Trade, Travel and Tourism Committee - Jun 20, 2023 02:00 PM

Trade, Travel and Tourism Committee - Jun 20, 2023 02:00 PM

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afternoon everyone Welcome to our regularly scheduled meeting of the trade travel and Tourism Committee I'm councilwoman Tracy Park chair of the committee Madam clerk would you please Mr clerk today sorry Andrew would you please call the roll uh council member Park president councilmember mcosker here council member Soto Martinez here three members on a quorum Madam chair thank you Mr clerk so that brings us to public comment public wishing to public comic can sign up at the kiosk in the back of the room you will be given one minute for general public comment and up to two minutes for multiple items so we will go ahead and get started with public comment synced tea can we have Hermann Herman 666 come up please you will have one minute for general public comment and up to two minutes for multiple item common yeah we're on all right so can you tell us what items uh Madame uh Tracy is IT Park or Beach I'm gonna speak on all items and non-agenda public comment a total of three minutes for the record go ahead so we got some appointees like Taylor Bakewell to the board of Tourism Commission ending June 2027 then we got another named Victor nararo airport commissioner he could fly his ass to Montana Mo beta drop off current price then we got another Guardian mayor's relative appointment of Courtney labao to the airport commissioner we got a lot of people flying up and down the sky is nowadays right then we go to item six chief executive World Airport to provide verbal quarter report well the only quarter reports you need is get that airport moving because people are standing around getting stupid down there especially with all that goddamn traffic but you like that because you get paid over time then we go to item seven regarding categorical exemption regarding Los Angeles City sequel but the board of airport Commissioners report reflects a five-year lease well in Singapore Singapore Airlines has been known for wanting to open up the doors and let people fly out for free and that we can't have that kind of so uh I object to that and I think we ought to send current price and his dumb fat ex-wife soon to be Miss Richardson down some items please yeah now into my non-agenda public comment let the record reflect how far is the going to yeah this is what we're going to do to the dirty a dirty like Karen Price and his wife Miss well he has two wives but this one in particular is Miss Richardson because we know that that has been taking money from the public with those development issues like your former boss Jose Luis suizar in this article it talks about another whole whole scandal in La recent involved disgrace former dumbass wet back Jose Weezer Mr Herman Mr Herman right for the true comments regarding the jurisdiction of this committee so travel trade in terms save America from corruption so don't interrupt me because like I said this is non-agenda public comment and yeah it sounds rough it sounds vulgar it sounds venomous but you're dumb covet you brought to my country you're way outside the balance of the matters before this committee and now you're out of time our next caller our next speaker is Beach at Park please foreign Beach at Park okay moving on to our next caller please our next speaker Dan guest Dan guest going once going twice okay if you signed up under the name JoJo not to Florida you're up now anyone okay moving on please Susan Boyton yeah going once going twice Susan Boynton okay next please that concludes public comment all right thank you very much that will conclude public comment for today unless there is any objections from my colleagues I would like to move items one two and three on consent please hearing no objections Mr clerk if you would please call the roll Park yes McAllister yes soda Martinez yes three eyes and those items have been approved thank you very much so in the interest of time this afternoon I would like to consider items four and five together so Mr clerk if you would please read those items for us certainly Communications from the mayor relative to the appointment of Victor narrow and Courtney labau to the board of airport Commissioners for the terms ending June 30th 2026 and June 30th 2024. thank you um and I believe that we are narrow and oh and mind please all right thank you both for joining us today as well as your interest in serving on the airport commission which oversees one of the greatest economic engines in our city as the airport completes major Capital Improvements and breaks ground on new projects all with an eye towards 2028 and the Olympics the work of this board carries even greater weight and significance so having served both of you on commissions previously I really am grateful to your willingness to serve here and I appreciate you giving us time in this committee to get to know you a little bit more I'm going to start with you miss LeBeau and ask you to tell me a little bit about your interest in serving in this role thank you everyone I appreciate your time and consideration on this I'm I'm honored to be considered uh as a current ethics commissioner for the city uh I've Loved serving and am honored um and and looking especially forward to if confirmed using some of my National Security experience on the airport commission uh as obviously that's a huge component of uh the Safety and Security of all the passengers and the you know locals that are there as well especially leading up to all of the the main events that we are having at the World Cup as well in addition to the um the Olympics so I'm really excited to uh if confirmed join an amazing staff and other Commissioners and looking forward to making LAX and Van Nuys what it can be and 2026 will be upon us before we even know it yes thank you Mr narrow same question maybe you could tell us a little bit about your interest in serving in this role yeah well thank you so much um thank you both for also meeting with me last week um this is my fifth commission I'll be silver known since 2005. I have been sewing on four different commissions so the most recent one is the Cannabis commission for six and a half years and you know Los Angeles is the number one destination in the whole world and you know um it's the third busiest airport in the you know you know in the entire world and um I just think it's so vital to not just the um you know Los Angeles has the destination place for tourism and travel but also um it's a welcoming to this you know the people leaving to other destinations for people coming in I live in Sherman Oaks so I do know about the noise issue and the community advisory committees out there they're addressing this issue and I think I can serve a purpose there my work at the UCLA labor center UCLA labor studies is a major focus on Workforce Development and local hiring I took the time this past few days to literally look through hundreds of pages of documents of the law and also LAX and this morning I had a huge uh brief in um which allow us to have a totally grateful to them but Workforce Development local initiatives hiring I've done a lot of research in there I think I can bring that into the process I do know the structure of City Hall and city government based on my seven and on the other commissions anywhere from higher end to permit the permit uh process and I think I could be helpful in that but you know I noticed uh they had done a lot with the capital Improvement plan such teaching plans I've seen my voice helping facilitate the implementation because a lot it allow us to have a top I mean I really admire the work that they do and I would like to help them in that process as well so looking forward to this and I hope to have your support thank you the airport commission is one of the most active and I think probably will involve a steep learning curve uh certainly I I think I I know I speak for me and probably for my colleagues here as well these are massive operations and all of us have a lot to learn um Mr narr you mentioned some steps that you took to begin preparing for this you mentioned that you had looked at several hundred pages of documents and that you had a briefing with Wawa today I'm really glad to hear that thank you um based on your review of those materials and those conversations did you have any sort of big big takeaways any major priorities that came through to you from those conversations yes I I the capital Improvement plan you know they've done great work with the phase one the phase two is the critical piece and um they're gonna need a lot of support from that Commissioners in many ways to support that just want to take away the other is the community engagement you know not just in LAX but also have a nice you know that's Westchester City Westchester uh also going to Inglewood and then they have used around the van I see airport um I'm really impressed with the Civic engagement the transparency to engage with Community dialogue to get input there's a the Workforce Development plan I think is something that um it's of importance to me because of the um the you know the opportunities that LAX can create not just for the LA economy but for local hiring for workers and then um the strategic planning I mean it's a very thoughtful Visionary staff um I you know I really admire the work that they do and I really want to thank Bakers here today but there was also said have helped along the way but those are the things that come to mind right now thank you okay excellent thank you uh Miss LaBelle same question to you maybe you can just talk to us a little bit about what you've done to prepare for this position uh I have subscribed from the moment that I heard that this was sort of percolating I've subscribed to the agenda uh for Lala and I've watched the videos of every single one of them since about March uh and I I feel um you know to the extent that I can outside of having had an orientation and whatnot uh ready and and uh willing to hit the ground running with a good sense of knowledge um you know and in the past uh I have worked in the National Security World in counterterrorism for uh Department of Homeland Security as a federal contractor so I've worked with airport police in the past I've worked with all of the federal agencies and partners and I'm familiar in that zone as well uh as to some of the issues at hand at lava for both airports and feel like that's one of the main things that I can be contributing you know I have a unique background in in terms of my business experience understanding contracts and all of the infrastructure uh contracts and procurement issues that are very important to me as well that are happening at lava and as well as the National Security side which is super important in keeping our not only our Travelers safe but also you know the locals safe and the workers say safe that are at both of those airports so I have thought a lot about how I can contribute to the commission should I be confirmed and I think on uh especially on the security and the safety side with all of those events leading up to Los Angeles I would love to dig deep in that Arena and work in conjunction with the airport police as well as all of the all of the intergovernmental agencies that are super important at lawa and that's something that I've done at in the past working with Department of Homeland Security so I feel pretty equipped thus far thank you and thank you for putting in the time to do that you know La is LAX in particular and and Van Nuys as well are unique in that they are both major operations that a but residential uses so Mr noro I want to come back to you and pick up on a thread that you mentioned in a prior answer and that relates to community engagement so maybe you can just talk to us a little bit about how you're going to prioritize that Community impact and what would be your approach to balancing the needs of our residential Community with the needs of the airport to do major developments and move the business of the airport forward yes thank you um you know I will work with I think the uh you know the law was to have are doing a good job already of um engaging with the community so how I can best integrate one of my strengths is uh Community interaction and Community uh you know relationship building because I've done that many different ways and you know either neighborhood Council than the Cannabis commission I had to deal with a lot of you know as you know there was Major pushback by neighborhood councils and other other local Civic groups and I assisted the department with engagement we had to um address a lot of their concerns about the Cannabis industry going into certain neighborhoods and um and really active listening but also um be able to um provide feedback and try to information because many times it's also lack of information for example my understanding and my nice some of the concerns is about expansion it's not really expansion that's happening there but it's about how to control the noise pollution and you know all the different issues that impact the quality of life and how to you know engage in that in that respect to provide useful information but also be a good listener which is something I I do very well thank you good well thank you for that and uh you know as we've spoken about before there's a lot of stakeholders and interests in and around the airport whether it is you know the airport lawa the communities labor the business in and around the airport all of those are important voices and um it's important that they all have an opportunity to be heard and that the interests and needs of all of our stakeholders are being considered so thank you one more cup one more question and Miss LeBeau no offense I'm going to skip you on this one because you've already spoken at length about public safety and and that being a priority for you so I'll just wrap up with one more question to you Mr narrow with the World Cup and the Olympics and other major events uh happening in Los Angeles in coming years a lot of our Capital Improvement projects from the automated people mover to The Pedestrian focused amenities in the central terminal area that's going to all be coming online right around the time that we start hosting these events and that means that we're going to be bringing more people than ever into our airport so maybe talk to me a little bit about your thinking in terms of keeping the traveling public as well as workers at the airport safe yes I actually did it up over the weekend about the airport safety uh all the different components and I was trying to reach out to also Chief Rambo to see if I can have a set up a meeting with I can do a walk through with him because I have some questions about some other terminology and everything but for like because of time we weren't able to connect before this meeting but I do plan to follow up on that you know uh that that's issue with resources I think they don't do you know it's very competitive now the higher and they are trying to hire new officers um especially security officers and what happens is they lose them to other departments so we that they come up in my conversation with them and what I can do best to help them support that to make sure they get the adequate staff and they need I know with the the People Mover system that's going to require another analysis of another analysis of Public Safety and you know that's going to come up as that phase comes up and that's you know totally committed to figuring out how I can be sell help I don't have a public safety background but I have you know a good understanding of Public Safety and I have um address that issue many different ways with my relationship building with LAPD leadership over the years and my hope is I can how best I can facilitate I know we have some great people that have that background but what role can I play to help facilitate that especially with the phase two expansion and the these upcoming maker events that happened in the FIFA World Cup and the Olympics so thank you for that and I hope that you will move forward with that conversation with them and I hope that you get to spend some time actually out with our airport police to get a sense of how widespread their operation is and the different types of Security Services they provide uh to the public and to the community so I don't have any other questions at this time I'd like to kick it over to council member mccoska if he has any questions thank you madam chair I really appreciate those thoughtful questions really thorough and covered a lot of the topics that I care about and I and I know the feeling having the Port of Los Angeles in my district I know the feeling of of caring for such an important asset and I admire the the line of questioning and the commitment to um to this asset the world airports especially LAX I want to follow up on the labor question or I'm in the public safety question but I want to ask it as a labor question I mean I appreciate you reaching out and this is uh for Mr narrow appreciate you reaching out to Chief Rambo and I think that's an important relationship for any commissioner to have in the commission as a whole to have for the make sure we provide adequate Public Safety but I want to be really clear too that the other voices is labor and we have represented a represented group there at the airport police and we have represented groups all across the Spectrum at the airport I want to make sure that that that particularly you uh Mr narrow you know understand the importance of reaching out to labor and understanding that they have a role in their wages hours working conditions and they have an important voice working with management to create a safe atmosphere throughout the whole world Airport System so I just like want you to address the um what you feel is the importance of organized labor within Public Safety thank you so much generally every worker deserves a union uh you know Law Enforcement Officers just like any other worker that Services Union and I will I I don't know um I know it's not the police protectively the LAPD Union but it's another Union at the airport so I will make a commitment to meet with the Union Representatives as well but you know I I think police officers like other workers they serve a right to good wages and benefits related question and I think it's a I I hope it's a softball for you Mr narrow but I want to also um have you reflect on the importance of the airport system as a participant in other contracts and other labor groups and other workers groups that may not be organized and the importance of making sure that with all of our Contracting with all of our development work with all of the the the related entities that come in and provide services and provide labor and provide materials that we have to make sure that we're using our role to ensure that everyone is paid we have to protect against wage theft we have to protect against you know everything in the system that comes from our public dollars and our and our activity in this sphere to make sure everyone gets paid and that this is a an ethic that you'll be committed to as a commissioner I appreciate the Soulful question uh what I want to add to that is you know I I participate in the process to create the LA uh wage staff enforcement policy the office of waste standards that was uh I worked on creating that department I have a strong working relationship with the labor standards and Enforcement office that the labor commissioner's office and because I think you know the majority of workers are not unionized that's the reality we're at six percent Union density in the private sector so there will be a lot there's a lot of non-union workers that also um have to have uh you know their rights protected and I will um whenever possible and I think the opportunity comes up uh connect uh you know the staff at Iowa and and with these departments if if the need comes if there's an issue addressing non-union workers because I think every worker deserves protections thank you I have nothing else Madam chair okay council member Soto Martinez thank you so much Madam chair uh just have one question for both for the two of you uh if if confirmed and appointed uh it'll be your sort of multiple uh commissions that you've served uh as you all know um you know it takes sort of a labor of love to be so committed to the city uh and just so I'm just my question is like you know what inspires y'all to serve in the community and what lessons learned from previous commissions do you bring hope to bring into into this uh this new role I appreciate that question a lot um services in my family I'm a native Angelino my mom served on the library board uh in Monrovia where I grew up you know I grew up with that sort of mentality and it's been an honor to serve the city and the capacity that I have previously and I live here I want to give back um and I you know you look at where can your skills be best utilized and I think airport and combining you know my background of understanding investments in finance and contracts and procurement all of that as well as the National Security side is I'm excited to serve in that capacity if if confirmed so that is what excites me especially with the world events um coming up what I have learned in the past I've learned a lot about ethics I will tell you that I've learned the importance of good governance uh the importance of collaboration across you know uh not only City agencies and local agencies and federal agencies but also in collaborating with you guys um you know this is in your District councilmember park and this is an important um Enterprise to collaborate on not just have us be making the decisions and have the oversight along with the executives there but also have the collaboration so that it's a holistic approach to getting the grace greatest outcome possible so I look forward to having that holistic multi-pronged approach with all of us for the betterment of both of the airports so thank you for that question I mean I do have a migration story like many of us in Los Angeles and I was not born in this country but I love the I write to this country when I was four years old I grew up in New York City and you know a lot of violence and poverty in the 1960s and 70s and there's no like I think that's what instilled in me the passion for justice and a passion for up creating opportunities for others I don't want to see what people I had to go through and what my mother and father had to go through and others in my neighborhood and um Los Angeles is my home now it's you know there's a debate between where the Untied the book in Los Angeles sometimes it goes back and forth but Los Angeles I've been here for 31 years um I think it's a beautiful city we co-existing on many we don't get it right I know there's a lot of clash um I know there's a lot of disagreements and I know there's a lot of sometimes um you know it could be antagonistic but I think City Hall um and it really has such an important role in the city of Los Angeles and whatever I can do I I found a commission process is a way for me to um to really connect um the city hall and City departments with coming members in a way that's meaningful a way that brings um the quality of life that we all deserve and and it's an inclusive City but I know that's difficult because it's different viewpoints and everything but I have learned to be a good listener and I've learned that you know being a public servant to my city this is a commission it takes up a lot of work every commission I have been on it takes up a lot of hours a week I think this commission is going to be no different um but it's an opportunity that I don't take for granted to be able to serve the city in a way that I think I can have a meaningful impact so thank you so much thank you thank you so much you know I I there's not a question I'll just make some comments um you know I I worked at the airport for three years uh you know so I sort of have a unique experience I don't know if my colleagues worked at the airport um but I'll say something about the that atmosphere um it's its own world um and and the workers there all the workers are very proud to work at the airport uh it doesn't matter if it's folks selling you a magazine or serving you food or the people that protect the airport they care so much for the airport and they've gone through so many things if you talk to the more senior folks you know they remember the Redevelopment of the 90s where you know the living wage was created and uh sort of several laws they went through September 11th uh there's stories about that uh the terminal 3 shooting that happened some years ago talked to a lot of workers that experienced that the Muslim ban uh you know it's and and they speak with it with so much pride because they know that they're sometimes the last face that is seen by the people who live in the city and many times the first phase they see when they land in Los Angeles and it's a difficult place to be because uh council member Park probably knows there's a lot of neighborhood politics about you know what happens at law you got Labor uh who has like just a big presence there businesses The Travelers right and on top of that you got to deal with us right so it's a it's a lot uh it's a lot there so you know I I hope and and I I left after three years of being the organizer there I left also with a deep sense of Pride for the airport because of how unique and special it is and so I hope that um you know you sort of really immerse yourself in that culture uh because people just really really care about that airport and you know I hope it pointed that you all care you will leave you're not caring as much as I care about the airport and so if appointed again uh good luck thank you for sharing your experience and your very unique Insight on these issues and these appointments um and again I appreciate you both being here and Mr narrow I appreciate that you took the time to have the briefings and and to spend some time getting acquainted with the issues that really resonates with me that you did that so thank you I know that I heard these items together but I do want to do a separate vote on them um so on item four I'd like to move that we approve Mr narrow's appointment to the board of airport commissioners Mr clerk if you would please call the roll Park yes mccosker yes Soto Martinez yes three eyes and the appointee has been approved thank you Mr clerk on item five I'd like to move that we approve Miss LaBelle's appointment to the board of airport Commissioners please call the roll Park yes MC Oscar yes Soto Martinez yes three eyes and the appointee has been approved thank you both for your willingness to serve and I know that we all look forward to a long productive working relationship with both of you thank you all right with that um I believe that we are now on item six Mr clerk if you would please read that item for us item six chief executive officer Los Angeles World airports to provide verbal quarterly report I really appreciate you as always Rebecca the floor is yours great thank you so much as you can see I am not Justin ribachi our chief executive officer um I'm not nearly as good looking and insightful however I'm here today and his plays as he has to chair a meeting for which he is one of the leaders of an in a national uh airports group so thank you for having me today I was asked to prevent present verbally on three different topics so I have those for you here today I will be reading some notes so I get them right I don't want to get wrong information out there and of course I'm happy to take questions if you have any so Becca doughton Chief airport Affairs officer at Los Angeles World airports first update is on the Manitoba West briefing regarding Lulu's place that happened on June 8th 35 residents attended the meeting and was widely promoted throughout the complex which is adjacent to where Lulu's place will be built if it moves forward the project team during the meeting delivered an extensive presentation that included site plans and renderings and a lead landscape and Lead Landscape Architects from Rio shared plans for planning on the site several longtime residents were not aware of lawa's Prior North Side approvals and had some questions about that others raised concerns that they previously shared with vawa and cd11 regarding safety and homelessness and questions about noise at least five residents expressed through strong strong support for the project and several have since reached out to ask how they can help move it forward so they can quickly quickly because they're eager to have the amenities in their backyard the questions were answered that they were able to answer and for those that they weren't they told them they would come back when they have further information to share the Lulu's Place planning team is planning an open house for the entire Community later this summer when the Environmental Compliance process is complete to share those findings along with new renderings and detailed designs the project team will also present a condensed version of these findings when they're complete along with all the other updates regarding the project to the neighborhood Council as well as other interested Community groups as requested and those that we have been working with throughout the process we're currently tracking to be complete with Environmental Compliance process and ready for briefings in July and August any questions on that one yeah okay well I appreciate that update and you sharing the info on the community outreach on Lulu's I appreciate that and I know that you will continue to do that as these plans are refined I don't have any other questions but I I do want to just publicly reiterate my position as chair of this committee regarding our actions with respect to Van Nuys airport um I I am of the view that until there is a seated representative in cd6 which we should have very shortly we're not going to consider any substantive items in this committee that impact the airport and the surrounding communities I am a big believer that Van Nuys deserves representation not 13 other council members making consequential decisions on behalf of those communities so I just want to let you know that that's where I am on Van Nuys so with that I will look forward to considering these reports related to the Charter flight operations and the rfps in addition to some of the other things that we've talked about with with Van Nuys so I just wanted to make that comment and open it up to questions in chair Park on that I can give a short update um just verbal regarding but not getting into depth regarding Venice if you'd like especially regarding the charter by seed operations which we believe should not be happening at Van Nuys right now however the companies that are participating in it do believe that they have the right to do so so we have sent letters to three different airlines companies operating this Charter by the seat service two of them have responded saying they believe they're within their rights to do so we believe there's a gray area within um statute and within regulation so we are working with council member Cardinals office we got off the phone with his office earlier today the to have legislative language that they intend to introduce as a floor Amendment during the FAA reauthorization process asking that Van Nuys and other general aviation airports be afforded the opportunity to say no we don't want them at our airport we're not saying anyone needs to say no we're we're laying people we're asking that they be allowed we'd be allowed to opt in to say no that's not the correct operation for our airport additionally they're going to be sending a letter to usdot We Believe asking them to clarify their their regulations so that we can better understand our ability to do so and we'll follow up with our own letter from our team as well asking as well that they clarify that we are allowed to not have those operations at our airport so we are intent on continuing to pursue efforts that would allow us to not have those operators at Van Nuys airport I appreciate that and appreciate everyone's cooperation and just bearing with us we are so close to this election and I I think probably all of us feel the same that it is really important for every community in Los Angeles to have a council member and and to have someone advocating and representing them so really appreciate the update on that as well um and I will turn it over to my colleagues if they have any questions any questions but I I just want to just say expressly that I agree with the chair it makes makes perfect sense for us to uh stay in a holding pattern if you will I mean I do appreciate the fact that the um the the Congress Congressional office is you know putting the city in a position to be able to exercise um some discretion in the in the future but let's hold that for the for advice from the Council Office any questions all right thank you um so I really do appreciate this and these quarterly updates are great just to keep the communication open and flowing um I do offer requests for your next quarterly report report and that is I I would appreciate it if lawa could maybe talk to and work with Metro and report back to us on the feasibility and effectiveness of including station parking lots along Transit lines that have a high concentration of LAX employees that would help alleviate parking congestion at LAX for airport employees so such as the Hyde Park k-line Station there are actually hundreds of LAX employees who live within a mile radius uh there so just wondering if maybe if I could just ask you to have that conversation and see if we can yes of course yeah we'd be happy to bring that back next time thank you fantastic thank you so much uh so since we're going to keep this in committee no action for us to take at this point and we'll see you again soon great thank you so much appreciate it Rebecca all right yeah we appreciate airport references and analogies Touch and Go [Laughter] pretty low hanging fruit but credit where credit's due council member Oscar uh so that brings us to item seven Mr clerk if you could please read it for us item number seven Board of airport Commissioners report relative to approving a five-year lease with Singapore Airlines limited covering the property located at 6181 West Imperial Highway within the Los Angeles International Airport welcome thank you my name is Mark Adams I'm the government Affairs director for Los Angeles World airports and I appreciate the opportunity to present this item here today the item in front of you is a basically a lease extension it's a new lease replacing a 25-year lease that we had with Singapore Airlines at their cargo facility on Imperial Highway um this is a five-year lease just allowing them to continue operating in the facility they're currently occupying and it will allow us to proceed with the cargo Redevelopment studies that were discussed at the last committee meeting we have the the consultant contractors on board looking at those cargo redevelopments and so this is um just basically keeping Singapore Airlines in place for the time being you'll note that there is a substantial rate increase and the reason for that is because under their 25-year lease they built the cargo the hangar if you will where they do their cargo processing and at the end of their 25-year lease which expired this year that facility reverted to our ownership and so therefore we now own it and are leasing it to them so the significant increase in the rent is due to that reversion of that property to us and we're leasing their the the the the the facility that they built back to them effectively that's all there is to this one okay well thank you for that and thank you for sort of addressing the overlay here with the effort to modernize the the cargo facilities that actually answered one of the questions that I had for you but I do have another one um I think Singapore's lease expired in March and so we're basically going to be back dating this lease and I'm just wondering what can we do to get these things in front of us before they expire well we try to get the I mean this went to our board in February which obviously didn't leave us a lot of time to do this we under the under our real estate guidelines if a lease expires the tenant can go into holdover terms basically which is what what happens here um we we do everything we can to get the leases to our commission in a timely fashion and then there's a processing time for you know we would have hopefully had it here a little sooner than than June but um I think you know we we do our best to try to get things to to the council before they expire but um we understand that um because of the reviews that happen in between our board approval and and reaching here sometimes that that can take some time as well so um you know it's always our intent to get here before the expiration of the lease but we're um you know there was no because this is a lease it you know and they go into holdover that's it's not really a contractual problem per se good to know I just as chair of this committee prefer to do things in advance not after the fact is all understood why though appreciate that I don't have any other questions councilmember mccosker yeah nothing thank you probably a couple okay yeah go for it yeah so thank you so much uh what's the average uh rent that you could charge for a similar uh with what they're getting similarly well we basically have a rent that is charged per square foot basically and so if I recall the per square foot rent for the the the cargo building under this lease is 25.55 cents per square foot per year and there's a land rental rate and rent that's 4.89 per square foot per year and

then aircraft parking areas is 0.94 94 cents per square foot per year and automobile parking is 48 cents per square foot per year so it's all broken out based on the type of use right but like what's the fair market value of of what well that's based on an app that's based on appraisals that that we determine that that so I I would I would say that that is considered a fair market okay right yeah the way you got to this number is by looking at other other areas yes we do it we go through a professional appraisal to determine those we do adjust those rates every uh every so often got it I understand just want to try and see how we got to this number okay that's all my question thank you all right well thank you very much uh with that I would move that we approve item seven Mr cook please call the roll Park yes mcasker yes Soto Martinez yes three eyes and the item has been approved all right thank you Mr cork is there anything else before the committee the desk is clear all right thank you this meeting is adjourned

2023-06-28 11:39

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