Trade, Travel and Tourism Committee - SAP - 8/1/23

Trade, Travel and Tourism Committee - SAP  - 8/1/23

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So that brings us to comment. This line up. What is it? Done. Like to sleep on that 123. Of Greek fire. 35. I'm really sorry about that. That's my property.

It's not. There's a problem with that department commissioner. In our stories, right National Number two is concerned about.

On track. You guys are making that they're involved. These are enemies. United States, you guys. Jobs too. They want to attack everybody. Jobs You guys

brilliance earned that over the less Angeles month shut up. Right? This branch. Doesn't he fingered? There's there. Arrange the autographs and do that extra. Personal property or try and figure out the loss. Over

there for the last several seconds. They don't belong. I do. Bill over there are blocked. But you don't say most of the houses. Things like that. It's a real serious problem up there to Los Angeles. This isn't something for you guys to be funny. It's not something for you guys to be saying, Hey, I want to build stuff. Very

seriously entire world economy. Yes, jeopardized by you guys. Those cruise ship companies need to go to I see them. Breaking

into the pipelines. Steel oil That's a big problem over there and undoing the pipelines reconfiguring stealing oil. Yeah, they don't have enough points to run there. Yes, there.

That's terrible trouble. Also at the airports. There's some concern about. Airport and whether or not Should be allowed to build their or whether or not somebody is allowed to self obsession. Ah really concerned

about the contracts of about the airport. A lot of international exposure. A lot of bad guys. Cesar. That really take on Yeah. You know that notion. Immigration of. Problems going

on over there, but tourism and that would be really concerned. Stuff that maybe this. I don't like the investment. Better investing over there. They're

going good. That's industrial that somebody trying to sell? The speed and rate beyond. There's no business has never been Just buildings have always been can. Bottom, right? Great. How much I always said. You got it. With a card. 23.

That's it. Tracy work duty Free car shop. What is that Oscar's back? You are Great. Thank you.

We will agree on everything. Cars House. Master. Great gas prices. You see the main spirit?

Why is it so high? 23. Corrupt correct corrupted this one. Mhm boy across your. Okay? Also recognize People are. Every

20 miles. Got you. Why? Another black ops. Somebody efforts swing. Probably here. An average $5 every 20 miles. Here's where about. Wow.

Bullshit. Yes. I know. Sure. He's doing it now. While much either. And again. Sport right? Good news. Caruso's ability. Wanted texted a Gracie 95. Alright. Next step three family.

I got. Oh, The fight. Okay? Next up. But I But By sleep. Good morning. Right? Like. Right? Little bit more about. Go ahead from my Got it. Right? You guys

have opportunities to Like this. Good morning economics. So I would use. Countries. We were out there. Hello. I am. Yeah I don't number one breakdown. Bullshit about

And. When I'm sitting alone. It's all right. And I'm like, dude. Political It's fine. What you Energy. Big fighters. More. Notice the dog. The item 67.

Bullying is when you That structure. Like. Okay? Build itself contracts. Tom Bradley never had that. Rally wanted quite like work. I'm not working. What am I doing here? Protecting the interests of the problem, People big cat 76565 for the record, FBI. What do I

do this Because No other Jim may cost would dare. The FBI. What you throw away? No. That's the reason. Yes sir. Check their tourism. I think you got five samples. I'm sorry to speak.

Yeah, right. Number five portable attention client service during the bit construction wall. We only know that Department of public works.

The old Dominator isn't taking contract is job. That's the reason why we have settlements. So many life early charges against city. Course. Argue. The

fact of life. No offense to anyone. Black. I was like motherfucker, but went back to nature. I know when I racially

profiled jacket. Yeah I got all my knowledge and public comments. Stacy what you love. I got three minutes walking on the general public, and now you ask me to stay on topic. Diane. Tell

her you go kicker. Tolerance is on top, Did it? Based on this. Why Why are we not fit? Thomas Bridge Billion dollars Bridge right behind you, but almost fucking hums. I don't know what to do on Wednesday when you're pumping yourself to work, But you Alright permit.

Life is funny. Separate. I don't want. Mm hmm.

Great. Okay? Yeah okay. Thanks. People are limited. Oh, Response scenarios. Also, none of this is Specific commentator. Yeah. Jesus of raid. Quite many. They

call it that. Yeah. Hmm. Gilles. And Dress. Sando. I don't trust the cargo. Carmen Resilient. It does point of vodka. Incremental. Thanks. Color to

Uganda. Perez stuff. See I you know, got and even area That's Pentax. Santa Aumentado. Eliminate cargo. Yes California. To attend to TiVo.

Super C. Got his first up there, Mendoza. Prominent evil does. Trent Ayoun Zola is in the. Project number there. Multi prostitutes. The promenade. Actually, yes. It is. But

probably other waterfront. Find Darcy. He lost CIA's Avalon. Interactive art. Expressing the same. You know the economy of the Oculus. Assisting single me

be honest as all of this Leonardo. Departamento There is no start time. And see that there's a cruise. I also said I

and my heart Cruz Grosseto. Kenya's. Makau from. Anagram and gotten. Okay? Public costs as soon as Specter Templar But it's stupid. I know. Completamente

and the other recorded version. See the festival. Carol. See it. See finished Amana. I said, I see it finished Man Interior. I see in television for So they stay Vento. 1000 Els. I see Mendoza and National. Yes, yeah.

In television. It stopped being waterfront. But so they You know, so the festival and Masika Dr. The Senate. And now that I

haven't told me that source. But I think like on a media sector. And so in the scene, that aspect of regulatory um It's almost from a common regulation. But, uh, commissions. Taking out here ? No. But on the other hand,

ambient. Economy. Ambassador. You can play offs and players. So sit up eventually. Batteries, you know. In the eyes. See after regulatory ALS across. No formal

dialogue the areas. My own son from the photo and the second commune, so. See technology here. Their missions. He's a That's the first of all of this.

I got a records of the fund US. I didn't know that. More important. Starting to million.

Now the canyons. Is not a river Daniel Day Cinco. Typical NTSC company considering those communes. In the mail, the other proceed. Yes. But sector privado

. That's one If you're not meant . And, uh so I get all the that is So that summer Mente Ghettoes. Linear real. Say. No one else Master file. See the. So what he does on his Asus. Get it from method, possibly. But I

lost Istana Palace. As the U. S government also. Said, and management processor. Also

documentation. Balanced. It's just but not my son, Raffi by this stand Locals. Sure. That's Yeah, that's Angelus. Soon as

far as so the multi man. Yeah Vario. The parliamentary session. Almost a Swiss for Thanks, Bertos. Company in

Canadia. Found something that dollar and it's the kind of society owes. Yes, that's my thesis. You know, day, you know But. What I'm not saying Viento

to my That's. Let's go. This small Toes. Party is. Yes. Sorry, economical. Comments. Member of the second video. The state of the. He has hurricane

collaboration. Fantastic opportunity. Those methods. You know apart. The winter garments, Gallegos Gracias. That's right to protect us.

Common. The comment areas. The rate of minorities. Hi Lane C Caritas. Yes everyone that in a month. You know what I see that other 10 Shia's saunas. See it. Group of Punch. Great. So okay.

I think so sort of the studio. Africa or India. We see in Sacramento. Ma'am younger

dollars project. The cost of privacy policy that But today. You know, but I love. Saying that stand by the crowd.

You know that point my city so that second Celia How much is a trust? I almost said complimentary, dramatically electrical. Yeah. See international. But then Classic. Another essay. We need time,

Qanta. Accountable Bon Saturdays. Yes, but. That was the only that is. The ultra central tourists, industrialists. It's a little syncope. America cranes al Mondo. This is. Okay, time. But

as the authority. Get it now. The place is another scenarios. See, I hear the See the Mexica. C. Yes, and see. Titian. I think

I see it. Since Peter and the it's not a present, Ando. You know, scared. And brothers conceal your BNSF publicans. That's just the middle. And if I

start not Okay? An accent. Camera Yes. For Santo. I don't know. That is it is. No Yeah, I'll see. There s U. S S S Iowa. Much on TV that society waterfront In view. Answers.

Member of the Council of State. Let's see. Forget respect access of public How much I can't. I cannot be killin Berries. Got your PSA public on. See

developed planet that yogurt as side, allowing Fatima. Yes I mean, where Pregnant. Yes but as a that's fun for us. They last from Battersea support that. Correct. Much of the movimiento and separator.

SCS Sub Central Committee. I see . Fisher.nd. To America.nd mint r what S Pt tonternational. Youot that? t you kno so does. He came l see from enti terminal. Eitr the bient. Yeah a s it. Amendment. II

think, but the F s a group from forge me have Castle Park Asso traffic all. President. But. International terminal that property. A must see articles dress. I think I got system, you know, almost enough impact the CIA's compacted. Position. Okay . Definitely like permitted. Said

Dr Proposito. Serie. Oh, I see. But what? Sarah Um. Our. He has another son of Fernando. Yeah. Pakistan expressed sentiment does. Supplement their forget cinemas. I mean, it's not with

Darcy. The affairs is that. Bills and to set out on a see you when I went to international Negocios. Started. You need that American CIA's. He came all see everywhere they traffic international. The FS rotation. How much must trafficking domestic Oh, The second piano. Servicios. Let's see 31st

started. That is Paseo. By this time. Maintaining terminal that Tom Bradley Santo, the retail Necessary days. For the terminals of the F S. Is. 33 6, but assigned that is some momentum. Platform data. See him, Marcus. The Anthony Bell.

Sana, Sana. A holistic Oh, This sample college and Darius Try to take cuenta. Cassandra handle so that the prayer Part. Oh, The money at it. They. This is also required. Specifically. Burma's

flexibility that. Restaurant is CIA's. See See Camille, the PS Cuadrado. There is Paseo. Proposed card. Flexibility that Negotiate local list. How much

have telenoticias. Came out and Tiempo sentimental. Configuration. That That's our

Bradley, the start. By NADO is. They see in It's better for their neighbors, CEOs. Sense. Carlos masking necesita courses.

Awesome grand for the process. External negocio. We had the. In that opportunity when approach. Unsentimental enough here. Yes

Hello, Mercados responding. Uh property night, not negotiates chaos before their servicios. Yes. Here and digital story. Yeah. You know the fastest invaded. How they. This is a

problem. Everyone to see Clara. Yes Starting up on the Dr. Yes System also suit the hardest creator. Say. Because some of the city and I'm not going to last Locales. Okay dollars. It's fun. So. Gracias

Ogryzko much of this so far, Marseille's Follow. Follow on technical And that I know section. Reporter Viento 20 Many dress. Oh, no. Correction. Says. People automatically see.

Private, sometimes at a safe. Brother concealer yellow, Preval See Bravo! Yeah. See it. Say as the manufacturer. No. Bounds of US consular. Stay. The minutes,

So it's something See last restart plateau. Claims in the balance.

2023-08-07 11:01

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