Touring a R14,999,000 CONTEMPORARY FAMILY HOME in Waterfall Country Estate

Touring a R14,999,000 CONTEMPORARY FAMILY HOME in Waterfall Country Estate

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Looking for a contemporary family home in  Waterfall Country Estate? Good afternoon, this   is Xavier with Luxury Homes Johannesburg. With me is Marussia from LuxLiv Property Group who's going to take us on a tour of  this gorgeous home -- as always, specs on the   house: this is a 5 bedroom, 6-bathroom, 4-garage home and guys you're gonna love this!   Thank you very much - well I certainly love this  house and it takes all my boxes and I dare say   it will probably take most people's boxes  from the four garages we're going to have   a look at this garages shortly the house was  recently built it is furnished but it's been   unlifted so it is a brand new house for  all the purposes of whoever wants to move   into this house and it was built by an engineer  with engineering Precision for Quality beautiful   lines Symmetry and everything else so without  further Ado let's go in before the storm gets us so we're entering this house and I'm quickly  closing the door because literally the storm is   starting but just a quick note they have built  it with a view that maybe it will be rented   maybe it will be sold so you have camera systems  throughout the space and you even have a camera   at the entrance so from your phone it's a smart  house from your phone you can see who's standing   at the door and you can decide to open for them  or not we went through the first entrance hall   and now we are into a formal Lounge seating area  as you step a couple of steps further you see this   massive double volume space very much open plan  but each room with its own purpose and designation   beautiful Windows they've used every opportunity  to put a window so you can invite the natural life   as well as the beautifully landscaped garden  and then we step through a second lounge area   so first we had the entrance hall then we had the  formal lounge space now we are into the TV room or   another Lounge area and then you immediately see  this gas fireplace it's nice and Central again   and very cleverly designed that it's under the  suspended ceiling so it will warm up the space the   heat will stay into this living space that we're  in so again a show of the engineering spirits that   built that house from the lounge into the kitchen  and this is a nice breakfast nook there's in fact   six chairs around so you can even have guests  around oh no five chairs my counting Is Not Great   loads of cabbage space and again the reminder  it's a brand new house so everything is pristine   everything is in perfect condition and pretty much  unused massive scissor Stone countertop it's a   shade of gray but with a stone effect and then all  your Cabinetry is super matte so very nice soft   and velvety to the touch and also in a I would say  off-gray beige feeling gas stove there's also a   built-in microwave there's also a built-in coffee  machine which is a must and a really beautiful   Splash back here it's again the stone effect it's  picking up on the Grays the beiges of the house   Impressions so far I really like it this is  one flow from where we walked in straight   into the lounge areas open space high volume  love it very very nice and of course it's a   modern house but they've done some touches I  mean you've got a touch of a farm style sink   here and we also have Basin further down towards  the scallery section they've also Incorporated a   separate calorie and a separate laundry room all  of which lead you out onto a Courtyard at the back   and I think here it's worthwhile seeing because  really as far as I'm walking we have cupboards   and I'm one of those people I love catering I  love friends I love kitchen gadgets so I can   see all my gadgets having a home somewhere  here and then a massive Courtyard outside   interesting door setup what happened here well  this is if you want to Locks it and family members   away they can just come and talk to you through  the door I was thinking of a dog outside but yes   okay how can I so if you have a doggy wanna lock  them in the courtyard you sort it and the house   comes with blinds everywhere or not everywhere  but the certain windows that if necessary and I   think it's worthwhile pointing out walk-in Pantry  because if you don't have enough cupboards if you   feel that way there is a walk-in Pantry as well so  plenty of cupboard space whilst I'm walking also   we have underfloor heating which is water-based  underfloor heating so this is the lowest power   consumption underflow heating that you can  get it's super efficient it's um also very   affordable in comparison with other underflow  Heating and it's in the key rooms that you need   to be warmed up you also have air conditioning  throughout if you would just look above you there   is ducted air conditioning in the ground floor  and in the bedrooms we're going to see more air   conditioning as well and while I'm walking we've  now entered a dining room or this would be the   cocktail mixing Lounge area I don't want to say  cigar lounge because it's no longer in Vogue to   smell to smoke cigars maybe it's the Vape  Lounge still be a cognac area a cognac area   well you can say that I'm not tasting I'll just  say the clip drift and nutritional and Coke area   and from there out onto what they've done here is  this would have been traditionally your patio area   but they've created an indoor patio that has doors  completely opening on both sides and it creates   this massive dining room with your braai area  but it can also be closed off and become part of   your house so massive space again I'm just seeing  parties here I'm seeing family and friends sitting   around and enjoying and then when it gets too  hot inside stepping out onto this uh stunning I   mean this is a great one above us oh Fresco dining  oh Fresco dining there we go natural shade right   above us possibly some you know grapes coming  down at some point this is a relatively new garden   and yeah you just enjoy nature you enjoy where  you are and you look at your manicured Garden what is really great is the garden is very  low maintenance we've got the lemon tree that   apparently is great luck so you have to have a  lemon tree and this one is thriving we also have a   lot of succulents here so this is low maintenance  garden and quite easy to keep looking amazing and   green some wild olive trees here going on and  going through you can see of course a Boma area   I thought you're gonna go in and have a seat not  yet not yet I'm gonna test it out now but this is   nice fire pit palmer but it's a massive massive  Garden like with so many of the Estates you find   the way the house is situated in the takes away  from your garden space where is here whilst we   were outside we had a lot of space outside for  parking we have this massive Garden for your   big dog that you're going to be locking in the  courtyard when they're misbehaving and you still   have your space for a huge Boma there's quite  a generous sitting going on here and then your   swimming pool 10 of your friends Father of Mine I  would say 15 of my friends they're all very petite   slender wonders because this is a massive bomb  very nice I love the size of the pool as well   Marisha we've mentioned it before I think it's  a love-hate relationship with pools what am I   going to do with this or it's oh I love it this  is just enough to cool down on these hot days   and in fact I would say a few Strokes not too many  and not too fast but you can definitely do some   and stepping back in and I think you got  the idea of the flow as well because we   could step out from pretty much every room  in our living space and we are no facing so   the entirety of this house is no facing  which is really great so let's step back   in and I want to actually show you the  garage as the style because often this   question gets asked what the garages look like  and these garages is something to be proud of so there we go we have four garages so this is the  larger of the two the other double garage it's a   standard size this garage is a double garage extra  length with extra storage on both sides here as   well as extra width so your vehicles your bicycles  and you now pointing out also we have an inverted   system we have um a few solar panels and a battery  so we don't have to worry about load shading here   so this is garage number one for two vehicles   and a quick look there is a door next to the  main entrance door and that door leads you to   uh pretty much self-contained apartment  upstairs that we're going to see shortly interesting always nice to have separate  access we are walking on tiles so the entire   floor here is tiles but would look effect so  it gives you a nice textured effect it gives   you some interest in the color and it picks  up from the Grays and the beiges throughout   the house and now I'm stepping into the office  space it literally is about to start storming   so we're closing doors but all of this can be  completely open out towards the Living Spaces   it also has a separate entrance and  you have a little Courtyard here as   well they've already started the Landscaping  they've built cupboard space they've built   storage space here and if you go around  you see a door leading to the next garage   if there's anything that someone watching this  can observe its storage space cupboard space   storage space I mean look at this one two three  chairs I'm in a desk you can work from home the   kids can be here wife can work here and not only  that but speaking to the engineer who built this   he also made sure that there was no cabling lying  around and this you can only see in the house of a   perfectionist they have done it above the discs  I'm so used to seeing those discs with holes in   them and we're all going underneath to try and  plug in our laptops these people have thought of   everything and this is now the other garage  and the game it's another double garage and   guess what more storage they've Incorporated  the space under the stairs and they've made   a little spot there for your paints and so on  very very nice you also have a central vacuum   forgot to mention in another store room under  the staircase so storage is the name of the   game here but I don't want to take away from  the fact that this is an exceptional quality   exceptional finished house with really nice  modern beautiful striking lines and a lot of   space to display your artwork which I really  like because you have all these walls exposed   walls nicely lit by all the windows that we've  got so imagine the artwork that will go on there bedrooms we're not finished with the  ground floor yet yes I was about to   say so bedroom number five is here so  just around the corner just behind the   cognac space so your guests can have very  easy and discrete access to the bar area beautiful this is a guest room my goodness yes  and you can see this is a queen size bed it has   even a space for a disc sliding doors leading  to the Alfresco dining space and to your garden   ensuite bathroom and super high ceilings so  you get this feeling of volume with the room great bathroom here with a freestanding bath   it really is done up and throughout the house you  see the rest of the bathrooms as well everything   is done with the same attention to detail and  quality all your mirrors are backlit we've got   the same towel going throughout the bathrooms  and we have of course cupboard space here and now we're out and leading towards the upstairs  section Just One Last Stop on the ground floor and   then we're gonna head for the stairs so what I  didn't mention is we also have Central Central   Vacuum so over and above the other features that  we mentioned there is a central vacuum system so   very easy to clean the house but you can also see  it's uh it's easy maintenance I think it's uh it's   gonna be well I wouldn't say easy because it is a  big house just under 700 square meters but it is   pristine I think floors like this throughout  on the ground level helps a lot it's just   absolutely good thing guys there's  something uh you can see yourself live it a quick look here I think this was what what you  just heard is the alarm system telling you the   front door's been opened so it speaks to the  smartness of the house it noticed that we're   opening the door welcome okay so that was the  guest toilet and now we're heading up the same   tiling used quite a solid very nice and wide  staircase with a glass values trading and a   touch of Steel so super solid as well and very  well lit because we have this massive window   giving us the natural sunlight from the one side  and another window which is frosted for privacy   on the other side and this I think is a Runway  Style walkway leading towards the main bedroom   guess what this doll leads to storage there we go  linen closet very nice look at the view down here   like a mezzanine type of setup very nice cool  High ceilings again we are upstairs now note   the ceilings note the shadow lines and everything  is in the same soft colors that we saw downstairs   we're walking into the main bedroom the room the  sides here that that would be the walking safe   so imagine the riches you can hide into the size  room make up the prices that they are today oh I   would probably maybe put something in front of it  you know so we can't see that the richest accident   there but you have a massive safe and we all need  that these days we have music throughout so there   is a sound system built throughout the space we  headed downstairs I'm pointing it out here as well   I love the fact that they have the recessed  ceilings so that conceals the curtains and   they literally just float almost as if from  nowhere like clouds we see that more often   don't we just actually the recess it's a small  touch yet yeah you both know that it's not a one   two three to build but you get the bulkheads and  actually have the accents of the detailed work to   have that done because it's such a nice look when  you're coming to the place you don't see anything   hanging you don't beautiful none of the hooks that  we forgot to put on yes it is really again quality   attention to detail and access from here to a  massive balcony looking out onto the big Garden   and then just around the corner a stunning  super generous closet there is also a window   here I absolutely love dressing rooms that have  a window because the natural light for me just   makes all the difference floor to ceiling I  can't even touch these things I mean this is and everything is immaculate everything  is done all the lines are straight it's   really very well completed this  project freestanding bath a big   rain shower double basins of  course and a massive mirror that's a selfie mirror not today the selfie mirrors are also  becoming a thing these days   so I wonder where it came from The  Keeping Up with Kardashians sure all right so we've seen one bedroom downstairs  we've seen the main bedroom now we're heading   to see three more I mean just look at the  the width of the walkway that leads you to   the opposite end of the house I like the fact  that the bedroom is private on the other side   okay immediately to my left is one of  the bathrooms this bathroom Services   the third bedroom we are about to see  so each bedroom has its own bathroom   again beautifully done all the bathrooms they've  made sure they have Windows they have natural air   coming through and now we're stepping into the  third bedroom which is big enough for queen size   bed or in this case they've done two single bits  and you'll notice we've also stepped onto a wooden   floor so the floor has changed in the bedrooms  to Wood nicer softer for walking barefoot in   the mornings and just a more inviting look when  it comes to bedrooms new dimension more storage   importance here some more windows here so even  with the passage we get the natural light and   now we are stepping into the separate apartment  so this house has five bedrooms two of which   have been built in such a way that they can be  used as one full-blown apartment with its own   entrance if you remember I mentioned earlier  on the door right next to the main entrance on   the outside so this can be completely independent  whether we're talking rental or whatever or each   of these bedrooms can be an individual studio  apartment so stepping into bedroom number one   the again nice and generous in proportions  small kitchenette here with a fridge area   uh cupboard space in the desk area space for a  big queen size bed and um couch so really a studio   ensuite of course just around the corner you've  got the bathroom so if this door is closed this   is its own apartment we have the same wooden  floor that we saw in the other bedroom as well   very welcoming I don't want to say the word but  if someone wants to rent this to a student or   take your relative away here with their own  KitchenAid so every now and then they have   to cook their own food why not you're  a teenager in a few years a teenager   will never cook their own food what am I  saying so a little sitting area here so   I mean currently they've put a cocktail table  here but you can easily put a lounge and then   stepping into the second one they're really  identical just a slightly different layout   we have the space for the lounge area again  queen size bed and again its own bathroom   so spacious Russia this is nice as a  teenager I would love to have the spot   absolutely and yeah I mean we under just under  700 square meters so this is a large house but   it doesn't feel unbearably large it's not a  unmanageable size house especially because   the layout that they have designed here allows for  certain rooms so for instance for this apartment   to be closed off completely and just gives the  main space just enough size to be very manageable   and welcoming and now heading down towards the  garden again because it's just so beautiful it's   worthwhile having a look enjoy these Open Spaces  it is so nice coming down from the bedrooms   and this is where you're at come on how welcome is  this and when you step outside just outside of the   pool area in the Boma area you really get  a feel for how stunning the house design is and you can even see some of your  solar panels isn't it amazing that we   put so much value these days on having the  ability to have our lights on all the time   or convenience than anything else  no guys what are your thoughts   talk about entertaining or enjoying big family  gatherings just like moonusha said numerous   times big parties here I love that little setup  on that side with guest bedroom which looks huge   and luckily you have the kitchen storage for  your Gatherings for all the catering equipment it truly is guys as always details are  below make sure to reach out with any   questions viewing your quests and or leave  a comment below and we'll take it from there   thank you so much for your time and  have an awesome awesome afternoon

2023-04-12 07:23

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