We found incredible things behind this $ 1,890,000 Farm house

We found incredible things behind this $ 1,890,000 Farm house

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[Music] in this house you can listen to the fall spring winter and every other season it's a place like no other [Music] [Applause] hello everyone this is Sarah and Saif today we're going to show you this Majestic house this isn't just a normal property there's an endless features in this house so wait until the end so you can see everything welcome to 10989 River Line this amazing ranch sitting on 3.1 acreage so that's a lot of acreage for a house so you have a lot of private space for yourself and at the same time it's only 15 minutes away from chadam City and at the same time you have a waterfront and you have a forest line and a lot of trails let's go and check it out and here we're going to start with the entrance of this house there's a walk-in a closet and also there's a dining a dining area here a very a big spacious dining area uh if you can see this table is actually so big and fits almost like uh six seven eight eight people sitting on this table and also there's a lot of area left in this area they put some um some cabinets here there's a lot of natural lights as well look at the window yeah there's a like this is the most beautiful part of this dining area is the big window here of course and also if you're sitting or eating here on the on the on the table you're going to see the driveway and there's also the frontage of the whole house in front of you if you can see the columns right over here like did you notice how beautiful they are how beautiful they design makes a it gives like the area very unique touches uh makes it look very elegant you can see this is a very nice and unique Chandelier and there we go to the living area so as you can see the area is so spacious the windows are so big like the way they made the windows it's matching with the style of the ceiling yeah and and the windows are the ceilings are so high so this windows and the shape of it adds a very very nice touches to the uh to the space and also you have a ceramic fireplace very nice there is a glass cabinet on the each side of the fireplace with with the roof at the top so you can add some stuff that you like the most you can add them here they will look very beautiful and very neat and as you can see they add a piano here and there's also a lot of space left here if you can see the windows uh leads you to the backyard very huge backyard with a pool and a very nice sitting area which we're going to show you later in the video there's basically a lot of things to talk about in this specifically in this area and also in the kitchen and also I like the color of the ceramic here or surrounded the fire place matches everything with this with this house especially the walls the color of the C cabinets of the kitchen and also the flooring carpets and the tiles right here so for the color of the cabinets it's a dark tone cabinets it again like because of the space in this in this house there is a lot of cabinets there is one exposed cabinets right here with a glass window and right here look at this face like this your Petry so that's like a whole CL walking closet itself so that's a lot of space and it just put all of your stuff and you have one big fridge right here so and beside your one fridge here you have another one right inside and I really love that again I like the way they uh they they put the door right like matches with the tone of the cabinets that's really creative and you have a lot of amount of cabinets that are attached to the ceiling and uh you okay this a granite tub all over and very nice color as well and you have a big island right in the middle and I really like when they have the sink on the island not on there when the house is bigger usually they do that you have your dishwasher right here and again a lot of cabinets and lot of drawers in the island and if you look at it they do it like an l-shape at the same time you have an L-shaped lights right on top of it that's really interesting and right here you also have a little a little a little corner cabinets that's just to kind of have some place to uh to do your coffee and everything Sean I also not say the number of stools here and the lights pictures at the top they are a lot like they're not they're normally like less than this in couple houses that I've seen I agree again that's also comes to the space because this a place just a structure size itself even without the garage it's roughly around 4,000 s ft² sitting on 3.1 Acres with four bedrooms and 4 and 1 half bathrooms listed for 1.8 million 90,000 so they have a lot of room to do a lot of different stuff and even if you look at that's not it like within just this area you also have another door right here and that takes us to the sun room the sun room as well it's a spacious you can use it for a lot of different stuff you have a table dining table right here you have sitting right here and also have an exit to the backyard which we will show you later in the video and at the end of the kitchen there's an office room and this is the office so as you can see the office is actually a very good uh big area you can also make it as a bedroom if you want uh there's two good size windows in this in this area and also there's a slide door that separated this office from this bedroom so this also makes it like very easy to convert it into two bedrooms this is the another bedroom uh that also like you can sleep you can sleep here at the same time you can work there at the office going to be very close to you I think s that could be even like a a guest Suite like a little guest they have their own office their own bedroom and also full bathroom of course you can do that but you don't have to do it in this house because we do have a guest s completely separate in this house we're going to show you later in the video so here is the full bathroom that is leads to directly to this bedroom which makes it a master bedroom basically also this door is actually leads to the laundry room very huge space here they they added a lot of cabinets here sink looks like a kitchen here but it is not a kitchen there's a lot of cabinet there's a lot of storage here um this is the door for the garage and also this is a closet here and this is the second exit from this house to the driveway right away there's a lot of exits for this place like this is we have one here and we have couple more right there as well of course because it's a very huge house so right now let's go and take you to the master [Music] bedrooms and now let's show you the right side of the house which has one bedroom and one master bedroom with two bathrooms let's check it out so here we walk in you have this is like a shared area you have a closet right here you have one bedroom here a bathroom here and the master bedroom right here like this master bedroom is truly amazing and it has a lot of Windows like one two three big windows and you're just watching the the trees like you're watching the forest I really love the view right here like imagine you're sitting right here and you just see a deer or like skir walking right here and that's going to happen for sure and right now let me take you and guys just look at the space it's a very big area and looks very elegant with the whole colors like this house has a classic touch everything here is matches with the colors and with everything else so let's go right now and show you what we have right here like this is just it's like a whole thing by itself like this could be a whole sweet so right here you have double vinity with three mirrors and look at the shape like I really love it's like like Las vity and it's look like a flower I think is that what do you think yeah I think it looks like flower so it's very nice and also you have place here for her to sit and do the makeup and everything else so that's really nice and right here you can separate this from the bathroom so that's really nice as well you have a Jacuzzi right here with a window to the backyard but of course it's shaded so you cannot see and people cannot view everything so give you a lot of natural lights here's a Twilight and here you have a double standup shower that's really spacial you have also a lot of room and on this side you have like a like a shaded glass as well so it gives a lot of natural light so let's go right now to continue so this is the the walk-in closet like this is just by itself all Suite just right here between the bathroom the vanity and here your walking closet also a lot of good size and right here we have a full bathroom with a tab in here that's really nice as well and then this this this is like another bedroom in the floor right here with a big window and again very neat colors very elegant colors and you have a closet right on the left side it's a spacious very good size I like it now we're going to show you the garage this is a three attached garage here we have a half bathroom here only for this garage and also a side entrance for the side of the of the house and you have here a lot of windows so this the sunlight comes here every day and also this garage is actually heated so you wouldn't feel like so cold in winter in thisa s what is that door in the corner this is an ESS sued in this house which you can make it completely separate for the guest that you're having in your house let's show you and as you can see this Suite is completely separate here you have your full bathroom and also this is the living area which within open concept to the kitchen this is a very huge kitchen for a guest what do you think safe I think it's a very good space for some people like like I gu a guest or like a family member to live here it's a very good space and I think they took very good care of it and I like the fact that it has uh it's a very close to the to the exit of the house exactly and this is the bedroom for this unit and also they have uh a small walk-in closet in here that could fit for basically two or three people that's living in this suite and and also this bedroom has these very unique and nice uh design for the ceilings but at the same time you have your own space you can walk in very comfortable you can sleep and you can do whatever you want [Music] here and just to show you the scale of this house like all of this is your front yard and right here this is your driveway you have a three car attached garage at the same time like the driveway right here fits like 10 cars at least or even more because the driveway actually goes all the way to the end of the lot and again we also have a huge blackyard going to show it to you right now [Music] hello all right let's continue our tour so right here is your backyard again the backyard is spacious a lot of space it goes all the way from here to the water line right and no that and and that's not enough we also have a huge Barn right here on the barn itself got a huge garage two garages actually the one on the left is even bigger so like if you have a boat or if you have an RV you can easily pack it up right here in the barn and this is a second one right here so we'll go in a little bit and show you the barn look at this space like here basically you can do have whatever you want it could be like a garage to fixing vehicles or it could be a like a entertainment place because again keep in mind this place has a lot of Windows lights at the same time it's hey you have like a hey unit right here I'm pretty sure the using is for like as a gym as well at the same time you can play some gold right here so do you want to try I'm very good in Gold by the way are you yes I am I'm not sure if that means it's good or bad but no judge we hit a ball so that's on the right side where you have where we have the big door and uh so right here if you can see like big Jag right here so like if you're a mechanic or if you're knowing cars or like you have like a passion of fixing pling Vehicles this a place definitely for you what do you think Sarah it's very nice also like the the the door of This Barn is very huge so if you have very huge uh machines that you can enter in here whatever whatever uh whatever the case may be this is going to be a very great fit for you and it could be also a place to store all of your toys like if you have a jet ski if you have like whatever kind of vehicle you have a boat the pl yeah exactly and this is your barbecue area it's a very nice place and again you have your little friend right here beside you it's really amazing and this is the rest of the backyard Sarah what do you think about the backyard the backyard is very nice especially in summer you have your own pool here it's very private these trees will grow very fast in summer and also on the on that side you have very huge trees that going to separate you from the neighbors and you had this huge Lots it's all for this house this is just a chilling area where you swimming in this huge pool here and looking all around for this beautiful garden at the backyard and did I tell you there's an endless features in this house there we go there's a chicken Cub here at the back of the of the barn of the house that's very nice there's a lot of them in here and also you have a shed at the back as well and I noticed there is a shed at the back that one is specifically for the wood that if you want to make a fire here or something makes you keeps you warm and stuff there basically a lot of things you need you'll find in this house that's amazing imagine wake up in the morning taking your breakfast in the sun room then just walking out giving some food to the chickens I think that's really amazing this is very nice very beautiful it actually gives you the the wildlife at the same time you are only 15 minutes away from the downtown of chadam exactly a lot of privacy and a lot of fun and here actually you have some space if you like if you like a planting you can plant some trees or some veggies right here and that's also like another feature and if that's not enough just wait until we show you the river and before we show you the river just make sure you subscribe to our Channel and if you like it leave us a comment and like I think they apply some Tomatoes here at the back is that broccoli I think that's a broccoli you can make a whole salad from here and the best thing about it the C CS are protecting protecting everything it's just missing a couple dogs here and look at the trees like the am of trees right here like in the summertime or in fall which we are right now like look at all these like tree leaves falling from the trees that's amazing you can also add a lot of stuff in this a lot you can add a tennis or football or if you like a pool you can even like build a pool like another in ground pool right here just like the neighbors the neighbors have like a vol field right here that's really amazing and now let's continue to my favorite area which is our Waterfront right here and this is the fire bit you can sit here you have your own area for your wood and this is where you can open your fire and this this area is going to be so warm and also there is a I think we actually can camp here like if someone loves camping they just going to bring a tent right here and they can take this place for their own why not yeah right and on the left side you also like you have your kids a playground so they can play here and have some fun at the same time you have a boat so you can take out your boat put it in the river and have some fun in the river as well or maybe take a swim right here and one of my of my favorite place beside like this is my favorite place but my favorite spot in this place it's going to be right here like just sitting right here by the water on your cat behind you and just relaxing and don't forget that we are in fall right now so all the leaves are falling from the trees so imagine this this area and some what a beautiful place going to be and here is your own little Beach right in front of the river so this really amazing like imagine here you have like your kids playing you can go for a swim right here so like you have your your own Beach it's a very it's very it's very private actually with a lot of trees surrounding the whole place you have nobody run front of you so basically this whole area just for yourself you can go take a swim a boat fishing right here depends on whatever you love doing what I really love about this house is the Privacy privacy is a really big thing when you buy 3.1 acre house that's what you're going to get a lot of privacy a lot of areas this place is magical really there's everything you could think of right here and just listening to the sound of the water the sounds of the of the wind all this piece it's amazing you can't get it anywhere [Music] else thanks for watching I want to give a huge thanks to the owner and the listening agent C and the listening broker John realy for making this video happens and if you have any questions about this house reach us out our number is going to be on the screen and don't forget if you like this video subscribe to the channel like this video and see this next video [Music]

2023-11-16 18:14

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