Why You Should Get Out Of Taipei!

Why You Should Get Out Of Taipei!

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all right good morning today we've jumped on  a local bus and headed about an hour outside   of taipei city and we've come to Wulai a  beautiful indigenous mountain town here   by the river check this place out before we  head into town I'm going to have to show you   these views from the wulai suspension bridge cuz  it's absolutely gorgeous look at this we got a   beautiful Temple over there look at the weather  look at all the clouds in the valley this place   is stunning yeah little town by the river I  mean we've not picked a right good day for   it look it's bloody pissing it down but I've  got to show you these views so beautiful the   water is so blue and clear it's well nice  look at this so what we're going to do is   head into town and check it out we'll see what's  going on looks so nice it's really chill really peaceful Leesh is on her finest Duty  she's always on picture duty for the   Granny's is what she does it's  always leesh that everyone asks look at this she's getting bossed about now  she's saying this side now we'll have some on   this side that's not good enough let's get it  in this pose so we're going to head down here   take a walk by the river and explore a little bit  but I've just got to say huge thanks to thorts an   OG subscriber who actually recommended We Come  To Wulai, cheers mate you're a legend hope we   do it justice for you so here we go check the  views out I'm already well impressed with it   around here look at this we got church on the  top in the clouds there and all these houses   just like built into the hill by the river what  a place look at this well picturesque what do   you think it's Majestic Majestic especially like  the clouds so beautiful wow it's sick here check   these views out I am well impressed this place  is beautiful look at this the river running   through and the oh everything's so old I love  it it I'm already loving it here look at that   wow so we're going to head down here I think  there's an old Street down here like a little   market areas here like food snacks drinks but I  don't think it opens yet so we're going to head   through town out the other side and I think  there is a waterfall like 20 minute walk or something. all right so Wulai town is known for  its Hot Springs there is a lot of thermal Waters   in this area now we're heading down here to the  river because I believe there used to be natural   springs that sadly got destroyed in a typhoon  but it looks like there's some leftovers here   so we're going to check it out, everywhere in  town there's loads of really fancy places with   hot springs they look beautiful little bit  pricey but they do look really nice so we've   just headed down here to the river looks like we  got a hydroelectric power station there and it's   really cool it's really cool so you can see there  these little foot paths oh it goes there it goes   down there so we'll explore see if we can find a  little bit of hot water so we can dip our feet in   so we've headed down here and to be honest I have  no idea what we've come across looks like people   are living here but we're going to investigate  nonetheless we'll see what's going on there's   a man there doing a bit of washing up brushing  his teeth so is this thermal water here maybe it   is maybe we'll just have a little investigate  hello hello what is this maybe maybe people   are camping here this is what they is looks like  maybe they're camping I have no idea I think we   found a free little hot water source there's a few  different pools like if you look down there there   just old chaps like old Taiwanese blokes sitting  in these little pools should have a look I wish   we brought swimming stuff no we messed up ain't  we right so just whats that lovely little lady   and she said this is free yes I think they've um  maybe some local people have just kind of set this   up so she said go and have a look here because  oh yeah you can feel oh you can feel the warmth   so they've started to rebuild these little pools  look at this you can see the um steam rising and   you can feel it yeah oh that's lovely doesn't  have that sulfury smell though hello oh wow   it's very nice super nice and warm that well nice  hot spring yes wow the other side as well oh have   you have you made this everybody everybody do it  okay okay right this is super cool now we haven't   actually got our swimming gear so all I'm going  to have to do here is a little bit of a squat   just to get some of this water that's super nice  especially on this like cold miserable rainy day   and then you can jump straight into the cold River  there I've never wanted swimming trunks as much in   my whole life this is so nice look at this and it  doesn't have that stink wow must be different um   thermal water oh there he goes look at that he's  making me well jealous I proper wish we had some   swimming trunks I mean I could just go in like  this but then I'm just going to be soggy all day   like a soggy chip. the Water by the way everyone  is Crystal Clear literally oh he's butterflying   absolute hero it's flipping crystal clear that  I can see the fish I can see the rocks at the   bottom it's well nice how's it feel Leesh so  warm it's really hot it's really hot i'd Love   to get in here and then swim in the cold I know  do what he's doing hot spring and then dive off   the rock into river but can we just appreciate  where we are everyone look how beautiful it is   we're in this green jungle Valley we still got the  clouds rolling in it's stunning here Wulai is well beautiful so this is so upsetting I really want  to get in here everyone's having a good time the   people are really friendly and chilled out here  as well and you can go from this yeah it's super   nice and hot straight over here into the cold  River super cold it's refreshing it's beautiful   we proper want to swim don't we look everyone's  having a cracking time oh well need to come back   don't we like friendly as well everyone's that  telling us to get in and like yeah everyone's   proper proper welcoming the people around here  yeah but honestly this I love swimming in fresh   water this is what I love oh well it's one of the  most beautiful places we've been in a long time   I mean just getting I know but we'll be soggy  chips all day soggy chips this is cold like oh   yeah right there we go there's your hot springs  got some more over there as well they've built   loads you can see they've actually um bricked  them off with some big stones that's a proper   deep hot spring yeah these all this ground thermal  water so they've like channeled it here that's   enough hot spring talk for you you get the point  it's beautiful Come To Wulai bring some swimming gear so this one we're in right now is the hottest  one that I'm squatting in, is my bum in the water   there oh maybe I've got my bum wet but yeah  it's really nice and it doesn't smell like   there's any sulfur in it which is um something  I've not come across much in a hot spring before   it's really nice right on we go we're going  to walk to the waterfall down the valley somewhere is a man doing some beautiful singing absolute okay okay okay what's he doing  with that bucket this guy's an absolute character you got you got to love it old people  are just characters of the world aren't they we   need to protect them while they're still here  look it he just knocking about his budgy smugs   on yeah this is you're not stopping me from  going here flipping Hero Let's see government   try to tell my mate he can't use this hot spring  for free he's not having any it what is going   on here I have no idea what's going on but I'm  going to do a little bit of further exploration   cuz I've seen this I think this is also one  of the hot water sources and there's like a   little chamber oh this looks interesting our  Mate in there look at that it's like a little   cave a hot cave look at this oh that's very hot  in there that is nice look at that that is sick   this is the sickest place weve been in the long  time yeah so just loads of these I come come to   Wulai definitely I'm well impressed this place  is now officially the best place ever I can't   get over it you've got everything you could ever  need you've even got Inflatables you've got some   Olympic rings you've got a shade spot just here  little benches some exercise equipment clothes   drying racks pull-up bar this place is sick  the locals here really made a special place   for everyone proper Community Vibe around it I  sound like a weirdo but everyone's it's proper   nice when everyone pitches in like to do  something like this for everyone to use   so we're finally going to head off now sorry I  love this place one last thing huge shout out to   Taiwan this place is immaculately clean there is  no litter no [ __ ] in this River it's beautiful   it's Crystal Clear it's that clean there's still  fish all over the place alive not floating down   the river dead like a lot of Asian countries  so yeah big respect this is beautiful I love it so we're doing this in true English style  we're walking but if you're feeling a bit lazy   you can actually get this which is like a little  train look at it it's got a little pig on the front so you can get that to the waterfall but  we're walking I mean you can't deny it's not a   beautiful place to go for a walk got to say  this is a it's one of them you need to look   around and just take it in like holy moly look  look at the size of these jungle mountains mad   wow it's well nice river running through  the valley this spot is fantastic bloody   hell thoughts mate you're onto a winner here  cheers pal train's coming back all the way so   yeah if you can't be asked it's quite good  actually you don't have to do any work you   don't have to sweat like us and you get the view  there he goes by texting and driving give him a   ticket that's not good enough what do you  think of the view Leesh so beautiful it's   unbelievable it's like you're in a fairy  tale or something isn't it it's so that's   a good way to say it oh we're pretty much at  the waterfall now I'm just going to show you   around here because I just feel like I'm back  in the Soviet Union I don't know why it's just   got this proper old school feel around here it's  a proper old town so I'm going to show you the waterfall hello here here we are at the waterfall check it  out it's well nice very in mind we're at the end   of summer so it's not there's not that much  water it's still very beautiful is it proper   nice valley views look at that the water I tell  you what crystal clear this River well nice look   at that what a place what do you think leesh it's  really nice so peaceful and really clean and not   like fake tourist there you know like some  places like this they can look super um fake   and it feels like I don't know it feels like  tourism been in a good way he's done it right   really beautiful got some cute pics going down  here I need to Leesh on how you do the um keep   holding cuz they're always looking really good on  the on the so I'm going to do something I'm going   to do a bit of reverse selfie tourism just going  to have to find a volunteer here he got quite a few goodbye good bye excuse me excuse me my my   friend can I take a picture  selfie me and you me and you we okay okay yes it have a nice trip there we  go that man was so confused the bit of um   reverse selfie tourism when we're hit him  with it everyone's always asking us can I   take a picture of you thought we do it the way  around the white man as they local if you can   take a selfie with him exact it went exactly as  I expected right there we go we're going to head   back into town and try and get some some little  bits of street food maybe some like Aboriginal   snacks indigenous snacks from this area right  look at that there look at the view down this   street it's well nice so all these are like little  thermal bath spa hotels you you can actually just   pay by the hour you can pay for like 2 hours  it ranges from like 300 to 500 and then yeah   there also hotels so you can stay with a little  nice room overlooking the river with with the   private Hot tub it's all natural thermal water  so it's pretty cool to be fair price is not too   high but we're just chilling out so we're going  to head down here into town check it out might   be a bit more lively now when we arrive before  it's raining and um early morning so we'll see   this lovely lady here has just stopped us to try  some of this this is millet wine this is this is   beautiful I okay okay I I think this is milet  wine like a sweet milet wine they make here the   people around this are so let's see smell like  smells very strong okay she oh it's really good   oh it's smells strong this is this is plain  not not like fruit flavored it's really good that's really sweet tastes a bit honey like  yeah that's really that's actually really   good yeah that's delicious so she's also selling  honey she's actually got fresh honey there honey   honey honey and then different flavor of um the  Millet wine like a spirit oh they've got Peach   what's this cherry that's just the bottle the  bottles are very nice it's 150 for one of these   bottles that's a that's a decent price for a  bottle that size we don't need one though we   don't have room okay thank you thank you thank  you it's very delicious very delicious have a   nice day that was so good that was actually  really good but we don't need don't need a   massive bottle of millet wine but she she really  wanted us to try it she would we actually said no   she would not let us walk past try try try try  really good that and around here they sell all   kinds of wild boar Goods you can see we got  a wild boar there little bad boy so I think   we're going to try and get some Wild Boar  sausages in town they also sell Wild Boar   meat grilled that I can't get over that uh mil  well good we don't drink but it's still well good all right here we go let's get  ourselves some wild Boar sausages   they smell fantastic they smell  in the air is well good so he's   got different flavors he's got one  two three four or five different flavors oh that looks so good he's just grilled  that ladies up there ,delicious? it's got the   seal of approval okay please can me get three can  we get one one one wine one pepper and one Mala   yes yes oh perfect so you're ordering he just  throws it on this little Grill here and he's   going to Crisp. them up nicely there yeah these  are definitely popular as we arrived there's a   massive crowd of people here and everyone's  just got a sausage sticking around Munching   away so yeah here we go there's your menu one  45 is it I have no idea 135 for 3 sorry okay we like spicy spicy good spicy delicious how  do different different I just say spicy okay   but don't worry we can eat okay okay this  going to be good oh garlic oh garlic sauce   so he's got raw garlic and then this is like  Garlic sauce just this oh that looks so good   sauce have sour sour want spicy you can try  okay so we put this on the top okay little   sauce and the [ __ ] this is well good this  let me tell you this smells phenomenal that's   like pure minced garlic that's that's one of  the best smelling things I've ever smelt and   this is a pepper sauce look at this look at  all those full pepper corns that's going to   be Heaven it's said a bit sour and then real  garlic and all these like Powder you can throw   over the top oh this is well good oh he scores  the sausage he scores it ah maybe to get a bit   crispy get the inside cooked and then for when  you paste them sauces on it can like go into the cracks oh wow oh it smells so good it smells  amazing smells very that lemongrass yeah yeah   wow it's a special type of mountain pepper  from this region or we can try a tiny bit   it have a seed only one seed inside have a  seed okay okay can we get in a bag okay so   we can sit over there somewhere maybe oh that  looks so good my friend Music] [Music] okay   spicy spicy you really got to appreciate  these grilling these fresh cuz a lot of   places I've see they got like already  cooked stacked okay and we can put this ony take some of take some real garlic get  that in the bag yeah have them with these oh   it's all going on thank you can we put this  on now oh they're so hot oh we'll wait then   can we give it a minute one the seed I like  the seed you like the seed yes it looks yeah   you can more seed okay thank you inside oh  they're falling off okay okay right so I've   got the wine sausage look at that going have  to take this over there cuz of the music just   grabbed our sausages from over there look at  where we're going to eat them we've got a bit   of a view here aren't we by river so what  have you got oh [ __ ] I think spicy this   one okay so Alicia's put the garlic all over  it as well Peppercorns in that little Ridge   Cheers Cheers I've got the the wine one so I'm  actually just going to try those pepper corns first that's crazy taste pepper it tastes  like citrus it tastes like lemongrass like   lemon that's weird the sausage what is it  really just the seeds that's right it's   delicious so delicious oh that's so  fresh that is a good looking flipping sausage that's so good that's a  meaty heavy sausage that's really   good that is a very good sausage how's that one oh oh it's got a proper sausage skin to  it oh wow oh it's incredible this what   dreams are made it look at that I  think this is the the pepper one is   it tastes like lemonade oh it's wer got  lemongrass so just got garlic and pepper oh oh oh that was I'm sorry you have to  witness that that's so good know   this one is see this one is so good oh it smells now we got the raw garlic we forgot  so we just peeled a bit of this oo very strong burn garlic goes so well with the sausage though this  is the the wine one it's actually it's got that   little bit of a sour taste right so we've got our  last sausage the Mala the spicy sausage got some   those pepper corns on the end which looks like  a little animal has come then a little poo on   the end on it so it's say this looks so good I've  pasted the garlic on put some chili powder on it   as well you want to scoop the peppercorns down a  bit leesh or I'm going to end up eating only one bite look at the Precision on this I feel  like they're slip right off so there we   go check check that out that looks  so good doesn't it here we go chili sausage that's our favorite one so good such a meaty sausage and it's a  little bit spicy it's got a nice kick to it so good that's good well my favorite is the the pepper  corn one yeah it was good that lemongrass taste   to it this is really delicious though there we  go Mountain pepper special pepper we're actually   selling it in little tubs what a place to be  life's right good right now terrible English   but yeah absolutely wonderful sausage is good  good thank you how so good thank you so some   of the best sausages I've eaten in a long time so  good so good thank you oh thank you okay goodbye   Legend check him out if you are in Wulai good  man so we're going to walk down the wulai old   Street very typical Taiwanese thing they have old  streets all over the country but this one looks   really nice cuz of the views of the mountains  on either side of it everyone's enjoying them   sausages so we'll go for a Wonder down here you  can see they're selling all kinds of different   things what's this it's yeah 15 oh so these are  making different types of mochi handmade mochi   oh okay we're going to grab one of these mochi  they are 15 a piece which one is your favourite?   let's get one can we get one peanut please  yeah we just get one peanut one everything's   made fresh I'm just going to quickly just show  you just around here they're making everything   fresh you can see I'm out there on the machine  it's pretty cool and then they rub them in this   dust MochiI know nothing about Mochi we don't eat  Mochi in England so we're going to try one smells   really good you don't think that Tried them a  few times but they've never been right right   good have they but here I think they're going  to be good oh it does smell good it smells like um oh he stuffs it oh and then it  goes in the peanut dust oh this   is pretty cool look at that the most  pathetic order anyone's ever done okay [ __ ] perfect thank you right Le there you go there's your Mochi your one Mochi  well it was made fresh so I felt like I had to   try it you can't pass an opportunity like that  I've never actually had like fresh good mochi yeah it's stuffed as well oh my God it's it good I can't speak it's  all stuck to mouth all the peanut oh God good it makes your mouth go  dry right really I'll finish it off   can you see it in the let's try and get it all oh oh yeah I can't speak oh it tastes really  good and fresh though it's actually quite good   good little snack so one thing you're going  to see a lot on the street is the sticky   rice cooked in the bamboo tubes I don't  know what else they put in there but it   looks really good there's a lot of that  around here I think that is one of the   Aboriginal Foods of this area I guess and  they got fried taro cakes they look quite   good all freshly fried there how hello that  look really good smells good it's lots of stuff is sweet is it delicious how it's not bad  it's not bad what is the fruit I don't know a   very local rub and it's very good for your eyes  okay okay we'll have to it's actually our first   time as okay okay okay have a nice day okay right  so we're just going to stop at this little lady's   spot because she's making a juice out of this  fruit which I have no idea what this is I've   never seen this in my life okay please can we  get one you yeah one so we're just going to   get one glass she's also got another magical  juice I think that's dragon fruit so this is   60 for a little cup and ladies didn't sell it  to us did they they said it's okay not sweet   but it's good for the eyes so we got one it's a  beautiful fruit it's like a little hedgehog yes   pleas okay okay she sh oo taste test nice and  cold it's a nice color is you want to go for it very refreshing refreshing yeah very  refreshing oh that's good thank you is   very refreshing it's very it's pretty um let  just have another do on that not super sweet   is it the cloes not crazy no sweetness it's  almost reminded me of um my good mate Terry the Cucumber tastes watery it tastes good for you  well it's a very local fruit it's just got a   it's got a little bit of flavor to it yeah  tastes Hydrating it tastes good for you so   we'll take it nice color yeah it is which  is nice to support the businesses on the   street is it strawberry more strawberries  hello man selling dehydrated strawberries   oh is this dried strawberry oh I will try  this don't worry is that what is it dried strawberry oh it's crunchy oh it's well it's  like a crisp and crunchy freeze dried oh that   that's well good yeah these are really good okay  sh thank you my friend it's only 50 for a bag look   well good you see everyone just puts the fruit  out all nice beautiful like this we got some   mushrooms little pumpkin it's that bit of good I  have no idea that's like what we ate day the leaf   and then we got the the bamboo sticky rice so  there's all kinds around here another thing big   here is oh they got little fried fish as well but  the fried shrimp what's that sort of spicy broth   you can tell we don't have any clue what anything  is but we're very excited about it all this looks   like a proper little food station so yeah the  wulai old old is well cool as you can see behind   us it's got that proper old feel the people are  pretty friendly super chilled out relaxed you can   just like browse at your leisure more sausages  there oh and they've also got like Grill sticky rice what is there is this  oh it's not Millet mochi Millet mochi okay we'll have one  we'll get just one please which is um you decide for me you pick okay whatever mil okay yeah okay what's the best  what what is most delicious one one um do you   want seaweed with soy sauce black sugar sugar  I think maybe sweet would be better condensed   milk yeah condensed milk would be good okay  okay condensed milk it's like a sweet is it   I love condensed milk okay also it grills nice  and fresh is this Millet Mochi I have no idea   what we're eating you see it we're on it now  we're getting the condensed milk there we go oh maybe this one okay okay I don't know what  it is but it looks good oh well we got it okay   okay can you okay uh one two three 4 okay  okay sh sh thank you so muche byebye yeah   look at us can't say no to anyone come  with she's a nice lady it's red hot we   can't eat that's got some weight to it that  it is heavy isn't it yeah it's like a baby   right we're going to try that Contraption we  bought the Mochi she called it which it said   sticky rice or I have no idea what we're eating  again always dripping it's got condensed milk on it you know what actually really good got nice  toasted flavor to it where it's being roasted   what is it is it Mochi millet mochi I  don't know obviously delicious and the   little just on the Top's good I don't know  what I'm eating but I like it what is the know it's really good though that was 40  taiwanese dollars I'm really glad we actually got that o got dust on me thought I think it's definitely  better sweet than savoury pretty   good actually very chewy yeah my teeth I  need a tooth so so cute just that dog's   so old it needs it needs to just go to  rest got anything for me in this group of people just walking past the taxis and a few  of them are actually Aboriginal men indigenous   men like the guy can see I just had a really  nice conversation with him didn't want to be   on camera which is fair enough he had all the  face tattoos like the lines all across like the   it was really really cool to see it's cool cuz  I've never seen Aboriginal original tattoos that   were colorful like that on the face I've seen  them nice black but not the were that blue and   orange in and inside his taxi had all kinds of  crazy stuff he had like um taxi Dash animals he   had all kinds going on really cool yeah come to  wulai really nice guy actually as well I think   was called ... or something I can't remember so  we're going to get bus home now byebye bye-bye   see you later okay right here we are jumping on  the local bus back home Leesh is just coppering   up okay there we go right so we're going to head  back to new taipei here now now this local bus   only cost 30 Taiwanese dollars which is an  absolute steal so what a good day we've had   good little day here in wulai really nice placees  well beautiful it's just been a really good day   out i' got some kids over here hey there they  go really cool kids local kids I think they're   actually the local people so yeah really good day  yeah thanks so much to thorts again for sending us   over it's been fantastic I'm glad we came I love  it well nice see you later see you next time bye

2023-11-26 23:22

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