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[Music] so we left grimado we drove through another tourist very busy town called Canelo we have now made it about an hour down the road to a town called Sao Francisco De Paula something like that and uh we're gonna Camp here out by a park along a lake just outside of town and do a little research because Curt thinks he stumbled up on a possible hike just outside of this town we don't know for sure we got to do a little more investigating but this is our camp location or at least our camp Town got to find our actual parking spot we're going to call it a day this town is more our speed right Kurt [Music] what you doing Bob so big mean German Shepherd dog I shouldn't say mean because he was very well mannered but we've seen plenty of dogs like that that are basically cat eating dogs and G really can only spot a little friendly playful dog and a cat eater and uh he sat tight but the owner had him leashed up and it was a very well disciplined dog so no issues ah so we found a nice relaxing place a bit out of the city this is in a big Park and there is a walking sidewalk that goes around the whole lake it's a pretty big lake nice Lake kids playing soccer at one end there's a bunch of geese down there hopefully we can get some shots of those we'll see but the van is parked right there there's a lot of people out this evening walking their dogs just strolling around the lake clearly it's a neighborhood place and there's also a lot of bikes there's a few cumbies around here which are quite popular in Brazil and there's a couple that have been looking for parking spots and have found them around the lake but it got up close to 80 degrees today earlier when we were up in gromato but it is cooling down in the evening and it is a really really comfortable temperature out here the sun's coming down and you can see the lake is relatively flat and glassy we have a nice spot here in nature and we're kind of down in a little canyon if you will we drove down some elevation to get here you guys will be happy I am Snow's got the walking sticks out we're here at the trail of eight waterfalls and we're pretty stout to get out in the nature we've been uh hung up in an apartment for a couple weeks and then we spent some time up there in gramado in the city so we are excited to get out here in the nature and you can see here what we have eight waterfalls I think snow is going to be able to make two or three of the waterfalls it's a little bit of a cool day today probably in the low 60s it's been getting warm in the Sun laughs all right they're called something different here a few of you have told us in the comments I cannot remember the name arakara tree or something like that but this is the Brazilian version of the monkey puzzle tree that we showed you in Chile and you got to be careful where you pick it up because it's sticky and they are beautiful trees so we get to walks amongst those it also looks like there's some Cedars and or Pines through here and immediately the trail just starts heading straight down all right I know from hiking on these types of trails before first of all this ground is kind of a clay surface and second of all it's filled with these roots and then third there's all these pine needles so those three things individually make for a slippery track so any one of them compounded even makes it more so so snow you need to be very careful as you walk down through here choose your steps wisely all right guys it's been a long time since we've been on a trail that has this information much information but we can see right here how far it is how much we have to climb how far we have to go down and some of the trails off to the right look pretty heavy duty but our first trails are going to be the ones off to the left here and you can see they're all the lowest ranking number one except the second it does look like it has a little obstacle on the trail the first one's about 860 meters from here we probably had a couple hundred meter mostly downhill to get to this so we're going to the next two if you can see here where is the name romanzo in Escondido they're right here all right initially the condition of this Trail is really good this is a wide Trail as you guys if you for those of you who've been following along you know that we came through a lot of rain within the last few days uh but it has been Sunny for a couple days now a little water coming trickle coming down through there and I think this is going to give snow a little pause because this is pretty much it's not super steep but it is all downhill it's not flat so that means it's you're gonna have to come up this and uh that's the hardest part and is this path meanders on down here it looks like we have a river crossing in the bridge and I see a sign to Escondido which is the second waterfall so maybe if we look up here to the left of this opening we'll get a glimpse of our first waterfall ah there's the sign nice [Music] [Music] steady wrap me up [Music] I will love you [Music] let the years [Music] [Music] to work all right waterfall number one completed the second one is Escondido and as you guys can see we have a bit of a rickety Bridge Crossing followed by some stairs snow will evaluate once we get to the top and see if she's going to press on to complete this journey on number two look at this guys so this stream right here that's cascading down through these giant Boulders is the connect gonna connect down there with the river that we just crossed but this this is gorgeous up in here wow absolutely stunning this Trail just keeps getting better and better as we kind of meander up along the stream right here we have some filtered light coming through and obviously this is always a wet environment with all the the mossy rocks fungus is growing on the trees and you can just feel that sun when you get in a little Sun spot just feels like a big heater lighting up but really enjoying this Trail this morning guys this was therapeutic and exactly what we needed to kind of kick start the next leg of our journey through Brazil so excited for Brazil and the diversity that it has to offer all right we're reaching that point where we gotta Monitor and make sure snow can make it back out of here I went ahead and scouted it's still a little bit to go not Out Of Reach but this last little bit is very technical and so get up here and give her the news and see what she wants to do about it here but when we get together [Music] we can't watch the sunrise been a long night but I'm still fighting I'm not staying down low I'm pushing past the edge [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] feeling all right the world is changing right now ready all night gonna take flight and we awaken the dreams I'll never forget today [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a good day [Music] thank you [Music] till we get together Gonna Be Good Vibes we can do whatever gonna be good times it's been forever [Music] it's a good day [Music] good day coming yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a good day sweet like honey yeah yeah yeah yeah gotta keep on keep on running yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a good day good day good good so worth it We Are Climbing our way out of the canyon it was worth it but it's gonna be slow and steady to the top we are not gonna film the whole way out just trust me it's Steep and it's probably four football fields don't you think three or four a little bit further than that well we've already done a football field it's a little bit more than that all right fine six football fields to get out of here up the hallway all right turn the corner came out by the trail signs and right ahead there she is I made it back to the van Kurt hustled on up to the van there because he's gonna make us some lunch then we'll be getting on the road what a fun morning what you whipping up Chef Boyardee well we got a little chicken onions Ginger going in cauliflower broccoli so we're gonna have a little Asian stir fry sounds yummy so during season it looks like this place has a little restaurant some little Cabanas it cost 30 realis a piece to get in here so what is that six dollars six dollars a piece twelve dollars to do that nice hike plus they let us fill up our water tank so pretty good deal we are still in the small little city of uh San Francisco we're gonna get groceries at the little local grocery store looks like a decent grocery store huh we like the baby bananas [Music] we stocked up on groceries a full load vegetables meat cleaning supplies everything right at 100 US dollars so 500 Brazilian realis now we got to get it all put away find a campsite call it a day we got our campsite picked out finished the next town over which is just a little bit before our next adventure and I think if this campsite works out we will be camping in the parking lot of a tourist information center looks like a pretty regularly used over landing spot let's go see how it works it's this yeah what is your name again Mateos and where are you from Brazil Brazil all right right here yeah all right cool so again tell me what are the good Canyons to do over here it's very [Music] good you're awesome thank you all right Snow's back here dumping footage for those of you who don't know what that means she takes all the little chips out of all the video cameras and she drags them onto the computer and sorts them into folders and gets them ready for them to go into the edit and at the grocery today they had these cooked baked potato or sweet potatoes they were baked sweet potatoes so I got a couple of those mashed them up here so I got that and then here with a little ground beef and some onions I'm gonna make a little like topping for that and of course that'll go for a couple days so probably have some tacos but anyway I got some really nice sweet peppers at the grocery store as well and I've got some onions and garlic and some other spices going in here maybe go a little current Direction with it don't know we'll see how it works out but anyway good to be back in the van we're parked here at the community center and tomorrow we have some huge events planned we're going to some Canyons yeah good morning everyone Welcome to our camp spot for the night we stayed here at this little Community Center Casta de tourist terista and you can see there's a sign for the canyon that's one we're headed to not today we're going to a different one today and there on the side is the Azul J and it's a blue jay but it's from down here and yet you can see that big seed in his mouth is from the monkey tree and I keep calling them monkey trees because I can't pronounce the normal name you guys are used to seeing those trees by now if you've been watching but we're going to be on the lookout for some of those but we're going canyoning today we're super excited let's get on the road so the guy at the tourist office yesterday said we could not fly drones in this area without permission and there was a language barrier and Google translate wasn't doing such a great job but we think he told us down here in this building so Kurt has gone inside to see what he can figure out hopefully we'll be allowed to use the Drone we know Drone footage looks really amazing and gives a whole other View there's a lot of rules and regulations you don't just pop up a drone what's the Drone verdict all right so there's signs here that to use the Drone we have to go online and we have to register and get approved to use the Drone best I can tell we don't need a physical address we don't need a specific Brazil ID we can register here and then they'll email us back like a certificate or something to fly it all right all right more Tire issues they never seem to end but we've got a leaky valve stem and it's been haunting us for a while the problem is a lot of places we've been to well every place we've been to doesn't have the right valve stem to replace this so hoping either these guys do or they can figure something out but looks like they're going to have to pop the tires off and check it out all right guys it didn't take him any time at all to get that valve stem changed out not sure why the other places had an issue he had none and what we're doing is getting all the tires checked and rotated so this will be a good deal get everything fixed up maintained it's the key you got to keep stuff maintained keep the wheels rolling the tires are all aired up the valve stem is fixed we're feeling pretty good about that stop it cost eight US Dollars we gave them 10 and a big giant thank you we're back on track you may not have noticed until I started talking and now you hear it the bumps in the background we are back on the dirt roads we are headed out to one of two canyons in this area and from what we understand we can walk right up to the rim of this thing and show you just how beautiful it is we've only seen pictures but we can't wait to get there and that is where we're gonna leave you for this video see you guys in a few days from the rim of a canyon cheers guys if you like this video be sure to subscribe to our Channel and hit that notification Bell so you guys know when we put out new videos and don't forget you can always follow us over on Instagram to see what's going on in between videos cheers guys [Music]

2023-08-16 05:29

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