What's Going On Just Beyond Quartzsite | Wickenburg, Az. Walk Around | RV Lifestyle Off Grid Living

What's Going On Just Beyond Quartzsite | Wickenburg, Az. Walk Around | RV Lifestyle Off Grid Living

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there a nice Trail back there I saw the  horses back there we are in Wickenburg   Wickenburg I guess we're about 10 minutes from  downtown wienberg we're out on uh state trest   land which we will show you guys when we get  back we're going to go into town here we have   a birthday that we're celebrating our friend  Scott is uh yep growing up he is growing up   now I'm not going to show his age cuz he might  not like that uh anyways we're going to go to a   restaurant called pamino so we'll see how that  is I think what we're going to do is when we   uh we're going to go down here and have some  lunch with our friends and then we may go do   a little walking around or we might save it for  tomorrow we're not really sure it is definitely   a place that they ride a lot of horses at  yeah there's lots of trails yeah I think a   lot of people honestly come from Phoenix too  to come out here to do uh side by sides and   uh ride horses right they do have a 55 plus uh  place here as well quite a few places to camp   out paid camping that is at Resorts I think  there's like two or three of them but right   down out of the state Tres land you've got like  Bank of America CBC C what was it CBS Goodwill got a Safeway over here and a police station right in the middle  of town yeah got to keep us safe I am just kind   of assuming this is the way I'm going I guess  so yes I believe so I don't have the map on I   have to get it on it's not a real big area but  at least you've got some shopping um stores you   know like the grocery stores you got Tractor  Supply oh here's the country club Park 50 plus   Community I'm not going to roll the window down  cuz I realize that it gets a little loud on you   guys but and auto par for anyways it's it's a nice  little town as far as we can see yeah and right up   here a little ways uh is where you can get water  I guess right now it's 15 cents a gallon you walk   in and tell them how many gallons and uh I don't  know if it's I guess it's not metered or whatever   we're going to be doing that yeah Out of Water  hopefully I don't have to bring my own hose I   did forget that I will be seriously bummed if I  need my own hose we are uh going to go get water   today we ran out of water yesterday now when I say  we ran out of water I just mean in the rig we took   showers and stuff um we always have drinking water  we never run out of drinking water so all right   I got to get the m on so we'll see you guys down  here at the restaurant sizzling walk Stage Coach sweets o Wash Tub that for oh  it's a laundry mat we need one of those I like that name BOS it's been really kind  of fun you guys because we've never been to is   some of these places we're venturing out of the  norm since we're not traveling with a big group   uh we're able to go these smaller towns which  has been really fun Jen and Mike are super easy   to travel with although I think we're going to  maybe at some point we won't all be together   um Arizona tourist temp for historical downturn  Wickenberg so we would go that way I'm assuming   uh but I think Mike's going to head back home for  his Thanksgiving and Jen might be somewhere else   so I don't know we may be alone for Thanksgiving  We're Never Alone we'll make sure we're not alone   we have all of you guys now we uh in 1,000 ft  your destination will be on the right okay 1,000   ft um not sure what we're doing for the holidays  what are you guys all doing for the holiday days   yeah it's coming up quick tell us what you guys  are doing do you guys do the traditional turkey   dinner okay I got to figure out where we're  going here all right this your destination is   on the right we're going right here all right  this is the historical downtown drove right   into it I thought we had to turn somewhere  else but here we are we go down this way lights little downtown yeah  lot going on hey there's their Kingdom I wonder if that's a palace  it is their Event Center OH poo poo   Palace well you know how back  home they put the thing on the   over our poo poo tanks so they don't  he thought it was their uh Waste Water Management Wickenberg might not like  you for saying that they gotta pump   the Poo somewhere all right we'll  go back here around the corner and   go meet up with our friends yeah lots  of people lot of cowboys and cowg girls here so what is it it's the Team Roping of the  world yeah this is a fun little restaurant you   guys this is their dance floor I guess let's do  some entertainment look at the ropes on the walls   over there that's cute got all the lassos the  lassos that's what I was looking looking for that word indoors and it's to the back of the restaurant yeah yeah so either way you guys  want me to take drinks now or just wait they   have $3 Margarita Scot's getting one of those  I'm getting water but um here's their here's   their menu they have know I know they have wings  yeah but that's okay it's tacos tacos I am going   to see what Taco they have and I'm going to  start with one taco I had a big old burrito   this morning egg burrito thing or whatever okay  let's figure out what we're having this picture   right there reminds us all of our friend Jake  we went ahead and got their uh pulled pork tacos   sometimes when we go out we do meat so it's going  to be uh be yummy looks yummy everybody got the   same thing except the birthday boy down here  Scott he got uh a Reuben and our fries fries   and tartar sauce fries and tartar all fries so  the tacos it's a special it's $3 for the tacos   they look pretty yummy yeah Happy Birthday  to happy birthday to you bir happy birthday dear Happy Birthday to you thank you and many  more over here has a cowboy hat oh it's got a   cowboy hat that is cute and just so you guys  know we're at the pal Palamino bar grill and Dance Can't wow you got to look at it from the side way  it's um to read it to read it oh yeah oh you can't   read it any other oh it's hard to see it from  there the jail tree from 1863 to 1890 Outlaws   were chained to the tree for lack of horse what  who's who's go what lack of a who scow yes escapes   for unknown oh okay I see ohow like Bruce said  uh the Circle K's been here longer than the tree though I don't think look at  he's even got some holes in his sock but when you have a whole group yeah you can always we going to walk up here to  the visitor R practice or something   oh maybe that would be up the  road somewhere it's like where   the uh I want to call it the Spurs but  that's what our place was called my m i mean what business could we set up  it's an old building oh it's cool   in there look at that stairway wow look  at that it's got a beautiful stairwell what is that don't know okay can  somebody tell us what that is you guys I know very interesting I know  that's very important for you oh yeah   the stairwell in there is really pretty you  can see it through the door over here it's   a big it's like birthday dance here with  my your birthday dance a a okay is there   a little thing that talks [Laughter] here  press for audio all the women who arrived   in the boom towns and Mining camps seeking  their fortunes were Shady ladies and dance   all girls What Men really wanted was a homecooked  meal and a place to sleep and they were pretty   cool looking oh it's for Le One Hot August  day in 1897 he's dancing he's dancing with her bleep bleep bleep sorry cut well Scotty we have to cut a  lot of things out of the video stop   fondling the [Laughter] mannequin  my lady went to Hawaii that ain't   my fault all right that's that building  really neat I love all the old historical   buildings there's another one of those  signs all right they remind me of um branding oh Bingo 6 p.m Thursday oh  I can smell this yeah [Laughter] oh   at oh gosh why why why is it real my sister loves snakes Yu H's like oh can I play with it it so was the old train station Visitor Center yes what's this there's water right there hot B men and women who have served in the armed  forces of the United States of America in   honor of their devoted and selfless dedication  to keeping us strong free and United's no life there okay I think that those signs had something  to do with the brandings the Rancher signs I want   to say put see on the cow oh yeah right Ranch  yeah maybe they sponsor the road or something   I don't know I I'm not sure like keep it  clean and pretty and stuff I'm not sure guys oh smell them wow wber Western smells  like my Grand's it smells like my grandma's   basement what are your top three attractions you  recommend well depends on how what you're yeah the museum we're all together okay that is just another  another part of the building we'll go into this belly stove that's pretty yeah  that's pretty my mom and dad had a   pop belly stove it was gorgeous that's  really a pretty one lots and lots of information we we always doctors you in  a club or something home Washington State   oh okay California California Georgia Georgia  Place Jimmy where are you from Chicago Chicago   and Bruce Tennessee Tennessee all right  so she gave us this map so historical   building one you can do the walking tour and  go see all the historical buildings here in wienberg wow that's old who I know it  makes noise we had one downtown Burton   oh downtown Burton we had one of those look  at the water coming out the yeah needs a new seal FS weren always available everything that's herec in a brewery and whose classroom was  a building that was formerly a jail complete   with many other duties is that of school  custodian that's a nice latch I love these liaries I had some books I was going  to bring up and I keep forgetting we   were going to do it the lake the other  day too but that's nice and at that I   like that grass lock pretty sweet I love  these little libraries too they also have   food ones you know great idea yeah I wonder  if this train oh this train must still work   it must work still because it's awful  shiny yeah they got everything off the shiny hly will pull you all right  check out these TR chicka chicka cha ch 761 you can see a little bit inside there uh I   don't know if you guys can  I can see a little bit of something let's see I got it so you can see just a  little bit little bit of something in there let's see trying to reach around the reach around here you can see a little bit in there look at that just incredible the women were uh putting forth a lot  of effort here look at it's all women putting the   laying the tracks and these guys are standing  around taking all the uh yeah these thing are   just massive wow came over to move some rail yeah  I mean just looking all this technology they had   back then to move this heavy heavy object yeah  just all right once again you'll just have to   uh to pause this if you want to read it it's a  lot of it's a lot to read yeah this old train   was built in 1900 wow power system or something  all right well if you're here in Wickenberg come   up to the visitor center and check out the train  it's very cool yeah it's super neat little town   yeah and they got all those little mannequins  there's another one over there we already uh saw   that mannequin that statue it's not a mannequin  it's a statue and it uh Scott was dance not our   Scott not me yoga Scotty we call him yoga Scotty  because he does yoga every morning so uh he and   it's his birthday today yeah sure it is and he was  dancing with that uh statue all right nice little   stop nice little walk right after lunch Jen's  showing us some we found our electric found the   electric we found the water no now they have water  I don't think our RV would sit very level here oh oh goodness it's just a running joke uh we're  we're always looking for power and water but it   is a joke it's our joke we would never pull up  there and do that of course but we did find a Score what's this oh this is the museum you  guys oh that's right if you want to come to   the museum I did look it up online and it looks  very nice you guys in there uh here's the hours   and from what I saw it said $15 a person  or you can use a pass I don't know what   that pass would be though uh we don't have the  pass okay the only thing I absolutely dislike   about Wickenberg they have these snakes everywhere  along the ground and it's uh very hard for people   who are terrified of snakes I don't like that  snake stuff no but the town is super cute love it definitely if you're here stop  and walk around the town it's not   very big doesn't take long stop  into one of the shops woo that's   a nice size Cactus wow uh stoping get  yourself some lunch or cocktail or soda looks like they're doing some work over there I   don't know what they're doing next time  we come through there'll be something new and then right here in the Western Museum  area this beautiful sculpture here W that's pretty thanks for the rain that's larger thanks  for the rain no kidding all right you guys will   have to pause that and read it if you'd like to  I it's said Thanks For Rain like a little prayer   it's a little loud out here for me to read it  lot of cars going by oh that's just a massive sculpture the details are amazing pretty this  is a very famous uh mural over here welcome to   wienberg you'll see that on just about anything  that you go to online to look up wienberg yeah   should we sit over there and get a picture with  us together sure uh I don't believe it's the   original one obviously on the side of the wall uh  we are at the mum though there is one I believe   coming into town that you can stop and get your  picture with somewhere west of Wall Street be careful well you don't want to run  into that poor little guy he fell   over he had too much to drink oh yeah a little Courtyard lots of little restaurants it's it's a zar uh Harry Potter Bo that's pretty there's a little bit  better view I love all the artwork around it's   really nice yeah and like Jimmy was saying  um for a small town they got a lot going   on a lot of uh restaurants a lot of art  places to walk into little stores and a   lot of horses going through town so I don't  know if there things going on today Cafe I   have seen that and I absolutely love their uh  light post they they all have little cowboy   hats on them I me they've just thought of  everything the details in this town are super cute oh haven't ridden one of those in a long time  Thunderbolt you want to ride 50 cents no I'm I'm fine we're just going to go over here just for a  minute this is just a walking bridge that they've   created to connect the other side cuz there's  a big wash we're not going to walk across the   area it's really not a river you guys I did  read that the river was underground I have no   idea if that's true but that's what they they  say here's something I found really funny no   fishing from bridge very cute somebody had a  sensey humor yeah it's a heck of a wash it is   a big wash all right guys I think I think we're  going to head back I think so I think it's time   but I got one more thing to show them uh before  we go and it will explain those signs that we   saw let's go see yeah it's kind of funny here  they got a railroad track crossing but looks   like they had to drag people through there yeah  that was the bridge 1925 to 26 I'm sure when it   raged it raged right there is an old school  here the old historical schoolhouse that you   could look up just put in historical schoolhouse  in Wickenberg and you'll be able to go see that if   you want to we just saw 761 and we were just uh  okay we were just at the Depot historical hotel   that's where Scotty yoga Scotty was dancing  with the lady for his birthday we have not   seen this and I think it's right over there okay  I'm going to hang on to my oh okay somebody puts   their stuff over here or not sure what's going  on here somebody's stashing their stuff there   uh wienberg way 1840 wishing well uh to 1940  okay and somebody is stashing all their stuff   here maybe somebody's wishing for something I  don't know maybe maybe somebody found that and   stuck it in there I'm not really sure what the  deal is with that you guys you never know was   very unexpected I seeing all the trees right  trees all right the brand that started it All   Brands so some of these were up on those signs  that we saw so it's just telling us that those   were the ranchers that uh the brands I like  started it yeah very [Music] cool all all   right we're home we'll see you guys another day  thank you so much for watching please remember   to subscribe thumbs up and leave me a comment  take care and peace out everybody love y bye

2023-11-21 22:23

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