THE GRAND FINALE - A Van Life Review of Brazil

THE GRAND FINALE - A Van Life Review of Brazil

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this morning we woke up in a gas station parking  lot 10 minutes from the border between Brazil and   Argentina today is the day we've been dreading  because we have to leave the beautiful country of   Brazil which it is no secret we fell in love with  we got an early start we pulled up to the border   around 10 minutes after 8 everything went smooth  we checked out the van and us and everything from   Brazil and we checked back in into Argentina to  be honest with you guys it is a Bittersweet moment   we are going to miss Brazil but we're happy to  be back in Argentina our second home home away   from home yeah this is where I went through  all of my heart issues and my surgeries and   the intensive care so Argentina is also very  special to us now what normally happens when   we cross the border is we just turn the cameras  off chill relax and talk talk about the country   we just left kind of like a debriefing and what  we thought we would do this time is something a   little different right Kurt leave the cameras  on we're going to leave the cameras on as we   debrief about our Brazil visit one thing I want  to make sure you guys know if you're new to our   channel is this is not our first time in Brazil  we were actually here last year for a month and   a half we crossed over from through and D drove  down towards the pantol with the sole intention   of seeing the Jaguars and hitting it at the  perfect time for dry season the pentanol yeah   so we stayed in Brazil for 6 weeks last year  before we left and went down toward Argentina   and Chile and then we returned back into Brazil  this time where we stayed for 4 months so guys   we've been in Brazil for a total of really close  to 6 months 5 months and 3 weeks total time spent   in Brazil and we're going to break it down and  we're going to let you guys stay along for [Music] that so one of the first things we always talk  about is what shocked us the most about this   country for me it was the size and the diversity  I don't know if you guys know this but Brazil   is really the same size as the US minus Alaska  it's a huge country it's got 26 States I think   we ended up making to about 12 of them 12 of them  I think but the West is like you know wide openen   Farmland Everglades tons of wildlife beautiful and  then you have the mountains towards the east and   then the beautiful beaches of Brazil but it is  a huge country with all sorts of different yeah   I think to properly explore Brazil in a van  and see everything there is to see you need   a minimum of two years and I'm not exaggerating  there was it was huge there's so many beautiful   different things to see and the diversity here  it's not just the wildlife the floor the F the   cultures everything I mean wow it is a surprising  country in general now for me mine's more like one   single topic because as we were preparing to go  to Brazil we were worried a little bit about not   speaking Portuguese and everyone told us oh if you  speak a little Spanish you'll be absolutely fine   in Brazil Portuguese and Spanish are basically  the same language not no but absolutely not and   now I will say that if you're just just reading  it it's fairly easy to piece together the words   because they are similar but they sound completely  different the accent the pronunciation everything   about it is different if you're going to spend a  bit of time in Brazil the most shocking thing to   me is Spanish will not help you any more than  English did especially if you're Spanish is   Spanish it's Spanglish so anyway we got by the  Brazilians were so helpful and a lot there's a   lot of English speakers here too so it's not  a bad thing about but it was shocking yeah   it was shocking we really went in there thinking  that Spanish and Portuguese were almost the same   language and that is not the case and we had a lot  of amazing food in Brazil but snow what was your   favorite without a doubt hands down the banana  cinnamon pastel which are these little deep fried   which I know is bad for me but they're so good  deep fried little what are they called they're   like empanadas yeah they're like little pastries  and the one I love had bananas and cinnamon and   the best ones they'd sprinkle a little cinnamon  sugar on the top when it right when it came out   of the grease I could eat those for breakfast  lunch and dinner every single day now one thing   you need to know is you're only going to find  these in the south of Brazil you go you try to   order them someplace to the north and they look at  you like you're crazy so what about you favorite   well I got to be honest with you the Brazilian  buffets are magical for a lot of reasons now I   didn't say healthy you can really overdo it on  these things but first of all they have a lot of   Brazilian traditional sides so you get to try  all those and pick the ones you like and then   they have the trasco on the side and Brazil is  which is basically a big fire grill off to the   like a meat man go get your meat at the end he all  sorts of ribs steaks be sausage now when we first   entered Brazil way back when we came in from Peru  sometime last year we crossed the border we'd been   there about an hour we were hungry we came up on  our first restaurant we stopped and we went in and   it was one of these buffets where they weigh your  food no idea you you go up and we're like where   do we pay how do we do this and everybody thought  we were crazy but you fill your plate up and then   you try to go sit down and they're like no no  no no here they literally weigh your food and   that's how you pay by how much you bought at the  it's hilarious it's great we get laughed at a lot   guys we're kind of used to it it's not just that  type of stuff that understanding the culture the   restaurants but also obviously our uh language but  if you laugh at yourself you're going to be fine   in Brazil now we we could not leave the food  topic without mentioning the infamous dessert   meat this was a fancy Buffet similar to some  of the ones that we have the Brazilian buffets   we have in the US this was fancy think Texas Day  Brazil type fall good H but in event the dessert   meat had like strawberries cream it was steak it  was a piece of steak that they put on your plate   and then they put like a yogurt sauce and a fresh  made strawberry jam and a fresh strawberry right   on top so it was steak with strawberry jelly it  was so good it was so good so maybe that should   have been the most shocking thing it'ser meat but  anyway so the food in Brazil will blow you away   and if you're here you need to be courageous and  try everything we do travel by a van so campsites   are incredibly important to us whenever we leave  a country always like we always like to talk about   our favorite campsite now this doesn't mean it  was the most beautiful most magical had the best   view was right next to the coolest activity it's  just an overall favorite campsite and for me it   was easy to pick this one because as we were  traveling through Brazil we started to get a   bit of Travelers burnout which happens when you  travel full-time sometimes you need a vacation   from traveling which may sound weird but think  about being on a vacation for 4 years and uh you   get a little worn out so we needed a place to just  stop decompress and chill and we found the most   peaceful beautiful filled with colorful bir Birds  campsite about 10 miles north of parache really   close to the coast we pulled in there we were  going to stay one night we ended up spending a   total of like 10 nights there and totally reset to  get ready for the rest of our travels so without   a doubt this is my favorite camp yeah and you  know mine was party Beach guys go figure party   but we just both absolutely L Flor andopolis the  island and we did a lot of beach hopping there   but at this one particular place we were able to  park the beach right in the front row sort of a   busy commercial Beach area right in front of the  restaurant where they pop up The Umbrellas right   basically in the middle uh everything yeah in  my opinion one of the best beaches we had just   delicious food there were some amazing hikes  there was beautiful River with a nice fishing   culture Surfers families everything it had a  little bit of everything and uh and it was free   and it was free every in the middle so it was a  little noisy at night so it wasn't perfect but we   have I have that was that was my fa doesn't have  to be perfect to be our favorite that's kind of   part of it but yeah so for Brazil there are tons  of beautiful wonderful campsites one of the most   asked questions you get is what is your favorite  thing what was your favorite thing on the journey   what's been your favorite thing so far what was  your favorite thing about this country or that   country and quite honestly it's usually a very  hard question to answer and Brazil is no different   mainly because of brail Brazil's diversity there's  so many amazing places is tough this is not a fair   question no it's never a fair question but we're  going to try to answer it the best we can what   was our favorite thing in Brazil and for me well  we have two let's just go ahead and tell we have   two things and the first one these these are not  individual these are our favorites yeah yeah so   the first one was the beaches of Santa Catarina  and if you followed our journey you you already   know we have determined that that is a place  where we could come back one day when this   journey around the world is over and live we were  very comfortable there it's beautiful the people   are kind there was a lot of beautiful beaches hik  everywhere hikes how the mountains clash with the   beautiful ocean and the Blue Waters and the trees  it's a lot of birds there was monkeys there two   cans all it was the people the people the people  were our favorite I can't believe it took us so   long to say that so anyway Santa Cat Arena beaches  we can't even narrow it down to one we actually   went we we hopped them on the way North and then  on our return trip we went back there and spent   more time and we got to see the whales which is  also always a bucket list for anytime we get to   see those for us right so the beaches of Santa  Catarina of course I have a special place in our   heart that is no secret but the other one if I  had to pick between the two which we decided we   weren't going to do we were going to have a  tie but if there was a tie breaker it would   probably be this next one because it is it's the  panol and the surrounding area it is the amazing   wildlife of Brazil uh so many rare animals there  that you can't see anywhere else in the world and   when you're just traveling by van and you can  drive down these roads at the slowest pace and   just look out your window and see amazing animal  after amazing animal and a lot of cool birds and   a lot of this stuff you don't see anywhere else  on the planet and we had the opportunity to see   an abundance of different creatures and unique  experience it was magical absolutely love love   love also the adventure of those crazy bridges  yeah it was a cool cool place I think a way to   separate these two I don't know why we didn't  think about this when we were kind of getting   our notes together here is my favorite place to  visit for a short amount of time is the panol I   don't think I would want to live in the panol  it's not developed and all that kind of stuff   and then my favorite place that I could stay for  a long long time beaches of Santa Catarina yeah   but what about fasu Iguazu Falls those were  pretty magical those are like waterfalls in   the world I mean that was pretty crazy it's true  it's true all right so speaking of that let's go   to our scariest moment in Brazil now when we were  headed to Brazil we thought we were going to just   be inundated with scary moments you would think  from the media and from people warning us that   we were going to get robbed at least 10 times  and well let's just back up first of all since   we started this journey it's always the case that  if you're from Canada oh don't go to the US it's   very dangerous there if you're from the US don't  go to Mexico it's very dangerous there if you're   from Mexico don't go to Guatemala and so on and  so forth every country has another country that   more dangerous that you shouldn't go to so we  hear that a lot yes but even inside of Brazil   inside of Brazil we were told don't go here  don't go to Rio we almost did not go to Rio   De Janeiro which would have been a huge mistake  so quite honestly we expected to have a lot of   scary moments in Brazil and we didn't have any  Earth shattering moments that were to blame on   Brazil now when I was thinking through this in my  mind I had an incredibly scary moment and when it   was happening I didn't even really share it with  Kurt and it goes back to Iguazu Falls so we went   down and we rode the boat ride up underneath the  waterfall one of the most amazing things ever we   had been in the country maybe a month or so and  we had come from Peru and I had had in Peru now   we know I had had a heart attack but I thought  I had had a really bad flu or something and just   wasn't getting over it but I was slowly getting  sicker and sicker and when it was time to walk up   those very steep long stairs from the river back  up to the top of the waterfall I literally almost   didn't make it I couldn't I couldn't breathe and  right then is when I knew something was very very   wrong with me I managed to hold it together but  I'm sure if you looked at me I probably looked   like a deer in headlights I was very scared and  when we got to the van I told Kurt it was time to   just go ahead and get to buos series because uh I  knew that there would be a hospital there I could   go to so I think that is my scariest moment in  Brazil when I knew something was very very wrong   with me help boys yeah that probably qualifies as  scary the scariest moment in her life but I would   add that when we were leaving Brazil we didn't  have really aside from that which incidentally   that was when we were leaving Brazil the first  time so it's only when we're leaving Brazil we   have these events because we didn't we didn't  feel scared threatened anything in Brazil the   whole entire time before he tells you this  one I have a disclaimer he's going to say it   was my fault I'm going to say it was his fault so  carry on so we we're we're driving to the Border   un fortunately we left uh a day before we planned  that Crossing so we had a little bit of extra time   but we're headed to the border and all of a sudden  the road's closed we have to take this detour and   we end up driving on this muddy Road through the  pastures and it was actually kind of adventurous   but then we get to this place and you look over  at the intersection there's a vehicle stuck over   there in the mud and so the only option is to go  up on this bank and go around well I asked the   guy if it was okay if it was safe and he said sure  So snow is the driver I was the videoer No No he   was the pointer to tell me where to go or yeah and  anyway the van almost flipped over yeah snow took   the wrong approach the almost skipped over while  CT was telling me exactly where to drive the van   seriously guys I just had actually I was filming  and I got so shocked when the wheel popped off   I actually accidentally hit the stop button but I  thought it was going over yeah no the front wheel   up here I could feel it and I didn't know what to  do Kurt was mad because I didn't stop and for me   I thought I got to keep going so it comes back  down but anyway the van did not turn over but   the front left wheel was clearly 18 in off the  ground I didn't think you should stop I thought   you should go on the and stop it however it worked  anyway the van did not turn over it was scary yeah   and when your vehicle is your house it's even more  scary but yeah and your only Transportation you're   a foreign country yeah those things can all add  to the so that was pretty scary but nothing that   is specific to Brazil yeah we felt very safe here  and we do know every country has their issues and   we're not trying to downplay play those We Just sh  we're just sharing our experience and that was it   all right we're going to wind this video down  with it doesn't have to be a location a place   thing anything but our favorite moment in time  from Brazil you want to go first you want me to uh well what I would say is at anytime I would  answer this question it would always be in the   nature and like everything else there's multiple  answers but we came out of the the pentanol and   we were looking for giant ante eaters and we saw  one run across the road and we had a short little   glimpse of it and we knew that ahead in the next  couple days we were going down anti eater roads   literally called Ant Eater road so we're driving  down these like literally total rural bumpy dirty   roads nobody else in the world would go down to  we're scouring for wildlife we're seeing a lot of   it and lo and behold at the end of the day we see  an antier off of the field and of course I running   out in the field and we get some good shots and  come back and tell snow about it and then the   next day we're still at ant over can our Junior  journey and then right at the end of the day we   spot two an eaters and like snow they right by  the road I got to get close snow got to have   a really a really personal experience with them  but that wasn't enough it was like 10 15 minutes   before Darkness I'm like let's just park here by  the anater she says we still haven't found the   tape here yeah we need we need to go for a little  bit more and I he's like we can't drive at night   it's getting dark I'm like we're not done we have  10 more minutes of sunlight and sure enough 15   minutes up the road we saw some wild hogs with  which led us to a very short cap de spotting   10 seconds but those an eaters in that experience  were just Absol that whole evening how the timing   of me saying no I'm not ready to stop and then we  spotted it that was a good moment that was now for   me it's also over in the wildlife area over there  by the pantol actually right in the middle of the   pantol the reason we went there was to go on a  boat tour on the river to hopefully see Jaguars   our first day we saw a couple of glimpses of them  but quite honestly we had a guide that wasn't the   best he was just young nothing against him but  it was a long day and we we were a little bummed   out after that first day the second day we went  back for a half day because we're on a budget we   couldn't do another full day and we got a more  seasoned guide and he had put us on a couple   of them but still not the Epic shot of actually  seeing a Jaguar like you like you imagine glimpse   of them but if you can picture this they're just  kind of hunting along the river and River so it's   hard to spot these things and if you do sometimes  you just get a little Glimpse yeah which we had   gotten and we were thankful for we were thankful  yeah we had saw them and we had been able to film   them a little bit to show you but we were almost  back to the dock we were headed back to the dock   we were across the river from the dock yeah we  were two or three minutes from being done with our   tour when all of a sudden this gigantic beautiful  Majestic male Jaguar just comes completely Out   of the Woods saunters along theer Shore right  in front of us for like 20 or 30 seconds just   right there of course we're like Scramble with our  cameras and you're on a bouncy boat and all that   but it's like the Jaguar new that these guys love  the nature they're here to see me their time's   almost up they're let's give some good karma back  to them they seem like good good people and he   just came out put on the show so many amazing  things the people here here the food the floor   the Fawn of the mountains the beaches everything  just an incredible beautiful country and thank   you to all you people from Brazil for being such  wonderful host we had a lot of people you know   say hey go to gado you know nobody International  tourists don't know about gado but it's one of our   favorite places and a lot of other places and  you know I would just add if there's one thing   that I am the most absolutely disappointed about  in Brazil is that we did not get to see more of   it yeah we really really really were we're bummed  about that but a world the world's a big place I   got a real strong suspicion Brazil we'll be back  all right guys with that we're going to wind this   video down we'll see you in a few days cheers guys  cheers if you like this video be sure to subscribe   to our Channel and hit that notification Bell so  you guys know when we put out new videos and don't   forget you can always follow us over on Instagram  to see what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2023-11-11 06:55

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