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[Music] Sona let's go fall off 164 B for let's [Music] go let's go baby what's up hello everyone and welcome to Sunday wola 164 what's up it's the 27th of November holy [ __ ] November is almost over you Christmas is getting closer and closer have you bought any gifts yet for me well it's time if you want to buy gifts for me right now you know and have it sent to me so they arrive before Christmas it's time right now no but if you have not yourself bought gifts for your loved ones I recommend going to Ola England shop.com see plugging myself immediately also [ __ ] plugging in more [ __ ] today the solar guitars Black Sabbath last couple of days right now today and Monday so you know absolute last chance to get a really really sick ass Black Sabbath deal solar guitars.com I actually myself made a little bit of a purchase on Black Friday I bought a new coffee machine for the office and for the employees oh good guy Ola thinking about his employees a it was a really good machine it was an espresso maker you click on one button and it's like coffee done in there okay it's actually pretty good I'm very stoked about that it's a seen okay yeah I know you guys would like ask okay well was it a delongi or was it a a Jura or was it an espresso no seens anyways I'm truly excited for today let's head into the news and even though I'm super excited to head into the news unfortunately there AR really that much news but don't be afraid we're going to check out the current news and then I'm going to talk a little bit about an underground band or some underground bands and a game as well H don't worry oh don't worry guys it's going to there's going to be content so a couple weeks back I reported that Kiko lero took a break from Meade and in on the Ste comes tumari of winteron and he basically handles the job as the second guitar player for Mega with e holy [ __ ] what an amazing guitar player but it seems that Kiko's leave is about to become longer than anticipated because now Kiko released a statement basically thanking Dave and megga for for the time uh this these past couple years saying that it's an extended leave so it's a little bit confusing with Kiko's statement there's a lot that is not being told you know I would say and them megative or da released a statement that goes like this hey DUIs last week I received a call from my partner Kiko and we spoke for a while asked him how things were going regarding the important issues that led to his absence from our previous run which was necessary for him to be with his family I want to update you now on what Kiko shared with me but before I do I want you to know that I love respect and fully support Kiko's decision okay there's a decision he has empathized his love for me magf and all your all of you are fans as a reminder Kiko had to leave the tour last August to handle some very important and private family business he was conflicted but appreciative when I told him that he needed to go uh to take care of his family he agreed but was still concerned about us mean the fans and mega I told him at the time go Kiko go go home take care of your family you can never regain this time with your family I know first hand I paid the price myself eventually he agreed kis a top-notch professional on Maestro and he did not want to hurt me or Meade we came up with a solution to find a film for him during the time and that's when he presented trained T menari in the beginning this was only going to be until the first week of October however things rarely turn out the way that it was planned getting to the point we had many conversation with Kiko about this and Kiko is going to remain on an extended leave of absence due to our heavy touring commitments next year and we're going to continue to move forward with Tim and menar as the guitar player for Mega Death I would like to thank Kiko for his dedication and hard work these past nine years helping us to achieve a Grammy on dystopia and the additional okay this is the thing right they're talking about an extended leave at that point you know that would be enough for a lot of people and for a statement you know oh he's going on leave okay you know whenever he's ready to come back he's going to come back amazing but the part where they're like thanking you know I would like to thank Keo for his dedication and hard work these past nine years helping us to achieve a Grammy on dystopia and the additional Awards he has received on latest record I could not have done this without Kiko lero uh that makes it sound like he's out of the band basically and the same thing with Kiko statement it sounds like like he's leaving the band so it's very conflicting like what they're actually meaning with these statements but you know personally I think that this is it for Kiko he's not in the ban anymore and I have a slight suspicion uh about this in the past year megadef did bring in uh for a couple of shows Marty Freeman right Marty came back to play a couple of shows with meadea and you know he was really excited about playing in megative I think personally this is just a guess o Eng's guess is that Marty Freeman he expressed his will to rejoin the band and I think that he might do so I think that Marty might join the band I think that Kiko is in a very weird situation where it's like okay you know Marty Freeman might come back why should I keep on doing this until then in a way of making this as clean as possible This Is How They resort to this basically so Kiko can leave someone steps in up until Marty Freeman Joys to B basically a slight little guess uh from old England to swed maybe maybe not I actually really hope I'm wrong about this because I love Kiko and I love what Kiko has been doing with mega death and even though you know it will be cool for Marty to be back in the band I think a lot of megative fans want Marty to be the if there's going to be a new guitar player it has to be Marty in my opinion and I think a lot of uh megative fans agree with me can't they just do a like a three guitar thing where there three guitarists you know you have the the OG Dave you have you know what back in the day was the kid Marty Freeman and then you have you know the modern guitar playing there it's just like the perfect mix can we all just get along I really hope I'm wrong about this and I really hope that Kiko will go back after you know all of this uh has been sorted and all that anyways holy [ __ ] let's let's move on that was Heavy something that is a lot heavier is the new epone greeny guitar of Kirk Hamet because you know Gibson pul there's usually very heavy so it's heavier no okay the most anticipated epone model in its history heals the arrival of a new era of inspired by Gibson Custom Shop mods so now they finally dude it's like clockwork every time you know you start with the Gibson custom shop it's insanely expensive it cost like $20,000 and then you release the Gibson regular USA which is uh $3,000 and now here com the ffo model for how much 50 00 bucks not too bad the most expensive epone L Paul ever and ties with D's prophecy Flying V figure as the most expensive epone to be made in China so made in China okay so what are you getting for 1,500 uh much of that money has gone to the components okay so specs I imagine gibon USA greeny bucker humbuckers which cost $299 as a standalone so they're using USA pickups in this Epiphone okay then there are CTS pots and mallerie as opposed to Orange drop capacitors with 50s wiring so okay a little bit more uh you know the tone Woods are quite traditional if not entirely faithful to the Gibson USA greeny as such you got a mahogan Bonn with a maple top and Flame Maple veneer instead of a flame Maple top okay gotcha so difference between USA and the Epiphone it's a veneer on the epone LIF and style Brown hard shell Case pink plush interior oh even Guitar World is saying so yes the price is pretty crazy as Chinese made epon go but this is 2023 and as ever with modern day Gibson seems to be designed to ride at line between just as re about reasonable and painfully premium there it is in the arms of Kirky mamut and uh I mean the greeny is kind of like an iconic guitar so I understand this it's a you know it's pretty lackluster when it comes to the epone version to be honest no am I am I wrong about this I checked on Tolman and it sold out so uh I I was thinking of getting one but they made it easy for me it sold out so good on Kirk hammed there it is right there uh yeah in my opinion a little bit lackluster okay and you know what guys that was basically it for the news right there the news has been so fing shitty lately I kid you not but don't be alarmed I have a couple of extra things that I thought of that might be interesting to you guys first of them is going to be a plug for a more of an underground band you probably already seen like album tips of the week in this sun with Ola I was thinking of making a segment of Underground band of the week wouldn't that be cool so you know I plug an underground band that I think is cool uh every now and then in sonola when there's shitty news how about that and today's band is called blood command check these guys out these guys are from Norway and before you judge the style it's a little bit new metal it has a little bit wrap you know look at the guys right there you have Adidas obviously it's prettying slamming I must say here we [Music] go listen to the base man that's a s for [Music] sure you know this is I usually don't listen to music like this but you know I'm really into this I'm digging this song A lot let's see they have five albums the latest one called world domination out [Music] 2023 Adidas track suit you sit squatting hello that's what you do with an Adidas tracksuit I so I've heard at least you know so go check him out blood command incredible band oh oh that oh oh we have another seg oh oh game of the week new segment no but uh since we don't have any news today I figured I would also push a game that I've been playing recently I'm going to try and make this as short as possible because I know you guys are not all into gaming all that but I can recommend you this game because you know if you're a fan of Swedish word are they for instance learning Swedish words and you know think learning Sweden yes exactly if you want to learn about Sweden there's a really cooling game out there called Bramble uh and it's it's a Swedish Swedish made game basically about a a young character a boy called a which is a the name a a and a very similar it comes from the same uh yes it has the same Origins it's basically a game showcasing uh old Swedish and Scandinavian or Nordic LS and it does it so well if you're a fan of games like limbo and inside or little nightmares for instance uh all Scandinavian games by the way if you're a fan of that dude this game is gorgeous it's so dark it's Grim as and you get all that crazy Nordic lore that I'm such a big fan of you know so in general the game is about a a little boy that that's searching for his sister lur uh in the forests of Sweden and it's enchanting I would say holy [ __ ] I'm I love indie games like this man they're just so much better than the current other games that are available this game is available on Xbox game pass but I don't think it's that much if you want to buy it on a PlayStation or something like that so there you go that's Bramble for you right there and it's filled with uh them blon totin which is a a great song that we sing when uh the kids are graduating and we're uh celebrating what the summer or the the arriving of Summer uh there you go check out Bramble it's really good and then my friends what's the [Music] news something incredible happened the vinyls arrived they called for celebration no we're actually Gathering up all the people at the office to go collect the vinyls or the vinyl you say vinyl [Music] sorry holy [ __ ] finally here it felt like they would never arrive to be honest it's the Chug project volume two on vinyl finally so here we go and then finally we're going to be able to ship this out to people that I've been waiting for okay oo there it is already had the test press of this and I know it's all going to be fine but I haven't seen the finished finished product yet so we've been waiting for the vinyls for maybe 5 weeks or something like that I mean the release of chug project Volume 2 was like 1 month ago we were promised uh to get the viny well before the release of the album but at this point I just don't have any expectations when it comes to vinyl man it's like they're always delayed for some reason anyways take a look at that it's shrink wrapped so I'm going to open up this dude that looks so [ __ ] great holy [ __ ] that looks so good backs side right there ooh black sleeve check that out and then we have the vinyl look at that holy [ __ ] so the vinyl itself has this Ashen look to it all of them are custom so no one of them will look the same so they're all custom in that sense look at that that looks so [ __ ] good obviously we have to put it on hey you look at me look at this we have you're EXA completely agree pixie how do I do this it's going to spin I can't see [ __ ] there's the dog in the way I can't seeon dude I'm so relieved to finally have the album here I know a lot of people have been waiting and we can finally start shipping out like ultimate editions of the of the Chug project volume two so guys thank you so much for the patience why I know I can't figure it out there is no music I can't figure this out technology man why is it so complicated I don't understand what are you doing Christmas Is Here Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah excitement [Applause] excitement [Music] hell yeah man it's working it's finally here baby [ __ ] yeah man dude it turned out so well tillo I'm so extremely happy about this I kind of almost lost hope that it would never arrived but it's finally here we can finally start shipping out all the orders that included on vinyl I just want to say again thank you so much guys for all the patients now Louise and everyone out there we're all going to pack until there's no tomorrow now and if you haven't ordered your vinyl yet you can still do so I'll tag it right here in the video get it okay thank you so much for the support guys hey [Music] h hey Buy all right it's late late office hours Louis is sitting here working the orders and uh or as you know as many as we've had time for today and uh how many more do we have a lot a lot this pile there this pile Oh Oh [ __ ] we have this too yeah and all these t-shirts that need to go out so uh yeah there's still a lot but Louis is a champ and tomorrow we get more help to pack more I guess right yes so uh we just continue man and the dog is always [Music] helping and here it is it's finally here man look at this I'm just going to quickly show this little thing check this out that Ashen look right there is different on all the vinyls so they're all handmade and very very custom and uh I hear them right now that people are just outside the door packing all the orders and if you're waiting for yours it's coming soon so thank you so much for the support if you still want to get the vinyl we have many available you can get one from old England shop.com buy it

for someone for Christmas maybe huh all right so a couple weeks back I had John Burk my guitar teacher over for a little session I was asking him about how to kind of lift myself out of a the Autumn rut you know where you basically don't practice guitar or anything like that well John had a great idea what if we make like a a weekly Ola learn segment on Sunday with Ola which is basically me learning something a lick or something like that and then uh you guys can learn it as well and we keep it short okay and you know John would provide tabs so you guys can practice the same thing as well and if you like this this could be a thing this could continue on so I have a video from John let's check it out hey John here this is sweeping Lick in E Minor and it sounds way harder than it is it's only two shapes and a fairly easy picking pattern so just take your time with it and you'll get it [Music] down oh [Music] [ __ ] oh right so what you want to think about here is even though I need to on this now the picking pattern is also very simple in the sense that it repeats so we just going to start here and we're going to go down hammer down down down down up pull off then you shift up to the next position then up up up up all right so he first lesson is a sweeping lesson and uh you know I'm not really good at sweeping so this is probably going to be really good for me okay let me try it I think he set up [Applause] [Music] Str [Music] okay [Music] defin like that so I think the key right here is just making sure your uh your sweet picking is working the same way that's John that's doing [Music] um let's do it [Music] slow holy [ __ ] okay I this is not easy for me I mean I can do sweeping slow it's just that I can't get the technique to to do it fast Stu like [Music] that but you know I I'm not going to sheet myself I'm G to do this slow you guys do it as well if you want the tab click the link in the description of this video you can get the Tab and you and I practice this okay and then the next time I do the segment I'll show you the progress I made from practicing this how about that and then we can practice together I think this is a great idea thank you so much to John for making this happen if you want to subscribe to this channel click here okay awesome oh [ __ ] that real went far check this out this is the new DJI osmo pocket 3 right here Creator combo you know even though most of my f that I do on YouTube is you know in a spot like this in the office you know it's very stationary but sometimes I'm out there doing Vlogs and [ __ ] and you know on the Fly recording some fast [ __ ] uh most of my Vlogs have been recorded on like GoPros or iPhones and in my opinion I feel like the iPhone it's just too [ __ ] good right now uh the iPhone takes you anywhere the sound is great the video is great and you always have it in your pocket so it's really tough right now to compete in the vlogging aspect with a phone that you have in your pocket already it's already in your pocket you know but there are sometimes where I feel like okay you know I'm filming with my phone but I want to do something on my phone as well you know at the same time to check some [ __ ] or whatever and uh you know sometimes it's just really nice to have a dedicated camera like the GoPro it's easy to have in your pocket if you need it you take it out you click on it and it starts recording this is the first time I'm venturing into DJI osmo uh pocket cameras this is my first one but they have existed for some time and and uh I saw a bunch of reviews of this and I figured like okay I want to be in on this bag one at least try it out you know I have a lot of other DJI things I have like a DJI drone and also this mobile thing that uh this iPhone is mounted to right now which is a gimbal is also DJI okay let's let's take a look okay access accessories and [ __ ] this is like a Creator packet so I think it has more that was empty was that supposed to be empty am I missing something with this so this is a protective cover for the camera okay so here we go a little nice pouch right there that looks like this very cool open it up all right that's the camera right there and as you can see it doesn't look like a GoPro what the hell is this well the cool thing about this is that this is basically a fullon gimbal camera so the camera is right here as you can see but the rest of the thing is a battery and a gimbal so for steady shots be really good ooh did you see that okay I need see right now I need to download like a app for the iPhone and the iPhone is filming right now so I can't do that I will uh skip wipe from left to left Edge to Center play back okay oh [ __ ] okay calm down when I enable camera will automatically follow the face closer to the center of the camera start okay hey hey okay well it it's not following my face right now still not following my face okay you know maybe I just have a very unfortunate face and it's not following it but look at that I think that's pretty cool all right I'm going to go out and test this a little bit [Music] okay hey L preparing or ERS it's a lot of work thank you so much for the support you guys makes her work hard you know so this is working pretty good testing a new thing that on a floating guitar you might to [ __ ] man dude it's actually working really well the only thing that I you know can't really judge right now is just how is the picture quality of this when uh you know I can't see it on this small little screen right there just going to try this real quick camera itself it feels really smooth let's go into uh my room and see how it handles low light cuz I don't have any lights on in this room let's check this out dude look at that dude what look at that tilt oh [ __ ] I'm get to oh it's spinning oh I hate marryg go rounds by the way they suck ass but dude this is a pleasant surprise right here check this out what oh that's nice hey hey hey Bo let me do it for you let's uh check out some of the other things uh that came in this thing this is the creator packet so you're supposed to get a couple of different things with it including uh wireless microphone yes so this is a wireless microphone that you put on yourself and uh you basically have a really good microphone on you uh I'm going to test that later I think this is an extra battery oh that clicked on yeah yeah yeah so it's an extra battery handle look at that so you have a handle that's serves as an extra battery that's pretty [ __ ] cool and then we have a small little tripod thing look at that so you have this little thing you're good to go connect and use for audio input 60% battery level okay let's go going to put that right here and [Music] then my penis my my penis is long I want to do one last little thing okay calm your tits let's see if this thing can follow me oh look at that so I'm walking over here and I'm like oh oh my life sucks but then I go over here and I'm like H it's actually quite good and then I go back to the dime amplifier and I'm like hey holy [ __ ] it's actually working pretty good I can basically narrate my life all the camera is doing all the work for me dude isn't this amazing yeah dude that's actually sick ha you lost me yeah so there you go that's my little test of the DJI osmo three right there pocket holy [ __ ] and here it is man look at that dude it looks so cool and it's so small too well it's actually not that small right now when I have the extension on like this but you can make it small if you want look at that oh so cute you know so uh yeah I'm very happy with this so far at least but then I'm probably going to get annoyed by something about it soon and then I have to find another you know vlogging camera but so far so good man I really like this all right my friends thank you so much that was it for sun witha 1604 right there hope you you enjoyed it remember Christmas is coming you can get a gift card from old England shop.com also the last chance for solar guitars Black Sabbath sale uh today and tomorrow hope you have an insane Sunday I'll see you soon okay goodbye okay now I'm just doing trying to speed so yeah uh let me practice that

2023-11-27 19:48

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