Touring a R15,999,000 ULTRA MODERN ENTERTAINERS HOME in Serengeti Golf Estate

Touring a R15,999,000 ULTRA MODERN ENTERTAINERS HOME in Serengeti Golf Estate

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Looking to buy an ultra-modern entertainers home in Serengeti Golf Estate? Welcome - this is   Xavier with Luxury Homes Johannesburg - today, we  are in front of this stunning home which we're   about to tour - now, for today's edition we have a  special guest appearance: Proverb, entertainer and real estate enthusiast - welcome thank you  so much and we have Marussia who's going to   take us on the tour together with Proverb - Marussia from LuxLiv Property Group. As always, specs on the house: this is a 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom, 4 garage home. Without further ado - guys   well I'm so excited to have you here and to tour  this house we do hopefully maybe you buy it at   the end of the tour?! Marussia I am equally excited  cannot wait to see it and explore it and hey let's   see what it has to offer! Brilliant! So, starting  from the front curb appeal so important I'm loving   that car don't think it comes with the house but  beautiful white space this is an Entertainer's   home so having a lot of space for your guests to  park super important and of course we have the   four garages look at this I've never seen before  this kind of detail here yes and this facade like   this very very fantastic and unique design so this  is wood cladding so along the entire this is two   double garages so it's a 4 garage and each  of those doors slides sideways which is quite   unusual and when we go inside you'll see very  high ceilings as well inside the garage so you   can have a huge vehicle not just a tiny little one  for sure like a nice 4x4 or a Hummer or something   to that absolutely you can so as we're stepping  now towards the entrance you will see we're   starting with a bit of concrete element here and  again we're seeing that wood cladding and as we   go through the house you also see exposed brick  but just the touch here and there and also even   some exposed rock rock cladding along the way  so all elements Zen elements and some would say   a little bit of touch of hair feng shui though  this is not a feng shui house okay I don't know   my rules as far as feng shui I only know that  has to be North and the direction of lighting   and bouncing and energy and all that but I don't  know enough about it oh we need to have water we   need to have natural elements so we have the  running water we should also be having koi we   don't have it but I think we can have it as  a housewarming gift when one buys the house   and then let's just start stepping down so we've  kind of walked past the one entrance and we're now   walking into this open space which would be our  outdoor lounge area that's what I like to call it   because it's massive we have the Open Sky we have  the very striking elements of those wooden beams   above us with the curvy element of the concrete  slab you can see the architect has really gone   wild to impress your guests I see that Trifecta  remains constant of Trace break of concrete   but that cladding as well that seems consistent  throughout the whole front and entrance as you   go in and I think if we go along into the house  maybe we'll see the same elements as well loving   the fact that this entire wall has disappeared  this is sliding doors that slide completely into a   pocket wall so they you don't see them summertime  this is all one huge room for a party of how many   I would say I'm thinking 40 can accommodate just  guesstimating I would definitely squash 50. which   do you reckon I'll be bringing my friends my  family extended family and everyone needs to   see and be impressed by my house okay so so it  means my party is everyone brings a plus one party what do we see the entrance is this gorgeous modern built-in bar  area and that's not all the buyers we're going   to see in the house today but let's start here  this is obviously for your wine display for your   cocktail mixer display you can see they love their  cocktails I'm seeing a lot of colors here and you   have the built-in coolers as well it's like an  Entertainer's dream immediately as soon as you go   in it sets the tone of the house it says it is fun  it says it's funky it's not Dull heavy and boring   absolutely very very nice indeed it just gives it  an exciting touch makes you want to start mixing   right exactly it so immediately to the left was  our formal Lounge area and we'll see the small   Lounge areas in the house but this would be the  first Lounge that you see as you enter the house   and from there the eye takes you straight out onto  the golf course because we are on a green belt on   the golf course on whole one what I appreciate  is uh the center feature here which is also   your pillars is that even though that's then it's  decorative it doesn't interrupt but it just forms   a nice natural separation of the rooms absolutely  just tells you that this is a different room it   also allows you to display your artwork maybe you  can put some statues here some art pieces on on   those pillars as well but it still allows for the  flow of conversation from the two rooms very nice   and I see it continues that theme where outside  it lived in the form of cladding and concrete yes   and here it's wood which is a similar kind of a  texture yeah alongside the concrete so the theme   continues yep and we're standing right next to  what I would call the waiting area for the for   the formal seating around the dining room table  so you've made your mixes here so you can just   sit and enjoy your cocktail whilst the dinner  is being served a dining room for eight seater   easily tense it as well so very nice and spacious  with a lot of flow around it and you have to love   this natural design as well it's a wood texture  it really just makes it interesting and it's a   nice talking point as well it's gorgeous it's  absolutely stunning so into the kitchen that's   always my favorite room I absolutely love being  in the kitchen and look at the strip lights that   are running along the entire length of the center  kitchen aisle and then you also see Light Elements   in those see-through tinted glass Cabinetry that  we're seeing here mixed with also some wood finish   Cabinetry as well may I just mention I think this  lighting really gives it a sophisticated feel but   it serves a different purpose here where it gives  the impression and illusion of floating island   just because of how they used it it seems like the  whole thing is just floating you're right magical   you're right and it goes along the entire way  plus it goes up here so this entire piece also   appears to be floating very very beautifully  done and of course all the cupboards soft close   soft touch tinted plus wood and it's made by LINEAR CONCEPTS, so one of the top kitchen and   cabinetry design companies in the country - So  when you say soft touch you mean like if I'm   stealing a midnight snack and I don't want anybody  to know I can just come and get my Donuts quietly   and close everything absolutely and speaking of  that midnight snack you also won't be hitting your   ankles on the corners of the cupboards because  the light will show you where the aisle is   we've got built-in fridges here I'm not gonna  open so we don't see what's for dinner tonight   but building fridges and top of the range Gaga now  appliances we've got the oven and the microwave   and gas plus electric quick question I see there  aren't any handles on any of the cupboards is it   all touched shall I assume not all but here for  example you have those very cleverly concealed   Paces just above your cupboard so literally your  fingertips can go in and you can just open the   same with all these drawers that we've got here  and look how beautiful I mean this is so smooth   it's like it's going into butter literally and  then what we've got here also is being the top   of the range kitchen cabinetry company that there  are what they've designed here is those shelves   so this is your pantry and notice one finger  and I've just put an entire shelf packed with   really ketchup by the looks of things not only  that it's such a clever use of space because how   many times do you have a corner design exactly  who's out on that corner space it's almost like   a blind spot so to have it curve in there like  that very clever absolutely and you've got this   massive season the stone countertop here to lay  out your Tapas and they've even carved and built   the entire sink into the countertop I believe  this is quite a difficult thing to achieve which   makes it very very expensive so you notices of  high quality as soon as you see something like   this hey I think so too absolutely super high  ceilings I mean if I'm standing here easily   above three meters height so incredible feeling  of volume that we've got here I always considered   myself a tour guy but not when I'm under such high  ceilings I feel dwarfed to be absolutely honest   are you interested to have a look at the garages  because I know you love your cars you know I am I   definitely let's go have a look  see what they've got hidden in there four   car garage absolutely so while we are walking  towards it of course we're walking through this   Gallery area and this is such a cool feature  here concealed in this cupboard is a laundry   shoot so whatever you want to throw in for  the wash upstairs you literally just throw   it in and it comes down here and that's it no  need to carry baskets I love this let me tell   you I've got a teenage and just to get them to  put their clothing in the basket so now imagine   bypassing all of that exactly throw it down  the Chute straight away now with my teenagers   even getting them to the laundry Street might  be a challenge but okay you're so well behaved   so notice I mean this is a humongous car and it  feels very comfortable in this equally humongous   garage exceptionally high ceiling and what you'll  notice around the corner here Tesla battery and   inverter system which is your solar backup power  this has absolutely become a necessity in the   country with all the load trading that we have if  we can get off the grid as much as possible this   is definitely the way to do it very nice I think  here you pretty much off-grid minus of course your   heavy heavy around the corner what we also  have is a second kitchen which would be for   your staff as well as staff room which is very  very nice and spacious in the bathroom as well   that's always nice to have a separate a maze  quarters that way they can also do what they   like and they off time as well yes absolutely  as well as yeah come in and have access to the   property yeah very easily and quickly so guess  what we've stepped out onto the very deep spacious   Patio and Bar area number two indeed and I see  this is uh the Caesar Stone rugged top over here   hey and you can actually feel it you can very  unique it actually it's so textural that it   really makes you want to sit and you know just  relax it's almost back back to that whole Zane   Garden feel instead of sand we just sit and play  with the countertop I don't even think you have   to be a stickler about coasters and things this  it lends itself to just you know Freedom you can   just entertain freely everyone can do what they  like and you won't even damage or scratch this   mobile fridges there and there's some wine coolers  here the side and if I've learned anything from   you the cupboards also lend themselves to opening  the very same way as well so you won't see any of   the handles I feel like that's old school  absolutely no handles handles are dead and   of course waterfall countertops and here we also  have this Custom Design space for your eyes and   for your water yeah stepping out a bit of a braai  area here and from there straight into the pool   which I see is also a designed so perfectly  within the concrete as well so the design is   seamless and it's uninterrupted it's not like a  different design just giving it a little bit of   a you know unidentifiable feeling very continuous  and seamless and quite a big step here so you can   sit and sip your cocktails whilst watching the  kids play this is a huge pool as well I think   this is a four meter by at least I would say a 10  10 meter length so you can do laps even I think so   and marusha you have to mention how while you're  in there you are faced with this Immaculate View   the view is spectacular I think you pay a few  Million Just For The View before you even start   building the house right and did you say to  me it was a near holes number one yes yeah   so you either quickly come for a reinforcement for  a drink or you run away when you see that you're   not on par with the others you know but you've  got the options and there's a quick door that   you can get in and out now that's what I'm likely  to do I'm a terrible golfer so as soon as that   first shot goes wrong I just jump into my gate go  make myself a drink into the pool no one will know   where you are exactly exactly this I absolutely  love because not only do we have to have a Boma   these days but the way the seating is arranged  once again just look at the view and it's also a   unique design this I've actually never seen before  yeah this design of the bomb and the fireplace   so it's very unique I'm seeing it for the first  time I think I'm definitely gonna steal this idea   well you need to invite us when you build it in  your house so we can check it out we'll definitely   do it and it really does wonders for entertaining  in the evening and in the winter time as well and   look how the seating flows into also the the  steps really of the decking but that can extend   to all your guests because remember we have  50 people yeah again that uh wood and Concrete   combination continues as well as the cladding as  well that's a stone cladding and the exposed brick   they're really consistent with the design  and how the different materials were used   so look at the curves above us so not only do we  have very deep cover along the entire patio so   you can put soft furniture and so on but it's  not it's not this Stark uh very sharp edges   you know everything is flowy so in line with  the water with the grass with the nature and   just makes it softer yeah it gives it a seamless  feel yeah and this continuous flowy Vibe as well   so stepping here just behind you is a games room  it's a massive room we can't see it right now but   it's a huge room your kids can play games you  can play your computer games there why not and   it's right next to the pool area so tucked away  I believe it's almost any teenagers or a man   like myself who has a teenager in him yes it's  a dream hey imagine a place we can escape just   to play games all day long what dreams are  made of and separate entrance from here get   toilet really nicely nicely done everything here  is also with the wooden flooring and here we also   have a fifth bedroom which is ensuite with  a shower really nice bathroom and and that   would be your guest bedroom number five and  upstairs we're going to see four more bedrooms   I see the the flooring uh has changed from the  other rooms we've seen thus far what kind of   flooring would this be so this is oak wood and  the rest of the entertainment areas where we now   is this concrete screed look so the moment you go  into the bedrooms and upstairs you'll see as well   softness invite you to take your shoes off walk  Barefoot and you have that wood feeling does that   then continue with this floating staircase  that I see it seems like a similar material   and texture as well absolutely I can see your  housing experts you know all your special words so here's our floating staircase and automatically  the strip lights that are built into the stairs   turn on as we go and we also have the glass and  steel balustrates just to add to that modern look   now where would you conceal a sensor for something  like this or is it each step has its own sensor   how would it work I'm just kind of fascinated by  a design like that well I will show you one of   those concealed sensors and that's the whole point  they have to be concealed so we shouldn't be able   to see them easily but we'll I'll show you one  shortly just note just above the staircase this   stunning super long Skylight that runs pretty much  the length of the staircase just to bring the sky   in nature Touch of Sun and maybe the Stars that's  actually very unique usually you know homes would   pick one particular room where to have a skylight  yeah so to have it by the staircase is something   I've definitely never seen before yeah very very  unique design and let's now step into the main   bedroom because this is really the main feature of  the top section the bedroom facing the golf course   absolutely stunning again in space and in views  and way to sit above them this uninterrupted View   is magnificent you know I love the fact that you  don't have any tall buildings interrupting with   you you can see the golf course the natural light  that's coming in here even now that Cool Breeze   that you can feel yes it really makes this room  to die for and here we've got those wooden floors   again that we spoke about and they've carried  on with the wood effect but in a more modern   look this is entire wall and it's a feature  wall with wood and that is also your headboard I do appreciate the fact that they've used the  entire wall space you know for this particular   feature it just gives it a stunning classy feel  and floating cupboards and let's now step in this   is my favorite room in the whole house we have  a selection of showers we have so many so much   space here and so much fresh air coming through  we've slid the doors open as you can see and we've   got this outdoor shower Open Sky and there's more  and this island bath as well imagine just relaxing   here at the end of the day with this open view  here so it gives you that outdoor feeling but you   know of course you're well protected as well so  very standing really stunning and really stunning stunning highlighting as I'm standing here I  can see the shower the bath and then let's step   forward and you'll see this double shower which  for me it's a really it's a treat and the even   the shower heads it's like this rain size rain  water shower heads and this is a tinted shower   so speaks to the kitchen downstairs with you know  the tint in some of the cupboards and it's really   generous with space as well so you don't feel  you know confined in the restricted you can   really just be free and enjoy your shower and now  yet another Outdoor Room what would you do here   I would do some yoga I would lay down my yoga mat  and just relax truthfully speaking I'd probably   just fall asleep but you know the intention would  be to come and Zen out to come and find my Center   find my peace It just strikes me as that kind  of room but I see there's the speakers here   as well so you can play you know gentle music  absolutely I mean you have to if you're doing   your yoga you know downward dog without gentle  music cannot work so you're down with dog to a   beach I'm with you I'm with you what I love is  the whole house actually has built-in speakers   and they're automated as well as your lights so  music automated lights automated and also the   blinds Russia I'm a music man hey so wherever I go  I want my music to follow yeah so this is a really   really convenient design for that I think you can  even have the music to lead you here you can have   it on already follow the music there we go look  at that shower it's very generous in spacing and   I like the fact that it's a Jack and Jill so we  don't have to fight about different temperatures   everyone can set it to their preferences  very convenient yeah because these days the   flavor of the day is the cold flange right cold  plunge always ice cold showers yes so ice shower   one can be the hot one can be the cold that's  fine yeah you can do that by yourself okay so   look at this you might think it's chewing gum that  your kid left on the wall but this is actually a   sensor and it's tiny it's literally the size of  my nail and then this is the sensor that we turn   lights on at night as well as it might turn lights  on as you walk in past carpets and display your   beautiful shoes this is a tinted cupboard that  we're looking at but this sensor is for the lights   for the bathroom so at night you can find your way  yeah that for me is a really really clever touch   you know just from a convenience point of  view and I think from a safety point of   view as well yes for sure and there was another  Skylight by the way that I didn't mention but a   lot of skylights a lot of natural light coming  in from both sides as we're walking now just a   quick look at you've got your study area here two  discs a lot of storage space and down the passage   we're going to see three very generous bedrooms  that would be bedroom number one and then two   additional bedrooms all of them with the same  consistent look and feel space and all of them   looking out onto the golf course and sharing this  very generous bathroom which is also beautifully   designed look at that mirror oh man again Jack  and Jill basins very very convenient as well   so no fights about who's brushing their teeth  first and who's hugging the bathroom absolutely   lots of cupboards here and note this curve  in the wall so if your kids are running they   will not be hitting any sharp Corners it just  curves and it leads you into mosha quickly I   was just thinking about where we were in the  garage that means the um the shoot should be   somewhere here then for the you are absolutely  spot on look at that clever thing exactly and here we are now the last room that we're  seeing in the house this is the pajama Lounge   it's big enough for Cinema room pajama Lounge gym  area you name it listen it might as well already   be a cinema room look at the spacing here you just  want to jump in Lounge relax put your feet up and   you can continue to host up here as well so if  the party's done you're downstairs you can ask   everyone to come on up we watch a lacquer movie  and then we continue the party absolutely and   two doors leading onto the balcony the one  balcony runs the entire length with all of   the bedrooms that we can see from here and then  this is the second balcony and it's right above   the bar area and it's also huge you can put a  lot oh it is so spacious you can furnish this   thing to the teeth you like otherwise not you  can leave it as is put some you know outdoor   gym equipment if you like yes and just enjoy  this view in This breeze while you're running   on your treadmill just after you've done your  yoga exactly exactly and this is another very   cool surprise element of the house is that  you can reach this upstairs balcony patio   area through the staircase and that staircase can  lead you straight down to the bar area so you are   always within a few steps from your favorite  cocktail I think that is very very convenient and then just to take it  all in for one last second   in case you've forgotten this is a big  house after all but look at this View absolutely breathtaking that indoor  outdoor feel that seamlessness of   indoor outdoor that Continuous Flow going  on to the greens it just never stops giving   it just continues and continues  beautiful beautiful properties well thank you so much did you enjoy the tour  this was such a lot of fun thank you so much   I sincerely hope we get to do more I hope it's  definitely a beautiful property indeed I could   definitely see you know my family in here okay  do you like it I love it and I love doing it   with you I think I can do a tour without  you again so I'm gonna have to invite you   to all of the tourists awesome guys I hope you  enjoyed this tour as always make sure to reach   out marusha's details are below so feel free  to ask any questions and or request a viewing   thank you so much for taking time to watch  this tour I had an awesome awesome afternoon

2023-03-23 09:12

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