USA VLOG my first trip to seattle, olympic national park, bookstores, bainbridge island

USA VLOG  my first trip to seattle, olympic national park, bookstores, bainbridge island

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Good morning everyone from Seattle.  Kurt and I have been here for a couple days,   I will tell you all about what we've gotten  up to in a bit. But we actually have to run because   we are going to a glass making class. This is  my first time in Seattle, Kurt's second time?   Third time? Second time. And yeah we're just  going to explore. Kurt is here for work so I'm  

going to have 3 days here pretty much by myself  so I'm going to take you guys all around but   anyway before we head to our glass class - if you  would like to see our first glass experience when   we fell in love with glass blowing, you can watch  our Venice Vlog - but before we head out I want   to give a shout out to the sponsor of this video  which is Skillshare because I'm trying to get back   into the kind of hands-on art scene. All of these  hobbies that I pick up and put down, I'm trying   to get more serious about them. So Skillshare is an online learning platform that has classes ranging   from needle point to how to start an online business - really anything you could think of.   They also have something called learning paths where they kind of curate - they take   a bunch of their classes, put them into one learning path so that you can kind of have   this focused collection of classes for one goal. So like I mentioned I'm attempting to  

get back into drawing and they have a really great - specifically this one instructor I'll   put him up here, has incredible art classes he has just a wealth of knowledge that's so great. So   because it is summer, if you are trying to start a new new hobby, I really recommend like getting   a hands-on creative project going. t's just been good for mental health, getting out of your head   working with your hands - highly recommend  Skillshare. So you can use my link there will   be one in the description box, first 500 people to click it will get one month free of Skillshare.   I also have classes on there about YouTube if you are interested which will also be linked   in the description box. Just a really wonderful service so thank you as always to Skillshare but  

our current hands-on activity is glass blowing. I'm not sure if I'm going to actually film much   of it because working in a glass workshop is intense and hot and scary but yeah I will catch   you guys a little bit later. We might head to an island today. There's so much to do. We definitely   don't have enough time to see it all but we're excited, so welcome to Seattle and come along! Back from glass, heading out to find  food. We are liming a lot so I cannot  

safely film and lime so I will see you at the docks! Captain's Log from Bainbridge. So so cute. It reminds me a lot of Cape Cod ,except more Pine   treey. We were riding electric bikes so we couldn't talk - I couldn't film I don't film and   bike. Stunning! Trees - so tall. Now we're going to go look at some kitchy souvenir stores, possibly a bookstore and if we miss this ferry there's  another one so yeah, just so cute I will put   the - what's it called - the route that we took  because it was very beautiful so :)   is there a real one? where? how handy! Good morning everyone from very noisy  downtown Seattle. It's 6:30am, I'm heading out   on a hiking trip by myself. It's the first day  of Kurt's conference and so I am - also just like   lovely downtown by the way, very green - but first I need some protein and let's get a bagel! Okay I   popped into a quieter hotel lobby to wait for the bagel shop to open and just to catch you up on what went down. So we arrived on Friday afternoon. By the time we got into our room we were very  

sleepy so we took a little nap and then we  just kind of wandered to get our bearings.   We went down to the market which was packed - it was like Friday at 4 so and yeah just kind of understood the area and then on Saturday we also kind of had a   lazy day. We rode our bikes over to Lake Union. I thought it was kind of a stereotype in Twilight   where it's on a sunny day everybody comes out and like sunbathes but it was true, Lake Union   was packed with people in bikinis. Got Molly Moon's ice cream as recommended, thank you. That   was kind of it for Saturday and then Sunday was beautiful. We did a tour actually with the group  

that I'm going with today, we did a tour of Snoqualmie Falls. It was stunning and then we went to three   different wineries or like wine tasting rooms because Washington is famous for its wine which   Kurt loves and they don't export it so the only way that you can really try Washington   wine is in Washington. The tour was really great and so we're hoping that, I'm hoping that this  one is fun as well. And yeah the bagel place just opened so I'm going to go get some. It's going to

be a full full day - so excited to take you  with me. Let's go Olympic National Park! Okay friends hello, we've made it. The guide is amazing. I'm getting so much knowledge   in my little brain. Guys it's so pretty. Yeah just be prepared for lots of green. I don't know  

how much more talking I will do because I'm just listening and off we go. Oh and also I'm just   so happy that we got to see the fog. This is very - apparently July is like this in Seattle or   Pacific Northwest, like still very bright and sunny but I'm used to the stereotypical foggy gray, kind   of wanted to see that. So the fact that we got the ferry right through the fog bank so nice so   so anyway - finding a restroom, finding Visitor Center, finding Moss is what we want, Moss. Got to check my Iceland Vlog if you  want more foss, more waterfall content. Okay we're back at The Visitor Center. Time for lunch. Took such a  

deep nap. It has been just such  a nice day. I'm definitely   forest bathing, got my got my green fix. Hurricane Ridge. Gorgeous, snow still  on the mountains. But we've got to race   home, there was traffic, got to catch  our ferry. We'll see if we catch it but :) We're home! Okay just before I hop in the shower, I - now the air conditioning turns on -   that tour was so fun. It was seven people  myself included and then the tour guide.  

We went to a couple different places in Olympic National Park and it was just - we had   no cell phone service for like the entire  day, I fell asleep in the car so many times,   it was just so wonderful to just unplug, get into nature, talk to some strangers who   were all just like jolly. I also think that like tour guides, going on a tour - I never used to be   other than like historical places I guess like I typically will go on like a guided tour but   I never thought like for nature, it's not a top  priority but I'm slowly becoming obsessed   with tours. Our Iceland tour was just so good. And it's all kind of about the tour guide and I   think that what is so funny about tour guides is that they act a little silly, like the puns,   dad jokes, you know - they have to kind of like set a mood that allows everyone else to be silly.  

We, by the end of it, we were all cracking jokes, we had inside jokes you know like it was just   he was so extroverted and silly that it gave us permission to be silly and I think that that   really helped the trip. And yeah it was just great vibes the whole time. Perfect weather. It's   one of those things that like I couldn't, I can't  capture it like I've looked back on my footage   and it's like beautiful but it does not capture it. So please if you have the opportunity please   go - I will link it all down below but just a really great day. So I was gone, they picked me up at 7:15am  

I got home at 7, it's now 7:45pm so it's a long day, a lot of being in the car but it's gorgeous   just looking out the car window so yeah I just had a really really wonderful time and tomorrow   is our bookstore day. I'm so excited for it but I've got a shower and I got to go to sleep early. I'll   catch you later but thanks for coming along on that one, that was really nice. See you tomorrow! Okay a successful stop at Elliott Bay books but I think that I confused one of the workers there   because I - they have like a frequent stamp card and I filled a lot of it up and I didn't want   to just like leave without having used it so  I asked if I could go back into the stacks and   like hide it in a book and I guess I didn't  need to ask her, maybe I shouldn't have asked her, but she was very confused and sort of like  didn't want me to leave the coupon card but   I was like, I want to spread the wealth so I went back and I hid it so hopefully   sometime today - I post it on my book Instagram so hopefully someone will see it and grab it   and now I'm heading to Twice Sold Tales  which is another bookstore but it has   cats and then I think I need to sit down  and get a coffee, a sweet treat but yeah   I was in Elliott Bay for over an hour so good thing I only walked out of there, I got   small books, short little story collections  and stuff so anyway successful day already! No one get mad at me for not getting - what is it? Piroshky Piroshky? There's a lot of things I want to eat in here but I'm   alone and I'm not starving. It's very hot so  I like don't want hot food. Anyway I'm going  

to like slowly meander home. I think I'm  going to stop if it's still open in the   bookstore and uh...why did that song just  like turn off my brain? And yeah maybe hit Target? Okay after a quick and much   needed nap, cuz it's really hot outside  it's like 90 I think it's, what is it 30?   I am rested enough. I'm going to head out and get myself an ice cream. Kurt has a dinner  

with his like work colleagues today so I think I'm just going to eat the rest of my pasta   but we'll see, I'm excited to get we're going to go get some matcha ice cream! Good morning from another just unreal gorgeous day in Seattle. It's Kurt's last day of his conference.   I'm hitting a couple more bookstores. First we're going to a coffee shop that   our tour guide for the winery recommended - shout out to marjorie. Getting coffee, taking a nice   long walk instead of taking a scooter. I'm going to stroll so that I can see more things, take my time... we love street musicians. Okay ghost espresso!

Okay before I hop into another bookstore  because I took a lime all the way up here   to Mercer Street books - Arundel Arundale? I didn't actually look at the name of that   bookstore...I think her name was Claire, the  woman working there, oh my God I wanted to move in. Everyone - there were three other  people in there - all were like such book   nerds, we were chatting, she gave great  recommendations, she gave me an old map of all of the Indie bookstores. It was just seriously  the sweetest experience. I think I kind of like   missed a bit with Elliot Bay and Left Bank  books, like the warmth of the book sellers it   was maybe just an off day but Arundel  made up for it, oh my that was highlight of   the trip, highlight of the trip. And now we're on Mercer Street to go to Mercer Street books   wouldn't you know. And I'm just riding high. We might be going to a baseball game tomorrow   to get the full American experience but I could leave now and be happy. I could have left 2 days  

ago and been happy. Thank you Seattle, you are treating me very well. Ooh an Irish Pub! Okay focus. Oh hey I didn't talk at all today because it was kind of our last day here and we were just walking   around. We went up to like the university area but now we got to go, we're going to a Mariners vs Astros game with a couple of Kurt's co-workers are joining and let's go! Guess who forgot about bag policies  at large events. Oh I found my husband.   Okay, I had to go put it in a locker, we're fine, game on, go anyone but the Astros. Okay oh my goodness hi everyone we are back. I don't know why the light is like doing the   line thing but we're back. The Mariners lost, too bad so sad. It is sad. We were surrounded by

very nice Mariners fans and we hate the Astros but it was a good game. Went with two of Kurt's   colleagues - their first baseball game ever, not even in Korea, so I'm glad that they got to   at least see - somebody started a wave, I mean, all the classics. We saw all the hits. There   were fireworks afterwards and then I noticed that - oh my God I'm going to pronounce her   name wrong. I, like, I've said her name since I was a child as Inida and it's not - Idina  

Menzel. She was having a concert right next  to our hotel room and - here maybe this will help   the light - she was having a concert right  next to our hotel room, I noticed in the car   and I was like man jealous, wish I could have  been there. And then when we were coming back   everyone was getting out of the show and I had just said to Kurt, man wish we could have gone and   these angels - Kurt give me yours - these angels in the elevator were like oh my god did you guys   guys just come from the concert and I said no I really want to go - without even me having anything   to exchange with them, they gave me friendship bracelets that they made. One says drama queen   and one says Defying Gravity. This one's for Kurt. Thank you! He already had it on. Oh my gosh love  

it. Needless to say Seattle, I got dippin dots, a smashing success. Seattle we're very happy here.   I also felt very cool that I could get us from  the stadium to our hotel on a lime without   looking at my map. I knew the cross streets so that's a win for me. And I'm a little bit   dehydrated so I'm going to - we also got a home pod mini - I'm going to go drink some water   and finish packing because we're going to fly home early in the morning and we dodged the tech   blackout whatever the heck that was that caused all the flights to be canceled. So really Seattle   you're just on my good side so yeah thank you all so much for all of your recommendations. This trip really would have been very different  without it and I expect us easily to be   back. This was a city that was new to both me and Kurt, relatively, Kurt's been here once before but   in terms of exploring it, a totally new place  in the US for me. So that was really exciting  

and I really liked it. I really loved it so - I'm not sure, Kurt's ready to go home, Kurt's like   he's tired of traveling and he wants good Korean food. I could stay, I could absolutely stay. But   yeah I'm going to end the video here because it's just going to be us on an airplane tomorrow and   yeah I think that what made the trip extra fun is all of the things that we got to   try, like I said we did glass making, going on  hikes, things like that so yeah I want to give   a shout out again to Skillshare. If you have  something new that you want to try, it really  

does just reinvigorate you to try new things so definitely Skillshare is the place to check out   this summer. I will have a link in the description box for the first 500 people to use it will get   one month free of Skillshare. Thank you so much for sponsoring this video. The best day. So   all right I'm going to leave you here. Our next  video will be in Seoul, we will be back home. We   apparently missed torrential flooding downpour like we missed it all. Wish I could fit in   another ferry ride but we'll just have to come back. So thank you as always, see you in Korea bye!

2024-07-29 07:28

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