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all right everyone Sona 173 hey oh that's the I'm going to show it right now so you can take a picture give me 20 minutes [Music] let's [Music] [Music] go [Music] hell yeah what's up everyone Sunday with Falla 173 welcome how you guys doing holy [ __ ] what a bang of a song a little bit of like uh newel Rock death tones might actually been stolen uh subconsciously from Death tones I'm sorry about that anyway [ __ ] we have to start this Su with Ola 173 because Louise want to take pictures of this guitar that we released this past Friday look at this this right here I'm holding it the wrong way it's a left-handed guitar take a look at this this is the solar v1.6 cannibalismo plus left-handed right there it's a left-handed V and it's the sickest freaking left-handed V you've ever you you've seen and also with uh some of these left-handed models that we released we've also started a new project you might have seen this the project is called Mia black a month or so back when we started planning for our leftand guitars like okay who do we know that's left-handed I can record videos and Maria our accountant and also Louis's sister uh she said like I'm left-handed but I don't play guitar I don't listen to metal well she's listening to metal right now as we speak no but Maria is trying to learn the guitar now because of this and Mia black is her new artist name so you might have seen this I'll put it at the side here and you can go like the M black Instagram and follow her on there man check this out cannibalismo let's go it's going to be really exciting to see uh the progress of Maria's guitar playing she's she's actually really practicing guitar so it's really H you know good on her man and good for me obviously because I need someone to demo the left kind of guitars all right now that I talked about the guitar Louise can get it and uh she wants to take pictures of it for this Friday this past Friday oh [ __ ] Inception in terms of the time I actually recorded it Sunday with Ola a little bit earlier this time because I'm at n right now while you're watching this I'm in Anaheim chatting away in the premiere how about that isn't isn't that weird it's on the other side of the world and with that I'm not going to do any Nam news in this sun witha because I probably already released like um you know some kind of a a n uh yes you can come in there it is grab the guitar uh thank you see you later no but I'm not going to talk about Nam news because uh I would probably already released like a you know you know a nam coverage video while you're watching this if you missed that one you can click up here I have a link right dude how good am I integrating things click up here and I probably forgot about it because I'm in theing Anaheim partying all right let's go the news aie osor wants to say goodbye to fans by playing two final shows in Birmingham okay this is a little sad sh says that aie is planning to say goodbye to his fans by playing two final shows in his original home time of Birmingham the lary singer's wife man made the comment about Aussie's come back on stage in London as part of her new cut the crap tour which travels to okay so she's touring he won't tour again but we are planning on doing two more shows to say goodbye as he feels like I have never said goodbye to my fans and I Want to Say Goodbye properly his voice is still absolutely perfect she continued and all the time he has been off he still does his singing lesson so his voice is perfect and obviously fans have been wondering what has happened to Aussie since he was diagnosed with Parkinson's four years back I had tickets to go see Aussie on the tour but they canel it obviously and uh now it seems that he's like nail in the coffin he's not going to tour anymore he's going to do these two farewell shows in Birmingham and I imagine that the tickets will get sold out pretty fast when they announced that great way of ending your career you know or like your touring career because I think a is probably going to you know keep on recording and release albums that's my guess at least but the touring aspect he's just not going to do it you know which is sad for us obviously probably not going to get tickets I bought the tickets last time because I felt like this is probably going to be the last time to watch Aussie live yes that's what I wanted to say Sabaton Parts ways with guitarist Tomy yuanon Sabaton has not yet named a replacement for yanon y yanson sorry if you're unfamiliar with told me you once on he's a Swedish guitar player he's a Swedish virtuoso I would say he's an incredible guitar player he's also an incredible singer if you slept on his band majestica dude you've been missing out check this out let's find it and dude Tom's voice is incredible he's an incredible guitar player I think that we will hear a lot more from Tommy in the future and this is a huge loss for Sabaton in my opinion a lot of people will probably say that his talent was wasted in Sabaton but come on man sometimes someone just needs a good gig and come out and play Live you know just like Jeff Lum is in aramy he was perfectly happy just going out get some gigs go out and uh you know go out and play basically I'm extremely excited for Tommy Yuans on to see where he will bring Majestic because I think it's going to be a you know it's going to be huge man it's already sort of huge but it's going to be huge I mean I don't think Sabaton will have a problem finding a new guitar player I mean Sabaton will do really well you don't have to worry about those guys so there you go Gibson announc this 1959 hurger collector edition set a the pickup shop has recreated the sought after pickups using 3D scanning scientific analysis and reverse engineering delivering the most accurate reproductions so it's basically a recreation of the original set of humbuckers that came with the 1959 Le Paul patent applied for humbuckers from the 1950s are the Holy Grail of hucking tone highly influential with many I was about to say limitations but it says imitations the best part about this is that it's coming in this cute little case you know that matches your Gibson guitar case I'm just thinking right now if you sell them like this in a case I think they're they're meant to be bought and not to be used when you buy a pickup set you obviously put it into a guitar no that that's why you buy pickups in the first place you put them in you put them in a guitar it's cool that you get a case that's kind of cute I must say what is the price of these you might ask nothing short of $1,000 easy it's pickups man I got to say Gibson have been going the Apple Rock lately the accessories become insanely expensive not to say that that's a bad thing because I'm an apple freak I bought that monitor stand that was a f buck you know the just the stand for the actual monitor that was $1,000 I bought that guilty so there's absolutely no surprise to me in my ears to hear that these are completely sold out they limited them to a th000 pieces it they're all sold that from what I understand so great for Gibson there they are that's you can uh okay notify me when available yes let's see if these will become available again I might not bu buy him all right I got this link sent to me from one of my members quite an interesting article uh it's from why Yahoo entertainment [ __ ] Yahoo Yahoo I didn't know Yahoo even existed you know anyways the article reads even if you listen to a band every day go to every show and follow their move they are not your friends from Bad Omens to sleep token it's time to talk about toxic fandom in metal okay [ __ ] show we know this already in the new issue of Mel Hammer Noah Sebastian addresses the toxic elements of fang culture frontman of rising Mel cor Stars bad Omens his band experienced an enormous increase in profile since the release of 2022 the death of Peace of Mind there was a darker side to their success I've seen these accounts you know Instagram or Facebook accounts that collect baby pictures of me they found on a distant relatives Facebook he reveals it's very one-sided you know if there was a female artist and I admired and I had a collection of pictures of her as an underage child people would probably try to put me in jail that's fair point must say Sebastian isn't alone in his frustration however earlier this weekend sleep token cleared their social accounts following rumors of a seriously privacy breach it was alleged online that someone had posted both the birth certificate and home address of basist 3 online contrary to your ban wishes to remain anonymous an individual online had been trying to UNF personal information about the group's very ious members using platforms like telegram to appeal for information through dubious means including hacking and following bound members at shows as well as suggesting that they had purchased the aforementioned birth certificate though nothing was actually posted regardless of the potential privacy breach and issues of legality it also presents an image on how loving music can quickly spiral out of control and turn into unhealthy obsessions as information becomes more readily available it also presents more significant risks as we have have access to the Min of every minutes of everyday life for just about every musician we love therein lies the problem access to information is not the substitute for actual engagement and interaction and even if you listen to a band every day go to every show and follow their every move on social media they are not your friends as Noah puts it they're not your friends they're saying that this is the toxic fandom in metal but in my opinion I I think this is this exists everywhere I mean if you count a band like uh sleep token for instance who had you the most listens on spotifi last year millions of listeners say that they have millions of listeners there's going to be at least a thousand out of those millions that are you know completely batshit insane in their heads you know so it only takes one or two or three or a hundreding Maniacs to uh make something stupid so I don't think it's necessarily tied to uh toxic fandom in metal it's just that's just how it is in general there's a lot of bad [ __ ] insane people out there you know and the thing about following every move and they're not your friend's comment it applies even more to me because obviously I release a lot of videos uh on my YouTube channel and I show you guys a lot of my my everyday life and I would understand that if you see a lot of my life that you guys probably get to know me quite good I must say and you know I don't mind that you guys know who I am I think it's very important for me that you guys know who I am because maybe that makes for more legit Channel I mean I'm not putting on a character I'm not really putting on a show I'm just standing here being myself you know I want to be the guy that's that that you can relate to a little bit but that doesn't mean I still know you even if you know me you know so it's it's a fair point if you want to know me a little bit more YouTube memberships oh [ __ ] that that's a terrible segue into becoming a paying friend no no no okay scratch that let's let's head on to the the next news [ __ ] high-end fashion brand rolls a very very expensive metal clothing line what the [ __ ] is this Balenciaga I've heard this brand before highend brand Balenciaga just rolled out their self-proclaimed do to yourself meline and the prices are anything but affordable for a ttty titty for a tidy $825 us you can own a t-shirt that has the brand name several times in a bunch of M looking logos what oh that oh [ __ ] that's it right there it says Balenciaga or if you have $1,250 you can get a pair of sneakers that look like a sixth grader scrolled the balanciaga name on the side of them what what the is this what is that shoe let me zoom in I doubt that any Metal Head will wear this shoe holy [ __ ] that sucks major ass I mean uh you know the backpack is $3,000 and you know if this was like real bad names this would have been cool but this is like you know this is like all England putting his own name onto things on a t-shirt like like all England all England all England all England you know it's kind of narcistic a little bit how freaking out of touch can you be when you expect to get the metal audience to buy your stupid [ __ ] with with your stupid on it that's not how we function you know so maybe the next time uh if you want to do this right you know they shoulding go and license you know Mayhem or something like that and make a Mayhem t-shirt in really cool fashionable waying stupid man anyways guys that's the [Music] news who's up there you won't Escape that way adventures with Ola it's Saturday 5:00 p.m. and um tonight I'm going to go watch the periphery show and uh film a little bit of uh like the slow motion filming that I usually do but I just got a text from Jake Bowen of periphery uh he needed a very specific Ivan uh screw for one of his saddles on the bridge of his guitar so I'm heading over to my office to see if I can find my old ibus mtm2 see if I can pull some parts of uh that guitar and uh bring it with me so it became a little bit hectic I'm going to head over there so they get the the the par in time so they can do the show this is the opening show for their full European tour and this is what happens man you know you keep your guitars in storage for a long time and then you don't see them until you open it up for the first gig you know and it's like oh yes that's right so I'm heading over to the office now to check if I can find that screw or not quiet as a mouse at the office let's see if I can find that guitar now let me see all right well good for me that uh it's sort of organized in here you know uh okay where is it where is it I think I found it Ian mtm2 right there look at that okay dude I hope it's the same kind of Fring I mean this guitar has a couple years on its neck and uh I imagine that Jake's guitar is a little bit more recent but I think it's the same Edge tremola or Edge ser that it's called this so it's one of these that it's broken I guess so I'm going to dismont that I'm going to remove the highest [Music] strength I wonder if I should take the saddle off completely maybe you know because if it's not the screw it might be the thread of the screw and that will [ __ ] suck so you know what I'm going to take out the whole saddle and uh just in case I know it would suck if I did all of this uh all in vain because it was the Fret of the saddle and not the actual screw you know so let me bring a saddle man so there you go one screw and one saddle right there let's hope that works funny man that the only guitar I have that have this type of edge zero tremolo on is one one of the first one I ever used on my channel that's freaking weird all right everybody let's [Music] go dude thank you so much no problem I really appreciate that dude this first day of the tour this is what happens when you don't open when you don't open your guitar case for like a couple months man thank you so much no problem good to see you you too what's up nice to meet you yeah is a fantastic guitar player and kind of a legend so stop I mean worst case like if you're not using the high E string you just take that one put in there I have like a monster solo I I Tri so like oh that sounds like oh wait yeah that's what I would have done to say I wish it was a normal a string song where there were no soul yeah right uh I'll get you uh whatever you want from IOS so no problem no problem just send me one of your guitars I'll just make a video and dude done done yeah AB train [Music] awesome okay guys now the private [Music] [Music] colle [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone's waiting [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [ __ ] man that was amazing [ __ ] periphery Man sound better than ever in my opinion that was a really [ __ ] good show it inspires me I want to go out and play that's what it does that's when you know you watch a good show you just want to head home and write music and go out and play you know so there you go a little adventures with Ola for you right there some slow-mo shots let's go Ola learns the section of son with Ola where John buk is teaching me the ways of guitar playing we're on Lesson Four right now let's go what am I going to learn today let's watch oh my God the the idea with this is that both you and me practice this until the next all learn you know basically let's improve on guitar no I think that's a great idea a minor okay to B major kind of gives you that oh dude that's the hardest you want that pressure on that specific point or that specific that's when you bar and sweep at the same time all my pressure on the top note that's terrible I'm terrible at that like angle your finger and then of course on the that's the Bas to separate that that's I really need to practice that okay let's try it slow o [Music] England oh dude okay okay you and me practice this okay if you want more lessons from John click here I'm going to link his channel I'm going to link the video okay the video on the tab for this exercise is going to be available in the description of this video thank you so much so much all right unboxing with Ola and pixan unboxing yeah back back scratches back scratches all right so this unboxing might actually be uh something I talked about a couple of weeks back it's funny man I say something on Sunday with Ola and then the same day it airs you know companies are like hey we heard you and uh so you know I have plenty of power man I have such power uh anyways the brand saw my video and uh asked if I wanted a product and I said yes so I'm going to unbox this thing right here it's exactly what I wanted oh [ __ ] okay ooh what it's Mower and I wanted to get the autotuner pedal that they have I watched the demo and was like uh was that good or not so I got the mower autot tuner right here I'm extremely excited to try this out but it seems that they sent a couple of extra things Harmon vocal Harmony pedal okay and then this is loation vocal Lup pedal so I got these pedals to try out holy [ __ ] this is going to be fun even though these are made for vocals I figured like let's try it out for guitar maybe it works and y y to heyy all right what if I could aune that little bir chirping that you're doing huh go out there you go all right let's see if I can hook this up let's start with the autotuner because that's that's what I'm the most excited about that's an aune P right there let's uh let's start with trying on some vocals I noticed now that I have it in my hands that uh you know you have the XLR in and out at the top but you also have an instrument input at the side and an output so I will be able to connect my guitar into this baby baby baby it's my personality tell me what you want about it you can suck my ass for free yeah hey my name is ola I'm the sickest [ __ ] on Earth yeah hello oh hey Dad all right so we got single right now and the autotune is on and uh let me see there's delay's delay delay and rever rever rever hello hello hello anyone out there anyone out there out there great okay so let's try some auto correction so let me sing a song I guess if this is going to demonetize my video I'm going to be very very sad okay every woman it's all in me yeah and if you would baby I do it naturally okay okay that was without auditude pretty spot on I must say uh let's uh correct things okay so hello let's just go for fullon uh correct okay I'm every woman it's all in me and what baby I do it naturally yeah in me h can read theuse right now and Oney uh okay all right let me plug in a guitar into this thing [Music] instead I don't think this works for guitar to be honest it's not doing [Music] anything so that was the autotuner for vocals and uh it seemed to be working a slightly bit okay uh even though you know my my voice is freaking perfect you know but sometimes you need a little bit extra help all right let's [Music] go hey what's up buddy you good no okay microphone here we go hello what is that oh mypp are hard [Music] yeah Ola testing [ __ ] uh yes that's it for sunny wola 173 right there I really hope you appreciated the show and appreciate what I do and you know trying to lift and make an entertaining show for you guys if you want to support what I'm doing you can like you can write a comment because that's engaging you can also subscribe to my channel you can get merch like this chug life uh from old langu shop.com uh to everyone who was in the premiere M thank thank you so much there won't be a live stream tomorrow because I land tomorrow just at the exact time I would have a live stream so no live stream tomorrow we will do it on Tuesday instead okay guys thank you so much for watching I see you next time double the pick row let's go [ __ ] [Music] you

2024-02-01 04:51

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