This Place CAN’T BE REAL! China’s Fairyland In Jiangxi Province

This Place CAN’T BE REAL! China’s Fairyland In Jiangxi Province

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this video is brought to you by  Squarespace wow where do you even begin that is so spicy but it's so good that's   insane crazy how they built  it look on top babe oh my God thank you thank you thank you [Music] will we be okay I don't know they let us  in I guess so the door is still   open we got to go got to go let's go in  the nearest door first is it this one 20? oh my goodness oh my God I read the time  wrong I thought it was 32 it was 23 10:23 okay   we got to find our spot Carriage 15 well  this is not how we intended to start the video   I'm so happy she let us on she didn't even check  my passport yeah because keep going keep going   oh because the screen actually said that they stopped boarding  already this is it yeah the train is leaving now we found our seat I guess no one's sitting  next to you oh it's quite spacious actually you   think our backpacks will fit up there yeah now  that we're settled let me tell you where we are   going today we have quite an epic adventure  planned because we going to this beautiful   fairy tale village in the mountains called Wangxian  Valley and it's in another province called   Jiangxi so right now we are taking a highspeed  train from Hangzhou all the way to another city   called Shangrao and then from there we still  need to hop on a bus for another hour and a   half to take us to that scenic spot and we will  stay two nights as well just outside of there   in a nice guest house to enjoy the area a bit  more and then show you guys what it looks like   when we did some research about this village we  didn't find a lot of information online because   it's so new so we thought we would put this video  together and show you exactly how to get there   and what it's like at the village because once you see how  beautiful it is you're also going to want to go there how much did we pay for the train tickets  again for this one which is Hangzhou East to Shangrao is $22 per person and it takes an hour and 41 minutes  to get there and this is second class so second   class is like these type of seats so two and  a three seater one thing with the tickets is   that the tickets are only available for booking  15 days before the departure of the train so you   cannot book too early unfortunately you got to you  know remind yourself to go and book the tickets   once they open for booking especially if you're  trying to book a first class or a business class   ticket cuz those ones sell out really really fast  how does the China high speed train compare to   the Japan bullet train for you so far this one  is a lot faster we're going at 294 km per hour right now I guess the one in Japan that we  took can also go as fast but because of the route   that we took there are more stops in between  so it couldn't go to with max speed but this   train can go up to 350 I think this is one of the  biggest accomplishments for China in the last two   decades because they started building the  highspeed rail around I think the mid 2000s and   it was only in 2007 or 2008 where they first opened the first high speed train that people   can take I think in Beijing but now they have  45,000 km worth of tracks around the country and   it connects all the major cities in the country  and I read that it cost 25 million USD for every   kilometer of the railway they built that times  45,000 that's crazy that's an insanely huge amount of money hi welcome to Shangrao we're here for a  few minutes yeah we have to find the bus stop   I think go downstairs we'll see where  it is does it feel kind of cold here yeah so that was a little bit of a walk but now we are  here at the East Coach Station and I think we can   purchase our tickets here let's check it out  unfortunately you can't choose English so it's all in Chinese well that was a bit tricky so we  had a problem with purchasing the tickets by   ourselves so she had to scan you see this board  over here so she had to scan that to buy the   tickets for me and then I pay her back through  Alipay because I cannot buy my ticket directly   we don't have a local number but we have the  tickets and I paid her she sent me the two   QR codes that we need to show the bus driver so  we're good and how much are they ¥30 each it's not easy going to this village I  mean you can hop on a taxi it might take a   couple hundred yuan to get there but I thought we  would take the ¥30 bus I mean it's not that   inconvenient because most of the time when there's  a problem with that people are so willing to pay   first and then you transfer to them right away  it happened to us quite a few times ready even   at West Lake when I couldn't buy the ticket because  of the number problem the ticket seller like   she just scanned and bought it for me and then I  paid her right away it's a bit chaotic here you   kind of have to go ask the counter cuz there's no  signs or anything I think this site is so new that   it's not officially on the boards or anything  like that but they have a direct bus is everything okay back there they have  a problem with their ticket or   something so they don't have a QR code we're this bus okay that's it yeah it's definitely not as like  a developed spot so it feels   more chaotic this is the most chaotic  we have felt so far since being here in China why does it keep beeping he said because some  people don't have their seat belts on yet   so the sound is going to keep going until  everyone has their seat belt on come on   guys teamwork or else we have to listen  to the sound for the whole hour and a half I think he might be the last one  come on come on let's hope it's him oh it's him yeah the lady behind me also pointed at him and was like I knew it was him real quick once again thank you to our longtime   partner Squarespace for supporting our channel  when it comes to building websites Squarespace   is the most user friendly and intuitive  platform not only can you pick from hundreds   of award-winning templates but you can also  try Squarespace Blueprint which uses AI to   personalize your website from the ground up just  by answering a few questions no matter if you're   selling a physical product a digital product  or service Squarespace has all the tools you   need to start selling online plus the Squarespace  app makes it easy for you to make changes on the   go and to manage your business from anywhere  just head over to for a free   trial and when you're ready to launch go  to to save   10% off your first purchase of a website or  domain now let's get back to the video [Music] we finally made it to our guest house looks very cozy  wow so cute so this place is called Wind Valley Homestay and we are paying about $47 per  night for the room but also they came and picked   us up at the bus stop and whenever we want to go  to the valley they're going to drop us off at the   valley and they're really really friendly I think  it's like a younger couple and downstairs they   have a little juice bar as well is this comfy  yeah comfy bed AC Kettle water what is this one   is this a monitor yes so we have a huge monitor to  maybe watch movies or TV oh that's awesome let's   see the washroom yeah washroom is nice I love that  all of the washrooms here they give you a   hair dryer it's so convenient this is so hi-tech look at that the lady is so sweet she just came   and uh delivered some fresh juice for us for free  for free I guess looks like fresh squeezed orange   juice and there's a little change of plans so  when we first checked in she said she wanted to   see if we're interested to go to see the what is it called the canola flower field which   is a very famous attraction in the spring for this  area but the other two couples um they're they're   not going they say they're a little bit tired so  then she wanted to see if we wanted to go to the   valley today and then go see the flowers tomorrow  or if we want to go see the flowers today   and then go to the Valley tomorrow so we need to  decide Valley today yeah mhm so we'll go to the   valley today then I'll let you know and we can go  there as late as we want and then just ask them   to pick us up sounds good can you believe it we  are going to the Valley now I know 4 minutes away   and we will get to see it in real life I think it  won't be too busy because it's what is it today   Wednesday or Thursday but we're going to stay there  for quite a few hours because the highlight of it he's going to bring the car out yeah I was  going to say we're going to be there for   quite a few hours um because the night  view is super epic but there are snacks   and stuff that you can eat and places to  walk around so it'll be really fun   that's already part of the valley yeah  wow look it's all surrounding the cliff like that I wonder how high you can  walk up like if it's only open   for people who are staying there  or anyone can walk all the way up good thing we got our passports with us   because you need it to buy the tickets  oh so it was ¥120 each here's your ticket wow we're here where do you even begin look  at how high we have to climb up to get to the   hanging houses on the cliff it said this  is the reverse route so we should go   this way first across the beautiful  Red Bridge wow this is like a giant   theme park yeah with no rides though you  have to walk so from what I understand people used to come  here just to do tubing or rafting down the river   and they've been doing it since I think 1989 or  something like over 30 years ago but it was only   in the last couple years where they started to  develop this Valley even more for tourism so the   houses they built on the cliff side and this whole  valley is built for tourism and to bring economic   impact to this area you can tell that a lot of  people working here are actually elderly like the   security guards the people doing maintenance  they are older people who probably have been   living in this area and then this provided  a job opportunity for them and they're still   building it it's not done yet they still have a lot of work to do now will you look at that it's like  straight out of a fairy tale wow it's pretty   neat isn't it that's insane it's crazy how they  built it how do you even build a structure when   it's on the side of the cliff like that I heard  the tour guide say there is one hotel up there   that's only ¥899 but you need to stay quite  a few nights so in the end it's still a couple   thousand to stay up there and everyone in her  group was like oh my goodness so expensive are   they like real waterfalls or are they manmade  I think that part of it is natural and they   built around it but I'm not 100% yeah look at  that yeah that's insane they must have some sort   of water source to do that are you a bit  surprised to see all these 60 70 80 year   olds here yeah there are a lot of older people  here and in big tour groups as well I think one   of the main reasons is because they get a special  discount if you're over 70 years old you have free   entry and if you're 65 or above you only pay ¥80  per person so I think if you were joining a   tour group basically this is like a must go to  destination that doesn't increase any cost for   them but there's a lot of stairs so that's  why I'm surprised that they're still coming here do you want to try this yes what is it this  is a very uh a cool thing to do it's called   um breaking the bowl wine so after you drink it  you smash it let's do it how much is it ¥15   for three bowls so after you drink it you [break it] rice wine I guess so they said it's only 3.3%  

alcohol okay let's do it you want  one for six or three for 15 three it's like those Chinese old  movies you know you drink it like   this like we are brothers now let  me drop some blood into it Cheers Cheers that's delicious the lady's looking at me oh that's delicious  wow in the old Chinese movie I   see them holding this this whole  thing yeah and they go like this she said you smashed it good we have one more I'll drink  half you can drink half but I'll let   you break it okay you did it with style  she was clapping it's actually quite delicious we got the trend starting  now people are looking what are   they doing I can drink that whole jug it's  delicious it's really yummy oh that's not good I didn't quite smash it you can do it one more time this whole street smells really nice I  think it's this tofu it's a some sort of soy -braised tofu I love tofu should we try it yes please   I'm getting hungry now mhm this was only ¥20   for 15 pieces that looks spicy I think you dip  it in both the powder and the sauce that's good that is so spicy but it's so good now  that we started eating I'm very hungry I want to   go to that street down there there's a lot more  food this is just a snack yeah so what do you   think about the valley so far I think it's quite  interesting somehow I don't know why I expected   it to be less busy because it's not as easy to get  to but I forgot to take into account that a lot of   China tours are by tour buses so of course it's  easy if you join a tour group and you come here   and the population is huge so even if a place  is not super popular it's still going to   be busy I honestly didn't think it's mainly  made for tourists I thought they're actually   villagers living up here did you think that  you read about it before right I knew that   there were hotels but I didn't think they would  have all these shops or a stage for performances all the cafes I didn't expect that but I can see  why they have it though because then people come   in here and they can spend quite a long time  in here and it's worth it for them because   the ticket is ¥120 it's still a very very  beautiful place I can't wait to see it at night   you can already see some of the lights turning  on and it looks really beautiful it seems like   we found the food Street there's lots of little  Street stalls in this alley here and a lot of   things I've never seen before there's like  dumplings there's noodles there's different   skewers but not exactly the types I've seen oh  this looks so good what is this one I want to   try this one this one is spicy and sour noodles  you want to do this one yeah okay you want to   share one yeah and then we can try something  else this one says ¥12 for one bowl wow it's called [ ] which is sour spicy  noodle I've never had this before too me too the sour taste is very nice sweet and sour spicy though so good the noodles are so good I'm actually  surprised the price is so decent it was only   ¥12 I thought maybe because it's a touristy  spot it would have been more I've never   had these noodles before they look like potato  starch maybe like the Korean japchae noodles   but thicker quite tasty I don't like these  noodles that much no but I really like the soup   and I like the crunchy soy beans a lot oh it's hot got it it's so hot it's good wow   it's so interesting that a lot of things here are  made to order that is so fresh the meat inside is   so nice and sweet I think inside is braised pork  belly shredded and then also this like dried   vegetable wow this is the best thing I had so  far on this trip what okay I have to try it it's so good so talented to be able to control the heat inside just using charcoal and he only   check it once if it was me I would be like oh  is it done oh oh no it's burning he's busy   making the other ones so he's like so efficient  he's just by himself and he makes everything   fresh like made to order [Music]  look on top babe oh my God look at the   lights so beautiful wow you can walk all the way  up there should we walk all the way up there yes got to see it from the top right  this is so stunning I'm speechless I'm thinking my right knee hurts how's everyone  doing this finally there's no crowds up here the   trick is to go as high as possible cuz everyone  got tired and just stayed down there and there's a   huge concert going on at the square right now  you can hear it all the way from there what do   you think about this view this is crazy this is so  crazy it's its own village yes it's humongous and   we started from that little red bridge there  walked all the way on this side of the cliff   turned around walked down the other side the  food Street up now we're here I think this is   the highest point and I didn't find any of the  walkways scary at all it is so sturdy and safe but I don't think I need to stay here overnight  it's pretty cool to explore it daytime and enjoy   the nighttime cuz night time is a vibe but I'm  happy to go back to our homestay how did they   come up with this and it's not even finished  that's the crazy thing that whole side is going to   light up as well I heard someone walk by and  said this is this is out of this world I've   never seen anything like this before it truly is though but his girlfriend was like this is too much I think most people will either feel like  wow this is amazing or feel like this is very   artificial yeah I actually quite enjoyed it I  mean the food was really good the views were   nice and nighttime is really really fun well  I'm glad we came me too another one off our bucket   list yep but make sure if you come though wear  comfy shoes because there is a lot of walking   and maybe come around 4:30 because then you  get to see it in the daytime and also the   night time I think the nighttime is the highlight of this place like you have to stay   for the food for the lights for the view don't  come and walk up here too early because it's   so so much more grand at night yeah and more  quiet too well thank you for joining us all   the way from Hangzhou to Wangxian Valley as always have a  wonderful day and we will see you in the next city bye-bye

2024-04-24 00:17

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