World in 1950 - Cold War Documentary

World in 1950 - Cold War Documentary

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1950 was an eventful year in World History. It  was characterized by technological advancement,   shifting and solidifying borders, contentious  capitals, the threat of war, and outright war!   It is a year that saw a Superpower directly  engage in large-scale combat for the first   time since the end of the Second World War  but war in a restrained fashion. It was also   a war that showcased the reality that the  new Cold War was a truly global affair,   and not just a European-focused struggle. I’m  your host David and 1950 was a fascinating   year of the Cold War so let’s talk  about it! This is...The Cold War. That’s One Small step for Man, one giant leap  for mankind”. This 1969 quote by the one and  

only Neil Armstrong marked one of the concluding  steps in the American goal of landing a human on   the moon. This fascinating chapter of the Cold War  is brilliantly explained in the two-part series,   “Battle For the Moon” from the sponsor of this  episode MagellanTV. The series looks at not   just the technological achievements involved  but also the passionate saga of the Mercury,   Gemini, and Apollo programs! And one of the best  things about the video? It is completely ad-free,   just like every video on MagellanTV, including the  new 4K content that is being added every week. And   Cold War viewers will get a one-month free trial  by clicking on the link in the description; make   sure to start your free trial of MagellanTV so  you can join us in watching “Battle for the Moon”. So, we are going to start our coverage in Turkey.  1950 was the year that Turkey really began its  

democratic transition. Up until the Second World  War, Turkey had been governed by the secular,   revolutionary and authoritarian Kemalist regime,  established after the breakup of the Ottoman   Empire. After Ataturk’s death, leadership had  passed to another war hero, Ismet Inonu. After   the end of the Second World War, Turkey found  itself aligning itself to the Western powers,   against the Soviet Union, helped along by Marshall  Plan dollars. Of course, there was a quiet   expectation from the United States that Turkey  would begin a transition to democratic governance,   something the Kemalists had flirted with but  never followed through on. The single party   in the country, Inonu’s CHP, saw a split occur,  and a new party was formed, the Democrat Party,   headed by Adnan Menderes and Celal Beyar.  Elections held in 1946 were won by the CHP   but the DP secured a substantial victory in the  1950 elections. And when we say substantial,  

we mean it. The DP won 408 seats compared to  only 69 seats for the CHP. Nice. The transition   of power to the DP happened smoothly, with Inonu  choosing not to lean into the influence he had   with the military in order to maintain his  own power. This peaceful transition in 1950,   coupled with Turkey’s participation in the  Korean War, allowed Turkey to join NATO,   firmly placing the strategically vital  nation inside the Western Alliance.  Moving away from Turkey but remaining in the  region, 1950 was the year the Treaty of Joint   Defence and Economic Cooperation of the League of  Arab States was signed. Following the defeat of   the Arab countries in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War,  the Arab countries were in shock. The Israeli  

state, carved from land in Palestine, had received  international recognition and over 400,000   Palestinians had fled as refugees to other  states in the region. Despite this, Arab   leaders saw this as a setback, and a temporary one  at that. With some time and better preparation,   success would be assured in the next, inevitable  war with Israel. The Arab League, formed in 1945,  

served as the mechanism for this integration and  cooperation. The signing of the Treaty on the   18th of June, 1950 led to the establishment of two  of the main institutions of the Arab League, The   Joint Defence Council and The Economic Council.  So what did these two things do? Well, the Joint   Defence Council as the name implies, allowed the  Arab world to coordinate actions for that future   war. It was, however, just a coordination tool; it  did NOT create a united armed forces for the Arab   League. The Economic Council, as its name would  imply, was to establish the grounds and framework  

for deepened economic and social integration of  the Arab countries. OK, so the treaty was signed,   but why is it important? Well, it helped to  refocus Arab attention towards a common enemy   in Israel, ensuring that regional politics in  the Middle East would remain extremely tense.   Interestingly, although the Joint Defence  council was designed to improve military   coordination between members, it failed to do so,  meaning that while the Arab states would approach   affairs with Israel with the confidence of a  large coordinated military behind them, they   never really took advantage of the opportunity  to actually coordinate, with the result that   their inevitable victory failed to materialize. Now, speaking of Israel, 1950 was the year that  

the nascent Jewish state proclaimed Jerusalem as  its capital. The Israeli government had spent its   time since its victory in the first Arab-Israeli  War consolidating its control over the recognized   territory that made up the state. But the issue  of where the capital of both Israel and Palestine   would be located remained a sensitive and  contentious topic. For those who may be unaware,   although I’m not sure who that would be,  Jerusalem is a Holy City for all three   Abrahamic religions and who could claim control  of the city was considered vital. In late 1949,   the Israeli government began preparation of a  resolution which would proclaim Jerusalem as   its capital. It took until the 23rd of January  1950 for the Knesset to vote on the resolution,   which passed with 60 votes in favour, 2 votes  against, and several abstentions. The two votes  

against were from Communist representatives  who were in favour of placing Jerusalem under   the trusteeship of the United Nations.  The abstentions came from representatives   of the right-wing Herut Party, who rejected the  proposal entirely as they favoured the adoption   of a different resolution in the Knesset which  would have proclaimed the entirety of Jersusalem   as that capital, including the portion that had  been captured by Transjordan and which was to be   a part of the future Palestinian state. Given  the contentious nature, widespread recognition   in the international community of Jerusalem as  the Israeli capital did not follow and even to   the present day, a majority of nations still do  not recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital  Shifting our attention from the Mediterranean  to the Baltic, April 8 1950 saw a not-altogether   uncommon Cold War occurrence. On that day, Soviet  Lavochkin La-11 fighters attacked and shot down   a US Navy PB4Y-2 Privateer which was operating  off the coast of the Latvian town of Liepaja.  

The Privateer, a Second World War-era patrol  aircraft was on a signals-intelligence gathering   mission, collecting Soviet radio and radar  data. When the Privateer, and its crew of   10 was reported missing, a search of the area  was begun, led by the Soviet Union, but only a   few pieces of wreckage were ever found. Not long  after the shootdown, the Soviet Union recognized   that it had shot down an American aircraft.  The Soviet statement was that the Privateer was   flying inside Soviet airspace and had ignored  calls for it to land so therefore was deemed   hostile and was shot down. The Soviet statement  also confirmed that no survivors had been found.  

Archival documents from the incident indicate that  45 Soviet vessels spent three weeks searching for   the remains of the crew but with no success. Now,  the US government disagreed with the Soviet claim   that the UN Navy aircraft was in Soviet airspace,  insisting that the flight was an unarmed training   flight over international waters. However, in  the absence of any real data whatsoever, aside   from the only surviving eyewitnesses, the pilots  of the La-11 fighters, no dispute could be made.   Persistent rumours continued however, that the  Soviets had captured some or all of the crew,   who were being held in Soviet Labour camps. These  rumours prompted a 1956 inquiry but no concrete   evidence of survivors was to be had. Some of  you may be wondering why the Soviets would   risk shooting down a US plane in international  airspace, if that was the case. They knew it was  

an ELINT aircraft and the opportunity to salvage  its equipment and even possibly the crew would   have been very tempting. The US response was  also not unusual...this incident was one of   dozens of shootdowns that occurred during the  Cold War. Intelligence gathering was a job with   known risks and dangers and nobody was going to  risk World War III without a pretty solid case.  Now, speaking of downed aircraft, 1950 was  significant as it marked the first ever Broken   Arrow incident of the Cold War. For those of you  who may not be familiar with the expression, a  

Broken Arrow is “an accidental event that involves  nuclear weapons, warheads or components that does   not create a risk of nuclear war”. For the pedants  out there, and I know you are out there since I do   read the comments. For the pedants, Louis Slotin’s  death in 1946 while showing off with the so-called   demon core was certainly an accident involving  nuclear components but it isn’t usually counted as   a Broken Arrow incident. But back to 1950, in the  early hours of 14 February a USAF B-36 Peacemaker,   flying a regular training mission from Eilson  Air Force Base in Alaska, suffered multiple   engine failures and was forced to jettison the  Mark-4 nuclear bomb it was carrying somewhere   over the Pacific ocean, near the coast of  British Columbia. The bomb, which contained   Uranium and conventional explosives but lacked the  plutonium core required for a nuclear detonation,   exploded above the water and the crew of 17  bailed out of the B-36. 12 of the men survived   with the other five, who were never found, likely  dying of exposure in the North Pacific water.  

The B-36 itself was then lost, only to be found 3  years later, 350 miles north of the bail-out site,   crashed on the side of Mount Kologet.  The British Columbia B-36 crash marked   the beginning of numerous safety and security  incidents involving nuclear weapons or components,   some of which, only through luck and fortune only  narrowly avoided any actual nuclear explosions.  And from bombers and bombs, after 5 years of  relative global peace, 1950 saw large-scale   war return to the international headlines. On  the 25th of June, North Korean troops crossed   the 38th Parallel, starting the Korean War,  one of the bloodiest civil wars in history.   Korea had been divided into two zones of  occupation following the defeat of Japan in 1945;   the North occupied by the Soviet Union and  the Americans occupying the South. By 1948,  

the South had declared itself the independent  Republic of Korea, led by President Syngman Rhee,   while the Democratic People Republic of Korea  was established in the North led by Kim Il Sung.   Seen as a relative backwater  in terms of global affairs,   both the Soviet Union and the United States  had withdrawn their occupation forces by 1949.   This was despite numerous bloody border  skirmishes which had left thousands dead   and an active communist movement in the South  attempting to overthrow the Rhee government.   The full-scale invasion, supported by the Soviet  Union, would result in 3 years of hard fighting,   with both sides seen as likely victors at  different points of the war. The result was   a stalemate and armistice reestablishing a border  that was remarkably similar to the prewar border.   The Korean War marked the full-scale rearmament  process of the United States, the involvement   of the new People’s Republic of China for the  first time, and a severe deepening of the Cold   War divisions between East and West. The Korean  War also served as the first serious test of  

America’s desire, or lack thereof, to engage in  a possible nuclear exchange. Korea resulted in   the deaths of between 2 and 4 million people,  the first major regional war of the Cold War,   establishing a trend of how fighting between  the Superpowers would be carried out.  OK, so speaking of nuclear weapons, 1950 saw  the arrest, trial, and sentencing of one of the   more famous of the so-called nuclear spies, Klaus  Fuchs. Fuchs was a German-born physicist who had   fled Germany in 1933 and settled in Britain, where  he completed his PhD at the University of Bristol   and then a Doctorate of Science at the University  of Edinburgh. Now, despite his leftist leanings,   of which the British government was aware, Fuchs  was still invited to participate in the British   atomic bomb project, Alloy Tubes. This was about  the same time that Fuchs was contacted by Soviet   agents of the GRU looking to collect information  and data on the project. Fuchs, sympathetic to  

the Soviet Union, agreed. In late 1943, Fuchs was  transferred to the United States to help with the   Manhattan Project, and he was transferred  to an NKVD handler once he had arrived.   He remained in the US until 1946, witnessing the  Trinity Test as well as helping to theorize on   the possibility of thermonuclear weapons and  then assisting in the Crossroads testing after   which he moved back to the United Kingdom to  continue working on the British bomb project.  

Throughout all of this, he continued to pass  along to the Soviet Union highly influential   secret information regarding both the US and the  British nuclear programs. But, by late 1949, both   the American and British intelligence services  had pinpointed Fuchs as a spy and after several   interrogations, he confessed to MI5 that he was  indeed a spy. He was arrested and his trial, which   lasted only an impressive 90 minutes, saw him  sentenced to 14 years in prison. Fuchs’ testimony   was key in implicating Harry Gold, whose testimony  was in turn used against David Greenglass and   Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. Fuchs was released  from prison in 1959, with a third of his sentence   reduced as a result of good behaviour, a practice  in line with British procedure at the time. Once   out of prison, he left Britain, emigrating to East  Germany where he lived until his death in 1988. 

The arrest and trial of men like Fuchs added fuel  to an already volatile atmosphere in the United   States where even a hint of progressive leftist  reform was met with accusations of communism   and the overthrow of American Democracy. This  of course wasn’t the first time this type of   hysterical rhetoric had been employed nor was it  the last...FDRs New Deal had been criticised for   this as was Obama’s Affordable Care Act and even  Big Bird getting a vaccine. Almost as if some of  

the critics didn’t understand what Communism  was. But back to 1950, the anti-communist   atmosphere was at an all-time high in America,  with genuine domestic concern over the potential   for a Communist subversion of the country. Enter  the junior senator for Wisconsin, the republican   Joseph McCarthy. On February 9, he gave an address  to the Women’s Republican Club in West Virginia,  

talking to the struggle between Christianity and  Communism, stating that the reason America was   losing the Cold War was because of traitors  in government. He claimed that he knew of   205 Communist Party members and Soviet spies  that were working at the State Department.   IN the weeks following that address, McCarthy  continued to repeat his claims of communist spies   in government but the number of those known to  him fluctuated...57 in one speech, 81 in another,   and as low as 10 in yet another. The term  “McCarthyism” was first coined at this time   by the way. McCarthy, by the way, never produced  any solid evidence of a single communist in the  

State Department, but that was irrelevant.  The Second Red Scare was in full effect with   baseless accusations enough to discredit anyone  suspected of disloyalty. McCarthyism had a deep   impact on America, one that lasts to this day. Now, I had made mention a few minutes ago about   Klaus Fuchs being involved in the theoretical  discussions surrounding the development of   thermonuclear weapons. Well, 1950 happens to be  the year that Harry Truman gave his support to the   US development of such a weapon. The 1949 RDS-1  test in the Soviet Union, their first atomic bomb,  

took the United States by surprise. While it was  fully expected that the Soviets would produce   an atomic bomb, it was also expected to take  significantly longer than it actually did. The   strategic advantages afforded the United States  as the sole nuclear power suddenly evaporated. So,   naturally, the discussions turned to how to build  a bigger more powerful bomb, the hydrogen bomb.   January 31, 1950 saw Presidential support given  to the project. There was of course opposition   to the development of thermonuclear weapons,  notably from Albert Einstein. Despite having  

been in favour of the development of atomic  weapons to offset the Nazi pursuit of them,   he opposed thermonuclear technology as he was  aware of its highly destructive potential.   Surprisingly, the US government paid no attention  to this opposition and proceeded with development.   The fruits of that labour was the November 1952  Ivy Mike test at Enewetak Atoll in the Pacific,   a detonation 450 times more powerful than  the Fat Man detonation used against Nagasaki.  

The test then sparked a new race among  several nations, to first weaponize the   technology and then to build bigger and more  efficient versions of the hydrogen bomb.  But 1950 was about more than just bombs and  bullets, spies and allies. 1950 saw the founding   of one of the most well-known Christian Charities  of the 20th Century, The Missionaries of Charity,   founded by Mother Mary Theresa Bojaxhiu in  the Indian city of Calcutta, now Kolkatta.   An ethnic Albanian born in the Ottoman Empire  in 1910, Bojaxhiu knew from a young age that   she wanted to dedicate her life to Christianity,  joining the Sisters of Loreto in Ireland in 1918   in order to learn English so she could  then take on missionary work in India.   Moving to India in 1929, she became increasingly  concerned about the poverty surrounding her,   especially after moving to Calcutta. This was  magnified by both the Bengal Famine of 1943 and   the intra-communal violence that accompanied  Independence and Partition. To help the poor,  

in 1950 she founded the Missionaries of  Charity, following permission from the   Vatican to provide the charity with status as a  Catholic organization. The aim of the Missionaries   of Charity was to provide free support to the  poorest and most vulnerable people. Starting   with only 12 members, the organization Mother  Theresa founded has grown to employ over 5,000   people with branches all over the world. While the  organization has, since it was founded, provided  

tremendous amounts of support and charity to  those in need, it has not been without criticism   including poor treatment of those tenants of the  charity. She has been accused of wanting the sick   to suffer as it brought those people closer to  Christ. Despite this criticism, Mother Theresa   remains a revered figure for many and she  was Canonized by the Catholic Church in 2016.  The Nobel Peace Prize was first awarded in  1901 and most years since "to the person who   shall have done the most or the best work for  fraternity between nations, for the abolition   or reduction of standing armies and for the  holding and promotion of peace congresses".   In 1950, the winner of the Peace Prize was  Ralph Bunche, becoming the first black person   to receive the award. Bunche was a pioneer  for the black community in the United States,   being one of the first to make his way into  the higher echelons of the political hierarchy.  

A political scientist and diplomat, Bunche had  worked for the Office of Strategic Services during   the Second World War as a specialist on colonial  affairs. He later joined the State Department,   working under Alger Hiss. With Hiss, Bunche  became one of the prominent figures at the   Institute of Pacific Relations, an NGO dedicated  to discussion on problems and challenges between   the countries of the Pacific Rim. Bunche was  also heavily involved in the preparation of the  

Dumbarton Oaks Conference, the San Francisco  Conference and the Charter Conference as well   as the drafting and adoption of the Universal  Declaration of Human Rights. This was clearly   a man who helped shape the postwar order. By  1947, Bunche was involved in the resolution of   the Arab-Israeli conflict as an assistant  to the UN Special Committee on Palestine.   He was also an aide to the Swedish mediator Folke  Bernadotte, visiting the region together in 1948.   When Bernadotte was assassinated in September,  Bunche took over as the chief negotiator. In that  

role, he took on the titanic task of arranging  separate armistice agreements between Israel   and Egypt, Israel and Iraq, Israel and Jordan,  Israel and Syria and Israel and Lebanon. It was   for this work that he was awarded the 1950 Nobel  Peace Prize. Bunche would continue his work as a   mediator for the United Nations and also became a  prominent figure in the US Civil Rights Movement.  From a Nobel Peace Prize winner, we are now  going to shift our attention to one of the   most famous robberies in US history, the Great  Brinks Robbery. On January 17, 1950 a group of   people entered the Brinks building in Boston Mass  and stole 2.775 million dollars in cash, cheques,  

and money orders. That is the equivalent to about  30 million US dollars today. As the investigation   into the robbery began, tremendous challenges  were faced. All of the perpetrators wore Navy-type   peacoats, gloves and chauffeur’s caps, similar  to what Brink’s employees wore except each of   them also had their faces completely concealed  by Halloween masks and they were wearing gloves.   In order to mask their footsteps, they also wore  crepe-soled or rubber soled shoes and none of the   men did much talking. It was obviously a carefully  planned and executed, professional heist.   So, law enforcement including both local police as  well as the FBI launched a massive investigation,   turning up the heat so to speak on the world  of the criminal underground. A $100,000 reward   for information leading to the arrest and  conviction of those responsible was posted.  

The case quickly captured the attention,  and imagination, of the American people.   Thousands of well-intentioned people across the  country began submitting theories and “tips”,   hoping to help solve the case, and get that sweet  cash reward. These tips, however well intentioned,   were not what eventually broke the case. Two  of the members of the group that had robbed the   Brinks building were arrested in connection with  OTHER criminal activities. Once arrested however,  

the police and the FBI began to put the  pieces together, locating the other nine   members of the group. Of the 11 men who  carried out the robbery, 8 received the   maximum sentence of life in prison starting in  1956. The Great Brinks Robbery would remain the   largest robbery in US history until 1984 and  has sparked the creation of at least 4 movies.  OK, now I don’t know about you, but I rarely  carry cash. In fact, most of the people I know  

rarely carry cash anymore. We’ve got other, more  convenient ways to pay for most items these days,   whether it is a bank card, Apple or Google  Pay, Venmo, or, of course, a credit card. But,   none of these things existed in 1950. Cash  was king. And then, a businessman named Frank   McNamara was out for dinner with his wife and  some business clients. McNamara realized he  

had forgotten his wallet, and in a true 1950s  horror-show, his wife had to pay for the meal.   It was at this point that McNamara shared an idea;  being able to pay for services not with cash, but   instead by using a card with his signature on it.  In February of 1950, McNamara and his attorney,   Ralph Schneider, founded Diners Club. The idea  was to produce cards which holders could use to   pay for meals while dining out in New York City.  By the end of the year, over 20,000 people held   Diners Club cards and the idea began to spread,  as well as where it could be used. Hotels, car  

rentals, and general retail all became interested  in accepting Diners Club. By 1953, the card was   being accepted at locations across the United  States and was even moving into international   markets. In 1958, Diners Club became a sponsor of  the New York Giants and by 1959, the Club boasted   over one million members. Diners Club continues  to exist, and although it has been eclipsed in   popularity by companies such as MasterCard and  VISA, there is no denying that the invention of   the credit card in 1950 transformed how financial  transactions are conducted in the modern age. 

1950 was also a key and vital year for the couch  potato. This was the year that technology took   a giant leap forward and introduced the tool  of the lazy...the television remote control.   No longer was it necessary to get up and walk  ALL the way to the TV to turn it on or off and   to change channels. Mind you, remote control  wasn’t new technology; it had been proposed,  

and patented, by inventor Nikola Tesla in 1893.  Germany had employed remote control motorboats   during the First World War and by the 1940s,  remote control devices were making their way   into non-military commercial products, like garage  door openers. So when Zenith Radio Corp introduced   the TV remote in 1950, it should probably be  looked at as a natural product evolution. Zenith,   seeming to know its market, called the remote  Lazy Bones. It could turn the TV on and off and   change channels; what you would expect, really.  But, don’t think this was a wireless remote. This   was very much a wired remote. The Lazy Bones was  connected to the TV by a long and bulky cable.  

This cable was unpopular with consumers as it  was unsightly and even posed a trip hazard. The   dislike of the wired remote was instrumental  to the invention of the wireless TV remote,   introduced in 1956 and still in use today. In the world of books and literature,   1950 was the year a collection of short stories  and essays by the science fiction writer Isaac   Asimov was published under the title “I, Robot”.  The book took the stories originally published in   the Super Science Stories and Astounding Science  Fiction magazines during the 1940s and reframed   them together, linked by the common theme of  human interaction with robots in the 21st century.   The December 1950 publication was an immediate  critical success, being praised for its writing,   its humour and its insights on human  morality as well as the future of humanity.  

But there are probably plenty of books from  1950 that were well received and touched on   human morality. What makes I, Robot notable to be  singled out here? Well, Asimov introduced a number   of ideas into popular culture on robotics  and human/robot relations that continue to   resonate to this day, especially the Three Laws: First Law: A robot may not injure a human being   or, through inaction, allow a human being to  come to harm. Second Law: A robot must obey the   orders given to it by human beings except where  such orders would conflict with the First Law.   Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence  as long as such protection does not conflict with   the First or Second Law. For most of us I am sure,  we are at least passingly familiar with these from   a multitude of TV shows, books, and movies which  have absorbed Asimov’s ideas and incorporated   them as a default into their own worlds. 1950 saw the return of the greatest tournament  

on earth after a hiatus of 12 years. The World  Cup had been cancelled in 1942 and 1946 as a   result of the Second World War but was resumed  in 1950 with Brazil assuming hosting duties.   Qualifying for this World Cup however was not  a straightforward affair as both politics and   economics intervened. Potential favorites to win  didn't participate, including Germany and Japan,  

who were still forbidden from international  competition while countries in the East Bloc,   like the Soviet Union, Hungary and Czechoslovakia  refused to participate on ideological grounds.   16 teams qualified, although due to  the withdrawals in qualification,   some teams qualified without playing all  their matches, but even after qualification,   several teams then withdrew, including Scotland,  Turkey, and India who refused to comply with the   FIFA regulation that their players could not play  barefoot. The tournament itself, with 13 nations   participating, began on June 24 and was set up  in two stages. The winners of the first stage,   Brazil, Uruguay, Sweden and Spain all played each  other in a second group stage with the winner of   the 2nd group stage becoming the tournament  winner. This format, the only time the World   Cup winner wasn’t decided in a one-match final,  was used so that more games could be played,   allowing the hosts to generate more ticket revenue  to offset the high costs of hosting. The decisive   game of the tournament saw Brazil hosting Uruguay  at the iconic Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro.  

Brazil only needed a draw in the match to be  declared the winner, but Uruguay who went down   a goal early in the 2nd half, came back to  win the match, hoist the Jules Rimet trophy   and crush the dreams of rival Brazil, a loss  which is STILL talked about there to this day.  So as we wind down this Year in Review, I will  once again remind everybody that this is not a   comprehensive list of events, simply a snapshot of  some of them. Other events of the year include the   Chinese annexation of Tibet and Tenzin Gyatso, the  14th Dalai Lama, assuming the full temporal duties   of the role. This was the year the Stasi was  formed in East Germany and also the year that the   United Kingdom recognized the People’s Republic  of China, possibly through the urging of Cambridge   Five member Guy Burgess. 1950 is also the year  that the MiG-17 made its maiden flight while  

in the skies over Korea, history's first ever  jet-to-jet dogfight took place. In South Africa,   the Suppression of Communism Act was passed,  formally banning the Communist Party of South   Africa while also forbidding any party or group  subscribing to communism. The Defense Production   Act of 1950 was passed in Washington in response  to the Korean War, giving the US government wide   ranging abilities over business, labour and  property in the name of national defense.   Probably an interesting topic for an independent  episode, if you are interested? Let us know.   1950 also saw Harry Truman dispatch advisors to  French Indochina, beginning a SouthEast Asian   love affair that would continue for 25 years. And  last to mention here was the Jayuyu Uprising, part   of a Nationalist revolt in the US territory of  Puerto Rico which required the deployment of the   National Guard and the use of artillery, mortars,  and even P-47 ground-attack aircraft to suppress. 

Now for a quick wrap of sports and entertainment,  and we can find out what is going to happen to the   bell button this week! 1950 was the year Disney’s  Cinderella was released while All the King’s Men   won the Oscar for best film. Crusader Rabbit  became the first animated show specifically   produced for television and both Beetle Bailey  and Charlie Brown via Peanuts were introduced   to the daily comics. The number one song on the  Billboard charts was Goodnight Irene, sung by   the Weavers. In sports, the inaugural Formula  One season was kicked off at Silverstone in the   UK. The Browns beat the LA Rams to win the NFL  Championship while the Lakers beat the Syracuse  

Nets to win the NBA championship. In baseball,  the Yankees swept Philadelphia to win the World   Series while in Japan the Mainichi Orions  beat the Shochiku Robins to be crowned kings.   Portsmouth were declared League winners in England  while Arsenal, the nomads from South London, beat   the Liver Birds to win the FA Cup. Middleground  won the Kentucky Derby, the Red Wings beat the   New York Rangers to lift Lord Stanley’s Cup and  Wales won the 5 Nations Championship in Rugby. 

And that was 1950. We hope you’ve enjoyed  today’s episode and to make sure you don’t   miss all of our future episodes, please make sure  you are subscribed to our channel and have safely   stowed and secured the bell button so that in the  event of the aircraft being shot down or crashing   it will be recoverable so that it can still be  pressed so you never miss a single episode. A   huge thank you to all of our Patreon Patrons and  if you aren’t already, please consider supporting   us on Patreon at or  through YouTube membership. We can be reached   via email at This  is the Cold War Channel and as we think about  

the Cold War, please remember that history  is shades of gray and rarely black and white!

2023-06-22 02:19

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