AMC and The Revolution of the Movie Business. Ken Griffin Helps Elon Musk With His Twitter Buyout

AMC and The Revolution of the Movie Business. Ken Griffin Helps Elon Musk With His Twitter Buyout

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this is the chart for Netflix stock as you  can see here and the stock has went through an   obvious correction what do we have here November  of 2021 we were as high as about 700 bucks as you   can see this is the long term chart and then we  hit a bottom of 163.79 record people were leaving   the subscription the company was struggling and  recently it's been making a nice comeback and   now testing this resistance line 294 24 and  this is based off of this support right over   here as you can see and also this resistance so  this resistance became Support over here strong   support as you can see before it made its run  up to north of 700 bucks and now it is acting   as resistance so if it breaks through this then  look for it to test the 386 level so moral of the   story is that the management of Netflix I think  in my opinion is good they know what they're doing   and the proof is in the pudding they were the  leader of streaming services yes they had to   adjust yes they did go through tough times but  every company goes through challenges and these   types of challenges is just a marker and a sign  telling them that they have to change and I think   that they're doing that and how is this related to  AMC Well I'll get to that as well if you've heard   recently we mentioned how AMC and Netflix signed  a deal where they're going to play Netflix content   at the theater I believe a week or two before it's  released on Netflix so that I said was extremely   bullish in a recent video because that's like  a first date you're not going to get married on   the first date you're gonna have a date see if  you like the person and then obviously you have   more dates till eventually you go steady and then  eventually you go married hopefully if everything   works out so I think this is the beginning of  an industry-wide change not just for AMC and for   Netflix but I think the entire industry including  the film industry is going to be revolutionized   because I think the film industry has to change  as well not just the streaming services so I think   there's going to be some sort of incorporation  some sort of binding and previously there were   laws or regulations and guidelines that  prevented such thing from happening but   recently there's been changes to these laws as  you can see major antitrust ruling clears the   way for movie studios to own theaters right so  now with this new ruling and other rulings down   in the pipeline there could be a major change and  again a revolutionary change to the entire movie   business so as you can see previously the movie  studios weren't allowed to own their own theaters   this is going to be repealed right so obviously  there's going to be no deal signed we already   saw the AMC and Netflix deal and there's going to  be other things that we haven't foreseen that's   probably already being discussed and probably  in the pipeline including possibly who knows if   Netflix might just do you know theatrical release  only Productions to diversify their business model   or things of that nature and you have Disney you  have HBO Max and all of these other services who   knows if there's going to be mergers if there's  going to be Partnerships if there's going to be   buyouts and obviously AMC being the largest  theater chain you best believe they're going   to be at the Forefront of these revolutionary  changes so I believe this is extremely bullish   for AMC Netflix obviously we've already seen the  beginning of a new bull run with their stock if   we zoom in a little bit here as I said we have  a triple bottom 164 and this was you know what a   few months ago May 22nd this is June 22nd a month  later another bottom same bottom and then a month   later July 22nd coincidentally I didn't even  notice that till now so we have three bottoms   a month apart and then as soon as the last bottom  hit what happened we went from 167 and currently a   couple of months later we're approaching the 300  dollar level nearly doubling so again Netflix is   a good is a good company that's managed well run  well with innovators at the helm again the proof   is in the pudding just look at their track record  when they needed to make the adjustment they made   the adjustment an example of a company that didn't  do the necessary changes and didn't make the Right   Moves might be Peloton obviously after the ending  of the lockdowns their company's stock took a big   hit but they didn't or they weren't able to  adjust to bring their company back from the   doldrums right but Netflix didn't have that issue  because again they are are well run company so   I like the fact that AMC and Netflix is already  working together I think it's just the beginning   of many more things to come so let's keep an eye  on all of the changes that's coming to the movie   business and we all know that movies aren't going  anywhere now the question is how are the streaming   services going to work with theaters and theater  owners to further their business model now let's   look at the or text data which we haven't done  in a while obviously take this with a grain of   salt this is just on paper we know that there's  many more shares that are invisible but these   are just for the visible shares we have the  estimated short interest percent of the free   flow just under 20. seven days ago was at 19 free  float on loans holding steady at about 36 shares   on loan 186.35 million days to cover still higher  than it's ever been 4.76 I believe this is higher  

than it was last January and last June as well  so that's telling and the cost to borrow just   under 20 percent so extremely high obviously here  are the charts you can pause and analyze them if   you want to look at the charts but it's the same  information just in graph form and this is the   information for ape 7.23 again with a grain  of salt 7.23 5.49 free float on loan shares   on loan 28 million days to cover 1.48 6.13 cost  to borrow utilization 72.35 again feel free to   pause and analyze the graph if you'd like and I'm  gonna show you some interesting data regarding the   market cap of a Panama see and according to bus  man the market cap of ape is almost double of   AMC and this information is according to Yahoo I'm  not a financial advisor this isn't my information   and this video is for informational purposes this  isn't financial advice you guys know that already   but I do have to say it so the market cap 5.66  billion ape trading at about 250 when this was   posted right now we're at 273 up about 12 percent  so we've had our little Bull Run in the recent   near term so things are looking better and this  is the volume 12.151 million again at the time of   this posting average volume just under 20 million  and again the market cap 5.66 now we're going to  

look at AMC market cap 3.219 billion so I thought  that was very interesting how the market cap of   Vape is showing to be nearly double that of AMC  and if we look at the average volume just under   40 million if you recall I believe the average  volume back during our bull runs last June was   I think it was 700 million if I'm not mistaken I  could be mistaken it could be 170 million or 700   million but in either case if we want to see any  significant moves we obviously need to see this   volume go up so do share the video like it you  know keep tweeting keep spreading the information   keep talking to your friends your family and  also support the channel using the links in the   description so I thought this was interesting Ken  Griffin committed Millions to funding Elon musk's   Twitter deal this just came out this is breaking  so billionaire Ken Griffin has committed to back   Elon musk's Bid to Buy Twitter according to  a person familiar with the matter though the   amount he pledged was less than 20 million which  is just peanuts to a guy who's worth 30 billion   so the question is why would Ken Griffin want a  piece of this why would Ken Griffin do this you   all know that people aren't going to do something  for nothing right so the obvious thesis would   be that he wants some level of control Twitter  is obviously an important weapon because it is   Media related information is power we all know  that the Reddit crowd the meme stock investors   the Apes whatever you want to call them Twitter  is a super highway of exchanging information so   perhaps being the control freak and psycho that  Ken Griffin is of course he wants a hand in it   he's the market maker for the stocks he wants to  be the market maker for crypto and now he wants   a piece of Twitter again 20 million is just the  first date it doesn't mean that he doesn't want   to marry it who knows maybe he actually has bigger  plans of marrying it until he has full control of   the Twitter Spectrum who knows if he already owns  a part of Reddit or not and stock twits and all of   these other sites who knows but that's the type  of psychotic control freak that this psycho is   so I'll link this article if you guys want to  read it in its entirety for time purposes we'll   move on you heard about Al from Boston recent  suspicious activity former suspicious activity   regarding sexual harassment allegations before  he decided to go dark and quit making videos he   deleted his Twitter recently he came back and now  I heard yesterday as you can see I don't watch his   channel but I heard that he interviewed Doug sifu  over to so how does this guy get in contact with   dog Seafood I can't even get an interview with  masked investor nobody wants to work with me   but this guy is getting Doug sifu he talked to  Patrick Byrne of Overstock I don't know maybe   he has some inner ties I don't know but this guy  thinks you know whoever tweeted this thinks that   he's a double agent and they said that he denied  the existence of synthetic shares this is Doug   sifu's tweet since you served I will respond sadly  you've been told a complete BS narrative about how   the U.S retail Market works the synthetic share  stuff is utter nonsense slept great last night   and seeing my kids today hope you'll read more  and learn wish you well this was from Boston's   tweet that he responded to Doug you and Griffin  are stealing and scalping from poor people don't   you even have a conscience do you ever look into  children's eyes and even show a flicker of remorse   and from what I hear during the interview it was  all cordial these accusations weren't furthered   and it was more like they were friends and I  heard that he denied Al denied the existence of   synthetic shares during the interview so I don't  know what's going on at the end of the day I don't   care like I said I don't watch him but people  are letting me know so I'm I'm addressing it   and another thing that I want to address I got  some messages some questions and some comments   stating what I said about Adam Aaron that I was  going to cool it for a while I said my piece I'm   not going to beat a dead horse that's all I said I  didn't say I was changing my tune I didn't I don't   think I apologized I'm not sure how it came out  or how it was taken but I don't feel the need to   keep saying the same thing over and over again  when the time warranted I said what I thought   should be said and I said that he has questions  to answer and people tweeted me some information   their opinions again even if I may disagree I'm  not going to argue with them and make accusations   and call them names you know this channel there's  room for people of differing opinions because   that's what's great about this country so that was  my point I hope there's no miscommunications about   that whether you're for or against Adam Marin  that's totally up to you I gave you my opinion   I stand by the opinion and more importantly I  stand by the facts and the reasons why I stated   my opinion so I just said that I'm moving on  from that for now so that's all I was saying so   hopefully that clears that up and again I applaud  people who can have an honest and open discussion   without childish insults even if their opinions  May differ and that was the main point of it all   because at the end of the day our opinions are  just that opinions we don't know the facts yet I   believe the 60-day period that he can't talk about  ape since it was issued August 22nd ends tomorrow   technically Monday when the Market opens so we'll  see if anything happens so let's leave it at that   so hopefully that clears that up so some people  will do anything anything for YouTube views be   it flip-flop on their belief of synthetic shares  give a platform to CEOs to spread their narrative   or even push for purposeless lawsuits shaking my  head so now Al apparently will be reaching out   to [ __ ] Adele tomorrow morning to request a zoom  interview with CEO Ken Griffin regarding pfof dark   pools and other matters pressing to AMC and gme  shareholders if Doug sifu from virtual could do it   I don't see why Ken couldn't we'll keep you in the  loop so how this guy is able to connect with these   billion in dollar you know owners of Institutions  and hedge funds is beyond me again I can't even   get an interview with what's going on guys right  and this guy's talking to duck seafood and wants   to talk with Ken Griffin who knows who cares you  know I gave you my opinion enough from Boston   months ago as well before the sexual harassment  allegations uh levied by I believe it was Lou at   the time I'm not sure right before he went dark  and now he's back I told you what I thought of   if he's a Harvard grad why isn't he working as a  manager for a hedge fund or something along those   lines how does he have time to make eight YouTube  videos a day right and granted he may be making a   living off of it but if you have a Harvard degree  you can make a lot more money than posting three   to six YouTube videos a day so what the hell's  going on I don't know I don't know and I don't   care the SEC allows hedge fund managers to apply  for exemptions to report 13 F's they just have to   be able to demonstrate that the failure to Grant  the request for confidential treatment would be   likely to cause substantial harm to the manager's  competitive position quickly what is a 13f the   Securities and Exchange commissions form 13f as  a quarterly report that is required to be filed   by all institutional investment managers with  at least 100 million in assets under management   why it discloses their Equity Holdings and can  provide insights into what the smart money is   doing in the market so it's for transparency and  disclosure purposes so there of course there's a   loophole for that this is the loophole feel free  to pause and analyze there you have it another   one retail is in favor of Market transparency  we touched on this a couple of videos and we're   going to touch on it again for those of you who  missed it we want these proposed rulings to take   effect immediately no more corruption it stops now  13f-2 s7-08-22 s732-10 s7-18-21 email the SEC on   these proposals retail according to G Meg Meg me  eight you can either follow her on Twitter or go   to her Twitter page for more info information but  I will also show you this if you do wish to email   the SEC Apes get in here SEC has reopened comments  for proposed rules the rule will force the hedges   to show their short positions copy email tell them  you are for this proposal make sure to add subject   line so here's that information the subject line  must include the file number and I believe you   can use Dave Lauer or Irvin finance's letter their  default template that they have for you and just   fill in the blanks with your information if you'd  like as well so go ahead and follow them if you'd   like this is their Twitter handle should be under  their names right here so if you feel compelled   you can do that also another reminder from the  same user this is a reminder now and the closer   we are to Moes the media cannot be trusted do not  give them any info they will twist it into their   own narrative to protect Wall Street right so  this is probably more pertinent and relevant to   somebody such as me who has a YouTube or a Twitter  Etc but nonetheless you never know if they might   um hit you up then make sure that you're conscious  and careful as to what may be the motive behind   it do not accept media interviews under any  circumstances we've been through this a number   of times but somehow some Apes think they are  going to be the ones to finally Shine the Light   on the situation and there's no way they can be  manipulated this is mainstream media's bread and   butter you will not win mainstream media will  promise you fair coverage whatever it takes to   get you ranting about gme or EMC then they  will rip all context and Flame s out of you   making you look regarded in the process  while making RC and gme look bad as well   etc etc etc this is one such correspondence  to one such retail investor this is somebody   from CNBC allegedly working on a potential Ryan  Cohen Story the CEO of gme please shoot me a note   if you're interested in sharing your views blah  blah blah blah possibly this is touching on what   I talked about yesterday's video they will blame  us for the upcoming financial crisis and possible   world war three so if there is a financial crash  in the works they might instigate World War III   and then blame everything on World War III that  way they're not held responsible and put down   in the history books as the biggest criminals  in the history of mankind right and then they   need some Stooges right to take the fall whether  that be a dozen retail investors whether that be   a trace trades type of figure whether that be  you whether that be me whether that be whoever   they need some Stooges right that's their MO we  already know about that right and meanwhile the   global meltdown continues this is the Japanese Yen  as you can see look at this chart you don't need   to be a technical analyst to see that this chart  is [ __ ] and of course they prop it up just like   our PPT the plunge Protection Team props up our  markets that would be Jerome Powell at the head   Janet old Yellen second in charge GG third in  charge and then the head of the or the former   head of the cftc number four in charge right  so those four individuals responsible for the   plunge Protection Team to prevent such plunges  to keep them markets propped up to keep their   house of cards going as long as possible and of  course they denied inflation they deny everything   yet they keep printing money to again prop up  the economy and of course now we are paying   the price seven eight bucks a gallon for gas  as of right now energy crisis economy in the   tubes crime rampant you name it it's going wrong  it's going bad and meanwhile we have this guy   um does he even know where he is you're in  Suriname quote president end quote Biden   you're in Suriname and yes you are the  CEO of the United States of America God   bless the queen what about this one why  did you decide to appear together now   sir why don't more candidates want to be  seen in public with you like Mr fetterman what are you talking about Kim Ryan in Ohio said  he doesn't want you there Warnock said wouldn't   say do you think they're making a mistake no  they're by 16 here I've already gone in for   yet and a lot more addressed another 20 or so I'm  gonna be doing it you heard the men of under the   16 on the other four in the U.S and then I'm  going to be going there 24 and then another   four you heard the man what's the matter with you  I'll question the president of the United States   of America he has better things to do than do his  job he has to buy some ice cream and groceries and   ride his bike and fall off what are you talking  about you conspiracy theorists you guys are   nuts what's wrong with you guys we have better  things to do like take care of the homeless and   open the borders for everybody right regardless  of the pandemic everybody here has to test and   get these you know pokes and do all of this wear  masks and you can't go anywhere but millions of   people could come in untested and we're gonna  take care of them because we're good people   if you're a single adult man  you're going to come here to   this facility starting tomorrow  when migrants first walk in after it and board games there will also be a phone  bank so migrants can connect with family in   order to find more permanent housing we  can do that in 24 hours maybe even less   many times it's going to take longer than that  it could take days next there is a cafeteria   that will provide migrants with three meals a  day and snacks coffee and tea will be available   24 7. those meals are all culturally appropriate  it is a South American Fair the menu rotates on   a regular basis wow it's good to be a migrant  Xbox leather couches coffee and tea 24 7 snack   bar you're gonna have culturally appropriate  meals meanwhile in the United States of America so hey woke guys biting whoever don't you think  it would be a good idea to take care of your own   before you let all these migrants come into the  country and you take care of them and treat them   like their movie starts would that make more  sense but then again nothing makes sense this   is the height of insanity in every shape form  and fashion in terms of the leadership can't   leave all your Xboxes I don't even have an Xbox  damn it so Milton Friedman explains what causes   inflation let's get a very simple explanation  they try to talk this lingo and confuse you in   terminology and show these charts graphs  and all of this other [ __ ] what causes   inflation inflation is made in Washington  because only Washington can create money   and any other attribution of an to other groups  of inflation is wrong consumers don't produce it   producers don't produce it the trade unions don't  produce it foreign sheikhs don't produce it oil   imports don't produce it what produces it is too  much government spending and too much government   creation of money and nothing else Somewhere  Out There In The Ether the great big Pie in the   Sky Milton Friedman has just dropped a mic it's  very simple don't fall for their BS narrative and   speaking of BS narrative so we're on the brink of  World War III the economy is crashing everything's   going to [ __ ] with the crime and all of these  other things are happening but what must we do now   let's watch 22 of being a girl I'm in Washington  DC and I'm going to the White House to speak to   the president of the United States you know that  phrase I fear I may have girl boss too close to   the Sun well that's how I feel today because I  get to sit down with Joe Biden and now this news   and I get to ask him a few questions surrounding  trans issues in the United States and talk to him   about my transness and I I really just want to  represent my community the best that I can and   you know what as silly as I am on here I'm ready  to step up and show that trans people we're not   going anywhere and that trans kids they deserve  a fighting chance to be their true selves okay oh   my God I'm running late let's go that's enough  of that White House invited Dylan Mulvaney the   activist who went viral for documenting this  these are the pressing issues that face our   country rampant homelessness rampant fentanyl drug  overdoses and deaths we are on the brink of World   War III sending billions of dollars regularly to  the Ukraine I mean it goes on and on and on Energy   prices through the roof in energy crisis where our  reserves are depleted you know beyond recognition   we have I mean you don't need me to say what's  going on right we have diplomatic issues China   Taiwan whatever again brink of World War III and  what are you doing you're eating ice cream and   you're gonna meet with this guy I mean them he she  she I don't even know what to call them so look   who am I to say anything and again you have to be  careful because at the end of the day I want this   video to get out there I didn't spend time making  it for no reason right to keep it in my hard drive   so you have to be careful what you say and at  the end of the day more importantly this is the   United States of America so every adult has 100  right and autonomy to do to feel and be whatever   they want within the confines of the law right so  this is not about any type of judgment any type   of preference or anything like that but at the end  of the day priorities no the Border situation the   hypocrisy of you know poking people masks mandates  lockdowns this that and the other yet you're gonna   let two three million or how many million people  in foreigners into the country illegally without   going to the proper channels like immigrants had  to right for those immigrants out there who had to   get through the Green Card thing do the visa  thing or however that system works so you're   just gonna let these people in some of them being  criminals there is a criminal element the cartel I   was making money letting people in illegally there  is that aspect to it I'm not saying all of them   are criminals so don't put words in my mouth but  a minority a small minority of migrants coming in   to this country illegally could be criminals yes  they don't need to poke they don't need to wear   masks they don't have these mandates they don't do  anything and they get free Xboxes are you kidding   me Xbox is people and they got a coffee and tea  bar free phone usage of course it's long distance   culturally appropriate meals and what about our  homeless don't you think you should address our   homeless first in places like California I'm  in Los Angeles the homeless situation is beyond   reproach San Francisco Seattle New York Hawaii  look at this in our own country this is more   important right as expected multiple orgs are  now demanding we be banned from attending this   event we represent the majority of our community  and have a right to be there as much as anyone   else in fact it's crucial we are and this would  be this organization again to to each their own   I'm not judging anybody this is the United States  of America and everybody should have a right to   you know be what they are as long as they're an  adult but that's the actual situation isn't it   right this is what they say this is what they're  saying they're back and forth but that's not what   this is about let's read this this post is nothing  but lies I am and a member of this what we stand   against is the indoctrination sexualization and  mutilation of children yes this is not cool adults   can choose what they want but to put this on the  lap of children there's something wrong with that   they're too young to you know to make these types  of choices to be exposed to this type of you know   information is the whole point and even this  organization feels so and believes so and now   they're going back and forth amongst each other  even though they're all part of this community   but I fully agree with this indoctrination  sexualization and mutilation of children   protect children yes so let's take a look at an  interesting article Johns Hopkins psychiatrist the   same Johns Hopkins that was in charge of the whole  pandemic situation this is obviously a reputable   Medical Institution with reputable people at the  helm this is Dr Paul McHugh this is not my opinion   I'm going to link this article right I'm not even  sure if I can say my opinion but it doesn't matter   let's see what he has to say Dr Paul McHugh the  former psychiatrist in Chief this is not just some   joshimo off the street or the mailbox kid this  is the former psychiatrist in Chief for Johns   Hopkins Hospital and its current distinguished  service professor of Psychiatry said that this   is a mental disorder that merits treatment that  this is biologically impossible and that people   who promote this thing are collaborating with  and promoting a mental disorder again not my   opinion this is Dr Paul McHugh's opinion the  former psychiatrist in Chief for Johns Hopkins   hospital all right so I'm gonna link this article  let's just touch on it real quick he reported on   a new study showing that the rate amongst these  people who had this procedure is 20 times higher   than the rate among non-people why what's going  on here what's going on here what are the key   terms indoctrination sexualization mutilation I'm  gonna use one of my examples all right hopefully   you follow so post this procedure you have a  certain mentality and then pre this procedure   you have a certain mentality so think about this  someone who's never taken a life before let's say   a a young impressionable 17 or 18 year old decides  to enlist in the Army he's idealistic he loves the   country he wants to fight for his country okay so  he goes overseas now he's in the Army he does the   basic training and then for the first time he is  in a situation where he has to do his job job and   he has to take a life of the opposition now all  you real soldiers out there part of me I don't   mean any offense by this but it's just a situation  I'm using to shed light on an idea this young   impressionable 18 year old you know rookie Soldier  takes his first life of the opposition and then   he has a panic attack because what he saw in the  movies and what was in his mind in those thousand   TV shows and thousand movies and thousands of  ideas and images he had in his head of what it   would be to be a soldier and to be in the position  of having to take the life of an opposition member   and the actuality of being the actual entity to  do that to pull the trigger so to speak are two   completely different things back to this situation  pre-procedure you have these idealizations you   have these images all of the you know Tick Tock  videos the people you saw on YouTube the stuff   you read the stuff you had in your mind of how  it would be this that and the other and then you   actually have the procedure which some people term  to be mutilation it turns out to be two different   things and this is possibly why this is 20 times  higher than amongst those of none the Panic sets   in the reality sets in of what just actually  happened while the Obama Administration Hollywood   and major media such as Time Magazine promote this  as normal said Dr McHugh these policy makers and   the media are doing no favors either to the public  or them by treating their confusions as a right   in need of Defending rather than as a mental  disorder that deserves understanding treatment   and prevention and it goes on this intensely felt  sense of being this constitutes a mental disorder   in two respects the first is that the idea of  misalignment is simply mistaken it does not   correspond with physical reality the second is  that it can lead to Grim psychological outcomes   etc etc etc the handful of owners of all of the  media outlets in the world I believe it's like   six or seven you know entities who own all of  the media Outlets thus who formulate everyone's   realities and the world that we live in is pretty  much their narrative so who runs the world Newsmax   TV servers ties with Lara Logan after she says  world leaders dying on the blood of children so   why did she say something like this she responded  she is a firm and solid and immovable believer in   God she added those controlling the levers of  power want us eating insects we've touched on   that the wef world economic Forum right we'll own  nothing and we'll be happy don't eat meat it leads   to carbon emissions and alleged global warming and  they implied dying on the blood of children we've   heard of stuff like adrenal Chrome and things  of that nature The Whispers so Newsmax obviously   let her go and this was her actual statement she  mentions the world economic forum and again this   so it's one thing if you mess with us it's  one thing if you mess with adults it's one   thing if you do whatever you do to adults and  we all know what they do to adults right Julian   Assange whoever JFK but it's another if you mess  with children every year how many children go   missing every year how many children suffer and  what's really going on behind the scenes is the   question I'm not gonna give you answers in this  particular video because again I need this video   to actually be released I don't like wasting my  time so there's only so much I can say at this   moment but I am on Rumble go to the link in the  description maybe there'll be more open discussion   and and the Forum there where I can say more  but what's really going on behind the scenes who   actually runs the world why do they do the things  that they do what's up with the indoctrination   the school policies the stuff that's hidden  in Disney cartoons we've touched on so many   things on this channel what's really going on  and why so if you can answer these questions   for yourself then you don't need to watch  a YouTube channel you don't need to listen   to me or anybody else for that matter and just  like you know what's going on with AMC and gme   and all the other heavily naked shorted stocks  as long as you ask your own questions you don't   need to follow anyone and you don't need to  watch anybody's Channel and that's essentially   hopefully what will come of this for those of  you who already aren't at that place many of   you already are right but it's similar to that  statement and idea that you know why give a man   or woman fish if you can teach them how to fish  isn't that better so that's hopefully what will   happen for all of you you know for those of you  nice enough to send me messages one such person   thank you so much you said that you send these  videos and links to your grandchildren you're 10   and 15 years old grandchildren I think you said  it was so shout out to them right right because   there's a lot of information that you think that  they should see that's definitely not out there   I'm not so sure about the language that I use at  times but nonetheless the fact that you find this   information important enough that you would send  it to your loved ones our youth should be taught   how to fish as well as given fish but they should  be taught how to fish so that when we're long   gone they're still able to navigate their way  through this world again knowing what and who   they're up against in terms of The Gatekeepers  and the powers that were and the quote unquote   big money Players out there who control the media  right so question everything question everything thank you

2022-10-26 18:18

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