They warned me about this neighborhood in OLD TOWN Mombasa, KENYA

They warned me about this neighborhood in OLD TOWN Mombasa, KENYA

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[Music] can give you a f cele make sure  make a contact how I can make a contact   you say hi maybe later you have a Instagram I  have a YouTube YouTube yes okay say hi to Tik   tokers and everybody in online okay Prophet  mam Prophet Muhammad oh okay it's the birth   of your Prophet Muhammad so they dancing  there dancing it's a m okay pray offering   prayers I'm yeah no dancing there it's not a  club dancing there I got a subscriber here in   mbasa are you he'll be coming on YouTube  what do you want to say to the people I behind the camera he was very confident in front   of the camera he's TIY yeah you okay  bye goodbye goodbye next time next time all right no photo video I know it's a  video I can take you the way you want oh no   I'm ready I'm ready Madame trust me as a man and  you are a lady I'm just asking please that's so   fre of you what's your name Rael but this is how  I've been vlogging this is how I've been taking   H for myself yeah where you from I'm from India  you're from India yes no wonder with your friends   with you are those your friends from India no  no they are from Kenya they are helping me see   the yeah they helping me see the and what's  your name you hav't tell us your name my name   is Priya Priya yes ah okay Madam I can take you  the whole body of you and the mat and everything   and the people there if you don't mind please  okay but why are you being so kind to me okay   take attention no as friendly because you look  so friendly okay you know you look so friendly   and also we are friendly to to anyone welcome  here all right happy ween the lady fromo from   India okay you can take my video If you says  sure he say that he wants to take a video all   right all right Madame like this how like this  okay right now we'll be taking the matat ride   which we took in the morning wait wait wait wait  wait wait can you come here can you see the mat   with with the messy yes famous footballer who  just won the into the wall all right then let   we see your friends here show them what's inside  see there are 14 people inside matu my God yeah   how interesting is that and this and these people  all they all coming here to this mat boing into   mat to leiry can you come and see this uh the the  front van the front van it's called kitaka yeah Kaka ah this these are just a name  okay this name a name like as you   name you say that your name yeah  you see yeah okay okay then come and the people are really really  sweet I you are very much bye byebye okay what else they want us to  take just waiting for people to vot you   like Kenya I love Kenyan what about the  people of Kenya I love them they so warm   and welcome welcome welcome welcome  my friend is say you are what's your name he says my brothers are here you from India  yes I both we we are from India where in India   from guat oh guat okay nice to meet you all  I'm from India too where in India Mumbai Mumbai yes mahra how are you I'm good you're heading to  Mombasa I am from mumbasa I'm born in Mombasa oh   they live in Mombasa so your family and  everyone is no my family has shifted to   another town oh okay that's nice nice meeting  you you yeah first time in Kenya uh yeah uh   second second time in Kenya I was here last  month I loveed the vibe of this place so I came back I think theat is full now 3 6 12 yes  it's time to say goodbye bye and we keep moving yeah what do you want to say  I want to say my here just go ahead   closer I'm speaking with I get my friend  here now I'm live yes somebody you're not   live you have been recorded and you come  on YouTube tomorrow okay you know YouTube   yes okay so you'll be coming on YouTube  what do you want to say to the people I behind the camera he was very confident in  front of the camera he's TIY yeah but nice   looking him okay bye goodbye goodbye next time  next time wo did we get a change did we get a   change no she's loing the then oh okay so to  load the money in M because there's no change   okay all right we've got thousands and he doesn't  have change of thousand how come you don't have change no money so much money for you yeah it's  1,000 and people don't get change here right   yes it's difficult to get change oh there's  some Street selling going on here chicken buy Street oh let's [Music] go this okay yeah yo good evening welcome to my YouTube  channel we're heading to old toown now wa W too crowded full now and we're heading to Oldtown   we need to take a ferry to L  and from there we take uh tukk maybe hello hi me no look at this fish which  fish is it Ro fish Ro fish local   fish of Ro not Ro say ro ro oh ro oh too big for [Music] what's happening yeah noisy streets of [Music] Mombasa we're walking uh down to the Old Town yeah what's  so famous about this town all buildings all like   you'll get to see uh where we had the all the  first what everything the First Market is there   the first post office is there and also the first  what police station is there oh okay yes the first   hotel is there all of them you're going to see  them there like that this is where Mombasa Town   started before they built these other areas okay  I see and I see Bank of India here oh the Indian   bank here what's happening there let me just  go straight there oh they're Dancing Yeah Yeah   they are what are they celebrating can I get the  hug you want a i a hug I can give you a f b cele   this is M today yeah celebrating M where you from  I'm from India India yes I was in Pakistan karra   huhra mbasa actually this is my hometown how  long have you been here it's been like 2 3 days   how long you've been here staying couple of days  more make sure I make a contact how I can make a   contact say hi maybe later you have a Instagram  I have a YouTube YouTube yes okay say hi to Tik   tokers and everybody in okay okay before that  I just want to know what exactly is happening   right there he can assist you in Hindu language no  you can tell me in English tell her about uh today   what's happening there oh this Muslim celebration  Mai Mai Mai is it a festival or something yeah   yeah it's um muhamad we are celebrating our of  muh of our Prophet mam our Prophet Muhammad oh   okay it's the birth of your Prophet Muhammad so  they're dancing there not dancing it's a m they   okay pray offering prayers I'm yeah no dancing  there it's not a club dancing there because I saw   children you know they were then how we'll see  this thing sorry how we'll see if we connected   he wants to connect with me okay maybe you can  take down my Instagram you can me there okay   okay we stay in touch nice to meet you what's  your name kuchi kuchi oh okay so he said that   it's the birth of prophet Muhammad today they're  offering them prayers they're not dancing I'm so sorry [Applause] maybe this is a way of how  about you can I give you a tour for Jesus   see the old town it's very interesting  this is our job oh that's so nice of   you to ask me but we just walking  through the Old Town yeah this is the oh okay but I already have a local I  traveling with me she she she doesn't know   this area this is my area oh no you're  underestimating her no no no she knows   really well I know no my friend has more  knowledge than you okay thank you hug great how any of the [Applause] way what are you saying what's your name hi  yeah finally when did you see me oh that's   nice to meet you yeah I got a subscriber here  in mbasa are you oh okay I sent you message   is it I may not have seen it then yeah I know  you enjoying I am loving the wi here yeah it's beautiful was amazing mesmerizing I would say  what's happening there Mai okay the prophet   yeah yeah someone told me it's the birth of  prophet birth of prophet so it's been like   been there for like 1 month now okay it's at  the end about to finish so every day they do   that every year every year they do it okay here  and you go like this you see like a m but from   the next one hour oh okay all right are you doing  I'm loving it nice now yeah yeah it was raining   yesterday yeah yesterday rain crazy so we just  came back from the beach diani beach is amazing   you enjoy the beach it is beautiful similar  to M I think M okay I've been following you for okay from then yeah oh I hope you're  enjoying my Vlog yeah yeah I do okay it   was nice meeting you nice Mee You  by thank you all right we go ahead   to the old town now say hi to abdalah  hi abdalah where are you from sh is attire he's wearing the traditional attire  of his religion that's nice come let's go so this is the old town here yes okay the let's just take a walk here they say   the buildings here are way way too old  it's ancient yes I can see that you see this I love mumbasa that's  what's written here okay I see that he's selling SAS here okay I've already taken  fridge magnets and all of these few of them at least ah I've already taking  all of them few of them at least oh is there some construction work going   on here yes maybe they renovating  this building wo this looks way too ancient the py club uh mumbasa made  in Swahili land okay wani Club oh oh I see thank you this is the first ever Hotel first ever hotel  in Kenya there it is oh yeah began operations in   1901 and visitors are invited inside to view the  architecture oh okay now it has become a museum   yeah W is over 1,000 years old mumbasa is over  1,000 years old what 100 years oh okay 100 years   just giving us a glimpse to see what was going on  so you get instead of digging under the ground you   have a story body yes so now this has become a  museum yeah it is so this is the first hotel in Kenya beautiful all right oh and I can see a beach right here is there a beach next to this yes it's the  Indian Ocean oh okay like you cross the ferry   you saw the Indian Ocean it goes all the way this  way oh okay yeah yeah yeah adjust to this linee hi and I believe Muslim Community stay  in here yes yes is it yes most of the   people staying in this area are  Muslims okay yeah and Arabs Arabs yeah mandry MOS 1570 the first ever  mosque to open yeah quite ancient okay yeah yeah so nice yes but I think  they've renovated it of course they've   renovated this this is become a gift  shop right now it's a gift shop okay this to go there not go there because but now  problem yeah not safe I know we are walking   care God bless you it's not safe the street  oh okay okay we just working on the street   no problem no problem me I'm here no problem  no problem thank you okay if safe all right   yeah that's true whatever is saying because we  want go past the First Market yeah because it's   not safe most of this area is not safe the Old  Town not safe why like what happened uh there   are a lot of uh snatchers you pocket poets  yeah so they roam around yeah yeah yeah yeah   yeah so for you to be safe just talk on the  streets like not in the corridor inside the   lanes yes exactly those Shady Lanes okay I see  that but are are people residing here now yes   they are they are okay not all the buildings  some of them like you can see this building   yeah that's one okay so it is a residential area  for people now you can yeah yeah yeah I can see okay so we met same brothers from India whom  we saw in matatu yeah they have a shop here   actually yeah the matatu fromunda to Leoni Leoni  oh okay all right maybe they can give a tour of   this place yeah yeah hi good to see you brother  you two are here that is my shop that one yeah   oh okay there's a outside but it's Clos at the  moment I'm finding out for where is the key I   don't know oh we were just passing through  this mosque and we got to know is this the   first mosque this is the first mosque and that's  where King Charles was there oh yesterday yes oh   I see was there yeah he was in this one Tuk  Tok here he he was in the Tuk Tok he went to   the MOs a small meeting okay so is it true  that there was someone there who had placed   the Palestinian plags and then he was arrested  not arrested basically they just told him to   Pro it because you see um what they have rights  of whatever they want to do but um it is it was   not there on property so you cannot do it on  someone else's property why would Kim CH visit   mbasa Old Town very good question you should ask  from his before his mother and all why they used   to visit also oh they visit here yes ah okay you  know we are colonized by the British yeah I know   see thank you so much I see okay interesting  that was go down there some people uh there's   a nice tea African tea yeah yeah I'm taking  them there to have the [ __ ] tea yes [ __ ]   tea you taking my video I hope I'm not going  to not at all come on you're just sharing the facts all right we just walked there  straight we got to know the left you   get this fish market it's good basically  this guy knows a lot of about mumbasa he he says he knows a lot about Mombasa  okay I wasn't aware that Charles Prince   Charles came in here yesterday at the  first ever mosque built in this old   town okay that's interesting this was the  post office first post office yeah okay   this was the post office if you see the  architecture here it's so ancient and old and they supporting Palestinian who H who people  of here Muslim here yeah supporting Palestinian   so basically whatever is going on the current  situation they aren't happy with that what they   aren't happy with the current situation that's  they're not happy okay that is the reason they   don't like israelian oh okay so that is the  reason that was happening yesterday like K was   huhuh I got to know from him yeah so they they  were protesting in there something okay this I   see okay his grandfather here and this course when  Africa was colonized that time oh I see noed noed   not geted before before that yeah 6 60 years  now oh I see okay that's that's why it holds   a lot of importance oh I get we have history he  say he found in grandfather mhm album this most   he found he found in the album of pictures he  want you to see it everywhere grandfather go he   oh okay Jesus oh I see interesting to know oh all  right thank you so much I'll be back okay I was   about to fall anyways let's just take a walk let's  straight that is the government square like where   you could find all the government officials  and the offices and then it goes all the way   to there and then that is the first uh what post  office post office post ever post office ever so   right behind you is a what is it called Harbor  yeah before they built the Kini Harbor this is   where the whatever was coming to Kenya used to  pass through here oh yes so not so big but the   clini H is so big M so we can't go past that  area because it's not safe that one yes okay   so the last place you can visit while in Oldtown  is the fish market which is just there oppos so   that's the area you can just reach you can't  go further because it's unsafe for you to be   on a side just walk on the streets yeah and in  the svenia shops and the museums only that yeah   so I see everything that was first the first  post the first uh government office first post   first government officers the that on what is it  called post office the post office so basically   it's become become a museum now and the port  which is right behind me of course I cannot   film it that's what the security guard told me  but let me I can show you it's right behind me   like you can go P there like young kids around 12  15 they'll rob you and they walk with knives by   the way back there yeah oh my God that's why even  the people know know it that's what they even tell   us not to first first start fish market so the  authorities here they don't do anything about   that they their kids now what they what can they  do okay yeah they are their kids wo but it's nice   that they tell us not to go P there because my  first time I came here they told me not to go P   that uh yeah and they really helped me because  I didn't know I wanted to go all the way that   way to another Market called Mar and then they  told me you better go back how you can oh I see   so beyond oceans Side Hotel they say it's not  safe to go past that okay are we going inside   this hotel you want to go in what is this restant  restaurant okay quite an interesting place is Old   Town like people said you know they have lot  of history in there lot of things that I got   to know from people here mostly Muslim Community  and Arab stain and uh uh after a point in time   you cannot go inside those lanes because there  are chances of theft and robbery and you see all   the first you talk about first post office first  hotel first Port they've either turned into music   Museum or partially it's working and partially  it's shut good to know that anyways uh with this   I should end my Vlog here itself it's 6:00 in the  evening now if you like my video please subscribe   to my channel like share comment and I shall  see you in my next Vlog guys bye-bye from fani hotel

2023-11-23 22:01

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