We Have Visitors in France - Van Life Europe

We Have Visitors in France - Van Life Europe

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all right guys it is a good day we finally got  far enough South where the weather has warmed   up a bit it's still raining it's still kind  of overcast but it is in the 50s Fahrenheit   and actually the K it's warm enough for the  kiddies to want to go outside and they're   still a little cautious they still are trying to  figure out Europe but in any event we are headed   over to see my cousin and him and his wife  are traveling here in Europe and have been   for a while and they reached out to us and said  hey let's meet up and so we excited I haven't   seen my cousin in a lot a lot of years a  lot of years lot of years and so they're   traveling here from the United States so we're  headed over there to see them we will meet up   with them tomorrow but along the way we stopped  off on this small little town it has turned out   perfect for the cats and I know y'all missed  me terribly in the last video I was under the   weather I want you to know I'm not 100% but I'm  am definitely getting better and I'm taking care   of myself and we're doing good what you doing  Baba what you doing Baba come on nner come ons to get home she's a little pring come on pug [Music] in so we left is Jan and we're headed to the  dardona region now we haven't done a ton of   research on that we do know there's some really  cool spots over there some cool caves obviously   some cool history and buildings and whatnot so  we're looking forward to seeing my cousin as   well as visiting that region but as we were  driving across the countryside and forgive   us for not getting any video we did notice that  there was a lot of white cows and these are the   beef cows of France and so they have a model of  them here maybe when we're driving tomorrow we'll   see if we can get some pictures but they're  really cute they kind of got little sh shaggy   hair like they're all ready for the winter we  don't see a lot of beef cattle here in France   or at least we haven't until now and we've seen  a few a lot of dairy cows that's where we are but   anyway I thought maybe we'd take a quick stroll  around this little town uh before it gets dark   there's a lot of things to love about France  there really is I mean guys we are loving this   country the roads have been really really good in  fact I would say the roads are better than the US   some of the best roads that we've ever driven  on holistically across the country and all of   a sudden you're coming up in these little towns  and you just find these little historic niches   where kind of everything was protected and some  of this stuff dates back to I don't even know   when 1100s 1200s maybe even before 1400s and  so that's really cool and also camping here   is really super easy there's little Camp spots  everywhere this one right here in town is free   if you want electric or water you put some coins  in there and you pay for service but you can see   we're no more than a block or two away from this  big church or this Big Clock Tower and right here   we can even buy some bread right here in the  machine the vending machine and well there's   a baker right across Bakery right across the  way so we've been loving the bread the cheese   the cream the milk the leaks the shallots all the  delicious foods the cheese I think I already said   that maybe it's worth repeating but anyway look  at this old historic church or building we'll see   if we can get in there so I can show you guys I  don't know but it's kind of a windy day oh listen   up it's kind of a windy day but I was able to  pop the Drone up a little bit hopefully those   shots came out okay but here we we go engl Saint  ET let see if we can get in it doesn't look like   I can get in but if you guys can see the walls of  this church I'm sure it's had some remodeling or   some stuff done to it but still the walls are just  worn the brick walls and as we come down in here   there's more of the more of the structures it's  all just so tight in here look at this this the   old rof lines with the Moss and it looks like  this kind of brings us out to the main road here well this morning we hopped up and to be  honest with you we kind of had a long uneventful   ride down to the dardona region and it's just  we're running from the weather we're running   from the cold but more importantly super excited  to see my cousin I probably haven't seen him we   were trying to figure it out it's probably been at  least 20 years and he's just not a relative that   I knew super well we grew up in different parts  of the US but we made it to charlot a day before   they're here which has given us an opportunity  to sort of scope out the town now we found this   little campsite up on the hill sort of overlooking  this little medieval town now sarlot is sort of   one of the most historical beautiful medieval  cities in this dardia region which boasts a lot   of cool things and one is really high priority and  that's going to be to some his see some historic   caves but I will tell you this town is cool  now the problem is it is forecasted to rain   like 100% Today 100% tomorrow 100% the next day  and it's also supposed to be cool cold surprise   surprise that's how it's been since we've been  in France anyway but we got a little break in   the rain like like an hour and I was able to  pop up the Drone and give you some sites of   this little town now I did go down and walk around  the town to see it and these little narrow streets   and little restaurants and churches and stone  buildings and some of the stuff that you guys   have seen in some of our video other videos was  really really awesome here in sarlot the problem   is it is raining so hard and I don't have my  umbrella and I just was only able to pull out   the camera a couple times to get a few shots so  as amazing as this little town is and the Hub of   this little dardona region I just didn't get any  great footage of walking around and showing you   the city fortunately we got to the little drone  shots so in this case we're both disappointed   we didn't get to explore as much as we did but  we certainly enjoy this as a hub and guess what   tomorrow we get to meet up with our cousin we're  super excited and we're going to head off to a   really kind of interesting unique Adventure good  morning guys big surprise it is raining Tada and   you may hear some background conversation going  on and that's because we have met up with Kurt's   cousin Mike and Betsy and they are taking us to a  museum now what's exciting guys you know we don't   do a lot of Tours because of the budget so they're  they're gifting us a nice tour to see something   absolutely amazing I'm going to wait y'all make  y'all wait a few minutes till we get inside   to tell you what it is because I'm having to be  careful and protect this pocket from the rain but   you guys are going to love this let's go see it  so this museum is really in a cool building this   kind of feels like you're partially underground  and that's really cool because we're actually   going to go down into some caves with some really  really really old uh Cave wall paintings so we're   going to take a tour and learn a lot more about  it and then I'll be able to tell you a lot more   of the history but we are super excited so we  just toured the cave un un fortunately guys we   are not allowed to video or even take pictures  when we're inside of the cave but I got to tell   you it was magnificent and unbelievable one of the  most famous caves with cave art in it in the world   it's called Lasco uh now we are in an after room  where we will be able to film and show you some   bits and pieces where they've done some more uh  reproductions so I will show you some of that as   I tell you the bits I remember from the tour first  Lasco paintings were done about 21,000 years ago   a few things that make Lasco so famous are one  whenever it sealed itself up uh they don't know   when that was thousands of years ago it did it  so well that moisture didn't get in very few uh   stagma stag lights I can't remember what they're  called formed which means there was very little   moisture in there and the color was preserved in  incredibly well one of the most color preserved   cave art findings ever in the world so it is  beautiful to look at uh another thing is there   are symbols dots little graph looking kinds bars  zigzags they don't know what they are but they are   definitely connect Ed to different pieces of the  art they believe it's some sort of communication   that had started at that time another one is this  cave uh includes some animals that did not exist   in real life and when the cave was discovered  which I'm going to tell you how that happened   CU it's a very cool story in a few minutes uh  Pope came and he called this area the cine Chapel   of cave art which of course started to make it  famous and he named this mythical creature that   is at the very beginning of the entrance to the  beautiful art and he called it a unicorn it does   sort of resemble a unicorn except for it has two  horns but the the mythical creatures showing up   and then also the the tribe or the clan that  did this this artwork uh seems to be the only   ones that had animals with big bodies IES little  heads and little tiny legs so a little creativity   in the artwork here and then probably one of  my favorites is I think that our tour guide   told us that only three times in all of cave art  history have they discovered the color purple and   The Color Purple is bright and distinct in this  cave and it's used twice and it's used in some   of those symbols and uh they mix the red rocks  and the black rocks and then they had to burn   it but it is a distinct purple and Lasco has that  so with those cool things that makes Lasco one of   the most famous relative to other caves throughout  the region it is small um I mean we could easily   walk it in less than an hour and that's stopping  to admire everything some caves are kilometers   long this one was maybe 2 to 300 M long there  are portions of the cave that are designed for   anyone that walks in to see and then there are  little hidden sections where it looks like only   a Chosen Few were allowed to descend down into  a shaft and see some special art so it's a got   a lot of cool features to it I so wish we could  have filmed it for you but they just wouldn't let   us I'm going to show you as much as I can here  in this reproduction room and on that note let   me tell you the story of how it was discovered  so I told you the cave art was done 21 22,000   years ago and it was discovered in the 1960s by  four boys who were playing out in the field and a   tree had fallen over and underneath the tree stump  there was an opening and as little boys will do   they scurried down in there with just one little  tiny Gaslight and uh they discovered the cave now   what else you need to know about Lasco is for for  several years during the 60s they they did allow   people to access the cave as it was out in nature  in the in the the fields here but they started to   deteriorate quickly because of the oxygen and the  moisture getting into the cave after thousands and   thousands of years so they sealed it off only a  few scientists go in once or twice a year just to   check on things but before they did they went  in with electronic lasers and totally scanned   the entire cave system and they reproduced it  exactly within a millimeter everything is exact   so the cave that we just toured that I can't show  you is actually an identical reproduction of the   real thing and the real thing is protected and  will be saved forever and ever and the colors   will not fade so that is pretty epic now they  did a few more reproductions and that's the room   we're in now and that's what I'm showing you the  footage of so as our tour winds down there's one   last little tribute to the four boys playing  in the field that stumbled up on this [Music] thing and I think earlier guys I  had told you 1960 they discovered   it but it was 1940 it was in the  60s that they sealed it up again [Music] now what's interesting is once everything was  discovered and that part of their lives was   over they didn't see each other again till 40  years later and there they are none of these   boys are still alive today the last one passed  away just 2 years ago at the age of 93 but what   a find a day of playing in the field turned out  to be all right let's head back to the car guys   I will tell you that the cave and the paintings  and the museum were really captivating uh it   was just um really kind of surprising that how  ancient some of this stuff is and really to hear   the stories of what the different creatures  were the paintings and stuff like that but   I think what was more intriguing for me is to  imagine what they were trying to depict in the   pictures and of course there are some ideas or  some suggestions that they presented to us but   nobody really knows and so as thiso stuff goes  back it's like so many things that we look at   we really don't understand or comprehend but just  to imagine what was going on what it would have   liked to been in those caves and that type of  Lifestyle uh it's like nothing I can describe   so I think this was just an absolutely amazing  tour they did a really good job of recreating   the paintings the Cave the Ambiance of telling  the story absolutely riveting and so I hope you   guys enjoyed it but we're off tonight our next  adventure so we drw about 45 minutes north on   some beautiful windy roads through the Foothills  beautiful but so much rain we've made it to this   town that I will put on the screen because  I can't remember the name of it it starts   with a pee and we're going to grab some lunch  with Mike and Betsy and this town is stunning   right now we're on a little pedestrian street  and there's lots of little alleys and a big   beautiful church with round domes but first up  is definitely lunch Life Is Good Life Is Good   Life Is Good Life is good walking on the great  skies and it ain't fun some days you just wake   up and the sun don't come I take a deep breath and  meise I want to see the world brand new eyes don't   have much money in my pocket but I got what  I need I got my friends around the table my   family even way my don't work out like I thought  they would I know that know that know that life   is good life is good Life Is Good Life Is Good  Life Is Good lost beneath the dark sky the day   is done if I hold on through the night I know the  sun will come I'll take a deep breath and Reise   tomorrow I'll be walking under clear BL don't have  much in my pocket but I got what I need I got my [Music] friends so at first glance this church may not  look as as ornate as some of the others uh that   we've taken you into but to see from the inside  the onion looking domes and the architect texure   and the structure of the ceiling is amazing  and it's dark but I don't know if you'll be   able to see it but this wall back here is wood  carving with so much detail and the number of   detailed stained glass windows in this church  there's a lot of them and the chandeliers may   be my favorite it's just amazing how far they can  span for these Arch roof ways it really is just   something to behold and I hope you guys can see  this we're having a hard time seeing it because   of the darkness with this wooden sculpture a  snows side is incredible so as you guys know   it is pretty much been raining every day since  we've been in France for 4 weeks and down in this   southern region it has been really raining for the  last couple days and the rivers and the flooding   is apparent I'll try to show you right here but  uh there are flood warnings and people are out   just watching this River Rise yeah we watched  them toast some cars yeah there's a parking   lot down there by the river that's flooding and  they've been toying cars out there for safety you   can see those trees are on what's normally dry  land oh there's logs going down the river they   are definitely dealing with a flood here in this  town and you can tell the residents are concerned   before we wind this video down I want to take a  minute and tell you about our cool hosts for the   day Mike and Betsy yes they're family but they're  also Travelers like we are they just finished a   really cool segment of the Camino over in Spain  and they're slowly they're working their way up   to Paris before they head home to the stage to see  family but they're not staying home long they're   going to hit the road again and be back over here  doing more traveling I have a feeling you will see   them again in the future what a special visit I  got to say it's always nice to meet friends on the   road but to meet family it was an amazing visit  and we are thankful and we're also passengers   which is very very rare yes in a tiny little car  if you like this video be sure to subscribe to our   Channel and hit that notification Bell so you guys  know when we put out new videos and don't forget   you can always follow us over on Instagram to  see what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2024-01-10 03:49

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