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super super freaking lazy but a video had to  be made though in today's video I'm going to be   listing 10 reasons why I think tourism is failing  or is not taking off at a pace that is supposed to   in Burundi before I begin the topic I just want  to thank everybody that is currently subscribed   to the channel I thank you guys for being faithful  and I thank you guys for staying loyal this whole   time on the channel don't go anywhere I'll  be right back just so we can start the video Welcome everybody to yet another video this is Not.So.Burundian here today coming to you with another   episode of controversial Fridays today is an  interesting topic and I'm not I'm not even going   to talk anymore let's just jump straight into the  10 points why I think tourism is being held back   in Burundi without any further Ado let's get into  it and reason number one from me would be that uh   Burundi has a tarnished image and I mean that in  the sense that for the longest time ever we've   been known for civil war we've been known for  political unrest and we've been known for uh okay   this is not something that we are internationally  known for but if you are burundian a burundian   that follows up on Burundians on social media you  know that the diaspora is particularly unhappy   with the way Burundi is with the current status  in Burundi at the moment so we have a tarnished   image in the sense that the media that is put out  there about Burundi and the media that persists to   this day is for the most part just negative media  negative media in the sense that if you were to   go searching on Google on Google right now or on  on YouTube at the moment most of the thumbnails   that will pop up are you know about the events in  2015 2010 2005 which was a period in time when it   wasn't so particularly uh Pleasant to live to live  in Burundi at the time because you know the war   Islands the guns the grenades and all of that  so that's what you would find in Burundi at the   moment and this being the the image of Burundi  that is put out there I don't think that is an   image that uh that would pretty much encourage  or Draw in the tourists to come to birdie so in   that sense our image is tarnished and we as a  country I feel like we are not doing enough to   clean up that image and even if we can't clean it  up well at least we could we're not doing enough   to flood the Internet with with the opposite of  what's already out there if that makes any sense   our image is tarnished and we are not doing enough  to clean up the dirt that is on the internet with   regards to Burundi so that's my reason number one  why uh tourism is not taking off as we would like   it to be or as it should reason number two is that  um okay so basically tourism for me uh begins at   the airport you know at the point of arrival the  airport is where we welcome anybody who's anybody   that wants to to come visit Burundi for whatever  reason and that being said we have in my opinion   in my humble opinion without um and I don't mean  to uh insult or come off as condescending to the   people involved or to the people that are in  charge of the airport but we have an airport   that is really old we have an airport whose staff  seems to be unmotivated uh we have an airport with   a subpar Lounge regardless of whether it's a VIP  lounge or a regular lounge or economy economy uh   passengers but my point is that the airport is  really old the lounges are really old as soon   as you come in through the gate when you're  Landing the baggage check-in is really subpar   the floor is not well maintained the bathrooms  are not well maintained like it is honestly a   shame that we still have that airport running to  this day it's the same thing that's been existing   since it was ever built really in my opinion so  that's the the other the other reason why I think   we are not able to attract tourism as much as we  possibly could one and two on my recent uh Twitter   um Escapade no not Escapade that's not the  word that I want to use uh I'm on Twitter a   lot of the time not for posting I'm not known  for posting anything on Twitter but I like to   go on Twitter to read and uh the one thing you  would notice especially every time a topic about   the airport pops up is that you have a lot of  the diaspora that is in my opinion ashamed to   invite their friends non-burundians to Burundi  just because of what the airport looks like and   that's just us missing out on potential tourists  that could compound over the years you know it's   one person tells the other tells the other and  the tourism industry just grows like that so   that's one of the reasons why in my opinion I  think tourism is being held back the airport is   really not so inviting and the diaspora is not  does not feel encouraged to invite people over   because of that that's reason number two reason  number three would be that our country our country   as a whole really has uh poor infrastructure  the roads are not really all that good the   Internet isn't that good whether or not it be  cellular internet or dedicated internet providers   that you know provide internet through Wi-Fi  services it's not that good and the third reason   under infrastructure would be that um burundi's  virtual guidance system is virtually non-existent   what I mean by that is that um when it comes to  Virtual assistants I'm basically talking about   you know uh stuff like Google Maps it is usually  up to the individual businesses to map out their   locations and fill in all of the information  that is required on Google Maps for people   traveling within Burundi to easily find them but  at the same time it could also be a campaign that   is government ran in order to encourage or rather  sensitize these people to map out their businesses   on Google Maps on websites or whatever so in the  sense that's what I mean by the virtual guidance   system is pretty much non-existent and you know  without a virtual guidance system it becomes   somewhat of an inconvenience for a tourist to move  around the country because then they need to hire   these agencies that deal with uh helping out  tourists travel within the country or if not   an agency they need to hire out individuals and  that means that they spend money that they could   have otherwise saved up to enjoy more when it  comes to sightseeing and just overall traveling   within the country so when you have to incorporate  a third party to help you navigate around the area   then usually that just it takes away from the  privacy of touring in place you know what I mean   yeah so for me that's a reason number three why  I think tourism is being held back in Burundi all   right reason number four why I think tourism is  held back in Burundi Burundi has an anti-camera   environment what I mean by that is if you want to  promote tourism number one you have to stand for   individual content creation it is the individuals  that create content that help advertise a country   if not a country she just a particular place of  interest to tourists and so when a country is   anti-camera as a whole if the culture's Auntie  camera if the environment is anti-camera with   regards to laws and culture then it it defeats the  whole purpose of uh wanting to promote tourism in   a country so you know the only way to promote  tourism is through content creation and the   government cannot run that campaign on its own  you need individual content creators to be able   you know to help out in the process when it is not  so easy to move around with the camera when that   when there are so many restrictions as to as to  places that individuals can film with cameras then   it just it defeats the whole purpose of trying  to sell the country to a global market so an uh   an example of this would be for instance uh you  you you could bring in a drone into the country   it's it's fine to bring in to bring a drone into  Burundi but when it comes to Flying the actual   drone as they completely other process I filled  out the form that was required to register the   Drone and have it accepted or rather green lit to  fly and this was four five weeks ago and I haven't   heard I haven't gotten any response from the  aviation Authority ever since and even when you in   even when you read the form when it comes to stuff  like you need to register a drone for every time   you want to fly and you have to State the exact  place and time that you plan to fly the Drone in   this is already way too many restrictions like you  can already tell that this is that that that these   questions that you have to answer are pretty very  much anti-drone in most countries any drone that   weighs less than 250 grams is basically considered  a toy of some of some sort and any uh because   you know it's lightweight it can really cause no  harm if you were to fall on somebody from the sky   and so here they don't have that here any any  drone is a drone and all drones have to be   have to undergo have to undergo the same type of  scrutiny and if you if you were to put drones to   the side when it comes to you know stuff like you  know just moving around with the cameras vlogging   if you want to Vlog around the market area if  you want to Vlog around a uh a busy street in   town if you want to Vlog around a touristic site  you will find all these little inconveniences   here and there and a lot of the inconveniences  really is usually brought about by our favorite   men in blue you know the police everybody has this  sense of assumed Authority and I don't even think   there's a law or policy that controls camera but  you know you have people assuming Authority and so   you might come across uh inconveniences that stop  you from filming freely in public there is that   and the other thing is that you have a culture  of people that are very camera shy you know they   assume that they have a um uh what's the word I'm  looking for uh usually you cannot be expected you   cannot expect it of you cannot expect of other  people to uh respect your privacy in public ground   what I mean by this is is that uh if you are in a  public space it is upon the individual to ensure   that they maintain their privacy so basically if  if you and I are outside and I'm filming and I   happen to direct the camera in your direction you  cannot you cannot then tell me that uh do not feel   me or I do not allow you to film me the permission  is not yours to give if it is in a public setting   it is thus then left to the individual to ensure  that they are private so if you if you have a hat   then you would cover up your face like that  because you're in public what I cannot do is   enter your house and stop filming because then  I'm entering in a in a private compound private   area but anyway that's the topic for another day  so yeah that's reason number four and uh reason   number five is that um I don't know how to say  this in the way that uh does not make make me uh   how do I say this without coming off as insulting  or as pointing fingers to specific individuals   out there but I'm going to try uh to say this in  the safest way possible that I know how which is   um in my opinion I feel like the the workforce  that is put up to lead or oversee tourism the   tours the tourism sector is somewhat uh unexposed  unmotivated and un understanding they are not so   understanding of what the whole concept of Tourism  is let me just take a quick sip of water and come   back and explain okay so the the workforce that  has been set up to oversee the tourism sector for   me is unmodernized you cannot use people that are  not modern to oversee the tourism sector where it   is expected for the most advanced uh populations  in the world to come visit the said touristic uh   sites which happens to be a country that  is the topic of discussion today and so in   my opinion I feel like the people that work in  the Ministries you know the people that work in   places of touristic attractions to me the people  that are made to oversee those sites are they are   not as exposed not as motivated as they should  be in order to make sure that you know tourism   takes off in these places you know they do not  put enough effort into advertisement they do   not put enough effort into you know sensitizing  people and put enough effort into reporting to   the government to the things that are missing  reporting to the government of the budget that   could potentially that is required to potentially  change or Revitalize these particular sites and I   don't want to talk too much about this particular  point but I know a lot of you get in a sense what   I'm trying to say and reason number six why I  think tourism is not taking is not taking off   as as well as it should be is that for the most  part I feel like the push I feel like the push   towards tourism in Burundi is somewhat seasonal  so what I mean by that is only during the month   of May to September that the push to tourism  begins to take up steamed so it's uh May June   July August September it's within these five  months in a year where people begin to you   know begin to talk about tourism people begin to  push tourism and just encourage tourism in a way   you know everybody puts content out there and you  know burning internet is flooded with touristic   um with a theme of Tourism for five months only in  June of September then after September everything   just everything just dies out no talk of Tourism  nothing and to me that's the reason why you know   tourism doesn't take off because you know  promoting tourism in a country that is trying   to find footing in the uh favorite touristic  destinations of the world this is a job that   has to be done all year round not just seasonal  January all the way to December there has to be   a push throughout all 12 months of the year in  order for you know the tourism industry to really   take off in Burundi and I'm afraid five months in  a year is just not going to cut it it's not going   to cut it at all and so that's the reason number  six why I think tourism is not taking off as well   as it should and then reason number seven would  be the touristic sites in Burundi are not well   serviced I get it there has to there has to have  been a point where all of these sites were built   and created but ever since then in my opinion they  have not been well maintained at all very little   is being done to revitalize these that particular  site and very little is being uh very little   assistance in monetary value is being pumped into  these sites to enhance them to make them better   you know the same thing that you saw this year is  going to be the same thing that you see the next   year and within the next five years so on and so  forth without any change for instance if you take   a look at uh the the the the museum that place has  been looking the same ever since the day it was   built there has been little to no change at all  in that little zoo in my opinion they should have   changed the location of that Zoo a long time ago  changing location bringing new animals bringing   new species expand the area but ever since I came  here in 2006 to this current date I'm afraid that   place has been looking the exact same but then  when you go to the hot springs which is another   um favorite talk of uh the tourism industry the  hot springs are another disappointment really okay   so basically you you have the hot springs that uh  that where water boils and overflow overflows and   then they they build these little streams that  take water from the hot spring and take um have   they have the water flow from the hot spring all  the way to these little man-made pools that they   create where the hot water flows into and people  get to you know swim within the hot water the   tiles within these little pools are dirty these  are tiles that needed to have been replaced a   long time ago or cleaned you know washed towels  are dirty um the metal doors that restrict water   flow you know because uh after swimming or when  the water gets cold they open up these little   metallic doors to let the water flow out and then  they close to let the fresh water come in Rusty   doors unpainted I mean come on like there's not  enough that's there's not enough uh funds that's   that is being pushed into revitalizing these said  particular touristic sites the example that I gave   being Museum and the hot water Springs that are  currently available in the country and then reason   number eight for me would be that um I feel like  there isn't enough finances that are being pumped   into the tourism industry by the government and in  my opinion it's not something that I hold against   the government really because you know we are  a small country we are a small economy that has   other things to worry about at the moment other  important things not like uh the budget of our   government is going towards other important things  and tourism is not at the at the top of the list I   get that and so that is the reason why there isn't  enough finances being jumped into the government   and so that's the reason and that's the reason  why tourism is not taking off because you know   there isn't enough support from the government and  it's and I understand why there isn't but you know   there's going to be there's gonna come a time  when a budget needs to be allocated to tourism   if you want tourism to then someday pay back you  know you either put no money at all into it or   put a huge amount into it because if you're gonna  keep throwing uh crumbs of finances into tourism   you're never going to get anything back it's  just basically going to be raining in the desert   so yeah that's the reason number eight for me and  then reason number nine as to why I think tourism   is not taken off and I have said this many many  many times for me it's basically look language for   me is an issue seven countries in East Africa only  two countries speak French and they are not the   main economies of East Africa and Burundi being  one of the two countries that speak French we are   at a disadvantage when it comes to uh promoting  tourism within our country I don't know how we're   gonna change it but you know changing from French  to English would be one way to go and you know   there was one subscriber that commented on my last  clip if you haven't seen that clip I'll just post   a link to that clip up here he said that he didn't  think that language was such a big deal because he   gave France as an example he said look at France  that is a favorite touristic destination in the   world and my response to him was that well Burundi  is not France Burundi is a small country that is   looking to build a footing in the tourist industry  and if you are not a major touristic attraction   then you you are the boo you are the boot licker  in this scene you need tourists they don't need   you you're not drawing them in regardless anyway  so you might as well do what it takes to make   sure that you draw them in France did a lot when  it comes to selling the country until it became   uh until it got to a point where it was a thing of  prestige to be known to have been in France at any   particular point in time you know just taking  a picture with an Eiffel Tower is a thing of   dreams for people it's not the case of Burundi  so we have to do whatever it takes to make sure   that we are a favorite touristic destination and  French is holding us back it's not holding France   back because it doesn't matter whether you speak  French or not people want to go to France not the   same for Burundi and so yeah language is holding  us back all all of the other five East African   countries speak English and coming to Burundi I'm  afraid is an inconvenience to most people because   they have to think about language barrier and we  are not a favorite touristic destination anyway so   how do you bring them in I say get rid of French  replace it with English I don't know what you you   I don't know what your opinions are but feel free  to comment in the comment section and then point   number 10 which is the very last point is I feel  like I don't know as uh burundians as a collective   we do not understand the potential that tourism  has for Burundi which is the reason why tourism   doesn't take off because we do not know how to  build an environment that is touristic friendly   we do not know how to go about boosting the  sale the selling of Burundi to the world we   are unexposed and I think we I don't know we just  don't know how really we don't know how I might   speak for myself as an individual but you know  I think I can speak for most people that we we   are yet to understand what tourism is to do for us  as a collective and so that being said cannot push   something whose potential or whose income whose  level uh we we are unable to support something   whose benefit we do not understand and yeah so  that would be the last point for me and that's   pretty much it for this Friday this controversial  Friday that comes to you every week and that's   going to be it for me really until next time  I'll see you guys in the next video foreign

2022-10-15 13:42

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