ANDOR EPISODE 12 FINALE REACTION!! 1x12 Spoiler Review & Breakdown | Post Credits Scene | Ending

ANDOR EPISODE 12 FINALE REACTION!! 1x12 Spoiler Review & Breakdown | Post Credits Scene | Ending

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what is going on there citizens of the reject Nation we are going to watch today and or finale time joined of course John Hi how are you all right give me a second oh good I'm feeling rebellious I'm ready for a finale how are you doing oh John yeah leave a like people Everyone leave a like please go ahead and do that use the force to subscribe and click that notification Bell to get notified when we got a reaction up here on this channel that might be of your interest and as always and I want to say a special thank you to all who have joined our patreon page you guys have been saviors in our lives so thank you very much full-length stretch watch along as we sync up with your own copy for Andor available for super sexy rejects along with a bunch of other shows that we covered exclusively with reaction highlights and watch alongs included over there all right ladies and gentlemen May the force be with you gorgeous as always that lens flare just there was a tribute to JJ Abrams Easter egg like a Deidra coming into her own wow the dark side Looms on pharynx today who's that hologram of is that Andrews I guess so it must be maybe he's trying to like alter it or something I spoke to Cassian what he called the shop ow picked up the old box line and there he was and I said his name a hundred times he asked about funerals nice walk spies everywhere building some kind of weapon it's like a bomb I'd be losing my mind one another just one there's a trap get him drunk enough to talk why worry it though it's not like he knows about it I guarantee you he's got no idea what's going on Bank on that don't be so sure dude you know something I don't do me a favor keep it that way oh you're clever you're gambling again nonsense and here in Coruscant that's ridiculous do you have any idea how tired of this I am it's alive you can't live without a casino fine you go to Kanto bikes I feel like she was gonna name drop it best subplot I was on my way to pick you up this guy I've been watching his ISB he's a guy in town his boss showed up tonight good to see you too the mission comes first he returns not even wearing his hood I really wish he grew that beard back stand back let it drip look how quickly that's cleaned up 500 credits each people don't look down the way they should and I look down I don't look past the Russ trash and treasure interesting so is it a metaphor that he's that thing yeah it just needs to take a dunk what are you doing here just keeping an eye on the place till we sell it where is she oh God where is she oh no no no no that that's the final thrust of fighting in this Rebellion tyridine requires constant effort it breaks it leaks Authority is brittle oppression is the mask of fear remember that I oppression is the mask of fear it will come when all these skirmishes and battles these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empire's Authority and then there will be one too many one single thing will break The Siege pharynx Will Rise um for this to go down at his mom's funeral how fitting the control position is here here and here will have snipers in a containment unit there containment yes snipers know I want him taken alive I want that message passed along the line clearly you should pass that message along yourself this episode is spies and paranoia mon mothma is of great interest here having her husband dig a hole for himself could be helpful in many ways it sounded like Perrin had done this before they've made some odd banking you can close out your Anto Krieger files how many attacks still counting the bodies walked right into it it was ever before they started wow that hood is gonna blow right back down I hope Nico finds his way here just swims to ferricks I learned to swim off camera foreign oh what a tight hug I told her I was coming back stop I never should have left that morning stop he told me you'd say all this tell him none of this is his fault it was already burning he's just the first Spark of the fire I when the day comes those two pull together he will be an Unstoppable Force for good oh wow I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong oh take that love into the feet of that door Where it All Began morlano one that's weird I'll be in actually yeah [Music] Somewhere Out There Star Wars theories falling asleep he almost hear him snoring now I don't want to go live gotta find him we'll kill him where will they take him the hotel that's our Target you just need him dead before they start asking questions interesting nah I'm trying to hold back from telegraphing right now and I have a feeling I know what's going to go down I like how there's barely any music it really puts you in the midst of everything [Music] [Music] it's like serving as a funeral March and as a prepare for battle March not too different when you think about it away get these people off the streets man this is so cold they're just trying to mourn surrounded by the bricks of the Dead [Music] recognizes walk yeah double the reward you found it I want twice as much and a ride out of him when it's over where is he pretend you're arrested me got it they're ready they just want to pop off any way they can I need him alive Don't make me say it again oh poor B you charged up enough to mourn [Music] ah it's like mirroring uh andor's flashback foreign [Music] from work oh wow that's great the music's all coming from in show yeah that's awesome all diegetic oh brilliant what are you gonna reverse all of us yeah brilliant oh ferrick's Rising [Music] [Music] [ __ ] some [ __ ] spots go down [Music] I love the way they do the cultures my name is happening I was always eager always waiting to be inspired the Dead Lifted Me with their truth oh you have a change of heart there man did and I earned to lift you I want ferricks to continue in my waning hours that's what comforts me most but I fear for you oh these above head shots man climb we took their money and ignored them we kept their engines churning and the moment they pulled away we forgot them because we had each other great speech we were sleeping and I've been turning away from the truth I wanted not to face there is a wound that won't heal at the center of the Galaxy there is a Darkness reaching like rust into everything to everything around us we let it grow and now it's here the Empire is a disease that thrives in darkness it is a never More Alive than when we sleep holy [ __ ] [Music] it's easy for the dead to tell you to fight and maybe it's true maybe fighting is useless rise up today perhaps it's too late I'll tell you this [Music] if I could do it again I'd wake up early fighting yes yes all right fight the Empire oh you son of a [ __ ] kill him bring me his head oh riot [Applause] fight back Rebel nicely done [Applause] coward crawl buddy coward do not shoot the Anvil man I gotta get out of here I've always here it wasn't she great come on dude make some damage back there [Applause] yep it's time dudes come on do it yes land her right on top of it oh [Music] whoa ow I thought Cyril's gonna take that yeah combo wow that must have killed everybody hey so much for taking the emperor's mind off about Donny look at this fight Santa did not prepare for oh my God the rebellion's here yeah come on let's crack some helmets oh he had buttered the helmet and he went down got them hard skulls on ferrets thank you oh my God pull that helmet off Stormtrooper can aim no [Music] oh no oh good squat what are you doing here oh [Music] shazbot man that felt personal yeah get me out of there protect me at all costs [Music] wow oh my god oh dang armor plated hat appreciate that for capturing this in such like a ugly way it is the benefit of not of like laser blasters not being bloody as you can just see how nasty this all is [Music] that dude climbed that Tower forever for nothing Terror apart oh my oh my God right now oh they got themselves a hostage oh Cyril that's Cyril is that Cyril that's Cyril kiss her you fool come on I love you oh my god kiss you freaks you Natural Born Killers you and they're gonna go all the way in that closet right now damn Andrew's barely even in the fight so frustrated what about this everything goes pause it empty bleeding it's fine it's blood not hurt it's not mine ultimate badass line give me those don't go you go now we'll forget it kiss him you fool oh [Music] Jeremy Cassian come on it's your only family left can they make it to ganji Moon if they ever make it out of here you're not coming stay low all the way too far side sea the moment you get over the water you climb and turtle no cons Ole you understand yeah you're not coming no no I never got to see you oh I'm counting on you you always say that and you always come through get them out of here you'll find that I'll find you now go go go fly you fools time for a wedding God the mom's the Bride of Frankenstein make him a bride okay what game is this no game kill me or take me in [Music] but I won 50 000 credits you promised from before I gave back to Crystal well done well done teams mcgeebs they did good that episode didn't they what spots I know so they do good buddy [Laughter] nice oh my goodness all that hard work oh wow that's so cool [Music] that is an image yeah foreign are you building parts for the Death Star but you're building parts for the most lethal part of the test yeah the most what life erasing part of the Death Star crazy crazy stuff that should cry let's talk about it you mother F words all right that was a wonderful culmination episode everything came together in the end it did it all worked out it all worked out everything turned out remember the beat's going to be here everybody wins no I loved uh marva's speech um given her own eulogy that was great A Goodbye message kind of reminds you of like when my first thought was actually um oh my God who did uh would Jim Carrey play a man on the moon oh Andy Coffee I have any coffin um oh of yeah like prepping something in advance I mean many people do that and I thought it was great that you know like it was such a bummer that she stayed behind in a big part of her reason to stay behind was to give Fuel and provide help and be a part of the rebellion in some way because she could feel that there was a rise happening but her her death and the Gathering and Her speech was the linchpin to it all yeah and I thought that was so beautiful that this all got to go down at her funeral like there's no other way she would have wanted this funeral to go down and granted did she want her some her own people to die from Ferris not no However the fact that the Rebellion did for the ferrics like this this was such a Monumental moment and watching this rise happen and um you know one thing I remember when I first walked out of Rogue one and I think we shared the same sentiment here was that that movie kind of put the war in Star Wars and this really did that into an even more Grim effect because you know you're like good let's go let's go but it never turned into badassery the way you think it might turn into yeah it stayed very bleak and just so so sad the entire time it felt like you see the ugly side of War here or even in Star Wars a lot of the time it is like rousing and spectacle and whatnot yeah and never never turned into that it it remained that this felt like a real brutality and uh like a real war zone basically is what I'm getting at it's about like actually seeing blood so yeah but it the way that the images they chose to to capture would like the police holding the front line and the bashing the people with their uh batons you know and opening fire into the crowd yeah yeah it was really ugly and like thematically I just thought everything tied in and plot wise everything you know unfolded together too with all the characters coming together at this one meeting point and I do feel like it is a completion of a season one as because yeah it ends on a cliffhanger and not that I feel like the story would end here but I feel like the specific chapter they decided to tell because we've gone in you know like every three to four episodes it was kind of telling a new chapter of the season and then here they brought it all around where it sort of felt like part one of a novel sure you know or like the first the first novel in a series of novels yeah yeah and and I thought they did an excellent just Exquisite job but you know bring up something different yeah no two things this was this was so so rich and and yeah I thought that they it's like Rogue one it is really well proportioned as a movie because it is like the story of one particular battle and this great fodder for a war movie whereas this is yeah honing in on there are battles there is the actual fight but so much of what war is is the strategizing and the build up and the really harsh decisions and the weird things that you have to live with in the ways in which you have to cross your own moral boundaries and yeah this was very this was rousing but in a completely uh different kind of way because yeah you do associate I associate you know Star Wars with a certain amount of hope uh and then and not to say that there isn't hope but it's it's showing you just how much you have to put into hope like I feel like people look at Hope as this external force that lifts you up but you have to fill that well and you're watching you know over the course of this season as Cassie and Andor commits to going to that well and and nurturing that well and I thought it was really beautifully handled the way they brought everybody that seems so disparate and and and that was never really telegraphed this way but they brought everybody here and you see how everybody is and isn't mostly isn't prepared for this and I thought that was a really cool thing because we've watched so like over the season all these machinations all these plans being built and especially through characters like Deidra and Luth and you see the two sides that are very assured of their hand and even though there are variables you see the the prowess of strategy and here everything comes together in a complete mess for everybody which I think is especially striking but it puts the hands back into the it puts the power or at least the momentum the moment back into just the people's hands like I love that as much as you have all of our main figures of The Ensemble throughout this episode and you have that tension of their proximity and kind of what each of them what role they're playing so much of what really is impactful about this episode is just what the people of pharynx as led by Marva choose to do and then we zoom into these little personal moments in between that but I think especially for again a Star Wars series honing in on the idea of War I think that's a really beautiful thing because it does kind of show it in a stark sense and I think it's the first time I've ever watched something like this and thought to myself you know what I'm happy that there isn't blood with these blasters because for what this is we can level up and we can use the fact that you can get pretty gritty and pretty harsh and pretty you know uh realistic to a degree with violence you know if you do not have the blood and so here I thought that plays to a really great great effect a really harsh effect but an effect that really grabs you and it's like this I'm sure it's happened before but this is the first time I can remember where like the the culmination of the the just the all the pent-up emotion that boils over at the start of a battle really hit me in this episode so you're watching them process through the street when it became clear that the funeral procession was also about to become a full-on fight a full-on like rebellious act in the moment like that really moved me like this is a really moving episode in a way that I didn't ever really expect but I'm I'm just as the best of Star Wars can give you that like whoop your fist and like yes you know that catharsis this was a wholly different catharsis but you know a part of that same picture of hope you know just in again the harsher more formative stages of what that hope can do and be and the fact that you have to you know shine that light so intentionally through the dark um but yeah this is this was I mean I feel like this is gonna sit with me and sort of process through my system for the next several days but I was really wowed by this and as a culmination of the season I just hats off so much of the discourse about Star Wars is about like who had a plan and what that plan amounted to and this series feels like the product of excellent planning and an excellent grip on themes first and foremost yeah and I like that uh they had this attention to detail with luthin and Val and all of them as being the center point for where the Rebellion really sprung up and it did you know without Donnie being the a major moving point so turning that needle even for Marva like if that didn't happen Marvel wouldn't have been moved to do what she to stay would ferricks and perhaps even give that speech you know and I I like that you they show up and it's like they don't they're not even prepared for for this yeah you know and yet you have of course I'm blinking on the name now the book the one who left behind everything for Android yeah like you even bring that back around and you see that he that and or has been absorbing all of that because you know he is that character in this series where him being such a centerpiece for it all and like everyone's here just preparing for we're looking for Android we got to get Andrew we gotta kill land or yeah you know that's what it's all coming down to and yet they're they're so focused on that they're they've kind of turned a blind eye to the fact that oh wait we got all these other people here that are actually feeling a lot of hostility and really not handling the oppression you know like they're ready to throw down and I like that Lutheran and Velo they're not even prepared for that yeah when this is such a big cause for why they exist and what they're fighting for and this all stems within the the family of Andor you know and I like how Cassian through his journey being that art type character who you know you can tell that obviously we know you know from catching up with him in Rogue one or whatnot that he's gonna be that guy who is like so resistant towards resistance who's so resistant toward the rebellion and and doesn't believe in it but through all the cards that keep being dealt his way he's moved through to joining the rebellion in the end of course bringing it back full circle from that fourth episode when he is on the ship with luthin and Lutheran is trying to convince him into fighting for it and with I forgot his name again what the hell um I call him Ecom oh man like I know that's on it uh with nemec and there's always and in Marvel too you know always trying to instill the willingness to fight back and fight for this cause and it's taken a lot of sacrifice and a lot of personal movement and experiences for him to get to that point that didn't feel cliche in how we got there it wasn't just like marva's Dead all right I'm I'm now feeling it because she died and I got to do this for her did it turn into that which is what I thought they were gonna do and it it didn't go down that path I mean sure it's a part of it I imagine with this character but so much his performance is so internal but you can pick up on it just from the littlest bits of details even from him going into the prison uh and and seeing just wow these guys are not messing around you know they they don't even give you a second chance at life at any capacity so I I love the way how we got and or to the closing point of I'm going to fight now not for money not for monetary and not to escape and not not for just pure selfish reasons or anything like that it is because he has found a reason to fight in this rebellion and it's something that he now believes in so they've they brought that all around with the characters too like I love the little look of exchanges that already has with Lutheran at the end this whole time wants to kill him but he can like that smile he gives that little yeah absolutely a little tiny smirk of Hope like he's coming he's coming he's come around this sandor he's coming around he's part of it now um I love that I think I think that was really great I think some things I could have used a little bit more flushing out for me are Val and cinta Santa I mean sinto feels like a is like an important character but I'm gonna use a little bit more detail with her and and getting to know who she really is it's just a little bit better and there are some people on pharynx who I'm like I really like them when they're there but I I wish I I got to know them a little bit better to to care a tad bit more about them you know yeah who we have checked in with periodically um so yeah there are some things there that I feel like can be um explored a little bit more come the next season and yeah so we didn't really get a good a solid like we really just got like a cliffhanger with mon mothma we didn't really get a chapter closed so much other than you know with her getting the money and handing off their kid yeah yeah like that's a good Cliffhanger but I I felt like we could use a more of a chapter of clothes for that yeah I like how hers ends on such a dark note you know like everyone else's kind of ends on a semi hopeful note if you're one of the good guys one of the protagonists but hers is just so so Bleak oh yeah it's like everybody is everybody on the ground is stepping out of the shadows and now she has to step further into the Shadows yeah it's all aimed toward the same goal but yeah how much how much more harsh in the moment in in a way personally at least that that seems yeah so I actually I do like where it ended with her I'm not saying I don't I don't like it I do like where it ended with her because of that contrast it just feels like a step rather than like a whole Arc yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um but you've been watching or descend through this whole season and I do like how just uh unprepared the empire was for what came their way in this episode too yeah which felt like a realistic way of depicting it into a certain extent because they are just so they underestimate and they're so focused and you know they did bring it back with um Krieger dying and even with the ISB officer saying you know like this this was about I forget what exactly would this exact sentence was but you know it was this it was to send the statement and to and to wipe it clean which is what Lutheran wanted was for them to feel like they have ultimate power over this like oh they just walked right into this and it was easy peasy so now the emperor's happy yeah the emperor's happy and because of an incident like that it probably made it easier for what happened at Ferris for them to fight back too just like that little bit of an uh give enough to underestimate that can give more power so I I thought that was great and like Deidre and Cyril even coming together you know I want Twisted ass Duo here but I I like them together I do they're creepy as hell together I like them there's a bunch of freaks those two yes I'm very excited to see who they become in season two they're gonna have a very kinky relationship moving forward I can I can already tell yeah yeah yeah that was great um and the use of music too like you pointed out that there's so much just Foley and so much just um you know natural sound and then they have these extended patches like there's a little bit of score music because I started to pay attention but I love that yeah you have so much that's just sound effects of the environment and then you have this long extended sequence of Music where the music itself is sort of the main character and everybody else is focused in on that and it's completely motivated by what's on screen like there's so many really Lively creative choices throughout all this too like as as great as like the storytelling and the writing and all that stuff is like it's also really beautifully realized and and you know is one of the most immersive Star Wars shows I feel like we've had in a way as much as I loved galavanting about the Galaxy and there are things I love about you know each of the series this one feels the most like you're just there yeah yeah well it sucks you into it's mood and that atmosphere this episode in particular because of its Choice with its more longer lasting shots and with um the one to when to use music when not to use music and then a big portion when you got the music was just from the procession you know like that letting that drive the mood more oh that was great too that b it was the one to um project the Hologram yeah and then what a half-assed attempt that one guy to cover it up that is big guys coat I don't know like if you didn't do that man they might not have fought back there might have been still some hesitation one is great because they don't wink at you and they don't go haha he was right about uh you know the Empire back in the you know in the prison you know and and you know you can see how I I loved that basically that you have the whole Krieger thing play out in the background almost the entire time and I love that even the guy here is like you guys are you using hear about this creatures like I feel like it's been a detail it's been kind of hard for people to keep track of but I love that you have that and then you kind of come back around to a situation you watch so many people even on a low scale like the guy uh um the two guys who tip off the uh Imperials that andor's here and get them looking for him you know the guys who betray them like you watch so many people agree to letting circumstances happen just so that they're and your opponent won't be any the wiser and then you end up in a situation where both sides are not the wiser about what's about to happen and so yeah it's it also kind of gives a good kind of call to both sides that you got to really be paying attention oh most definitely yeah most definitely yeah and even with Bix like where you're talking about with with hope I think the one person who and or directly gives hope to is mix you know she's someone who is completely hopeless at this point and doesn't even know she's physically all there like she has a lot to regain physically and mentally yeah you know uh after the torture she endured so that moment at the very end where they all felt like there's hope within Andor yeah when they are getting away I thought was really powerful and really elevated the Android character himself yeah so yeah there's I think there's a lot of Beauty on display in this episode and I think it was just fleshed out really well with uh with uh with the more human side of the war in Star Wars I would say like even the after effects that you see when when the wars when the battle's done and you're cutting around and seeing some people who are just drained and tired and emotionally distraught I appreciate that that like like I said it's it there's more of it like an adventurous Spirit usually within the battles of Star Wars and you don't really get this side where you just see people are torn apart and uh it makes you I made me appreciate it and so yeah I think you really capture the human side and I feel like that's kind of the point of this this series is to show you the The Human Side of the rebellious spirit and that usually starts with hopelessness so yeah well and two so much of I guess the last thing is I feel like so much of again Star Wars has these really iconic heroic characters and one thing I appreciated about Rogue one that I think they've also carried over in a beautiful way here is the way in which a a person who maybe played a brief role can be so important it's like nemec hasn't been around for a while and yet he feels like a real presence in this episode and like a crucial presence and even having Andor the complaint many people have of like Android even really seem like the fully main character I feel like that even still goes to kind of bolster that overall theme of like you do see where his Arc and his journey and why he is at the center of all this but also you see the contribution of so many other smaller players who might not be you know hoisted to the level that a Luke Skywalker kind of character would be or anything well it's not like the show seems disinterested in Andor and nor does it seem like they're forcing Andor to be the star yeah you know uh I think that they they could have put themselves in a position where it felt that way or like literally they're not that interested in writing Android version everyone else yeah uh but they I think they naturally make and or the center of the show and I think he does a great job I think Diego Luna is a really like an excellent job it's like yeah the other characters are more exciting and and uh they're fresh they're new and they're sometimes we're just given more to do in in acting wise and plot wise you know so sometimes you do give them more stuff uh but Andor is the main moving puzzle to all this yeah you know uh he's not exactly like Mad Max kind of you know yeah you watch him go from Mad Max to the you know yeah I mean kind of to if he really if Mad Max really found a cause that he wanted to stick with for the rest of his life yeah you know instead of moving on to the next one yeah yeah and I do think uh the post credit scene was fun um yeah tying it back to the desk I mean I thought it was I think a lot of us might have thought that right they were building [ __ ] for the Death Star I was just more like a timeline of this right because they that they get um or so Galen uh to start building it uh when did that start like okay Jin was a child are they like the same in age her and Andor so that would make sense if they're already starting development on it yeah yeah yeah that's far that far along especially yeah yeah because it took him a very long time to build that thing so yeah when did they break ground of the Death Star to put that together so you know and I think like maybe next season is when you do see krennic or you do see Galen um and you probably get k2so like that's where you get the Rogue one characters who come in yeah get melshi back yeah I think you'll get I think you start to get more of these other characters here which is fun yeah and then we could finally get Andor and mon mothma meeting each other if Bob Iger agrees the green light let's keep season two AJ just started shooting today did they apparently we gotta start shooting him our numbers haven't been the best quick screaming is already start shooting before he says no start shooting we're gonna be shooting till next summer I don't know we already started shut us down now it cost you more money yeah that's not a don't be a don't be a Warner Brother just air it don't don't tax write off us yeah alrighty well um yeah this is a slam dunk I thought every episode was great uh it wasn't a weak episode of me I mean some are more exciting than others but uh in terms of was there a week episode no this was uh very a wildly consistent show in my opinion I know there's a big part of the fan base it didn't rely on the old streaming show just make the opening and the ending good and whatever's in the middle is up to the fans yeah no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it wasn't just about getting you to watch the next episode and it felt like the appropriate length too which is almost shocking these days and I feel like you know as much as I like the week to week I feel like it'd be a good binge sure yeah yeah it's it's it's just a well unified piece yeah for sure for sure all right guys what did you think about the Andor finale of the show hit the landing for you leave your thoughts down below it's kind of crazy how like book of Boba Fett ended in a city with the people fighting back and stuff and and they did this too in the hometown Turf but just so much more interesting this feels he has so much more real yeah it's like a fun house all right guys that's nice for the patreon Gabriel Gabrielle ah beat me to it our Guardian Angel here yeah you've been a patron of ours for six months and I want to say thank you for being part of our page for these last six months I hope to see you for another six months uh please know that your support has been not overlooked it has been very much instrumental in our lives so thank you for thank you for being you and for being as generous as you are and for not asking much from us despite giving so much to us uh that's the kind of people we are we like to receive not the biggest fan of giving to take so you know I think it's a fair relationship and I think you've found the right ground with us here so thank you Gabriel for the right people to enable I hope you have uh I hope we have a great holiday season I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and I just wanted to say thank you so much Gabrielle for uh being here and look at any information your orders this oh is that is that Quebec are you in Quebec are you quebecois and being the great white North living up in America's hat what is that Quebec yeah up in Canada [Music] nice to know you no wonder you're so nice yeah we we you're a quebecian yeah well thank you so much and uh I hope that you have a great rest of your Thanksgiving my friend Mel C and uh I will not okay hey everybody thank you [Music]

2022-11-26 11:40

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