Touring Algeria S7E24 (Bonus Episode): I learned about the Algerian Struggle for Independence
Asslamu Aleykum Wa aleykum Asalam Asslamu Aleykum, how are you? Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah When they came they saw a beatle and asked what it's called they said Tamanrasset, so they called it that Because there were a lot of beatles of this kind they are called Tamanrasset when the French came they just said okay this place is Tamanrasset Algerian women and children played a big role .. they played an integral role in the revolution, we'll see Oh, my guy, Ali La Pointe! yeah yeah the one the third one guys if you're Algerian please tell me who this is this is this is.. do you know who this is by any chance? Abdul-Hameed ibn Baadees okay Emir Abdelkader this is Youcef Zighoud - okay and that's the president that got ex*cuted yeah, Boudiaf. Asslamu Aleykum damn a photo of an Algerian merchant closing his shop..
facing the fury of the French men in charge 28 January he's closing the store French reaction to the striking Algerian merchants who are doing a strike - yeah man they were arresting people they're even closing the shops ... yeah there was a lot of protesting the French army in the Casbah and their speakers French occupation soldiers French soldiers ordering people to open their shops yeah because there was a general strike over the whole of the country now most of the French Algerians were located in the urban centers with approximately half of urban areas being made up by French c*lonizers in a city like Oran Algeria's second city that percentage was as high as 60% now on top of that and to nobody's great surprise the c*lonizers also held the largest and best pieces of land in Algeria for most of the Arab and Berber populations the lands they held were too small or too marginal to sustain their families this led them to seek work as seasonal labors for French landlords or even to their immigration to France only a small percentage of the population was considered Europeanized with a French education while the majority of the local population was not integrated into French society Asslamu Aleykum Wa Aleykum Asslam Asslamu Alykum, how are you? Alhamdulillah, Alhamdullilah How is it going? - all good This is Mujahid Museum? - Yes it's a w*apon - yeah a w*apon? - yeah which kind? - in hand okay like this .. breaks here okay this was used in the b*ttle of Tin Issa - where is that? 40 km from here - from Tamanrasset? - yeah it was a b*ttle over Tin Issa which is 40 kilometers far away from there okay the first b*ttle here - yeah 7th of May 1902 whe you say it's a w*apon did they use it to hit people? no no no push it in and then you s*rangle and then you s*rangle .. it tightens the grip yeah yeah Subhan Allah! it's very similar to women's ankle accessories for women it's called "Kholkhal" They put it like for decoration decoration like this here or here but for men it's a w*apon - yeah wow high quality bullet - a bullet okay yeah and this is a key - okay symbol of Tuareg - oh okay in Tamasheq - yes in Tamasheq it's a key symbol of Tuareg this is a razor - for shaving - this too and some mirrors because Tuareg men.. yeah how do we say it..they don't shave in front of women they don't shave their beards in front of women, they have to be away from women I am telling you man, they (Taureg men) be causing fitnah (temptation) that's why he has a separate mirror and goes away and shaves he doesn't uncover his face unless in front of his wife or daughter I'm telling you man he has to cover his face only his eyes can be uncovered unless it's his daughter or his wife subhan Allah - yeah wow these are the tools they found on the m*rtyrs..
19th of April 2019 what about the gun over there.. is that like from the French or .. - yes this was collected on March 1946 this m*rtyr d*ed only 21 days ago may he rest in peace, he d*ed only 21 days ago he took the w*apon from the French now for the pro independence leaders in Algeria and as early as May 8th, 1945 the day of the German capitulation organized demonstrations against French rule and in favor of independence were carried out in cities across Algeria these demonstrations were v*olently dispersed and even resulted in the d*aths of some protesters in response to this members of the majority Muslim Algerian community began a*tacks against French Algerians it eventually took the intervention of the French army against Muslim Algerians to suppress the a*tacks this is an animal skin bag for milk they had one for water and one for milk "Shekwa" for milk and "Gerba" for water they were always made from animal skin yeah Mashallah just you know ask him they made them from animal skin to keep the temperature cool? they make them from animal skin to keep the temperature cool? yes to keep the temperature cool and the bigger ones are used to make butter The beater? - yes exactly Esendu like the Kabyles call it. What do you call it in Tamasheq?
umm I’m not sure Tuareg men are the ones who cover their faces and women don't? regarding women, look.. if she's single she covers her face, if she's married she doesn't and married men don't cover their faces? they always cover their faces even the girls cover their faces but older women don't the girls who are not married.. - cover their faces? the ones who are they don't she already belongs to someone she's married then no one will look at her - okay wow there's a lot of trust in society the men are always covered - yeah since puberty - damn there’s also the element of nature that’s what I was trying to say, so the sand and.. The sand, the sun and all of that But they also have the principle of respect so for example he wouldn’t have his face uncovered in front of his father Yeah it's one of the traditions that you don't walk in on an elder without covering your face are they still conserving the traditions? You can’t know from the centre of Tamenrasset because it’s all mixed but in other areas there are are there some areas inhabited only by the Tuareg? Yes like? Tagmert Ilaman all the villages, Taghaouhat the majority are Tuareg? every tribe has a leader who runs the town the leader is respected and consulted in religious matters and disputes a leader so there's some places here in Tamanrasset who have only Tuareg people living there they have the system of the tribe with the the sheikh of the.. - the clan leader kind of thing
We call him "Abinukal" - is it Tamanrasset or Tamanghasset? and what does it mean? - Tamanghasset Tamanghasset Tamanghasset in Tamasheq it is a name of a tribe oh okay and it means an insect insect? the beatle? - beatle! ah! okay! When they came they saw a beatle and asked what it's called they said Tamanrasset, so they called it that Because there were a lot of beatles of this kind they are called Tamanrasset when the French came they just said okay this place is Tamanrasset they ask the people what do you want to call it they said Tamanrasset okay let's call it Tamanrasset okay lets go inside also heavily invested in the independence movement was the Algerian Communist Party which itself had separated from the French Communist Party in 1936 membership was primarily made up of French Algerians with only some support coming from Muslim Algerians the PCA remained an independent organization separate from the FLN but it supported the FLN and even merged its military wing with the military wing of the FLN the National Liberation Army by 1956 the last major active group inside Algeria was the Democratic Union of the Algerian Manifesto LED by Fairhat Abbas a long time advocate of non v*olence Abbas pursued the idea that Algeria should remain a part of France but as an autonomous state inside the French federal system this position never gained a huge amount of support and by 1956 the decision was made that the UDMA would join the FLM Ibn Mukhtar - this is a leader of Tuareg oh okay "Shikamut" - "Shikamut" a lot of Tuareg people are known for making s*ords where did this culture come from? is it like old like they've been doing this before? It's from way back? - yes - okay there are the best people in making s*ords a s*ear - a s*ear, yeah! yeah a*row okay okay - yeah okay and these are only one shots? yeah one shot not two yeah it's made by Italy Italy? - Italy okay like these ones as well there's this the the difference between this is long yeah - and the other ... it's a bit so short and it's with the knife - yeah wow and the long one without knife who made.. is this from Italy as well? Italy - okay they helped the revolution - swear? I don't know they helped the revolution? - yes but why? - during the cold w*r the Axis vs the Allies The Axis.. Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union they helped the FLN
they helped them win.. Against France, basically against the French and this is a French w*apon - okay it's like a cartridge and then you put the bullets in yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah could you talk.. it's a traditional w*apon could you talk to us about like the female m*rtyrs you know cause they also had a role to play.. Mr. Ben M'Hidi, isn't it cowardly to use your women's baskets to carry b*mbs, which have taken so many innocent lives? isn't it even more cowardly to a*tack defensless villages? with n*palm b*mbs that k*ll many thousands of times more? obviously, planes would makes things easier for us.
Give us your b*mbers, sir, and you can have our baskets. okay the Algerian woman played a huge role in the liberation movement in many different aspects.. she was a nurse, she was a teacher.. she did the cooking - cooking, yeah and also moving w*apons transporting w*apons and G*errilla w*rfare okay, yeah, yeah yeah yeah okay she played a big role and we'll see the other ones.. people are going to go nuts because he said cooking oh okay Mashallah education - yeah even here - yeah - training military training on w*apons they were side to side with men they took it as a challenge because they saw W*II the Algerians fought with the French and they saw that..
diversity is needed.. because some things women do better because the enemy doesn't suspect them, like children and the elders H*tler had a women's battalion but it failed because .. how can I say this.. because they were playing with a g*enade and they b*ew up themselvees but Algerian women challenged this.. and she indeed played a big role. So did Algerian children they also played a big role here in the Algerian desert..
they used to transmit letters with women and children because they didn't search them women, children and elders.. the French didn't search them that’s why they hid letters with them Ask him about Petite Omar there were many like him, not just him, right? yes there were were many like him because they were not suspected, they used to transport w*apons in commercial convoys and the south played a role in w*apon transport they come from the Atlantic ocean to Libya.. then to Niger then Mali then to Adrar and Ain Guezzam Oh! that's why everybody keeps talking about Mali then they move the w*apons with people who camouflage as bride and groom to cover for the w*apon they take children and women with them France occupied Algeria from July 1830 up until July 1962 and committed b*utal c*lonial c*imes in 1871 France passed the Indigenous People's Law it confiscated the majority of Arable land in the country and allowed European settlers to exploit the wealth of the nation while expelling Algerians to mountainous in arid regions and restricting their movement Europeans also took control of most of Algeria's trade manufacturing and mining Europeans got rich while Algerians got poor by 1953 more than 60% of Algerians were classified as destitute the French also placed higher c*lonial taxes on Algerians than on Europeans and looted the country's treasures including the Emirates Palace in Algeria's they will take the w*apons from Libya to Mali and then into Algeria from Mali to Libya? - no Libya to Mali then Algeria Libya Niger Mali - okay they come from Italy to Libya Niger Mali - and then they sneak it in they used camels and horses - okay donkeys and horses but they use horses and donkeys for short.. - distance distance yeah to transport injured people it can't... - travel far
not like camels - yeah "The Ship of the Desert" There were military trainings - in Mali? this is a military training .. - in Mali? - Yes ElKhalil.. Aguelhok..Anefis..Bamako ..Kidal, those were training centers Tahoua in Niger where the Algerian merchants used to gather the deseret played a huge role in the revloution! we didn't know! they covered this because things weren't stable Algeria went through difficult times we went through tough times and that's why it's not well known like Abdelkader El Mali, the head of the southern front was Bouteflika, in Mali he used to train them along with Abdellah El Goauchit, Mohamed Cherif Besadia and Ahmed Draeia they were translators from Tamasheq to Arabic like Mohamed Ahmed Ben Sabgag may Allah have mercy on him he passed away, there’s a photo of the Sheikh over there during the conquest beginning in 1830 France d*molished major metropolitan mosques b*rned down villages and d*secrated cemeteries in the 19th century Algerians relied on religious schools in order to learn to write the French disrupted these schools by taking away their source of income or Islamic endowments and then refusing to allocate the schools any money this led to high levels of illiteracy and Arabic was sidelined in school curriculums in 1836 France opened the first Catholic missionary school in Algeria as part of a civilizing mission for small number of children the curriculum was entirely French and this is the political side..
With Haj Moussa and Ahmed Draieia This is Ahmed Draieia who is he translating for? - for Mali people - okay was he translating from Mali to Tuareg? it's the same and the residents of the area who spoke it were trained in Mali because most of them only use Arabic for Quran and Hadith in Mali it's called Tuareg? it's called Tamasheq yeah, in the north of Mali they understand Arabic but mostly they speak their own language like him, he was a translator.. he was with Ahmed Ben Sabgag these are the revolutionary translators, man how dare you call yourself a translator? he was from the FLN and the leader was his brother Haj Moussa, he was the leader of this area and France suspects the leader so he gave it to his brother so that they won’t suspect him and his brother had El Brad’ei Moulay Ahmed with him but he was caught in 57 in the first three decades of French conquest in Algeria 100,000 French settled in the country during this time it's estimated that 500,000 to 1 million Algerians out of a total population of 3 million d*ed because of w*r disease and f*mine in 1945 after the Allied victory against N*zi Germany pro independence protests broke out the French responded by launching a 15 day military campaign around Setif a town in the eastern part of the country they imposed military law and m*rdered men women children and the elderly 44 villages were d*stroyed Algerian official figures say that 45,000 Algerians were m*ssacred while many French and western historians say that between 15,000 to 20,000 people were k*lled nine years later the w*r for independence began and one and a half million Algerians lost their lives in 2018 France admitted that during the w*r France passed laws which allowed forces to detain suspects and systematically t*rture them this t*rture included w*terboarding e*ectrical sh*cks being b*ried alive being th*own from helicopters and s*xual a*sault and r*pe many Algerian woman was systematically r*ped and t*rtured what kind of t*rturing techniques was this types of t*rture..interrogation, i*prisonment, walking on b*rning ground and mines this was the border between Algeria and Morocco and Tunisia, called Charles Maurice line from El Kala till Oued Souf and from the other side.. and from Ghazaouet to Bechar both borders because twelve countries took their independence in 1956 among them Tunisia and Morocco Mali and Niger and in southern Africa 12 countries, that's why the French took their forces and put it in Algeria Algeria was in 1962 - yeah they concentrated all their efforts on Algeria they gave the others away so they can focus - yeah okay because France lost in Dien Bien Phu in 1956 in which b*ttle? - Indochina France lost, so it gave all the other countries independence and held tight to Algeria. Why? Because they started their n*clear project in 1955 and they tested in the Algerian desert In Reagan and in Adrar the French carried out 17 n*clear tests between 1960 and 1966 in the Algerian desert some were carried out after independence under agreement between the two countries the underground shafts were not properly sealed during the experiments and many people living near the sites reported birth defects and c*ncer activists believe the sites are still contaminated and have campaigned for the French to clean up the area but nothing has happened he said they dropped n*clear w*apons here as well? so they dropped n*clear w*apons? we stopped there when we were on the bus this is to remember the n*clear testing, a Sahrawi man, and the red color for d*nger..
here's the Algerian map and this is to show the power of the e*plosion and this is the symbol of n*clear power the symbol of a n*clear explosion N*clear radiation range - and this is to measure the radiation why did they drop n*clear b*mbs? just to test it? no, no they used it for energy thirteen ... wow - but outside yeah - but inside under the mountain we have a hologram of the mountain here in 2021 President Emmanuel Macron said France would set up a Memory and Truth commission to review its c*lonial past in Algeria recommendation for the commission came from a state report in Algeria which aimed to achieve reconciliation of memories between the two countries but despite the b*utal French c*lonial legacy in Algeria the report ruled out France issuing an official apology or the possibility of any reparations
2024-05-11 11:24