where to visit in Taipei?? - Take me to Taiwan ️ | SPEISHI

where to visit in Taipei?? - Take me to Taiwan ️ | SPEISHI

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hi so I have just landed in Taiwan currently in this airport transfer going to our hotel in ximending this airport transfer i booked on klook it's very nice, it's a very nice ride. and i also collected my SIM card the moment I landed just now I'm gonna leave all the links at the description box below so you can go check it out about another 30-40 min ride to our hotel cup noodles okay I have just checked into my hotel I am currently staying at ximending the room is   quite small but I actually really like the hotel  it's very late right now so we are gonna go grab   dinner around here we are staying at ximending so  there's a lot of things at night we're looking for some food right now it's about 9:00 PM but  there's still so many people around morning!I'm currently at a 7-Eleven  near our hotel and it is so cute like I   realized all the 7-Elevens are very cute and  I think there's a Sanrio one nearby so we're gonna go check it out later also we are here near Taipei 101 and I'm  going to this Cafe that is like   on LRB since it's near Taipei 101 I decided to go and  check it out so anyway my ear is   kind of blocked I don't know why it's  been blocked for like since the morning this place is called wen chang street and there is like a ya it's just right in front the cafe. we are at the cafe now this is like the back of it all right we are done with the cafe and  I'm heading off to taipei 101 now honest   opinion of the cafe I think it's really nice  it's like very vintage vibes I don't really   think it's super photogenic and honestly  it's very very expensive one cup of tea   was almost ten dollars and it was just  like normal hojicha tea which may cost   like a dollar I think it's a bit overhyped  but anyway I'm gonna go to Taipei 101 now we are chilling at the food court area I  just ordered the qing long kumquat tea we are now just randomly walking  around Taipei 101 and I found this like   this place that has quite a lot of youngsters going  on it's quite a young place I don't know where   I am at this point,z we're just trying to kill  time cause I want to go to this dinner place   that's nearby I found a legendary ichiran but  the queue is madness check this out it's like I am finally here at the dinner place that I  always wanted to come back for it's this   so every dish is like 100 so many  options to choose from, look at that.

the last time I came came from work  right and then we ordered so many  like a whole table filled with dishes  and every single dish was really really good. we are done with dinner and right now are at this night market called lin jiang night market it's very very near the dinner place we had & honestly I'm a little bit full so i can't really eat just gonna walk around, think it's only 6pm only so we still have time i'm a bad vlogger but i caught this, look it's a claw clip, i really don't want the cheese one i wanted kuromi or duffy or any other except this. bought my favourite sweet potato ball! it's very smelly 'cause got smelly tofu in front we are here at this  7-Eleven that is sanrio themed omg good morning so today we'll be heading out of   Taipei we'll be taking the train go to somewhere very exciting I am here at Green world I'm so excited I'm  gonna see alpacas and there are a lot of kids   oh my goodness me yay I am finally here  I actually came here before like almost   eight years ago and that was like my first  time seeing alpacas and it was a very very   fun experience 'cause the alpacas literally  ran out into the field and you get to watch   them eat all the grass and stuff so it's very  exciting and I'm finally back here to see more alpacas othere are some birds in front of  me I don't know what's that let's see at 10 30 they will come out and roam  I already missed the timing Later I'll come back for the second time  there's so many people here it is the alpaca house you can see a few  of them right in front here seems like they are all chicken and  rabbits oh it's a guinea pig right hello we just took a shuttle bus  down from the green world farm and we're just like in the middle of nowhere waiting for our ride so basically the shuttle bus took us down here so we can take another bus  down and I'm gonna take this bus see it's super juicy in the middle we are here at Beipu Old Street we were just  shopping around nearby this is the actual street we are back in Taipei and I am on my way to  Shilling Night Market it's just right in front this is the famous sausage wrap it looks so good omg this is the thing i miss the most Good morning so we are on a private tour today so we will be heading to jiufen & shifen slightly away from Taipei so it's great to be on a private car we actually booked this on klook and it's just very very easy to have a driver and a tour guide to share with us a lot of fun facts so that's the best way to go if you want to go there the easiest eight letters so eight years ago I came here to put  the Lantern and it was on the first   day of New Year that was my very first  time coming to Shifen to put Lantern it went up I can't see it's too bright all  right we are done with putting the lantern   like that's the must do over here at shifen and this is my third time here actually so   I've already put three lanterns I believe it  works because well I'm quite huat right now   if you believe it it will happen oh there's so  many people here towards the end of the place   wow so the past two times I came  to shifen at night so this is the   first time I came here in the day so it's  quite a different experience I would say the sun is so bright oh my God it  is so sunny I feel like I'm on fire trying the very famous chicken wing it smells  good I think it's like de-boned   chicken wing and then they stuff like fried rice we are just done with shifen now we are at shifen waterfall the waterfall very near to shifen and we are  walking down to the waterfall now we are on the bridge now walking  over to the waterfall so there's a   another waterfall there a lot of people  thought is the waterfall but it is not we are here at the waterfall it's my first time  here and it is oh my God it's so nice we are here at jiufen so it's about  40 minutes right away from shifen so we saw this shop from outside  there was a really long queue so we came in to eat but the people here are really rude. now at a teahouse I always wanted to try out like   tasting tea at the Tea House at jiufen and  this is like my third time here so it's my   we have just reached keelung night market it's actually in front of a temple if i'm not wrong so the night market here is like stall by stall kind very different from like shilin and stuff 'cause it's shop by shop oh it's steaming hot starchy fried fish cake trying the keelung night market famous nutritious sandwich it's like some fried dough  with a lot of mayonnaise   ham egg and tomato the fried dough is sweet very nice so we just done with the shops the row of shops and now there are like all the stores it's damm big oh my gosh I'm at the other  end and it still continues look at this sausage game so you can play game and win sausage okay I'm done with the tour and back in the  room so just now sharing a little bit about   this situation that I'm having which is I  certainly have a lot of bug bites on my   hand so the most serious one is my back  it's pretty damn serious let me show you   like I think it's pretty damn serious  and it's very very itchy so you know   it's getting very very red I'm not too  sure if I got it from the bed the room   or maybe the farm because I felt that itch  at like 5 a.m that's the situation right now

good morning so today we are up early  the breakfast is here we have soy milk it's quite cold today now I am  at zhongshan station this is chi feng street not too sure if I'm at the right  place because I don't know why   it looks so different from what I see online okay so I went to the other side of  Zhong Shan station to shop around and I bought I bought a bag and earrings now I am back at Chi Feng Street again nice shops around I think they are all opening maybe just now it was too early so we just try to go to this Cafe   very steep by the way to get up here but  it was the waiting time is one hour so   Randomly started pouring so  we ended up at a cafe nearby this is like a Korean   themed Cafe we just went to the very next one that  can provide us shelter 'cause it's super rainy that's strawberry Americano We are at a department store and turns out There is Din Tai Feng downstairs so we are at DTF! we're having  dinner right now and this place   called Ba Wei Ginger Duck so it's  really chilly today it's really cold actually so it's a good time eat 'cause it's like quite warm (the meal) good morning so today is the last  day of us actually touring around   in Taipei and right now I'm  here at this place called Bo Pi Liao so it's like this historical block and it's  really near our hotel so we came to check it out WORK SMART so here is Bo Pi Liao, it's like a very old  Street it just basically   remain this that's how it used  to look like so nice oh my gosh we're at Carrefour now to stock up on some stuff  to buy home since we are going home tomorrow hello so now I'm at this shopping district  called Wu Fen Pu and they basically sell some   wholesale clothes so they're really cheap and  it's very near Raohe Night Market so if you want to   go to Raohe night market it's the same  station reminds me of the Ewha university everything is really damn cheap because they're  all like around 100 200 which is like four to   eight dollars but I really need to do like proper  digging because all the clothes are not very nice need to dig like the nicer kind we are now at raohe night  market it is very very near to Wu Fen Pu how big that avocado is hi I am back in the hotel and today is the  last day of me in Taipei Taiwan and tomorrow   I am going back already so I'm gonna end my Vlog  right here I hope you enjoyed it because it's a   really long one this time round I'm so tired right now thanks for watching my vlog as always I'll see all of you again very very soon bye

2023-02-19 04:25

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