Why Don't More Tourists Come Here?? Visiting India's North East!!

Why Don't More Tourists Come Here?? Visiting India's North East!!

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I've spent the last three months traveling  throughout India seeing beautiful sights and   meeting amazing people but in this video I'm  visiting a part of the country I didn't even   know existed until it was recommended to me  by you guys in the comments this is Assam in   India's often unfortunately forgotten Northeast  home to cultures Traditions people full of that   same incredible hospitality and personality  that make up the tapestry of this wonderful   country after learning more about the region and  with my Visa fast running out I had to make my   way to this part of the world to have an Assamese  experience for myself I arrived in the airport in   the largest city guwahati and immediately  felt the incredible warmth of the locals buy a car to our hotel in the middle of  town waking up the next day to meet our   new friends family members of one of my YouTube  channel members who were there to show us this   beautiful place they call from where are we  headed first we'll go to the perfect thank you [Music]   can you tell me what it's called again what's  this Hillary okay so we're at at the top where   this Temple is this is so different to anything  that we've seen anywhere else in India this is   crazy there's all these red materials or dress  there's lots of red does it mean yeah yeah okay all right so we are heading into the temple area   I don't know if I was meant to do that but I saw  them do it so I did it first we need to wash our   feet there are lots of people today oh it's a  goat I am I I actually have seen your videos so we watch our feet here yeah  oh so we're coming down these   stairs and there's like a water fountain okay thank you I'll show you Josie lifts things it's hard thank you okay now I'm not  sure what it is but I've   been recognized here more in Assam than  almost anywhere else we've been in India I can't   is that it yeah you got it they are waiting  to go inside the temple from the early morning   they're waiting from the morning yeah from since  I think in the morning yeah yeah okay so this is   the one to get in okay cameras on the web okay  I'm gonna turn it off I'll see you in a second so this is like like a sense stick yeah [Music] it's fine it's fine oh my  there's so much fire what do I do with it oh you probably like it so now we have made our  wish and we're gonna put these in the sand yeah asaki okay okay yeah you can share from  here like this yeah yeah yeah [Music]   with all of this fire and offerings everywhere it   is about 20 degrees hotter in  here it is really warm videos is there a significance to the fire or the burning  or is it just something that negative energy yeah   it gives us positive energy oh hi how are you  that's good do you want to be your eyes okay hello thank you so much lovely to meet you the  lion has tea cups look at all the pigeons I have lots of things to wish for so that's good I tried I'm gonna wished oh yeah like yeah I don't  think it'll fit I have fat um oh yeah oh okay it's a gift from us okay no no   no no no please please only this  okay thank you thank you thank you so she was telling me that this is where they  celebrate menstruation and like we have the power   to give birth and have children and give life  and everything like that so that's celebrated   here which I think is really cool I think we I  think us women need a little bit of recognition   for doing that and they bought me as a gift my  little bangle all right we are getting in the   car to head for tea which you know I'm excited  for inside of the temple there is a stone carved   in a Yoni shaped okay a story waiting to see  the uni so here's a Viewpoint where you can   see basically all of guwahati wow to the very top  of that hill over there I don't think you can see   it but it's a little bit sparse of trees and it  just looks so pretty when we went in monar was   famous for tea our Sam is also famous for tea  or sa all right we found a place to have tea   tea oh here this was my favorite part of  the day okay oh there's so many different   types yeah which one do you want I  like just like milk chai yeah yeah oh okay what's up it's 100 total hundred four piece 20.  thank you oh yeah all right that's good oh thank you all right it's  super hot chai in the clay cups   oh it's spicy yeah it's spicy one  that's super spicy type that's probably there's a few things that we've missed like  I want to go to ladakh so we're gonna have to   come back you have to come back but I need to  learn to ride first Just Surrender bike take   her on the back that's the best yeah that's  what I want to do yeah Michael can you write Okay so we've just stopped here at just  like a Viewpoint and they just said that   they come and hang out and then we've  sent to people hanging out back there   so it must be true but it's a beautiful view  to come and have a look at this like River   um apparently they said it's one of like the top  15 biggest or longest rivers or something and it   goes all the way down through Bangladesh into  the Indian Ocean so that's pretty crazy kind   of looks like long prabung a little bit it does it  reminds you in Southeast Asia up there was the the   governor's house right on that one over there  okay to be on the way now for summer in Tech you can get them anywhere yeah right but we're  doing the ones from Assam which is cool because   um that's what we wanted to  do and now we get to go with   someone local who actually knows what  the food's about right we are now out   and we are on the hunt for some lunch  let's see what they have in this one oh a restaurant that's what it says for five of us and extra chicken or  anything you want perfect okay thank   you do you go here all the time it's just  like a local place one of the best okay   we like the best well it smells good oh Papa's  yeah oh they're my favorite I love them papaya chicken koregaon the name of the restaurant  is also Korea oh it's the name after this with which system Sesame yeah mixed veggies I like pumpkin so I have no idea  what to do but everyone's putting there like   their things off the brass plate and then we're  using the brass plate to mix with the hands in   the rice so we're gonna we're gonna copy that it  is it's actually probably going to be hard to do dolls this one like Paul yeah the sort of just group of your hands to get  it in your mouth is a little bit foreign to   me at the moment we're getting there with some  practice this one is the pumpkin I love puppies   it's just my bed it's just a mess yeah that's  good thank you so this is the chicken that the   shop is named after that's really good yeah  something you should have done more often   rice pudding and this is probably  my favorite it's so sweet   it's a little bit warm still and it's taking  that like a little bit of spice I got from one   of the dolls I think out of my mouth this is an  assames we call soft sauce sorry better digestion   yeah so this is the fennel seeds in English so  it helps better digestion in a mouth freshener   like a mint a natural mint thank you thank you hi  hello there's a lot of people in this cable cars are you scared so this one is the smallest River   Island and there's a temple on it  and everyone's just like lined up that wasn't that long it was only a couple minutes   over the littlest Island and  then into this one you got it oh thank you Australia Australia thank you  very nice very nice nice to meet you thank   you this is kohati and we're on the North we're  in North now okay I go so we're now on the north   side of guwahati and then we've got the mainland  over there where we came from um so we're just   going to have a little little walk around but  it looks very like Lush and green monkey where team oh I'm gonna grab my stuff no no he's fine all  right we just came across a quick look around   just a walk down the street and then we're gonna  head to main guahari on the cable car again but   we just have to wait for them to come back  to get us so we can go back across thank you okay so we are back in the main city the  main part we just got off the ropeway   um the guwahati ropeway so we're gonna have a  little sit here and just admire the view for a   second we haven't really seen anything like this  in the rest of India at all like the Northeast is   completely different so India really does have  everything now we are heading to my favorite   part of the day even though we've already done  it just some try sir and then some streaming yeah it looks like it hi it's  me it goes all the way back down   there and everything then you can explore one okay there you go hi hi welcome to India thank you  remember where are you from Australia you've   got the clay cups sugar oh it's bubbling okay it's  starting to smell like chai delicious oh it smells   amazing putting it through the strainer  oh thank you it is hot be careful careful   what is this weight yes what is that I don't know I've  never had that before something   in the top yeah I don't know what that is those things are not nice so we didn't  realize but this like street food street   with all of this food is like right down the  road from where we're staying but there's lots   of our beer there's lots of options uh it's  renovated renovated so we're in the new well   renovated recently park depending on how old  you are for the price to get in but I think   ours was 30 rupees each here's the first  Prime Minister of India what's his name yeah that's in the park name yeah  yeah after him under his birthday   on 14th November children's day is  celebrated so he likes the children   so we call him Chacha nehru like  Uncle nehru like Uncle oh that's cute what do you think what's your favorite uh  do you have we're just deciding what to eat yeah what is that we say  this bogori in Assamese yeah also yeah it's a bit of um there you go thank you squishy oh it's got something in it   that's kind of cool yeah it's cool yeah  I don't know what that what is that so it's got a seed on the inside it's kind of like  almost like a plum but a grape as well and small   um lots of seeds in my mouth and then it's mixed  it with some kind of like spice and some salt   there's a little bit of Flesh of the fruit I  think it's a fruit I don't know we haven't had   that yet you haven't had one we've just got one  tea then we wish we will share it okay okay and   then I'm full that's enough yeah yeah oh he's  leaving oh wait wait wait wait wait come back five okay which one do you like or what are they  you can taste all of them then try oh okay bye so you got the different flavors in here okay Australia oh thank you  oh I ate it oh yeah like this   maybe you should hold the camera yeah so  what's in it uh it's the bunny oh that's funny Tamarind okay and I just ate the  whole thing yeah yeah put it inside yeah it's good very tasty a little bit spicy  you can't have spicy rice I got like a Ginger   Spice but it's just like a lot of water and  a flavored water like very fragrant thank you   the inside they're selling on the inside is it  like chicken like what is this oh potato okay that's why it's not my favorite I don't  really like mix yeah I like the other one   The Tamarind yeah oh gosh you're gonna be  ready for that okay six for 20 spoon yeah garlic garlic drinks that's the best one  that's a good one Garlic's good I'll have   a good time sweet one it's a sweet one the  other sweet one yeah don't miss the sweet one okay try sweet I like the garlic one okay [Music] in different states different names different  states I like this one in the garlic one this is good there it is many many names all different names yeah yeah  perfect yeah bye bye thank you thank you so sweet   if it's the one I had it's like sweet I  didn't have this last week there you go all right yo you told me how you feel better right yes thank you thank you bye  coconut everything thank you for your help   oh what is it oh it's just gum  yes is it a trick yes for me yes   the whole thing yes all of it yes okay  that's good thank you what's your name Hello nice to meet you thank you for the  gum the little boy gave me a piece of gum   that was so sweet oh okay thank you first  we'll go to our brothers house already   yeah then her house then my house okay  okay so we've been driving for a while   and now we're almost at their house and  I just heard that they have a dog so I'm   very excited it's his house my brothers  this one this one his house then my house   is from this side oh you're right next to  each other okay first yeah down here okay so I think I obviously mentioned that if not  but rip is the channel member on my page who has   organized this entire thing so hello I know you're  watching and I'm going to your house right now   okay mommy hi that's my cousin's sister your cousin's  sister yeah hi welcome thank you thank you   thank you thank you hi hello thank  you I'll sit over here thank you oh that's okay I don't know much of the languages   will translate no problem okay she's very happy  to meet you oh so we're happy to meet her yeah [Laughter]   awesome thank you for inviting us in your house  oh thank you you're gonna have to do that oh it's   like orange fan Taco I don't think I asked you  is this like traditional yeah traditional it's   called Musa and you wear it like gamusa she's  asking your meaning the meaning of your name and what's this like a little crisp what's this like coconut thank you [Applause] Paulie G is still my favorite but I like that one  oh that's good yeah that's the best one all day   um that's the best we had these beautiful  delicious sweets I'm so full I literally   can't put any more food in my body I polished  off my chai though because that was the best   as the best child that I've had all day so  oh thank you thank you so read it thank you   your mum is very welcoming and gracious  no generous as well runs in the family I'm being here thank you thank you sit to our house okay thank you thank you so  much thank you bye Mom okay I will show you my   house okay okay that's my house that light use  in the top oh yeah that's my house your puppy   oh this is my yeah his name is Luffy Luffy  and now we're off to house number two it's   so cool it's like a like obviously a very  local neighborhood this is awesome yeah   another puppy welcome to my house it's  under construction that's okay thank you you're so cute he's very excited  actually he is she's so good my   name is Coco Coco oh my God oh  my God this is my Mom hi Mom hi how are you good what's your  name Bianca Jersey it's okay oh thank you thank you look at that one we're showing them pictures of our dog look at  him so thank you for having me in your house all right I'm gonna try some  traditional dress on foreign okay I'll put this over here [Applause] no it's okay it's called a blackout in Australia  I like that I feel very like secure it's very   tight it tastes good we have a blackout she made  this her mum made this yeah can you show me some   dance oh yeah I would play one song yeah do we  move how do I move like this no and again yeah yeah there we go and this is traditional SMS yeah yeah oh my God and this is handmade maybe three days three  four days four days yeah can I give her some   numbers are you sure yeah yeah it's a  long time [Applause] thank you bye Coco   by Coco not poison it's like a almost like  an Australian spider tell her I'll come back are you all the way at the top yeah  all the way to the top to go to the   house oh thank you and it's a dark  and it's a blackout so we're trying   to light everything with our phones  thank you yeah you made it hello Namaste this is my mommy hi Mom it's a Josie  yeah Michael okay they're normally okay thank you homemade alcohol rice wine it's  a really sort of Cloudy dark   color I don't know if you can say probably cheers that's actually good it's not as like  like strong I thought it would be like   straight absent or something because it's  called Simon Simon what makes the beer yeah it's a six ten of drinks is some potato or all  chicken and potatoes oh that's delicious yeah   that's even better than the chicken today almost  okay so now we have a different style of dress thank you I like it oh foreign tribal dress this is the gamusa as you know  this is known as and this is the Joker yeah   yeah and this one yeah I'm very good today  like every woman wore like this yeah yeah   everyone yeah beautiful thank you that was  pretty thank you thank you so much okay we   have about a 30 or 40 minute drive back to  um the hotel so we'll put our shoes on Micah to mean for me hi hi thank you so much for today  we've had the best time   next time yes I will yeah it's super late  at night I think it's like 10 o'clock   or something I don't know it's been a  massive day nine o'clock nine o'clock hey bye bye laughs oh thank you so as I said goodbye to my new family  and friends I felt equal parts happy and sad upset   that I had not allocated enough time for what  quickly became one of my favorite places in   all my travels the northeast of India but happy  it promises me to one day come back during the   bihu festival to hang out with the family and to  dive deeper into this interesting culture and its   people Assam is unique a mixture of Southeast  Asian and Indian cultures Cuisines and nature   it was as I said goodbye to these lovely girls  that it really hit me this is what India truly   is at its core coming together of cultures  religions languages and history intertwined   by common factors such as Hospitality pride and  tradition and a common cause to want the best   for their families and their communities as you  travel around this country you too will see the   vast differences that are held together by the  many similarities that Prevail this is my last   video in India for now I'm a traveler and I can't  stay in one place forever but even though I leave   India with a heavy heart I am filled with joy  at the amazing and enriching experiences this   country has provided me India we ate together  cheered together drink try together and laughed   together the memories I will take from my time  here are some of my most cherished this isn't   goodbye it's a see you later as I know I'll  be back again and again to get another taste   of one of the most incredible places to  visit in the foreign massive fish in there

2023-07-09 00:17

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