I ruined the new Bitlife Stock Market update

I ruined the new Bitlife Stock Market update

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hey there friends how's it going today we are  playing some bit life a new update came out   that'll finally let me live my childhood dream I  remember when I was a three-year-old and I begged   my parents to allow me to become a crypto bro well  now I can do it so first name Satoshi after the   people who invented Bitcoin or the person said  Toshi I am a jokey that's a great name okay as   pale as can be because he never leaves the house  why are you looking at me I just make fun of him   not me thank you I can't make his eyes dollar  signs that's disappointing all right well I   still made him terrifying we're ready to go oh my  God it looks like someone's threatening that baby   because it has his name Satoshi I'm a joki and  then the gun I actually gave him a specialty of   crime that's his special ability I don't think  we'll need it but I figured it would be handy   just in case you know I might get involved with  some casual fraud what is this new button you   can just pray now okay just have a little prayer  what the hell it came up that I'm suffering from   mumps and then I went to the doctor and he's like  no you don't you don't have anything you're fine   okay well I guess I'll just go on with my life  while playing in the neighborhood your friend   Samuel tells you to fake a fall on your neighbor's  driveway because then you can sue them for lots of   money what will you do that's a great idea  to start off in crypto I think to fall but   it only hurts a lot and I didn't get any money  damn I really thought that would work is there   any club for crypto in school it probably gets  sued what's closest to crypto then ah gambling   board games Club join the club what does this road  sign mean I'm trying to get my driver's license   um people asking for money ahead I'm definitely  taking a detour okay we're gonna have to find a   job now to get money to make more money with  that original money but I only need little   money because when I take little money and put  it in crypto I make big money and then I put big   money in I make huge money then I'm millionaire  that's my plan excellent I got a job as a porn   set janitor great I'll have a little pray make  your wish I can actually pick something well   of course it's wealth wait what I have to watch  an ad to pray okay I just became an atheist are   you sure you want to curse the bit like that yes  what okay this is abuse of power what just you   just took away all my assets and yeah I meant  that like as an ass and assets because I look   at my looks I got nothing to go with now that's  all I had in life my Bitcoin aspirations and my   ass I called the bitlife devs money grubbing  dingbat I mean look I play a lot of bit life   but he's kinda got a point like I was just trying  to pray and now Samuel has made you his enemy what   are you a bit life Dev or something Samuel I'm  depressed all right can I pray again then I'm   gonna curse them again I'm doubling down I drew  a picture of the bit life Debs and ripped it to   shreds while cursing them I felt like Satoshi  I'm a joke he was doing so well but now all of   a sudden he's 19 a porn said janitor and depressed  and my mother is constipated this just isn't fair   why does everything bad happen to I am a jokey  and now Garrett has unfriended me insult him one   last time you're just as bad as the bit life devs  oh great now I have welts on my body I've been   cursed I've broken out in the hives I'm just gonna  [ __ ] die aren't I okay well I have 10 grand from   cleaning up porn sets so I may as well oh wait  wait hold on my parents gifted me this piano I   can sell it and invest it in crypto yes take the  offer my parents are gonna be so pissed but Mom   piano coins gonna be the next big thing okay  it's time to take my ass set and invest them   well invest them okay so I'm gonna ask Mom just in  case what she thinks I've heard now is the time to   invest in stocks no Mom I'm investing in coins  all right crypto currency I really don't like   his parents what's Dad gonna say consumer sector  I don't even know what that means I'm investing   in crypto well it took my ass and I was like oh  maybe I should go into bum coin but but um I think   cake coin also works and what about some hump coin  I'm going all in on hump coin I'm buying 22 home   coins come on I'm suffering from anxiety I want  it I just put all my money into hump coin yes 16   return your enemy Samuel started a rumor that you  have a warrant out for your arrest on kidnapping   charges that's pretty extreme I'm gonna allow I'm  a jokey to start a rumor about him to see what he   comes up with you start a rumor that your enemy  is addicted to oh nose candy okay I thought you   were just gonna say candy I was like like that's  not a great comeback but yeah that's that's pretty   good yeah he has a serious drug problem oh great  I can finally boost my health a free Zumba class   yeah bounce it whoa look at that it was one inch  from Death after one Zumba class he's a third of   his potential oh no I forget you actually have  to read the books and they say okay do something   easier then go to the gym that way I don't have  to do anything for you there we go we're up to   38 now okay time to age up and see how much money  I get from hump coin yes that's Karma yes I knew   this would happen he was trapped in an avalanche  and died while snowboarding foreign ly starting   to turn around I think I should double down on  this crypto thing I'm gonna attend his funeral   and just stand there laughing wait what oh no I'm  getting bad at karma for some reason while mopping   up the porn set at work you slip and receive a  minor injury to your hip what'll you do mop on   I'm a jokey mop on okay I need to diversify my um  my interests I think what else do we have I mean   with penny stocks local companies uh I don't know  what any of these are what what's the porn company   actually no they're if they're leaving spills  everywhere and employees are falling over like a   normal person would sue for that it's just Satoshi  majoki has had experience with that and they   didn't get anywhere so they were just like guess  I don't I don't get any money out of this I just   got hurt a lot what do we got here Tweeter Telecom  Inc Bond or corporate bond that sounds good wait   is Elon Musk in charge in this universe or not  because that has a massive impact on whether I   invest or not wait I clicked on it and the risk is  all in red I'll like those odds I'm going all in uh-oh I haven't even like properly digested the  information on the screen but that sound alone   like when I get my financial report at the end of  the year anytime my accountant sends that little   sound clip as an attachment I know it's bad news  he also sends it every single year okay so when   your return minus 103 wow all right I thought I  could only go to minus 100 but that's fine that's   fine I will manage uh the best performing asset  is camel coin at minus 19 okay the next year was   a bit better and I have a bit more money to  invest so let's see what else I can get wait   I should probably sign up for social media so  I can tweet about crypto all the time because   people really like that okay I've signed up for  every social media now I just gotta wait for   people to follow me because with a name like that  they know that out of all the people just guessing   randomly about crypto on the internet I'm the one  who actually understands it and you know what I   think I I've had many years and a porn set janitor  industry I think I can move up in the world to   pornography historian he knows everything about it  in the interview I said I like a workplace that is   inspiring every day and that's why he wants  to be employed by caveman adult theater as a   pornography historian I'm gonna ask my parents for  money so I can invest in crypto 200 awesome what   are the crypto coins I'm looking for something oh  I should have got into bum coin I knew it at the   time it called out to me but I was distracted by  hump coin oh look that could have been me I mean   it's still crashing at the end there but that  could have been me I would have been happy for   a few seconds all right I'm gonna go into the  worst coin the just STFU coin and I'm gonna go   all in on this I spend all of my money just hoping  one will take off every time my depression is gone   so that's a good sign and my anxiety is gone  that's a great sign yes I made 300 all right   look if the if money bought him happiness and  it only cost 300 that's pretty cheap actually   that's a good deal while waiting for food at the  drive-through a hillbilly calls you a jackass   how I'm in the care right is he is he a friend of  mine in the Cara with me I don't understand I'm   gonna forgive him anyway where is the financial  advice that I can say isn't financial advice when   I tweet about financial advice fine I'll just  do a dance video instead I got zero likes and   lost three followers maybe it wasn't a good idea  since his looks are only at nine percent but he's   smarter at zero percent so it explains why he  did it in the first place yes okay I'm really   doing well now I got a 10 return two grand that  year that's awesome that's loads of money to just   invest in crypto and what is this while on your  walk you find a briefcase oh I guess it's mine now   three hundred dollars going straight into crypto  a financial advisor although that's kind of my   job I am advising Satoshi I am a jokey I'll just  look in the newspaper Financial rebound not in   the cards for hump I'm never reading the newspaper  again they are wrong you're unable to find anyone   interested in becoming your financial advisor how  surely someone would be willing to take advantage   of me I'm a jokey okay I've seen from the praying  thing that the bit life developers are just crazy   with power so I'm going to look for anything  that relates to their companies okay they have a   game called Dog Life I'll go into the dog life pet  Corporation and I'll buy all the shares I can your   supervisor Jada approaches you and tells you that  she needs you to start putting in four more hours   a week of unpaid overtime okay hold on so there's  a lot to digest here I'm a pornography historian   hey that's a job like who's paying me B I have a  supervisor see why is there a need for overtime in   pornography history word explain that I can't do  that I gotta like look into crypto and stuff yes   I'm making a good return the worst performing  asset was the stock so I'm never buying stocks   again I like on the stocks one does bad and I'm  like well that's the Stock's fault and then for   crypto I just keep doubling down okay I think I  need to step become coming like a public figure   so I can chill the things that I'm invested in but  for that I'm definitely gonna have to be smarter   and I'm gonna have to look better so let's go  get some surgery I'll start by asking them for   brain surgery to fix the smart issue and if not  I'll just get like a load of cosmetic surgery   okay no brain surgery but I could get a penis  enlargement surgery that might be good I'm 500   short okay well next year I'll have loads of  money well I got fired I guess for not doing   the overtime never mind about the loads of money  I also lost money on my portfolio I also lost five   followers because for some reason a hacker hacked  me and told the world that you stalk Skrillex okay   well before they fired me I still got my yearly  salary so it's time for surgery I was gonna say   this will be a great disguise if I have to flee  the country that sound means it was botched   um but yeah as I was saying I guess that that  kind of surgery wouldn't really help you hide   your identity all right let's see what happened  okay it was completely botchy he's a botched penis   it happens you know just laugh it off get on with  your life play the lottery hope for the best maybe   we can fix it God damn it I didn't win can I sue  someone oh yeah doctor oh wait I have loads of   people to sue here who would I do first I guess  Dr Goldfarb I'm gonna just look for 50 grand for   losing my penis I think that's a fair ask you  won your lawsuit of 50 Grand okay awesome now   I can sue the others with the money I made from  that one so my supervisor first I want five grand   and I'm gonna spend three and a half Grand paying  for it you lost they laughed in my face while I   was leaving the courtroom well then I'm just going  to sue the the actual place that hired me you lost   oh okay well I still have 45 000 from the initial  one honestly getting a botched penis was the best   thing that ever happened to I'm a jokey although  that's not saying much because his life has just   been pain that pretty much the only emotion he  experiences is pain but not to worry we're gonna   get him a mail-order bride yep I didn't even look  who it was just yeah that'll do wait how did I end   up with more money money from a mail order bride  what happened there she washes dishes at a cafe   I don't understand how she had so much money then  but look I guess when it comes to love it doesn't   really matter how much money someone has because  either way I'm putting it all into crypto okay if   I know my wife which I don't she'd wanted all  going in to zitcoin there we go 139 000. now   that's a gamble I mean now that's an investment a  job and I'm rich wait no I'm not I've lost quite   a lot but that's okay some of your friends are  going to a local casino okay hey I don't have any   friends and B a casino is a terrible idea let's  go I'm gonna put it all on Blackjack and 11 easy   hit me I'm so good at Blackjack let's double down  once more just so I have enough money to get by   we'll just stand on the 17. I hate Blackjack your  wife is arguing with you because you lost money at   the casino oh just wait till you hear what I did  with the rest of it then you're gonna be delighted   because you're gonna make millions on the rest  I'm amazed this guy is still alive despite of   being cursed by the bit life devs he's hanging  on in there at 29 years old how's my portfolio   doing oh does red mean good by any chance what  does the wife have to say she told you she has   no clue me neither but it doesn't stop me okay the  market health and bonds is awful I feel if I get   in now they can only go up I'm going to go with  the Swiss because why not oh yeah and you need   money to invest my bad I'll be back next year with  some money first I need a job who would hire me a   cameraman I guess he's seen cameras being used  just don't give any context and we might get it   why should we hire you I have the necessary skills  I'll make you look smart I mean that's true but   that's just because he's overwhelmingly stupid  knowing him he just replied I'm not sure you   should but we're gonna say I have the necessary  skills yes lying works I'm gonna have 50 Grand a   year to invest in [ __ ] crypto coins now I got  anxiety again as soon as he starts to get money   he gets instant anxiety you come across a duffel  bag filled with what appears to be PCP what will   you do sell that bad boy oh God I got caught oh no  I'm getting arrested for drug trafficking I was in   trafficking I was just trying to make a quick Buck  should I try and probably God damn it I lost my   job now and everything I'm just gonna cooperate  and uh we're gonna hire a good defense uh Frost   and Boozer they won me that lawsuit that one time  they also lost to me the other two but one out of   three isn't too bad if you plead guilty you will  receive a two-year sentence but then I lose my job   and either way I'm making money on the inside of  my crypto so I'd rather take my chances and get   I I have five years in prison I'll see you in a  while ah the wife got a divorce almost immediately   this is a problem because we had a prenup but  uh I spent all of her money wait what I don't   understand so she was worth a hundred thousand at  the time of marriage and she'll walk away with 41   000. I was worth 78 000 and I'm getting half a  million in total assets is that because like I   bought the crypto with her money but like it was  my crypto or what either way I'm depressed oh my   God I knew Bitcoin was a good idea that's the  one that went up 400 percent and I put all of   her money into it oh it's good to be divorced yes  1.5 million good things do happen to bad people   uh the only thing is I can't cash out oh no and a  crackhead came up and bit me on the neck it sure   wasn't like a vampire I'm gonna go to the doctor  and hope that I can get checked for that I'm rich   now I should be getting the best of Medical Care  speaking of I'm rich now I just made eight and   a half million dollars okay one more year don't  crash don't cry oh you [ __ ] wait another year I   thought I was getting out okay okay that's this is  a good start yes I was gonna cash out but the game   didn't let me awesome 25 million this is one of my  richest characters ever and all I've been going is   like YOLO have my wife's money so I'm gonna hang  out next to you at an offset concert offers you 17   000 to bring a parcel to Canada all expenses  paid I'm not falling for that one again because   I really don't think they'll believe that it  was a coincidence and I didn't know what I was   doing this time I mean they didn't believe it  first time either but the second time surely   they wouldn't believe it I like the answer for  yes it's just short people like this band so   yeah I I like the same music as you I'll smuggle  drugs over the Border no problem okay Health can   I boost my health um what a friend is offering  you to bring a ghost yoga class what what is   a gold yoga class is that yoga like with goats  or yoga for goats is the goat teaching the yoka   normally I'd never stay in bed but I've got  this okay we're gonna take some of the money   out I'm Gonna Leave a lot of it in there but  I'm gonna take some out because I'm minus 23   000 right now this has just been going through the  roof I'm gonna sell some of it I want to sell half   half of everything I have is going and I'm going  to invest in something else wait wait I have to   pay taxes this sucks I'm tempted to not report  the sale because I have that botched penis you   know I'm not usadoshi I'm a jokey I'm someone else  like I have a botched penis I I couldn't be that   guy but I I'm gonna play it safe and Report the  sale to pay the tax because I feel like if I go to   jail again everything will crash and I'll lose it  all all right now that I have money I need to buy   happiness because his stats are still like this so  I'm just gonna go in and say to Dr Don that I want   everything just give me everything do you think  they can fix the damage that was done I'll go to   doctor Don to see ow no it's botched again all  right start a lawsuit and I actually have money   now so I'm very dangerous I want 1 million damages  maybe his penis isn't worth that much um let's   say a hundred thousand Hill and Bush are gonna  defend me on this one and I lost okay well that's   a slight problem because now I can't go to the  good surgeon for the rest of my plastic surgery so   I'll just go to the Bad Doctor look at that it's  botched I gotta stop because he could actually die   and we we were slowly getting up there we had some  Assets in the green and now we're back down to   this okay it's lawsuit time again I want a hundred  thousand you won yes all right I just got a load   of free plastic surgery that did nothing for him  he's is happy now but that's only because he won   his lawsuit and it's just a pride thing he didn't  even need the money look at this I'm reading a   book to try and make him smack well actually he's  not reading it he's just flipping over each page   and like yeah I touched every page I pretty much  read the thing I also read the little blurb on the   back but they're offering me to watch the movie  instead which I know is just gonna be an ad so out   of stubbornness I'm not doing it I'm clicking all  of the pages like I wouldn't mind if if I didn't   pay for this but I paid for this service I'm a bit  isn't God damn it it's a citizen but in bit Life   by the way I paid like five euros for that service  I know they're like oh you still want to watch ads   though maybe do you like ads okay that's it I'm  running for president hold on let's slow down a   second my looks are still awful they'd never elect  me what about instead of surgery I just like went   to the gym and actually tried to look after myself  there we go he's dating someone look how happy he   is all of a sudden and he's still looks like  [ __ ] but other than that life is pretty good   and he has enough money to make up for it okay can  we emigrate somewhere where they like won't tax me   is that a good idea I I probably should have done  that beforehand but hey better late than never the   Bahamas I don't actually know anything about the  Bahamas other than a lot of people who don't like   taxes go there so I'm gonna go to the Bahamas your  girlfriend Kelly has refused to go with you oh no   uh anyway I'm going to the Bahamas your girlfriend  Kelly has left you no no no I left her I went to   the Bahamas so let's say I go to sell like just  just like one more coin and sell it and that's   it that's all I had to do oh man I just lost like  six million dollars for no reason it is what it   is that's pretty much the same reaction as when he  lost his penis I was like oh man yeah well foreign by just throwing a million dollars at the  campaign and I didn't even make it onto the   ballot okay well time to diversify my portfolio by  just investing in a different uh crypto I'm gonna   go into Dill coin wait wasn't bomb coin the one  that was huge earlier wow a huge bomb there but   and it is going back up a little bit you know what  screw it honey whim I'm just gonna throw in seven   and a half million on it a job my depression's  gone that's always a good sign my anxiety is gone   another good sign and I lost four and a half  million dollars actually though it's Bitcoin   that that went down the my knowledge was great I  have such a good understanding your mother tells   you her friend works closely with the CFO of a  company called tamper Pet Supply Corporation who   can fight its stock prices will exponentially  increase when its earning report is released   I think I'll buy it I'm putting two and a half  million into this I think I need to get out of   Bitcoin it's oh yeah it it needs to it needs to  go I'm selling all of it I'll take my 8 million   thank you very much I still lost 2 million while  gleefully singing carols at a Christmas party you   suddenly notice a beautiful married woman who is  very drunk holding mistletoe above your head you   know what we get into trouble see if I care oh  wait I never bought the stock did I oh wait no   I did did what happened with it okay it went up  maybe I should just put the rest of my money into   this because it does seem to be going up I think  she was telling the truth yes okay it offset some   of my awful crypto Investments I'm going back into  hump coin wait I don't have enough funds oh would   I have to sell something but I want hump coin all  right I'll just wait till next year when I make   loads of money from this I lost 4 million okay  this is worrisome is it a little bit concerning   that the best part of my financial career is when  I was locked away and not allowed to touch it okay   I'm gonna liquidate everything and I'm when  I head back to the United States and run for   office I think it's a great idea he's proven that  he's really smart oh yeah I have a criminal record   okay well I'm leaving the country then or wait do  I have like a lot of followers maybe I no no one   cares about me what if I just like post a tweet  a motivational quote because he's really he lost   two followers I could go to the casino that'd  be a quick way of earning a million dollars I   got a five it hit me seven hit me I got 80. all  right that's fine I'll just win all right well   the casino is rigged so I'll just go back to what  I'm good at digital gambling surely someone wants   to be my financial advisor at 10 I'll do just fine  without you Marcus hump on the way up that's what   I was thinking too I'm gonna put all of my money  in hump coin well most of my money I'll hang on   to a little bit just in case nearly 13 million on  hump coin age up and reap the rewards okay well I   lost two and a half million but I I was actually  doing it as a Long play because next year is when   it really kicks in oh wait my dad's like oh yeah  my friend's company is doing really good so I   guess I'll just throw some money into that yeah  you see the Long play oh hold on it was my dad's   advice not not my one but my one actually did okay  too camel coins at 18 it is natural that it it has   like its humps and downs while on your walk you  witness a movie director smoking in a prohibited   area call the police immediately he attacked me  with a brick and shattered my mouth I'll call the   police again although I'm not sure if I'd be able  to make that call after getting my mouth smashed   with a brick doesn't matter though because I'm  earning tons of money a reporter approaches you   with an informal poll who should replace Elon Musk  as CEO of Twitter an actual Bluebird it's like if   he takes the bird's seed you do a yes on whatever  the choice is and if he takes the nuts you vote   no and I honestly think he would do a better job  okay how can I flaunt my wealth because what's the   point in having money if I'm not flaunting it I'm  gonna go shopping and I'm gonna buy a big house   I don't have any objects the only object I had was  that piano that I sold that my parents had gifted   me oh I want this cruising yacht I'll just live on  the yards okay I gotta sell some of my portfolio   for this I'm just gonna sell everything that  my dad advised me about because I I don't like   him getting the credit anyway and then I'm gonna  accept that I lost money because I just clicked   on everything and emigrate to the Bahamas before  doing it again okay I need like four million here   to just uh buy this boat that I want oh now  that I've moved it's gone but there's even   better options like I could buy a pirate ship for  seven and a half million and you know I gotta buy   the pirate ship there we go I have enough money  to denied I don't have a boating license okay   I'll take the test what is the name for the side  of the phone I don't know I don't actually know   this but I want the pirate ship you failed can I  just take it again this time I'll know for sure   oh don't ask me about the different side I the the  stern yes that wasn't a guess I definitely knew   that just as much as I know about cryptocurrency  honestly they would just tell them the answers if   this was real life if some lunatic came in and was  like yeah I'll give you seven and a half million   for that random pirate boat that's made out of  wood I think they just got yeah look just let's   see all right just buy the [ __ ] boat buy it with  cash yes what'd they call it I'm gonna call it the   crypto pirate yes he's happy now finally he's  happy he has what he wants depression is gone   my portfolio is crashing but it doesn't matter he  loves that pirate ship his happiness is actually   full for the first time in his life he's happy  she probably send my dad a gift for that Financial   advice he gave me um facial wax strips yeah he  loves those Well he kind of likes them a little   bit like there's a bit of appreciation there okay  every year I'm losing a little bit of money now I   better buy some shares in whatever company this  is my mom is giving me advice while walking by   a biker bear you come upon a leather clad biker  about to Slit another man's throat okay I guess   I'll just call the police they were too late and  he died and I I am getting in trouble for insider   trading my mom just gave me some random advice  what are you talking about the rest may as well   just be gambling I'm just rolling the dice and  going oh yeah hump coin sounds promising I don't   even know what it is wait I don't have enough  money to get a defense no hold on let me just   sell some of my crypto for God's sake oh I have  to go with public defender now not guilty yes   okay thank goodness I'm surprised logic actually  prevailed wait no what I'm in jail why is he in   jail I thought it was fine because it gave me a  happy noise but then I look up and he's just in   this jail cell and smiling at me okay well let's  hope it goes as well as last time and I earned   just as much money from just sitting in here okay  not off to a great start I lost a million okay   it's on the return camel coin is is taking a leap  forward everyone is dying that I know while I'm in   prison and they're not even allowing me out it's  not like he's a violent prisoner well he is a bit   of a violent prisoner but he's not in here for a  violent crime okay released from prison how's my   money doing I I'm doing okay I gotta get to the  Bahamas fast oh wait I'm in the Bahamas I get   arrested for Insider training in the Bahamas at  least he's happy now though once he gets out at   Sea he's just he loves the pirate life oh my God  it cost a hundred thousand for maintenance and I   don't have any money that's okay next year camel  coins gonna blow up okay it blew up but for you   know the wrong reasons it blew up the bad way  no no while I'm peacefully cruising your pirate   ship crypto pirate across cam Waters you notice  the speedboat rapidly moving your direction as   you attempt to outmaneuver the sudden threat it  strikes Your Vessel and burst into flames why is   it made out of wood tried to steer her back to  shore save it oh she took on water and sank and   you died what a strange ending for someone who's  obsessed with crypto he died on a pirate ship   accident career porn set janitor okay if that's  what you find most notable fair enough his father   couldn't be bothered to attend his services but  I gave him those facial waxing strips he has no   respect friends laugh as they recall the time he  called the cops on a movie director okay I got   smashed in the face with a brick so I don't know  why you're laughing about that and second of all   he didn't have any friends so I'm not sure who's  laughing at him but it's not in good spirit well   friends I'm afraid Satoshi I'm a jokey will have  to rest in peace I hope you learned a lot just   bear in mind none of this is officially Financial  advice although if I do give my honest opinion if   you do somehow get rich maybe don't invest it  in a pirate ship I know it seems like nothing   could possibly go wrong it seems like the best  possible idea you could use your money on but   trust me from experience things can go wrong  pirate ships which haven't been maintained can   sink just putting it out there thank you so much  for watching I hope you enjoyed check out some   of my content here I hope you'll enjoy that  and I hope to see you next time bye for now

2023-01-09 13:34

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