Touring Hanoi for less than $1!!! | How to Ride the Bus

Touring Hanoi for less than $1!!! | How to Ride the Bus

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okay so we're being adventurous we  don't know what this is and we're   going to give it a try this this this  little place off the side of the of the   alley that our hotel is in and we're  I think we're literally in somebody's home and the uh the auntie that's here cooking  she recommend the the picture number one and   picture number three on the left side uh we  both opted to try number one and the Google   Translate is not helpful at all yeah and I  don't even know she knew I was asking for a   recommendation she just pointed and um but I  imagine every meal we've had in this country   has been amazing so yeah this probably  will be no different in fact here it comes come on come on so looks like there's a pate  it smells delicious let me see if   there's what else is going on in here so it looks like yeah some Center of pork and Pate  you're holding them too high sorry um   oh some wheat noodles yeah some sort of  brown noodle I don't know if it's wheat   or if it has something else there's  lots of greens in here I love that   um let's see if I can kind of figure  it out so it looks like spring onions yeah okay I'm going to and we got some uh garlic  to put in some uh believe this is a shrimp paste   and uh [ __ ] cloth I'm going to just try  the broth it's nice and fatty see that oh yeah oh you're going to love that  that's very dropped a chopstick um   it has a very Umami flavor so kind  of like a mushroomy flavor but I   don't see mushrooms in there unless it's an  ingredient in one of these but that's very good oh it smells mushroom me yeah very good it's like a a rich flavor oh yeah let me try there's no chilies a bit   of the Noles maybe you don't  use chilies with this maybe not and we're just sitting next  to a random giant bunch of eggs yeah Prett good I haven't tried the noodles  or anything yet I just realized that this   is crab cake right here and the other  meat is pate for sure this one right there just look at the fat in that broth that's so good so at first I thought the greens in  here are uh spring onions but I think it's   something else it has a different flavor and  I can't describe it and there's also a mo bean sprouts so the Auntie here uh  said it's okay for me to take   a quick video of her while she's cutting up these vegetables it's something similar to like a Bak Choy  but I I'm not really sure what it is but wow she's being funny because um when I was  trying to ask her without Google translate   she thought that I wanted a picture of her with  thumbs up just want to show you like some of the   stuff that uh she has around here giant bowl  of eggs couple bowls of eggs like some chopped   peanuts got chopped peanuts a rice cooker and  up here we're trying to figure out what these [Music] are and then some  more of those noodles some beans um possibly chestnuts some tea  water uh garlic this kind of looks like chilies in here and then uh obviously she's  got some sort of brine going on like salted   chilies maybe I don't know shallots and  then today is actually the third but and   does anybody know in the comments what this 20  is for on the calendar like is it uh possible   Chinese New Year date or some sort of other  calendar that we don't know about so many   questions and then looks like there's a either  an award or something honoring someone up here well but yeah just an interesting little shop very old right by the church Street or by the  the church in [Music] town oh and I don't   know if we've showed you the seats we  sit on but uh these seem to support me and there's there's ones that are even  shorter than that here's the entrance of the place all right what are we eating next so that's what the outside of  our house and restaurant looks [Music] like our laundry from here come [Music] on so we got our laundry back  uh it was it was wet and it was paid by the   kilogram um $5,000 d a kilogram Which is less than  a dollar this ended up being 5 kilg so it was uh 75,000 which sounds like a lot but it was only $3  and they're all nice and neatly folded it looks   like they may have been ironed as well I'm not  entirely sure but all packaged up they did a um an inventory of the uh the clothes before they  washed them and uh comes in nice little package fold it up [Music] nicely smells fresh and clean I'm thoroughly  impressed how much was that again $3 wow and   I had tried to wash our clothes by hand um and  they weren't drying fast enough so I was like   shoot they're going to get like musty smelling so  they were pretty spping wet so they were heavy and   you're paying by the kilogram so if we turn these  in dry this would probably be about $2 which is   insane to do our laundry and I mean folded washed  dried and uh smelling nice and then on our way   up yesterday the housekeeping lady uh came to  us and gave us these we're not even sure what   they are but I thought they were fried bananas or  cooked bananas at first but they're more starchy   and they taste and smell more like potato so I  don't know is it could be tarot root oh maybe   I don't know what ter root smells or tastes  like they're really good um a really good St   snack uh yesterday when she gave them to us they  were warm and she's like oh I cooked these this   morning that's why they're cold right now and she  gave us two bananas super sweet so two days in   a row the cleaning lady is giving us food yeah  I'm really enjoying Vietnam how about you yeah   the Vietnamese people are such hard workers and  very nice people yes uh there is one thing though   I don't have you talked to them about uh how  impressed people are of you oh everybody thinks   I'm pregnant everybody's like oh baby baby and  I said soon soon uh also uh uh the guys like to   come up and squeeze me um we got a coconut the  other day from a a a store not too too far from   here and uh I was molested by uh a Vietnamese  man twice in the same sitting he came up and he   started squeezing my arm and then he grabbed my  boobs and started squeezing my boobs and I was like so yeah uh that was a little uncomfortable  but maybe that's what they do here to America   yeah and they're very impressed by your  beard too oh yeah last night when we got   dinner the remember the Auntie at the  restaurant yeah um I don't know if it's   more impressed or or disgusted because we've  heard that beards are tend to look at as very   dirty um when when people have beards  we've heard that like one other place   I'm not sure if it's true but uh yeah  they are definitely impressed with my stature as are all of us you're as as you  should be you're a fine specimen of a man banana oh these smells so good clean laundry Li was saying saying it's it  it might be in other hotels   embroidered on the towels but it's actually broken English I think it means our hotel thanks you  ours in Hank you now correct us if we're wrong   but that just seems like what it is yeah I see it  now yeah that's very cool yeah all right we're uh   about to go catch a bus uh the city bus yeah to  the mall the Mega Mall yeah and I know people   are sick of Americans tipping but but um we're  going to leave a tip for our lady that's been   cleaning our place I mean she's been giving  us gifts yeah and she wouldn't accept money   so hopefully she'll take that hopefully  so this is my our house cleaner uh camon camor oh for [Music] the streets of Hanoi are just loaded  with people and motorbikes and it just   smells like amazing food here um how  many people talk about that but just   as you walk down the road you just start  smelling everything and it just smells   amazing makes you kind of hungry just  walking down the street even after you ate so that was a double-decker Hanoi City  bus tour um that is at least $20 us what   we're going to take is a city bus and uh  that should be less than a dollar so far   we've only walked around Hanoi um mainly in  the mainly in the old quarter of Hanoi but   uh today we're venturing out want to see new  sites we've only been here a few days too I   was walking down the street this lady just  looked me up and down and said o troyo and uh I Google translated it it means oh my God I'm so glad that you are in good spirits   about this because if this was  directed towards me I would be crying uh I know I'm a big guy especially  here UT we learn more words yeah all right   so we made it to the bus station I'm not sure  how this works so we're going to figure it out [Music] [Music] [Music] mom almost [Music]  okay so we made it on the M Let's see we paid for our tickets it was  8,000 each uh so 16,000 which works out to   be 65 cents 65 cents and it's an hour and  it's I think it's an hour bus ride um let's see yeah 35 stops 1 hour minutes all right so   you get to tour the city for 65 cents  wow all right buckle up and enjoy the ride there's a way to tell when to get off uh they  they have the stops listed there on the the TV [Music] screen so far the bus is not  crowded but it is Sunday middle of the [Music] day and uh the bus also includes free Wi-Fi so that that's the announcement for another  stop and I don't see like a on a city bus where   we're from there's a stringing Pole to say I want  to get off there are these little buttons right   here that might be it that might be how you bus is  going fast when it goes yeah that might be how you   tell them to get off and there's music so all the  information we got for this is on Google um Google   has little pictures of the bus stops and if you  tap on them you can see where to go and you can   just tap on the different routes and it'll tell  you where it goes and then you just look on a [Music] m fore spee [Music] are you yes [Music] so the process is when you get on the  bus you just keep walking pass the driver and there's a ticket taker that uh  comes up to you and basically tell asks   you where you're going and you tell them and  they print out a little receipt and you pay   him like while you're on the bus and then when  you get to your stop you just basically you want   to exit through the back door in case people  are getting on through the front door but uh   I read that you need to go quickly off the bus  because the bus does not stop for very long and   it's very true the bus does not stop for very  long okay this is how long the bus has stopped for so you really need to hurry if you're getting  on the bus and off the bus but buses run every 20   minutes uh at least at the stop we were at so we  should be good and I figure if we missed the last   bus for some reason or get lost you can always use  the grab app to get back to your hotel or wherever   you're staying and uh that way you can you know  not have to worry too much cuz grab's going to   be cheap it's not going to be 65 cents cheap like  the bus but it'll be cheap so far this is like the   cheapest and best entertainment in Vietnam at 65  cents and you were all those people watching and   seeing the architecture and then this is amazing  I highly recommend this if any of you ever come   here to just take the city bus and it's 65  cents for both of us what a cheap tour yeah [Music] I [Music] say it also look like uh  they accept credit cards here on   the bus so if you don't have exact  change they might accept credit cards oh wow they're a little big for Bonsai they okay there  is a button on the poll the person next to me   just requested the next stop so um definitely the  buttons are the things that request the [Music] stop [Music] fore I got [Music] some di tail so looks like uh under a dollar a liter big old Jack [Music] fruits [Music] does but it also looks new yeah I wonder if they try that in homes whoa what is that that looks like a  university Vin University that is fancy so we just got off the bus and uh this  is still Hanoi but this is weird yeah there's   still a few horns and stuff but it is so much  quieter yeah and we're not seeing any tourist   whatsoever that we know of and uh it just feels  like we are like remote in a big city City yeah   so everything here seems new um we're going to  check out the Mega Mall which is that but for   since we saw those buildings I showed you  earlier everything has been just new here   in this part of town and a lot of it seems  empty as well yeah so it's just very weird   and Eerie feeling here to to uh to be in  Hanoi and have it be empty yeah like we   can cross the street no problem yeah and it was  60 cents for us to take a bus here from downtown Hanoi like all this looks new like even the  landscaping and those buildings down there   those are new jeez this is a very strange area  I feel like we're in a movie like it's just so   strange to be in a foreign land well it it almost  feels like we're not supposed to be here doesn't   it yeah it does have that feeling like this is  the last video you see from us going to the Mega   Mall which I don't know why yeah well it's not  like a feeling of not feeling safe I don't yeah   I don't feel unsafe I just feel like I'm I I  don't to start supposed to be here yeah it's   not even like I don't belong here it's it's hard  to describe it's more like this is the part of   Hanoi that they don't want you to see yeah that  they're not funneling the tourist tourists into   yeah like like and there when we were in the  uh when we were in the old quarter of Hanoi   there were tons of shops selling tours and they  were you know onwards up from $50 to thousands   of dollars USD and um to take you to these places  that every other tourist is going yeah and we just   hopped on the bus like the locals do and Charlie  picked the longest route I did I I just looked at   where whatever would get us out of the Heart of  the City the most yeah and here we are and here   we are in this strange yeah really beautiful yeah  yeah very beautiful area of Hanoi it's crazy let's   check out this giant mall that was just built yeah  but we're going to do that in the next episode oh   so okay thanks for watching well that was fun that  was so much fun I I can't wait to do the ride back   uh thanks for watching don't forget to like And  subscribe and we'll see you next time bye now bye now for

2023-12-18 21:37

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