This Is How They Treat Tourists In Vietnam

This Is How They Treat Tourists In Vietnam

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I am still in Ho Chi Minh City and let's start the  day with getting some breakfast here right on the   streets there are some street food stalls here and  for the past days I've been getting my breakfast   here every morning hello can I get another juice  yeah one place yes I'm starting my day usually   with a fat fresh juice here that is something  that I absolutely love about Vietnam already that   you can get fresh fruits and fruit shakes juices  everywhere on the streets and then what he does   he just squeezes the juice freshly out of  the fruits here very good I like it a lot and then you can add some  sugar as well if you like to   so you have sugar here this is sugar  right sugar but I don't want no sugar   yeah you can add sugar here but of course  I want to have just the pure juice no sugar so he removes a little bit from  the from the fruit uh how do you   call it in English the meat the meat of the fruit and then you add some some  ice cubes as well over here   and just like that you have a really healthy juice  fresh orange juice right in the morning very good   okay and then the price is so for the big cup I'm  paying 25 000 dong which is uh just over one US   dollar like one dollar and 10 cents or something  like that but you can also get a smaller cups here   and I'm not sure what all the other types they  are maybe some other fruits or maybe some some   iced tea something like that 25 right thank you  yes okay thank you come in okay so just like that   we're having a fresh almond juice and then that's  not going to be my uh my full meal I'm always   catching one of these sandwiches here as well  hello good morning at one place again one yeah I'll check it out she has a pork meat here yeah  and then I'm not sure what this over there is I think this is some sausage what is this pork  this pork as well same same yeah okay okay   and then she makes the sandwich it's very uh  you're gonna see it when I when I bite into   it it's very crispy and fluffy is super nice  sandwich and you can get these sandwiches also   everywhere in Vietnam it's called bunny  typical Vietnamese sandwich which is a   leftover from when the French were here they  brought the baguettes into Vietnam and now   obviously the French are gone the time when  they're French we are ruling in Vietnam is a   long time ago but still these baguettes are  leftovers from that time so then she makes   these sandwiches right here she also does a  fried egg right here put some greens inside and then I can sit right here on this  typical small Vietnam check it out try the juice first I am what's better than a fresh  orange juice in the morning   gives you some vitamins some  proper nutrition for the day is doing with the baguettes  oh yes of course of course so cooking an egg here boiling it right away here I think she sells as much as she has she  likes so if it's finished then she's done   for the day basically actually I can see her  like my hotel where I'm currently staying is   right here actually I can show you the hotel  here the minute after the breakfast actually   I have to leave this hotel today but I will  I will tell you more details about that after   the breakfast so actually I can see her operating  from my window one of the windows there's my room   and I can see that as soon as  she's finished with the baguettes   I think she calls it a day so she's working until  everything is finished early if you want to get   one ah yeah yeah yeah please some vegetables some  greens ah yeah that looks really good oh yeah these greens they add a very fresh  kick to it which is really nice   so we have a combination of meat of  the egg she adds no no chili no no no   no please no chili my stomach is not good  with handling chili in these days so she   has a little bit of sauce I'm not sure what  sauce this is maybe a soy sauce [Music] yeah and then she put it in a paper bag and just  like that oh no no plastic I will eat here   no no no just like this okay yeah okay thank  you come in okay and just like that we have a   fresh baguette here um which cost I'm paying here  thirty thousand dollars so that's like one dollar   I don't know 1.20 the price will be somewhere here  so just like that or in total of so 25 over there   so 55 000 in total we have a good breakfast with a  very big orange juice and this delicious baguette people are curious what I'm doing  here with my camera this is not   really a tourist area yeah I  think so have a look at this so it doesn't this look really good   proper baguette and let's see if you can  hear the sound when I when I bite into it very crunchy perfect baguette I would say   and then you have all these different flavors  inside sausage the pork meat the egg the greens   this is already one of my favorite foods here  in Vietnam these baguettes you can literally   find them everywhere always these little street  food carts they are selling them they're also   some proper restaurants that are selling  them of course a little bit more expensive there's so much inside it's  super flavorful very delicious yes no tomorrow no tomorrow I go another  hotel hi hi yeah yeah where are you from   Germany Germany Germany yeah no no no I go uh Ho  Chi Minh but another hotel my hotel now here but   change Hotel over there yeah but this one was very  good okay very good delicious okay bye-bye come on   oh yeah she was always happy to see me  here every morning yeah for the past days   and breakfast here with this lovely lady Okay  so let me quickly tell you my current hotel   situation so what I usually do is I only book  hotel for a few days so usually two or three days   and then if I like it I'm  going to extend the stays and this has never been a problem in the past  years because the hotels were never fully booked   out but now it's starting to happen that sometimes  the hotels get fully booked out so I spent here   now four nights and I like the place I would like  to extend my stay but I can't because it is fully   booked out today so I have to leave to another  hotel and so this is actually it's not a proper   Hotel it's a co-working space they also have some  working areas over there on the other floor but   then they also have some some rooms here so I  have a room right here which I can show you now okay so welcome to my hotel room for the  past days this has been my home so we have   the bathroom right here and then yeah this is  the the bigger room they also have a little   bit smaller rooms but yeah I like my rooms to be  spacious so it feels a little bit more like home   and not like a tiny hotel room and yeah right  here you can see that's where we just been to   have the breakfast the Stalls down there and  then yeah there's a little seating area here   then the bed right here a huge TV as well  which I never used I never watched TVs in   hotel rooms uh and then yeah a little working  area here which is nice so overall I have been   very happy here and yeah I would stay longer if  the hotel wouldn't be booked out there's also a   pool and the gym down there so everything I need  basically the price here is around 45 US dollar   per night it's a little bit outside the city  center but the center can be reached within   a five minute motorbike taxi ride the name of  the place here is Hello World Saigon but yeah   let's uh change to another hotel more to the  city center all right so where is my grab Taxi uh on here the driver canceled oh it was  already here I checked the   the app like literally 20 seconds  ago and it was here already   looks like he canceled for some reason okay oh  this is the first time that uh web driver can   put on me in Vietnam but okay I have another  one right away and he's just around the corner   yeah to be honest it has been very convenient  so far to get wrapped like this I mainly use   motorbike taxis and so far always got a taxi got  it right right away so very uh convenient here in   Ho Chi Minh City and you can see the stall of the  lady over there is already closed so she already   finished selling all her sandwiches that means she  can go home oh what is the car doing I probably is   turning around over there actually you know  what I am kind of happy that I am forced to   change to another hotel today because yeah I am  new in the city I want to see different parts of   the city so I'm moving to a another area now  so I'm kind of happy as well that yeah I'm   almost forced to change to a new place so that  I can see another part of the town let's see thank you so much okay okay 17 minutes okay yeah 17  minute ride through the city okay thank you very much have a good day  bye-bye that's all thank you so much okay   all right we have arrived to Lotus Saigon hotel  and yeah in case you're wondering the price of   the taxi ride almost 20 minutes to the city was  90 000 dong and yeah let me handle the check-in   and then I will show you the hotel as well  thank you very much okay so room number 403 let's have a look here in pink a little bit less  here I think it's like 40 US dollar here per night   and one of the first impression um here okay so all right let me quickly choose  the room for you before we then head out to   explore the new neighborhood and first  of all we need some light here ah perfect   ah okay so this is the bathroom  here with a shower like this okay   yeah usually if the hotel is a little bit older  you'll find it a lot that there's not a shower   there's a bathtub with a shower inside that's  usually the case in many older hotels the same   in Thailand for example but uh yeah we have a big  spacious room here I like it that there's a lot of   light coming inside I like it to have bright  hotel rooms so with a lot of natural light I   really like that ah huge bed here let me quickly  test it a little bit hard oh no here's actually   there's a hard part in the middle maybe it's yeah  it's probably two beds put together oh actually   this is very soft oh I like it air conditioner  of course let's quickly check out the balcony   ah nice to have a balcony sometimes ah okay  so City View Ho Chi Minh City oh I'm actually   very excited the new area of the Town can't  wait to explore a little bit around here and   there's also a pool on the rooftop as well as  a little gym attached I started to uh to get a   workout routine again I'm usually going to the gym  every two days and every other two days I'm going   swimming so sport every day at the moment which  is great I feel very good very healthy but yeah   one thing I notice here as well and I noticed  that in most of the hotels I stay at is that   the curtains are not totally blocking out all the  light that means in the night there's still light   shining in and I am someone I am a light sleeper  so when they have light coming in then that can   interrupt my sleep or make my sleeping quality  less and therefore I am still very happy that   I am having my Manta sleeping mask I've been  using this sleeping mask for a few months now   almost every single night I absolutely love  it the mask is very easy and comfortable to   wear there is no pressure on the eyes and this  mask does totally block out any light The Mask   also comes with some earplugs so you can not only  block out all the light you can also block out all   the noises and I already hear that the Busy Road  over there will make some noises in the night so   I'm happy that I have my earplugs in combination  with the sleeping mask I think I will get a good   sleep here it's also great if you want to get a  quick nap in in like buses or trains or airplanes   while you're traveling and yeah I've been using  this mask from a company called Manta sleep they   offer several different types of sleeping masks  which you can all find on their website and if   you would like to try out Manta sleep as well you  can click the link that I will provide in the pin   comment on the description and if you enter the  promo code can you can get 10 off and they also   have a 60 day money back guarantee so you can  test out the mask if you don't like it send it   back and you will get a refund click the link  down below thanks to mantisly for sponsoring   today's video and now let's explore my new  neighborhood ah there's also a mini bar here   and actually I think drinking a cold  beer on the balcony here now is actually   yeah something nice uh yeah we have also  Kettle right here tea and coffee [Music]   so enjoy this beer here okay cheers to  Vietnam cheers to all of you watching this is actually my first time trying Tiger Beer not bad oh yeah let's uh hit the road  and explore this new neighborhood okay so I have left the hotel just uh  wandering around now getting to know   the new neighborhood that I'm staying in now  this is an interesting Road actually because   we don't have a proper sidewalk to walk  so I'm basically walking on the streets   and as you can see the roads in Vietnam can be a  little bit busy also yeah so far my impression is   it doesn't really feel like a big Asian  Mega City and maybe um in the wrong parts   of the town or the right ones if you don't  like this feeling of being in a big city   but it is or let's say like this I would have  expected it to be more chaotic you know like   when you think about Ho Chi Minh City and Saigon  usually think of Mega Chaos on the streets on   the roads and so far I haven't seen that by  the way in case you're familiar with the city   this is at District number three no there's water  coming from the from The Roots here getting some   water in your face here but yeah I am in District  number three now which is on the edge through uh   or close to the edge to District number one this  is um yeah the the city center as far as I know yeah walking here you need to be careful  always have your your brain on Focus your   eyes on the road otherwise it's easy to  uh to get overrun by some scooters here   okay yeah but interesting just to uh  have a walk around see the atmosphere see if I can uh yeah z-block Crossings  I've lost a decoration here in Vietnam   or mostly in almost in every Asian country  I've been to so far these are just decoration   so as a German I have to get  used to that but no problem okay I'm trying to find this restaurant  here according to Google Maps it should be   somewhere here this was recommended to me as well excuse me hello I'm looking for this restaurant you  don't know should be somewhere here oh yeah okay okay thank you okay all  right it looks like it's over there okay crossing the road um is it this one oh I think it's this one that's  the food I would like to try is actually this   one here which is like little meat skewers  wrapped in some leaves I think this one here   there is something that I've  never tried before hello   I would like to try these ones I heard they  are very good here so uh is this pork or beef okay can I get this and this I want both want this and one this yeah  how many pieces is one order how much is one pack how many  pieces usually [Music] um okay a six here and then five yeah okay okay okay so yeah this place was also recommended [Music]   all right yes please yeah  okay vegetables inside I guess it's going to be another interesting experience I  have no idea how to eat this I'm having I have to   learn how to eat the local meals yeah that's what  I'm excited about right restaurants like this and   I don't think I'm in a very tourist area where  I haven't seen another restaurant around here   so let's see what I will get so yeah I think  it's going to uh look like this so a mix plate   with some greens and some dipping sauce on  the side a little bit like like Satay movie   you if you know something from  countries like Malaysia for example   um maybe I can get something  interesting to drink as well what is this do I get something like this like this mix yeah   okay okay okay and drinking you have drinks here  right what is what is this here what is this okay okay yeah yeah okay she doesn't seem to  uh to understand me but that's all right and   so I'm just going to order it and see  what I will get so I asked for foreign not sure what it is [Music] more fun if I drink it without knowing it  yeah this I can uh this one okay okay oh   she just told me that today I ordered  this uh not available so I'm ordering whatever that's all oh this is like a huge portion  of greens here am I supposed to eat all of this   and I think this is some these are some noodles  here and this is probably some thin rice something   oh okay this is going to be interesting but  they're the most exciting part is going to be the   the niche which is coming right away as well I'm  getting a drink or something sweet I think okay   okay thank you very much okay we have some  some children riding a bottle on the on the can yes interesting um it smells like I don't know the English Village um it tastes like I could so I don't  know what's like it's in English tasting a new drink oh okay we have some dipping sauce here  which doesn't look spicy I guess so far   I think the food in Vietnamese in Vietnam is  not really spicy which is good for my stomach I think she's putting it on the grill here huh that's really good okay so they get uh prepared probably in   the morning and when they're  heated up on the grill here then yeah we have to find out how to eat this  what I would imagine is that you roll it into   these little things here together with some greens  and maybe some noodles some some peanuts on top as   well that looks really good actually so inside  here is um yeah either beef or pork as far as   I I know well I don't really know this fish but  there are Depends to be honest that's my guess   and how it looks like I would guess when the  light is better so I guess this is going to be   um yeah Beach Road in I don't know I don't think  it's seaweed it looks a little bit like seaweed   but I don't really think it is sweet okay and  the next thing is coming okay okay thank you   very much come on okay so we have one two three  four five pieces of these one two three four   five six pieces of these we have a dipping sauce  here we have um yeah whatever this is we have some   noodles here a lot of greens and some extras  on the side which I also not sure what it is can you show me how to eat  this yo you roll it in here yeah I have no idea how to eat this  how do you eat this with the hands you eat with the hands and then you use this and that is my my guess that you roll  it together with some greens in   these uh yeah whatever this is I  think it's like rice rice paper she can help me okay okay you make her like a like a wrap like  create your own little wrap here okay that's my first time eating  this so I don't know okay   dude ostrich is mixing all kinds of different  leaves now together okay it's not like mint here   so one of these leaves is definitely mint  and then she's adding some of these here okay let's just say noodles yeah okay come on I gotta remove that coat okay and then she  adds one of these ah then you have to roll it oh thank you so much come on thank you  okay and then you have a road you're   almost like like a spring roll ah okay the  next one I have to try on my own of course   I got some chili ah then you oh yeah you  can dip it in here okay let's dip it in here this is delicious and it's very fresh it has a very big minty kick  to it so some of the leaves are definitely mint the sauce is um yeah not spicy at all I think the sauce is with fish there's a little  fish flavor to it and I don't think that any of   these ingredients are fishy I think that  the fish taste is coming from the sauce I don't really like the meat inside you  can clearly taste the meat although the   meat is like only a small piece  wrapped between all these greens oh I'm building some noodles okay that was really really good  I lost one of the pizzas here what I really like about Vietnam so far it's  relatively easy to eat healthy so um I'm still   I'm currently in the process of air trying to to  have an eye on life on my nutrition on my diet   going to the gym eating healthy and Vietnam  makes it really easy for me to eat healthy I   mean look at this we have all the the wings here  just some some plain noodles some vegetables meat   nothing here is fried and oil nothing  is really patchy okay let me try to do   it on my own now so we're starting with this  one now and then we are collecting some some   leaves here so the whole process of preparing  the food is a part of the experience I guess really nice   so we're having some of these then adding  some noodles here and these are coach noodles actually not that cucumber I guess okay and  then I'm going to etch one of these here now we have to roll it okay my first set Roach whatever  the name of this food is very good actually the texture here it's  almost like a like plastic so it's very   weird texture actually we're  dipping it into the sauce here hmm it's really good it's really good okay you have to  get used to eating this this is um yeah it almost   feels like eating plastic so you have to really  um chew it hard chew it a lot very chewy but yeah   the combination of everything together is really  great oh yeah okay so I finished uh obviously not   all of the greens I think you're not supposed  to finish all of this but of course all of the   meat and the meat was very delicious and I was  just curious what was the green thing that was   left around the beef here the swast beef and this  was pork if I'm not wrong and it's low lot leaves   which to be honest I never heard of before it's  this flange and that was the the green wrapping   around the beef here called Low Lodge leaves  which is often confused with Beetle leaves   um and yeah apparently it's uh used in many  Southeast Asian Cuisines oh okay that was very   very good so very um delicious and I think also  healthy meal and obviously okay the drink wasn't   that healthy now because it's probably full with  sugar but yeah I'm always Keen to try new things   but this meal was very good let's see how much  all of this is going to cost 177 . [Music] you   can change this yeah okay thank you that was  really good come on thank you very much okay   so yeah look at how many of these  schools they have here and then   he's making some fresh on the grill  here again okay thank you very much check it out first time I see a dark clouds here okay actually I feel like um so this was a  proper meal but it was very light I don't   feel like very filled up you know like sometimes  when you eat too much you can get a food coma you   know what I mean and I totally don't have  this feeling right now which is awesome   so actually maybe we can find something else  something interesting maybe a little uh snake oh we have egg Tarts here as  well oh I really like this if I can find something else looks like like a little cake mix let's see what I saw I'm really too  tall for the Stalls here in Asia some some muffins nuts not really  typical Vietnamese I would say   maybe I can get one of these egg carts here  I would like one of these here one place yeah   I think it's a 10 000 tier  ten ten thousands [Music] charts which are not really Vietnamese um  I think originally they are from Portugal very warm very good I like it  when it's still warm freshly made you don't know egg Parts you have to give it a  try you can find them all over Southeast Asia   I also ate them a lot in  the Philippines for example hello people always uh happy and smiling here hello I think you can get  a fruit juices here as well okay hello uh you have you make fresh fruit  juice here juices you can mix together Apple and uh it's orange [Music] and  banana mix everything together okay I'm not sure okay mixed together bananas I think there's we cannot mix together  true okay then apple and orange [Music] or maybe it does milk go well together with  apple and orange oh we're gonna find out   okay and let's see I think I  also have a sugar cane here   which is also very delicious  sugarcane right yeah yeah so you can um no no no just the juice just the juice yeah  sugarcane obviously is also very delicious you   can squeeze it to this machine here and then  you get a very sweet juice with natural sugar yeah I think I always have today in dude  I love this little uh shops this is not   approved I said in the morning you can find  them everywhere and yeah right here another   one and I'm sure you can find more on this  busy road here let's see what we will get here puts it right here carriage good yeah just putting the apples in here  one after the other [Music] man can go together yeah but only on the apple and okay I think  she was offering me another second   a second juice oh I get a big one now  okay no sugar that's very good yeah and okay okay thank you very  much come on thank you very much okay I think I paid 35 now um that's okay so  it's 10 000 long more expensive than the one   I had in the morning but the one in the morning  was only orange and this is orange and Apple   so yeah this is my second juice like this already  today you saw the first one in the morning

2023-03-18 01:56

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