VLOG 014 | Alishan

VLOG 014 | Alishan

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foreign Christmas Eve and we're heading up to the mountains for the weekend according to Google Maps it should take us about an hour and 48 minutes but we're not in a rush so we're going to take our time and enjoy the view along the way [Music] foreign spotted a nice little tea shop on the side of the road so we decided to take a little break before moving on [Music] [Music] what are you ordering that I post with Jim peanut butter strawberry nice so the cream one sweet cream one peanut butter would you like to try oolong milk tea [Music] okay sure yep we went together with other two just get to get something you want I mean huh um yeah it's definitely a nice place to relax and take a couple selfies before moving on foreign [Music] there's a shop there that's quite famous for its lunch boxes so we're gonna stop off and get something to eat foreign difficult to find a spot to eat so we're just gonna get take out this place is also very famous for its all style markets so we're just gonna take a walk through the area and see what interesting things we can find oh [Music] [Music] Donuts [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] hike up one of the trails because tomorrow morning early tomorrow morning we want to catch the Arizona train up to the viewing point for the Sunrise it's just quite a past four but it's getting dark so I'm not really sure how far we could go or how much we can a record today it's also getting very cold [Music] thank you foreign [Music] to go back hungry it's so tired you don't want to talk what do I need cabbage Cabbage Mountain cabbage uh I'm looking forward to what fried deer was it this fried deer just right there I thought it was like fried deer noodles or something like that no just fried you need all the rice vegetables well every time we go you always eat a lot of starch yeah we came onto a park but it looks nice but there's not that much to do here right now plus it's getting quite dark and we're hungry and cold so I think we should probably get back to get something to eat rest up and then rest up and then um uh get ready for tomorrow morning that's the main event I think it'll be very cool I'm guessing a lot of people will be there though yep we need to wake up at five and we need to go to a train station at 5 30. how long is the train there I do not know hopefully that we could stay there like an hour or something yes sir foreign yeah I guess you should check the timetable some people just walk back the person said it only takes 15 minutes to come back ah but we can't walk down because we already got two-way tickets so but I guess if we missed the train we could just walk back I guess but we just waste some money we just don't have breakfast but I don't think you'll be a big deal because he must be Chinese breakfast country country and Country I really hate kanji but at least we have um Family Mart in our family right goodbye something at 7-Eleven then [Music] walking is part of the experience foreign [Music] race against me there are a few Sunrise viewing areas the first one is here at dwaygauge station another one is a bit further south to get there you'd have to hike for another 15 to 20 minutes I've heard it's supposed to be more beautiful but I don't want to risk it I'm going to sit up here and see what kind of photos we can get at this spot there's a lot of grass in the frame which is a bit of a Pity because I'll have to crop in a bit to get just the mountains in the distance but let's see what kind of shots we can get foreign as the sun rose higher in the sky the colors began to change and created a completely different feeling [Music] I decided to include some grass in this one I didn't really know where the sun would be rising from so I ended up adjusting the gobra a couple times sorry oh [Music] foreign [Music] viewing platform try to get a nice time lapse of the sunrise but I don't think it came out that well but we're here for three days so maybe tomorrow we can try another Lookout hungry let's get some food first and plan the rest of the day still pretty early foreign [Applause] we're going to send more station takes about 15 minutes something like that [Music] So the plan for today is we're gonna start our journey at the alisan station take the train all the way up to the sacred tree station and then from there we're gonna hike through some of the trails we're probably going to head towards the shannoning service area to take a break get something to drink and use the bathroom and then from there we're gonna head towards the sisters Pond which is quite a popular area to visit in the audition area then after that we're just going to hike through some other Trails all the way back and end our journey where it began looking at the map it doesn't look like we did all that much but I can tell you that while we were on a hike it really felt like we covered a lot of distance and we were very tired at the end of the journey foreign [Music] [Music] we're heading up to the Jewish and sunrise observation deck in the past the alisan train went up to this point but it seems like it was closed down for repairs so now to get there you'll have to first stop off at dwaygauge station then hike for about 20 minutes I read online that the most beautiful point is actually at a place called Charlie Wilson but that would be another 20 minute height I don't think we'd make it on time for the sunrise and I don't even know if the trail is open now almost there remember I was complaining about grass being in the frame last time well this time we have a couple of trees in the way I think we'll manage though if you're planning to visit alisan I would recommend downloading the alisan app it's quite useful it has the sunrise and sunset times along with the sunrise location according to Time of the Year I wish I had known about this app a little bit earlier it also has a ticket information and you can find the arrival and departure times of each line or as well as the price the app also provides a virtual tour of the different attractions at the park again very useful when you're planning your trip it has a lot of other functions but I think the most usual one would be the sunrise and sunset times [Music] all right we're heading back now now this place was not exactly what I expected I thought it would be much better than the first one uh it was all right I just expected a little bit more and we had to hike for another extra 20 minutes to get here so a little disappointed I guess but um when I get home I'm gonna try to edit my photos and see if I got a good Sunrise shot because I think I got some good photos but they look similar to the ones I got yesterday all right what do you think which one is better this this top or the last one they are listening to me but it's quite interesting because one of those guys he was selling wooden up each one costs six thousand dollars and then he said when she was familiar who can live 30 years small six thousand for 30 years but it's a good partner but I don't want to live for that long so to get to this point you can take a take a train to what's the name of the stop yeah yeah you could take a train to Durango station and then hike up another 20 minutes to this one or you can pay for a tour and about 300 for a tour per person and uh you can pay for the tour the bus is going to drive you directly to that place so you don't have to hike and you get um the tour guys are also like trying to rile up the people and they're telling jokes and stuff like that A Man Called Jesus it's quite funny yeah I mean it's quite it's quite funny would I pay the money to take the the bus I would only take the bus if I thought that we would miss the sunrise but I think the hiking time was okay we got there and after 20 minutes we got there and it took another like 15-20 minutes for the sun to rise so it's fine but I felt like dying walking up the hill though so hey is that our training and then you can choose if we miss the last ring we'll have to head down [Music] finally back to Jackie I'm gonna try to get a train to get back home and that will be it for our trip see you in the next one I guess a lesson I learned from this trip was that even if something doesn't go exactly as you had expected it to it can still turn out to be something beautiful

2023-02-07 05:32

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