Zambia Surprising First Impressions vA 128

Zambia Surprising First Impressions  vA 128

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(Kasesya Border, Tanzania) - Morning, my friends! - Morning, my friends. - Ah, today let's go to Zambia. - Boss, kwacha? - I'll change it on the other side. - Ah! Why? - Because I don't know if I cross the border. If I cannot cross. - If you walk there, there's the border.

- Yes, but if I cannot cross for some reason. - Okay. - Then I'll have to come back and I'll have to change it again, if I already changed it, so I'll change it after crossing. - So... - So I'll change it after crossing. - We have Shillings. - Hm? - We have Shillings. - You have Shillings? - Yeah. - Yes, but I don't need Shillings.

So first... Ay-ay! So the first event of the day — I'm stuck inside, because we can't find this key. Stuck inside my hotel. That was my room yesterday. I had a very nice night in a room that smelled a lot like urine. (30 minutes later...)

Thank you very much! - Okay, okay. Change money with me. - Thank you. - Sir, good morning. - Good morning.

- How are you, sir? - Good. How are you? - I'm fine, sir. - Good. - Yes. - Okay, let's go to Zambia. - Go to Zambia? - Yes. - It's a motorbike? - Bike... Bicycle. - Okay, okay.

- Bye-bye. Hello. - Safi. - Immigration is... Ah, immigration is here? Okay. - Yeah, it is here. - The exit is here? - Morning, sir. - Morning. - How are you? - Good.

- Shillings to give you kwacha. - I'll change it after the border. - We are exchangers. - Yes, I know. - Yeah. - But I don't wanna change it now.

- You don't want? - Later. On the other side, I'll change it. - This side? - On the other side. - Okay, okay. (Stamped out of Tanzania) Please, change your money. - No, I'll change it on the other side. - You find me there. - I find you there? Okay, if I find you there, I can change it with you. - Okay, sir. - Bye-bye. - Goodbye, thank you. - Okay.

- You find me there. - Yes. I can open a little more? Because it's bad here... - Yeah. - My bike... - Of course, yes. - Goodbye, thank you. I just started the day, so I'm not tired. - From where? From Uganda? - I came from France with this. - From France? - With this. - Yeah.

- Two years. - Two years. - Up to here. Where's the immigration here? It's there? - Just park. - I park here? - Yeah, I'll change it after I... After immigration. - Okay. (Stamped in for Zambia) - What rate do you give me? - You have how much? - Business. - Business. - Yeah. - Yes. - I can sit? Okay. - Yeah. Don't worry. - If you're done with the... Don't worry. - Yeah.

- Oh, okay. Oh. I have these to change. - Okay. - So it's like... I don't know. But what rate do you give me? - It's 14. - 14? - The rate. The rate... - The rate. - 14. Yeah. - What do you mean 14? What do you mean 14? I don't get it.

- Like this. 14,000. For 14, we'll give you 100 kwacha. - Oh, 14,000 is… - This is not in dollars but in Zambian. - Yeah. - Yes, I know. - Shillings and kwacha. - 14,000 — you give me 100 kwacha.

Well, that's not much. - Yeah, yeah. - You can do better. Yesterday, I had one guy propose... - Let me check. - No, you can do better. 14 is not good. - You want how much? - I want... I think it should be 11. - No!!!

- At least 13. - At least 13. - No, no, no. - We do this. - Yesterday, one guy proposed better than 13 to me, so... - Okay, I'll give you 12. - That's what I had yesterday. - Okay, okay.

Let me... - We'll give you 12. - Don't worry. We'll give you 12. - 12? - Yeah. - You cannot do better because...? 11.5. I think 11.5. - No, but here. - Look, 11.5. - 12. 12, sir. - 11.5. If I do this, it's 110 kwacha. Yeah, the official rate. - Yeah! - So you're already getting 10%. - You know us. - So you do 12. - Of course!

- 12. I'm okay with 12. It's okay. So I need to count what I have. Un, deux, trois, quatre... Dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt… Vingt-six. Vingt-six et demi. So that's 26 and a half. - 26. - That's 265.

2,200. Dix-neuf, vingt. Okay, that's 2,000. - And 200. - Okay. - Yes, and you don't have dollars? - Dollars? I keep them. I don't need to change them. - Ah? - I don't need to change more. - Let me capture a few... - Ah, you want to capture this. - Yes. - Okay.

You want to sit? - Hello, my brother. - I want to... - You want to sit? Okay, wait. - Yes, I want to sit. Yes. - Is this one using only energy or maybe some gas? - It's electric. - Oh, it's electric. - So it's half-me, half... This is a motor. Yeah, but there... Don't ride it because this is... - Oh, yeah, yeah. - This is locked. So this is an engine. So it's half- half: half-me, half the battery.

You see there is a battery. - Okay, okay, okay. So you drive it from... - From France, I came with this. - With this one? - Yes. - Two years. - Two years from France? - For how long...? - Two years. - So... - For how, my brother? - Two years it took me. - Two years? - Yes. - Yeah. - I'm going to Cape Town! - You're going to Cape Town, my brother? - Yes.

- So even in the park, you're not scared of anything. - No, in the park, it's okay. I crossed Katavi. It's okay. I mean... Usually, the animals are afraid of humans. - Then... Sorry, my brother, for asking you so many questions. - No problem! - What do you want to achieve? - Just... I like to travel. So I just like to see how it changes. You see, just from there to here, just because I crossed the border, the people are very different already.

So it's interesting to see that, to see how the behavior of people changes as you move, how the culture changes. It's very interesting to see that slowly, slowly. - Okay, okay, okay. - Where's the brake? Is...? - The brake is here. Yeah. But don't ride it because... Well, you have all my bags.

And this is... - Yeah, yeah. - Okay. - Just for the picture. That's it. - But do you know that in South Africa, it's risky? - Yeah, I know South Africa. I'll be more careful in South Africa. Yeah. - Be more careful. - Yeah, because I know there is...

It's more dangerous. - But it can drive maybe 30 km/h. - No 20. - 20 km/h? - Yeah. On flat, 20. Yes.

- Okay. - Thank you very much. Have a... - Enjoy your ride. - Have a good time, too. Yeah. Goodbye. - Bye. - Thank you very much. Bye. Hello. - Wait, wait. - Yes. - How are you? - Good. How are you? - Good, good. - Very good. - You're from where? - From France.

- From France? - Yes. - Just cycling like that? - Just riding like that. Yes. - Where are you going? - France? - Yes, from France. I'm going to Mbala today. - Going to Mbala? - Yes.

- Now you haven't seen any elephants, parks. Why? - I've seen a few elephants in Uganda, but that's all. No, the big animals... I only saw elephants. - Lions? - Lions?

No, I've never... I crossed Katavi. There were lions, but I did not see them. - Sure. What's your name? - Yves. - Yves? - What's your name? - I'm Chris. - Chris. Nice to meet you, Chris. - Chris from Zambia. - From Zambia. - I was in Uganda. - Askila. Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet... - My friend. This is my friend. - Namibian. - Namibian? Ah, okay.

- Yes, yes. - Nice to meet you. - So we went to Uganda. Now we are coming here. So we're going now to cross. We are going now to Zambia. - Ah, okay. - Yeah, yeah. - Nice. - We are going to Lusaka now. - Very good.

- Okay, so how long have...? But but me, I'm so... I'm so surprised. So, do you have any food, everything? - I have a bit of food. Yeah, yeah.

- Now... So you said one year. - Two years. - Two years, two years. - Two years. - Yeah. - From France. - From France. - From France. Yes. - What do you want to achieve? - I just want to see how it is.

But I like... I want to go on a bicycle because I like... Because when you come with a bicycle, people are more friendly, because people are more like, "Oh, what the hell are you doing?" - Like the way we are. - But if I come with a car, you look at me like, "Oh, what is this tourist." - Okay. - But because I come with a bicycle, then it's easier for me to have a connection with the people.

- Okay, okay. - So that's why I prefer to travel by bicycle. - So what is your plan? Where are you going to end? - Cape Town. - Cape Town? - Yeah. - Then from Cape Town, you get a flight.

- No, from Cape Town then, I'll rest some time. - Ah-ah. - And then I'll go back via West Africa. - Via West Africa. - I go back to Europe via West Africa. - Again, by cycle. - Again, with this. - So are you married? - No, I'm not married.

- How old are you? - 39 now actually. Yeah, 39. - 39? - Yes. - So two years? - Two years. - Cycle. - Yes. Slowly, slowly. - Your parents, your family are okay with it. - Yeah, they're okay with it. Yeah, yeah. They're happy. They see I'm happy. So they are very happy. Ah? - Do you have something to protect yourself from the sun? - No, I put a hat on. I have a cap. - Only a cap? - I also put sunscreen on.

Actually, I will put on sunscreen now. - Sunscreen? - I... Yeah, I need it. Because I knew I had to cross the border, I didn't put it on this morning. But usually, every morning, I put sunscreen on because here, with my skin, I get burnt. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Now I wanted to ask you about that. Oh, so you just apply that lotion? - Yes, this is for the sun. Yeah. - For the sun? - Yeah. - Sunscreen.

- It works quite well. - Ah, it works quite well. - If I... Yeah. - You are not burnt. - You see I'm not burnt. - Yeah, yeah, cuz... - Yesterday I spent all day outside. - Yeah? - And I'm not. If I hadn't put this, you'd see me today all red. - Yeah, yeah. It's true. - With this... - So you haven't got sick like flu.

- You get the flu? - I got... No. Sometimes, but very rarely. I got sick from... Someway. Because of the AC. - AC? Okay. - Yes. - But... That's all. - Do you eat sugar cane? - No, it's okay.

- Have you tried it? It's very nice. - Yes, but I don't like to eat it like this, because it's too hard on the teeth. I'm always afraid to break my teeth when...

Yeah. So I prefer to... Eating it like this, I don't... I mean, it's good, but I'm afraid to break my teeth. - Have a safe journey. - Thank you very much! Yeah. - Bless you.

- You too. Have a safe journey. - Well, thank you, my brother. - So you're going to Lusaka, then you stop in Lusaka? - Yes, yes. I'll stay in Lusaka. - Okay, okay. Good. - So, Lusaka — you pass... I don't know when you'll pass it. - Yeah, maybe... I don't know exactly when also. Yeah. Maybe a month from now or something like that. - A month? - Yeah.

Very nice meeting you. - Thank you. Thank you. Very nice to meet you. - Thank you for the nice talk. - Okay. - Nice meeting you. - Very nice meeting you. - Nice journey. - Safe journey. - Have a good trip also. Goodbye. - Thank you, thank you. - Thank you. Yeah. Oh my God. Bye-bye.

This is incredible, guys. The difference just by crossing the border between the coldness of Tanzanians and the friendliness of people here is unbelievable. Wow! Yeah, I'm so happy. First time in Zambia in my life.

Hello. - Hello. - And we just have 25 kilometers left to Mbala. Oh, f***. I'm so happy to be in Zambia. It's such a relief. Hello, hello. Hello! Hello, hello! Hello, hello. Oh my God, it's like I changed a planet.

In a few hundred meters, I traveled to another planet. That's crazy. I'm back in the, in the friendliest parts of Africa. Hello. - Hey. - Hi. - Hi, hi. - Hello. - Hello, how are you? No, I continue. I continue. - Break, break, break, break. - Break, break, break. Oh my God. It's night and day.

It's crazy. It's unbelievable. This contrast. Wow! Oh, I have tears in my eyes. My God, it's so good to find again true African friendliness. Hello. How are you? - Hello. - We're fine, and you?

- Fine. Good, good, good. Hello! Hello. Oh, I'm so happy! What is happening here? Hello! - Come, come. - Ah? Come? - Come in. - What is this?

- We have a funeral here. - Ah? Oh, funeral. - Yes. - Okay. - I don't know if you can assist us. - For the funeral? - Yes. - How can I assist you?

- Consider money. - Yeah, but... - You don't have it. - No. I don't have it. Sorry. - Just wait. As you can see, the people are surprised to see you. - Yes, they're surprised to see me. Yeah. - Yes. - Yeah, but...

- Have you seen it? - Ah? - Everyone, everybody wants to see you. - Yes, I see. Yeah, yeah. - For what you're doing. - Yes, yes, yes, yes. - You are just riding through this. - Yes, but I'm gonna leave. I'm gonna respect the dead. - Where are you from now? - From just the border. - Okay. - Yes. - Now where are you going? - I'm going to Mbala. - Mbala?

- Yes. Okay, so, sorry for the death and... - Okay, thank you. - Have a good day. - Thank you. - Hello. - Hey. - Hello. - Bye-bye.

Yes! I'm happy again! Oh my God! I thought I had lost my joy in Tanzania, but no. It's back. Hello. - Okay. - Hello, hello. - Hey! - Hello. And I have my first Zambian crew. Ah? - Pen. - Pen. - Pen.

- There's still some begging here in Zambia, but there's the friendliness to compensate. Oh, I've got some new ones. Oh my God. It's funny. The difference is not big actually with Tanzania.

But it's just this honest, genuine smile on the face of the people that just makes it an entirely different world. Oh, I think they've reached school. I think the school is there. Hello.

Hello, hello! Hello, hello. Hello. Hello.

Hello. - Yes! - Hello, hello! - Hello! - Yes. Hello. Thank you. Oh my God. Wow. What the hell? You see, this guy went a long way. Thank you!

A long way off... Oh, let's maybe... Let's just give him something. He went a long way off his way to give me back my shoe and did not ask for anything. Thank you. - Thank you. Thank you very much. - Thank you. - Thank you very much. - Oh, asante. Thank you. - Thank you. - How do you say "thank you" here? - Yes, yes, yes. - In the language here?

- Yes. - How do you say "thank you"? - Yes, yes. - Okay. You see, the guy went a long way off his way just to bring me back my shoe and he didn't ask for anything. The vibrations. I've lost my honk as well.

This dirt road is destroying my bike. Hello. - Yes, yes, yes. Thank you very much. - You're welcome. You're welcome. Hello. Hello. - Hi. - How are you? - How are you? - Good.

- Is that a...? - It's an electric tricycle. - Electric? - Yes. I'm going to just Mbala today. - Just Mbala? - But after, I go to Cape Town. - Cape Town like that? - Yes. Hello. - Hello.

- Hi! - Hi, hi! How are you? - I'm fine. - So we are back on the asphalt, and I think if I want now, I can ride all the way to Cape Town on asphalt road. And we are arriving in Mbala, guys! First stop in Zambia.

So I need to find my guest house now. Hello, hello, hello. - Hello, how are you? - Good. How are you? Musalale Lodge is here, no? Okay. I can see myself in front. Look at that. Very nice. That's a beautiful lodge, guys.

Where is the reception? Good. How are you? - I'm fine. - Do you know where the reception is? - That side. - Ah, it's that side. Okay. - My friend. - Hi. - Hi. - Yes. - Do you have rooms here?

- Yes, just for one night. - Just for one night? - Yes. - Oh, then you're full. - Pardon? Just for one... No, I would stay probably two or three nights.

- Two or three? No, one. We have one for one night. - Oh, really? Tomorrow it's full? Ah, okay. So I'll go somewhere else then because the... How much is it here? - 600. - 600? - Yes. - Okay. Okay. Bad luck. Thank you. - Okay, okay. - Bye.

Hello. Do you have rooms here? - No. - You don't have them? - Yes. - You're full? - Yes, we are fully booked. - Do you know where there is a lodge that has places because it's the second one I checked? - No, they are all fully booked. - Why?

- I don't know. - Because there is nobody. That's a very weird thing. So I wanted to stay a couple of days just to edit a little bit, but I guess I might... Maybe I might stay only one night in the first lodge.

And I might continue tomorrow then. So that's my room, guys. See? All my bags are here. Very nice. Big bed. Very beautiful room actually. There is even AC and also a very big bathroom. I should have hot water, but the issue is that...

So I came back to the first lodge because the other one was fully booked as well. I asked some questions around. So there is a graduation event tomorrow. That's why... Because I'm like, "We're in the middle of nowhere. How come all the lodges are fully booked?" So there's a graduation event tomorrow. So I'm not lucky.

So I'm gonna have to continue tomorrow. And anyway, it's probably good because there is no electricity now. So there is no way to work here, so... You see, my bike is here. It's a pity I can't stay longer in this beautiful lodge, but... Yeah. So see you for the next adventures on the way across remote northern Zambia; ciao, guys! So, guys, it's six o'clock in the afternoon.

And still, no electricity. So... And I'm gonna be kicked out tomorrow because all the lodges are full here. And I have almost no battery left on my trike, so I really wonder... And my next stage is 168 kilometers, I think. So I really... Oh my God.

I don't know how I'm gonna do that. Hopefully, electricity will come back at some point. It's been six hours. No electricity. No money also because, because the ATMs here only take Visa cards.

And I used to have two Visa cards, but both got canceled. So, no Mastercard, no money, no electricity. Difficult start in Zambia.

2024-07-22 23:55

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