The Friendliest Village in Cebu Philippines

The Friendliest Village in Cebu Philippines

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yeah so it's it's really it's really good longaniza  longanisa the apples in the Philippines are very   nice this place is absolutely beautiful oh I  did not know that something like this existed here welcome to the rural Northern Coastline  of Cebu now to be honest we don't really have   any real idea as to where we are right now we are  the only tourists where we are right now as well   and uh we are currently in a fishing Village  of sorts in the middle of nowhere surrounded   by very very friendly and very welcoming locals  and this is exactly the type of place that we   love the only people here on vacation the only  people in this area we get to experience the   real Philippines the the real side of life here  in this beautiful country and we're starting our   day off here at this beach now I have no idea  what this beach is even called I don't think   it has a Google location or an actual name but  you do have fishing boats and because fishing is   the sort of main thing that seems to be going  on here and up in this direction you have Dan   bantayan or Daanbantayan in this direction  and you also have a place called kawit and   down here is towards the south of seu the water  here is surprisingly very beautiful there is uh   obviously a little bit of trash going on but  that's totally fine and we're very excited to   bring you guys around this area we have not  explored anywhere around here but there's   plenty to see and as I said this seems to be a  very quiet very laidback Village here full of   fishermen and amazing locals yeah there's a few  fisherman sitting there just kind of fixing the   Nets and so on they're all really nice you're very  welcoming yeah don't know you cannot actually walk   on the side I believe the water is a little  bit high it's okay usually there would be a beach we just have a look at this guys   for a beautiful backdrop hello hi  hello hello are you repairing the net you are fisher fisher ah cool it's difficult  difficult to repair what is the main fish that   you can find here big one and small the sardines  sardin sardin sardin here oh nice like mle ball   like a big boat yeah with the big boat it  got sardines Min sardines wow okay oh cool   nice thank you so much thank you so this this  boat over here is catching sardines right now   actually just off there in the distance big one  yeah yep very cool kids are playing in the water   and yeah the water definitely comes up a bit  here well I don't know how well we're going   to be able to cross over but we have parked  our we have a bike as well we rented a bike   from our accommodation and it's just over  here just over here in this direction it's   a manual bike first time driving our  semi-manual bike sorry semi-automatic bike yeah guys this place is very beautiful  super super local and uh something a little   bit different I guess to bantayan the last place  we were at was bantayan a little bit more of a   tourist destination but we love these types of  places so let's go and check this out yeah it   kind of seems like the last few areas that that  we've been at we're also a little bit not so much   discovered but still a good few tourist and here  there's like nobody people are like really sort   of wondering themselves what we are doing here so  yeah this is the type of place that we're at right   now and uh a lot of the places here are actually  for sale for sale kahoy and oing I don't know what   kahoy and oing means but uh yeah it's for sale we  looking for a for a place in the North that's the   place to buy really cool here Beach Resort there's  lots of beach resorts here but they seem to be not   open some of them yeah a lot of them seem to be  not [Applause] open and some of them seem to be   very recently built as well so this is a beach  resort this here is a beach resort and uh I'm   sure it's probably a lot of them are frequently  uh visited by local tourists and stuff like that   but we have not seen any westerners like anybody  from the West uh other than us so very interesting   and the whole vibe here of this whole area is uh  it's really nice it's just something different   um a lot of Sabo there's a lot of roosters by the  way as always in the Philippines there's uh [ __ ]   roosters everywhere but the the southern parts  of seu it is a lot more touristy uh whereas up   here in the north it seems to get a hell of a  lot more local hell of a lot more laidback and   sort sort of like uh Province life as people say  here in the Philippines and that's definitely what   we're feeling barang it's barang guy life yeah  it's true but um it doesn't mean it doesn't make   it any less beautiful for us anyways we actually  really enjoy it hello does not make it any any   less enjoyable for us at all cuz you have this  surrounding everywhere that we are right now and   also as well as that very very friendly people  pretty much everywhere so and we need to show   actually we need to show you guys where we're  staying too possibly uh in this video as well   it's a very very nice accommodation and it's it's  ran by um two very nice people as well this dog   doesn't like us but uh it's only just up the  road as well so we need to show you that place   if you are interested in checking it out yeah  guys just listen to The Silence going on here   oh such a modern house in the middle of the like  more Trad looking Village very modern house yeah   wow that almost doesn't fit in at all here fit at  well no yeah interesting there's an internet cafe   in the village yeah that's one thing that we like  literally figured out today how you can get a lot   of the internet here just going to show you guys  it's this thing here called the piso Wi-Fi so you   basically throw in coins and then you get uh  and a set amount of Wi-Fi I don't know uh if   it's like I I assume it's not fast Wi-Fi but I  don't know if it's like a set amount of data or   if it's just for a certain duration or something  like that I don't know we didn't try it out yet   but a lot of the sort of bang guys here in the  north uh seem to be operating off of that system   instead of having actual routers and monthly  subscriptions and so on very interesting I've   never seen a coin operated Wi-Fi before it's  my first time first time as well yeah it's an   interesting concept for sure hello took me like  a minute or two to understand um how it works   or that it's actually what it is you know that  you have to throw in coins for Wi-Fi oh bananas   bananas bananas but I think they they hello they  look like a cooking banana kind of yeah true like   the one that you put on the grill yeah I don't  know not all bananas are just eating bananas   I'm kind of feeling uh cold refreshment  or something like that may maybe we can see what type of a bike was that I thought  there was a helicopter flying down it was a   loud per default bicycle bike not bicycle would  be very loud bicycle small I have a small we Wei   uh motorbike oh look at the doggy yeah maybe we  can go to like a Sor sori or something like that   and grab ourselves oh this house is beautiful  that's a nice house oh yeah maybe we can grab   ourselves like a cold refreshment or something  we're going to have a look around here guys   bring you with us because we haven't explored  anything like I said so hello look at the look   at these things some of these things I don't I  don't even really understand how they're still   moving these side cars they look like a well it  is literally it's a motorbike with an attached   um thing for passengers it's a really really  creative way of getting around but sometimes   I look at them and I'm like Jesus looks like  the side car is about to sort of like detach   almost from the bike you can obviously hire them  for like uh private use so like we the two of us   could just hi the two of us could just hire it  and take it around like that but if you don't   want to do that usually they're like for shared  uh hire you just have to tell the guy where you   want to go sometimes they have the direction  shown in the front and uh they basically just   take you along the journey and then it uh it's a  lot more affordable if you're sharing one of these   with like four other people or something like  that depending on how many people fit into it   but as you see yeah the state of it is a lot of  times kind of uh so so some of them look really   oh you want to go down to the beach again yeah  sure have a look here some the tricycles are   really really nice but some of them are sort of  in a in a so so type of state and then especially   if you're like a tall or heavy foreigner like  we are you don't really know how safe it is to   get into those cuz they kind of feel weird or you  know they don't get up the side of the street and   so on so yeah it's always kind of but it's funny  it's never boring here so yeah back at the beach   there's two doggies don't know if the doggies are  protecting the boats here but they kind of looked friendly this is a super cool beach oh I did  not know that something like this existed here   obviously over there was a cool beach this is  like private literally like a private beach   stretches down quite a bit here and quite a bit  that way and there's not of so on this beach other   than that dog over there and plus the fishing  boats are kind of pushed back a little bit on   this beach there is a beach that's close to our  accommodation that we checked out just when we   checked in and the fishing boats are very close  to the water so it blocks a lot of the access   to the water which if it's a fishing Village it  doesn't bother us at all but for something like   this this is perfect you can literally come  here set up a towel and go for a swim if you   want but the last few days the weather has been  crazy it's only right now because it's low tide   though if you see how far the water goes up the  fishing Bo here would also be directly at the   water that's true the water line it's very true  yeah but uh the last few days the weather here   in seu has been pretty windy very stormy today  is actually starting to get a little bit stormy   there's clouds also off here in the distance so  it looks a little bit gray I don't know we had   uh we had plans to venture out to uh a couple  more different Islands but the weather is kind   of throwing us off a little bit here I'm not going  to lie we don't we we never really know if we want   to be on a boat uh in the middle of a storm or  something like that cuz when we were making our   way back from bantayan towards here it was stormy  it stormy and our the ferry that we wanted to take   initially got cancelled as well so we had to take  a different ferry to different board and then get   a tricycle to go around and all of that so and  it's also not the safest place to be if you're   like on a fairy in the middle of high waves and  wind like you heard you all heard these types of   stories so yeah better to be safe than sorry I  guess 100% but uh luckily we made it and we're   here this place is absolutely beautiful not going  to lie it really is look at that and look at this   boat as well this is a really cool boat I'm just  wondering why the rocks have yeah this seems to   be a little bit of a protection wall they could  be using it to pull the boats yeah yeah that's   very true something yep I don't know what this  is for let us know guys if you know but I really   want to check this boat out here this looks very  interesting it looks like a little bit of a that's   a sardine boat project yeah it's a sardine boat  from what from what I can tell it's absolutely massive now I've have absolutely no idea what I'm  looking at when it comes to boats Naomi's family   is a family uh ancestrally of sailors so she might  have more of a clue as to what things like this   are but I have genuinely no understanding when it  comes to boats but this one here looks to be very   large in comparison to a lot of these other ones  that seem to just be built for agility I find it   very interesting that even on the large boats they  have these like from the traditional boats you   know the wooden planks on the side so that it's  uh stable in the water even on the large boat they   seem to be installing it which is very interesting  to see I never thought that a large boat would be   operated like that as well yeah yeah I was just  thought like the smaller one so that they you have   more stability on the water you know that's very  true this one here looks brand new this is like a   little brand new freshly painted as well I don't  want to touch it maybe there might be wet paint   on it it kind of smells a little bit like paint  as well but it's beautiful I love the colors very   small little Longboat I don't know how someone  like me would ever even fit into this one well I   guess all you got to do is stand in the middle and  sit down and my ass is not that big so oh my God   they're drawing a lot of fish everywhere you turn  here there's something to look at yeah if you're   wondering what kind of fish there are here this  is the type of fish that you can find and they're   like perfectly cut in half to the point where  you can even see the teeth in the mouth of the   fish very interesting to see and they're like a  different stages of drawing I suppose or the these   ones are probably a different type to these ones  I think these might be sardines like the smaller   ones smaller silver ones with their round heads  they might be sardines with the pointy head I   don't know pointy head yeah I don't know I don't  know I'm not the I'm not the professional nowhere   of fish species in the Philippines oh there's  another one of those like fancy new looking   places just behind the boat they even have a glass  wall and all we heard the other day that a lot   of the O it's a little bit of a drop we heard the  other day that a lot of the um properties that are   directly on the water here if as soon as there's  like a little bit of weather they basically have   the the wave in the living room so yeah that's  not really something because we were kind of   thinking like it would be so cool to have like a  nice little Housey like this with this view you   wake up in the morning have your coffee and uh  you know enjoy the view or whatever but as soon   as there's a little bit like a full moon weather  gets bad or whatever you have the beach in your   living room and I don't think that I would want  that but um yeah this beach overall again it's a   Fisher Beach uh fisherman Village fisherman type  of beach here that's uh what you get in the more   local areas but I think it's very nice here I  think to be honest if you are traveling on a   budget and you're looking to save um a couple Euro  or dollars or whatever your currency is coming to   where areas like this is always going to save  you that extra money because the accommodations   around here there are quite a lot and they are  very affordable and it is very beautiful like   I don't see anything wrong with this and you're  in a area where you're going to experience like I   said you're going to experience the real sort of  culture of the area that you're in you're going   to be able to speak to locals and you're also  going to get some very nice local food as well   he's making a red line to make the boat fter yeah  yeah he's putting a a racing stripe on the boat here very cool it's all hand PT hello do you have cold Dr yeah uh o you  want a Coca-Cola or something or I'll have   a one one Mountain Dew two M two M do  big one a small small one yeah if you   have thank you hello hello he doesn't care no  not interested he's interested in you how much [Applause] 30 uh yeah sure yeah if you have wow going to have some Mountain Dew  guys here 30 pesos is the uh most   affordable 30 pesos for two for two so  15 pesos for a Mountain Dew not bad the   glass bottle I feel like drinks are  better out of a glass bottle always yep definitely better oh the dog the dog  is getting fed now the grumpy dog is uh   getting fed that's why he was grumpy  he was hungry oh I think he she's just   feeding him so that the dog doesn't  look at us anymore going boo yeah bo   boo but the fluffy dog is over there  he looked really friendly when we work first uh we're going to have this and then I think  I think we're going to go to check out there's um   a local market here place we're staying at has a  kitchen so I think what we're going to do is look   for some food maybe some eggs stuff like that but  we'll bring you guys with us and show you the main   Public Market because it seems to be like a pretty  vibrant and uh happening place whereas here at the   moment very very quiet but very beautiful this is  the perfect place to come if you don't like to be   around the hustle and musle of uh cities and stuff  like that Sal thank you thank you so much bye-bye hello oh so many hello hello Madness she's very loud when you're not  close when you're sending directly in front   of her she's like oh no and then you walk  away she's like you are beautiful I think   that's where our motorcyclist our bikes's  over here yeah basketball is a way of life   in the Philippines guys wow professional  scooter driver yeah byebye bye-bye have   a nice day are you driving without me or  are you going to let me get on okay we go hi you need to drive on the  right yeah you know that yeah it's our very first country since uh  one and a half years I want to say that has   the traffic located on the right side which  for me being German is normal for Luke being   from Ireland is not normal so so for lugan  has been a little bit of a drastic change in   terms of where he should be driving that and  also careful there speed thing changing gears   changing gears as well on the bike that's  totally new for me yeah but I think we're   doing considerably like considering  the circumstances hi considering the   circumstances I think we're doing okay yep so  yeah this is what the rural medine looks like it's very nice here it's a little bit of a  different side of the Philippines obviously   now if you're looking online and you're seeing  Palawan and coron and M ball hello Bol all of   these areas and then you're comparing it to uh  these like more local places obviously it's going   to look and feel very different uh in comparison  but I think this is a little I for us for for me   personally I think Luke agrees with me though and  we kind of prefer these areas because you have a   lot more of an easy access to the people oh these  tricycles Exist by bicycle well you get an easy   access to the locals like this you can learn  about the culture you can speak to the people   I always feel like when you're in the tourist  Zone you're kind of sticking a little bit more   to your own kind of people and uh you're not sort  of really out there you're more like in a protect   environment hi you're more like in a protected  environment where other people that look exactly   like you are also going to be so I feel like  this is a little bit more out there and it's also nicer okay so we made our way now to the  marketplace that I was speaking about now   obviously it's a little bit later in the day and  a lot of these markets seem to function mostly in   the morning time but we're going to pick ourselves  up some fruit here guys banana no no that's Lis   huh lonis try it l you can pick one and then  try it here how does it work do you eat the it's   really good you eat the outside uhuh just open it  pop it open and you go first I show you exactly   how how to do it right okay you go first this is  it this is right here it's like a you're going   you're going to eat it yeah so it's it's really  it's really good lonis lonis I don't know how call   in English but um you know um like a golden Berry  Golden Berry maybe I don't know look like golden   Berry but not exactly yeah on the inside it looks  like ly kind of similar is it sweet or W give it a   try I need to peel it first yeah I don't know how  he got inside it it's like a tiny Apple really and   the good thing is like there's no seeds on it it's  a seedless oh a seedless oh I like that seedless L interesting taste um tastes like very floral oh  yeah very almost like a lii lot of vitamin C oh   for sure this one is al already open you can yeah  it tastes like very floral not like lit Che the   cost is only like 100 peso per kilo 1 kilo for one  kilo oh God can eat forever it's not bad at all   it's very very good you guys can buy like maybe  one 14 k that's only a few a handful a handful   it's delicious it's very good no from Europe or  west I am from Ireland Ireland and Germany Ireland   Germany Martin how do you sell that good morning  in Germany good how far is that from uh Ireland   to Germany maybe around 1 hour flight uh 2 or 3  hours 2 hour 45 kind of from Dublin to this m not   bad something like that very affordable though to  go yeah it's more expensive to go from uh what's   from seu to the capital to manila manila seu is  more expensive than Ireland Germany Capital Region   but I but I think you can drive by you can drive  right you have no no Ireland is Island you have   the ocean in between okay yeah you either take a  ferry or and then drive or you take a plane so you   you can choose that way yeah yeah yeah you want  to get some of these I want to get a little bit of   this m but not so much maybe um yeah like I said  maybe one 14 one 14 is like around 25 P off yeah   sure maybe these two I wanted to the apples in the  Philippines are very nice from this one fiuu Fuji   not Fiji I said fi it's a Fuji apple but they're  H very good here the last time I tried them they   were very nice how about how about mango yeah  have a few mango is only 150 pesos per 1 kilo   and maybe 1 Kil is around in between in between  three or four something like that nice are you   eating are you eating Mango as well I wanted to  say are you eating piz here sorry you guys are   maybe not interested in seeing me just pick out  mangos okay so let's have three mangoes one do you   want an apple I'll have an apple yeah yeah sure  sure sure an apple okay nice these two okay okay   how about L I mean uh GPS you like GPS too no no  okay it's I yes we like but not right now do you   sell eggs uh like how many eggs you want uh like  six six okay yeah uhhuh thank you so much you're   very welcome One Step shop hang on a minute okay  okay I'll get it for you salamat oh you that H Sal [Music] I'm very surprised about I know it's so  stupid but I'm very surprised about the quality   of apples because in a lot of other Southeast  Asian countries it's kind of difficult to find   a comparable I don't know if it's good or bad  but like comparable to what it tastes like in   Europe it's very difficult and the apples here  in the Philippines they usually taste exactly   like the ones in Europe so I'm like back on the  Apple train I've tried some apples in a couple of   different uh countries and they have let's just  put it this way they're not great but these ones   in the Philippines and a lot of the ones that we  have tried in different parts of the Philippines   so far even ones that are from different areas  in in the Philippines they're pretty delicious   as well I think they're theoretically all Japanese  yeah I think they're not they're not grown in the   Philippines whereas in other countries they  try to grow them in the country and then it's   like sometimes like a little bit on the starchy  mushy side and I just like when the apple is like   real crunchy I don't know yeah that's very true  we're very happy that we found this gentleman   here at the market because he has everything  that we literally need but this is the market   to go it's kind of like a well lit little square  area and there's lots of fresh meat and fresh uh   fruit and vegetables and stuff like that and uh  it's only like 2 minutes from where we just were   like where we just had the Mountain Dew drink it's  literally just 2 minutes up the road from that so   you have everything in this area you have beaches  you have a public market you have plenty of beach   resorts you have restaurants everything very  little tourists so this is a ideal location for   us currently trying to construct a meal in my head  maybe we can like buy some pasta and some tomatoes   and just make a yeah with garlic and so on ourself  yep I don't know just get some peppers or anything   like that so you owe me 237 nice 237 five and  I owe you 263 oops and the new calculator as well I hope I won't break it no  it's okay it's a good kazio one   it's unbreakable I think cash  is a good one yeah yeah your grandchildren's hello oh by the way you  guys staying at many Hotel bakawan Two   Crazy Monkeys Two Crazy Monkeys oh my God  those guys made the owner they're from   Cape Town South Africa they're my they uh they  they land and Crest yeah yeah yeah so they're   nice guy they're nice people you know they  always come by here in my place I'm talking   a lot you know they're super small world  man we love them yeah yeah anyway I there   a Chace 263 thanks a lot thank you so much I  thought it was like for cooking or something it's for uh cigarettes really yeah they  what is this what is the names I forgot   the name lboy lomboy lomboy so you put  tobacco or something on the inside oh   and then you smoke never seen that  before interesting Lum boy how much 25 this is also the first thing  that I picked up I was like what   is this do you cook with it and she said it's for smoking what a cool market and uh kind of like  a One-Stop shop they seem to have uh kind of   a little bit of everything what you're looking  for really and uh my bag just got a a whole lot   heavier and uh our little doggy friend is still  here I think uh he or she wants to come with us   so cute so cute and now guys I think what we're  going to do is we're going to head back to our   accommodation and give you a little bit of a tour  because it's a very nice place and we definitely   want to show you it because the people that  run it are very friendly and uh yeah it's just   a fantastic option for you guys if you do plan to  visit here and this time around as well um because   of where we are we don't have any Internet issues  so the accommodation where we're at at the moment   they have very strong fiber internet they were  fighting for it for we they said so they have   fiber and if you do come out here and you are  some sort of a digital Nomad or worker YouTuber   whatever and you need internet that's the place  oh my God look at that truck how did this truck   come out of that market the truck is bigger  than the market yeah wait a second I'm going to M okay I guess maybe careful the tricycle a all right guys this is where we're  staying right now oh little of people   hello oh I think they were selling  bananas and the banana flowers or something I recycled myself as always [Music] okay oh my God this is so much more difficult  with one hand than you think I did it so this   is the place that we're currently staying it just  started raining a little bit when we were on the   scooter we were kind of waiting for it for the  past few hours but yeah it just started fizzling   a little bit but not too not too heavy so this is  where we live we live in the banana tree we live   in basically uh banana tree Plantation I want to  say and um ah that's what the people were doing   yep they probably collected the banana from here  oh yeah I assume that they have too many bananas   so to give you guys an idea our scooter where we  just parked is just here so you have a designated   parking for motorbikes you have plenty of parking  for cars so you can have a car here or a car here   there's plenty of space here for anything extra  other Scooters or anything like that and uh so   don't worry about parking and this is basically  where it's set in and just have a look at this beautiful you have as we said banana trees  pretty much everywhere so if you need a snack   you have one at your fingertips pretty much and  uh we'll walk in and we'll I suppose I'll show   you show you guys first the swimming pool area  cuz there is a swimming pool area Believe It or   Not uh you're going to be very amazed about the  price of this place by the way as well but this   is basically like a public seating area you have  tables and seats and chairs and loungers and a   couch and then you also have a more uh seats and  chairs in here which is basically this operates   basically as kind of like a a restaurant I guess  they serve food uh drinks fruit juice everything   that you can imagine is being served out of the  kitchen here and then come through and you have   an amazing little swimming pool that you can hang  out in with friends or family or anything really   that you or anybody that you'd bring along with  you and there's like a nice waterfall over here   it's not turned on right now but there's like a  waterfall feature as well and that is just really   nice because it keeps the water freshly flowing  in the pool too look at this you also have like   an outdoor bedding situation so if you do want  to come out here and do maybe like a little bit   of yoga or you want to just relax here on these  beds you can do that right next to the pool you   can take a nap by the pool you have Sun loungers  and uh also pool rules and regulations you have   them over here uh so it's not total chaos and  then I believe in here you have sort of like   a a dorm room where you're going to have more  people in one room and that's obviously going   to be a cheaper room rate for you guys as well  Naomi is currently munching on a banana but uh   that we just got from the market I just found the  first ever Co conjoined bananas they're oh it's a   two two in one banana two in one banana I never  saw it before that's crazy banana though this is   uh kind of the kitchen public kitchen area so it  is a shared kitchen I'm going to walk you guys   around but it is a little bit dark on the inside  but that's because it's in a hut so you are very   well protected from all of the elements well  the element being the sun um let's go inside   so in here this is also where the reception is but  you also have bells everywhere so if you need to   speak to them you can do that and then once you  come in here this is where you can do everything   so you have public drinking fountain so you have  water which is amazing to have and it saves you   buying water you have a kettle you have mugs you  have uh coffee you have a fridge fridge you have   the ability to cook yourself so you have a  microwave you have gas stoves and you also   have as well loads of pots and pans and everything  else like that you have more glasses and things if   you're deciding to have a little bit of a party  or something like this that's an option for you   guys as well there's plenty of space everywhere  here and we pretty much have this place to to   ourselves I want to say there's been a couple of  people that have come and gone over the last few   days but look at the size of this Leaf there been  a couple of people that have come and gone over   the last few days but overall we've had this place  to ourselves yeah I mean over the weekend there   were kind of some people other than that it was  relatively quiet yep and if there are uh people   it's usually like the other guests that were here  are predominantly Filipinos so it doesn't really   seem to be foreign foreign tourist too much yep  and uh they Cho the banana here yeah and this here   guys is our beautiful Cottage in the middle of  basically a jungle and it is very very nice it is   uh beautiful looking as well very picturesque um a  lot of really nice pictures to take here actually   that we probably should take did we didn't take  we didn't take yet but yeah this is basically it   you have a hammock on the outside you have two  chairs to relax and every morning we literally   are just sitting here and having morning coffees  and more coffees and having one too many coffees   way too many coffees and uh the inside as well  is kind of as you would expect from the outside   but there's plenty of space like tons of space so  I'll let Naomi show you guys around the inside it   looks it is beautiful if you can oh yeah the light  is okay I was is a little bit scared because the   sun disappeared uh when the sun is out and not a  sort of fizzily rainy cloudy type of a situation   obviously it's a little bit brighter in here as  well um so yeah you do get a fan uh you have a   beautiful large window there with a nice large  bed for that that Luke and I are using if you do   come with children there's also um two more beds  here so this room theoretically fits for people   we have an AC there uh another nice window where  by the way don't know if you can see it sort of   There lives a very big spider out of that window  that I don't want to interact with I don't uh I   don't mind spiders as long as they don't uh  touch me so yeah we have a beautiful mosquito   net which is very necessary here by the way and  then well this is the bathroom you have a toilet   you have a mirror very necessary and you have  a the water the shower here and also you have   a what is it called a boiler water boiler yeah  water boiler yeah so like for warm water which   is not too common Believe It or Not depending on  where you are in the Philippines a lot of places   don't have warm water so this place also provide  provides warm water now you we have to say though   that this place is again a very local place so uh  just here behind this wall is the local fisherman   Village and they do like to party there so every  now and then you do hear obviously you hear music   you durink calog you heard the drums and so  on which is for us totally fine but if you are   somebody that has issues with loud noises just be  aware of that but yeah other than that Wi-Fi works   absolutely beautiful here not only there where  we are but also like we are sort of setting up   our Workstation here in this area kind of every  afternoon and every morning depending on when we   have time to work and uh we work from here kind  of every day and that that works really really   nicely and then they also offer um meal service  so they do make pizzas and so on they also sell   beers and I think cocktails or something like  that if you are interested in anything alcohol   related they do provide that as well and uh yeah  we're both super super happy very stoked to be   here in this place in the beginning actually we  had only booked for three nights as we usually   do and uh we extended our stay to stay here for  I think in total a week so yeah that's usually a   sign of us being happy is when we extend the stay  uh to a total of a week and uh yeah I think that   pretty much concludes the space they have this  one big uh room here that we are in and then   they have another one which is this bungalo which  I believe is a little bit more expensive because   it sort of looks like they have an upstairs and  everything in there we we don't have an upstairs   we just have one level this one has a upstairs  level from what I could see through the window   I was trying to peek but don't tell anybody so  yeah they have an upstairs which we don't but   that's fine we don't need an upstairs but yeah  guys to Crazy Monkeys so check it out and uh   the owners are Believe It or Not South Africans  so super super nice very very friendly and uh yeah

2024-02-05 06:25

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