This is where Millionaires live in Pakistan

This is where Millionaires live in Pakistan

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welcome to Karachi Pakistan's largest city and  the 12th largest city in the world this is my   second time visiting Karachi and today I will be  sharing with you another side of the city that has   not yet been shown on YouTube before and we will  be answering the question what is it like to be a   millionaire in Pakistan's most populous city let's  go I'm going to give you a video that you have   long awaited and it is to show you the modern side  of Karachi Pakistan so we've actually met up with   Pakistan's kindest man Abdul Rahim has introduced  me to one of his friends who actually works here   at [__] so this is him Assad the man the myth  legend in the flesh right here real good real   good and he's going to be taking us for a tour  around this place and no this is not sponsored   no this is not anything I just answered to your  guys' comments from two years ago where you want   to see modern Karachi so inside here you're going  to find people from all over the world you're   going to find uh pakistanis who are celebrities  wealthy this is what it looks like inside what   I would call the mini Dubai and the reason why I  called that is because imar has built pretty much   all of these buildings except for one that's on  the other side there that you can't even see and   it's like it honestly feels like a mini Dubai I  just arrived here a few minutes ago we're going   to take you inside and show you what this place  is like let's do it so look at this we've got   towering buildings right over here [__] brother and right over here we're going to see our   first set into what this place looks like in terms  of amenities the interesting part is while this   seems like it's a massive area already it's only  15% built so we are just seeing a very small part   of what this place is going to look like over the  next you know 5-10-15 years but right here is a   dedicated soccer field we've got a kids park here  and as you can hear in the background we've got a   private sea and Beach here so this is truly like  how the rich of Pakistan Down live here they have   incredible apartments that stretch all the way  up to the top there and they have views that are   unobstructed by the entire sea here [__] brother and very nice security guards watching   over the place so when we get right up here you're  going to see that this is I think one of the two   private beaches right here and this part stretches  right here a nice clean and relaxing beach one   thing you'll notice like outside in like Clifton  Beach things like that it's not always as clean   unfortunately but inside here it's like you  don't find a single piece of trash anywhere   you just have these really incredible structures  and they are beautiful I mean just imagine that   hopefully we'll get a chance to go and view one  from what it looks like inside but this is what   it looks like this is modern crutch I mean this  you could if you only saw the view right here   you could think this is Miami you could think  this is Dubai so many different places so yeah   this is cool to be seeing it because you know as  I've traveled around the world to many different   countries there's always Pockets within cities  that have like really incredible infrastructure   sometimes entire cities sometimes parts of cities  in Karachi there's Pockets like this imar is built   in DF you don't have to get shy he get shy when I  pulled the camera out do so Assad tell me brother   we are in we're just what would you say like North  southeast west of clipon Beach and we are in dhf   Phase 8 Karachi and so this area is just outside  of the city kind of in its own in the city it's   not outside the city it's in the city in the  city okay so we're inside the city here guys   of Karachi but with the Beach views right here and  we are going to do a quick walk to the other side   and show you what we can find over there I was  impressed to see this architecture and I think   you will be surprised with what we show you as we  walk around this compound before we make our way   out to experience the Karachi nightlife later in  this video this all right we are entering inside   I'll brother we got we got a little coffee studio  right when we walk in all right this is a Lobby   which is a grand Lobby Grand Lobby walking  in [__] brother and where are we   heading this is that lob where any anybody comes  here they can sit here can have some coffee till   then you are coming downstairs I love this all  right quite a little Vibe when you walk in here   as you guys can tell and we are heading up all  right so we are on P1 this is the amenity floor   yes all right let's see what we've got going on  here let me show you the first ever sea front   gym seafront gym I like the sound of this oh  yeah that is a nice vibe in here hello what do   we got going on over here sea front gym all right  this is the spot so we got views unobstructed of   the beach I love it look at that that's how you  stay motivated for the workout I can tell you that and what do we got over here  machines all inside all the way   around all right all right looks like  a little construction going on over here the next one that is even more  better oh there's another gym yeah   all right let's check it out all right  so here we've got the Yoga Center right there all right and here we've got the pool right  in the center so this is the spot you want to be   all summer long my friends sitting out here by  the pool relaxing with some incredible modern   architecture surrounding so that is really nice  and going up here we've got the whole pool set   up right up here all oh yeah this is awesome  you got a little sneak peek of the uh Beach   all right over there pool park there yeah this  is really nice so there's uh one shared pool in   between these units right here yes and one is  right behind oh there's another pool yeah each   tower has a separate pool oh separate pools all  right I like the sound of that so right when we   walked in we find ourselves a party hall free  for all the guests here so you can book this   place and have yourself a nice little [__] that is a great Vibe with the ice cold AC right   now and so what I'm being told is that like  in Pakistan you know some of the challenges   people you know face in the everyday living  is when it comes to like having consistent   power as well as you know like really strong  consistent security and this place definitely   checks that box it's its own mini City on the  inside so this is uh cool to experience it can   oh and what do we have going on over here a  little bit of a checkerboard type of flooring here and this is the other pool in between these  towers what do you think Abdul Rahim we're going   to move you in here brother yeah we going to move  in together yeah it's about that time yeah and   Assad's telling me that these guys are cleaning  [__] brother these guys are cleaning the   windows every single day that just goes to show  you how clean this place is I was thinking he was   going to say maybe once a week or once a month  they're doing the window clean but he's telling   me daily I'm like that's that is a lot that is  great and we've got some nice Beach views look   at this you can see the horizons over here a and  this must be where the cars pull up right on the   the inside here look at this driveway to cruise in  we got parking garages down there and I think way   down that way is Clifton Beach that's the port way  out there in the distance I don't know how well   you guys can see that got the port down there and  then some more of the development being built here   so like I said a bit earlier this is only 15% of  it and it's already this big I mean it's taken us   probably what 15-20 minutes just to cruise around  here and so that means it's going to what's 15%   what is it going to 6X in size so is it going to  extend like all the way where those cement towers   are we have yeah we have two creasing it's to of  75 can l oh wow it's a huge project yeah that's   huge and when's the expected completion for all  of it 2035 December 2035 so that means we're 2023   now we've got a few years left so yeah that means  a lot of things are going to be happening over the   next few years very nice so you guys are probably  wondering what does an apartment cost to live in   here there's two ways you can get yourself in here  one you can rent from someone who owns and the   other way is you can purchase one and so you can  get anywhere from a 1 to a four bedroom apartment   as you can probably imagine at the very top I  don't know how well you guys can see that we've   got penth houses and those can be upwards of like  $850,000 it's the maximum yeah is the maximum and   then you can get a smaller apartment for as low as  $450,000 roughly us so that'll get you guys right   inside of this area and that will bring you into  the wealthy life inside of Karachi which is truly   its own kind of division separate from everything  else yoga center got the Yoga Center here oh this is sweet nice little Vibe here we've got  mirrors on the scene oh who's that guy   I know him and then we've even got some  views over here of the rest yeah this is nice good and you so guys we can only show  this part of the gym cuz there's a bunch   of people using it over there this gives you a  good idea of what the other gym looks like and   this one also has a view of the beach so that  is a Vibe such a Vibe all right we are on the   ground floor now yes we got down heading towards  Beach oh Beach time count me in my friends let's   go we've got ourselves the local supermarket so  like I said you can find everything in here are   there restaurants inside the area as well yes we  do have I'm you next to restaurants oh restaurants   all right sweet and so right here we've got a  little grocery store so you never even have to   leave the compound to get in all right so we've  got everything you can imagine I think we got to   get ourselves a nice little Gatorade to get  us going all right and you brother brother   Gatorade and here we've got a little bit of oh  got that closed a little bit of everything all   right this is what a Pakistani grocery store  looks like oh we got something jumping out at me [__] brother all right  so we've got a little bit of everything [__] brother all right we're getting  a nice little feel for it [__] brother all   right you even got Vapes in there you got a bit  of everything all right here a little Bakery too yeah oh that's how we cool down in the Sun so  we've got some shots here we got Abdul Rahim   over there talking to his keeping her happy yeah  as they say happy wife happy life right happy life   happy yeah yeah so here is the beach so this whole  area is private beach for this complex right here   yeah and as you can see there is only one single  person that's how you know it's private cuz if you   think about like Clifton Beach if you've seen in  my previous videos there's a lot of people down   there and it looks like it's going to wrap around  this little Bay right here where all of the newer   apartments are being built so you get that like  seafront coastal living all the shops and retail   space on the first floor quite a little vibe all  right so this is the coastal walk right here and   as you can see it it really comes out quite a  bit this whole area is built out on the rocks   and we've got the uh sea coming all the way in  so as we're walking here we're actually like   kind of following the waves in which is a nice  little Vibe you can definitely tell this feels   like the affluent wealthy side of Pakistan you  know with everyone kind of walking through hello   see the prominade can walk without any stress of  security and we have the restaurant on right and   left Beach it's the same as [__] yeah it does kind  of feel like JBL so we've got restaurants that   are being built right here or they're already  open they are open yes they're open okay very   nice this the beach that you can see very rare  in Pakistan to have a clean Beach oh really   nice clean Beach yeah that's great getting  nice photos over here as well this is coffee   shop under construction right there so that'll  be pretty cool you've kind of got this unique   you can tell the plaster I think that's what that  material is that's being put in there it's giving   it a uh unique look and then we've got kind of  like almost a bali styled uh place right here   with your rope and beachy Vibes there I like  that a lot makes me want to uh go swimming oh   so we've got a full-on restaurant right there food  divers so this is what international cuisine there   hello brother [__] all right and now it's  time to do a little beach visit here enter the   beach at your own risk all right we might have  to throw Abdul Rahim in the water at his own risk all right and look at this  nice little coastline does the   uh the uh waves come all the way up  here at night yeah they come over at   at night yeah sh oh wow that is a lot of  shells look at these you can find like any type reminds me of the saying when you're a  kid and you're trying to say Sally sells she   sea shells by the seashore can you say that no  no s Sally sells seash shells by the seashore a   little tongue twister there so that's cool all the  shells kind of like go right up there you've got   the the sand here in Karachi is always one that's  blown my mind cuz as you can see when you walk on   it kind of like uh drops down a bit and it's this  silver brown type of sand that is one of a kind   competition man and he's the guy guy who want to  rent me out in a pop man hey how are you Ben what   is going on brother nothing I'm just trying to  make a good Vlog oh yeah let's get that Vlog going brother so here it is the  beach out here a nice vibe all right shukria shukria all right now we're  going to see if we can check out one of these   apartments up here assalam walykum brother oh  we've got a salon in here you can get yourself   a fresh haircut like we just got inside of  the uh complex here oh there it is can they   do cuts like this I don't know might have to  test it one of these days all right so where   are we heading now we heading to apartment little  tour yeah we got to check out how apartment looks   like and this is a one two three bedroom  it is four bedroom four bedroom all right   so we're going to see one of the big ones all  right sweet we're going to see one apartment   where someone is living now and then we will  see an empty one that has next level views   Assad's going to take us inside to one of his  clients who is so kind to welcome us into his   home so we're going to show you a little  bit of it but obviously for his family's   privacy just a small chunk so you can see what  it looks like so let's go brother please coming coming this is the walkway pathway the restroom  the corridor this is the master bedroom look like   oh that's really nice it's a pool view uh you can  see oh there we go apartment there it is look at   that such a beautiful spot down there and then we  have the Bon access from here oh all right then   we've got the uh beach front views right there so  this is a a third pool third pool yeah okay third   pool so kind of each set of towers has their own  pool dedicated to it exactly yeah that's really   nice this this is up here on the fourth floor  yeah so fourth floor look at this you guys can   see the sunset coming in and karachi's silhouette  Coastline there which is quite beautiful that   is really nice this looks like the place to be I  should have I wish I could have stayed over here   this is is so nice yeah so this is it guys this  is what it's like to live in the wealthy side   of Karachi it truly does feel like a miniature  version of Dubai so this is M the new construction   so this one's going to be like what 45 floors  45 the first buing is construction by by itself   look at that okay that is huge and this is like 22  floors now it is 28 floor 28 now okay so that just   goes to show you that's pretty pretty much just  over the halfway point and yeah it is a cool place   all right sweet thank you brother for the tour  than appreciate it we're going into Tower 3 we   just teleported all the way down and we're going  to check out another apartment here with some   different views I only showed you a small little  snip of that apartment because I didn't want to   disrupt the uh family's privacy so guys the next  apartment I'm going to show you is someone already   actually has owned this place and now they're  selling it so they've moved out so I'm going to   give you a little peek of what it looks like up  on the high floor and as you can see here a huge   kind of living room area but most importantly  I wanted to show you the view from up here cuz   this this is best of Karachi right here look at  this you can see this right around the bay just a   beautiful view and look at that don't look down if  you're afraid of heights well be careful and right   over here is that a penthouse up there yes it is  a pen house that is a big unit right there three   floor Penthouse so that one's definitely worth  millions all right so there are places that are   more than 850,000 yes true yeah if you've got a  place that big I mean you pretty much have three   floors you got a whole Courtyard outside and  you just look down and you can see everything   hello all right this is gorgeous it's and look at  that we've even got a Jacuzzi right down there as   well I didn't see that when we were down there so  that is sweet you can just kind of sit down there   and relax as the sun goes down jeez I might have  to stay in Karachi a little bit longer and come   move in here and boom guys we just made it back  down to the ground floor and we're at the blue   hour we got a nice brand new Porsche right there  that just shows you the rich life of karate right   over here and we're going to be taking you to one  other side of Karachi here shortly which is going   to be known as do deria said like that yeah yeah  so this is going to be a special place what is it   like 20 minutes from here hi minutes oh 5 minutes  all right so it's really close and it's like an   upscale side of Karachi a lot of restaurants beach  side kind of a similar Coastal vibe to here but U   more on like the commercial restaurant uh side so  it's going to be a nice time by the way as a big   thank you to my friend Assad here new friend  here that I met through through I met I met   through Abdul raheim who is Pakistan's kindest  man he has gotten me here into modern Pakistan   so if you're watching this from overseas my  man here Assad he actually is an agent here   where he will sell different properties for the  next like 12 years here because uh they're going   to be building many many new units so as a thank  you I'm going to put his uh contact information   in the description below so reach out to him  he'll be your man if you want to check some of   these places out once again not a sponsored video  but he's a really good man and uh he showed us an   awesome tour so to help him out I'm putting his  information below now we are taking a 5-minute   drive over to get ourselves a high-end meal at a  place where all the wealthy in Pakistan go which   is called do deria I will say you don't need to be  a millionaire to go here here but it is considered   a more upscale place in the city and aligns quite  well because if you're living over there this is   only a 5-minute drive so chal Chalo so guys we  are entering into uh Kachi right here which is   the modern side of Pakistan here in Karachi so  that's Kachi in Karachi and look at this place   it is lit up in such a viby little atmosphere with  these orange lights not something I've seen very   many times in the past and there's like one two  three levels of different so you can hang out get   a nice bite to eat I'm ready to check this out  you ready for this brother a little chow time   oh yeah let's do it check this out we've got a  bunch of chow right here asalam alaykum Brothers   oh what do we have going here a little chicken  roast over there and some sauces hello asalam   [__]brother and oh yeah just cooking we're  going to be eating real well tonight this smells   absolutely fantastic and what do we have over  here ooh that's going to be de delish [__]   brother so we're making some fresh chickens here  and what is this one mutton ooh mutton right   there freshly made and look at that that's what  the final look's going to look like oh and you can   smell the sweet smell of a freshly made food and  put a little is that lemon juice on top yeah you   getting hungry brother again yeah yeah it is time  it is timea all right that was fantastic [__] let's get a little look at what this place  is like okay okay oh so there's multiple like   uh nice spots here we've got the lounge  over here which is almost directly on   the water is it yeah so look at this all  along here they've even got the water lit   up and it extends down there and we've got  a second level and a the third level that is nice yeah oh we got Chow right there yeah I   guess we're going to uh first  floor it's the best views in town top one top up top top oh Top's  best okay so this is uh second floor   look at this oh yeah where should we sit one of these how do we get up on one of those  how do we get up on one of the high ones what about this one oh and from right up here oh we can see the  Chow being made down there oh we just tossed the   uh chipati I think right down there you can see  all the food going on whole Squad of workers there   before the night Rush begins and I guess we're at  the very very top this is kind of like the fourth   floor but it's already reserved so they're not  going to be able to set us up here but hopefully   next time all right so we got the menus here we've  got Karachi the spirit of Karachi I love that Karachi   Karachi that just Blends so nicely so I like that  too garbage free that's a really good initiative   to see and to give you guys an idea of what a  high-end restaurant costs you this is somewhere   between what does this convert to like 1,300  rupes uh almost $8 is it no it's like six5 $6   for a starter so that is a great value we've got  soup salads Burgers Entre Italian chicken rice so   many many types Seafood mixed into here barbecue  Desi mocktails oh yeah a little bit of everything   and some ice cream in there what is on the menu  Abdul Rahim choose your sace yourself beef Ste I   looking for beef steak and this is going to be  made the Pakistani way yeah all right so which   one's the most Pakistani the pepper sauce which  one pepper sauce pepper sauce is the Pakistani   one that's a good one spicy it's spicy H oh I  love spicy let's go spicy you want to go beef   Ste spicy beef steak uh no no normal spice yeah  normal I'm not I'm not ready to test that out yet bota B okay we're good to go then as  long as it's B then everything's good chickeni and what are your SES what's a  good side to add into there oh we got do   we have a Naan in there or something  as a side garlic naan chicken chicken   all right we got ourselves some prawns  right there let's give these a sh shot here grab one of those like that M those are delicious we've got a nice  outside crunch oh we got a little spice   caught in the throat a nice outside  crunch to that which is so good with   some of that sauce you got kind of like an  aftertaste that is spicy but m m oh that's   delish right here we've got ourselves  a unique hummus here says k for Karachi yeah H Kachi h k for Kucha no Kachi k  for Kachi and what do we have here oh   some fresh bread to mix that right  together m m looks like we've got   some delicious Chow coming out you can  hear it sizzling that is fresh off the skillet oh all right first one is me  that looks fantastic look at that what   do you they touch this no even bubbling the  sauces there give that a smell oo yeah oo   yeah we are ready to eat you guys got the  same or what did you get mine is mine is chicken mine is chicken chicken yeah oh yeah  oh yeah and we got a little uh minted lemonade   right there to mix it in oh look at that all  right the time is now my friends we are about   to try my first ever Pakistani skillet steak  here so interestingly enough when you chop   that up it kind of has a similar at First Look  it almost looks like a like a burger type of   setup here but we still have that steak mixed  in with some onions it looks like on bottom   and let's try sauce what sauce is this one  black pepper yeah I'm going to try it first   without the sauce to see how the steak tastes  and then bite number two we do that bubbling one ooh yes that is very very tasty you get almost  like a a chewy like how would you describe this   sauce what types of ingredients are in there  it almost like has a similar texture to a nacho   cheese that's like the thickness and maybe it's  like 5% cheese that's my initial thought and   then the uh steak is nice and chewy I had mine I  think like medium well done and you mix that in   with the onions and the black pepper sauce it  does have a light spice to it for someone who   doesn't like uh spice I'd say they'd consider this  very spicy for someone like me who does like spicy   I'd say it's probably considered mild and this  one here is this the same sauce here yeah okay   so we'll just dip that thing right in there  oh we want that onion to join us and here we go m is it good with the sauce or without the  sauce I love it with the sauce all right that   sauce almost is there any cheese in that it  just has like a a similar like a cousin of   cheese that was my initial thought and  what's this one that's mashed potatoes   mashed potatoes okay we're just going to mix  that right in because we can and see how that   goes with the steak mhm try this oh that  is fantastic that is fantastic really high   quality food you can tell I mean let's put  it this way the food spoke for itself that   it's as fresh as it gets it was sizzling when it  came out and it's still sizzling like 3 minutes [Music] later vegetables are great you know a lot of  the times when you have vegetables people just   toss them on the plate as a filler Le have  a nice little seasoning to them to give it   a nice little unique flavor so I will say  this is delish or as Abdul rahee likes to   say G quadruple OD [Laughter] that's what  you like to say right [Laughter] yeah all   right we' got to show Assad how we do one  of the oldfashioned slams here we go 3 two one delish how was the food good one man food was  good actually good yeah yeah when was the last   time you pleasure meeting you man pleasure meeting  you too brother what do you think Abdul Rahim good   food the food with you is always been a good oh  this is why he's Pakistan's kindest Man shukria   by all right guys as you can see a nice big meal  like that for three people to eat is 45 bucks so   about $15 a person and that gets us all of this  DEH Chow right on the coastline here in Karachi   and we have finished up a delish meal thank you  brother delish Chow brother nice to meet you   thank you very much thank you brother thank you  see you see you bye thank you very much brother man I'm going to have to come back here next   time I'm in Karachi I am impressed  Shuka brother that's for you Shuka Al all right we have just teleported up  to the next spot which is about like 6 7   minute drive from where we were just at just  past the modern imar area and we're actually   heading up to the rooftop is it it is the  rooftop yes a rooftop Lounge here and we   are heading up to the top we're passing  skyloft and oh skyloft booking carbon   skyloft flame which one which we going to  Flame flame all right Flame the lounge it   is a restaurant a restaurant okay everything  and what's skyloft the lounge yes all right sweet all right look at this it is even more sens than  perfect Salam alayum brother all right we got   ourselves a nice little Lounge out here to the  rooftop of a place called Flames so if you look   here we're right here at the top we're chilling  here with the man the myth of Legend Abdul Rahim   and we've got Assad who has shown us all around  modern Karachi so of course we've got to finish   off this video with having a nice shisha lemon  and mint I don't know if I've had a Pakistani   shisha before so it's going to be one of my  first times maybe when I was here 2 years ago   but if you guys remember drop it in the comments  and the floor is even see-through right here so   we are going to be uh chilling relaxing here and  finishing off the night a nice little Vibe here   we've got all these like uh Sparkles here we've  got the flowers up there and a bunch of tables so   Welcome To Flames all right we got ourselves  a nice and big IC tea let's test this thing out oh yeah that is massive cheers  brother enjoy so we got peach iced   tea and then we've got a nice  shisha Let's test this thing out yeah that is exactly what  we need to finish off the night yeah it is fantastic fantastic and it's a  nice looking shishi here we got the light up there   this is a proper Vibe got a little uh looks like  Cricket on next to us too so that's what people   come here to do have a little Chow over here  have a little shisha and relax with the boys   so yeah guys we are leaving the restaurant  and that is getting to the end of our video   showing you guys modern Karachi which has been  an absolutely legendary time to see so yeah guys   I think that's where we're going to go ahead and  end today's video a big thank you once again to   my man Assad here who has shown me around his  side of karach here where he works and where he   uh lives out here so thank you guys so much for  watching and we will see you in the next video

2023-11-25 02:12

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