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I'm here in Fort Lauderdale and I'm going to show   you this incredible Mansion  sitting here on the water as the broker owner of voice Realty our slogan is   work on your craft every day and  here is the direct result of that this flooding gray right here is one of the  many amenities that this house has to offer   you have a club room with a full bar a pool  table and not to mention the movie theater welcome in YouTube come inside all right so here  we are as soon as you walk in there's 25 foot high   ceilings it's insane it was all the way up to the  Second Story you have ridiculous crown molding at   the top tons of natural light all throughout I can  see some water over here it's just everywhere and   there's a few cool features walking in that I  missed the staircase right when you approach it they got a little seduction going to  the second floor if you will leading   you all the way to the top the spiral the  wrought iron really really cool and so I   wanted to take us to the left really quick  because there's tons of surprises over here   so making our way down the first thing that  we come across is the home office this is a   designated office perfect place to get some work  done got the curved monitor for stock trading got   this huge desk the bookshelf for all the awards  all the trophies look at this light fixture you   have in here and I love how the framing of the  ceiling matches the color of the walls and desk   just all goes together so nicely nothing here was  haphazard you had this window so come over here   just and look at this every once in a while you'll  see like a jet ski or pass it's passing on by and it takes us from this room once you get  done with all the work it's on the plate you   know you work work hard and play hard this  is where you play hard you come into here   boom this massive TV on the wall with a brick  backsplash you know this is where you're going   to watch the game the fight golf not me can't  can't even be bothered with that anyway we have   a place to play some pool of course this is like  a staple if you if you live in a mansion by the   water gotta have a pool table that nobody uses  except for like the one Friday night of the year   how about for your gear heads look at this we  have the simulation racing setup you got the   three monitors the surround sound speakers this  chair vibrates and shakes it is all kind of crazy   stuff and you can do it all right here you can  drag your favorite car but if you own a house   like this I'm pretty sure you could just afford  to buy your favorite car so and you know when   it's time to make a cocktail make your favorite  you know your espresso Martini you come over here   you got the full setup for the bar you got the  TV on the wall drink coolers ice makers bottle   storage you would think that's it you know like  how much more entertaining do you need with this   we have your gym in here do a quick workout you  got the mirror on the wall view of the water you   can pop the door open get some fresh air while  you're working out you got the uh the gym floor   that soft gym floor so it's like nice and easy on  your feet I mean surround sound speakers fan you   can spend all day in here just describing it it's  insane and it's not done yet it gets even crazier this is where we have the movie room and before  we even get in this is where your snack bar would   be your drink set up your popcorn machine and  it takes us in look at this I'm trying to think   of what seed I want more so you just find your  uh favorite seat click a few buttons crank the   chair up whoa whoa and while you're sitting  here watching your favorite movie you have a   200 inch screen you have stars above like you're  in a Rolls-Royce you got the light strips going   across you have surround sound speakers you have  it all and everything adjusts look at my headrest   headrest adjust I even want to get down  oh my God the lumbar adjusts whoa whoa   just shot it down there we go  just over here we have your   guest bathroom so like if the guests are having a  drink or whatever this is like where people go to   use the bathroom it's not out of the way so we're  gonna head back into the main hallway now and I   actually want to take you guys down towards the  kitchen and show you the other angle of this home so as we come down on my right we're gonna  have your formal dining room nice and open   window for natural light but the cool thing  about this dining room is that when it's time   to entertain you have access to your Butler's  Pantry right here so if you're serving food if   you need help serving food you just come over  here serve in and out straight from the kitchen   storage down below kind of makes it easy to  entertain and it takes you straight into the   kitchen through here so let's actually just take  it in from now as soon as we walk in look at this   you have your huge kitchen island family style  you know kids up in the morning sitting around we   have the best of the best appliances we have your  monogram six burner gas stove check the backsplash   check the vent over here all covered with the  Cabinetry so it's seamless the monogram double   oven your fridge and freezer are also hidden back  here behind this Cabinetry another cool thing is   besides the area walkthrough that you had over  here you actually do have a true Butler's Pantry   on this side this is like you can use this as  a pantry a place for the butler's Pantry but   you can store all your snacks you can put all your  things in here I mean it's just more space in the   kitchen No One complains ask anybody who says oh  my God my kitchen has too much space nobody nobody   and so on the topic of entertaining and having  people over this is where you're going to watch   TV as a family you know we've got the big flush  TV on the wall beautiful sofa set up going around   the kids can lay on the floor everyone gets  like little blankets it's just a really good   vibe tons of space and just like in the kitchen  the seedlings have these interesting designs   and so let me come around beautiful elevator  right over here click your call Button we're   not using it today but it's there for when  you're ready to move in so you walk further down on my left we're going to  have the second half bathroom   this one's pretty cool it's got the glowing onyx  countertop how about this even the drain stoppage   has some designs it's really nice in there you  got the crystal handles frame around the mirror   and then a nice little window for  your guests head back down the hallway on my left we're gonna have our first  true guest bedroom it's huge TV on the   wall and they even have their own kind of like  patio style thing out here like look at this   you come out here nice and private  your boat the dock everything it's   this is a cool room and if you're  feeling frisky little outdoor shower right here pretty sick pretty sick and  then obviously you're gonna have your   own Suite you want to take a normal shower  like a normal person you have it in here   so over here we have your first  garage you know two cars in here nice and for the second garage let me give  you the true experience why don't you   go ahead once you step outside  and wait for me to open the door as you can see we have a two-car garage but it's  actually more like a four car garage because you   have these double High ceilings with a car lift  so you just roll your Ferrari onto here raise it   up the second car goes underneath you've now got  an eight-car garage it doesn't get much crazier   than that not to mention all the space you had  the driveway tons of space to park a million   cars this is a great place to throw parties and  you're on a cul-de-sac we're gonna make our way   towards the outdoor area so I can show you the  backyard the pool the views there's a lot to see and here we have it we just stepped outside  it's incredible I feel like I'm at a resort   somewhere honestly outdoor sitting dining this is  a must-have when you live in South Florida on the   water you're sitting here you're having breakfast  people are passing by on boats and Jet Skis it's   just beautiful this is where you want to be and  so we're just gonna get started the first thing   that catches my eye I have to talk about it  right over here it's the putting green that I   see so you know what you just had a nice meal  you had a long day yesterday you know this is   a great place to come out on one and relax water  in the distance you got your like your cigar lit   you got like a little a little practice area  had a little I mean you know judge me I I sell   houses I don't I don't play golf so this is all  turfed grass throughout the entire backyard so   this manicured look is gonna be here year round  and check this out this is your huge dock 190   feet and then you have 140 foot dock on one  side insane takes us further down so for the   pool there's a few key features that I want to  talk about you got this walk down bar you step   down and you can serve some drinks swim up to the  bar you have seats in the pool and this is like   being in a resort as I said before you have this  interesting Lagoon style shape of a pool there's   speakers throughout you can see them in here  so while you're out here speakers music it's   just insane day and night this place at night  it lights up it's insane there's fire accent   lighting it's just it has everything you can want  out here and of course you got your neighbors if I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure this  is a no wake zone coast guards anyway check   this out too on that same theme of being like  Resort style look at this instead of having   that ugly child gate thing that people have for  their pool boom elegant come over here for you and this is how you enter in a couple places  to Lounge you can really see what I'm talking   about now this perfect shape facing the corner  everything is pretty much symmetrical going down   to the point just boats passing planes I could  smell the beach from here too you get that salty   smell that everyone loves so much you even have  access from another entrance to a Jacuzzi heading   over there I mean what more could you really want  out here there's it has it all it literally has   it all and it's not done yet so let's head back  just over here covered patio space a couple places   to sit and relax TV on the wall spinning chair  fireplace for those freezing cold Florida nights   you know we need it we have no choice and this is  just where you can come and actually smoke a cigar   relax kids are in the pool someone's playing golf  you have about 100 people out here entertaining   and as we make our way down over here now this  is the other end so we had the 140 on that side   now we have 190 on this side and look at this  boat already parked up so you get the visuals   more turf grass and this is where you enter  this is how you hop on board your beautiful   yacht how about this right by the kitchen  you know you want to do some grilling make   some Curry I'm a big Curry fan myself we don't  like our house to get all smelly boom outdoor   Summer's kitchen Alfresco Grill the best place  to eat and taste your food right with access   straight to the kitchen so that way you can cook  bring it out serve it to the party It's Magic it's   like Houdini can make some wings out here sick and  this is just the first half it's time to take you   upstairs and show you some guest bedrooms the main  Suite A few other treats why don't you follow me and just like when we first walked in the  staircase does a little light show for us oh God just follow it don't  ask questions just follow it so as I come up now to the Second Story it takes  us right into this open Loft style room you have   a place you know nice little couch sitting over  here to hang out TV on the wall you have a wet   bar I'm gonna call it a wet bar anytime I see  a sink in storage wet bar this is where drinks   are meant to be had right over here some down  lights and if that wasn't enough you're still   not impressed boom got a balcony over here so  while you're sitting watching your favorite   videos of mine crack this open some fresh  air the guests have arrived welcome them in   the bottom up as we make our way across down over  here we're gonna start with the first upstairs   guest bedroom this is not the main Suite this is  just a VIP room it's VIP because you get all this   space you get the crown molding you get this  beautiful bed laid out facing your TV on the   wall some windows you can see the water you can  see your yacht parked up or your parents yacht   or your son's yacht if you're like an in-law live  in here and then you also of course you're gonna   get it since this is the VIP Suite you get  the walk-in closet you get the ensuite with   soaking tub walk-in shower and some more windows  ratchet white and the last feature of this room   private balcony Fresh Air South Florida Breeze put  some patio chairs out here you can actually even   access this balcony from The Loft that was  upstairs when we walked up and this is just   guest bedroom number one so let's head back  inside and take a look at the rest of them   as we make our way down this is the entrance that  I pointed out when I was on the balcony you can   access it right through here and then on my left  we have a kid's room unless you're an adult that   enjoys these kind of things this is obviously like  a kids layout it's got the artwork on the wall   it's got the corner views and then it leads into  a second you know kids bedroom so you can actually   kind of make this like the kids closet if they  have to close but look you have this massive room   again princess setup the molding again even the  fans are beautiful it's at this spun wood looking   thing you have an ensuite of course she's going to  need it princess needs an ensuite so you have this   beautiful walk-in shower with this textured wall  tiles in between some frozen memorabilia you   know the Vibes and the Peace Day resistance  of this room is just right out here foreign we have a balcony and look at the size of this and  of course this is shared with the upstairs but it   has actually straight from that room so that's  pretty much a VIP room to me you have places to   sit Lounge you have this elegant modern stainless  steel fireplace right over here but why am I   talking about that when you have this incredible  the corner view that I talked about when I was   down there what everybody is paying the money for  South Florida in the distance fresh Breeze coconut   trees about to start rapping you know what I mean  got the wrought iron continuing all the way down   and even the ceilings have a nice beautiful wood  texture and you'll notice in the ceilings some   cameras this place is wired it's got the music  surrounding as I mentioned before it's a fully   functioning smart home so you're protected in  your little Fortress of Solitude that's beautiful   so let's head back out and look at the next guest  bedroom making our way to the main Suite of course   here we just have a quick you know another  guest Suite it's got its own ensuite this is   the entrance to the balcony that I pointed  out when I was in that room but you don't   have to go into the room you have it right over  here and a really cool feature for entertaining   purposes you just pop this door open and you  have this incredible little sliding screen   you can keep the doors open get a  breeze but no mosquitoes no wildlife   beautiful it's perfect this place was made for  entertainment and it's time It's Time YouTube   it's time to show you the main Suite of this  30 million dollar home as we make our way down welcome home you step in what do we have here  this is just the sitting room of the main suite   and this is not just like a couch and a TV  they have actual mill work you could put   your favorite movies the fireplace an ottoman  comfy looking couch the ceilings now curve and   you have more design in the ceilings  how about this for a little relaxation   I don't want to get into it hold on you got the uh we got the full body chair I know if you're  an athlete you're watching this and you're in   tears because you want one this is access to the  main balcony I'm actually going to save that for   the end because it's pretty cool what's out there  but for now let's go take a look at where you're   sleeping at night wow here it is everyone here it  is king-sized bed and not one not two three views   of outside you got palm trees straight up water  down further the coast it's incredible around   here you have lighting that can change all kind  of colors you have this beautiful chandelier that   looks like an engagement ring it's insane TV  on the wall and you actually have two accesses   to your bathroom so we're gonna head to this  one because it kind of goes through each other   when we walk down over here this is going to be  his bathroom assuming who cares we'll see you   know you got what you need the Dual sinks this  insane walk-in closet look at the size of it   boom everything lights up when you walk in very  cool and then from the shower if you didn't want   to walk all the way around like you know you  guys both came home late it's time to meet   up for your uh daily meeting your love meeting  you just come into here hey honey like nice to   see you boom boom boom seat storage wet ahead  above dual shower heads and then through here   you can step out into the second bathroom  if you didn't want to come through the door   and so this is now the second entrance you have  a soaking tub with a view you have a single sink   because the other space is for your vanity this is  how I know it's the woman's bathroom and then you   have a little bit more storage some views but  this is the part that I like the most in here   you have this insane walk-in closet and these  lights behind me are even adjustable so you   can adjust it based on like how bright  you want anything but if you want a super   bright you want to see what you got late  at night show it off to everybody you have   beautiful display and how about this Justin look  at this you take this slide it open you got this   storage you got the new Hublot you get the new AP  you put it in there slide it oh look what I got   so it is in this in this world comes all the way  down you got full body mirrors you have access to   a balcony in the closet alone access to a balcony  if you want to go try out and see how it looks in   the natural light perfect and so now I want to  show you the final balcony the main balcony of   this room where all the treats are and stepping  out insane this is like the final level of outdoor   entertainment you have these rounded benches some  tables this beautiful fan some more of that wood   on the ceilings but my favorite part is this TV  that you have that just bends down stores upward   when you're not using it and you can be out here  watching TV watching your favorite movie watching   Jason the tube's luxury home tour videos on your  beautiful balcony on a beautiful sunny day in   South Florida you have these pillars surrounding  you and then as you make your way down over here   this is where I'm going to leave it for you guys   we have this like perch looking over you know  your turf grass your Resort style pool the same   things we already talked about and it just doesn't  get better than this so on that note I just want   to say thank you for coming on this tour with  me if you enjoyed it don't forget to hit that   subscribe button hit the like button it would  really help me out and I'd appreciate it and   I'll see you the next one have a great day I love  you care about you care about you more than any   other YouTube cares about Their audience that's a  fact and I'll see you the next one have a good day

2023-07-15 18:54

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