we visit one of the worst reviewed campsites

we visit one of the worst reviewed campsites

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today we're on our way to one of the worst  reviewed Campsite in the UK good morning   hello everyone welcome back to the channel we're  stuck in traffic yeah it's bank holiday weekend   Easter weekend um the weather can't make it's mind up  one minute it's raining next minute sunny look at   it now it's sunny but I'll tell you what we just  come through one hell of a rain shower yeah and   um round down way it's starting to flood again  so yeah um so we were sick of like parking on   grass or um having the only walks around us  being muddy ones so we put on a campsite um   it was the only one we could get on and now we  have a feeling we know why it was last minute   to be fair we don't really Check reviews but I  don't know why we did I did but the reviews on   the site I checked on this place we're going  to we're not going to tell you where it is   yet no um the reviews I checked were mixed um  there was some good some bad so we decided um   we just because it was the only one we could find and  we thought the area around it seemed good plenty   to do around it anyway so if thought we go for it  but Lee decided to do a bit of Googling yesterday   on it didn't you yeah um and the reviews I'd say  90% ain't positive yeah so um we have decided to   give it a go anyway difficult to get a sight this  this late in the day we'll go and experience it   and we'll kind of yeah if it lives up to it we'll  tell you and if it's better than the reviews we'll   tell you we just want to find out for ourselves  first of give the place a chance first and then and   then see definely um just to be fair and then  we'll we'll let you know the water tables were   that high the rain from yesterday seems to  have uh flooded a few areas out doesn't it   seem to have got through that traffic at Lee's on  a mission now you ready just seeing all the floods   look you ready yeah I'm ready let's do it let's  go Apparently, there's a really narrow road leading up to this campsite um uh so we're not looking forward to that if   anything's coming anywhere but this  looks narrow enough to me [Music] Now we're on the very skinny Road apparently  this is a really good a really good um holiday   part there but I don't know if they do touring  or not um they probably do but this is the narrow road so when you see where we're going I think  it's straight around and it's up there jeez how can you be straight around haha so this is  the narrow road oh my God watch the van and everything   now it's all the trees as well isn't it it's  not just the um keep your eyes on that side   I am darling there's one there it's going to hit you a  little bit but it's only a little twig this road   here where you come to this campsite is  scratching the hell out of our van is it love   yeah so we'll have to check that out when we get  parked up yeah maybe I'm too precious over the   van but we got some scratches there right you  could hear it squealing as it was going along   the van right we're just trying to find out where  we're going so reception it's probably where that   they've just got out by look of it and uh been  in the reception so if we just wait till they   move okay then you can probably get in there so  if you haven't guessed where we are already after   that narrow road there um we are at Hurston  caravan and camping site in Swanage apparently   there's lots do around here um around the local  area um so we have heard bad reviews about the   place after we'd already booked it um but we'll  just work out um what we think about it as we go   through and we'll show you so was that a good  experience in the reception so far the actual   staff are really really nice so they've directed  us to the pitch there's water on the pitch and   everything like that so that's all fine there's  a food bar that does breakfast until a certain   time and then an evening snack till a certain  time certain time right near the um the pitch   uh plus there's a shop and in the shop they  sell discounted tickets and they got the time   timetables for the steam train down to the castle  so that's something that we want to do isn't it   yeah yeah very good experience so we're going to  make our way down now see if we get pitched up   what pitch number are we 26 oh let's go and have  a look for it then no 29 oh yeah that would have   been fun we would have definitely had someone on our pitch  if we have had gone 26 yeah this looks more like   um one of the Europe count sites isn't it yeah  we all the um we have quite a lot of the pine   trees are usually higher oh so got few got a few  trees on this bit okay so I think this they could   do with cutting these really couldn't there with  some of the vans that got coming down here just   go really slow and if one does touch them it's  not going to damage it then is it that's right   I think you're just clear if I'm honest yeah right  okay so we are are we on sea view cuz sea view is down   that way if you go in sea view no spearpoint  is that way we're on green these ones here so   okay we're down here and then we're on 20 that's  37 that's 36 yeah so we're along here somewhere 29 just got to watch them rocks that side yeah yeah your alright just them rocks  there yeah loads of room loads of room that side   yeah you're good doesn't look too bad that'll do  for us so there's plenty of see you got nice views   over there yeah I won't fancy that number 10 pitch  over there so it's a bit narrow but everything   else looks all right really it's pretty cool right  we are all set up now which is great and actually   it's actually not bad but the anxiety of getting  onto this pitch or onto this um campsite um anyway   I've checked the van and with the ceramic coating  and everything like that it is protecting it cuz   it does protect it slightly so however um the  odd little scratch we did have rubs out so it's   ideal really so the van is still looking good so  Lee's just out there answering some comments and   doing some Social Media stuff yeah so why not  I'm sitting here enjoying my view um I'm just   helping a few people out on social media with  comments of problems because everyone's taking   their motorhome out of storage stuff like that so  you know the little problems start to show up   leaks or solar problems or whatever but yeah we  just been checking our solar actually and um I   believe we got 100 amp uh 100 watt solar panel  uh I thought it was about 150 but I think it's   100 watt and we're getting 0.4 amps and I've just  converted that into Watts so that's around   about 48 watts coming in for 100 watt solar in this  weather it ain't bad it's not the most efficient   that's out there but it ain't bad um hence why I  might look at an upgrade at some point but yeah   it's all good and so what does that mean on here  then so does that mean that if I put it on if you   go Power Power and then you'll see in the center  what does it say it's got a bit of a glare on it   still yeah 0.4 um so at the moment it's charging  oh you've got sun on the Leisure and plugging on   the vehicle yeah I didn't know it could do both like  that yeah the smart charge will fluctuate between   the two just to make sure I suppose the lowest one  in power the ehu is going to feed that one first   and then the solar's just topping up the other  one um because we are plugged in on ehu so um yeah   ain't too bad and I just wanted to say I have had  a few comments from the previous vog regarding our   Breakdown Cover um thank you very much for being  concerned and I have double checked it so what   people were concerned about was that the vehicle  weight maximum vehicle weight for AA and Breakdown   Cover European Breakdown Cover is 3.5 tons however  um I have checked it and with flex Plus account on   Nationwide it is motor homes only it says 7.5  and 8 m long so as long as you're within them   Dimensions um and it says motor homes only they do  do Caravans as well on that policy um and uh the   vehicle maximum weight not motor homes is uh 3.5  tons so I think that's where that's coming from   unless I mean I have been told when I rang up that  I'm on a premium policy with flex plus Nationwide   so whether it's because of that I don't know um  whether there's a confusion um how it's written   but I'm definitely covered so thank you very much  for uh being concerned and I did double check it   just to make sure before we go away again so I  appreciate that all right since it's a lovely   evening we're just going to chill out out with  tonight we are going to chill out we've been for   a little walk around don't we yeah we will take  you around with us before we leave and show you   the facilities and everything it's not too bad I  think this bit we on they open that up in on the   season so I don't think it's open Out of Season no  no but this is really nice got good views um I say   we'll take you around um before we leave to show  you uh we're going to chill out and tomorrow we're   hoping to go and find the steam train and take  us to the castle um so which will take us to the   castle and it looks dry never trust the weather  man though or woman but it looks dry so or the   apps never Minds never trust the apps but it looks  dry so yeah so it looks like it's going to be a   good one tomorrow so we will get out and take you  with us on our trip on the train into towards the   castle morning good morning on this lovely Easter  weekend we just had some lovely bacon sandwiches and   Lee's gone to do the washing up but can you see  what the problem is here for some reason my brain   said the tomato sauce was washing up liquid and  it ain't so I'll put that away and he has washing   up Liquid out he hasn't even got a hangover  so it's not that no what am I like well it's   a squeezy bottle I'll let you have that one yeah  so after that episode with the uh tomato sauce or   ketchup Heinz tomato ketchup and uh they mix up with the red sauce It's expensive sauce as well wasted and   when I realized it was green bottle fairy liquid  it's not even the red bottle one it got mixed up   with anyway we are going to head up yeah towards  the reception mhm and we're going to see what time   the steam train comes yeah um the Sun comes out  and guess what I get out when the sun comes out walking boots I finally decided to get my walking boots  out it doesn't look right now cuz the sun's out   but there is um apparently really muddy path  yeah the start of the field looks muddy anyway   on the way to the steam train station yeah  which is just over there so you hear them go   past actually all the time whistling away yeah  I'm sick of slipping over in my trainers so I'm   taking them with me cuz we're going up to the  castle anyway so just heading off up this way   towards the uh reception looks like they're  doing breakfast this morning in the uh Food   Van which is pretty cool they got family shower  rooms and toilets are like cubicles um on one   side and they've got um a washing up area just  there so all them doors are separate cubicles   of a big shower in and toilet in and these  like like a load of seasonals around here I   think this is the area now that if you come to  um out of season that you would be um parking   on around this area but not here cuz this  is the seasonal pictures you've got some   Statics down here as well not sure if they  are ented out or if they actually belong to people lovely view there of them Hills that's  really nice looks like we might be able to park   on here as well stay on these ones and this  is the uh reception area and we've got um a bar next to it which we have not been in yet  we're going to try and get in there   tonight shop just here it sells everything  you need went in yesterday it's very good I've also got this huge laundry room which I  think is perfect for the size of the campsite   toilets and showers up near the reception actually  I think they've got about three sets of toilets   and showers which is really good um but I'll just  show you inside the ladies now [Music] the thing is with this site I'm a little bit nervous  to um film it too much cuz they have had so many bad   reviews um I have a feeling that um they might  wonder why I've got a camera out and think it's   a negative reason although you know so far the  staff have been great yeah um and yeah we find   it all right okay the pitch is are a bit tired in  some places but um yeah I've seen a lot worse to   be fair it is so far what all I've thought is a  lot of money we've paid and it's not up to that   level however all campsites are going up and  we are on a fully service pitch yeah yeah fully   service yeah greatway it's got a bar entertainment  and all that so it's Easter weekend yeah so I   think nowadays you just got to expect that kind  of price and they do fit in that price bracket   with the amenities and Facilities so yeah you know  anyway where do you know where you're going no or   you just sort of walking she just said come down  here or up a hill or something yeah this is up a hill isn't   it do you think it was up there up the hill and round or was  across there but did she say you don't have to go   on the field so we walk on the road should we I  think that's it there is it not there's like um   a hut or station looking thing there a Horse barn oh  is it a Horse [Laughter] barn yeah that looks like   a station doesn't it? can you cut that bit out so I don't  sound so stupid that looks like a station well   it looked like a station roof station for horses  yeah so this is the way when we leave this is   the way I will be coming cuz it seems a bit yes  it's narrow but it's a lot better than the other   way which had low branches and stuff like that  this is not a public right of way land beyond   this point is managed by swanage railway company yeah  so where are we going into the Corfe Castle this is different isn't it yeah oh there's fishes in there so you got the old uh train carriages around here you ready for this steam  train yeah never been on Steam Train   like I say As there is only one track  you've got to make sure you get   on the right um the right way Swanage  is that way and the castle is that way think it'll stop for your love 3 4 0 2 8 this is class come on then quick then need to get in quick we are off to the castle you're ok going backwards   aren't you yeah they come the  ticket guy come around you going backwards. I don’t mind.

It's only 10 minutes isn’t it. Look at all the steam coming out of it look brilliant So you come buy your ticket it's  beforehand like shop which didn't have   any um and we just spoke to the ticket Guard and we bought tickets while we're here and it   cost us 35 £34 return £34 return it cost us but they're really friendly and helpful and tell   you where to go and visit and explore  don't they they do yeah so it's good expensive but good It's under that seat there. It's not it's over there. anyway where are we Corfe castle Yeah so uh what just happened to us yeah we had this noise and   it was just sort of going really loud going loud everyone's looking at us and someone's is that   someone's phone and I'm thinking is it a way of the  train letting you know that it's them stopping or   something it kept going on and on I'm going it's  under your chair and everyone's looking at us it   was someone's phone and it was that call that it  does so that you it prompt you to call them and   so you call them and you say hi found you lost phone  so someone's in Swanage and they're coming back to   here to pick up there we've handed it in   Yeah so they've um they basically in Swanage and   then they she asked me to hand it in the ticket  office so she's coming back to uh collect that   collect so just on the off chance if your name is  Julia and you came to collect a phone from Corfe Castle it was us that handed it in so I'm glad you  got it back we're getting it back anyway yeah   she would have done by time this comes on that's  a nice Church apparently the guards said some nice   tea rooms and like pubs and things here you can  if you want to just explore corfe I don't   know where the castle actually is it's sitting at  the top there just above them roofs does that mean we have to go up   a hill yeah going up a hill again it's National  Trust I think he said that so it's going to cost   us some money so I don't know if yeah I don't  know if i fancy actually going in it do you cuz they   have just paid £35 for the steam train yeah look  nice little shops the box of delights that one is this is a church you got too close to the  crow to the crow or something yeah this is nice isn't it I think they've  got like a service thing on though ah Lee   was just looking at the flag of St Edward  the four crowns represent the four years of   this boy king of all England nice Church  with it being Easter they've got like services   and going on so we're not going to go inside  that one this time are we no not this time   not this time I'll tell you what for our  last trip in the UK before going to Europe   it's lovely weather it's lovely and in  preparation it's a pretty little place   isn't it as well a picture of the corfe Castle  I think it's Corfe Castle no E Corfe is it yeah all right that's good it so where where basically  where are away we got a British Legion oh maybe   we should go in there it says where we are um  we're here yeah we're here cuz that's the church   we just come out of the church yeah all right  so yeah British legion's up that way yeah   fancy drink in there yeah can do got a few pubs  here so you got the Gray Arms over there which   says Simply Delicious Food on it the ground in and  then you've got Banks Arms there that's very nice   might pop in there later what I like about this place  is all the stone that they seem to keep the theme throughout yeah it makes it look really  really nice I think pretty palm tree well   it's like we're in Europe already Sunshine  the palm trees Corfe Castle British Legion   that's what that is the Corfe castle main  entrance up there that's a British Legion   it's bright out here coming out there  isn't it it's right in there isn’t it cheap   pints yeah yeah it's quite nice actually so  now we're going to go and see if we can get   as close as we can this castle that's  the best view we can get you from here here in the model Village area now it's quite  nice doesn't it yeah it's got cafe here as well   but it's going to see what it costs yeah but you  can't he won't take any money off you don't have   to pay him no we got a hand either coming to the uh  model Village and Gardens and that's a site map 17th century knight there  wow weren't they small the People coats of armor Shields of the constables of Corfe Castle wow there's fossils and things in there as  well yeah Eddie Holland the creator of Corfe Castle   model Village wow and Jack Phillips the model  Village Builder nice and he used to get around on that no wonder it's a small village we've  got like Loads of little archways and things to   go through where's Lee going like he was  going to sneak off we'll find out where   he's gone oh look hello do you remember  Tom Thumb huh do you remember Tom Thumb yeah oh look at little stream going through so  this is actually a model Village of the area   we've just shown you look at that it is quite  cool is it yeah hang on what's going on here   my first got here in 1643 when we laid Siege to  the castle for 6 weeks three years ago that was   it don't seem three years does it no and if it  weren't for that colonel Pitman that lady Banks   I'm sure would be still holding possession of  the castle this uh storming the castle boss uh   I think it'll be quite easy uh why  is that it's already flat isn't it I see   what you mean already had a good demolishing  that made a good job too so there something   the conversation between each other yeah  Hult strangers oh hello easy get out of here do   you know what happens if you don't um you're  not careful they come out and they put you in them visitors use the stocks  and Pillory entirely at their   own risk children must be supervised all Time so this is how the castle used to  be that's how it is now and this is how it used   to be great idea though to build a model  oh there's someone in there right next to   it yeah and they've even got all these little  people look all the little people just on the   bridge near little stream coming down there's a  church we looked at earlier as well so you got   big giraff game over here you got Hopscotch  do you remember that go on then give it a go what is that how you play it no hold that you had to roll  a stone as well remember do you remember went to all right go for it Do you not remember that no no I do remember  hopScotch it's more a girls   thing though isn't it is this how  the uh The Villages lived in the day his name's Owlan why am I like stepping really  quietly so that Disturbed the fairies so that was £4.50 to get in yeah 4.50  yeah that was all right it was worth a look round   yeah it's it's one of them things that you  know is not going to be too good but it was   okay yeah and she was okay for us filming  so that was good there is your entrance to   Corfe Castle which I keep calling coffee you do  yeah look at that wall over that side there   just slipping down slipping down the hill so  this is the old moat they've even got a walk   down there as well look at that for an entrance  see if we come around   here we can get a better yes you can see the  castle through the doors through there looks   like you can walk around as well so I reckon you get a  really good view of the castle from up there wouldn’t you   You would do so we're getting on diesel it's going  to take us one way turn us around and take us   the other but we need to tell the guard where  we're getting off cuz it's a request station only well it's the next day um we are back in the  motorhome and just been down to swanage today   and it's Easter so happy Easter everyone and we've  been uh we've broken a bit and had some chocolate   yeah we've been a bit naughty actually I've had  some Mini Eggs and stuff so that's quite nice but   um yeah so we went actually into swanage and done  the walk there that was quite nice um we're going   to do swanage and film that another time there's  a lot more to swanage than we thought but it was   quite lovely nice little beach hasn't it there  yes lovely Beach nice sand it's was really really   nice there so we've had a really nice time here  and Jody's just about to cook us up some dinner   yeah they're putting these Frozen uh jacket  potatoes in the microwave but we found this   microwave especially with these potatoes cuz  it doesn't turn we have to keep turning the   potatoes ni yeah it takes ages as we don't find it as as  good as the turntable ones we get the idea cuz   when you're travel in the turntable ones come  loose Etc but think yeah they just don't seem   to to cook as well or we're using it wrong but  I think it's just the way it is but we just make   do with it cus it does help it does help and we  still use it as a bread bin when we're not cooking   in it so the campsite itself what did you think  about the campsite well it just needs a bit of a   makeover really from honest um it's a bit rundown  and tired in places it's a really good location   and we've enjoyed being here and comfortable here  um yeah you know would I come back again maybe if   there was nowhere else I want to visit swanage I  wouldn't have a problem of coming back here but   yeah it wouldn't be my first choice yeah I mean  so for all the negative reviews that can put a bit   of fear into anyone going onto any site um it's  not the best site I've ever stayed on far from it   however it's not the worst site I've ever stayed  on either so the toilets can be a little bit run   down or some of them over this end but um yeah  it ain't too bad but the location is really good   so if you want you're self-sufficient though you  are right yeah if you self-sufficient and you're   using your own um toilet shower and stuff like  that then this is um no problems at all the staff   have all been friendly to us you know they've not  um there's not any negativity towards the staff   um if you were staying here for a long period  of time and you wanted to use the entertainment   bar Etc um it's not massive for the amount of  people that's on here um it's not really our   thing neither it could do the bar could do have a  bit of an uplift as well yeah me I mean it seems   nice enough as they do the Bingo entertainment  like anywhere else you know it's there there   if there is a few of you and you enjoy each other's company  it's it's not a problem no no that's right but   the whole place just needs a bit of a makeover bit  of an uplift um and that's that's the main thing   really it needs a bit of an uplift um and that  may happen but they may be planning that I don't   know um but like this but we one now is called  spear Point that's right it Spar point I think   so yeah and it's I think this bit is only open in  uh the season times but this campsite is open for   365 days so I think when some people have been  on before they've not been on this bit they've   been on the the bit at the top where there's  a lot of seasonals um and I think that's where   some of the uh negative reviews might have come  from but they are offering you to stay here all   year round so yeah you know and it's very hard to  keep a campsite up uh in looking good over winter   periods anyway you know there's no flowers and  the grass gets boggy and wet and stuff like that   for the price it is quite pricey um but I think  with it being like I might have already said on   this vog it been fully serviced pitch you've got  facilities you've got the burger Bar up there you've   got enough to do what other campsites have that  do charge that amount so I can see why the it's   and and the location I can see why it's pricey  um and some people have had a problem with that   before because it's a little bit run down but you know yeah you know yeah okay well we're uh off to Europe   next so that's going to be the next one um  we're excited to get going now hopefully we'll   catch some sun um on the way but you might burn your hands if  you do that well maybe maybe also um on the 8th of   April I believe it is it's our year anniversary of  the channel from when we first uploaded our first   ever video was a year ago on the 8th of April  so wow that's just seems to have flown by um but   thank you to everyone that has been supporting  the Channel all the way through some right from   the beginning and anyone that's new to the channel  it's uh really appreciated from us yeah definitely   and just wanted to add on our review that we did  on Sunday which was the all powers Power Station   um we did have a giveaway uh and at the end we  just put it in the comments we forgot to say um   that it this will be that'll be this Sunday that  we we stop taking comments and entes for the draw   yeah uh and we will be drawing the winner on the  11th on our Vlog so if you're interested and you   have entered uh if you haven't seen the video  go look at the one we did on Sunday and have   a look see if you're interested in winning uh a  power station and a solar panel yeah um and then   that'll be drawn on Thursday the 11th on our Vlog  yeah so until the next one bye see you [Music]

2024-04-13 06:21

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