate due to not abiding by the law tax returns...too much obstruction not impeach

This is a "GREAT DAY" for America!!

Shame on mueiior for not indicting Trump. He had all the evidence but no courage. Barr needs to be held accountable and serve jail time. Crooks!!! and rememberJared the son in law, who was giving Russia a direct line to the White House!!! And what about the other bunch of rogues from Trump’s campaign who are now in jail!!! Bunch of crooks running our beautiful country!!! Biggest cover up in US history!!!These people have sold out our country! Lock them up!!

More Trump news for the deranged low IQ democrats

We need a human being in the White House #humanityfirst

Did she say front runner joe Biden ?? Bawhahaahhahaa Bernie2020

A WARNING  TO TRUMP CABINET MEMBER AND SUPPORTERS. Michael Cohen recently issued a warning to Trump's protectors... "I protected Mr. Trump for 10 years ... "I can only warn people. The more people that follow Mr. Trump as I did blindly are going to suffer the same consequences that I'm suffering." When someone like that, issues a warning like that... listen and believe him! He's trying to do y'all a favor. AG Barr should cut his losses and try to start cleaning up the mess he's making of our democracy and his future. Trump will gladly let you go down for him. Have some self respect and do what's right; do the things that don't require you lying and risking your freedom. Trump is not worried about you at all, he's playing you for a fool; don't be one! You can't cover both of y'all's butts...pick one; Trump has, and it's his own. (COPY PASTED)

- - They should have done all this BEFORE trump ran for president.

They DID. He told the lie that he was being audited and he would give them the info when they w er e done. Michael Cohen told that committee that that was a lie. That's why we're here.

In the last season, the night king will call out the white riders; the white Christian evangelicals, the bike riders and idiots like Candace Owens, in MAGA rallies, to arm themselves and defend "our" country. This is a very dangerous criminal in the WH.

Trump seems to want Congress to impeach him. Maybe he doesn't think they would, but his rolling the dice.

He doesn't want to go to jail but he also doesn't want to be President. Never really did.

If they get Trumps finances, he's really f{{beep}}ked.

They'll find the Secret Payouts to Superdelegates at DEUTSCHEBANK I'm sure. You can't move 6 digits $$$$$ in the US NOWADAYS asDrug Money causes EXTRA SCRUTINY!


The RUSSIAN Troll from St PETERSBURG speaks errrrr posts.

Donald Trump should've had his 5th bankruptcy but the Presidency saved it. The grifter will have all his buildings taken away (if he even owns them) soon.


*TREASON and SEDITION at the HIGHEST LEVELS of POWER!!* A REPUBLICAN RUSSIAN MOLE in the PRESIDENCY of the United STATES of AMERICA and the SENIOR REPUBLICAN SENATORS are OKAY with that RAT McConnell and Graham and BARR's OH MY!! REMEMBER THAT ROPE IS BOTH CHEAP AND REUSABLE 4 All those HENCHPEOPLE 4 All those Unindicted Co Conspirators SECRET 90 minute MEETINGS with VLAD the RAT BOY PUTIN! Putin the FSB HANDLER DUMP the TRAITOR JUST LIKE BENEDICT ARNOLD but SUBSTITUTE Russia for Britain *Sold us ALL OUT, TRUMP IS A TRAITOR!* & the REPUBLICANs R OKAY with that???? COMPROMISED by a RUSSIAN Girls PEE PEE TAPE cause if Dumps wife gets THAT TAPE and Trumps getting a Divorce and since its Trumps infidelity that causes the issue of Divorce she gets HALF AT LEAST!! Get the Tape; Set that RUSSIAN Girls PEE PEE FREE!! You know DONALD Trump SR shares a Hobby with Caligula of Roma in Bedding other mens wives! A real Moral Pillar you REPUBLICAN Moral MAWHORIE-ITY! Morals of GOATS!

Where to put Trump after he is tried fro his crimes. Perhaps G. Bay with the other terrorists and enemies of America.

Welcome to the Trump dictatorship..

Great program! But any lawyer knows that Congress will have to prove probable cause (basis) before they can legally obtain information. A fishing expedition isn't legal. We need to charge him with a crime! Otherwise, there is no way forward because the Constitution expressly protects a person's privacy under the 4th Amendment: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

"Trump felt under attack" Oh, gee. I wonder why? It couldnt have anything to do with the 2 years talk of "collusion", how the "walls are closing in" and "impeachment" could it? These people are clowns and only dummies could still beleive these guys.

Trump has earned impeachment. Stop the insanity, HOLD Trump accountable for HIS CRIMES.

the main argument against impeachment is that the other house will block that, so in fact tactically it may be better to not impeach for the moment, because that hedges their bets TWO ways, as more and more testimonies and subpoenas accumulate, FIRSTLY this may start getting more and more Trump voters to jump ship, thereby Trump getting voted out and then they can pursue Trump in the courts as a warning to future Trump copycat presidents. The voters are not as mindless as people seem to think. SECONDLY this may get more and more republicans in the other house on side against Trump, Cohen was the first person to jump ship, and McGahn seems to have jumped ship. I think some republicans have jumped ship already. There are signs Murdoch may have jumped ship also, with judge Napolitano talking of criminality. furthermore, as more and more Trump voters jump ship, this may force the voters' representatives in the other house to also jump ship, else be voted out, the 2 ships being pro Trump and anti Trump, where anti Trump will be SOME republicans and ALL democrats. ie the FIRST reason above has a domino effect on the SECOND reason above. so its like a fruit on a tree, the longer you leave it in the sun, the easier it becomes to detach, eventually when fully ripened, it will fall of its own accord. Trump will ripen in the sunlight of scrutiny until eventually he will drop from the political tree without external agency. thus if necessary not impeach at all, that way they dont get the humiliation of the impeachment being blocked by the other house, and instead humiliate Trump and the republicans, but if it becomes certain the other house wont obstruct the impeachment to then go all out for impeachment, no holds barred. as regards democratic presidential hopefuls, eg Warren, its fine if they call for impeachment because as a matter of logic, that threat is only meaningful if they become president, and then logically Trump will be out of office and impeachment no longer meaningful but they can pursue him legally to teach him to follow norms via jail. so its kind of an empty threat for a presidential candidate to call for Trump's impeachment. Its an ironical threat. America is rich in irony. I say "other house" because I dont understand the terminology of congress and senate. If I have understood correctly, the one house is controlled by the democrats, and the other house by the republicans. "congress" and "senate" are quite arbitrary words, it is unhelpful terminology. I prefer "lower house" and "upper house". If you showed some extraterrestrials the 2 houses, they wouldnt know which was the senate and which was congress. I noticed some news broadcasts give ET time! ET phone home. Because an impeachment will also be lots of testimonies and subpoenas, but to NOT impeach means the testimonies and subpoenas can be much more wide ranging. If they impeach, they presumably have to accuse the president of something and then can only get relevant subpoenas and testimonies. Whereas to not impeach means they can explore at will and rattle more cages. so to NOT impeach means they can cause much more hassle to everyone affiliated with Trump than if they do impeach. Trump is a big bluffer, they may well be only a few steps from some major uncovery. This seems to be the first point where Trump has begun legal action to halt things, whereas with other things he just talked of legal action. So this must be the cupboard where he keeps his biggest skeleton. He cannot stop them getting those bank records, so if they can expedite the court case, it will be an open and shut case, and Trump will be in big big trouble according to his own testimony where he used the swearword. They wont have to impeach because I think Trump will resign, but he is playing brinkmanship right to the last moment. A bit like a soccer team who are 0-5 down, desperately trying to score a goal in the last 10 seconds of the match.

For a Honest & Innocent individual ...He sure does alot of questionable & nefarious stuff ! Vote him Trump OUT ! Romney in 2020

Look, If he want's to sue for the non release from the banks as a private citizen, why can't we indict him as a private citizen? Can't have it both ways Rump!

Send Trump to jail along with the rest of his ugly family and toss in all the Republican accomplices.

The Demon crat rats are the ones at war Trump is finally standing up to the evil, lying, vile, amoral trash.

I say he breaks and looses his mind live on camera. Not just the many cracks we see already - but a full breakdown...

He should go to war- grab’em by the p#$$y was a fail, Avenati and Stormy was a fail, Mueller time proved he was not a traitor or a foreign agent and their was no conspiracy. So now onto the next witch hunt - go through all of his business dealings and pray they find something

MAGA! Impeach the orange criminal before America dies!

Spanky and his family is suing Deutsche Bank because they don't want people to know how many cans of coke they drank how much Starbucks coffee they had. Spanky said that's a red line oh by the way Ivanka go get me a Coke in a couple of top secret files.

The majority of the American People are waiting to see Impeachment proceedings !

oh my God are you people stupid exclamation exclamation seriously do you not know that all of his accounts have been investigated 15 times Every Which Way but Loose by the IRS by accountants accounting this is a false fake politically-motivated weaponizing of the judicial system and they're all going to go down that's the bait and you guys are so stupid that you fish into it every single time you guys fist into Muller Mullers your man Muller and his whole team we're about as biased as you can get can't find anything so what do they do they created stuff what did they create they created the dossier you know where the dossier came from that paid millions of dollars for which is by the way is Criminal act and it was a stolen it was plagiarized from an article back in 2007 by the New York Times do your homework you morons

Yes block all funds to the DOJ until they comply with House requests for information, and apparently it is quite within the power of the House to do that. Do that and stop the mafia stalling tactics. The trump thinks at present that he is above all laws and the constitution and his current obstructions of justice are illegal and those of a person who has plenty to hide. If then found guilty both he and his family and the likes of Barr need to be locked up.

Trump: “I have nothing to hide...except the truth!”

Yes keep following the money

Did Obama, Clinton or Bush, have to declare? Why have the rules changed?

Yes and they did with ZERO problem BEFORE being elected.

The "Public" the Democrats want "on their side" are just waiting for somebody to show some spine. All Trump is proving is that nice guys finish last.

I'm afraid that he wants to be impeached and then he'll use that as his Beer Hall Putsch so that he can declare martial law he's already said that he has the support in the military and police This is not a good sign

1) Amend Constitution to bring back firing squad. 2) Execute TrumpCo crime family one by one, pay-per-view 3) Use funds to at a minimum add ice cream and swimming pools to Trump's tent-cities for immigrant kids still in custody

barr, graham, trump == they are the real "deep state"!

Sorry guys, Bernie is the Democratic front matter how badly you money grabbers want Biden.

By the time US realizaes that have a really corrupt ... stupid ... and worst government ever ... THE WORLD WILL ADVANCE AGAINST AND WITHOUT IT ....

Impeach him, but also let McConnell and Graham know that if they stand up for this man they will be targeted with the most negative campaigns in history, and utterly crushed.

Impeach them too. McConnell owes Russian money as well. Msnbc reported a few months back but they haven't revisited it yet. I jave a feeling they will though.

This Trump transparency! He is a criminal conman.

Trump and his entire family are cheats if he has nothing to hide then show us your tax return and the rest of your secrets dealings with the Russians

Are Trump's daily constant lies part of Russia's active measures disinformation campaign to sow disunity, confusion, chaos and anxiety?? Whether they are or not they're having the same damaging effect -- destabilizing the country. Trump has attacked & discredited the intelligence community & Special Counsel, called the press the enemy of the people on top of inciting violence at rallies, promoting racism by calling asylum seekers animals and neo-nazis very fine people, and spewing nonstop lies. Trump has also destabilized our government by leaving top administration positions unfilled. Trump has gone to great pains to keep secret his one-on-one conversations with Putin including seizing the Russian language US interpreter's notes. Is Putin coaching Trump? How would we know? What promises has Trump made on our behalf? to Putin, China, Saudi Arabia, & N. Korea??? Now Trump is talking about a coup? This is way more serious & dangerous than previously thought. By enabling Trump the GOP is complicit. Now we have an Attorney General who's told the Congress, under oath, that he did not know whether Mueller agreed with his, Barr's, assessment of the General Counsel's Report after Barr had received Mueller's letter rejecting Barr's public inaccurate characterization of that very report. Isn't that perjury? Isn't lying to Congress a crime? Barr has politicized the DOJ and has participated in the dissemination of disinformation adding to the confusion & disunity that is destabilizing the country. Barr is participating in a cover-up. The Dems must not let this stand, this must not be the new normal. Barr needs to be removed, charged & disbarred.

Trump is trying to use Nicolas Maduro play book ?

He should be the first president to leave office BROKE!

tramps is most likely a Russian agent, and his bank information will mostly prove that.

Who would not go ballistic after having financial records grab? Financial records are personal. Who paid for the dossier? Hillary! Did she use taxpayer dollars or donations? Did Hillary disclose the money paid to her by the Ukraine? You want financial records? Did Obama use military money to help the Muslim Brotherhood? Yes, Obama did! Obama gave Al Qaeda aide money. Why? Where is Obama's and Hillary's allegiance?

Anybody who knows anything about tRUMP KNOWS he LOVES to brag about everything (well, not tiny hands and little mushroom head) so any logical person (non RepubliKKKans) knows if his tax, bank records etc. would show that he is a billionaire on his own, HE WOULD HAVE RELEASED THEM during his campaign! What they will show are his bankruptcies, indebtedness to Citibank, Deutschebank and obligations to the Russians, Inflated personal wealth to try to buy properties unattainable to him. He was born a liar and a crook and still is, but now those unacceptable traits are affecting Americans! IMPEACH HIM OR USE THE RICO ACT to remove him and his paid for government appointed positions from OUR government! Drain the WH cess pool or it will be too late very soon!!! WORST POS POTUS IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY EVER!

Just imagine Obama attempting to hide his finances with a foreign bank.

"Don't look here" indeed--don't you think he knows that if you say, "don't look here" that's where we'll look. He knows there's nothing too incriminating to find in his official taxes and documents--no one is quite that stupid. He's misdirecting, and the media are cooperating with this magic trick. We need to look where they are NOT telling us about.

Democrats don't have the luxury of time anymore. They need to act, now!

There is no question Trump is into some very hot water. it's just sickening that he is playing this game. A President is supposed to be running a country.

Its not just a criminal in the Whitehouse, its a crime family

Investigating Trump is the start of Impeachment proceedings. You have to get answers before you actually impeach. You look like a fool if you try to impeach and you don't have a thick dossier to support it. This is why Pelosi is reluctant.

This needs to stop. For 2 years, Mueller investigated Trump & found no crimes. Now, most white liberals & entitlement minded blacks hates white conservatives for opposing their LGBT, BLM, immigration, racial reparation agenda & wrongly labeled them white supremacists. Liberals have walked away from improving our nation to forcing banks to release personal information to look for more crimes. This needs to stop

I am a conservative person who has seen a lot in my 71 years of life and I have never experienced what is going on in our Government today! I believe that the truth in all this investigation will eventually come out because I believe and have faith in our system of justice the United States

Sanders 2020

Oh it's nice to see that MSNBC would like our country to go in the direction of the nazi's China Cuba Venezuela and North Korea

All of you should be ashamed of yourselves

Mueller had suspicions that Trump had committed at least one crime, but after two years of investigations, Mueller clearly stated, he found no evidence of any crimes!! But crazy democrats & others hate white conservative Americans & Trump so much they are risking Civil War. This is McCarthyism all over again

Only Criminals need to hide there assets along with there Tax Returns.

When this gets out, and it will, it will be the end of Trump whether by impeachment or election. This may be the cure for the MAGA virus that has sickened the country the last few years.

Bar is a lyer.

Trump knows that the votes to impeach fall short, without further investigation.

Trump is trying to force a vote on impeachment, before congress can investigate any more evidence, that the special council would have been restricted.

Lol don't say "Trump believes impeachment will be a win," say he SAYS it will be. We don't know what he believes. But we do know he's a liar.

Why do they need to know? For what reason, two years and a lot of money later, their smoking gun turned out to shoot water. Now they are going after another tack? Lets waste a lot more money. He paid his own way during the election, he is not taking Presidents pay. And unlike the Obamas, he pays his own bills in the white house. Oh I know lets make him look bad so he loses the reelection.

trump is a crook

The Dem. & the Rep. must prove to the American people that our system of government works..they both are on watch; yes Mueller did his job of investigation , now prove your worth , because We are watching , no one is above the " Law "

"small hands square pants" : i'm the most transparent president in the history of presidents. Yeah sure you are.

Past red line=s jail time!

If Trump is impeached, the Senate will instantly acquit him. Trump will dance about saying "see I told you it was a witch hunt".

Trump is without doubt a greedy hardcore corrupt criminal in sheep's clothing. He thought he could make lots, lots of monies by becoming president and by deceiving the American people that he is their sole champion of their interests. In reality he was only interested in his own financial interests. Along the way, he cheats and bully his way out of his presidency. Now he is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, his own tax fraud crimes. There is no way out, it is now a matter of life and death for him if he is investigated and exposed. To deal with a unscrupulous bully like Trump, the Democrats must be a bigger bully. Don't ever let Trump get away with his bluff That is the only way to deal with the most hated and most hateful president Trump in American history !!!

You were bang on with this assessment today.Rachel Maddow should not have her own show. What she did when she got one year of 45's tax return was embarrassing. Meant nothing and she got set up. She bit and actually helped 45 at that time with a stupid wind up and nothing. Her show should be previewed before it hits the air to make sure she doesn't embarrass herself or transmit meaningless information.


These guest speakers are spot on. Impeach this criminal and corrupt president and save the country. The founding fathers must be turning in their graves.

tRUMP might lose everything if the LAW looks that he lied and all the stuff he brought with help from the government he might have to RETURN because He Lied about just how much money he has Land, houses, golf clubs, investments I guess that would go for his KIDS as well Like him his grandfather/father Taught him well for they where in the same game

You had me, until you said Joe Biden is the front runner. Stop this BS. I can't stand it anymore. If these news outlets keep pushing Biden like they did Hillary, and cheating Bernie, I'm turning it off. And so should everyone else. Bernie is the only hope, the rest are just pretenders, except for maybe Tulsi Gabbard, and Stacey Abrams. One of these ladies should be Bernie's running mate. That's the Democrats only chance. Do they really want another Hillary result. Get this criminal, and corrupt president out of the White House.


Trump tax plan was unpopular by the republicans pushed it anyway so I’m for impeachment.

Dems must begin fining and jailing these liars.

this is good and i hope it will be sucessfull because it will set a precedent for all members of government to be totally transparent with where all their money come's from....EQUEAL JUSTICE FOR ALL

I laugh everytime I hear these commentators talk about Trumps 'strategy'. The man is dumber than a vegetable and barely sentient. He cannot plan his next sentence, nevermind a political strategy. He blunders forth relying on the traitorous Republicans to clean up after his leaky diaper. The man could not plan a trip to the next room, without advisors.

Why are his finances anybody’s business? People are just mad that he’s a rich white man. Bush was a rich white man, as well as his son. Obama is a rich man, we didn’t get or demand his tax returns, he couldn’t even produce his actual birth certificate. WHAT DOES HIS TAX RETURNS HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? How does that keep or stop the country from running.

Oh! My God! What Are these Corrupt Trumps Hiding?

11:40 remind me next time i get pulled over by the police whilst carrying a dead body in the boot to tell them they can search the front seat and under the bonnet buy looking in the back seat or the boot would be a red line and they're not allowed to do that ... im sure it will work wonders....

Thank God Trump will be president for five and a half more years!

Trump's tax returns will prove he's broke. Why else would the world's biggest show-off not want to show everyone how filthy rich he is? Broke Don.

1:43 well technicly so are the republicans.. in the house and the senate .. so far ot's only been the house dems who have done their jobs everyone else it out on a picnic or something apparently...

Get this f^cking, moron and his stupid kids, out of washington. IMPEACH & lock up the entire crooked family.

Trump could have avoided all this by simply showing his tax returns at the beginning of the election in 2016, but he's too stupid and stubborn.

Seems it's just not Trump who's under audit after all but his entire family!

Yeah, yeah, yeah but what I really wanna know is...who is the honey @ 18:17 though?!? #waposexual

I wonder what he's trying to hide.

He never thought he could win. He just ran to further the trump name knowing even if he lost he could turn it into a win financially. That's why he could be so extreme and make such wild promises. Now everything is catching up with because potus has responsibilities that he cannot abrogate.

#tRUMPOOTin2020 honor, truth, integrity

Sure, win by burning your own house down, that makes sense. Kinda reminds me of the phrase "cut his nose to spite his face". As it is, there are few banks who will do business with pres dum dum & his family. I wonder how many will do business with his family at the end of his presidency after he sued the few ones which were stupid enough to touch his business with a 10 foot pole.

The GOP is in full support of rapists, adulterers, and financial criminals... Insanity.

Tell Trump, his family & FAILED Administration to keep wasting their that, the banks MUST & WILL comply w/any & ALL Subpoenas. Tell Trump, his family & his FAILED Administration that the Judges who issued these & other compulsory Subpoenas will not fail to Order a "HAMMER DOWN" should Trump, his family & his FAILED Administration fail to comply w/said Judicial Orders. Further....explain to Trump, his family & his FAILED Administration that such resistance on their side is futile, & will not look good on their resume. End of story.

Looking at how hard Trump is hiding everything, it screams GUILTY!

If you would like to listen to a reading of the Mueller Report (redacted sections are filled with music) go to youtube and pull up VICE NEWS. Amazingly damning with all the dirty deeds done by Russia and lies by the trump swamp creatures.

OMG, this is pure propaganda. Disgusting slander and lies against your own president. US government must cut ALL funding to these enemies or the USA in the msm.

*TRUMP 2020*

+BeingPlainJane ohh I can read but if your voting Democrat for anyone then you would clearly be stupid. If your not then my mistake :)

Alan aka FANG that’s the point....can’t you read?

are you people ever going to wake up to the fact, that the democrats don't care about what you the people actually want? They rigged the last primary and stole it from Bernie .. and they will do it again And yet you keep supporting them ... surely your not that stupid?

How is he supposed to run the country when you delusional idiots won't leave him alone? You had your special council got your result and your not happy so now you want his financial records? There was no collusion or conspiring with Russia so there is no reason to keep probing into his life, the way you are.


Mnuchin should tell the Dems that before even considering handing over Trump's tax returns - each Congressperson making that Demand must hand over his Own tax returns for the same time period.  THEN that same Congressperson must hand over his/her medical records pertaining to Mental Health - specifically if he/she has been prescribed drugs to help with mental health problems. There are too many such drugs to list, so they should Google "list of mental health prescription drugs" .  Mental health conditions include: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ... Anxiety/Panic Disorder. ... Bipolar Disorder. ... Depression. ...Schizophrenia. Donald Trump has already "passed his health exam." Now, due to the bizarre behavior of some Dems in Congress, the Public must insist that their mental health be scrutinized. We deserve mentally balanced people in Congress (not people "working on Their issues").

They must have stopped the investigation


The donkeys are desperate.

Is Trump using taxpayers fund to finance this bogus lawsuit?

If the President is impeached on a bucket load of crimes, Pence will consequently become the President and he will duly pardon him. Where does that gets us?

They sound like corrupt cops trying to search a random guy. "If you've got nothing to hide, you shouldn't object to my searching your car."

Pop goes the weasel!!

If it not will be something else democrats should be voted out.

The democrats are trying everything possible to get Trump out of office.or not to be re elected.thats all this is about

Bull dog face.maxine waters

Again? ... Fake News here as well?? Do You All Know How Fake You Sound??? Don't forget 2020 is just around the corner...

No! No, I didn't cut down the cherry tree!!

Trump should never have run for President of the United States if he didn't want this kind of scrutiny. He is not up to the game by a long shot. Too late and too bad. Instead, he is being hoisted with his own petard.

Fake News

His world is crashing in on him!!! FAKE NEWS! FAKE PRESIDENT!

Only TRAITERS ! support Trump and his evil henchmen. Save our country throw them in prison !

Trump is on the side of the enemy Kim and Putin got him

I thought trump didn't care he can do know WRONG

When Trump will be incarcerated?

Donald trump is bluffing - he wants to run out the clock on "criminal charges" Civil charges are only money so he doesn't care because he will put off payments forever....Convictions on tax evasion twice but they were only civil.. not criminal - HE'S facing criminal charges - he can't duck


who said there is no corruption in the developed world? If you have nothing to hide! you are the president of the free world who obviously understood the scrutiny you go under as president, you should willingly handover your tax returns. Everybody does! and to think that the likes of Lyndsey Graham and co can support trump on this?? there goes the reputation of american politics.

Everyone is guilty! Especially the media. That is a fact.

Please dont vote if you watch this for news. We are finally getting our country back on track after 20+ years of corruption in Washington.

he and his family just now , are making the fools out of themself !

can't wait for the coup attackers go to jail it's all coming out and even the media are implicated i think Barr mentioned it so the plot thickens lol is the death penalty sill in force for treason if so more than a few deserve it

"Eric Trump Russian Loans" $100 Million, it's NOT their banks nor their Government, Google it.

Let's see all of your FINANCES Fake Lying news MSNBC come on let all the American citizens see them what are you afraid of hah it's only your PRIVATE FINANCES that's none of ANYBODY'S BUSINESS just like Trump's FINANCES are none of ANYBODY'S BUSINESS,It's called PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT but it's okay your all going to be held ACCOUNTABLE.GITMO SOON

@BeingPlainJane ohh I can read but if your voting Democrat for anyone then you would clearly be stupid. If your not then my mistake :)

we must keep up the pressure up on trump an impeach him

T irs is taking $270.83 from my retirement annuity a month and this lying draft dodging crooked dictator

Is counter Intelligence, investigating some sort of intelligence.Im not sure wat U.S Law is, but common law as in U.K means not stupid...

Trump knows that pelosi is nervous about making a mistake, that why he calls her that, he's right!!!

He is playing chicken just as karine is saying. But if I was me, I would pluck leghorn foghorn feathers, he'll need a new suit.

Trump has been compromised by more than one foreign country, but especially Russia, one greedy man.

In my opinion, his confidant Barr should be removed from the Office immediately and his authority taken off

Tim O'Brien you are a liar, and lady so are you shame, love to see you, idiots, investigated

msnbc making fake news, shame on you, cheap none issues, you just like the sound of your own voice.your a lot of liars.

This is no longer a political , Democrat Republican thing this is a true criminal scam

Transparent??? right.

trump is full of hate his only love in life is money and trump

I'm pretty sure there's more people in Washington DC than Trump, who are alarmed at the prospect of being investigated like Trump is being investigated! And not just the Republican's! Still, the Republican's are foaming at the mouth to stop any investigations, and the Democrat's aren't all that interested in doing the right thing, by riding the country of this criminal president! Why? Do they also have skeletons in thier closets?

The love of money is the root of all evil. With Moscow Mitch the love of power is the root of evil. Moscow Mitch it time to go.

Trump's communist corruption goes deeper and deeper and after Mueller report provided clear proof of 10 obstruction of justice charges and tampering with investigations, how many people are connected with this dictator. McConnell and barr are corrupt also. With the GOP being the only party in American history to be caught, tried, and convicted of voter fraud previously, one has to wonder how is trump going to destroy America and its people? Vote to save America from communism, but do more than vote.

I can get charged for obstruction for not showing my I.d but the president can tell people not to cooperate with congress?

How was he able 2 meet with Putin without security or an American interpreter? How to let that happen? Irresponsible out of control? Did we really let him control protocol?

They are all under Audit, is the reason for not being able to submit. But they love to show it to the whole world.

Impeachment will not only expose a corrupt president it will expose a corrupt Senate, go for it.

We know what Trump's been doing the past 20 years rubbing elbows with Rich , screwing the poor, and fighting in court because he profits mean more to him than principles. That is Trump's mission statement! That alone to me is impeachment reason! Add racism and boom needs to go!

I bet if we impeach trump and let Republicans votes anonymous it would fly, just saying.

His best friend Netanyahu under investigation on corruption. Trump's next. partners in crime and human rights issues.putin benefits from nothing.conserning them two racist bigots. Other than sanctions.did you forget the saying (I can move America when needed. Netanyahu )like it or not

Yes , an innocent man has nothing to hide but , but a guilty little child will throw a tantrum

Typical msnbc talks about the Pres candidates that want to impeach and they never mention Bernie .

13:30... WTF! You can't even mention Sanders name! F U MSNBC!

This is horrible. People must think twice to vote for Trump.

Let me guess. Trump was a major beneficiary of bailout thru bankruptcy. His hotels,golf courses and casinos had so much skimming off the profits, estimated at 1 Billion$.Were not sure where the tax evader is laundering his illegally gotten gains but I would bet Israel and Russia, Saudi Arabia have a good idea.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH... #dumptrump




Yet he'll get a second term

Donald Trump is playing by Roy Cohn's rules...all the stonewalling is Roy Cohn's

Such scaredy-cats these trump’s are! Guess they should clean up their acts then things won’t be so scary all the time!

Trump will not release his financial status because it will incernerate him to ashes which makes him a total bankruptancy. no matter what. His power lies on his secrecy, which is also his weakness. So go for it.

trunk and nancy sleep in the same bed, so why are you surprised at their behaviors?

The people have a right to know who they put in!!!!!

Guess what? It's Sept 2019 and we don't even need the Muller report because Trump just tried to collude with Ukraine to get dirt on Biden and he's obstructing too. He's given us new and more blatant collusion and obstruction crimes to investigate.

This woman reminds me of the Aliens in the Movie Mars Attacks!

His love affair with Putin has been a long head scratcher. I think he's hiding his money just because he hides everything but maybe

. Trump will never ever in a Million years turn over his taxes. That is like asking Jeffrey Dahmer to show what he had in his bowling ball bag. Trump is a Russian agent and his taxes prove that.

Trump is running an organisation using America as his undercover headquarters an

Nail the MF and Squish him like the Cockroach he is!!!

Will impeachment work? I'm still betting on assassination. I vote for it being done with that special Russian poison.

Redefine or dismantle. Mercer expressed a disregard in this regard from the onset, it was not of concern when assisting with the audience propagandation analysis. Taxation was the priority not the standing of governance. With regard to front runner, was that a projection? If the intent of msnbc mainstream occupation of public social platforms is to fair well and draw the audience back to the tube, doublespeak isn't going to get it done. It is no secret that the faces of the mainstream are obligated to present the dictation. Truthful presentation is the relevant currency for those whom prefer to discern and evaluate. You had my undivided attention at one point, until clothesit became obvious the emperor had no clothes.

EPSTEIN - BARR INFECTION OF JUSTICE If your government is so concerned about your children'S immunity... Why is your government protecting pedophilia in your community where pedohile ring networker Epstein operates with impunity? According to FBI CoInteligence Assistance Director Frank Figliuzzi... AG Barr’s father hired Epstein to teach at private school, with no college degree". prayorbeprey dot com

Trump thinks he's smarter than everyone else. He's not. LMFAO.

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