The Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt

The Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt

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number 62 tomb of toot unom man that is wild it's crazy  that yeah the mummification of   his body is still here look wow something new huh another tomb how many how many years will you  dig one years one year of digging good morning   guys welcome to a beautiful day here in Luxor  Egypt now today I jumped off the cruise ship right   on the n and I was told I had to come right to  the West Bank to the Valley of the king so I waved   down a van jumped on in I didn't even negotiate  a price I just gave the man 500 lb because I was   like man it's very very far and he was happy to  take it so I'm blessed that I found him because   there was no one on the streets this morning but  yeah we're in the Valley of the Kings now you can   see all kinds of ruins a hot air balloon they do  hot air balloon tours here early morning if the   weather permits and this here is the Valley of  the Kings how incredible is this place now the   Valley of the Kings is super famous because this  is where some of the most um important Pharaohs   were buried now I believe that um several of the  Kings Ramses have been buried here King uh toot   tutun was buried here um his tomb was actually  one of the most recently discovered that was   untouched that's why so many of the artifacts  are on display in museums around the world and   of course there's also the Valley of the Queens  here I'm kind of curious to see how we get around   I don't have any tour books so um this place looks  huge I'm kind of curious to see if there's like a   form of transportation or someone that can take  you around or maybe you can rent um some sort of   vehicle inside I'm not too sure but definitely  right off the bat I can tell you guys I think   that the best way to come here is with the tour or  else it's goingon to be quite difficult to access   I mean uh I was literally waiting on the side of  the road from where the cruise ship dropped us   off because the cruise ship actually docks not in  Luxor City maybe in if you're right in the Heart   of the City it's pretty easy to get out here but  man if you're coming off a cruise ship definitely   book The Tour because you might have bad luck  and not even find a ride so um right now we're   approaching the gates as soon as we get there  I'll talk to you guys about entrance prices and   fees and then yeah we'll go from there but man I'm  so excited it's going to be a good day I've been   wanting to to visit this place for a very long  time I think that's the Pyramids of Giza and the   Valley of the Kings were the two sites in Egypt  that I had to visit uh during this trip okay so   I got here and I figured I I just have my driver  bring me one way and I'd figure out a ride back   but no there's all nothing but torque companies  here it's not like you can hop into a taxi or   yeah even a carriage and get back so definitely  you got to come out here with a rental car or   a tour just hire a taxi for the the day so the  gentleman's actually waiting for me he's parking   I'm going to come on over here purchase a ticket  and then yeah we'll be in the park hopefully we   can actually purchase a ticket through here okay  so this here is the visitor center we should be   able to purchase our tickets in here yeah think  there are more yeah okay okay so this here is the   visitor center and this is where you can actually  purchase the tickets let's have a look at this map   right here wow so this is a little layout of the  valley and yeah look at all the tombs that lie in between it's pretty unreal huh all right let's go  check out the ticket prices and see how this works   I tried finding some videos on YouTube about this  place but they're all like National Geographic   histor videos and none of them actually show you  the place on the ground like this like the whole   process so why not let's explore together so  I purchased my ticket and to actually enter I   think it's 6 00 Egyptian pound and that includes  three tombs and then the most expensive tomb is   actually of seti the first it's 1,400 lb but I  actually only added King tutan Kum so that one   was an extra 500 lb and there's actually a tram  that takes you to all of the different tombs so   it should be a very very good day out here  let's see how we actually board a um a tram you got to buy the ticket for the trm okay thank you hello hello yes or one ticket  please you want to change a small   money 20 huh 20 20 yeah that's  all I have not I don't have small thank you sir to yes I know which ones I got the picture  thank you did you need I'm okay right now thank   you you don't thank you thank you okay so the  electric vehicle is actually 20 lound more above   the ticket but in my opinion totally worth it all  right let's jump on as I was driving in here I was   looking at all of these Rock faces and just giant  yeah mountains of rock and I was just thinking   about man how much probably still lies underneath  this bedrock and this or or this these Rock structures it's awesome it's awesome being here  it's like a surreal feeling you know there's a   lot of places that you spend years dreaming about  visiting and um once you actually make it to them   it's like yeah it's hard believe you're here now  you know I'm really liking the system about the   golf carts I think that they should actually have  this Pyramids of Giza instead of using all those   animal powered vehicles because as you guys um  have probably seen those animals get uh treated   quite bad all right so here's the tram oh this  is where it drops us off oh man yeah it should   have just walked in I guess it just drops you  off here okay whatever that was a pretty that   would have been a pretty long walk so it is  what it is I'm see tickets okay and we are in   the Valley of the Kings so there's toilets there  and then I think this is the entrance to one tomb   but I wonder where the numbers are all marked  off okay look you can see tombs out into the distance man it feels like I'm on the moon or  something now I was quite shocked the whole way up   here man Luxor is very green compared to the rest  of what I've seen of Egypt so far here everything   is green I saw so much agriculture going on and  then you just have this landscape that is like the   complete opposite of that let me figure out what  I'm doing where I'm going how you navigate around   here and then we'll go from there but I see a lot  of people over in this direction so I figure you   know there's a lot more people here that know a  lot more about Egyptian or egyptology than I do so   I'll just you know follow the crowds cuz they know  where the good stuff is at okay so this one here   says kv5 sons of ramsy II it says that this was  built around the 19th Dynasty and it was actually   discovered by James Burton in 1825 and the mapping  that you see here was created in 1995 and it says   that it is the largest tomb in the Valley of the  Kings unusual plan in a family mosam interesting   but it is closed right now but think I show you  what the entrance to one of these looks like how cool is that huh but yeah it is closed  right now however this one wasn't even um   one of the ones included on the list I  can imagine so many are closed because   of ongoing yeah research so here's another  tomb kv6 ramsis I'm not sure what that is   six I'm so bad at the r Roman numerals guys  but this was built in the 20th Dynasty it's   pretty interesting that they were all a lot  of them are built like side by side huh hello sir oh okay all right come on in Hell on thank you where you from the United  States California welcome thank you wow this is awesome okay I got  to take off my glasses for this one wow you know um so I've seen a lot  of hieroglyphics this strip so far but   I haven't seen many like this that are  just like fully still in color because   um the Egyptians once they uncarved all  of these stories they would actually   paint them in super vibrant colors look  at this Reds Blues yellows man this is wild man let me know what you guys  think of this right now now like I   said I don't know I'm not um a historian so  I'm walking around sharing my experience with   you guys and sharing this moment  with you guys but if you want to   learn more um definitely do some proper  research and watch a a more informative video wow how people created these things is beyond me it is cool to see that they have this glass  here though because at the Temple of U that we   were at yesterday there was nothing protecting  the hieroglyphics and there was people running   their hands through them people like sticking  their finger inside the grooves and all of   that damage is I mean this incredible history  it be it suck that you know if all of these   things survived thousands of years just to get  destroyed in 2023 by tourists how awesome is this well look at this one you got like a bunch  of arrows on top of a boat I wonder who these   guys are the thing is is you know a lot of  the inscriptions are of you know Builders   pharaohs different people in the communities  that existed at that time to complete the stories okay so you might notice that it's flashing  well I tried to adjust the camera settings   and I just asked the guide in front they  actually do that inside of the tombs it's   a certain light they do that so that you know  you can actually get professional video smart   people all right now we're coming down into  the chamber a little bit further down and to   be honest with you guys once we make it  down here I think I'm going to turn the   camera off and I'll just show you bits  and pieces of each of each tomb that we enter awesome so it looks like this here is the  end of this tomb but wow it is beautiful see if we could get a little bit closer real quick so this here is a map of the Valley of the  Kings we actually just got out of this tomb we're   standing right here right now and I was told that  two and one are some of the best ones so I'm going   to go back to number two but right in front of us  is um King toots tomb so I think that's actually   what we're going to go into next why not since  we're right here actually it looks like a group   came out of there so it might be a perfect time  to walk in there let's go check it out let me grab   my ticket and I'm definitely saving this ticket  as a souvenir look at this Valley of the Kings   King toots tomb let's head on inside and explore  now according to everything I read and watched   online King toots isn't the most special tomb but  obviously he's the most one of the most famous   and um his tomb was one of the ones that was um  found completely unlooted number 62 tomb of toot uncom all right let's come on down okay we got to come on  down now this is exciting stuff huh inane wow look at this that is incredible wow man that is wild it's crazy that yeah the  mummification of his body is still here look wow okay King Toot's uh tomb was awesome now  up here they actually have like a restaurant   souvenir shops of course the usual things they  also got a lot of security here on the premises   and it looks like up in this direction there's  more tombs and yeah I still got entrance to two   more so I don't know exactly which ones I want  to beer off to the gentleman told me that one   and two are the best ones but they're right  at the entrance so I'm trying to see where we   should go from here on out but yeah definitely  a great time of year to come out here between   um yeah November to March the weather right now  in January is lovely but I can imagine that you   know July August you do not want to be walking  around here the pyramids anywhere at that matter   now I'm really impressed though because you know  the pyramids if I got to be completely honest   with you the whole archaeological site is very  badly maintained there's trash everywhere they   got abused animals everywhere um man I'm out of  breath uh it's just very not well taken care of   as it should be because of its importance and  here you can tell it's very wellmaintained they   got cameras everywhere glass to protect you from  touching the hieroglyphics which is extremely   important and it looks like down here there's  a gateway to another tomb as well but it looks   like they're going under going some probably some  excavations right now Woo You don't notice it but   you're walking uphill the entire time and today  I'm wearing a sweater but it is 28° guys yesterday   was 29 so about like what is that 85° but it's  very windy it's it's more on the chillier side   of things let's see if we can see what they  got going on maybe I can hand out 100 Salam   how are you you guys are working you're trying  you're your is this a new site something new huh another tomb how many how many years  will you dig one years one year of digging   wow that's crazy yeah you want to here  thank you thank you bro family something   man this is awesome that's all I have  right now thank you thank you brother   take care okay okay how many hours you do  this for five hours oh 5 hours oh okay and   what is that what what do those ones do that  that bag this from drink water from oh okay okay W it's very interesting how they're  doing that take care okay guys man that's   a lot of hard work but yeah anytime you're  uncovering an archaeological sites I mean   you see people with like brushes and  shovels man it can take years to find   even a lead but yeah obviously there has  to be a lot more left to be discovered here I mean it goes deep into the valley these Rock structures are incred incredibly  beautiful too nice SI is the nice one yes nice one   good okay okay same as the beard okay thank you  okay so the set the second tomb I'm not going to   actually be going on into I just got done talking  to um this French man who's actually really into   the egyptology and he told me that he's been  here for the last week and he's visited a lot   of the tombs but that his recommendations are  Ramses 9 I guess that's nine not six rams's 9   that we entered earlier today and then here's  King Tuton coming but right next to it there's   uh me Meda and um he said Meda and ramse is six  and seven I believe oh no Ramses four and six   no four and seven are um the recommendations  he gave me so let's go to mea and we'll also   visit the other Ramsay's tombs I'm super excited  now um it does help to probably you know be here   several days if you do want to visit all the  tombs because man there is a lot of walking   that has to be done but beyond the walking I  mean each tomb you spend what 20 30 minutes   in if you're sitting there admiring all of the  details so you definitely would want to come   here rushed so there's King tuts tomb and here  is kv8 MM and it says that this here was built   built in the 19th Dynasty so now we're about  to walk on into this one and I just overheard   a tour guide saying that this is um one of the  few tombs in all of these grounds that actually   has a well that is over 6 M deep and he said  that this one is actually one of the steepest   tombs as well that it's super easy to enter but  that it takes a little bit of effort to come on   up and as you notice I took off the sweater cuz  even in January it starts to warm up quite bad   but good thing I'm going to be out of here well  before um that extreme heat of the day around 2 3 p.m. hello come on thank you thank you thank you wow this is incredible okay so it's a lot fresher  inside of here man but look at all of these hieroglyphics please let me know down in the comment section  what do you guys think about this video I mean   I know usually when I make videos about like  historical sites like this they don't perform   too well but you know at the end of the  day I enjoy sharing these places with you   guys so keep making them but yeah in this  tomb they don't have none of the um the   flashing lights that's hinder uh the video  formats all right let's keep coming down wow this one is incredibly steep but it's awesome   that they put all these um  like foot pths and all the tombs never in my life did  I think I'd ever be able to   walk around a place like this this is crazy wow this is beautiful so yeah this  one is definitely a lot larger than   the Ramses um tomb that we entered in the beginning wow I'm so glad I asked that french  guy for his recommendations cuz this is awesome wow it looks like this here is like a tomb maybe it was a cover  to you know whatever light inside there's people from all over  the world here too guys it's awesome to see wow look at this Corridor  look how huge it is the opening wow this is impressive  holy cow look at this actually   I think I got to stand up there  to show you guys this is insane man thank you I'm okay thank you how insane is this place huh looks  like this here is a this is probably   the main tomb it does look like at  one point it had a lid on top of it wow all right I'm going to enjoy a bit of time in  here and I'll catch up with you guys I'm going to   make it on out okay mea was awesome I spent about  25 minutes inside of that tomb and now we're going   to head over to I believe it's Ramses 4 this is  the one that the gentleman recommended me that   I enter and I see that most people are walking  in that direction so let's actually head over   there and explore that one before getting on out  of here now I definitely recommend coming on out   here with the tour it's a lot more informative  I'm reading information online but it doesn't   do it justice and personally well I spent a  thousand by the time I get here and back and   that's not what the taxi driver charged me  I offered him 500 to bring me here and 500   to bring me back and he's not a taxi he's just  like a guy with a van um but I have a feeling   that if I would have just like booked a tour  I probably could have got even like a tour for   like you know 70 80 bucks but at that point  50 $50 more would have been worth it for this   excursion so that's my advice for you guys  come come on out here definitely get a guide   you'll get a lot more out of the experience but  of course if some of you guys are like me where   you know guides tend to be sometimes a little  bit um well they give you a little bit too much   information than you're looking for then you  know come on out here screenshot a bunch of   facts and roam around them on your own okay so  yeah this here is Ramses the fourth says that   this one here is from the 21st Dynasty okay  there's too many people let's head on this way this was the one according  to the French guy this was his favorite this is Ramses 4 yes thank you hey ramse   to Ramsey's to amazing okay  yeah this one here is super beautiful but yeah the only only the  rams's 9 was the one with all the the   glass but that one was at next level but hopefully   they install that everywhere because  yeah it suck to see these things get destroyed have you guys ever been to  Egypt before let me know down in the   comments section and if you came here what  was your favorite tomb that you visited and   if you're planning on coming out here  when are you planning on making the   trip happen is it a 2024 trip is it next  year or is it just sometime in the near future however I would say I think  Egypt is going in my top five countries thank you you thank you yeah this one's super beautiful I mean look  at the roof the ceiling guys I'm so sorry for   the flashing but they literally install those  lights for that reason I asked somebody about   that so bear with me you know what I might try  and actually um switch over to the phone maybe   that'll help no I think you guys can still enjoy  it even with the flashing I'm sorry but um the US California yes thank you thank you I love this place so much so yeah this here is the tomb  of rams's floor incredible wow what a place okay well this year is the rams's  for Tomb I think this one is by   far the most impressive in my opinion it  is incredible I mean look at the ceiling wow all right guys well I think I'm going to put  the camera down now and I'll see you guys once we   make it on out of here time for us to say bye to  the Valley of the Kings honestly I didn't um Well   Visit time for us to say bye to the Valley of  the Kings I spent about two hours here and now   I'm curious to see if this ticket actually gets us  back to um the parking lot as well but man what an   incredible experience this was seriously a place  you guys should all visit it is truly beautiful thank you oh it is included okay well I think  this is going to be it from the Valley of the   Kings let me know what you guys thought of  that video down below hopefully I was able   to teach you guys a little bit of something or  at least show you something new but like I said   man watch some of those National Geographic  uh documentaries on YouTube or the history   um Channel on YouTube I was watching some  of that last night and man it really shows um how how these T how they believe these tombs  were constructed um they get a lot more in- depth   on the history of this place and I feel like  you guys would definitely find it a lot a lot   interesting if you had never heard of the Valley  of the Kings before prior to this video so yeah   give that a look for now I'll leave you guys with  another look of this area it is super beautiful   I'm so grateful for this tram and for 20 what  is that $1 us it is totally worth it and yeah   if there's anything you're going to take away  from this video is that you should probably   book a tour to come to this one the pyramids  you can probably do without this one I would   recommend it to the fullest all right well I  don't know if I'm actually going to go into the   luxur city center today quite possibly will um  I'll see you guys again soon for another video   from from somewhere in Egypt you always I was  the one to take love I remember how we started

2024-02-01 15:25

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