This is my Favourite City in Indonesia (Yogyakarta)

This is my Favourite City in Indonesia (Yogyakarta)

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foreign good afternoon guys from yogyakata in Indonesia  I am exploring yoga car to say we are going to   a temple first and then we're gonna go for some  food I'm here at paramban Temple which is a Hindu   temple one of the biggest in Indonesia maybe in  Asia I'm not sure the exact fact it feels like a   bit of a theme park here but we're just gonna  head in show you guys quickly around and then   we'll go into yogyakata and try some delicious  Indonesian Foods I also need to get a haircut   but I'm not sure if I'll be able to fit that in  today we'll see I've arrived a little bit late but   um they're closing about 40 minutes so hopefully  we get in okay we've got to wash our hands here   and uh put the old mask on and then we'll be  in this feels like a theme park we got like a   ticket office ticket office for a temple is that  normal but I guess uh I guess they gotta keep the   money for upkeep obviously everything's very  well maintained here so let's figure out other   here this is foreign for the boulee okay Goulet  tickets that's where they charge double hello bye um one ticket yeah maybe I see your ID I checked your name yep Harry Potter okay we have the ticket here with  a nice little mug shot okay thank you bye-bye   oh this way okay thank you sir yes thank you  sir uh I'm okay thank you thank you very much here we go yeah okay we're in the  theme park where are the rides oh golf car and premium tour so immediately  as you walk in you can hear the sounds also   you know some of you guys will notice that  I did the old student card trick I have my   student card with me always even though I  finished university around uh four years ago   um a bit bit bad of me to do that and I and  I realized that's quite naughty so I will be   uh giving the difference to my taxi driver  I think it was like 100k I got discount so   I'll give 100K to my tax driver as a tip  so it doesn't go to waste guys here we go   oh my God it's huge we got the train we've got  the golf car museum The herbal drink Corner oh   yes please well the traditional costume and  the archery oh wow I want to do the archery so   we're walking around it's very peaceful very green  beautiful green and there's like lots of tourists   everywhere like local tourists we've got but like  school children like a group of school children   and uh I've just seen the temple for the first  time and this place is very impressive I think   it reminds me of uh Angkor Wat which is I think a  Buddhist temple in uh Cambodia but this is really   impressive really really impressive it's huge  and there's like multiple spies I'll tell you   a little bit very briefly about the history when  we get there here we go guys you kind of is kind   of backlighted the lighting is not great at the  minute because uh the sun is in the background   but this place is epic this is awesome as I found  out it's 9th century so it's uh well uh over a   thousand years old and it was a obviously a Hindu  temple and it's like on the edge of Yogyakarta   and it shows the expression of God as the Creator  the preserver and the Destroyer there we go that's   the history guide right there that's all you're  going to get unfortunately it's like a reminder   to me that there is like multiple religions here  in Indonesia we've got like Christian we've got   Muslim we've got Hindu uh just like fascinating  how like so oh look all the kids wow it's   fascinating how they all you know live together  they all um uh coexist oh my God it's busy up here actually I'm guessing this is where we get a lot  of Indian tourists I'm guessing will come there   here there's like a multiple loads of different  ones like look look how tall that is it's insane   I love the color of the rock as well very dark  Rock and uh yeah it's like I think two over 240   different structures uh in this whole Temple and  uh yeah just like perfect time to come actually   so this is the largest uh Temple site in Indonesia  the second largest in Southeast Asia after Angkor   Wat so I was right Bangkok is Hindu and like  most tourist attractions uh it seems to be very   popular with the photos and the school children  running up to me and shouting at me but uh   yeah very very cool I'm more interested in the  archery no you don't say that hello sir yeah good hello hello I think you should be very popular with the school   children I should probably get out  of here before they terrorize me who knew that talking to a boulay  was so entertaining uh-oh we have   more we have trouble hello hello hello hello hello that's the most entertaining thing to do here  just say hello to the school children oh we've   got so many more to go I think the best like  perspective is actually walking around the   edge you get to see the whole scale of it  it's so impressive very interesting you guys   will wonder what if people who who aren't  Indonesian uh Boule means like Foreigner   basically it's just like a slang word it's  a bit like a or they're all saying hello I'm from England diary English where are you from it's good oh they're calling me over you are on a school trip yeah thank you  of course of course Lagos oh my name is wow that was very in sync uh what's up my  name Harry all right Harry MaGuire I'm Ronaldo   where are you from where is Joe bark near Jakarta Jakarta no okay  I like your hearts Vegas oh okay here we go   cheese there we go okay it's nice to meet you  guys you like uh Manchester United yes yes messy messy okay nice to meet you guys okay bye-bye thank you wow very interesting people very  confident as well usually the kids are very   shy these guys are very very confident wow okay  this is insane there's a there's like a zoo in   the uh in the temple and there's like uh archery  I'm not I'm not gonna do that actually because I   don't have enough time but they're still oh my God  look at this creature oh my God what's the name what's that what's the animal I think it's Mara is   it does it fly no no no no no no oh my  god I've never seen any it's a dinosaur what's his name does it bite that's the dinosaur  not a dinosaur it's a giant peacock hello   is it dangerous yes yeah I want to go in and pet  it oh this I know this guy this guy he's a peacock   we have these in England actually and then  there's like deer over here wow this is insane   I I did not know that this animal  existed that is absolutely wild   bro that's a dinosaur I don't care what anyone  says that is a dinosaur hello I'm from Jakarta   where are you from what is it from I'm from  England oh nice nice let me introduce myself Escape yes that's me that's me it's me on holiday oh this is   there yeah oh my God oh my God can  I feed oh my God oh my God hello this is he's making jokes on me I need someone to  translate don't be rude don't be rude hello hello I don't know I don't know videos what's he saying this is  the troublemaker you being rude are you being rude you're from England England oh  yeah I like your hat very nice   I like your hat you're from I'm  from Bali Bali Balinese Bali um okay how old are you yes  I know how old oh your age okay ready three two one okay I'm gonna look at his eye yeah I must he looks   evil you're telling me rude things  things what's what's the actual name okay there's like 50 of them yeah  wow okay nice to meet you guys yeah   nice to meet you inshallah we meet  again Muslim Christian okay bye-bye this will be translated okay you guys gonna have  to do some translation for me there because I feel   like it's been a little bit cheeky hello  sir where do you come from um yeah yeah   what is the name of this uh is  it I don't know is it dinosaur s it looks really scary oh looks scary  yes is it dangerous yes of course really   maybe like a peacock this is a calcul yes okay   nice to meet you guys uh we have more of  the school children we've got to avoid them then we'll finish and head into town  as we're leaving we have lots of Street   sellers oh they're all waving they're waving  coconut oh I don't know who to choose oh wow five zero okay okay that's like  three dollars that's uh boole price you can cut up oh wow oh look at the machete oh  my God can I have a go whoa whoa be careful oh   my God you're so strong oh my god well she's  working so quick yeah can I have a go whoa   oh my God she's just hacking at  it be careful your fingers thereby it's hard to watch she's just  sitting so close to her fingers   she's doing it like this is an Olympic  sport yeah oh there we go whoa okay [Music] oh thank you so much hello she's the most  energetic coconut seller in all of Indonesia where   is it where is it from oh she's already on the  next step where where from from hit from yogyakata where coconut from original yes okay okay there  we go yeah that was the answer okay first of all   let's just look how much actual liquid is in  there try and finish this if I can finish this   it's going to be an accomplishment  and we'll also try some of the skin oh Lagos thank you very good very good very good okay Muslim Muslim mashallah oh this  tastes so good so refreshing it's   like so much better than just plain water  it's got so much flavor it's so good for   you like so healthy there's not much that's  bad about it apart from they're hard to get   to but she just she just went through  it like there was no tomorrow honestly we came through it's a lot I just realized I didn't think about the  conversion 50 is too expensive for this but   she deserves it she's been working very hard she  she made that coconut in about 30 seconds so we're   gonna give her what she deserves 50. okay I've  just finished that there's probably like a liter   of liquid I am now full I'm like this is so unique  it's like a king coconut such a big coconut okay   finally we'll just try some of this skin see what  it's like there we go we've got some of the meat so soft and very good and nicely I won't  eat it all but there's so much in there   who knew you could get all this out of  one coconut okay here we go here we go   subtle over the years okay okay you want  me to help yourself come here come here okay thank you bye-bye oh what a lovely  end to the temple here I have to say like   I've had more fun playing with the locals  than I have at the actual Temple but it's   very important to to uh realize that  the the temple is an iconic structure   here and it brings a lot of Tourism so  it's a great thing oh another Market I probably shouldn't get anything but I'll  have a look around that means I'm probably   gonna get something here we go oh job Jakarta  with a D oh my God it's huge Wow Let's have a   look oh they got the traditional batik hat they  got the batik shirts hello sir hello how are you oh nice look at these shirts  I love the designs hello   very nice very nice hello avocado oh wow  it's like a maze I get lost and they're all   kind of sounding similar things so we've  got the bags we've got the bags over here oh drums hello oh my God magnet yeah oh yeah yeah it's very nice oh yeah made in made in Georgia oh yeah or China oh yeah I brought up what's that uh oh I just need one this one  twenty okay that's like uh   uh one and a half dollars okay that's a  good price good price what is this over here oh very nice very nice yeah okay nice to meet you and they got like  the toys they got the oh this is my favorite   store you can't even see half of it because it's  got so many bags okay let's uh let's pay let's   pay up thank you come back okay come back there  we go it's got the uh the temple is all of its   beauty in a nice bronze I'm collecting this is  oh nice very nice but I have not been to this   one so I gotta get it when I go it's like when  you go through a theme park and there's a gift   shop at the end this is like the largest gift shop  I've ever been to hello this is like it goes all   the way down there as well this is like China  Alibaba Central holy moly okay oh it's raining   it's raining we're looking for the exit okay now  we are finished and I'm gonna head back into town   we've got the man hello sir here we go I give  you 200. it's okay 200 okay I'll give you a   little bit extra because you waited okay thank  you boss thank you yeah thank you so I'm now   on mariboro streets and it's nice they have a they  have no cars here at night so it's just like local   tuk-tuks and walking so it's nice you can just  walk down go over lights we got uh music playing   street food so let's go and see what there is  we've got the gentleman in the nice top hello   oh we've got streets Street massage you know  what that means we might need to go back   well it's so busy over here so I'm guessing the  most of these people are touring local tourists   we've got live music over there there's like  a probably 50 different sellers of these uh   like I think it must be chicken they put  their barbecue let's have a look hello bye saute chicken satay oh wow oh you're speaking too quick I will buy I will buy so you've got  the raw chicken here she dips it in   the peanut sauce over here you  can ask how much how much 20. rice egg chicken one rice with a rice chicken  without rice without rice yes please 20 20. yes  

and um how many pieces uh 10 10 pieces okay very  good okay thank you and I will give some to her   you can say I will give to her oh she's asking  for some food this one no I will share with her okay so it's this looks delicious yeah yeah [Music] okay perfect rice with rice yeah okay yeah there we go no problem [Music] oh I'm so ready for this we got the chicken satay  with the rice and a little bit of sauce on here   and then she packs it up oh she wants some sambal  [ __ ] Bagus yeah there you go are you proud   Johnny English daddy English London uh Birmingham  oh Birmingham city [Music] no problem [Music] nice to meet you you're selling water  yes I will buy water off you yes   YouTube what is your name YouTuber Harry  Jack out Harry jagad Chargers j-a-w-g-a-r-d okay we're nearly ready we've given the  lady house and then we've got to do mine   so basically it's like a very fine process she's  got here I I love it we've got the the raw chicken   that she's obviously made earlier because it's  peanut peanut sauce yeah we got the um ah okay   and we've got the marinade the peanut and she dips  Chicken in there and then finally with olive oil   with olive oil yes it's very Burgers you want  some you want some okay I buy food you sure thank you you sure you're not hungry no no no no  okay okay I like your hats for Forest oh really   oh she carries it herself how far how far did  she walk yes where does she live how far walking   for this more balance how many how long is the  walk how many how far does she walk okay [Music] with this on her head for this oh wow price is  strong force ten thousand fifty thousand wow   that's crazy very hard working lady  Madura Islands oh really yes yes I Sumatra oh nice oh nice okay here we go looks delicious I'm ready so uh how much  total for for the lady and for me 30. yeah yeah yeah she didn't realize that I was waiting she  thought oh sorry sorry my fault no no no no   we got rice without rice then  chicken yeah 40 or 40. yeah okay   very cheap in here yeah yeah  very good price I promise [Music] let's eat our take away uh takeaway   yeah a bit chilly uh no thank you  oh yes please the peanut sauce [Music] sweet okay yes but  a little bit yeah perfect you can see very famous food in Indonesia  yeah the best food in Indonesia her oh nice for you oh yeah you're helping you're helping  me okay you give him some some argument sorry I'll buy water  off you but I cannot access special water no no no no no no free free  no no no no no no free no no no no no no no no no I have the space in my  bag can you put this in my bag he's mad with you he's not happy with you okay  yes let me pay you no no no no no free mother no   no no okay okay thank you thank you nice to  meet you bye-bye [Music] that was hilarious   um well we have the chicken that's all we  needed and now we're gonna go and eat it okay   here we go there's just little small bite-sized  pieces with the peanut sauce on here we go oh my God so good the chicken is tender  really tender and I got the barbecue taste   and then finally the peanut sauce it's  just insane some of the best food here oh my God that's incredible [Music] I don't know  how they've done that but street food here in   Indonesia is honestly better than the restaurant  food that's not even me joking around it's   seriously good food and it's so so inexpensive  I think I would have been like uh three dollars   for two meals I got there of it I  gave it like six dollars but yeah   really good value for money all right we had  a good little stroll around maliborough and   Yogyakarta had a cool day had a really fun  day actually I had I love joking around with   the locals but yeah thank you very much for  watching and I'll see you in the next video

2022-12-31 08:09

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