Android Emergency Location Service: Locating Emergency Calls in a Wireless World (Google I/O'19)

Android Emergency Location Service: Locating Emergency Calls in a Wireless World  (Google I/O'19)

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Hello. Everybody and thanks for joining our session, my name is Maria Garcia puyol and I'm a software engineer on, the Android location, and context team and, I'm also one of the cofounders of the Android, emergency, location service which, helps find wireless, emergency callers. Faster. Now. By a show of hands who, in the audience like me has, ever dialed. 911. See. Number with. Their smart phone oh, wow. So I can see a few, let. Me share my story of the one time i dialed 9-1-1 which. Is one of the reasons why we started this project in the first place. In. 2014. Right, after I had just joined Google, I bought, my first car and, this is me all happy on that night. About. 10 minutes after leaving the dealership, I encountered, one of the scariest, moments, of my life suddenly. Out, of the blue out of, nowhere there, was a woman, standing in the middle of the highway, I, had. To very quickly sort of to avoid hitting her and luckily. I didn't. Immediately. After I took my phone and dialed 911. Number, in the United States and after. Explaining, what I had just witnessed, the, first question. They asked, me was. Where's. Your emergency and, they. Asked you this because to be able to send you help right, away they need to know your precise location. But. Today over, 80% of, emergency, calls are dialed, with smartphones, in contrary, to public belief first. Responders, may, have a really hard time locating you. This. Is because. They. Rely on very inaccurate location. Information as my. Colleague Sunil will, explain in a moment. Now. Back to my story I was new to the area I had just moved to the Bay Area to work at Google and I didn't know where I was everything. That I was able to say was I'm driving. On some Highway in Mountain View, luckily. For us other. 9-1-1, callers have reported, the lady on the road and they, were able to dispatch help. But. Finding, emergency, colors may. Not be as easy in many other situations. We. Are learning about this is that we rely on very accurate, location information for, pretty much everything. In our lives. Today. You. Can get a pizza delivered to your door from, a nearby restaurant. You. Can upload, a picture with the right precise, location, on social media and you. Can even get, a date. Around. You. But. Somehow that, accurate, location that, you see on Google Maps, cannot. Be shared with first responders, so. That they can find you during an emergency. So. Even though you see the blue dot that you're, so used to and that, you rely on for pretty much everything, nowadays, a first, responders may not be able to say where you're calling from in a big city I. Had. Just joined the Android location, team, so some colleagues, and I sat down and wondered, if there was something we could do to help fix this it. Boiled down to one, single, question what. If your mobile phone could send its precise location to, first responders, automatically. By. Precise, location again I mean that accurate blue dot that you see on Google Maps. We. Got very excited, about this, possibility, and a small team of us started, to work on this as a 20%, project, so. We spend 20% of our time roughly, one day a week at Google working, on the first prototype. And. We, focused on three basic. Founding, principles. The. First of them was that, we wanted to make it automatically, available everywhere. So, we decided to ship the Android, emergency, location service as part of Google Play services which. Is available on almost every, Android device out there and it's updated regularly and that, way users don't need to download an emergency, app you, just need to download the, emergency, number, normally. We. Wanted to protect the user's privacy, and so. The location, is computed. On the device on your mobile phone and sent directly from your phone to, first responders. And only during, emergencies, and. Our. Main goal was to improve. The state of emergency services around, the world and help. Save lives by, providing more accurate, but also faster, locations. The. Project became the Android emergency, location service, or Els, and I.

Started To get deployed in some countries, in 2016. Just two years later, let. Me share with you one of the most incredible, examples, of how this technology is but is helping save lives today it. Took place in Austria, last, year. A. Captain. From our own heart the, Santa Clara appreciative. Season only, by three uncom, there is too. Long our fan cave is disabled. Just, take it we tip the tonic unfortunate, Android the sanest. Can I'd like to send it, off in person. Didn't. Feel too. Far. Off to feel. And I'll help veining, second, metasoma. Indefinitely. Because. It's only become. Oh. I'm. Gonna hand it over to my colleague Sunil who's going to explain what, the state of emergency location, was when we started the project and why, it would have been very hard to find the protagonist of, our video. Thanks. Maria, so, I'm Sunil I'm the tech lead for ALS it's great to be here with all you guys today now. We've all seen the Hollywood movies or even TV shows where, as soon as there's a problem we can see a call taker with a high-tech screen, tracking, the callers location down, to the exact room they're in the. Reality not, quite as glamorous unfortunately. So, how is it possible that Google Maps can know exactly where you are but, a 911, call may not so, we're gonna start with a quick non, comprehensive, overview of how the non-one system actually works in the United States and what, can go wrong along the way. So. Enon on one or enhanced, 9-1-1, is a system, in use in most of the u.s. now. Enhanced, 9-1-1, specifically. Refers to the ability to get location, data alongside, a call in the US 9-1-1. Didn't exist until the late 60s and the vast majority of, what is now called the e-911 system. Was developed in the 70s, when the only type of phone was a landline, email. And one was of course a huge advance in at the time before, that there was just a call there was no location, information whatsoever now. Some quick pieces of trivia that red phone you see up there is the, actual phone that the first not on one call was placed on and below, that a real picture of one of the first call centers ever built pretty, high-tech for the time right. Alright, so this system was designed in the 70s but it hasn't really changed that, much since then, and even today if you visit a 911 call center much, of the data even though it might be presented on modern LCD, screens is likely, delivered, via serial cables, let's, take a look at how this aging, system, works behind the scenes in, order to get location. The. First thing that we want to know about is called the alley or the automatic location, information database. The. Alley is essentially just a big lookup table you get phone numbers in one end street, addresses out the other this, makes sense with landline phones. And landline phone is not going to be changing street addresses very often, but, as mobile phones came around the alley had to be retrofitted, support. For a latitude and longitude coordinates was added carriers. Had to be able to push cell or GPS location, into, this database, so. We take a look at this real, alley record, on the left there's a couple things to notice first. Of all this is a recent record this is from 2018, things. Still work just like this today the, maximum, record size here is 512. Bytes that's, all the information we have to work with here and in, many call centers those, 512. Bytes are delivered. Over a 1200, bps serial, link now. To do the math quickly that means it takes 4.2. Seconds, just. To download this tiny, amount of information and, get that in front of a call taker. Now. Some other things to look at first. Of all we have the address you can see here this is a call, 87, terrorists Street in Roxbury Massachusetts, we. Also have some latitude and longitude information kind. Of also bird in there is more accuracy, and confidence information. That goes with that now it was curious about this address so I decided to take a look at this on Google Street View here's. What we turn up this, is a cell phone tower the. Real call was, pinging off this cell phone tower but I bet that whoever was calling was not located anywhere, near this address and not anywhere near these latitude, and longitude, coordinates so.

That's One problem with the e91 system, but there's another problem that better location, could help solve and. That is call routing, now, in the u.s. there, are 6,000. Call centers that handle emergency, calls, alone. And whenever, you call 9-1-1, a decision, has to be made which, call center is going to answer that call usually. This is done based on the cell tower you're connected to it's, pretty straightforward usually. Works but there can be problems, Sall, towers will have often overlap, their range substantially. The jurisdictions. That they serve can overlap substantially. All, of this complications. Mean that calls can easily, go to the wrong place and one that happens the answering call center has to manually, transfer, the call to the right place and that incorrect, routing eats precious, time out of every emergency call to give you a quick example. It used to be the case that here in California, any emergency. Calls near highways, were, routed to the California, Highway Patrol even. If the call had nothing to do with the highway and the, CHP, call center was responsible, for triage in that call and then redirecting, it to local agencies as appropriate. Now one study in Sacramento. Found, that this led to an average delay, of almost 60 seconds, just to transfer, that call from, the CHP, to the Sacramento, Police Department, a 60. Second delay on every emergency call that really starts to add up so. If Els is able to deliver highly, accurate location before. The call starts or even in the first couple seconds of the call then we can route it to the right place immediately instead. Of routing it simply based on the cell tower, so. At this point we've covered us some background on Inanna one in the US but we haven't really talked about the rest of the world. Historically. There, have only been four countries that mandate, GPS as part of their emergency systems. And that have enon on one system similar to the US as you can see on the map Canada. The United States South. Korea and Japan for. Much of the rest of the world emergency. Location is broken it. Either doesn't exist or, is only supported, by cell tower location technology, which, is notoriously inaccurate, now, this is the problem we wanted to help fix and we designed the Android emergency location system provide, accurate, and quick, fuse locations, to every country as we saw in the video from Austria, earlier. So. At this point we've covered several of the problems that we want to solve Els. Was designed to bridge this gap providing, androids quick and accurate used, location, directly, to emergency, services as a supplement. To existing, enon on the location, and to, be integrated with next generation 9 1 systems. So. Let's talk about Els itself, and let's start with a high-level overview of how, our service works, we. Can break this flow down into four, discrete steps first. Of course the user has to call or text nine on one or other, emergency, numbers such as 1 1 2 internationally. And so forth as soon, as that call is made we, start computing the location, on the device once. We get the location, the, next step is to send that directly. From the device to, emergency, partners, and it's, direct and that it does travel through Google servers is then. The partners responsibility. To, send that location on to the call center and to make sure that it gets in front of the call taker who can use that location on their call. So. The left side of this is broadly Google's responsibility. And the right side is broadly, our partners, responsibility. Which, brings us the next point what exactly, is a partner so. Generally, we work with three types of partners there are government agencies there, are carriers and operators, and third party emergency, services, companies, so. With over six thousand call centers in the US alone we rely on our partners and their public safety expertise, to, get this location, delivered exactly where it needs to go. So. There's the overall flow how do we configure, and control this well google administers, this on behalf of our partners, and we, have an incredibly, flexible configuration. System that supports all kinds, of things I'll touch on just a couple we. Support arbitrary Geographic. Polygons, this lets us control our activations. At a county, level or a state level rather than just at the country level it lets us touch on you know all sorts of different jurisdictions. We, can use the country code and network code from cell towers to help base our logic based on the country and carrier that this call is coming from and of, course we support location.

Updates For the entire duration of the emergency. Call instead, of just a single update. So. Somebody. Made in nine one call or, get the location, now we need to send it how, do we do that at, the moment we use two methods either an HTTP, message or SMS. Message we're gonna examine both well let's start by examining the SMS message in a little more detail. Now. When, we first started thinking about Els, it happened, that British Telecom, in the UK had, proposed a new standard, for location. Over SMS messages, this, was called the advanced, mobile location format, or AML, we, adopted, AML and it's now common everywhere, in Europe there. Was one other thing we had to think of we originally, started experimenting, using, normal text messages the kind you might send to your friend every day but. There's one problem there's no way to keep this from being exposed in the users outbox and this presents a privacy, concern. Now if you've ever called, 9-1-1 from your android device and it sounds like a lot of you had to you. May have noticed that that number one call does not show up in your call log there's, a good reason for this in. A lot of cases such as domestic violence situations. It's actually very important, that there is no evidence on the phone that somebody has had to contact emergency services that the users privacy is preserved, so. Instead, we switch to data SMS, this is simply a subset, of the normal SMS standard, that allows for binary payloads, but more importantly, does not show up in the user's outbox and helps us preserve the users privacy a couple. Other things I want to mention as. The message generally functions better in lower signal coverage it doesn't require a data connection of course this, makes it very useful to us in emerging, markets it may require some coordination, with carriers of course, so. Let's contrast SMS, with HTTPS, now the. First and most important, difference for us is just HTTP, can handle much more information, it's not size limited, like an sm SMS, is it's, very flexible and more, importantly extensible. So you can add new information add, new, key value pairs to help give our partners. More information, and you, know help save lives that way now. We found that when a high-quality data, connection, is present, HTTPS, actually, turns out to be more reliable, than SMS, generally, of, course this depends on your cell environment your, signal environment, the the country you're in a whole bunch of things but overall we, see HTTPS. Is the way forward but, we're unwilling, to live out leave, out incumbent, markets so we encourage our partners to use both options, whenever possible so now, that we have a high-level understanding of, how we transmit, location, the, next piece of the puzzle is how we actually figure out where, the phone is in the first place so, to tell you a little bit about the Android fused location provider here's, Steve. Great. Thanks, to Neil hello. Everyone my name's Steve malkos, and I also helped, co-found Els, I'm, super, excited to be here with you all today now. Let's, talk about how location, is computed, because getting, an accurate location is, the key to all of this the, faster, and more accurate, location we could deliver the. Or people we can help, accuracy. And speed of location, will reduce, the emergency, response times here's, a great quote from the US government. The, FCC. Estimates, that 10,000. Lives could be saved every year. For, one minute sooner if the user, was calling, the emergency dispatching. Center that's, a very powerful statement, one. Minute sooner having, the potential to save 10,000. Additional lives, every, year it's. Quite powerful. Okay. So what you saw earlier from Sunil was that the existing, emergency, system today either used a cell based position, or GPS. Based position, let's first focus on cell cell. Tower positions to emergency, responders are not, considered. A location, that they could dispatch help to that's. Because the emergency operator is seeing the Civic address to, the nearest cell, tower and, that's, nowhere near where the actual emergencies, being, is, taking place and cell, tower position, ranges. In the thousands, of feet or hundreds. Of meters like, in this example where, we see the cell tower position, at our office, is over, 2,000. Feet or 600. Meters. GPS. Everyone. In this room is pretty much aware that GPS, works great when, we're outdoors in, the open sky environment. Like, in this example where. We, see GPS, position, fix of about 25, meters or 85. Feet, this, was taken indoors and it's, not that, good of a position GPS, doesn't work that well indoors this is the true location where. We were when we did this example. But. When you're outside in a pure open sky environment, GPS. Is typically, around five to six meters or nine, to ten feet. There. Are many issues with, getting GPS, into the legacy, emergency, dispatching, system I'm going to highlight two of those today the, first issue is that when, the GPS position is computed, it's, actually, computed, on the carrier's, network it's, not the location, that's available on your mobile device which is much more accurate the.

Second Issue is that the carrier, is only. Shooting a single, GPS, position, fix where, as Els can, compute multiple, fixes, throughout, the entire duration of that call. So. More. Or less GPS, has you covered for the most part when you're outdoors in, an open sky environment, but. What about a downtown, dense, deep urban area or when, you're indoors or deep indoors, that's, where we can help with. Our comprehensive. Positioning. Solution, which, includes, indoor, and outdoor, locations we. Call it the fused location provider or, FLP, the. Fused location provider is, comprised, of Wi-Fi. GPS. And sensors. To do sensor fusion, that. Gets us this very accurate, location and the fused location provider is, available, on almost every, Android handset in the market today, in this. Example the. FOP is able to compute a very accurate position. Indoors, right, here. We, produce the position at about 29, feet or nine meters. Earlier. Today there was a talk on at. Google i/o called, seamless. And smooth location, everywhere, with the new fused, location provider if, you didn't get a chance to see it live watch, it on YouTube. Ok. So this is the flow from, the lower hardware, to, the fused location provider it, looks something like this there's. Many, different location, providers, in Android let's. Say as an app developer which, most of you are in this room wanted, to create an app that only acts as GPS, only locations, you could do that by calling the, location, manager API is in Android, or let's. Say you wanted to build an app that only, access, to Wi-Fi locations, or cell-based, locations, then, you could call the NLP or the, network location provider, but. If you simply wanted to get the best of what Google offers, which, uses all the different location, providers, along. With the, sensors, doing, sensor fusion our, recommendation. Is to access the FOP directly, the. Fused location provider. Fuses. All these technologies. Together in order to derive the best possible, location and that's, what we supplied, to the emergency, respond others. So. The FOP is ubiquitous, it, works globally. By providing 3d locations, in all different types of environments, we're, especially proud, of launching, altitude, or 3d. Location for, indoors so, now we provide, 3d, XYZ. Locations, not, only for outdoor environments, but also indoors. The. FOP is fast. Gps, can sometimes take a very long time to get a position fix the, Apple P is almost, instant, on and gives, you very, quick location, updates as you move around this.

Is Important, as we, noted earlier because the Sooner help is sent the better, and. The. FLP, is accurate, according. To the EPA the Environmental Protection Agency. The, average American, spends 87%, of their time indoors this. Is including, while they sleep as well so, the FOP needs to work and it needs to work accurately. Especially. When we meet need at most wall indoors. Ok. Demo time as. We, were planning this demo for Google i/o we said, we wanted to do a demo that people could relate to so, we, went to one of the most recognizable. Places that we could think of I could. Hear Sean Connery's, voice right, now from, the movie The Rock okay let me try this on you welcome. To the rock, or. Otherwise. Known as Alcatraz. Island thank. You. But. Alcatraz, has its own set of challenges, it. Has lots. Of metal. Super. Thick concrete walls, and tiny, tiny windows, this, is not conducive, for good GPS, or Wi-Fi signaling. Conditions, when, computing, our fused location provider positions. But, we, said we like challenges let's, see how well we'll do so. We worked with the San Francisco emergency, dispatching, Center who allowed us to place real, calls, into, their center. What. This demo will show us is the, boys from the call taker will, be receiving, locations, nowhere, near the actual emergency. Where, that's taking place, but. I'd like you to pay 10 - how quickly the. Look the location, shows. Up on the phone and how quickly the, location, shows up on the laptop with the red blinking dite dot. That's, very. Accurate update. From Els even, before the call is connected let's. Play the clip. I. Have. One of our people, reporting, hi. This is a test call from Google I was reaching out to see if I can get the address on your screen. Hold. Up. 6-0. Hold 8 can. You repeat that one more time, 6, 1 0 hold a. Perfect. Can I also get the latitude and longitude. Latitude. Three. Seven point eight zero four. Three one. Four zero zero. Longitude. A negative, one to two point four five one three to eight. Perfect. Thank. You very much okay do up. What, we saw from the legacy emergency. System is unfortunately. Very common, the, dispatch, operator, noted, a latitude, and longitude, which, mapped to the nearest cell-tower address. Both. These locations, were to over two point five miles away from the actual emergency. But. What we saw with Els is the, location shown, here in red was. Right on top of the true location, and it, and it could have also been available to the emergency, responder, even, before that call was answered, we're. Really excited about this service and its, potential to help more and more people globally. Next. Up you'll hear from Fiona who will talk to us about some of the challenges around launching, Els, globally. Thanks. Steve. So. Sanel. Steve and Maria have, described. How we engineered, Els and, I. Think we've shown you that Els provides more accurate location. Faster. Than legacy, e-911, location, solutions but. Just because you, build a better technology, does not mean that people are actually going to use it so, I'm going to talk to you about how we launched Els around the world and I'm gonna focus on the non-technical factors, that, played a key role in our ability to successfully, deploy, Els on a global scale now.

Don't Get me wrong we didn't have all the answers on day one but we listened to our users we, learned and we iterated. Over time. So. The first factor to keep in mind is the ecosystem, what. Are the characteristics. Of the community, of people who will use your product or service what's. The environment in which they operate what, products do they currently use today, with. Els we, focus on two sets of target, users the public safety professional, and the, end-user who will just dial or text an emergency, number and expect, it to work so. When we looked at the public safety ecosystem. The first thing that jumped out at us is that it is disparate, and fragmented, so. You have some countries with just a handful, of emergency, communication, centers and then you have the US with over. 6500. That's more than all the emergency communication, centers in Europe. There. Are some. Emergencies. That are only staffed, by two people and then there are some that have hundreds, of thousands, of people taking emergency calls, they. All use different IT systems, in the. U.s. we have one emergency, number 911 is. 50 so. What that told us was that we have to build Els to be very flexible and, to offer options. And so, they will walk you through all the different configuration. Options that we provide. Second. Thing about public safety is that it is rife with legacy, infrastructure, this. Tends to be expensive proprietary. Have. High upgrade, costs and high switching costs, so. What. We did was rebuilt Els so it's standards-based. Right, so data SMS, adheres, to the advanced. Mobile location specification. And HTTP, as is HTTP. The, benefit, of adhering, to standards, is that it makes it very easy for your partners to deploy there's a uniform, process, to deploy, we. Also design, each Els. To be fast and easy, so, we can turn on a new configuration we, can change configurations. And we can roll that all out in under 24, hours. Finally. We design yell us to be safe when, we decide on a production rollout, we work with our partners, to role yell us out in phases we, usually start at 1% we let that soak for a few days then we increase, to 5% soak, some more and we increase. In increments and at any point in time it is really easy to roll back. The. Second, factor, to the. Third factor to keep in mind is Public Safety is risk averse right, so lives on the line the.

Cost Of making a mistake are very very high so. We built LS as I said to be safe and to. Roll out in phases. The second factor to keep in mind is your distribution or business model how do you plan on getting your product into the hands of users as. Developers. It's really important, for you to find a distribution, model that can scale rapidly. For. Us we, made LS free free, to partners, free, to public safety. Mostly. Because it is the right thing to do when we want to keep Android, users safe but, free is good free promotes, adoption, and Public Safety likes free because they tend to be budget constrained. Second. Key decision we made was to distribute Els via Google Play services this. Gave us a scalable, distribution, mechanism, and it, allowed us to be ubiquitously. Available because, Google Play services ships, with just about every, approved. Android phone the. Other nice thing about going, out with Google Play services is that Google. Play services updates. Over. Weeks, that, meant we could roll out Els, updates, quickly, and not be tied to an annual OS, release cycle and then. Finally we built Els to be user first, for. The user. Who cares about privacy we offer an opt-out, feature and as, my, colleagues have said we calculate, location, on the device and we only activate, Els when an emergency call is made now, there were trade-offs in this right because you can offer much more functionality. When, you do service site processing, but, we made a decision. Not to do that the. Other thing about LS, is the, user doesn't have to take any action no. Special hardware required, on the phone no need to download an app if LS. Is deployed in your region you just dial and text the emergency, number and it will work for. The public safety professional. We. Design Els so that els can be easily integrated into one of their existing, systems, so, I don't know if you've ever seen an emergency, call taker but they are juggling about five different screens, on their, desk and the, last thing we want to do is force them to have a six screen in order to get LS location, data so. One of our best practice, recommendations to. Partners is integrate. Els location, data into one of the existing systems, currently used at the emergency communication center usually. The mapping system of the computer aided dispatch system. Finally. Els, is future friendly, we have built it so that it will be easily integrated, into next generation, public safety systems that are being designed all over the world. This. Third factor is my personal favorite regulation, what. Are the laws pertaining, to your product and service who makes those laws and how explicit, is the language so. As you might expect there is a lot, of regulation, surrounding, public safety, it's a mission-critical service, and government's want to keep people safe and for, Els as an additional, implication.

For Us because we transfer because, we transmit, location, during an emergency called our privacy, implications as, well so. When we look at regulation, the first thing we notice is that laws are lagging. Regulators. Simply, cannot keep pace with technology so. We position, Els as a supplemental. Service it's not meant to replace existing. Emergency. Location solutions, it's meant to augment it and provide the. 911. Sea call taker with another tool in their toolkit. Second. Thing about laws is believe, it or not they, can be ambiguous, especially. Laws that pertain to privacy, with, respect to emerging, new technologies, so. When we looked at some countries we found that you, know there were no explicitly. Explicit. Laws saying that you cannot transmit location, during an emergency but, there were no laws that explicitly, said you can as well so this is gray area, and we, chose to exercise due. Diligence and, caution, and we decided. To calculate, location, on the device so, they and then transmitted, it directly to our partners, so that no, personally, identifiable, information is, stored on Google servers. Finally. Laws are complex. There, are different, regulatory, frameworks, and privacy, laws in each country. These laws believe it or not can be sometimes contradictory. Often, overlapping, and in the case of Els, generally. Multi-jurisdictional. Because. You make an emergency call over. The telecommunications. Network or you send an emergency text over the telecommunications. Network we had to deal with the, ministry of telecommunications. We, also had to deal with the Ministry of Interior which is generally responsible for Public Safety sometimes. The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Health and then, there were also data protection agencies, that we had to keep in mind. Last. But not least is partnerships. So, good partners, are bridges. We. View our partners, as a scaling. Force multiplier, and this is particularly, true in public safety because, Public Safety tends not to be an early adopter of technology, so, we rely on our partners to, educate, and train Public Safety and also, to work with them to operationalize. Els location, data so it can be useful in the emergency communications, center so. What we do is we look for partners that have really high standards in Quality Assurance, insecurity. In monitoring, in reporting, and in operational, support this. Ensures that we have a high quality end-to-end. Deployment. Of Els. So. How. Are we doing today today. Els, is live in eighteen countries serving, a population of six hundred plus million users, and we send location for over one, and a half million, emergency calls, per day, one. Of the nice things about being on the Els team is learning, about how Ellis has made a difference in emergencies, around, the world so I'd like to share a couple of stories with you the. First one has to do with a medical, emergency in Lithuania, eight-year-old. Boy calls. Emergency, services, he's found his father unconscious. Maybe dead he, doesn't know his home address he doesn't know the phone number of any of his family members now, remember, Lithuania. Public, Safety does not get location, by a GPS only cell so, the call taker is seeing a cell, tower location of a whopping, 14 kilometers, almost, nine miles in, a densely populated neighborhood. That's, hundreds, if not thousands. Of houses that you have to search but, thanks to Els which pinpointed, the exact, house where the boy made the call. Accuracy. Radius of six meters. The. First responders. Could be dispatched, to render medical help really quickly and as it turns out the man was suffering from an epileptic seizure. Second. Instance. Is a serious, mountain biking accident in Austria mountain, biker was alone had, a bad accident in a deeply forested, area no landmarks no, addresses, cell. Tower location was, 900. Plus meters but thanks, to Els which gave a 12 meter accuracy radius, they, could send medical. Help to the injured biker to take him to the hospital because they could locate him quickly. So. I'd like to hand. The microphone back to Maria to wrap up. Thanks. For you enough, so. Now that you've learned more about how the Android emergency, location service works I'd like to close the session with some final thoughts. Thanks, - LS your Android. Phone, is able to send accurate, location in, 18 countries during, emergencies, - first responders. But for us this is just the beginning we're. Working on deploying the Android emergency, location service in more countries because. We'd like to help as many people as possible. Also. Even, though our location accuracy is much better than the existing legacy location, systems, in emergency, services, we're always working on improving, location, both indoors, and outdoors, in. One. Of our very next challenging, goals and we like challenges is to, provide dispatchable, addresses, and also, floor numbers to first responders, so, that they can find you when you dial an emergency, number even, faster I.

For. One am very proud of the impact Els, has had on people's lives and I'm, very happy to know that if I were to dial 911 today, because. I found a person standing, in the middle of the highway first. Responders, would be able to locate me right away here in Mountain View. This. Product of course wouldn't have impossible with the help of our many partners and collaborators around. The world so we want to give them a special thanks, and also. Thank you all very much for coming to Google i/o and for coming to a session please, reach out if you have any questions, or wanna know more, that's. All from us thanks. You.

2019-05-19 05:03

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Wow, just wow

Why such a thing took so long to come up with?!?

Great video !!! Cheers !!!

It can save somebody life . and also can break somebody life. You can deny huawei. means you can break somebody if you want. Google.

Maybe all wifi router can be opened in disasters automatically

Maybe in emergency disasters mobile phones enterprises can be open free calls and internet for all cities of disasters

Name of 18 countries?

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