How to Leverage Facebook for Business

How to Leverage Facebook for Business

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um hey hey Facebook Casey Ray here it's Monday so I'm back posted our did all right there you go I Can See Me Now all right guys perfect it's Monday that means I am back for week 11. and talking about 52 weeks in a row guys of things that have changed my life with personal growth things that I've learned um today I'm going to jump in and talk about how to Leverage uh Facebook and this is something that I've learned through my mentor so it is through the growth that I've done you know I've paid for it but hey it's you still learn and you still become aware and that's what it's all about right so today I really want to talk about how to leverage Facebook it's something I'm working with my clients on this week it's something that you know I do I spend a lot of time on timelines because I'm always out looking for my target audience you know you know just trying to create different ways of serving at a higher level so I'm always looking around for different options and so I see a lot I see a lot of timelines and um together with what I've seen and information that I've gathered from my mentors I'm going to cover with you guys basically a personal checklist for leveraging Facebook all right and if you guys want a copy of this I will gladly um email you one just let me know and we've got several Pages here I'm gonna go over go over real quick today because this is fantastic information guys this is literally and again I should say this is if you use your Facebook page for business your personal Facebook page for business this is very important okay if you don't use it for business it does this does not pertain to you but if you're running a business if you're in an MLM and you're using your personal Facebook page to try to push that business the stuff in here is phenomenal right and like I said if you're interested in this exact checklist let me know and I can email it over to you but basically what we're going to do is you know we need to solidify your offer solidify your target audience that's huge anybody that's successful will tell your target audience is everything you need to understand who that is inside and out their pain points their desires all that good stuff finalize your brand clean up your page clean up your friends list build out your friends list create your private group Reach Out start reaching out to 10 Prospects daily rotate friends list fill group with warm prospects be smart that's a big one and then 12 is work daily on becoming more of a producer and less of a consumer I can get into all that more on another day but for now what I'm going to do is I'm going to start the beginning of this list and I'm basically going to go through and tell you how to do each one all right and again like I said if you're just joining me you can have access to this checklist here it's your personal checklist how to leverage Facebook something I made is phenomenal stuff that I've gathered from hours and hours of being on Facebook myself as an entrepreneur learning uh ways people are doing things and then the stuff that I've gathered from two different um Entre or uh mentors of mine so very good information I'm sharing with you guys so one is you gotta you know let's act like you're in business right and you're using your Facebook page so you need to know what is your offer do you know what your offer is if you have a product if you're an MLM that's your offer if you're a service you might have to get a little more creative with it you know what is your exact offer but anyways guys from there after you solidify an offer you know you want to like I said this this gets into the target audience part this is huge this is everything you've got to solidify your target our target audience who do you serve you can't say everyone when I first got into this information you know mentors say hey who do we serve Casey and I everybody everyone needs this information well I was thinking well you know what if only five percent of the population understands the stuff that I'm coaching 95 is my target audience but that's not the way to go about it you you take a small niche of a target audience and then as you grow and scale you can grow that target audience but to begin with get a very small target audience a detailed person of who it is you're you're wanting to serve or sell your product to a lot of times it's yourself that's who it was for me it was who I was before I changed that's my target audience now right is this clearly defined in writing what are your target audience's biggest desires you out you have to know their desires and you have to understand their pain points to effectively market and advertise to these people all right number three is finalize your brand finalize finalizing a brand it's not that difficult but look here basically guys you know you get one chance at making a first impression right so you want to create or add a professional profile picture with your face in Clear Sight create or add a professional cover photo that states clearly what it is you do and if you want to throw your beautiful picture on there as well that's not a bad idea but I don't know if you notice when you go and hover over certain things on Facebook it brings up cover photos and profile pictures it's important that you give someone a first image of what they want to see from you right those two things and then the third one is very important is your description or your bio that is a big time thing that people pay attention to you know you can get creative with it you can drop a link in there to a group you can drop a link to an event you can get creative about what it is you do but a lot of people read those so you know you know make it stand out exactly what it is that you do make it clear you don't want people to have to search for this this is basically in marketing terms you're opening up external channels for source to fine juice so you can earn that's what this is um obviously finalizing your brand all three should flow together and Vibe with the energy that you put forth right have them consistent so people can see oh that's her that's her that's her that's him I can see what he's doing here make it very obvious right clean up your page talking about Facebook page here again guys you're just joining me we're talking about if you use your personal Facebook page for business if you don't you can disregard this but if you are using your personal Facebook page to leverage business or build business and stuff here is fantastic but number four and what I'm saying is that there's a 12 uh step checklist and I can message it or email to anyone who's interested in this phenomenal information stuff that I've gathered from time spending on Facebook myself and from my mentors but number four is clean up your own page clean it up go back 90 days and clear out any old information that no longer represents the higher version of yourself and again this is if you're just starting out but this is the things that you want to make sure that there's no you don't want bad stuff on your page people are going to go and look back and see what you're about they're going to look into you you know get rid of the political posts get rid of stuff about religion get rid of anything that's controversial just put the stuff that represents you the best out there and there's ways too if you guys go look at my page you don't have to post every day and live on Facebook that's another thing you can't be a producer on Facebook if you're living on it you're consuming you're consuming all this information and that's not good I post two three times a week and it's just just fine for my engagement and that's what it is so when I reach out to someone they say hey let me see what this guy's about they jump over my page and they see everything on my timeline mix it so you want to clean that up guys um remember this is your business your livelihood remove anything that is not in proper alignment with that you know even when you just cracking jokes and stuff if you're I mean serious about an entrepreneur and being you know business on here obviously you could do personal stuff but keep it in alignment with where you're headed so people can see that and you're not all over the place just posting this and that clean up your friends list this is a big one people don't do not like to do this but it's a hard one it was a harder one for me too but you know again what I'm reading straight from it on this part but this is business everyone on your friends list should be a potential customer think about that if you're leveraging 2.5 billion people on Facebook everyone on your friends list should be a potential customer friends family they either engage and help you in your business or you remove them obviously this is an option for you but you know they're taking up slots when you start grasping that you've got 5 000 slots out there for warm leads you want all you can you don't want people that are just sitting on there waiting and watching you and not doing anything you don't even know they're on your friends list for the most part right remove anyone who is always sick can be negative or likes to play the victim role we all know who they are if they're on your friend's feed you gotta you know it's not good for you to see it's not good for your potential clients and customers to see them commenting on your stuff they gotta go remove anyone whose posts are not in alignment with the highest version of yourself I mean if they're always cracking jokes when you post your product they gotta go it's not funny okay this is business treat it as such um and then we want to build out your friends list and this is stuff I can help you with you know let me know uh but basically what we want to do here you obviously need to know your target audience but once you know your target audience I can show you different ways of going in to different places in Facebook and extracting those people and usually your target audience as I was saying before is a lot like who you were before you had a transformation if you're in a service if you have a product it's people that can use your products right but you can find them usually all in the same groups there's all kind of neat little tricks you can go into groups and click on member scroll all the way down to see who's new to the page you can literally see who just decided that they want to get into this information that's your target how do you bam bam load them up that's who you need to have on your friends feed right and you can have up to 5 000 people guys people just aren't doing that not at all I like I said I'd see a lot of feeds and I see people doing everything perfect tremendous value they go live they put out phenomenal stuff their cover pages professional their profile picture fantastic then you go and they have 700 friends you're kind of shooting yourself in the foot when you can be advertising the 5 000. why are you only doing the 700 if you need to know how to you know get up to 5000 with the proper target audience that's what I'm trying to show you here there's there's a way to do that you want to fill up your whole 5 000 threshold of people with people that can potentially buy your product that's when you're leveraging Facebook all right so here's the way kind of where you're going to build out your friends list is we're going to add friends who fit the mold of your target audience you can find these people in like-minded groups send a friend request to anyone you can see becoming a client you have what these people need and kind of what the rule of thumb my mentors taught me is ADD 30 new potential customers a day because only about half of them are going to even accept friend requests you get about half about 50 so you're getting about 15 new friends a day and they're going to be like-minded they're going to step your friend requests you watch and that's how you start building it up continue to add these like-minded people from like-minded groups until you have reached the 5 000 threshold again from there just another step to do then you start dumping them off and adding new dumping off at a new but that's if you start doing it that way you're you're rotating through the 2.5

billion people on Facebook instead of you know putting all that value this fantastic information out to 700 people the same 700 people and those guys aren't even seen it because of algorithms see what I'm saying so it's very important to rotate this stuff through you know we want to create number seven is create a private group if you haven't done that for your business uh your private groups should kind of be create a group if you have not already visually visualize this as your warm or your pool of warm leads think about that so your private group is anybody that's any you know people that resonate with your posts people that comment people that have reached out and asked you a question you need to get them all into a group and that's when you start you start nurturing that you're building Your Nest Egg okay um nurture and engage with your customers show your face offer challenges action items create an interactive safe space for your like-minded people you want them all to be right there and enjoy it right this is where you run your specials your ads your events and happenings those are the first people that need to know your warm leads number eight is Reach Out to 10 Prospects daily this is the part again that's very uncomfortable for people if they don't understand what they're doing and you know there's a right and wrong way to do it don't get me wrong and the wrong way is to be spammy I'm saying that right from the get-go but you can send messages to people from the from the heart and it comes from an inspired action place and they receive it that way you you really can the messages are to benefit them it's not about your product don't ever send a message to someone says guess what I got about you you guys know what I'm talking about you get it every day you don't you that's not what you want you reach out to people and say Hey you know this is what I do something that could benefit you if you're interested I'd love to jump on call if they don't want to reply they don't have to right and if you do it in the right way and that's something I work you know a lot on with my clients is it's hard to kind of get into that mode it's like because this is marketing this is open it up external channels send 10 a day you're I mean you're starting to you're you're basically up in your service if you understand law of compensation right how do you earn more money up your service up in your services getting a hold of more people it's all it's all law but there's a right and wrong way to send those messages and that's very important if you have some questions about let me know and I I write DMS for a lot of my clients and because there's a right and wrong way to do it you want to touch on a few things and you want to you know obviously don't make it about you you you and your product product that's that's spam get out of that mindset and that's a lot of people that live there and you get them and I know you know what I'm talking about but if you understand what you're doing and you're literally opening up channels and there's a right and wrong way to do it and I'm telling you that I've sent thousands of direct messages thousands at this point and on two hands I can count how many nasty uh replies I got back and that's what a lot of people are afraid of it's the fears like the fear of rejection or maybe there's a fear of success of people saying hey yeah I'm interested in your product now you got to go to work you know what I mean so there's a lot of fears that are underlying issues Behind These DS but when you're doing it right you're talking to hey there he is Brad what's going on buddy um you know where you're doing it right you're sending out the right you're opening up external channels and that all that is for is so Source can find you to earn for your service that's basically that's how it works all right so reaching out to 10 Prospects daily if you believe in your product it's your duty to bring it to the marketplace and your product can be a product or service obviously right you can do so by by a gently worded direct message that's what I said no spam all direct messages are how you can benefit them not your product and again a lot of people don't understand that there's a right and wrong way to get a hold of people and when you do it the right way they they've you know not a problem at all like I said I do I send 11 a day and I've been doing it for over a year all right um then you want to rotate your friends list we were talking about this I talked about a little bit earlier is once you get to that 5000 threshold you want to continue adding 30 new potential customers a day until you've reached that threshold then while beginning to remove a few hundred a week keep adding 30 new daily why because there's 2.5 billion users on Facebook and if you're going to leverage it ideally that's what you need to do you can't just keep going live and putting your phenomenal information in your products and your services out there to the same people you want your business to be on the main drag for traffic not the warehouse in the back and I'm going to go I'm going to share a little bit about that for the for those of you that know me my wife and I had 20 years of brick and mortars entrepreneurs very successful nice six-figure income for many many years um but one thing I've learned is how to advertise and how much the the cost differs if you want to be on the main drag where you've got you know 50 000 cars going by every day or you want to be in the warehouse where you have three thousand big time difference in what you're going to pay an overhead every month so the way I see this when I see people that have this beautiful profile picture the cover page all the things they're doing right on Facebook and you scroll down and they're you know they got five 600 friends when they can have five thousand they're choosing the warehouse in the back purposely when this the front row drag the main drag street is just the same price so that's what you know that's what I'm trying to get across here guys is that leverage Facebook it's a phenomenal platform it's made many millionaires and then 10 we're getting close here but 10 is fill your group with warm prospects I've talked about that a little bit anyone knits anyone who has reached out or ever asked you a question should be invited into your group anyone consistent on any of your posts or comments should be invited into your group engage with your customers on a daily basis I talk about that you nurture them talk about that earlier on the create the group and again I will message this or email this uh 12 step checklist out to anyone on how to leverage this stuff you can have this and check it off it tells you how to do it when you're done check here it literally takes you step by step I'm just kind of reading it out because this is something that became aware to me through my personal growth I didn't know I understand this stuff before even though I had brick and mortar stores I never really thought about how to do it online like this the same thing you just got to use the right perception to look at it the right way stop putting yourself in a warehouse in the back get your product out there where 50 000 cards you're seeing it every day and things are going to change all right here's number 11 checking the timer okay be smart this is a huge one guys and I like I said I look at so many timelines because again I'm always looking for my target audience I I send DMS every day I told you that so um I'm on Facebook a lot doing that for work and I just see people that are shooting themselves in the foot and I'll give you a couple examples uh we we must use common sense as an entrepreneur I know that goes without saying but a couple suggestions if your title is health and wellness coach or a Vibe High coach do not post about being ill or sick oh some light no better you know if you're in a healthy vibration you're not going to get sick and if you're not in a healthy vibration why are you coaching other people to do so right the people that know we're going to see right through that if this is a big one right here I see this all this is the biggest one if you're in a health and wellness business and I'm talking about the network marketing businesses they're all there's so many health and wellness different businesses out there a lot of them have CBD oil a lot of them have some phenomenal holistic products that are fantastic for you and keep you healthy and they sell them they carry them do not post about being sick or that the whole family is under the weather it's it's all the time I just say I'm like man what you could have had me getting ready to sign up with you because these products are they're on fire obviously the way you're talking about them on your other posts how's your whole family I mean sick when you're on these products you see what I'm saying and then the last thing there if ever in question about that just ask yourself is this something someone you look up to would post is this something my mentor would post that's going to change a lot of things right there you're going to start looking for a different perception and you're going to say you know what I probably shouldn't put that out there now you're doing the right thing all right lastly guys is uh the producer versus consumer I've talked about that a little bit in the beginning here you know a producer is an entrepreneur who uses social media as a platform to reach more customers exactly what I'm trying to explain this 12-step checklist to you guys about we get on open up channels open up our marketing channels leave value and are here to serve producers send friend requests like I said I'll friend request I'll keep adding you know the kind of thing I'm trying to give these people uh show them how I can benefit them um a consumer the other you know law polarity the other side of that is someone who Scrolls they're being bombarded with useless information that is not in line with manifesting their desires constantly spending hours at a time for one reason or another you've seen them I mean and you know what I'm talking about and that's a lot of people too that's where I can go back about being smart you're going to put on there about this is you do this for a service and you do it and you you can help so many people but then you can go back in your timeline and see that you just posted six times the last two hours how are you helping anybody when you all you do is live on Facebook Common Sense guys there's stuff that you could do again if you're unsure about a post ask yourself well my mentor posts this or what would he or she recommend because that's huge right and a consumer is someone think about this guys like I said I send friend requests you know 30 a day and keep doing that I always have a consumer someone who accepts all those friend requests unfortunate I mean that's that's the truth of it I don't accept friend requests most people I mean that are where they are in their successful career don't they're on they are calling the shots if that makes sense think about who is sending you friend requests it's going to be someone who is trying to do the same thing you're trying to do they want to sell you their product they want to sell you their service they got it on you know they got leads that they can give you forever you know what I'm talking about all these things that that's what people sending you friend requests if you're a producer and you get on here to produce just leave them alone because that's what you can do if you start accepting all them you're not those aren't like-minded people those aren't you don't want those those aren't prospects at all so I hope that makes sense guys and at the bottom here it says happy manifesting so this is a 12-step checklist that I had created a few weeks ago and I've been working on it with my clients uh personal checklist for leveraging Facebook and it's phenomenal I mean it's good stuff um it walks you through everything that I've learned on Facebook how to get the uh how to leverage it how to get the most out of it there's 2.5 billion people on there right guys and we can have up to 5 000 friends if you're not around that threshold you're not you're not using you know this platform for the business that it can't be so hope that makes sense sending light and amazing energy to you guys uh before I go there's a link above that is a phenomenal it's gonna on the eighth it's gonna be a nice event there covering some deep stuff with manifestation and subconscious programming I'm using the webinar jam it should be a lot better experience for everyone so click that get registered and I would love to see you there make sure you message me if you're interested in receiving a copy of this checklist otherwise I will see you guys back here in seven days for Monday for week number 12. all right guys again sending light and amazing energy you guys have a phenomenal week an even better weekend again click that link above get registered and I will talk to you all soon take care

2022-12-12 18:36

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