Taking Extreme Domestic Flight to the World's Most Dangerous Tribal Region

Taking Extreme Domestic Flight to the World's Most Dangerous Tribal Region

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There is no road at all. Where do I have to go, man? I don't understand anything here. Which flight is which? Who is going where? Where are these people going? It's an amazing airport, man. Everything here is next level. Very dangerous. This is the area where you need security guards to travel with.

Oh, which market is this? The atmosphere is also looking very dangerous. Some people are following me. They say, sit in the car quickly. Hey, Chichu! Hey, Dukku! Hey! Hey! Hey! It's a very rural area, man. It's a weird type of market. The local people here, the tribal people here, man.

Sister, sister, sister. Everyone has come to meet. This is the condition of my shoes. What is this? Sweet potato. These people are very bitter, man. Okay, father, when will you go? Hey guys, very good morning and welcome back to the new vlog. My name is Tourvashu.

Right now, I am in the third largest island country in the world, in the capital of Papua New Guinea, Port Morrisby. In this country, one of the highest crime rates in the world is there. Many countries have issued travel advisories to this country to not travel. Because here, violent crime, kidnapping, murder, civil unrest, carjacking, tribal violence, armed robbery, home invasion, are very normal and very common.

Right now, I am at my host Ono's house in Port Morrisby. Because very few tourists visit this country, so this country is very unexplored. Papua New Guinea is administratively divided into 4 regions and 22 provinces. One of these 4 regions is the Highlands region, which is at the center of this country.

So today, we are going to travel in that Highlands region. PNG is a country where the situation changes suddenly without any warning. Law and order are very poor here. All the travelers who come to this country, hire a very expensive tour guide and private security to travel in this country, for safety reasons. This country has been independent for 48 years.

And even today, the infrastructure in this country is not well developed. So to travel in this country, you will have to either take a flight or a boat, because there is no road in the whole country. So cities and regions are not connected to each other in this country. So I'm leaving outside the house. Hello.

Hello. Hello, good morning. Good morning.

Vegetables? Yes. There is no road to go to that region. So today, we are going to take a domestic flight to Papua New Guinea. The history of domestic flights in Papua New Guinea is very poor.

My flight was already at 9 in the morning. I got a message last night that the flight was delayed for 3 hours. My flight is at 12 o'clock. So it's 9 o'clock in the morning. We are about to leave for the airport in a while.

So far, we have explored the capital of Papua New Guinea. Today, we are going to a place where a lot of tourists go. It's very deep, very remote area, countryside.

I don't know if there will be any development there or not. I have no idea. There is no information about that region on the internet. It's very limited information. So now we start a very raw adventure in Papua New Guinea.

And that region is also very unsafe. There have been a lot of attacks and tribal fights. So I have to be very careful and travel.

Let's see what happens. Now it's time to leave from here. This is Pono and Nido's dad's car. I have to drop Nido and her father at the airport. Nido, good morning. Good morning.

What are you doing? I'm training the car. Oh, you drive the car, Nido? No, I don't. My dad won't allow me. Okay, you can drive or no? You can drive, but your dad won't allow you. So they are setting up a barbecue outside to cook food.

You'll cook food here? Yeah. So look, there will be a restaurant here. They will cook chicken and meat here.

Bye-bye. Bye-bye, nice to meet you. Yeah, you too. So this is Pono's sister. Okay, thank you so much.

Bye-bye. Thank you so much. There are a lot of people who are going to drop me at the airport. You can see, there are two kids.

The door outside the house is always locked. With a chain and a lock. The airport is about 7-8 km from here. So we'll reach the airport in 10-15 minutes. We have reached the airport.

Port Morrisby's domestic airport and international airport are next to each other. Okay, bye-bye. Thank you so much. Bye-bye.

There is very little international travel in Papua New Guinea. There are very few international flights. And the international airport looks completely empty. But there is a lot of domestic travel here.

And domestic flights operate a lot. Because there is no road in the whole country. There is very little road. There is very limited connectivity. So most people fly here by flight.

So the domestic airport is very crowded here. There are a lot of people here. I have reached the airport 2.5 hours before the domestic flight. There is a very long line here.

You can see. I have checked the security. I don't know how long it will take to get inside. There are security guards here. Hello. I have come 2.5 hours before the domestic flight.

I told them that I should have come an hour earlier. There is a very long queue. See what happens. Okay, Neelu.

Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Thank you so much. See you then. So we have reached the domestic airport of Port Morrisby. There is a lot of rush.

It took a lot of time to get inside and check the security. The security clearance of the whole bag was outside. So let's check in. We will meet after completing all the processes. I don't know how long it will take.

There are around 2 hours left for the flight. You can see a lot of rush. If it was international, it would have been empty. Where do I have to go? Let's talk to you after the flight check-in. I don't know how long it will take to reach the check-in counter.

Hello. Hello. Are you going to Mount Hagen? Yes.

On which flight? PX-182. 182? Yeah. This one? PX-182. 182? Yes.

My flight got a 3-hour delay. It's 9.20 but it's 12.20. I can go to the front? Excuse me.

It's okay? Okay. Thank you. They are telling me to go ahead.

I don't know. I don't understand anything. Which flight? Which one? Where are they going? It's all chaotic.

I don't understand anything. Let's go ahead. The security lady has told me to go ahead.

Let's see. It's very confusing. It's taking a lot of time to check-in. I have told someone that I am standing here. Let's see.

I will be back in a while. I didn't have breakfast or anything in the morning. I have seen only one shop in the airport.

I am getting something to eat here. There is a cafe. There is a cake, pastry, tea, coffee and snacks. I will get some coffee from here. You can see.

People are standing in traditional local dress. There is a painting on their face. They are selling things here.

There is a painting on their face. Amazing. Let's see what I get. There is only coffee.

Hot and cold. There is a sandwich of every kind. Egg sandwich, chicken sandwich, ham sandwich. One ice latte? No. No? Not available at the moment. No ice? Any ice tea you have? No.

No ice tea? Any coffee you have? Any ice coffee? No. No ice coffee? Only hot. Only hot.

Okay. I am saying ice tea by mistake. Which hot coffee you have? All the hot coffees are available except the ice coffee. Okay. Okay. One coffee latte? Medium large.

Large? And without sugar? No sugar? They are making coffee here. Papua New Guinea's coffee is very popular worldwide. Even Papua New Guinea exports coffee to many countries.

And how much? 13 Kina. 13 Kina. Okay. The coffee is for 13 Kina. Presently, one Kina is 23 Indian Rupees. It is for 300 Rupees.

It is for 13 Kina. I am giving them 20 Kina note. Okay. Thank you. Okay.

This is our last coffee. This is one Kina? Yes. Yesterday, I found a coin of one Kina here. Look at this.

There are crocodiles on it. And there is a hole on the center. It is a very unique and different coin. So guys, finally after standing in the queue for 2 hours, I got a check-in and a boarding pass. The flight is still 30 minutes away. And there was a lot of noise at the domestic airport.

Because there is no limit. At that time, I felt that I won't be able to get a boarding pass. I will miss the flight. But people told me to relax. If I miss the flight, I will book the next flight. It is normal here.

If you book a flight, if you miss the flight by mistake, then you will get the next flight after 1-2 hours. It is very normal here. The flight also runs like a passenger train. I feel so ashamed to vlog here. It feels so weird. Everyone is staring at me.

Whoever is talking to me here, everyone is asking me, what is your business? What is your business? What is your business? When I say that I have not come here for business, I have come to visit tourists, people are very surprised and shocked. I can see some foreigners here. I have spoken to some foreigners. Everyone is here for business. The flight was scheduled for 9.20 pm.

It has been rescheduled for 12.25 pm. The boarding time is written half an hour before the boarding pass. Only 10-15 minutes are left for the flight.

But the boarding gate has not been announced yet. He is saying that he will tell us 5 minutes before which is the boarding gate and when to board. The flight can be delayed even more. There is no trust here. That's why the record of Penji's domestic flight is very poor.

The security is shouting, flight cancelled, flight cancelled, flight cancelled. I don't know which flight has been cancelled. I don't understand anything. Everything is so chaotic. For the first time in my life, I have seen such a chaotic airport.

People are fighting to enter the boarding gate. My flight is after 3-4 minutes. My boarding gate has not been opened yet. I don't know where to go. I have taken an egg sandwich.

Is this mango or orange? It's mango. It's mango juice. The total cost is 21 PIN.

It's around 500 INR. The flight has been delayed for 3 hours. The time has also been exceeded.

I am going to the highlands of Papua New Guinea. The name of the place is Mount Hagen. From Port Moresby. The aerial distance is around 500-550 km.

It's just a one-hour flight. My boarding is starting after 3.5 hours from the original time Finally, they said they won't go today, they will go tomorrow I will show you the access, Hairline is over there But the ticket checkers here have a traditional face painting from Highlands I have come out of the boarding gate, I don't know where to go Look how the bags are kept here, oh my god Everything is very dangerous here, there is a lot of noise Is this a runway or an airport? No parking is written here Let's go, there is a lot of noise It is written above, Welcome to Port Morrisby Jackson International Airport Domestic, I don't know where I have to go, but I am walking with people The airport is amazing, everything is next level here The gate is coming after the runway, I don't know which one is mine Gate number is written here, Gate 6 Papua New Guinea is the ultimate, everything is expensive at the airport As if it is the price of a European airport Papua New Guinea? Welcome to Papua New Guinea Thank you Are you from India? Yes, India Very good, very good Are you going to Mt. Hagen? Yes, I am going to Mt.

Ok, very good, bye Mt. Hagen There is a lot of wind, there is a lot of noise The name of my airline is Air New Guinea This is the national airline of Papua New Guinea My one-hour flight from Port Morrisby to Mt. If you book in advance, you will get around 14,000-15,000 But I have booked 2-3 days ago, this is my flight 18,000 or 19,000 something, let's say 19,000 Hello Thank you very much for coming Finally we are inside the flight, outside there is a lot of wind I don't know how the flight will fly Thank you After one hour, our flight has landed In Papua New Guinea's The Highlands region's Mt.

Hagen province This whole region, this whole province is located on a mountain There are steep mountains and valleys everywhere That's why there are so many small aircrafts here Landing an aircraft here at a steep airport At this height, in the middle of the mountain, is very difficult Many times there is a cloud, so they can't see the airstrip And the aircraft goes and fights the mountain Almost every year a flight crashes here It is a very deadly airport, it is a very deadly region Geography wise also This is the arrival area, arrival hall inside the airport There is a luggage belt here, the luggage must be coming I hope, even after so many delays, the luggage has reached here safely Do you know what was being announced in the flight? It was being announced in the flight No one will eat and chew and spit in the flight No one will eat and spit in the flight After waiting for the bag for a long time, finally my bag has arrived We have come to a region not only in Papua New Guinea, but all over the world A region that was not discovered even 100 years ago In the year 1970, some Australian explorers came to this highland to find gold Till then everyone thought that this area is just a forest, jungle, farm, mountains and nothing else They discovered that around 1 million people live in this region People who have never been in contact with the outside world That is, this region was discovered 93 years ago from the outside world They saw that people here have adopted very advanced agricultural techniques And are living in a very good way So the area, the region that the world thought was unsettled Suddenly 1 million people were found there Let's go outside first I think there is some checking going on here Look here, they are matching the luggage sticker on the boarding pass So that no one takes it home, I have to leave, I have kept it inside So now we are going outside the airport Yes, finally we are in Mt. Flight got delayed for 3 hours, again for half an hour, maybe 1 hour So much delay, yeah This is the flag of Mt. No, highlands Western Highland flag Green and black, white Ok, ok, ok So look here, there is a flag of this area, of Western Highland This is in the Western Highland You are in Western Highland Mt. Hagen is the capital of Western Highland Ok, and there is a flag of Papua New Guinea So there are two flags, national and regional flag Mt. Hagen is the big city of all highlands region

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah It is the biggest city in the whole Highland region, Mt. Where we are right now It was very hot in Port Morrisby, temperature was around 35 degrees As soon as we came here, the temperature has become very cold The temperature here is around 15 degrees We are at a very high altitude, very high Surrounded by mountains, surrounded by mountains from all sides Now we are going to travel very remotely in Papua New Guinea Ok, ok, ok So look, we have come out of the airport This area is very densely populated Even one of the most densely populated areas in Papua New Guinea There are a lot of people who lived here 100 years ago, but no one knew that people live here This is an area where no one travels alone Everyone brings a very expensive tour group, tour guide, tour package And comes here with security guards to travel I am coming here alone to travel So this is the car we are going in This is a very big car, Toyota Land Cruiser, a very old model So this is Nelson Nelson from Mt. And his name is Present And Junior Junior You all are from Highlands? Highlands The people of this Highland region are called Highlanders So you all are Highlanders? Highlanders The Highlanders here are very different from other regions of Papua New Guinea Ethnically, culturally, language-wise, look-wise, food-wise, culture-wise, in every way Now we have entered the town of Mt. The town is around 15 km from the airport All the roads you see here are only in this region This whole region is not connected to the country by road That's why everyone comes here by air Almost all the cars here are Toyota's, all Toyota's Most of the vehicles here are Land Cruisers Land Cruisers, 4x4 Then there are only a few roads in good condition Which are in the city center As soon as you go out of the city or town, there is complete off-road driving That's why almost all the cars here are 4x4 How much is it for one foot? These people live in a village nearby Right now we are in the town There is also an ATM here, so you can withdraw money There is also a supermarket in the town So you can get food and drinks here All the cars are Land Cruisers, 4x4 This is amazing You can see some traditional people here in this attire Hello Hello How are you? Fine A lot of people are in their cultural attire When the outside world contacted them for the first time 93 years ago People used to live in this attire Hello How are you? I am fine A lot of people still live in remote areas in the village The supermarket here looks very modern You can see a lot of bakery goods You can find everything here Yes, you can find everything here Obviously, it will be very expensive here Because everything comes by air But the good thing is that everything is available here It's a very big market, I thought there would be nothing here But everything is available here You can get bread here, white bread and brown bread I'll take milk This is cheese, 12 slices It's around 480 INR It's made in New Zealand It's imported from New Zealand I bought milk, it's around 800 INR It's around 200 INR I bought Milo, bread, egg and cheese They bought an energy drink Is it a local energy drink? No, it's a local energy drink Boo high fuel energy drink Do you drink a lot of this energy drink? No, one is enough One per day High energy More than Bitter Nut? More than Bitter Nut We'll try one It's 66 Kina Rs. 1,500 Indian Rupees Like Fort Morrisby, they are also telling us to use the camera very carefully Anyone can take it and run away There are some cars of Mahindra here Mahindra's pickup cars, 4x4 Mahindra pickup, Mahindra 4x4 vehicle also here, Mahindra No We have Mahindra Oh yes, yes, yes, there's a new Mahindra Yeah, Mahindra It's new here, right? Yes, new here They are saying that Mahindra is new here People are shouting after seeing me using the camera from outside I don't know how I will log in here Now we have come to Mt.

Hygen's Betel Nut Market Present is saying that I will stay in the car There is not much safety and security here People break the car and pick up the stuff So, Nelson and I have come out to explore The whole market, whole market, Betel Nut Market So, it's a very big Betel Nut Market It's a rural market here We have come out of the city Now towards the village There is a big mountain over there See, whole Betel Nut, Cigarette, Lime There are hundreds of shops here, just for Betel Nut Small, big, hard type of Betel Nuts Hello, hello, hello, hello Hello Good afternoon How are you? There are a lot of shopkeepers of Betel Nuts They keep eating all the time I think 24x7 Do you chew Betel Nuts all the time? Yup 24x7 24x7 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha I have never eaten 5 Betel Nuts in my life But they keep telling me to try, try, try Your mother? Yeah She is here? She is my mother Hello, hello, hello She wants to shake hands Hello, how are you? Fine Fine This is her mother's shop, not her mother's shop She is also selling Betel Nuts Look at the road, all the red people have eaten Betel Nuts It's all spitted out here Oh, which market is this? They are selling shoes, sandals, and clothes here It's a whole market of clothes here Hello Look at this They are saying that these are all used clothes Second hand clothes They have been imported from different countries You can see The atmosphere is also looking very dangerous Let me tell you why I am saying this Hello Lime Yeah They are buying Betel Nuts Some people are following me Hello Good afternoon Good afternoon Nelson was not taking me inside the market He was telling me not to go inside He told me not to go inside with the camera People can attack me anytime They can do anything It was a very difficult time for me Some people were even following me They are telling me to get inside the car Let's get inside the car They are not letting me stay here for a long time Because here, attacks and crimes are very common People attack people from behind with knives Anytime I am not able to open the car from inside It's made of plastic I am opening it from outside We have come out of the town There is a snack shop here They are selling fried items and sausages We have come here to fill petrol in their car I will fill petrol in their car wherever we go The petrol price here is 5.5 Kina per litre It's 126 Indian Rupees per litre I am getting 30 Kina for 700 rupees 30 Kina? Okay Let's make it 50 50? Okay Okay People are looking at me Hello Hello How are you? I am fine I am fine He is filling petrol for 50 Kina It will be around 9 litres Okay You can go and stop the buses They don't want to stop for you People are calling me on the bus Let's go and talk to them Good afternoon Good afternoon How are you? We are fine Hello Good afternoon Hello How are you? Fine Okay Okay Okay Okay Bye Bye Bye Bye This is their shop They are saying hi from far Hello Good afternoon Hello How are you? Fine How are you? Fine What do you sell? We sell sausages Sausages Sweet potatoes Sweet potatoes Cows? Cows Tell me What do you sell here? Soft drinks Cold drinks That's all Yeah, okay What is your name? Julian Julian And your name? My name is Rude Rude? Yes Okay Okay It's a big road Okay Okay Yes Hello Hello What are you selling? Caramarks What is Caramarks? Lab labs I can see Finish Finish Finish Okay Okay Bye Bye Bye Which building is this? Parliament Parliament Parliament house Okay Prime Minister First Prime Minister First Prime Minister Okay He's from the Highlands He's from the coastal Coastal area? Yeah Michael Thomas Okay President Prime Minister is from Highlands? Yeah He's in Tari Tari Yeah The last province of Highlands Okay What's his name? James Marra Bay James Marra Bay PNJ's present Prime Minister James Marra Bay He's from this region Highlands region A few months ago Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi came here So he Touched his feet And welcomed him At the airport That video Went viral in India Now we're going to Nelson and Present's village The road Is very bad The car Is moving In many places If we go out Too much It'll be off-roading That's why The car Is 4x4 Now Afternoon Sheila Sheila Good They have a small shop In this village This is our little Trade store like Yeah Now we're going to Explore PNJ's village Which is Very far from Civilization Very different Hello People are very happy Because of me Because of me Because of me Because of me Because of me Because of me Because of me Because of me Because of me Because of me Because of me They are welcoming us very well These are the villagers They are wearing sweaters and jackets They are also wearing jackets This is their grandmother How are you? Hello Kepa Kepa And Babylon All your family? Family, sisters Sisters And grandmother We are very happy to see you in our family Our community Thank you Mouth full of betel nut Don't laugh Mouth full of betel nut They are saying You are the second tourist in our life Non-PNG We are seeing Grandma said You are too young to travel around I appreciate that You are in my family Thank you so much Your grandmother is How many years old? 100 years She is very happy to see me All the people from the village Have come to meet Hello Sabina We have more to come You will be tired What is your mother tongue? Our mother tongue is Benicola It's a different language Our language is 802 languages When they say It means good afternoon Morning is normal Afternoon is afternoon Afternoon I don't know What dangerous place They have brought us Different from the whole world Isolated from the whole world In the middle of the jungle They are saying We don't live there We live in the middle of the jungle The landscape here The roads My head is spinning Nelson took my bag He said I will hold it There is a secret way We are going to another village Where people live What a strange way I can't come here alone Like Aladdin used to come That's the way I don't know where we are going I told you Papua New Guinea Is a linguistically diverse country The population of the whole country Is approximately 12 million Less than 1% of India More than 850 languages Are spoken in this country Some languages are Only spoken by thousands of people In the whole country The talk machine It's very slippery There is a lot of mud We have to be careful I have never lived In a place like this The broken English Is the common language of the people Because of the difference And the diversity Tribal fighting Is very extreme Your house? In the middle of the jungle Hello Most welcome Thank you so much This is a house We are going to live in it This is their father Hello How are you? Good Everyone speaks broken English here He made this building By himself? His father made it With his own hands He said To welcome me There is a green flower Look here Before entering the house Look here Inside the hut It looks good from inside It feels like a resort Electricity is here It's not solar The government has connected it With electricity You can charge your phone I can't believe Such good people Such a dangerous area Sugar fruit I don't know what it is It's a new fruit I am seeing it for the first time Look Let's try This? Tasty Like a jelly This room is for me My personal room I was buying water They told me not to There is a fresh stream of water You will drink that We are going down To get water It's a dangerous path I am not able to walk I am going down I am going down slowly You take shower here? They bathe here Some villagers Have come to get water Hello Good afternoon Good afternoon It's almost night They are getting water from here I was scared But it's a perfect place Fresh water Amazing This is the condition of my shoes You can see Tapua New Guinea Highland region Very fertile Extremely fertile Every type of Vegetables and fruits Are grown here This is the kitchen They are cooking food They are saying They are boiling sweet potato Cow? They are boiling This is sweet potato And this is pumpkin You use it in every dish Everything Sweet potato Like we have roti and rice We eat sweet potato with everything Sweet potato is amazing Rest will change Very few times Meat, chicken, fish, pork They eat very less Vegetables you eat the most Vegetables and sweet potato She is Peeling sweet potato You can see She is giving me To eat She is eating It's very hot Outside is cold And inside is hot Afternoon They are asking me To eat betel nut It's cold here In highland region It's very cold Let's try This is betel nut It's fresh and soft It's not like India It's very bitter You see It's okay? Yeah You can spit out The juice The more you eat It's too much It's too much It's red It's very red I feel shy to spit They are spitting I was feeling cold But after eating It's normal There is no betel nut plantation Coastal area I never thought I will come to such a dangerous country Papua New Guinea I will come to the center of that country I will live in the middle of jungle With such good people Look at this Is it your pet? It's my father's pig It's his father's pig In their culture Pig is very important There is a lot of noise From insects Some animals It's 7.30 pm Outside is dark I have to wake up at 5 am And leave at 6 am It's an amazing place I don't have time to edit Regular back to back travel PNG videos will be delayed But amazing videos will come This is the room Personal room You can see This is my backpack This is my bed This is solar power torch In case power cut I will eat bread and cheese sandwich I will eat egg and milk I will drink Milo If you like this video Please like and share If you are new to my channel Or haven't subscribed Please subscribe You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook My Instagram and Facebook id My name is Torvarsho See you in the next video Bye

2023-10-22 13:08

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