Touring the MOST EXPENSIVE HOUSE in the World

Touring the MOST EXPENSIVE HOUSE in the World

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the top out of sight cloud those with immense  wealth who live in private luxury barely   glimpsed by the average civilian this is old  money that Echoes across Generations weaving   the fabric of our Collective history and  forming the very institutions of our modern [Music] world welcome to Chateau Du chant so welcome  to one of the most expensive homes in the   entire world we're here in Normandy France  where behind me that's right that is one   of the most expensive homes ever in the  world and in this episode we're getting   a tour of the house the property the whole  thing this is the largest private Garden in   all of Europe and it's actually so big  that we need a golf cart to tour the space this is Zachary with Barnes International  and he will be touring us around the grounds   welcome everyone all right let's roll let's  go so the estate encompasses over 300 acres   of land consisting of six main structures on  the property that will be toring the grto and   the Indian Palace we've got the main chatau  and the gardens then the Greek Theater and   the greenhouse we're actually staying overnight  here at the Chateau but more on that later now   before we immerse ourselves into this world of  unfathomable wealth and to reveal the price tag   of this listing we need to understand the history  chat deai or the battlefield Castle was built in   1652 by Royal architect Lou Lavo who takes his  place in the history books for Designing the   Palace of Versailles where the Royal French family  lived a mere 20 years after this this Chateau is   actually the Prototype inspiration for Versailles  famous French Gardener Andre lenot who created the   Gardens of Versailles also designed the gardens  here at this Chateau so this is a piece of living   history now during the French Revolution the  chatau was stormed and the furniture was sold   throughout France the home then passed through  various owners over the years even serving as   a field Hospital during World War II then in 1992  the current owner jacqu Garcia world famous French   architect and designer purchased the rundown  chatau and has since dedicated the last 30 years   of his life restoring this Palace to its former  glory and more importantly filling the chatau with   Priceless art belonging directly to the French  royal family everything in here is authentic   for example these four vases here were gifted  to Napoleon by the king of Sweden and they're   here in this house this is an actual human body  mummified from Egypt in this house in France that   is wild it's rumored that Garcia purchases a piece  of new art every day now the actual price value of   this home it's nearly impossible to put a number  on but recently an undisclosed private offer in   the multiple 10 figure range was made to purchase  the home and it was declined by Jack rather it's   his dream that the doors of the Chateau be open  to the world ensuring that future Generations   can experience the magic and the Mystery of this  Royal French treasure and I'm working with Barnes   International to Market this home for rent so so  if you're looking to rent out this chatau please   contact me via email in the description of this  video and with that we're starting our tour here   in the formal Gardens which are absolutely  colossal so we're now at the center of the   property what's the significance about this  behind me so the exact place where we are now   it's the perfect middle of the castle that mean  there is 50 uh 500 M uh on that part and 500 also   on this one so back in 199 to all of what we're  looking at right now was just an overgrown field   lost to time until jacqu found the original garden  design plans in the Chateau he then excavated and   recreated these Gardens exactly how they would  have been almost 400 years ago first he dug a   550 M long Canal which is definitely a defining  feature of the property to feed the vast network   of elaborate fountains and water features such  as this circular entrance fountain with these   gilded statues of dolphins emerging from the sea  surrounding an ornate Globe rising in the center   even where we're standing right now at the center  of the property you've got these wild claw foot   soaking tubs overflowing with water and the cost  to turn on these fountains is apparently 202,000   just to turn on and run the fountains here you  could have a jet ski in here that's how large this   is it takes a full-time staff of 15 of the best  gardeners in all of Europe to maintain and create   the Liber garden designs consisting of stunning  geometrical patterns and even humans sized hedge   mes throughout the property on the side of the  castle we have a lawn with chest pieces that   are probably 8 9t tall here and look how perfect  these are I'm in shock that they can actually do   this the role of the gardener here at the Chateau  is I'd say the most important role because of how   much acreage we have and one of the most intricate  and prominent design features in the gardens   are this symmetrical lattice design Box Gardens  leading up to the front patio of the Chateau now   the garden is based on the principle of imposing  order and symmetry over the land and back in the   17th century the number one way a king could show  his flex and his power over the land was symmetry   control nature so if you notice all the hedges are  squares because you don't find a square like that   in nature and I think that is just fascinating  that they had the ability to do that way back then   and that it's been preserved today with this it's  kind of mindboggling I also noticed the hedges are   cut in the shape of a wave which are at least  30 ft High I think the biggest thing I want to   drive home is the scale of this place and how you  really need a person walking through the gardens   to show the whole 45 Acres like this is I've  never seen a house like this ever I don't think   anyone has cuz typically stuff like this is off  Market especially in France and the Paris Market   it's very very private and in the past 3 years  Zachary was saying that they're becoming a bit   more public facing using things like social media  to sell so here we are damn there's also a theater   here yeah so it's uh inspired by a greek temple  because during the 17th century uh in Europe uh   the archaeologist they just discovered uh all the  uh Greek uh Temple and everything so that uh they   were trying to produce it in all the the biggest  home like this castle for example wow so back in   the day when they discovered the Greek Theater  the wealthiest of the wealthiest wanted to say   hey I want to have a Greek Theater at my home  yeah because for them it was amazing this uh   uh Discover it was completely new they didn't  knew this was existing because it was uh like   almost uh 1,000 year before them and this is the  living stage in the Greek Theater so essentially   they made this Garden a replica of the original  Greek Theater because back in the 17th century it   was so expensive to travel the world where those  who were at the upper echelons of wealth would   bring the world to their property so that's what  you're seeing here and it's pretty spectacular   for instance even behind us we have Ivy which has  been cut to mimic the architecture of the ancient   Greek Theater that's ridiculous I mentioned that  there's 15 gardeners that made maintain this land   they planted flowers that start blooming in May  and end in October so the entire year you have   bloomed flowers and that's where that price  tag of billion dollars comes from because you   really can't put a price on this because it's  it's history and its [Music] art there is an   Indian what Indian temple Indian Indian Palace  p in French there's an Indian pallet on the property [Music] essentially jacqu brought in I believe it was what  five containers 600 6 600 containers of actual   materials from India to build this Palace and  in uh 1992 in 1992 uh apparently he has parties   where he brings an elephants yeah lions tigers  and bears and the only way to go from here to   the indan pet is this boats I mean you could  walk around but we're going to take the boat   so this is the Indian P yeah the Indian p and  all of what you see here is really from inja   it's not a replica uh Jack Garcia the owner he  brought all of this uh by shipping containers   I'm at a loss for words for how large the scale  of his thinking is the fact that like it looks   like we walked into India it looks like we are  in India right now so there's a house in the   Indian Palace right jack when he come here he's  living uh there so welcome to the living room of   the Indian pet and just take a look around it's  one thing to hear 500 shipping containers but to   see all of the artifacts that come look at this  look at this leopard look at this thing I don't   really have wordss for this also because we  don't know the value of everything I want to   mention that in the price point of this Chateau  I believe we were told there's Million worth   of our alone in the Chateau and you can see just  from around me we have look at like look at this chair just I don't want to touch anything either  hookah lounge oh my gosh what you know that's   real too there's no way that's fake what's the  most impressive is a lot of times I see homes   where people have a theme and it's replications or  knockoffs but the fact that this is all legitimate   historical antiques is just man it's beyond my  pay grid I don't even know what to say about   this just look at all these artifacts have you  already seen a propos like this before uh not as   historically but definitely where there's themed  rooms but nothing like this yeah it's the most   expensive home in the world but I think this is  priceless it's hard to put a value on everything   we've seen so check out this hallway apparently  now we're going to the indoor swimming pool in   the Indian P oh W look at this holy crap just a  I'm going to go up here this is a library built   into this hallway Blake actually you want to  check this out up here these books are so old   I'm not going to touch a single thing this is  also the kind of home where you could spend at   least a week here minimum and still not explore  everything like what is that iron door where's   that go I smell chlorine so I guess we're getting  close yes you gu see down oh my gosh look at this IND what the should I apparently you can walk around and  check out the back of the pool like if you wanted   to come here and dive in there's a hallway  way that goes around the entire pool we're   now checking out some of the bedrooms apparently  there's 10 bedrooms in the Indian Palace just look   at this the what the hell Zachary went back this  way we're going to find him now like look at the   tapestries here another little Library sitting  area more tapestries in a never ending hallway   at the end of the hall this is one of the  bedrooms one of 10 Again everything imported   in from India it's all historic and look at this  bathroom divided by this solid Stone soaking tub   here in the middle I am I having a hard time  fathoming how someone over the course of 30   years brought all this here and planned all this  out also like I'm afraid to bump into anything   by accident just because like we mentioned the  the price but it could be more than that just   because all the art hasn't really been valuated  and now we're going to go check out well wait   till you see this so I was told that this is  the swimming pool the swimming pool is 100 m   long so that is two Olympic length swimming  pools and the cost to turn on these fountains   is apparently 20,000 just to turn on and run the  fountains here I'm truly speechless you could have   a jet ski in here that's how large this is and  we haven't even seen the main Chateau yet this   is just one Palace on the land right across from  the Indian pet is The Grotto now in 2020 during   the pandemic the owner got bored and while all  of us were in our homes quarantining watching   the news he built a grotto with a waterfall  cascading down volcanic lava rock which leads   down into our guide actually took us down here  last night check this out at night time all right   we've been kidnapped this is Ghost Hunters guys  we're going into the gr we're staying overnight   in the castle we're we're ready flashlights off  lights here now it's turning into a YouTu T the hell keep it wrong I mean look at the rock this  crazy so when do we get sacrificed during Co he   was like bored and he didn't know what to  do and so that ID came up he made he made   a gr making this place yeah you did that  too during Co right oh yeah in the daytime   it's a bit different so you head on down into  this I I don't even know what you would call   this to this Temple likee Grotto I mean the  ceilings in here are at least 50 ft it has a   dead center circle in the middle middle and all  around me are the statues of Greek gods with   mirrors behind them all petrified wood here  lining the columns supporting the structure   with again that volcanic Stone built in around  the statues here the outside of the structure   is meant to mimic a volcano and then you have  waterfalls entering through all the sides here   flowing down the stairs leading into the center  Basin here where you have the circular stage and   even if you look up look at all the carvings  of the faces along on the ceiling I was told   that the owner has some pretty crazy parties in  here comment down below what you think they use   this room for so this is the final structure  on the 45 Acres of gardens that we've toured   so far we haven't even seen the castle  we're about to enter what they call the [Music] greenhouse [Music] I haven't seen it yet so we're going to   get my reactions apparently this  is this is the spot so here we go ready Che oh my God so this is the room  off of the entrance where we have all these   blue vases and just more art more art from all  around the world here again worth over million and now the the main event when they  said it was a greenhouse I didn't think   it would be this there's a floating Bridge with  waterfalls on either side with tropical plants everywhere what the this is insane this is crazy the trees are growing out of the  the the ston workor there's sculptures everywhere there's trees growing  out of the floor with holes cut   in the carpet here with this statue  of I don't even know what but holy crap this is just ridiculous and apparently I was told that the  piano right behind me here this is steinway's   piano so you know Steinway and Suns this  is not the Suns this is his original piano [Music] wow this is crazy so this is this is   actually how much does this cost  and I was told that these ferns here these ferns are apparently 400 years old  which is as old as the castle itself this is   incredible let's say hi to everyone so this is  the whole team it's not just me walking around   here we're getting all the information this is  the team at Barnes my girlfriend Geraldine this   is Zachary at Barnes there's another room here  a whole another room yeah because it's not crazy enough I've never seen a garden like this so in  the winter time when it's a little depressing and   cold you can come into this Garden here and just  be transported into the tropics I Can't Describe   to enough the intricacy of all the thought  that went into the specific plants here the   design of the water the lily pads it's really  something else and it's hard to put a price on this and at the very end here there's a platform oh well look at this with an aerial  view top down of the garden this is [Music] unreal [Music] we're actually spending the night at  the Castle I wouldn't say it's scary   it'sing terrifying it's a little scary  our room didn't have a light and they   actually bought up a floor lamp just  because it was so dark in here all   right it's now the next morning not the  best sleep in my life but not the worst I'm looking for some coffee day two at the chatau  dressed back up had my coffee staying overnight   here it's really giving us the experience of  what it would be like to actually own this and   even with the weather changes we've got a bit  more Moody feel today overcast but I'm excited   let's get into it and start the tour off we've  seen The Indian Palace we've seen the greenhouse   all 45 Acres of the garden are you ready to see  inside the Chateau let's check this out so right   in the entry we have the Royal foer here with all  the stone on the ground The Columns the home was   built in 1651 and took 10 years to complete it has  40 bedrooms five living rooms two dining rooms the   square footage they don't even know and we're  only actually touring 1/4 of this Castle this   side over here is private the owner lives on  this side so we're touring I guess you could   call it the public side but it's still pretty  crazy let's start heading up the stairs off of   the foed look at this stairwell like triple width  stairwell here look at the stonework the raw iron   railings statement stairwell if I have ever  seen one so onto the second floor here we're   going to head off to my right I mean and I want  to also point out the artifacts I'm not going   to actually touch this cuz it took 30 years to  collect all the art in here and again I want to   mention the art is worth north of million off  of the stairwell welcome to the formal dining   room Reception Area this is where the king would  greet his guests it's also where they would Feast   you notice all the silverware I want to point out  again everything in here is authentic for example   these four vases here were gifted to Napoleon by  the king of Sweden and they're here in this house   as we go out throughout the home we'll point out  a few more artifacts but this is the entertaining   room for when your guests arrive to the Chateau  you've got views there to the South the north of   the courtyard Juliet balconies the ceilings are  about 30 ft high or 10 m and you can just see   the scale of this room it is massive now from the  dining room we've got your parlor or your great   room here and this is decorated in typical 17th  century French Decor again everything you see in   here is authentic for example this is a portrait  of Marie Antoinette young and then on the other   side of Maria Antoinette old this over here is  actually the wheelchair of Marie Antoinette's son   his actual wheelchair he had a disability and  this is what he used to get around and that's   actually a painting of him right above here I want  to also point out that the typical French living   room in the 17th century was decorated like this  where it's the opposite of minimalism every piece   of the wall is covered in art the furniture from  the formal living room we've got the pool hall and   this is an original pool table from Louis the  14th his doctor actually prescribed described   that after he ate to play pool to help with his  uh indigestion and this is his original table   here just chilling in the chatau then at the end  here again this typically is closed off because   this is actually where the owner of the Chateau  is living full-time so unfortunately we can't T   that if we look behind me you can really see the  entire length of this chatau here and again let's   walk and talk they actually don't even know the  square meters or the square feet of this Castle   so formal living room back into your dining room  and again we don't know the actual square footage   of the Chateau I would guess anywhere from 60 to  880,000 square ft off of the formal dining room   we're back to the main stairwell area and this is  the Ballroom in the Chateau if you look up all the   artwork on the ceiling you have beautiful crown  molding this is all gold leaf every single detail   in here again over 30 years it took to design  everything out to be as if you were in 17th   century France here I really want to point out the  level of detail on the gold leafing here it's on   the walls the ceilings and even if you look up  you have this artwork on the ceiling here with   the angels the chandeliers these are all crystal  chandeliers here these Bronze Statues again we   don't know the individual value of certain pieces  but the total sum is a dollar out of the ballroom   here we're now entering the home office the study  original desk here all original chairs again look   at the ceiling here you've got beautiful artwork  on the ceiling the gold leafing throughout   and again the entire wall space is covered with  original art from the French Revolution every room   in the chatau also has a wood burning fireplace  because back in the day it's the only way you're   going to heat this place so from the office we  have a little hallway which connects us to the   king's Chambers so this is where the king of the  Chateau slept right here for instance as far as   the artifacts these two boxes on either side are  from Imperial Japan that's original silver there   with the artwork on those boxes here over top  crystal chandelier fireplace again just look   at the gold leafing detail here on every single  wall super impressive leaving the king's bedroom   back on through his private hallway into the study  room right off of here this is pretty wild welcome   to your double height ceiling the library here in  the chatau take a look at this there's over 20,000   rare books in here you got a catwalk surrounding  the library on the second floor open to the floor   down below 20,000 historical books in here and  at either end of the library there's two mummies   this is an actual human body mummified from Egypt  in this house in France that is wild I even saw   voodoo dolls at that end and these look like spell  books so it's there's no words for this that's why   it's truly like you you can't put a price on  this and with that said we don't actually know   the true value of this estate we can only guess  there's also hidden doors throughout the entire   Home and these are only the ones that we've been  showing I'm sure there's a lot more check out   what's behind here this is the game room where we  have an ostrich skeleton Turtles on the walls a   panther we haven't even gone up here yet and I'm  curious let's check out what's up here the whole   wall is lined with tortoise shelves we're  now going up into one of the towers of the Chateau and now we're just oh  there's no lights in there I'm   not going in there come on let's check it out got some feins what the heck this is actually crazy could you imagine look at this could you  imagine if this was your bedroom and to get to   your bedroom you had to walk through the game  room through the secret passageway in the library   again there's 40 bedrooms in this house this is  one of 40 you saw the King's Room check out the   bathroom a tub fit for royalty with a view of  the garden here all right let's head of this bathroom and it's tough cuz we can't really show  you every single bedroom like this is the the   blueprint of the castle here on the wall you can  just see how large it is I honestly think it's   probably more than 60 to 80,000 ft I'm thinking  closer to 100,000 because there's rooms that   I'm sure we will not even see or have access  to so up this stairwell there's another Wing   where there's more bedrooms but we're going to  head back down past all these dead beetles and   turtle shells I want to point out also like I  was kind of uh it's kind of jarring to see all   this it's a bit Antiquated having dead animals  on your wall like this but I guess back in the   day in the 17th century this was the norm all  right finally back downstairs there's just so   much here oh we're locked yeah we're locked  we have to go back the other way all right we   made our way back down we're now at the lower  level of the library so if you look up you can   see the wraparound balcony and just the height  of the ceiling in here and again these are all   books from the mainly 18th and 19th century lots  of again of French Revolution pieces now out of   the library there's a back hallway which connects  the front hallway here which we're going to go to   right now where we left off upstairs and we were  locked up there in the uh the dead zoo I guess   you could call this not going to show too much of  this but maybe just a little quick shot down this   hallway to get the perspective of the Dead Zoo  pretty gnarly and this is uh for perspective for   perspective we were a there and this was locked  so if we continue on there's a little room here   I'm not even sure what this is for but this is the  chapel in the chatau this is a proper church that   just happens to be in the chatau again you got  the double height ceilings here got the altar all   these religious relics in here and I'm not going  to begin to even try to explain any of this just   because I really don't even know and I feel like  most people here don't know because there's just   so much there's so many artifacts from all over  the world and just I don't really have much to   say about this part it's really intense the dead  zoo animals from all over the world mounted in   this hallway comment down below what you think  of this it's pretty intense but now we're back   to the main 4A right there and what's down this  door is actually pretty crazy so we're now going   subterrain in the Chateau and as you come down  here instantly it's like 5 to 10° cooler than   upstairs and this is where the kitchen is in the  Chateau because back in the day kitchens weren't   something that you would show off the kitchen was  below the home where you would store the firewood   got the pans here they even have those subterrain  windows you can let in light and if you peek in   here this is traditionally what it would be like  and where the staff would be living because it is   the warmest part of the house so the beds are  in the kitchen here and I was told that the   biggest cause of fire in these chatus was here  in the kitchen so that's why someone would be   sleeping here at all times in case things went  crazy but this is set up in the way would be in 1650 and then if we continue on the ceiling gets a  little lower there's another area over here where   you would be butchering your meat you have all the  quail hanging a boar for dinner going even further   back getting even colder this is the wine storage  here an actual wine seller and at the very end   this is pretty crazy this is where you would store  your fruit from the summer so you would Harvest   all your apples in the fall bring them down here  for the winter and they would stay preserve just   because the temperatures are so cool and then even  in this room there's a fireplace to heat the place   and then there's actually another stairwell at  the back of the kitchen which leads us up and   instantly it gets warmer it's pretty incredible  how the subtrain kitchen actually cools the food   and now we're back where we were by the chapel and  the dead Zoo for reference we're back in the foer   that's the front door this is the back door which  leads into the Chateau Courtyard which is super   impressive especially from the view of the Drone  seeing how large this Courtyard is in comparison   to a human we even had the car pulling up earlier  and here you get the true perspective of the   Chateau so behind me that's where we're sleeping  that's actually for rent so you can actually rent   those rooms out and stay here there's a restaurant  off to the left here and then behind me this is   where the owner lives so we haven't even toured  this entire wing and we haven't even toured the   wing behind us here for perspective of just  how freaking huge The Chateau is of everything   we've seen what was the the craziest the most  impressive the most beautiful thing that you   saw again I want to thank the teams at Barnes  International for giving us the opportunity   to come out here to Normandy and share something  that no one has really seen up until this point if   you're new here subscribe give the video a like  and with that we will see you in the next video

2023-11-25 14:00

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