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hello everybody I'm Chris Provost and today on  Provost park pass I'm going to talk to you about   the weirdest land in all of Disney the weirdest  land of all Disney yeah now let me set the rules   though hit the like And subscribe before let's  get that out of the way let me set the rules   weird doesn't mean bad so if something's weird  that doesn't mean bad it just means it's kind   of outside the norm and there's a little land  here and the land is not in Disneyland which is   right behind me there it's over here in Disney  California Adventure I want to show you what I   think is the weirdest hi guys hi I want to show  you what I think is the weirdest land of all so   this little land is kind of weird but it's not  a bad land and actually I like the land a lot   it's just a little bit weird and it's not weird  because it wants to be weird it's weird because   of bad planning because the Disney imagineers who  came up the idea of California Adventure didn't   know what they're doing at the very beginning  I'll get into all that let's start the video all   right we're going to walk right here guys to go to  Disney California Adventure and enjoy the day here   I'll do a little chitchatting talking some Secrets  R and just kind of Meandering around all right so   here I am in Disney California Adventure before  we get into this kind of crazy land I got to do   a little bit of backstory of Disney California  Adventure what happened it's got a crazy sorted   history just nuts so so you know what maybe you  should get a little bed or something sit down and   chitchat and talk about this n I'm not going to  do that let's just keep talking um what happened   was Disney wanted to capitalize on having more  people come to Disney rather than just for a day   they wanted people to come to Disney and spend  three or four days at Disney and so what they   did is they came with the idea of having another  theme park here uh right across the Disneyland and   they thought well if we have two theme parks and  people spending a lot of time here maybe a week   going to back and forth to both theme parks I am  going to look at some fruit hang on does anything   look good seedless grapes hummus pineapple sphere  some drinks nothing's nothing's popping out at me   oh there's the pickles and there's the baby Bell  cheese I do love those let's continue on so Disney   wanted to have people come and spend like a  week in the Disney parks Disneyland and they   thought well we only have the one park that's  Hi how are you I am feeling a little pecky so   I'm kind of hungry but I don't know what I want  so let's go down to maybe Flo's va8 Cafe I don't   know we'll just keep walking talking anyways what  happened was that uh the Disney imagineers they   came up the idea like if we have two theme parks  then we'll get we'll cure people coming for more   Hi how are you so the imagineer is like hey if we  have two parks then people come here a lot longer   and then they started thinking and this is what  it reminds me of have you ever been hanging out   with your friends and you come up with a really  funny joke and all you and your buddies and you   think it's so funny but then when you go tell  it to somebody else it's not this funny I think   that's kind of what happened they came up with  this idea they're like well why do people come   to California they're like well they come they  want to see all the sites they want to see like   the Redwood Forest they want to see Hollywood they  want to go up there to the Golden Gate Bridge and   the Disney imagineer like you know what we should  do is do we just give him everything they want to   see California in one theme park then they  won't have any desire to go to anywhere else   they'll just stay at our theme parks and they all  laughed chuckled and thought it was really funny   like ha what a great idea we'll create a whole  park around California and then that way nobody   has to see anything other than California while  they're in our park I'm not making this up all   right so I think get some food like like a little  pork belly um and some rice here at the favorite   things Holiday Festival that was actually very  good so they came with this idea M like hey we'll   have people who want to go on vacation California  they'll see all of California just like coming to   Disney kind of an insane plan really but they  loved it at first and I think a lot of other   people like I don't know but the highs Lov the  idea it didn't really work right so the idea was   they had like uh the Golden Gate Bridge here they  had the Redwood Forest they had uh Pacific Warf   they had Hollywood land they had W Visa Street  and these are all different areas you'd see of   California here's the problem Disney California  Adventure when it first opened up they had a   sneak preview for annual passholders APS backed  in and boy those annual passholders they were not   kind they came through they went through the the  the sneak preview and they said they said it was   boring they said it was dull they said there's not  a lot of attractions and they said they is mostly   shopping that word him M spread real quickly and  when they when the Disney Cali Adventure did open   up it was kind of a it was not it was not success  and they were like having a hard time with it well   they realized we have to do something they've kind  of gone through they've reemed a lot of Disney   californ adventure the Pacific Pier it's come  Paradise Pier and all these things but there's   one land that has really struggled even though I  think now Disney comfor adventure is much better   now right they've infused a lot of money here they  they they've re themed it got lots of cool things   here but there is one land that still is just  really odd so they poured a lot of money in a   Disney California Adventure making it better kind  of moving away from the Disney of the California   theme right so now we've got like Pixar Pier  whatever it's just kind of a weird little thing   but the one area that they just don't really seem  to know what to do with is Hollywood so Hollywood   land that's where we're entering right now it's  just kind of I like it it's a little bit weird   it's a little bit odd I feel like sometimes dizzy  doesn't know really what to do with it they're   it's just it's an odd land it's just a little  weird so I'm going to kind of th go through and   show you some cool things here about it but at the  same time just know that I think this is the one   land that maybe can use a little bit of attention  everybody's always like tomorrow land all right so   the first thing you notice is this right here see  this little this little platform there's another   one right there well originally when I first  opened up they had like these elephants on top   of it and like for the big movies they got rid of  those and they've never really done anything with   that entrance they're just now just Plain on top  nothing on top of it we're going to walk down here   and we're going to see Hollywood land now this is  Al this is supposed to represent Hollywood and so   when people come here it's like you know the stars  on the sidewalk and everything here and um it's   just a little bit odd you do have palm trees which  I really do like and uh of course you've gone you   got your shopping over there gone Hollywood over  there but it weird it's got a weird flow to it   and people don't really know what to do a lot of  times this is just a walkway to walk to Advengers   campus but it has one of my favorite attractions  uh Monsters Inc which I we got to go ride and   that's really about it so you got the Monsters  Inc over here you do have the Disney Junior dance   party for like little kids to dance more shopping  then we're walk over here you have Mickey's fiart   Magic which is like a movie theater that used to  a long time ago as the Muppets and then over here   you've got the animation Academy or the animation  station and um that's it then down there we have   the Hyperion theater I got some really cool stuff  to tell you about the Hyperion theater once we get   there but yeah it's just a weird land right it's  just it's it's the theming is weird it I don't   think they know what to do with it so we're going  to turn left this take us what they call Hollywood   Studios and take us back to Monsters Inc and I  mean literally Monsters Inc right it's a Pixar   ride but it's here in Hollywood Studios they just  dropped it here cuz they needed an attraction the   original attraction here was called s Superstar  Mo it was not well received people did not like   it and so they ended up closing it down I think  after it's only open for 11 months it sat vacant   for 4 years before they Reed it that's how bad  of Attraction it was they thought it'd be better   to have it not even operating and running than  have it then sit closed and have it running uh   they ended up retheming it to uh Monsters Inc  right here to Mike and so's to the rescue so   Mike and so the rescue is right back there and  then right across is kind of interesting like   they got a big stage right there A lot of times  like local little um high schools or uh whatever   they'll come and perform there I remember one  time Amanda and I were walking by and this this   a there's a quartet and they were playing like a  jazz quartet they were playing up there and they   have like the band leader was leading them and  nobody was in the audience listening to them I   felt so bad for them Amanda and I were like we  got to sit down and they were really good it's   like this jazz quartet we found out they were from  like uh St George Utah several years ago but yeah   they have so it's just they have that there why  not now it's going to Mike and SES 45 minute wait   let's do it this amazing attraction actually a  lot of cool hidden things on this attraction but   um usually it was never more than 10 to 15 minute  weight then they added oh my gosh then they added   the uh what the genie plus pass and people here in  Disney cfor adventure they're always looking for   attractions they're like what what can we grab  so what they do do they're trying to maximize   the Gen plus and they're trying to find attaction  they can't find anything what they end up grabbing   usually last is Monsters Inc and they grab it cuz  then they feel like they have some value but what   does that do that makes the line for everything  else for everybody else who doesn't have it super   long so you can see the line passing here and the  other thing is is that Disney came out with a show   on Disney plus called monsters at work and when  they came on monsters at work it was very popular   and this also made the wait time a little bit  longer cuz then people start coming in they're   like oh my gosh they renewed interest in Monsters  Inc so yeah let's go do Monsters Inc I'm kind of   rambling there all right we're about to go in here  been waiting but if you notice the light fixtures   they're little claws that come down and hold  the light bulbs up there because it's Monsters Inc okay so we're walking into the monstropolis  transit authority MTA and there's lots of fun   Little posters here little hidden things to  be looking at I love you got to look around   there's lots of little hidden McKey here you  know right there in the headlights is a Mickey   Mickey it's upside down this is the Behemoth  car this is from if you bought the Monsters   Inc DVD when it first came out had this little  short called Mike's new ride it's called the   Behemoth here's a little vendor a snack machine  you got BL and uh calories and portal oo bag of   calories salt sugar and fat this is a jeweler  cooler and this was a big deal and the monsters   at work they talked about jul coer alive are  to be believed there has been a child security   breach for the first time in Monster history  we can neither confirm nor deny the presence   of a human child here tonight I tried to  run from it but it picked me up with its   mind powers and shook me like a doll it's true I  saw the whole thing Happy birthdayy Poo oh good there's Rand like a chicken my thoughts  were not my own then it grabbed   me with it fork and Ro so is one  of my favorite characters of all   time there's a kid here a humanid  the octopus only has six tentacles here birthday I thought you cared about me come on this [Music] way happens  hurry up hurry up you see his contact [Music] lens we're almost there so fast R they'll never get her home [Music] now you watch carefully there  sometimes a little hit Mickey   appears on Rand when she bunks him on the [Music] head [Music] is a h Mickey right [Music] here it's the Mickey right there I think in the first row are  those your real ears we respond to is   one of my favorite characters he got a little hat on that I love that attraction here's some really  cool things about this attraction if you were   the first person to ride the attraction for the  very the beginning of the day you be lightting   over here and their first one they'll give you  what's called screamer of the day it's a ticket   and it'll allow you to go in and ride the ride as  many times you want without having to uh wait in   line they they have you go right through the exit  you have to be the first person to write it of the   day and uh you'll be the screamer of the day uh  it's really a fantastic attraction but I want you   to think about it for a second here it is we're  in it's Monsters Inc we're in Hollywood land and   it's just popped down right here in the middle of  Hollywood land very weird if you kind of started   thinking about it does it really belong here not  so much but it's really the only R attraction in   all of Hollywood land that's is it this is the  one ride attraction that they have let me show   you the rest of Hollywood land cuz it's small all  right so we got the little stage there where they   have the people playing the stage and then we  come right back over here and kind of have like   it's kind of um Cocola the Hollywood Lounge right  over here it's sponsored by it's called ice cold   refreshment sponsored by Coca-Cola and you get  to come right over here and order some drinks   and they also have like a little food truck  right here the Coca-Cola food truck and then   um that's it and they also use that stage over  right there right now they're using that for a   band uh for the holidays but this is it this is  the whole land really this is this is it Hollywood land now I'm going to go back and show you  the Hyperion theater in just a second but   I want to show you this one little other area  here in Hollywood land this is Studio 17 it's   interesting because they don't really I don't  think they know what to do with it uh they had   it open for a while it was The Avengers store but  of course now they have the Avengers store in The   Avengers campus so it's closed if sometimes  they have it for meet and greets for Minnie   and Mickey but right now they're not really  using it for anything it's just sitting there   it's a big huge giant empty Studio that's just  sitting there right over here you've got some ears and I do want to show you this there's only  two places you can buy these here the conductor   ears you can buy them right here and you can also  buy them like at elas and co uh area and that's   the only place you can get those that conductor  hat it's for the red trolley though it says red   trolley on it it's not for the train but it's  still pretty cool and then right here they have   a little what is that I don't know a little  shop to buy some knickknacks this is the exit   to Mickey's F heart magic I showed this what  I'm going to show you next I showed multiple   videos cuz it's one of my favorite little things  but I still it's worth repeating that's one of   my favorite little secrets now this used to be  for the Muppets right The Muppets 3D adventure   and so they still have some remnants of  the Muppets up here and they just paint   over it see like the glasses right there little  chain and then if you move over here you can   kind of see they have like a little nose and  glasses on top of the nose craziness for the Muppets all right so now we're walking out  that's like I don't understand Hollywood SE   I don't dislike it it's just it's odd it's just  a weird little weird little land they do have   shoozies right over here I do love shoozies it's  got like shakes and cool things like that little   milkshakes Amanda loves it and I'm going to walk  down here to the Hyperion theater and this is   where and this is what it's kind of crazy to me  okay so Aladdin was there Aladdin was amazing   then they got rid of Aladdin then they brought it  frozen frozen was good I mean I like Frozen lot   and then they don't they're not using it see that  whole that that Sky that's a huge giant building   it's a giant building it's a huge theater for  these Productions now I'm going to let you in   a little secret Disney is a huge corporation and  when you're in a large corporation like that you   have multiple budgets each department has their  own budget so when the hyperian theater when uh   Rogers the musical came out that was not paid  for by Disney do you know what paid for that   Disney plus Disney plus paid for that to have  Rogers musical now when it ran out the when the   when their budget says we're going to do this many  shows for Disney Plus at that point Disney could   have had the option to say we want to extend  it um if they wanted to extend the state of   uh Rogers musical they chose not to extend it  for what I don't know why but that was under   the Disney plus budget Hyperion theater bring  back Aladdin Aladdin's the greatest of all so   there's the Hyperion theater right there and I'm  going to show you how big this is it's massive   we don't even realize how big this is this place  is a huge massive footprint and it's kind of just   sitting empty right now here in Hollywood Studios  so this here this is the staging area let me show   you this is the staging area when they use it  for the shows this is the whole area where they   line up you see got the mezanine the B getting the  orchestra those poles where they get lined up they   go up these stairs in this giant building here  you see the building kind of painted on facade   right there right there they go up there and this  is a huge massive building that they could be   using for something like the Aladdin show bring  Aladdin back Disney it was just too good Disney   it's too good don't why did you get rid of it  so bring it back but yeah this a little facade   little faad showing you in front of it that's how  big look how far back the building goes it's just   seems like a big building that should using for  something I have to be clear when I said that   this is the weirdest land of all Disney it is  kind of weird cuz I it's like this mix Mash of   everything it's like I don't think they know what  to do with it it was originally a whole Hollywood   idea but then they got kind of who knows what  they're doing with it weird doesn't mean bad   though just makes that very clear somebody ever  calls you weird that doesn't mean you're bad it   means you're unique you're awesome speaking that  I just want to take a quick little moment to talk   about you and I am talking to you I want you to  know that you you are amazing did you know that   you absolutely 100% make the world a better place  by being a part of it don't ever forget that you   are unique and you are special and if you I want  you to know right now if you're going at work and   you might be having a hard time at work and you're  like what am I doing here nobody appreciates me I   want you to know I appreciate the work that you're  doing I know that some of you are feel like you're   in jobs and you're like I you're just not happy  you're doing a good job you are doing a good job   and I appreciate you and you are awesome you are  unique and amazing don't forget that all right   let's continue on the video here's the front of  the Hyperion theater I love it this is like this   Forest perspective where you see it kind of goes  down and uh they have right now they have Santa   and his reindeer I love it just it's really cool I  don't know what they're doing here okay so you see   coming back over here this is Sunset Boulevard  technically what we're in Sunset Boulevard and   this is Hollywood Boulevard you got the little  lamp post over there then they also like right   over here in Hollywood land they have this meet  and greet periodically with Spider-Man and it's   just like they're I think they're trying to  figure out what to do with this area you got   Spidey and His Amazing Friends web spinners you  got the thing there from Fantastic Four That's   Unique that's really cool they're showing that's  a little Fantastic Four option there they all are   and they're just you know like what do you do  with this this is going to sound super odd but   I will say this right there is the bathrooms  some of the nicest bathrooms in all I really   like those bathrooms a lot I'm not even joking  it's for for reals here we are on the stage guys [Music] hey and in Hebrew  we call this the door door   Tri life stri a match to burn away the [Music] trbo player is [Music] amazing oh my [Music] God [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey wow that was super fun it's Happ  to be there when doing a little uh f here's   the thing I just tell you I I want to say this  I hope each and every one of you is this coming   new year I want every one of you you deserve  happiness every one of you except the Dodger fans just kidding even Dodger fans um I hope that  you guys have a fantastic New Year and you know   what's kind of funny can I just tell you something  so hi so I just to tell you something funny this   is what I'm about to say I don't mean to make you  angry or get upset okay this is just my opinion on   this Baseball fans feel Superior to other fans  we just do I'm not saying that we are I'm not   saying that we are there's a big difference but  Baseball fans we all we just we just feel like   we're like the coolest right but not saying that  we really are but the I was waiting in the line   for Monsters Inc today and there was a guy who  was a Dodger fan and he saw me and he's like PR   park pass he's like Padre suck and his wife like  she like smacked him she's like honey hey buddy   hi how are you anyways she like smacked them and  she's honey does it bother me no that's why that's   why baseball's great and I just thought to know I  was teasing Dodger fans I love you guys too I want   everybody to have a happy New Year and I'm saying  this from the bottom of my heart I hope that every   one of you has the best year you've ever had  this coming year go out and Achieve whatever it   is you want to do and uh maybe this little land  here in Hollywood hi guys anyways maybe at some   point this little land could become great I don't  know I don't think it's bad it's just weird it's   like doesn't quite have its own identity yet all  right guys well hit the Subscribe button hit the   like button this has been a really weird video I  apologize I know I've talked baseball and talked   to I think Aladdin and good did Monsters Inc  I just wanted to give this land some love cuz   I love it just wanted I wanted to be great all  right talk to you guys later have a great night   bye-bye Hollywood I don't quite understand the  land Hollywood it's a little weird but kind of   cool it's got Pixar it's got a studio that they're  not using and a big hug Warehouse that they're not   using and then you got an animation station and  then you got like shoozies and then they have   like a hot dog place and there's like little Dent  studio for children I don't get it but it's cool

2023-12-25 14:52

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