the perfect 1 day trip outside of Seoul | Korea vlog

the perfect 1 day trip outside of Seoul | Korea vlog

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[Music] hello everybody hello we've arrived in suan finally I don't know if you can tell it's a very very very cold November day uh we actually had the snow today I mean it was it didn't settle it was a tiny tiny little bit of snow but it's a really big deal in Korea it's a very romantic day it's a very good day we were playing Zion te noon noon which is a tradition for me and Molly every time the first snow comes uh yeah it's really starting to feel like Korean winter now um it's about 2:00 p.m. we're starving we haven't eaten yet so we're going to head that now I know we have to [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing like C grow me on cold day we are full and now we are headed on our way to our Airbnb we just had a really wholesome experience where uh we met a Thai couple in the restaurant and um they were really struggling with their Korean so we helped them out a little bit and we ended up having a really long conversation over lunch and and it turns out she was also an identical twin um so yeah we just had a little bonding moment it was really sweet and wholesome if you're watching this hi yeah we always remember what it was like to be in Korea with all the Korean menus and it's so hard to order and to know what to do they were like do we stir this what do we do so me and Molly were actually going to stay one night in su1 in a lovely Airbnb um and it's about 400 p.m. so we're going to check Che into the Airbnb now drop off all our bags and then we're going to go out again we can't wait to show you guys it's so beautiful I'm so excited okay off we [Music] go [Music] it's beautiful you barely see these kinds of huge historical sites in so really really interesting to see a little bit of old Korea yeah it [Music] is the light here oh my is that a ball oh my gosh look at this this is mad I I really want to play bartender it's so the bar is actually so bigger than the pictures I thought it'd be like a little mini bar it's huge and look at the Christmas tree so sweet oh my [Music] go [Music] I am so glad that we're having a little trip to suan because I feel like a lot of people tend to not explore Kongo when they visit S yeah and it's such a good place to come cost us what like some it cost us what yeah around sometime with Public public transport we literally took the subway here straight from Soul station no it's it took an hour uh but what I want for this vog is you know um one lot of people visit Su or even if you search up on Google things to do in Su the very kind of obvious things and I think it'd be nice to Showcase a little maybe unknown side yeah I think that's a really good idea which means we're going to go start of food places I'm in the mood for some coffee yeah cuz I don't want to have dinner I just want to have some coffee and then maybe check out a nice bar later um yeah cuz we had quite a late lunch didn't we yeah all right well why don't we go find a coffee shop in the neighborhood see how it [Music] goes we're out again and it's already nearly dark we had a wonderful bus ride kind of looking out of the window you know into the city we were just saying su's actually very beautiful and um it's very open and you know low buildings everywhere lots of trees you can see the mountains in the background it's really beautiful it's very different VI we are yeah very different himself very different we're actually really impressed now this place is a bit out of the way but we found this place on Instagram we're just in time because they close at 7:00 but um it's just a vintage glasses shop but it's fantastic I've never seen a vintage glasses curation shop quite like this love [Music] you [Music] what have you found that is so cute it's very Jane Burkin it is actually looks really nice with your outfit right now thank do you like my bag slightly bigger just because like a moment okay [Music] yeah try them on oh they're perfect on you perfect shape I found these wacky glasses and I quite like them in a kind of nerdy way but I don't know whether I'm going to get them or [Music] not yeah M it's very [Music] flattering oh I love it I love that color on [Music] you [Music] the is adorable why do I feel like I'm back in England look at this [Music] door I love these [Music] muds [Music] I love being [Music] European should we go home then yeah it's cold kind have a little walk through se1 streets it's such a there's no other word to describe it except for dingly Dell like it's literally so dingly Dell I'm so pleasantly surprised I'm so I'm so happy I'm so glad that we came it's been such a lovely [Music] surprise [Music] [Music] you look really drunk [Music] they have a really good speaker in this lbnb we have we have apple juice we're non-alcohol guys it feels like Christmas I don't know this house is giving me super Christmas Vibes oh you know what I'm going to have my drink that I bought earlier yeah okay me too oh yeah we got proper drink now it's busy it's sparkling water with real rber [Music] juice cheers to station cheers to a wonderful surprisingly Pleasant and beautiful and delicious station bit sweet I think you can probably put some water in this you know seemed cheers [Laughter] [Music] YouTube good morning everybody good morning it's currently 9:00 really really cold this morning it's like - 2° yeah I mean I stepped into the bathroom this morning I my we're going to stick to the floor anyway we made some filter coffee from some of the coffee that the ABNB host gave us but it just so happens that this Airbnb has the perfect location because it is located right next to the beautiful one of the beautiful fortresses we were thinking this morning that we're going to we walk past a really nice park near the wall yesterday so we were thinking uh we'll go on a little morning walk and Freya has found the most amazing Bakery ah yes I was I was worried about what she was going to say I was like I found something what did I find yeah this looks like the real deal like open at 700 a.m. Korean it's a Korean bakery it's not it's not a French it's not like a a European wannabe Bakery it's a Korean bakery and as a channel we pride ourselves on testing a lot of baked goods so we thought it' be a really good opportunity cuz we're in suan it's all you know old Korean uh was staying in hanok it might be worth checking out the super Korean bakery and just giving you a full indepth review and those of you who haven't yet visited Korea might help you na learn to navigate a Korean bakery cuz there was loads of stuff in a Korean bakery that when I first came to Kore I was like what the hell is that some kind of bean thing anyway this place looks absolutely fabulous like really topnotch so we're going to check it out so we're going to go for a walk we're going to go get some bread and then we're going to check count okay uh we're going to finish our coffee first we're not going straight away we need to let the caffeine kick in first cheers you know I thought cuz it was a hanock it wouldn't get any sunlight in the morning does [Music] [Music] you [Music] gosh that would terrify the living out of me if I was a if I was an [Music] eny it's a wat Tower nice wow look at [Music] this [Music] [Music] w [Music] so they've got all the goods look at these oh this is my favorite M this is almond pound you got this beautiful traditional cream actual rice cake oh that kind of reminds me of a Sur butter and this is one of my favorites as well milk [Music] r [Music] one one cream B [Music] okay [Music] we got our Korean bread we got to try it we have to try it we've got the goods oh it's warm yeah it's actually still warm fantastic so I got a Sho cream B and I got this look at that I don't know if you can see that oh wow okay inside cheers wow look at that it's so soft and creamy and Light delicious on a perfect holid you're like the of CLS [Music] look like the joy of the is coming to a with like anili all [Music] is you like the sound of the rrop Dr on the first this summer day you like the scent of coffee in the morning

2023-11-30 01:47

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