You Need to Eat These Foods in Istanbul, Turkey! (Türkiye?)

You Need to Eat These Foods in Istanbul, Turkey! (Türkiye?)

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hello everybody I hope you're all doing well today this is Doug and I'm coming to you today from Istanbul Turkey where I live if you haven't seen my video kind of explaining why I live here and that whole situation you can check it out at the top of the screen but today is going to be a video All About Food Turkish food it's amazing it's world famous and uh to help me with one or two of the first dishes that we're going to try today I have a very special guest all the way from Iraq hello hi it's Hussein Rashid yes it's me partner in crime business partner we our tourist together in Iraq if you guys want to join us for one of our upcoming trips in Iraq in the fall you can check the link down in the description below they're amazing yeah the best tourist great amazing tourist amazing all right we're going to find some [Music] breakfast it's crowded yeah Saturday morning all right guys so we're here at a place called meshur menen G this means like famous Menan maker it's my favorite menen place here in his Turkish is getting really better the Menan has arrived usually I order the cheese one but I wanted to try something different so I got the corn one the corn one and I got the cheese one this is actually the mixed one so it has meat and cheese in it good Lu and of course Turkish tea so menen is basically eggs Tomatoes some peppers usually and there's huge debate in Turkey whether onions are supposed to be included or not but all of those things kind of cooked on a skillet it kind of combines a little bit and then you eat it with some crusty French bread please give us a demonstration all right I'm going to try that again all right rip off some bread scoop up some Menon and like a pro so right when you get it if you have some cheese on yours like I do going to want to mix it up to get all that cheese nice and melty inside the dish very cheesy Rusty bread here we [Music] go as always mhm this is so good my absolute favorite breakfast food here in Turkey I love you America tury [Music] all right guys the crew here let me in the kitchen byebye byebye byebye amazing best men all right guys that was delicious that's one down but stay tuned because I've got many more of my favorite Turkish foods to share with you guys in this video don't go anywhere now before we head to the next stop I want to tell you guys about the sponsor of today's video better help I've struggled with anxiety at various points throughout my life but especially in my first couple years at college and I found going to therapy to be a huge help I feel like there can sometimes be this misconception that therapy is only for people going through really hard times but I think therapy should be seen as a normal part of taking care of yourself just daytoday and so that's why I'm really happy to tell you about better help better help connects you online with a licensed therapist is trained to listen and give you unbiased advice and getting started is super easy you just go to their site answer a few questions about yourself and then betterhelp will match you to a professional therapist who has years of experience helping people just like you and I think for me the coolest part about betterhelp is that you can do all of this right from your phone or your computer and you can talk to your therapist via video chat phone call or by messaging whatever you're most comfortable with I mean it is literally the easiest way to start talking to a therapist so if you're struggling with something or even if you're just looking for something someone who will listen then I highly recommend you check out betterhelp visit sdgb Barnard and get a special discount on your first month all righty hello again guys it is time to continue our eating adventure with Hussein hey what we're going to do this time is head to a loant so this is not really about like a specific food item per se but more the idea of the Turkish loant a loant is like a Turkish cafeteria and it's super affordable with so many different foods available it's kind of like a Turkish very fast also you go there you pick stuff and you have it very efficient very efficient and here we are now so let's let's go let's do it yell Che okay so you come in here grab a tray and then you can have anything you want here video check okay por chickp too chickpeas definitely going have that what do you call it uh humus that is actually humus yeah yeah okay fair enough so many different options we got brussels sprouts broccoli and then here you've got the sweets iron I will have one of those another Turkish staple and then you can take some bread if you want and and the meat will come in a little you take your silverware [Music] here and you can add a little spice [Music] here this is like the closest thing you can get to homecooked Turkish food not from like an actual Turkish mom so I got water iron eggplant yogurt thing bread grilled Kua isara CA which is like Turkish meeples and rice with chickpeas on it this all in total came to$ 275 L which is like a little over $8 used to be probably you could get all of this for like $5 maybe a year ago but inflation is a thing still a pretty good price for the amount of food you get I think first things first and this is very important you guys need to know this when you get iron in a cup like this it's very important to shake the iron for a while because sometimes the yogurt settles and I didn't do that one time on Tik Tok when I first came to Turkey and I got hundreds maybe thousands of comments saying hey you got to shake the iron so got to shake it for a few seconds and then you're good to go this iron is a little bit strange for some people when they come to Turkey for the first time if they're not used to it because it's a yogurt drink but it's not sweet it's Savory it's kind of salty actually and it's a little bit of an acquired taste but if you go into into it with an open mind I think you're going to like it it's amazing delicious and then my favorite grilled meatballs you get a little spicy pepper right off the gr T Shaker there it is bye-bye all right how you feeling filled filled yeah so full but we're missing the tea now oh yeah we need tea we need tea tea there is a fener Bachi match later so you can see all the fans here and it sounds like there's a band coming I'd like to officially announce that fenerbache is my Turkish team I'm a fenerbache fan I live very close to the stadium just over there is which is why there's so many fans here go fenerbache here they come it's going to be a very loud night yeah it is I can hear the games from my uh apartment [Music] all right so we're all rooting for fenerbache hopefully they win they're playing B chai time so this is like a little Turkish tea shop pretty typical one well that's the only two words that I know what he that's fine oh very goody EV boom we have it like 10 of these just yeah you're Iraqi so you have to I'm yeah I'm really trying to cut the sugar one is enough one okay so the thing is here is not like boiling hot it's like hot just normal hot which is like very good sometimes in rock when it's like boiling hot you just go like this it will be like immediately colder yeah it gets a little more like air surface on there and cools it off really quick or something yeah but here they take care of the temperature so it's like warm enough to like to be hold like this and to be drink like I can't do that immediately here though that's cuz you're a rocky I I'm still a noob like it's too hot for me to grab right now I have to give it some time now fun fact for you guys turkey actually consumes the most tea per capita of any country in the world more than the British more than the Chinese turkey is number one for tea consumption mission accomplished we got our chai we have to have it after such a rich meal that's true actually yeah guys it's time to say goodbye to Hussein unfortunately yeah I'm going back to Iraq at midnight you'll probably see him again well you definitely see him again in upcoming videos or if you come on one of our tours one of our group trips to Iraq waiting we're waiting for you all right all right baby thanks for your help bye stay tuned guys more to come go about all right hello guys it's the next day now and it's a rainy day here in inst stumble but I have to head out to show you guys my next favorite food here in Turkey or tur new name so we're heading out in K and we're going to get mid okay one pardon H Denise okay all right guys here we are I'm sitting inside the little shop here this place is called media means muscles they're actually called Meda like stuffed muscles because if you open one of these up you'll see on the inside is a muscle but it's been stuffed with rice and uh they're pretty amazing all right so here is how you do this you're going to take one reopen it like that then you can take off the empty side and now you can use this empty one as a spoon to scoop it out from the other side usually it sticks to one side you pull it out just like that it's stuffed with rice and then very importantly you got to take a little lemon and squeeze a lot of fresh lemon on there and then this is big street food it's also a big drunk food or like nighlife food snack whatever and the cool thing about media is that you just show up and you basically eat as many as you want and then pay at the end like he'll count how many empty shells there are that's how it goes one okay 10 L per muscle which is like 30 cents or something good stuff media is amazing I highly highly recommend them don't be intimidated just go for it all right guys we're all done there I only ate five so it was 50 L which is like $160 is so very affordable and I got to save room because we've got a few more delicious Turkish foods coming right up later today so stay tuned I'll see you in a few [Laughter] OHA it's so funny thank you wow CH all righty guys and it is time for the next stop on our amazing food tour and this time we have another very special guest with us the lovely ilai say hello hello so ilai brought me to well where did you bring me where are we we are in G right now there's a very special and famous mon place we call it Ashana Ashana Ashana and what is mon Monte is like Turkish ravioli Turkish ravioli and so good yeah it's so good and today we ordered um boiled and uh we ordered mix one of them is boiled and the other one is fried one and what's on top of it of course yogurt with garlic garlic okay actually I've never had the fried one oh really I hope you're going to like it I think I will it looks great here we go here we go de okay I'm going to get a little bit of Bowl we got the fried one and the boiled one in one bite here I owned it mhm that's really good delicios mhm choke choke delicios delicios I'm working hard on learning Turkish and whenever I try to speak Spanish which I learned for years now I can only think of Turkish words oh this is really good I really love the fried ones really yeah me too I wish I never tried I'm going to yeah exactly fried on now I'm only going to eat those all right we're going to eat up see you in a few and there's one more thing we're going to try so stay tuned okay that was delicious and now we have something else here what have we got here s s normally we're not eating with minat one but today we're going to eat with meat okay so this is what is this like it's grape leaves right grap leaves Meats inside and also rice okay so they make it without without meat yeah usually but this one has meat and you're not happy about in my um city in your city without meat yeah where are you from isir ismir by the way guys uh ilai here is a chef so this is like a lot of pressure have to make sure we're having good food cuz high standards you know all right so we using our hands of course we are Turkish always with yogurt M you're going to dig it mhm and a big dunk what do you think it's good good but I prefer without meat okay but it's good I I like them but you know I have my American palette and I'm not a chef Cheers Cheers you told me there's one more thing here that we're going to try the dessert H dessert dessert dessert that's coming up oh chazelle here we go guys we've got the dessert which is just called yogurt sweet is that right yes yogur yogurt T yes and uh what's in it yogurt yogurt oh no way yeah it is and in top mm clouded cream on top cled cream wow yeah it's like kimok yeah okay very cool I think you're going to love it all right it's very good with together you first ladies first me first mhm what is that oh my God it's a big one yeah you got this we call it Nazar Nazar what is that when you say like you got this and if I drop it so we call it Nazar your eyes did it to you like I Dr it okay wow okay I want to try I will help you and I've never tried this before thank you good yeah the cream on top it's amazing yeah and it's like really cold so good what's it like it's kind of wet the cake is kind of wet is it soaked in like some sugar or something very good we're going to eat this up but stay because there is one more very famous Turkish dessert that we have to show you guys that's coming right up all righty and you guys know how it goes here in Turkey got to have chai chai haon always always you have to drink the tea like what fing they're very fancy so good not like that no just like cool not like a weirdo yeah not like a weirdo all right guys and it's the last stop of the video what a delicious couple of days it's been what do we got here Chef Turkish bulava Turkish baklava so we've got two pieces one made with pistachio and one made with Walnut J J and the other one is H ftic thank and what's your favorite one of course pistacho is better than Walnut sorry well I'm not sorry well I like the Walnut one actually I think a little better so apparently we're supposed to eat these in one bite yeah and you're going to have pistachio and I'm going to have J but you have to turn it up turn it upside down upside down really yeah why so you're going to feel the in your what is it D I don't know in the roof of your mouth yeah interesting okay wait for it but it's not going to look so good like it will look so good all right go for it wait oh my god wow amazing is it good okay we'll give you a break enjoy okay and here is mine this is the Walnut one and uh I must turn it over I'm just learning this for the first time today I've eaten a lot of baklava and I've never done it the right way I guess here we go one bite how is it mhm M you rest strength to talking with me when I'm in EA so I'm trying to same with me the turning it over is good I know this is why you got to hang out with a chef chef okay thank you so much you're welcome gentlemen can I do like this I am so full how are you feeling I have a food baby okay I should Chef thank you so much for joining us you know what let's go to my home to drink some Turkish coffee okay what do you think all right good idea all righty guys that is going to bring us to the end of this ultimate Turkish food tour I think we covered some good things hopefully you guys like the dishes that I chose to include in this video but if you didn't I'm sure you will let me know in the comments and yeah hopefully I'll have some more YouTube videos coming up from Turkey very soon so stay tuned for those but other than that thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye-bye [Music]

2024-05-14 19:00

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