Touring R14,000,000 ULTRA-MODERN ENTERTAINERS HOME in Copperleaf Golf Estate

Touring R14,000,000 ULTRA-MODERN ENTERTAINERS HOME in Copperleaf Golf Estate

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]   Looking to buy an ultra-modern entertainers home in Copperleaf Golf Estate? Good afternoon - this is Xavier with Luxury Homes Johannesburg - today, we are back in this exquisite lifestyle   estate, together with Victoria from Baroque Real Estate who is going to take us on a tour   of this stunning home - as always specs on the  house: this is a 5-bedroom,  5.5-bathroom, 4-garage home - without further ado, Victoria - Thank you so much, Xavier   Good evening everybody on this beautiful summer's evening. I'm so excited to be showing you around   this extravagant home it is so exciting and I  can't can't wait to show you around as you can   see as we're standing outside this home boasts  four garages an ample parking room coming into   the most amazing entrance area with this wooden  cladding on the outside mixed with the stone   I love how the wooden cladding kind of  looks like a dress kind of style to it   really looking super industrial very cool  I really like the finish that they've gone   with here just showing some texture and coming  into the entrance this is a very different door   Xavier I like the fact that it's more private  it's off the beaten path of the main road you   kind of walk into this area here and it just  shows a sense of privacy you can't really see   in from the main road either which I really like  and you've got this massive pivot door here and   then you come and you see this beautiful  hanging Chandelier and this this beautiful   mirror and built-in Stone shelf very cool a very  nice little touch as you walk into the home this   house was built in 2018 and is just Immaculate  I must say you come through onto this massive   entertaining area where you have your TV Lounge  your dining table I mean it's absolutely beautiful   um Xavier in this house I love how they've  made use of bulkheads around specific areas   we often speak about it how um they like it  helps designate each area and in this house   you can see how they've specifically put it over  this beautiful white um dining room table with   these lovely Pearl shaped um hanging pendants  over the dining table absolutely spectacular how's this for a while Factor and just overlooking the Fairway look at this  when is the last time we did a tour like this guys   so beautiful I love how the house is really light  and bright and everything is simplistic and clean   and you've got to they use a lot of different  shapes and different heights throughout the house   and you'll see that throughout the interior to the  exterior design I mean this kitchen is state of   the art I was saying to Xavier how cool you've  got a built-in microwave you've got integrated   heating drawer an oven and then over here you  have another oven you've got a gas hob an electric   hob and in Xavier I thought this was very cool  this extractor I mean I couldn't ask for anymore and it just comes up it's hidden most of the time   this is a stunning vertical extractor fan a  vertical extract fan I'm learning something new   and then it will come on and then I just  gotta solve it and then it goes down again very cool beautiful hanging pendant lights  and what I do really love about this kitchen   or extremely ample in size they've added  a bit of their personality into the home   so although very clean and light and all  these clean lines and light colors they've   got these beautiful Moroccan tiles splashed  back on this wall just adding some character   and really making the home their own we're gonna  see this throughout the house here and there are   those tiles curious to see if you're gonna spot  the next one yeah exactly coming through here   is this Gallery is probably one of the best  coolest galleries we've that I've personally   seen I was gonna say I've never seen anything  it's so cool so my favorite part okay so Louis   star chair so your eyes obviously got your double  sink and your dishwasher they've got like a dog   grooming bath shower thing over here which I think  is just oh too cute and I've only actually seen   this in overseas designs and overseas houses so  it's very nice if it starts seeing that kind of   culture come through to our designs I always  talk about how I love functional laundries so   you've got your hanging racks over here and  Xavier it's so nice to have your appliances   at a normal level and not having to bend over  all the time I mean how cool and thoughtful   is that I've never seen this in my hundreds  of videos that I've toured I've never seen   this and I think it's a genius move genius like  it's so much more it's so much more practical   you're not breaking your back the whole time and  then what I also love about this house is they   have a separate laundry sink so like if you have  things that you want to hand wash or things that   you need to soak you can do it in there amazing so  thoughtful and then it's absolutely massive garage   he massive ceiling Heights and they've  got beautiful built-in storage as well I don't know if I'm guessing this would be your or  Workshop who knows your Workshop I think it would   be more like your your workshop for all your cars  all your fancy cars if you have this house well   oh it's beautiful I love functionality um in this  house as well they've got integrated everything   basically um heat and cooling we've got automated  blinds throughout the front of the house here   um massive sliding doors as you can see over here  guys I always talk about when buying a home like   this you want to buy a choice check the aluminum  doors very good aluminum doors considering the   size I can just say that and then you come out  to this big tecular View and the Beautiful pool   and you can just picture yourself living here with  your family having your friends around the garden   is absolutely Immaculate on the outside here we  have composite decking which I'm always a huge fan   of we always talk about it being low maintenance  not having to sand it anything like that and on   the lower Terrace over here of the garden they  actually have astro turf and then on the even   lower Terrace where Xavier is shooting from now  they have the natural grass you can really see   from this view of the house how they've made  use of so many different angles we've got three   levels to the house that you can see from the  exterior here and it is just breathtaking they use   different materials you've got the glass you've  got the rust type slatting and it just really   adds so much texture and design to the exterior  of the house really making it one of a kind   Victoria there you say something this is  undoubtedly given the value the price that you're   paying for this I mean look at these you guys and  this is level one we've got three levels to go   three levels to go Xavier I really do think this  house is a very good buy and I do think whoever   purchases it will not be disappointed I'd like  to point out over there that there is a little   wet bar which is always welcomed in our country  I think or tonight or tonight and as you look at   the staircase it's not just a simple staircase  they've added the stones underneath they've got   the wooden slatting then they've got not only  do they have the wooden slapping they were half   wooden slatting and then done half the frameless  class very cool very stylistic I mean I can't I   can't fault it it's very I love seeing something  different I love seeing something designed they   also have a wood burning fireplace in the house  sorry just before we go upstairs that's really   well situated within the TV area just adding that  extra warmth and Ambiance into the home so I mean   it's beautiful very cool design and you've got  that beautiful steel pipe going up really cool   now we're gonna make our way upstairs I'd like  to point out that this is also a sliding door I'm   assuming although they say you should never assume  it's to service the garden but I also love how on   a hot summer's day you could open it up you could  get some decent wind flow throughout the house   coming up the stairs we have these beautiful  blown glass chandeliers hanging here   and then Xavier instead of having a balustrade or  having a wall they've got these full glass panels   so so fancy floor to ceiling floor to ceiling  and then I feel like I'm going to keep walking   through this house and saying and then they've  got such a Sleek integrated design that they've   done here so what they've done is they've put  a steel beam and then they've integrated a   security gate into here which is really cool  I mean you don't even know it's there I only   noticed that the second time we walked through  the house so it's a really design extremely well   beautiful lines as well oh beautiful everything  is so clean so Sleek so modern Ample Storage   over here linen storage as you're walking through  the hallway you've got the flu from the chimney   coming up through here a design element also  helping with the heating throughout the house   nice touch nice touch coming through to the main  there's a coffee station obviously because in a   house like this you can't go downstairs to make  your own tea and coffee you know at a certain   time you have to say upstairs you have to stay  upstairs walking into the main bedroom it does   not disappoint I must say you've got all this  amazing Cabinetry on the left hand side and then   you have this beautiful bathroom all with Victoria  Albert and Hans grower and fittings and sandwich   oh it's stunning stunning also keeping with  the blown glass lights you've got a massive   shower with an amazing seating area um you've got  this huge mirror over here with the double vanity   you've got your separate toilet and Xavier through  here I want to almost say it would be another   dressing room I would almost say it's the female's  dressing room but I don't want to assume things   very nice very big very big and a cute little  dressing table as well oh I wish this was my home   as we walk through here you'll see  the main I want to say sleeping area   um ample in size and something I really love about  this bedroom and it just adds to a little bit of   the design is you've got these beautiful white  shutters that you can use to separate from your   bathroom area if you wanted to I want to be like  hello hello or you can leave them open if you want   to be like sitting in the bath and chatting to  your real respective other um I just think it's   a very cool cute little design in the main bedroom  we've got two different patios so we want to call   it a patio yeah it's a nice little balcony there  you go balcony with the frameless glass um this   one over there that Xavier's just shown you and  then the bigger seating area out over here you   know where you can sit at night or in the mornings  or whenever cappuccinos and look at the view I mean we don't even have to say anything yeah  I know I feel bad because you can hear the birds   you can hear it Adidas welcome to joburg oh  beautiful people walking on the golf course the estate is a very safe family  orientated to the state so it's   so lovely to know that like your kids or  your family or whoever's walking around   going for their jobs at night so are going  to be completely safe and obviously has all   the amenities we always talk about it having  two restaurants a spa the golf course I mean   I can't even mention all the  amenities because they're endless I really really enjoy this Hidden Gem that's  called what it is it is a Hidden Gem I when   I walked into the house I got so excited I  was like I can't wait for Xavier to get here   he's gonna be excited about this one and and am I  yeah I mean look how beautiful that is that's just   that shot I think looking down your your hallway  is so cool so stunning um coming in here we will   be coming into the second bedroom upstairs  um each bedroom has its own little balcony or built-in Cabinetry and uh Xavier have you  noticed how all the balconies join along there   oh yes very nice so this bedroom um is a Jack  and Jill so she's a Jack and Jill bathroom this   bathroom is huge it's a full bathroom bath massive  shower separate um toilet double vanity can't ask   for anything more got all the plug points for  your shirt your Shavers and electrical stuff   and then you'll be back into the second  the third this is now the third bedroom   um upstairs the second one for the Jack and jaw  and another gorgeous view and back onto guys   look at this and I love the architecture as well  huge difference there's so many so many angles so   I cantilever ages like we can go on like if you  look down there a little cantilever Edge we look   down here I can't believe it age like it's all  insane um Xavier would I love to also a little   notice point of Mind earlier walking outside on  the patios and they actually have proper drains   outside on patios which I thought was very smart  normally you kind of just end up having in most   houses like a hole on the patio they've actually  got proper steel drainage that they've put around   there which is always welcomed in a home like  this coming over onto this end of the house   you've got again more ample built-in Cabinetry  um you must have a lot of stuff to be living um so then this will be the fourth bedroom  upstairs full um bathroom over here and then again   ample size bedroom built-in dish Dressing Table  area Bolton Cabinetry um beautiful Furnishings   beautiful drops of the curtains and again out  onto a bigger patio every single room every   single room Xavier don't you love the balustrade  in this house how it goes directly into the slab   or into the Brickwood instead of normally we see  them bolted on like you would on the staircase   normally see them on with the spigots and like  they do have a bit of a mix but I love that   they used it where they could making it look  really seamless and frameless it's very cool   guys you gotta admit it this is a gem Victoria  thank you so much for taking us through we're not   done yet I just want to thank you ahead of time  definitely wow oh gosh each bedroom has a vinyl   flooring which I always think is a little bit of a  nicer softer touch in the bedrooms because it just   creates a bit of warmth um in your in your living  areas um very cool and we'll make our way back   down the stairs so two levels one to go am I right  yes one more to go I often like after walking   through a house like this sometimes I'm talking  so much I feel like I'm losing my breath foreign into the living area I'd like to point out  they have this beautiful wallpaper behind   the TV and again I mean just showing you the  size this TV's massive and then you've got   this beautiful textured wallpaper behind the  TV look that's tall we usually look at it but   a little bit of a shine so it's very pretty  and again guys very delicious look at this   this is when a house this caliber comes to life  this is the lifestyle right this is a lifestyle   coming on coming on down to the bottom wing  of the house we'll be walking through here we'll be passing our second massive um garage again huge beautiful built-in Cabinetry   um over here we have our guest Lou and as Xavier  mentioned earlier Can you spot the Moroccan tiles adding character into the home  giving it that little pop of color   we have more shelving down here more  storage of course so anything you need   um and Xavier this op what do you call them soft  closed Cabinetry and this is the little built-in   server cage that they've got going on here  which obviously just runs the entire House's   automation systems and anything like that very  impressive very impressive to have um we'll be   walking up a level all little built-in Cabinetry  that they've got going throughout the house   love it when people use the same style  the same materials everything throughout   a home because it just makes it seem smooth or  having flow oh this is the office by the way   would you mind working here every day oh  would be stunning stunning most of the patios   um balconies have astro turf on them nice and  clean yeah super nice and clean low maintenance   you saw one just take a host pipe out there and  wash it down and then over here would be the   fifth bedroom in this house and it's got a full  ensuite absolutely beautiful with the Cabinetry   in the in the bathroom which I love this thing  is a very practical touch that they got going on   for a nice shower bath yup and how stunning is  this this reminds me of like a camps Bay Cape   Town type of setup yeah I love it just it shows  some extra um like privacy into the the into the   bedroom and the sleeping area against walking  straight through the front door into the room here we are again balcony balcony because  isn't this what it's all about the views   the lifestyle I mean look how awesome  it is to have a guest stay here yeah   no beautiful you're really  surprised me yeah aim to please and there you have it again like Victoria said a  very unusual bathroom but yet look at this guys very cool and last but not  least um this house lists a   um you want to call it a domestics um area  and when I first came down here I thought   I was a bit I thought this was still because  it's part of the home it's still in the home   it almost seems like a like a granny flatlet  or were you a teenager would stay so I would   almost say this as a six bedroom house with six  big bathrooms and six and a half baths but how   could you know your KitchenAid area space for  one Appliance 100 I'd stick my oldest in here   yeah that's like my oldest in here and then um  coming through here you see I mean lounge space   bid space beautiful separate little garden that  you've got going outside on the ground floor area   um Xavier I'd like to make point just because  we're close enough here of the Clear View fencing   they've got around the edge of the garden there  which is pretty cool just tried to put my nose   on it I just noticed that I'm digressing a bit  it's not until you're right on it yeah because   you don't even see it it sets up beautiful  and I love the gardens they're so meticulous   we're gonna come back here on the way out yes  we will sorry like I said I got distracted   and then coming back through to the Sixth  and final bathroom again beautiful size   shower I now that we're here all in all um  toilets and then how cool is this mirror okay well very cool we know how  it works we know how it works   very nice let's step out this side and go to the  entertainment area again because so we've seen   the downstairs where do you call it the flatlet  the flatless or a domestic domestics whether you   want living with you really you can go live down  there and the Beautiful extremely well manicured   Gardens different Terraces different levels  different textures different materials I mean   beautiful up there we have the extra guest room  then on that section right in the middle there we   have our study above the study on top main  with look at again look at these overhangs   like Victoria Point in a lot earlier I'm not  sure if you saw because overhangs those Corners   there's no pillars supporting them it is  just floating look at this here as well   I think it's such an amazing touch look at  this and it carries through look at this guys this is the home for you I'm telling you now yes as well I mean it's all endless we could walk  around here for hours and we would still probably   forget to tell you something normally this is  the spot where I end but I gotta go inside again   just to have another look because this was and I  keep looking at this part right here look at this   flow pool yeah sun is set your views oh Xavier we didn't talk about that we've  got a gas per eye and a wood burning braai   oh as well as well as prep sink storage area  for a food Enthusiast entertaining enthusiast   100 yeah I can't I'm almost sad that we're  ending this tour I know there's just so much   to it but we are going to run out of natural  sunlight soon so I'm stalling here but guys   you must admit look at this beauty and did you  see the price try to see that at a different   estate in waterfall in staying City in Blair Ethel  or any other states that we've toured I must agree as always make sure to reach out if you have any  questions or viewing your requests the agent's   detail will be below phone number email or just  drop a comment and we will take it from there   guys thank you so much for your time to have  us take you on a tour of this stunning Ultra   Modern entertainment home in Copperleaf  golf estate and if you like this one make   sure to check out the one here on the right with  Victoria it's another awesome one as well cheers

2023-09-30 06:16

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